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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Shay has had a rare blood disorder since she was born. In fact, her mother married one of Shay's doctors, Martin, who left his world-renowned leukemia research to try and figure out exactly what the disorder is and how to cure it. When she turns seventeen, Martin begins to give her new blood transfusions that make her feel the strongest she has ever felt. But she also has odd visions where she sees through the eyes of a vampire. At first, she thinks she must be imagining the visions, but when she begins to see Martin's office in them, she knows she has to check it out. That's when she finds Gabriel, a sexy, teenaged vampire, imprisoned in Martin's office. The connection she has built with Gabriel compels her to set him free. But when he kidnaps her in an attempt at revenge on Martin, their lives become deeply intertwined. She doesn't know the half of it.
Release dateSep 21, 2010

Laura J. Burns

Laura J. Burns has written more than forty books for kids and teens, touching on topics from imaginary lake monsters to out-of-control Hollywood starlets (they have more in common than you might think). With Melinda Metz, she has also written for the TV shows ROSWELL, 1-800-MISSING, and THE DEAD ZONE. Laura lives in New York with her husband, her kids, and way too many pets.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    --Full, non-spoiler review courtesy at Book & Movie Dimension a Blog--While Crave is most assuredly another vampire novel it has an interesting start and all-around premise. Shay is a teen girl who has been sickly all her life. From her perspective we see how much she despises being thought as the Sick Girl. Her stepfather soon finds a new solution to inject for Shay's sickness. While she gets better though she receives flashback visions of a guy named Gabriel who isn't at all sickly but strong and powerful like no other person. Shay notices too that he's not human but a vampire! Being extremely bored with her life she opts out to search him out at Martin's lab only to find Gabriel chained down to his office. Shay can't possibly allow Martin to keep doing this especially since Gabriel has given her the strength to fully experience life. Yet being involved with vampires is very dangerous considering they are wary of almost all humans. What has to be an endearing quality of Crave is that the story starts out slowly but not in a tedious way so as to let readers see into Shay's mind and then switches to Gabriel the vampire's perspective which had a pull you in effect. Laura J. Burns and Melinda Metz did a great job in building the character development since they worked together on Crave. While the story isn't full of action throughout it does have its good moments of suspense. It's a very original new idea in vampire consideration for how vampires really are. Laura J. Burns and Melinda Metz take a different spin on vampire conversions, their dietary requirements, view of humans, and more that's plain unique. Also underlying the vampire dynamic was familial bonds that was truly touching. Worth a read if your one for never tiring of reading novels with vampires. Look forward to Crave's sequel Sacrifice.Overall: Amazing read!Genre: Vampires, Young Adult
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    love it
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Warning: Major cliffhanger ending!

    The strapline: 'It's all in the blood' is spot on and has more than one meaning. As does the title Crave. This book twists things with a human heroine who needs blood to survive and a vampire who seems more vulnerable and human than most humans, rather than a monster.

    Seventeen year old Shay defines herself as others do, as The SickGirl. The SickGirl can't do normal things because she has a rare blood disease that leaves her physically weak and receiving regular blood transfusions with numerous stays in hospital. Her mother has dedicated her life to finding treatments and possible cures, even marrying Martin, a wealthy award-winning specialist in Leukaemia. He's abandoned his prominent career to help her.

    Everyone treats The SickGirl as delicate: the other students, the teachers, even the principal. No one dares yell at her or upset her for fear of being seen as mean. Everyone cuts her a break even when she doesn't want or deserve one. And almost everybody has difficulty when she just wants to be "Shay".

    During new blood transfusions Shay finds herself in the body of Gabriel who she comes to realise is a vampire. She witnesses events from his life and doesn't know where these visions are coming from and worries it's her over-active imagination but they also inspire her to live her life the best she can because she knows that even though these new transfusions have given her strength, she's dying and it's only a matter of time before she takes her last breath.

    Her new high-on-life attitude sees her taking risks, sometimes stupid ones, that shock and upset her friends and mother. They blame it on the new treatment instead of realising Shay's need to catch up on all the normal rites of passage that teenagers experience like first kisses, running, going to parties, getting drunk and generally having fun.

    Then she has a Gabriel-vision of her step-father's office. She breaks in to find that Gabriel is real and chained up. At this point we're halfway through the book. From here the adventure begins. Shay is horrified her step-father could do such a thing and Gabriel is furious and wants vengeance so he kidnaps Shay and escapes.

    Both are confused by each other. Gabriel's used to seeing humans as the enemy but Shay is different, her visions of his past upset him but he's drawn to her unusual but familiar scent, and refuses to see her as The SickGirl and demands she never uses those words again. She's also kind to him, generous and unafraid of his vampire-status but Shay finds it difficult to reconcile her growing feelings for vision-Gabriel and the Gabriel right in front of her who seems more cold and cut-off from life.

    I loved the first 80% of this book and remember thinking it was a brilliant original story but that last 20% was rushed and started to echo other YA books. Plus I'm a little miffed that it ended on a whopper of a cliffhanger. I hate cliffhangers!

    If you're a Roswell (TV show) fan then you'll see some similarities in Crave as the authors were both writers for the show and the accompanying books. As a result, the book could easily be transferred to the screen.

    I regret not getting this in paperback, instead I bought the ebook because I couldn't wait for physical delivery. The cover guy, Gabe I'm guessing, is hot with his blue eye and phoenix tattoo and his beloved sunset in the background.

    I'm interested to learn why Gabriel feels so guilty about Sam (hopefully it's not the most obvious conclusion) and wonder what the truth is and what the effect will be when Shay finds out. Unfortunately, I have no idea when my curiosity will be satisfied because there's no information on the sequel but fingers-crossed I won't have to wait too long.

    I can't give this 3 stars because that would be a slap in the face for the authors who've managed to portray the SickGirl and the psychology behind her situation and behaviour so amazingly well that I wondered if one of them had actually lived this role but neither can I give it 5 stars because of that last 20% so 4 stars it is.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Shay has been sick her whole life. In fact she is pretty much known as “The Sick Girl” at school…not Shay, but “The Sick Girl”. She has some undiagnosed blood disorder. Shay’s Mom even married the doctor who has made it his life’s ambition to cure Shay. Her step-dad has added something to her blood transfusions that gives her visions, and almost makes her feel “normal”. But it wears off. Little does Shay know that that the blood she is getting is from a non-human source.I read “Crave” because I’d gotten a galley of the second book in the series. I thought the authors did a great job of describing what Shay had gone through as “The Sick Girl”…and then her rebellious streak when she started to feel better. I was kind of surprised that Shay’s Mom couldn’t see and relate the rebelliousness as Shay feeling better. But then if she had, the story wouldn’t have been able to progress. I was amazed at the callous nature of the Doctor/Step-Dad. Boy, talk about a wolf in sheep’s clothing! The story was easy and quick to read, even if predictable at times. I thought the authors did a great job of creating Shay’s illness and all it entailed. And thought it brilliant to have Gabriel’s story roll out through the visions. Very enjoyable read!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Shay just wants a normal life. She doesn’t ask for much, really. She wants to be able to run, swim and jump. She wants to not have her mother, or best friend Olivia tracking her every move, measuring her heart rate, making sure she doesn’t collapse. She wants to go to parties and kiss a boy. She wants to not be known as “the sick girl”.Shay has an undiagnosed blood disease that requires her to have frequent transfusions to keep her alive. When her stepfather (a world-famous leukemia doctor) gives her some new and “enhanced” blood, Shay feels like a totally new person. She has more energy then she’s ever had. With her new-found energy comes a new-found rebellion. Soon, Shay is sneaking out to parties and doing things she never thought possible. The effects of the blood wear of quickly, though and Shay finds herself having more frequent transfusions. What she doesn’t know is if the effects are really wearing off quickly, or if she is addicted to the blood.Even more curious are the visions she has of the boy named Gabriel whenever she is having a transfusion. She is drawn to him, and feels they are somehow connected.When she discovers a man chained up in her stepfather’s lab, she soon discovers that the visions were real events, and that Gabriel doesn’t just exist in her head – he’s right in front of her. It was his blood that was keeping her alive. What she doesn’t understand is why, and if she sets him free, will she die?I bought this book because I received the second in the series for review and figured I should probably read the first installment so my review would be fair. I was a little wary since I’m on vampire overload and really didn’t want to read yet another paranormal, girl meets vamp, girl loves vamp, vamp is conflicted over girl book. The premise seemed interesting enough and I hoped it would be enough to breathe some new life into this worn out set-up. Unfortunately, it wasn’t quite there for me. The story was just okay. Outside of the “sick girl needs blood” premise, there wasn’t really anything new or surprising. The reviews I’d read mentioned a cliffhanger that would have you begging for the next installment immediately, but it didn’t have the same impact on me.The characters were all kind of inconsistent and uninteresting. I didn’t really care about any of them. I felt the writing was just okay, and a little repetitive. I felt like I was reading the same thing numerous times, just worded differently. (For instance we go through a scene with Shay and then we go through it again when she writes it in her journal.)This book isn’t horrible, and if you haven’t burned yourself out on vampires, I would recommend it. If, however, you’re like me and yearn for something fresh - a vampire tale that will make you want to like vampires again – you may want to skip this one.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The concept of this book is interesting and unlike any other vampire novel that I had read in the past. Unfortunately, I figured out the plot twist long before the main character, which irritated me. I liked the characterizations of each of the characters, but I think the authors could have done more and provided additional levels for each of the characters. After the twist occurs in the book, I feel like it starts to lose some of the pull that made me interested in it in the beginning and the naivete of the main character and the vampire made me angry. I'm not sure I will read the rest of the books in the series. Characters: 3Plot: 3Cover: 3Descriptions: 3
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great twist on a vampire story. Would have never thought up such a thing so I really have to give credit to the authors. How this girl is half vampire is truly interesting and amazing. I really don't have anything negative to say about this book minus the fact that I have to wait forever for the next installation, which is literally killing me. Back to the book though vampire and non vampire fans will like this book. Just because it is completely different and polar opposite from every other vampire story that kills the greatness of the stories.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Shay has always been the Sick Girl. She is a very rare blood disorder and requires frequent transfusions to survive. But she is in HS now and wants more life than she has. Her doctor-stepfather has found a new source of blood for her. Along with the vitality that she has never had come visions of a life - Gabriel's life. When she discovers that Gabriel is real, is a vampire, and is being held captive to provide her blood, she frees him and they both flee. This was a nice young adult story that is partially a romance and partially a story of what it means to live. Warning: It ends on a cliffhanger and the next book isn't due until September 2011.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    First off, really cool cover! I love the close up on his face, the sinister red sky, and that deep purple eye. Now I don't remember Gabriel having purple eyes, but I love it on the cover image. This was a fresh and very original spin on the YA vampire genre that has saturated the market. It was very fast-paced, and in the beginning had a touch of that "what it means to be alive" storyline to it that I tend to enjoy in any book.Seventeen-year-old Shay has pretty much accepted that fact that her life is near an end. Having lived her whole life with a rare, seemingly untreatable blood disorder, she has given in to being "the Sick Girl". She is used to being treated like fragile glass by her friends and teachers and extremely protected by her mother. Then her stepfather/doctor starts giving her a new treatment that not only gives her more energy and strength than she has ever had, but also gives her strange visions during the transfusions where she seems to be experiencing the life of vampire. She chalks the visions up to a side-effect, but begins to crave the transfusions more and more often, as the strength each one gives her is short-lived. While she has the strength, though, she finally get to live like a normal teenager, and it's quite interesting to see the things she chooses to do with that opportunity. Though some of the decisions are bad, the choices she makes give her character flaws and realism.The real action of the book begins when she finds out exactly where this mysteriously addictive blood is coming from! She finds the vampire, Gabriel, that she has been envisioning during her transfusions chained up in her stepfather's office! She helps him escape and the adventure begins and doesn't stop until the end of the book.I loved how the vampires were given very human traits, they were almost imagined as regular humans with different eating habits. They are scientist, and consider their group to be family. They are shown to have some compassion, never actually killing the humans they feed off of, and only take very young orphans who will remember no other life to raise into "the family" and even then they to choose whether to become vampires or not when they are old enough. They made them out to be very human and not monsters, which worked perfectly for the plotline, or else why would you care that one of them were chained up and being forced to give his blood?The plot twists and turns throughout and the romance is heart-pounding!The ending is the only semi-negative I saw in this book. Although I know this story has more to come and would not have a resolution in this book, the ending was still a very abrupt and somewhat painful cliffhanger. I quite literally thought I might have been missing a few pages, I was so sure that it couldn't have ended so mid-action. But regardless, it will be a long wait for the next installment, and I will definitely be excited to read it!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Crave is very fast paced, and gives us a new twist on vampires, and it throws in another element that I like to read about- a girl with an illness. I felt like I could connect okay with Shay the main character, it didn't get too emotionally involved in the first part of the book, where it focused on her illness and her limitations. When she starts receiving the blood transfusions and feeling better she does some crazy stuff, and while I understand where she is coming from, she is being a bit selfish toward her mother, and her friend Olivia. Both of which have a great presence in this book. Shay's mother is written as how I see a mother should be- making her children a priority, loving and sacrificing for them, wanting the best for them. This is a new trend that I am seeing a bit more and liking in the YA genre, rather than the absent parents. Olivia, her friend, knows her and balances (well in my opinion, but not so well in Shay's opinion at times during the book) treating her as a normal girl, and being concerned and alert enough to her condition and the signs of weakness. This really touches my heart because you have to be pretty mature to maintain a friendship like this. The book starts picking up and adding the element of mystery when Shay gets the "tweeked new and improved" blood transfusions. She starts seeing visions, experiencing the life of a vampire named Gabriel. She sees snippets of his past while she is receiving blood. In the second part of the book we get to actually meet Gabriel. She rescues him, and this becomes a theme of rescuing each other for the rest of the book, and it is downright sexy to read. Gabriel's character is a unique mix of traditional vampire and Burns and Metz' own ideas. They explore what it means to really live, experience, and feel. The reasons that I could not give full 5 stars is there is a few of the more explicit curse words (at least in ARC) that really don't seem to be necessary. And the ending!! Oh my goodness, can you say CLIFF HANGER???? I wish that there was some bit of closure, but it is almost like there is about 50 pages missing and I need a bit more resolution until my next feeding (ie the next book). However, that said, I really enjoyed this book and I would recommend this to YA, paranormal romance fans. They have a good something going with this first book, and I am craving more!!

Book preview

Crave - Laura J. Burns






SPECIAL [SPEH-SHUL]: distinguished by some unusual quality; being in some way superior.

Here’s what it really means: It means you’re the kid that nobody wanted to play jump rope with at recess because if you fell and scraped your knee, you’d have to miss three days of school. It means you’re the girl nobody wanted in the sixth-grade fashion show because your arms and legs were always covered with bruises. It means you’re that kid that the teachers gave a lecture about at the start of every school year, a boring and annoying lecture saying that you had to be treated like some kind of fragile glass figurine.

It means you’re the freak.

But nobody is allowed to say so. Nobody is allowed to make fun of you, or bully you, or write nasty notes about you. Because you’re special.

So instead they treat you like a pet or a mascot or something. You get invited to all the birthday parties. You get elected president of all the clubs. You always have a seat in the cafeteria. People like to be seen with you—it makes them feel all saintly and generous. Plus it gets them noticed by teachers and parents and potential make-out buddies. They must be good people if they’re nice to the Sick Girl, right?

Shay! What is up, girlfriend?

Shay McGuire slammed her journal closed. Case in point, she thought as she turned to Olivia. Olivia Willett was Shay’s best friend. In Shay’s head, the phrase always had quote marks around it. Best friend. The one you hung out with the most. The one who shared all your secrets and your dreams. The one who was there for you no matter what.

Shay gave a mental eye roll. Olivia didn’t really care about her. Olivia hadn’t listened to a word Shay had said since seventh grade. Sure, she thought she knew everything about Shay—and she did know all about the rare blood disorder Shay had been born with, the disease with a diagnosis that changed every time Shay saw a new specialist. As far as Olivia was concerned, that was what Shay was. Sick. Not creative or strong-willed or addicted to bad reality television. Just sick. As if the disease had robbed Shay of the kind of interior life that everybody else had. That Olivia had.

"I think the phrase what is up, girlfriend was officially retired fifteen years ago," Shay told her, leaning back in the cafeteria chair. Around her, the place was emptying. The second bell would ring in two minutes, signaling the start of next period.

I know. Olivia shrugged, her perfect strawberry blond hair sliding along her perfect almost-too-skinny shoulder. I’m being retro.

Shay inched her arm over the journal, hoping Olivia wouldn’t think to ask what she’d been writing.

You’re coming with me. I booked the big study room in the library for you and me and Kaz, Olivia informed her.

Shay almost laughed at her own worry. As if Olivia would ask about the journal. As if it would even occur to her that Shay might have secrets of her own. Sounds like a party, she said dryly.

Bonetto said we could skip class and spend the time helping you prep for the test on Friday, Olivia explained. Since you missed so many days this month.

Translation: I want to spend the next hour with my boyfriend’s tongue down my throat, so I conned Mr. Bonetto into letting me and Kaz out of class under the pretense that we’re helping poor little you. Oh, and am I not the best person?

Cool, Shay answered. It’s not like she particularly wanted to listen to Mr. Bonetto ramble for an hour anyway. Bio was a joke, even AP Bio. She’d learned more about biology by the time she was ten than Bonetto knew even now. That’s what growing up in hospitals did for you.

Shay pushed a loose strand of her long dark hair out of her eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly stood up. She picked up her stack of books, wincing at the weight.

You okay? Olivia asked automatically.

Yeah. She wasn’t okay. She was as weak as an infant. But she didn’t want help. As soon as it got to the point when she needed help, it was only another few hours before the total collapse. Before the extended bed rest. Before the next transfusion. And it was only Wednesday. Usually she could make it through a week at school at least. When she was younger, it had been even longer, sometimes three weeks at a stretch.

But now …

I’m getting worse, a voice inside her whispered. She knew it was true. Nobody ever said it out loud. Her mother and her stepfather still acted as if the cure was only a few days from being found. But there was no cure. And she was getting worse.

Olivia led the way down the hall toward the library, running one perfectly manicured fingernail across the long mural showing the dark waters of the river that their town, Black River, Massachusetts, was named for. Did you hear about Jacey? Olivia asked.

Shay shook her head, sending a snowstorm of cold dizziness through her body.

You won’t believe this. She let Brian use Saran Wrap for protection. And the girl is in the honor society. How stupid is that? Olivia snorted.

Pretty stupid, Shay said. She had to concentrate to get the words out. Her brain felt like it had started to ice over.

I know. So of course it came off. And now she’s in the bathroom between every class peeing on a stick, Olivia yammered on. Her voice sounded far away, distorted by the rushing sound in Shay’s head. She stared down at the tile of the hallway, willing herself to put one foot forward. Then the other. No point in thinking about how far it was to the library.

There’s my woman. Kaz’s voice startled her. Shay jerked her head up, and the hall swam around her. Kaz and Olivia were kissing. It was a good excuse to stop walking.

By the time she caught her breath, they were done. Kaz was grinning at her. Shay Stadium! he crowed, holding up his hand for a high five.

Moron, that nickname doesn’t even make any sense, Olivia grumbled.

I don’t mind. Shay summoned all her strength and high-fived him. Her other arm buckled from bearing the entire weight of her books.

Kaz grabbed her Bio text before she dropped it, his dark eyes immediately serious. You all right?

Shay nodded.

She needs to sit down, Olivia said. Let’s just get to the library.

Without a word, Kaz took the other books from Shay. Olivia looped her arm through Shay’s and they kept walking. She couldn’t manage to keep up a conversation, but they didn’t seem to care. They were busy talking about Kaz’s birthday party that weekend. He was the first one of Shay’s friends to turn eighteen. She wanted to be there.

She would be there, she decided. The blood transfusion would wait. She didn’t need bed rest; she needed a party … and a beer … and a boy who wasn’t too afraid of her to kiss her. Maybe she could ask Kaz to invite some guys who didn’t go to Black River High.

I have to be strong. Shay shook off Olivia’s arm and stood on her own, letting the rush of students push past her in the hallway. She willed the dizziness to subside. Her stepfather, Martin, was always telling her that a positive attitude was the best medicine. And he should know, he had about six different medical degrees.

Shay, what are you doing? Olivia sounded annoyed.

Sorry … I thought I heard my cell, Shay lied. I guess not. Let’s go. She pasted a smile on her face and started toward the library. The door was only twenty feet away. She could make it, and she could make it without Olivia helping her.

One foot forward. Then the other.

I need to … Shay couldn’t finish the thought. It was too late. She’d waited too long. She should know better. She should know by now.

The floor lurched under her feet. Her knees buckled. And the whole world went white around her.

Shay rested her head against the cool glass of the Range Rover’s passenger-side window, pretending that the row of average suburban houses going by was the most interesting thing she’d ever seen. Don’t try to talk to me, she silently willed her stepdad. I’m very busy here. Looking at the identical houses.

But Dr. Martin Kuffner was not easy to fool. He’d been dealing with sick kids since before Shay was born, and he knew how to manage them, as her mother said.

How were you feeling this morning before school? Martin asked casually.

I was feeling psyched to see Chris Briglia because he winked at me yesterday and his new haircut looks incredibly hot, Shay thought. But her stepdad didn’t want to hear that. He wanted her vital statistics. He wanted facts, numbers, data—was her heart rate a little fast, or had one of those headaches started behind her eyes, or was her temperature up a fraction of a degree?

I was okay, I think, she mumbled.

"You think? You need to know, Shay. You always have to be on top of it. Every two hours, you need to do a self-check," Martin told her.

God, she hated this. She hated having to analyze the workings of her body every single second. Shay let out a sigh that felt like it started at the tips of her toes. Martin reached over and squeezed her shoulder. She forced herself to look at him.

It’s not always going to be this way, sweetheart, he said.

No, pretty soon I’m going to be dead. Shay couldn’t stop the thought from worming its way through her brain. And does it really matter? I’m only half-alive now. I go to school; I go home; I rest; I do my homework; I watch some TV; I go to bed. And that’s on a good day, when I’m feeling basically okay. Okay for Shay.

Trust me, Martin continued. I’m going to tweak your next transfusion a little. I’m trying something new. It could be the thing that does it for you.

Mmm-hmm, Shay murmured. She was afraid if she actually talked, she might start bawling. And nobody needed that. Sick girls were supposed to be strong, an inspiration to everybody.

And mostly Shay was. Or at least she managed to put on a pretty good act. She didn’t have much choice. Her so-called bravery was the glue that held her entire family together. Her mother’s life was almost as much about Shay’s illness as Shay’s was—being a single mother with a sick baby hadn’t left her time to do anything else with her life. And Martin’s career was all about Shay now too. He had stopped writing papers about his specialty, leukemia. He’d stopped researching anything but Shay’s disease. He’d staked his entire professional reputation on her. If he didn’t manage to find a cure, he’d look like a failure. And failure was something that Martin did not allow.

Do you ever miss it? she asked suddenly.

He shot her a confused look. Miss what?

Your life. Your superstar-doctor status. All that. It had never occurred to her to ask before. "I mean, you were on Oprah and everything. You were Mr. Leukemia Crusader."

Martin was quiet for a while. Had she offended him? I’m sorry— Shay started.

Don’t be. It’s a fair question. Martin’s voice was even and calm, the way it always was. His bedside-manner voice, that’s how Shay had always thought of it. Are you thinking you need a different doctor?

No. Definitely, no. She’d seen other doctors. Too many of them. Her mom had dragged her all over the country until they’d finally found Martin, the only one who actually seemed to listen. The only one who didn’t try to force her blood disorder into some easy, popular diagnosis, regardless of whether her symptoms actually matched. Martin was the only one who was willing to admit that he had no clue what was wrong with Shay, that her disease was unique, one of a kind. Maybe I am special, after all, she thought.

I don’t miss it, Martin told her. I’ll be back there soon enough.

Shay raised her eyebrows, and Martin smiled.

After I’ve isolated a treatment for your disorder, I mean, he said. There are plenty of people working on leukemia. There’s no one helping you.

You help me, she replied. You always have. And not just as her doctor. Martin had been like a Disney fairy godmother—a six-foot-four, 230-pound male one who used money instead of a magic wand. As soon as he and her mother got married—poof!—a little apartment became a McMansion. Poof!—a beat-up Toyota Corolla with a broken CD player became a fully loaded Mercedes S-Class sedan.

Shay wondered if that’s what had made her mother fall in love with him. Not the money, her mom didn’t care about stuff like that. But Mom definitely loved what the money bought for Shay—absolutely anything that could help fight her disease, from organic produce to a lap pool. And she really loved that Shay now had a brilliant doctor as her personal physician.

Martin was a great guy and all. He was just sort of serious, all work all the time. Every once in a while he attempted a stupid pun. But nobody—no-body—but him thought they were at all humorous. Would her mother have ended up with somebody completely different if Shay hadn’t been so sick? Would she have found somebody closer to her own age? Or somebody a little more … fun? Shay had no idea if her stepfather was at all like her real father. She’d never even met the guy. Mom didn’t talk about him, and whenever Shay had tried to force it, her mother’s obvious pain had always made her back off.

Are you strong enough to hit the smoothie place? Martin asked. You could use some glucose and calories before your transfusion.

We’re doing one today? Shay had known it the instant she hit the floor at school. Hell, she’d known it half an hour before that. But she’d still been hoping it was all just a fluke. Her last transfusion had been only a week ago.

I think we’d better, don’t you? Martin replied.

Like that was an actual question. I guess. Yeah.

So … smoothie?

No, thanks. I’ll just grab juice or something from the fridge, Shay answered. She knew the Jamba Juice on the way home would be jammed with kids from school. She hated the idea of sitting in the Range Rover while her stepdad went in, everyone watching her from inside and pretending not to. Or, even worse, going in there with Martin’s arm around her, propping her up.

Martin nodded, and a few minutes later they were turning into the cul-de-sac where they lived. He hit the garage door opener at just the right moment for him to pull in without a beat of hesitation. Shay’s mother was at the car door a second later, studying her face with frightened eyes. I knew I shouldn’t have let you go to school today, she said in a rush. You looked off.

I’m fine, Mom. Shay tried not to let any of the impatience she felt sneak into her voice. Sometimes the overwhelming mother concern made Shay feel like all the air was being sucked from her lungs. It had gotten worse in the three years since Mom and Martin had gotten married. Her mother’s worry level hadn’t gone up. That was impossible. But before she had married Martin, her mom had had to work like a dog to pay even the minimums on Shay’s medical expenses—not to mention stuff like rent and food. She’d been exhausted most of the time. Now she didn’t have to work. She could devote all her energy to taking care of Shay.

It was like having a personal assistant and a nurse and a babysitter all at the same time. At first Shay had been psyched to have Mom around so much. But these days it felt like a burden. Practically the only time she could have a private thought was when she was writing in her journal.

Why don’t you get Shay some juice while I take her upstairs, Martin suggested. Do we have any pomegranate?

It was Shay’s favorite. She knew they were out of it, but she kept her mouth shut.

No … Her mother looked slightly panicked. I’ll go get some from the market.

Mom, you don’t have to— Shay began.

Nonsense. It’s a five-minute drive. And all those anti-oxidants will fix you right up. Her mom pulled the Mercedes keys out of her pocket and opened the door. She was gone in seconds.

Martin climbed out of the car and made it over to Shay’s side before she had her door all the way open. He stepped back as Shay swung her feet onto the ground, letting her get out by herself. The good thing about Martin was that he always knew when she didn’t want to be hovered over. Mom was a hoverer—no matter what.

She led the way to her room. Martin followed a few steps behind, giving her some space. She sat down on her bed. A hospital bed. The same pink flamingo Pottery Barn quilt might be on the beds of half the teenage girls in America, but it didn’t hide the metal bars.

Stretch out, and we’ll get you started in a minute, Martin instructed.

Shay obediently lay down and stared up at the ceiling. There were new pictures taped up there. Her mom’s handiwork. She was always doing little things like that for Shay. She’d even put up one of the new Calvin Klein underwear ads. Mom’s really my best friend, she thought. She’s the one who knows absolutely everything about me.

She knew way too much, actually. Shay spent so much time at home that sometimes it felt like her mother knew her better than she herself did. It was nice, kind of. But it definitely contributed to the sucking-the-air-out-of-her-lungs phenomenon.

Think about the guy in the picture, she told herself. It was the ritual she’d had since she was fourteen, although back then she’d been looking at posters of her celeb crush of the moment. It didn’t work so well anymore. She felt a little pathetic fantasizing about an imaginary guy.

Maybe I should just think about Chris Briglia instead, she thought.

Ready? Martin asked.

Shay hadn’t even heard him come back in, wheeling the IV pole over to the side of her bed.

Yeah, ready. Shay turned her head aside. Even after all these years, she didn’t like to watch the needle pierce her skin.

Shay looked over at the thin tube snaking from the bag on the IV pole to the needle in her arm. The blood looked the same as it usually did—a rich, deep red. But the sensation of the blood entering her, it was like nothing Shay had ever experienced. Her heart thudded hard, as if to urge the new blood through her body. She wanted to feel it everywhere. Her cheeks flushed as the warm liquid hit the capillaries of her face.

The room swirled around her, and Shay tasted the blood on her tongue. Slightly salty, almost sweet. She wanted more. She bit deeper with her fangs, sucking on the nectar.

Fangs. Wait. What? Shay’s thoughts felt strange, strange and wrong, as if someone were shouting them at her from far away.

Under her hands, the Giver twitched, wanting to escape, but without the strength. Shay was much too powerful for him. And she wasn’t done drinking, not nearly done. The blood, warm and silky, slid down her throat, and with it, all the emotion the Giver had experienced in his life. Shay pulled him closer.

No … That’s not me. Not …

The fear and love and jealousy and hate and anger and passion bolting through her blotted out her own, already faint, thoughts. Every neuron in her body was lighting up. She could actually feel the individual molecules of blood popping through her veins. And the emotion—she wanted to laugh, and cry, and scream all at once.

She slid her hands along the Giver’s body. She needed to feel skin. She needed to touch. Her fingers were alive with sensation—the soft skin of the Giver’s neck, contrasting with the calloused skin of his elbow.

The smells were distinct and almost intoxicating in their intensity—pungent sweat mixed with the odor of the sandy dirt under the Giver’s nails, lamb fat from the meal the youth had eaten several hours ago, and the fruity odor of the wine that had accompanied the meal. Nearby grew a patch of thyme and farther away a cedar grove, and their tangy scents floated by on the breeze.

Still, everything Shay experienced was secondary to the warmth and taste of the blood. The food and wine from the Giver’s meal were reflected in the taste. She tasted salt, too, as well as iron and other minerals she couldn’t identify.

Enough, Gabriel! Enough! someone ordered.

Automatically, Shay glanced in the direction from which the voice had come. She saw a silver-haired man at the top of the hill, holding aloft a torch. Even without the fire, she could have seen him clearly. The stars were so bright she could see every leaf on the oak tree to her left, every pebble on the ground, every line in Ernst’s face.

Ernst? Shay’s thought was fleeting, confused. But I’ve never seen that man before. Yet at the same time, he was as familiar to her as Olivia, or Martin, or her mother.

Let him go. You’ve near drained him, Ernst called. Shay obediently, but reluctantly, released the Giver. The youth crumpled to the earth, his red hair forming slashes across his pale, pale face.

What did I do? What was …

Shay stared at the unconscious boy, hyper-aware of his blood dripping from the corners of her mouth. She slid out her tongue

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