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Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All
Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All
Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All
Ebook118 pages1 hour

Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All

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With this guidebook in hand, anyone can embrace the power of forgiveness and transform their life and relationships.

Discover the power of forgiveness—what it can do for you, right now. As the title suggests, Forgiveness shows you how to take the steps to let go of your anger and your grudges and truly forgive those you have wronged you in some way—and, maybe more importantly, how to forgive yourself. Healing and acceptance are on the horizon, and with this book, you can learn about the toxic, negative side effects of staying angry and hurt and how we can benefit both physically and mentally from the event of forgiving others and ourselves.

Teaching practical spirituality and written in very simple, easy-to-understand language, readers of Forgiveness will learn the top twenty reasons why the path to forgiveness has so many obstacles and how to remove those obstacles to create miracles in their lives and those of others. If you ready to forgive and finally live a life full of joy and contentment but are not sure where to begin, then this book is for you.
Release dateOct 4, 2011

Gerald G. Jampolsky

The late Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD, author of Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All, was an internationally recognized authority in the fields of psychiatry, health, business, and education. Jampolsky was a child and adult psychiatrist, a graduate of Stanford Medical School, an author, and an inspirational speaker. He learned about forgiveness by helping thousands of people for more than thirty years deal with the psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of facing both chronic and life-threatening illnesses. He was the founder of The Center for Attitudinal Healing, of which there are now more than 130 satellite centers around the world, and was the recipient of the Jehan Sadat Peace Award. Jampolsky’s pioneering work at the center eventually led him to consult in Bosnia, Russia, and Ghana on the importance of attitudinal healing and forgiveness. Jampolsky is the author of numerous bestselling books, including Love Is Letting Go of Fear (with over 3.5 million copies in print).  

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Reviews for Forgiveness

Rating: 3.846153807692308 out of 5 stars

13 ratings3 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title amazing and just what they needed. It approaches the topic of forgiveness from a unique perspective and provides great reasons to forgive. While some readers felt that it didn't give clear steps on how to forgive, overall it is highly recommended for its healing journey and insightful approach."

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Didn't really give clear steps on how to forgive. It did however, give great reasons on why to forgive.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the second time I’ve read this and I like the way it approaches it..from the perspective of how our egos can be involved and the power that holds. It’s been a struggle for me but that’s the ego talking..not god.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is amazing and it’s just what I needed! I read it in one go and it instantly put me on my journey towards healing. I would definitely recommend!

    1 person found this helpful

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Forgiveness - Gerald G. Jampolsky


This book is dedicated to my wife, soul mate, and life partner, Diane V. Cirincione, Ph.D., who has so strongly demonstrated and taught me what is beyond my imagination about the power of God’s love and forgiveness in our life together.


You are holding a book that will change your life. You’ve heard about such books, I’m sure. Perhaps you’ve even read one before. They’re rare, it’s true. In fact, given the number of books in print, they’re very rare. But every so often one will present itself to you. I mean that literally. I mean, it will literally present itself to you.

Maybe it will be given to you as a gift. Or perhaps you’ll hear about it from a friend. You might find it on someone’s coffee table. Or it will be the only title that really catches your eye as you browse the bookstore.

Only you know how the book that’s in your hands right now came to you, but I can tell you this: It did not come to you by accident. You are not reading it by chance. God brought this book to you. I am convinced of that. God does these things all the time. It’s one of the ways God communicates with you when He’s got something She wants you to hear or when you call out to the universe for an answer, for some insight, for some help with something that’s troubling you.

I don’t know if there’s anything troubling you right now, or if you’ve been wishing for a little insight, or if it’s just one of those times when God feels it would be good for you to hear something, but I do know that your having this book in your hands right now is perfect.

You’ll see this, too, when you finish reading it. You’ll know exactly why you picked it up.

Now let me tell you a little about the man who wrote this book. He’s one of the most extraordinary men I have ever met. He’s a man who carries peace and love and joy in his heart in such abundance that it spills over onto his face. You can see it in his eyes. You can feel it in his smile. And when he shakes your hand or gives you a big hug—he gives a lot of big hugs—you can feel that peace and joy and love going right through you.

That’s the kind of man we’re talking about. I know Jerry personally, and I’ve had those experiences. I’m telling you about him now because I think it’s important for you to know something about the person who has placed this information before you. I want you to know that it comes from a highly credible source.

Not that Jerry Jampolsky needs an introduction or, certainly, any validation from me. His work over the years in creating the Center for Attitudinal Healing in the San Francisco Bay area and in fostering the establishment of over a hundred similar centers dotting the globe has won him the grateful admiration of people the world over. And his extraordinary book Love Is Letting Go of Fear stands today as one of the most significant texts on applied spirituality of the past half century. What I want you to know is not who Jerry is but rather that he is who you would think he is from reading his previous writings and observing his lifework—in other words, he is a man who walks his talk.

Why do I consider it important for you to know that? Not because I think Jerry needs or wants the praise. Far from it. Rather, it’s important for you to know what this man is like because his life lived is evidence that what he teaches works.

That’s a tribute, because Jerry has had a lot of stuff to overcome in his life. You don’t have to be told all about that here. It’s enough to say that his life has not been what you would call tidy. Yet for over twenty years Jerry has been ministering to the world and inspiring millions.

What caused this change in him? The same thing that will cause a change in you—the subject of this book: forgiveness.

Now let’s get something clear about Jerry Jampolsky. He’s not perfect. No one who knows him would tell you that. What they would tell you is that he is perfectly clear that he’s not perfect, that no one is—and that this is his great healing insight. He understands that we are all human, that we all make mistakes, that we all can be hurtful or selfish, unkind or thoughtless. He knows what it’s like to wrestle with ego, to battle with fear, and to struggle with love. He knows the deep inner disappointment of wanting to be big, and still acting small; of wanting to be gentle, and still acting harshly; of wanting to be wise, and still acting foolish.

He’s had plenty of moments when he’s been less than his grandest self. His special grace is that he would be the first person to tell you that. His special gift is that he’d be the first person to let you be less than perfect too—and get away with it.

You see, Jerry Jampolsky has come to understand some things about forgiveness. He’s learned to forgive himself for all the times in his life when he’s shown up as less than Who He Really Is, and he’s learned to forgive others when they’ve done the same. Where this has brought Jerry

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