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Say When: A Novel
Say When: A Novel
Say When: A Novel
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Say When: A Novel

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Ellen, he thought, and the name seemed to him to hold everything he might possibly want to say to her....He looked at her lying on her side of the bed, looked too at the space she had left beside her. That was his side, because he was her husband. And she was his wife."
Griffin is a happy man. Settled comfortably in a Chicago suburb, he adores his eight-year-old daughter, Zoe, and his wife, Ellen -- shy, bookish Ellen, who is as dependable as she is dependent on him for his stability and his talent for gently controlling the world they inhabit. But when he wakes one morning to hear of his wife's love affair with another man and her request for a divorce, Griffin's view of life is irrevocably altered. Overnight he goes from being Ellen's husband to being her roommate, from a lover to a man denied passion and companionship. Now he must either move on or fight for his marriage, forgive his wife or condemn her for her betrayal, deny or face up to his part in the sudden undoing of his seemingly perfect life.
From the New York Times bestselling author of Open House and True to Form comes a brilliant novel that charts the days and nights of a family whose normalcy has been shattered. With startling clarity and a trademark blend of humor and poignancy, Say When follows a man on an emotional journey to redefine his notions about love and happiness and asks questions relevant to any contemporary couple: when is a relationship worth saving and when is it better to let it go? Might a man and a woman define betrayal differently? How honest are we with those to whom we are ostensibly closest?
Searingly honest, Say When is an engaging and memorable story that takes readers into the heart of a modern marriage, where intimacy and love, denial and pain, so often collide.
PublisherAtria Books
Release dateJun 3, 2003
Say When: A Novel

Elizabeth Berg

Elizabeth Berg is the award-winning author of more than twenty-five books, including the New York Times bestsellers True to Form, Never Change, Open House, The Story of Arthur Truluv, Night of Miracles, and The Confession Club. She lives outside of Chicago. Find out more at

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Rating: 3.538152629317269 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be a realistic exploration of a woman's decision to divorce her husband. The book effectively builds characters and uses realistic dialogue. While some readers may find it boring, others appreciate the author's portrayal of the complexities of relationships."

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It fulfilled its purpose as a light, pool-side companion.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I've read and enjoyed other Elizabeth Berg books and this one did not disappoint. Ellen tells her husband she wants a divorce, that she is having an affair. Griffin who is totally blindsided by this news refuses to move out and leave their 8 year old daughter. The story follows their separation, how Griffin deals with it and his attempt to bring Ellen back home. Ellen's character leaves me a little cold but I appreciate how a couple can stop listening to each other how they can take their marriage for granted. I find it amazing that Griffin can be so forgiving.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow. So true its all about us. Are you married? If not you got it exactly right.... How men love. As women we can miss it in in the constantly of their certainy. In our deep insecurity we can burn down the house never realizing that it is we we are upset with. Good job!!!!kate
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An easy to read novel that explores what happens when a woman tells her husband, quite suddenly, she wants a divorce. I think it's easy to be sympathetic to Griffin at first, as it's told with him as the main character. But the further I read the more understood why she wanted a divorce, as he, did, eventually as well.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Elizabeth Berg is one of those guilty pleasures of reading for me. First read her book, TALK BEFORE SLEEP, more than 20 yrs ago. Then my wife read it. We both loved it, so went to the library and found a few of her earlier books, which we equally enjoyed. So now you know. I'm an Elizabeth Berg fan. I half-think of her as the queen of "chick-lit," but she's really better than that. Witness this book, SAY WHEN, a really moving little novel about a ten-year marriage gone astray - two forty-ish people - a husband who has grown too complacent in the simple pleasures of marriage, and a wife who feels unfulfilled, unappreciated. It's not a new theme, certainly, but Berg gives it her own special tweaks & touches - the financial consultant husband, Griffin, taking a part-time job as Santa; the wife, Ellen, having a fling with a much younger man, moving out when Griffin refuses to, and taking a job as a waitress; a precocious and wise 8 yr-old daughter, Zoe, caught in the middle. Okay, there's probably nothing really new in a story like this, but Berg somehow catches you up in these people's lives, makes you wince and chuckle, makes you care, makes you keep reading. Call me a wuss, reading women's books, but dammit, I loved this story. Oh, and by the way, she tells the story from the guy's POV, and most convincingly. Bravo, Ms Berg!- Tim Bazzett, author of the memoir, BOOKLOVER

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Nice use of realistic dialogue & building characters, but a boring person book overall.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really liked this book and will be looking for more by this author. Why? Well, the characters were very well developed and complex. Everything that happened seemed so I was hearing from friends about their relationships. The author is able to convey strong emotions through dialogue and the simple interactions or everyday life. Ellen is unhappy in her marriage and has an affair. Griffin suspects she is doing so, but says nothing. He is very much in love with her, and hopes this will blow over. But things aren't as simple as he wishes they were, and Ellen's unhappiness is deeper than he understood (or noticed?) They separate but both remain strongly involved in their seven-year-old daughter's life and very concerned about her wellbeing.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Book on CD narrated by David Colacci “I think our marriage is like a house we stopped using.”Griffin is happy; he has a satisfying job, a beautiful wife, Ellen, a delightful daughter, Zoe, and a nice home in a Chicago suburb. But one morning he awakens, and Ellen tells him she has decided they should divorce. I love how Berg writes about relationships. There are a lot of ups and downs here as the characters navigate the aftermath of Ellen’s stated wishes. Griffin is the narrator, so we get less of Ellen’s thinking than of his, but we still learn something of what led to her decision. I admit to going back and forth in my loyalties to these two characters. I was sometimes in Griffin’s camp, and sometimes in Ellen’s. (And always in Zoe’s.) As in real life, no one is completely at fault, and no one is completely blameless. They have both gone along with the status quo without really seeing one another or exploring what they really want from the relationship and from life. There are some heartbreaking scenes, and some very humorous ones (Griffin deciding to get a part-time job as a mall Santa leads to many of these). The audiobook is narrated by David Colacci, who does a fine job of it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was a very enjoyable, emotional, easy read. I loved the characters, they were well developed, and felt like friends. I know a lot about them, and can predict my own ending of the story. I really love Griffin's character, and find Ellen is a stupid messed-up woman who needs a therapist, they kind of both need one. Again, I really enjoyed this nice heartfelt story.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Elizabeth Berg captures the heart and soul of jilted husband Frank Griffin perfectly. Wait. Can a husband be jilted? Sure enough except most people prefer to write about the woman's side of the story. When his wife Ellen announces she is in love with someone else (the mechanic from her automotive class) and wants a divorce Griffin (as he likes to be called) goes through all the typical myriad of emotions. His disbelief, anger, jealousy, sarcasm and sadness permeate his every waking moment. Refusing to give his wife a divorce or even move out of their house Griffin forces Ellen into a roommate relationship. He fluctuates between wanting to win her back and disbelieving he has to do anything of the sort. He has floated through the years of their marriage without a single thought to the sameness of their daily lives, the routine-ness of their relationship. He has been comfortable with the predictability of their days and never considered that Ellen might not share that opinion. Adding insult to injury she admits she doubts she ever loved him, even going so far as to say she knew they never should have gotten married in the first place. Ouch. I won't spoil the end but I can say this, not everyone has agreed with these characters. I guess that's what makes them real to me. We can't like everything or everyone.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Griffin is a man who is hopelessly in love with his wife... he just has an odd way of showing this love mostly in how he controls their family life. However, now Ellen is wanting to find something to do with herself besides just keep house and take care of their daughter, Zoe, who is actually smarter than her age belies and definitely picks up on the rift between her parents. It was very hard to like either Griffin or Ellen and try to feel for their separate situations, Ellen's in wanting to "find herself" and Griffin's in wanting to maintain the life and love he thought he had. On the one hand, I can understand Ellen's desire to be more than a housewife, but I cannot condone the route she took in trying to become more. There were any number of other means she could have done to expand her horizons: 1) get a job, 2) take a class she would enjoy, perhaps an art class since she seemed to favor paintings, 3) take up a hobby. Perhaps it was because she didn't feel strong enough to truly express her thoughts to Griffin that she felt the need to just do something, and that might be the main reason I didn't like her. On the other hand, Griffin did not really help the situation in trying to control their life even with a gentle hand. No one likes to give up complete control of their lives to any person, and even if he is the breadwinner of the family, that does not mean his wife cannot have an opinion of her own. It's frustrating enough when one has to do the same old thing day after day, week after week, year after year, etc. but when they express a desire to make a small change, like say with a painting, why should the idea be shot down because the breadwinner doesn't like the painting? Both of them were frustrating as characters, and even by the end I didn't see much growth on either of their parts, which was disappointing to say the least. I did like being able to read from the male's perspective as a nice change. Amazingly enough, Berg has a writing style that flows very easily from cover to cover. She created very real, though frustrating, characters in a story that could happen in any city. I do not fault Berg's writing skills; the content of the story within this particular novel of hers was just disappointing and not my cup of tea. I don't think I would actively seek out another title by Berg, though I would recommend her to those who enjoy women's literature, the heavier side of chick-lit.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Every once in a while I need to read a novel that speaks to my soul. Sometimes one comes about happenstance (personally, I love those books); other times I know exactly where to find them. Elizabeth Berg is that kind of storyteller. A surprise visit to the library last Saturday brought me face to face with a section of Elizabeth Berg novels. After perusing the titles I picked one, open it and read the inner sleeve. I didn’t even get through the first paragraph before promptly closing the book and headed to the check out.I know I’m not alone when I say that I crave conflict in a story. I crave hurt, I crave grief and turmoil. As a reader, I think we all do. Elizabeth Berg’s strength is her ability to describe human emotions in such a way that I can’t help but feel them too. Say When is the first time I read a novel that dealt with adultery but from a man’s point of view. Griffin was a regular guy, in love with his complicated wife, living the dream until the day the rug was pulled out from under him. I enjoyed reading this story. I liked Frank, I liked getting to know Ellen from his point of view, I liked his relationship with his daughter. Most importantly, I liked the way Ms. Berg developed Frank’s character by taking away the most important thing to him. I enjoyed how Ms. Berg kept Ellen’s motives a secret, that the novel was really about Griffith. I started the novel feeling sympathy towards him. By then end, I felt like a close companion and that whatever happened, he was a much stronger man, a more loving father because of it. This isn’t one of Ms. Berg’s strongest novels, the ending predictable. As always, the writing and emotional delivery was spot on but I think it lacked the soul of Open House or Dream When You Are Feeling Blue. It’s not a must read, but I did enjoy taking this emotional ride with Griffith. I don’t regret reading it, but it’s not one I’ll read again. My favorite part of the novel came during a conversation Griffin had with his coworker Donna. About compatibility, Donna says, “God above could come down and tell some people they were wildly incompatible with their spouses, and they’d still want to be with them. It’s like artist sacrificing so much for their art. For some people, their relationship is their art, they’ll give up everything for it.”I love that and that alone was worth reading the novel.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Elizabeth Berg is the master of capturing the nuances of relationships and in this failing marriage she's merciless: you love/hate/root for/yell at both parts of the couple--maybe, especially, if you see a bit of yourself in each of them.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Say When is about Griffin and Ellen who hit a rough patch in their marriage. Ellen has an affair and wants a divorce. It really brought back memories of my parents divorce but the ending is way different. I can identify with how Ellen is feeling in her marriage. A very Good story.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I usually like Elizabeth Berg's books very much. This one - not so much. Couldn't get into the characters or the plot. Glad that I'm done with it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I truly enjoyed reading another of Berg's wonderful stories about relationships. I highly recommend this one.

Book preview

Say When - Elizabeth Berg

Chapter 1

Of course he knew she was seeing someone. He knew who it was, too. Six months ago, saying she needed a new direction in her life, saying she was tired of feeling helpless around anything mechanical, that she had no idea how to even change a tire, Ellen had taken a course in basic auto mechanics—Know Your Car, it was called. She’d come back the first night saying it was amazing, she’d had the admittedly elitist idea that mechanics were illiterate, but this one was so well-spoken, and he’d walked into the classroom carrying a pile of books he’d just bought—hardback! Mostly new fiction, she’d said. But also Balzac, because he’d never read him.

How do you know? Griffin had asked.

Know what?

How do you know he’s never read Balzac?

Because he told me. I had a question after class and then we just started talking….

What was your question?

She stared at him, a tight smile on her face. Then she said, "My question was about the battery."

But what about it?

She looked down, embarrassed. I wanted to know how you clean it. Okay?

Why didn’t you ask me?

Oh, for—

No. Why didn’t you ask me? I could have told you.

Because, she said, slowly and deliberately, "it never came up between us. It came up because I am taking a class about cars. And I had a question for the teacher. Jesus, Griffin. What is this?"

Nothing, he’d said. Forget it.

Griffin didn’t forget it, of course. Week after week, he’d watched Ellen dress for class, each time paying more attention to herself: fresh eyeliner just before she left one week, a more deliberate hairstyle the next, a lingering scent of perfume in the bedroom the night she’d gotten ready for the last class—the ridiculously expensive perfume Griffin had given her for her last birthday, for the record. He felt helpless against her drift toward another man, felt as though he were standing around stirring change in his pocket when he should be waging an earth-pawing kind of war. But the truth was that from the time he’d married her ten years ago, he’d been waiting for something like this to happen. She was always just beyond his grasp, in one way or another. He supposed, actually, that her cool reserve was one of the things that attracted him to her.

She couldn’t be serious about this obvious attraction to someone else. She was nearing forty, that was all. He would let her have this, this secret relationship, this thrilling little romance. Let her and Mr. Goodwrench meet for coffee and have moony-eyed discussions about Mary Oliver and Pablo Neruda and Seamus Heaney, all of Ellen’s precious poets. Let her talk until she was finally exhausted by all that so much depends upon a red wheelbarrow crap, by all those supposedly deep thoughts written by people who were undoubtedly a bunch of first-class hypocrites. Ellen seemed to think her pale gods spent all of their time sitting at their desks in rapturous torture, scribbling away with quill pens, when in fact they were probably mostly standing around scratching their asses and contemplating the contents of their refrigerators just like everybody else. It might actually be a relief for her to have someone to talk about that stuff with, so she would finally stop trying to make Griffin swoon over it—though lately she’d been pretty good about not asking him to read anything. She wasn’t sleeping with the guy, Griffin was sure of that. She would never do that.

He leaned over her now and looked at her, her hair splayed over half her face. She was not a beautiful woman, but Griffin had never met anyone who appealed to him more. She exuded an earthy sensuality made more attractive by the fact that she didn’t know it. I love to look at you, he sometimes told her. You’re just…perfect. Oh, God, Griffin, she would say. Stop.

She moaned slightly in her sleep. Griffin lay his hand on her shoulder, then slid it down her back and onto her palm-sized sacrum. When she was in labor with Zoe, he’d given her a back rub against the awesome waves of pain. When he’d felt her sacrum, he’d thought it was the baby’s head and had yelled, "It’s coming!"

Ohhhhhhhhh, really? Ellen had moaned. Really?

"Yes, it’s coming," he’d said, for a good forty-five minutes or more, until the doctor came in and informed him that he was not feeling the baby’s head at all. They’d chuckled together over his erroneous assumption.

Ellen had gotten furious. "This isn’t funny!" she’d said.

The doctor had winked at Griffin. Pain pretty strong, Ellen?

He was met with a nearly palpable silence.

She’s doing really well, Griffin said, then added proudly, She hasn’t had any medication!

Well, it’s too late for that now, anyway, the doctor said.

Why don’t both of you just shut up? Ellen said, and the doctor had winked again. She’s in transition, he’d whispered to Griffin. He patted Ellen’s foot, and left.

Now, eight years later, Ellen seemed to be in another kind of transition. She was preoccupied: bereft-looking when she thought Griffin didn’t see her, guarded when she knew he could. Twice he’d heard her on the phone when he came home, saying hurriedly, I have to go. She wouldn’t talk to him, not really, except to fill him in on necessary bits of business about Zoe, about what bills needed to be paid next, about who would take the cat to the vet.

It all made sense now.

Well. You had these times in a marriage, everyone knew that. You just waited them out, that was all. Griffin kissed Ellen’s cheek lightly, then got out of bed to get his robe. It was Sunday. He’d make coffee and hash browns, eggs over easy. Zoe would sleep late, she always did, and Griffin and Ellen would sit at the kitchen table and read the Sunday paper together as usual. Maybe they’d find something on sale and go and buy it. He sat on the bed to put his slippers on.

Where are you going? Ellen asked sleepily.

He turned to look at her. Downstairs.

She said nothing.

To make breakfast.

Stay here, okay?

Sex? Griffin thought, and felt his penis leap up a little in anticipation.

He took off his robe and slippers and got back in bed. God, how long had it been? Ellen put her arms around him, her head beneath his chin, and sighed heavily. Oh. Not sex, then.

You know something’s going on, right?

He stopped breathing.


He shifted his weight, checked, for some reason, the time. Ten after eight. What do you mean?

Griffin, don’t do this. We have to talk about it.

He said nothing, waited. She started to say something, then stopped.

What, Griffin said.

Oh, I don’t know how to do this! She sat up. Look, I’m…Okay, I’ll just say this: I’m in love with someone. And I…want a divorce. I’m sorry.

He lay back against his pillow, closed his eyes.


He didn’t respond.

I’m sure you’re aware that I haven’t been happy for a long time. Her voice was light, false. And I don’t have to remind you that—

He opened his eyes. Jesus, Ellen.

"It was never right between us, you know that."

No, I don’t know that.

Right. I knew you’d make this difficult.

He laughed. As opposed to what?

What do you mean? Some color was rising in her face. Her voice shook.

"Difficult as opposed to what? This is supposed to be easy? You drop this bomb, and it’s supposed to be easy?"

Be quiet! Zoe will hear!

"Your concern for our daughter really moves me. Let’s get a divorce, but let’s be quiet. Let’s make it easy."

She would not look at him. Her mouth was a pale, straight line.

Well, I won’t make it easy for you, Ellen. Do what you have to do. But don’t look to me to help you.

He got out of bed and went downstairs. He felt curiously light, emptied out. Numb, he supposed. Protected by a specific kind of anesthesia. Well, here’s what: He’d make coffee. Just like always. Six cups, Bed and Breakfast blend. He’d make the same Sunday breakfast he always made. The cat, Slinky, came into the kitchen, meowing, and he fed her. One and a half packs, tuna flavor. He turned on the faucet, and then, for just a moment, gripped the edge of the sink.

Behind him, he heard Ellen come in and sit at the kitchen table. She watched him for a while as he made the coffee, as he got out the frying pan, the potato peeler. Then she said quietly, I thought at first I could just have an affair.

An affair!

"I felt restless, crazy, really sad, and I thought…Oh, I don’t know, I thought if I did that, maybe I’d feel better, maybe I’d feel something. But I got deeply involved with this person. I fell in love with him. I wanted to talk to you about it right away, tell you…well, tell you who it was and everything. But then I figured you knew anyway. She hesitated, then asked, Did you?"

Did I what?

Did you know?

He came to the table, sat down opposite her. I knew you were seeing someone, Ellen. Yes.

She looked down at her hands, rubbed at one thumb with the other. I want you to know I was really careful, okay? We used—

We. What the hell difference does it make, Ellen? Can you remember the last time you had sex with me?

Well, that’s what I mean, Griffin! It’s been so bad between us for so long. We’re like…brother and sister. And with him, I feel I’ve finally found something I’ve always wanted, but never knew I could have.

Griffin stopped listening. He watched Ellen’s mouth moving, her hands pushing her hair back from her face. He looked at the top button of her nightgown, half opened, half closed. He saw the thrusting motions of another man, entering his wife.

He looked out the window. It had begun to snow; huge, quarter-sized flakes waltzed lazily downward. To catch a flake like that on your tongue would feel like receiving communion. Ellen had seen this, too, he was sure of it. But suddenly neither one could remark on it. Nor would either of them awaken Zoe to see it.

The last time he saw snow like this was on a winter day many years ago, when he and Ellen were students at the University of Illinois. He lived in a dorm; Ellen lived in a tiny, slanted-floor apartment. Her roommate, Alexandra, was a sullen girl with long, greasy red hair. She wore only black, wrote lines of obscure poetry in a ragged journal, rarely spoke except to read her poetry out loud, and believed that wearing deodorant was giving in to the system. Why don’t you get another roommate? Griffin would ask, and Ellen would always shrug and say, She pays the rent. I don’t think I could find anyone else, anyway.

On that long-ago winter day, Griffin went to Ellen’s apartment with a sprig of lilac for her. Alexandra opened the door. Lilacs! she’d said. Where did you ever find lilacs?

At the florist’s, Griffin had answered, stepping into the apartment, thinking, Where else would I get them?

Ellen had come into the room fresh out of the shower. What have you got there? she’d asked, adjusting the towel she had wrapped around her wet hair.

Lilacs, he’d said proudly, handing them to her.

"Oh, my God. Now?"

He nodded, feeling suddenly foolish. He’d paid twelve dollars for this single sprig, which now lay wilting inside the cellophane.

"Well…thank you, Ellen had said, laughing. She’d put the sprig into a wine-bottle vase, set it on the kitchen table. Lilacs in January! she’d said, and it seemed to Griffin that she was more bewildered than charmed. A fortune teller he’d once visited on a dare from Ellen had told him, You’re not too good with the ladies. You do everything wrong."

Ellen’s mouth was still moving; she was explaining, pleading. Of course she had slept with him, he thought. How could he have deluded himself so? How many times had the two of them done it? How many ways?

She was saying something about Zoe now, about how they needed to keep her routine as stable as possible. Griffin forced himself to pay attention. She needs to stay in the same house, in the same school. I’ve thought about this a lot, Griffin. And since I’m the one who stays home with her, it only makes sense that you be the one to move out.

He felt his stomach tighten, his heart begin to race. The coffeemaker beeped, signaling its readiness, and Ellen got up and poured two mugs. She set one in front of Griffin, one in front of herself. Griffin watched the steam rise up and curl back on itself, then dissipate. He said quietly, I’m not going anywhere.


"I said, I’m not going anywhere. I’m not moving."

She nodded. "I see. Well, I can’t. I have to be here to take care of Zoe."

Griffin pictured his daughter, a redheaded tomboy who would grow up to be a redheaded beauty who would knock the stuffing out of any man who crossed her. All right, you can stay, too, he told Ellen.

Griffin. One of us has to go.

He picked up his mug, took a sip. Well, let’s see, now. It isn’t going to be me. You try to figure out the rest, Ellen. And from now on, call me Frank. I don’t want you to call me Griffin. That’s what my friends call me.

He went outside to get the paper. A world of news, not one bit of it about her. Or them. When he came back inside, Ellen had gone. He picked up her full mug, dumped the coffee down the drain. Then he got out the potatoes and began to peel them.

Chapter 2

On Monday, Griffin got through two meetings before he let himself think of anything. Then, asking his assistant, Evelyn, to hold his calls, he closed his door and sat at his desk with his head in his hands. The thought came to him that he needed to go home, he had to go home. And then he remembered that home was not home any longer. He folded his arms on top of his blotter, lay his head down, and closed his eyes.

Ellen had gone out early on Sunday afternoon, telling Zoe she was going to A Stitch in Time, a store she knew Zoe hated. Still, she’d asked if Zoe wanted to go with her. For a moment, Griffin thought Ellen might actually be telling the truth, might really be going to the fabric store. But when Zoe declined her invitation, she’d looked straight at Griffin, her head raised high, defensively. You see? You see how easy it’s been? How could I help it when it’s been so easy!

Zoe had eaten breakfast, complimenting her father on the perfect crispness of the hash browns, and then had gone out to build a snow fort with the neighborhood boys. Except for the ten minutes Zoe returned to gulp down a peanut butter sandwich, Griffin had had the day alone. Some of the time, he spent unashamedly going through Ellen’s drawers. He found nothing he was looking for—no letters, nothing that looked like a gift, no incriminating evidence. It was all inside her, in the ways she’d changed. Little things—or perhaps not-so-little things—that he had simply ignored.

Ellen had returned at dinnertime, and they sat with Zoe at the kitchen table eating take-out Chinese, tight-lipped and silent. At one point, Zoe asked, What’s the matter? Don’t you guys like this? Later she’d asked, "What’s wrong?" Nothing, they both said, together. She’d shrugged, then asked if either one of them knew one word, just one word, of Chinese. No, they’d said. Zoe said, "Me neither. I guess. But was it, like, the very first language? Or something like that? Wasn’t it symbol writing first? After neither Ellen nor Griffin answered, she said, Whoa, you guys are crabby!" and left the table. She did not open her fortune cookie. None of them did.

At 8:30, Ellen helped Zoe get ready for bed, then went to bed herself. An hour later, after a halfhearted attempt to get through Business Week and Forbes, Griffin came upstairs and leaned against his bedroom doorjamb, his arms crossed, his hands in loose fists. The room was lit softly by a paper lantern of a moon, a deep yellow orb that seemed hung directly outside their window, exclusively for their benefit. Ellen, he thought, and the name seemed to him to hold everything he might possibly want to say to her. It was a request, an apology, a sweet claim. He looked at her lying on her side of the bed, looked too at the space she had left beside her. That was his side, because he was her husband. And she was his wife.

Quietly, slowly, he lay down beside her. She was turned away from him. Asleep? He listened to her breathe for a while and decided not, the rhythm was wrong. And anyway, he could feel her awareness, feel her listening to him. Ellen, he whispered. Can we talk?

She turned over, her face full of relief. Yes.

He looked fully at her, saw her eyes (nearsighted), her nose (once, out on a date when she was in high school, the guy asked if she’d broken it, humiliating her so much she feared letting anyone see her profile for years), her mouth (the first lipstick she ever wore was tangerine lip gloss, a sample stolen from a drugstore), her dimpled chin (something she used to pray would turn into a normal chin), her small ears (plagued by infections until she was ten—her mother used to get up with her in the middle of night and bring her into the kitchen for an orange to comfort her). I know you, he wanted to say. Do you know how well I know you?

He wanted to remind her that she had been in the ocean for the first time with him, that it was he she’d turned to with amazement saying, "It tastes salty!" He wanted to tell her that he provided her with excellent health and dental insurance, that it was he who had made her finally understand how airplanes stayed in the air—science was not her strong suit. They were so familiar to each other, he loved her so much, and she wanted a divorce? No. She said divorce, but she meant something else. She was confused. This…illness had come over her, the last several months. Together, they could cure her.

He wanted to suggest something: Saturday night dating. Yes. They’d hire a standing sitter, and every Saturday night, they’d go out somewhere. Chicago was a fabulous city; there was so much to do—they’d take advantage of the fact that they lived in Oak Park and could get in and out so easily. He was sorry he’d ignored her complaints about almost never going with her to see the ballet, or plays, or concerts, or even enough movies. Maybe she’d like to try opera; he’d be willing to try opera. Or if not exactly opera…No! He would be willing to try opera.

He’d make an effort to go out with other couples; Ellen was right when she said they needed to make friends. He’d send her flowers on a random Thursday, he’d pay attention and nod at all the right times when she told one of her interminable stories about—well, anyone would agree—about not much. He’d tell her how he felt about the sunrise, about the headlines, about the new neighbors down the block, about the barely discernible change in her hairstyle. He’d stop leaving the lid up—though Zoe liked it, claiming that she, too, liked to stand to urinate. Oh, he would do everything, he would do everything she wanted, maybe her demands weren’t so much after all. He’d read poetry with her, all right? Maybe he’d amaze her with his insights; he wasn’t so insensitive as she thought, he could be just as sensitive as the next guy, if he wanted to be. And she’d be so glad, in the end, so happy they’d stayed together.

He cleared his throat. Ellen. I love you so much.

She started to cry. He thought perhaps this was a good sign—it was her way of saying she loved him, too. He tried to take her in his arms, but she pushed him away, saying, "No! That’s not going to work! Please, will you please just listen to me!"

He moved away from her, and she sat up, yanked a tissue from the box beside the bed, wiped her eyes. "Look, I know this came out of the blue for you. But I’ve been thinking about it for so long, Griffin."

For so long! For how long? The fall afternoon last year when he was raking leaves, and looked up to see her standing at the window looking out at him (and he gaily waved!)—then? The last time they made love? When they sat watching The Sopranos together and he passed her the popcorn bowl, giving her the last bite even though he wanted it? On Zoe’s

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