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Dancing Queen
Dancing Queen
Dancing Queen
Ebook191 pages3 hours

Dancing Queen

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Who needs Prince Charming if you've got a rock star?

It's official. Olivia is a superfreak. Sure, she may have landed the hottest internship at an übercool TV music station. And yes, she's chilling with A-listers in London all summer. But when she meets her very first pop star, she gets caught in a revolving glass door and falls smack down on her bum -- all in one quick motion.

Luckily, Rocker Boy thinks Liv's quirks are adorable. He takes her clubbing at the hippest spots! Liv may be clumsy on solid ground, but on the dance floor she sparkles. The summer's just begun and she's already captured the spotlight -- and a celeb's heart, too. Now if only she was sure he's the right guy...
PublisherSimon Pulse
Release dateDec 8, 2009
Dancing Queen

Erin Downing

Erin Downing is a lifelong soccer fanatic, both as a player and a fan. She is the author of the Quirks series (as Erin Soderberg) and a freelance writer and editor. She lives in Minnesota with her family.

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    Book preview

    Dancing Queen - Erin Downing

    Super Freak

    Olivia Phillips’s first-ever celebrity sighting was going all wrong.

    She had just landed flat on her butt, her long legs splayed at awkward angles across a busy sidewalk in the middle of central London. She had a discarded cigarette butt stuck to her jeans, her face was splotchy, and her curly brown hair was stuck to her lip gloss. Though she didn’t want to look, she was pretty sure the bottom of one leg of her jeans had crept up above the cuff of her athletic sock and gotten stuck there.

    Liv—as her friends called her—couldn’t remember a time in recent history she had looked less fabulous.

    Tragically, it was at this very moment that Josh Cameron, International Pop Star and Celeb magazine’s Hottest Guy of 2006, was staring straight at her. The Josh Cameron, whom Liv had fantasized about a million and three times, was standing less than two feet away, casting a shadow from his perfect body onto Liv’s disheveled figure on the sidewalk.

    Why, Liv wondered, do things like this always happen to me? She had arrived in London from Ann Arbor, Michigan, less than two hours earlier… and she had already made a complete fool of herself in front of the world’s biggest celebrity. How is this even possible?!

    Because Liv was Liv. And she had a tendency to turn ordinary embarrassing moments into extraordinarily embarrassing ones—which meant this moment could get a whole lot worse. And it did.

    Looking up at Josh Cameron, Liv was unable to stop a goofy, uncomfortable sort of smile from spreading across her face. She lifted her hand in a little wave and—very much against her will—blurted out, Cheerio!

    Three hours earlier…

    Gazing out the airplane window at London’s sprawling suburbs miles below her, Liv couldn’t believe she was actually here. In her sleep-deprived state, it still didn’t feel real that she had been selected as one of Music Mix Europe’s summer interns. But now that she was settled into a cramped window seat and minutes away from landing on the other side of the Atlantic, she finally let it sink in: She would be living in London!

    Liv had spent every waking minute since she had gotten her acceptance letter daydreaming about days surrounded by rock stars and nights out tra-la-la-ing from club to club. Of course, deep down, she knew the Music Mix internship would be a lot of work, too. But she had somehow managed to avoid thinking about that part. Why not focus on the good stuff?

    When the plane landed, Liv grabbed her black wheelie from baggage claim and followed airport signs to the Gatwick Express. Hustling through the terminal with her suitcase and overstuffed carry-on tote, Liv’s excitement bubbled into giddiness. She heaved her stuff onto the train into the city, and a chirpy English voice wished her a good day and a pleasant journey. She just loved the British accent. It always sounded so civilized and kind.

    The train began to roll toward downtown London as Liv flipped through the on-board magazine, reading about London’s neighborhoods. Music Mix was setting her up with an apartment as part of the internship—she couldn’t wait to find out where her roommates would be from, and where they would be living. Notting Hill, Chelsea, Greenwich… they all sounded fantastic.

    Since she had never been anywhere more exotic than Ely, Minnesota, they all sounded a little intimidating and foreign, too. She had only lived away from home once before (Liv always gagged when she thought about that terrible summer her dad had decided to send her to an all-girls camp on Lake Michigan), so this was definitely going to be an adventure.

    Paging through the magazine, Liv quickly studied British lingo and discovered that if she wanted to fit in, her roommates would actually be flatmates, the subway is the tube, and she absolutely must eat something called bangers and mash.

    Eventually the train heaved out one final puff, and the doors sighed open to let Liv out into central London. She had arrived!

    Making her way into Victoria train station, Liv scanned the signs overhead, looking for the London Underground. Dodging through the crowd, she found an open ticket booth and bought a monthly travel card. Studying the tube map in her guidebook, Liv found the route to Oxford Street, home of Music Mix Europe’s central office. She had been told to pop by the studio to pick up keys to her flat.

    Hustling through the corridor toward the tube, Liv eyed the advertisements pasted on the walls. Next to an ad for Cadbury chocolates (Yum… must get some of that), Liv spotted a poster of Josh Cameron. She slowed her walk slightly, scanning the advertisement for details.

    JOSH CAMERON: SPECIAL APPEARANCE, LIVE IN LONDON! Liv stopped briefly—her eye had been drawn to a small detail in the lower corner of the ad: Sponsored by Music Mix Europe. Liv wondered if she would get to help with the concert.… That certainly wouldn’t be a bad way to spend the summer. She was just the tiniest bit obsessed with Josh Cameron, and would give pretty much anything to meet him in person. There weren’t a lot of celebrities floating around Ann Arbor.

    Liv could hear the subway train rolling into the station just ahead of her, and she hustled to catch it. She pulled her suitcase and carry-on clear of the doors just before they swooshed closed and the train roared out of the station. Two stops later the train’s doors slid open and she stepped onto the platform as a freakishly polite mechanical voice reminded her to mind the gap. Liv passed through one of the arches leading her away from the platform and rode the long escalator up and out onto the street. Red double-decker buses breezed past, stuffed with passengers out for a day of shopping. People packed the sidewalk, hustling past Liv, who stood rooted to her spot just outside the Underground exit.

    The noise and speed of the crowd was overwhelming. The time difference had started to catch up with her, and Liv realized that it was the middle of the night back in Michigan. Hit with a wave of sleepiness, Liv glanced down Oxford Street and spotted the glowing Music Mix sign.

    She applied a coat of gloss to her lips and hastily made her way toward the sign. She lifted her suitcase, slinging her carry-on tote over a shoulder, and pushed into the office’s revolving entrance doors.

    Liv’s reflexes had slowed from lack of sleep, and she realized too late that she had forgotten to get out of the revolving door on the inside and was back out on Oxford Street. Blushing, she made another turn around in the door and stepped out into the large, open lobby, tucking a stray curl behind her ear. She looked around quickly to make sure no one had seen her mistake. Coast clear.

    Liv smiled widely as she approached the security desk. Excuse me… I’m one of Music Mix’s summer interns. Can you tell me where should I go?

    The security guard looked up briefly, then returned to the tabloid he was reading. Third floor, miss. Liv muttered a quick thanks, resisting the urge to curtsy, and took the escalator up. She stepped into a round, colorful sitting area whose walls were filled with floor-to-ceiling television screens playing a variety of music videos.

    As Liv approached the circular desk in the center of the room, she could hear the receptionist chatting animatedly. Peeking up over the edge of the tall desk, Liv could see that the receptionist’s dyed blond hair was formed into a dozen long thick dreadlocks and was pulled back from her face with a hot pink scarf. She was wearing a short strapless dress and an armful of silver bangles that set off her dark skin perfectly. She motioned to Liv to wait, and quickly finished up her conversation.

    Looking up at Liv, she smiled. Welcome to Music Mix. Here to check in?

    Liv grinned. Yes, I am. My name is Olivia Phillips.

    It’s lovely to meet you, Olivia. I’m Gloria. Here’s the scoop: I give you keys to your flat, and you’re on your own for today. Settle in, meet your flatmates, get some sleep. Just be back here at nine tomorrow morning. Simon Brown can be a bit testy in the morning, so don’t be late—it’s best to stay on his good side.

    Liv recalled that her acceptance letter had come from a guy named Simon Brown—she now realized he must be the one in charge. What a fabulous job.

    Gloria shuffled through a box on her desk and plucked out a small yellow envelope. She pulled out two keys and a card with an address printed on it. Scanning the card, Gloria passed it across the desk to Liv, along with the keys. She pulled a pocket-size London Underground map out of her desk drawer and circled one of the stops in hot pink marker.

    You’re sharing a flat with two other girls, Gloria explained. They have both checked in with me already, so they should be at the flat when you get there. Think you can find it?

    Liv nodded again and turned toward the escalator. Thanks a lot. I’ll see you tomorrow. Gloria smiled and pushed a button to answer the phone that had just started ringing.

    Riding the escalator down, Liv could see that the Music Mix lobby had become much more crowded since she had arrived just a few minutes earlier. She scanned the faces and chic outfits as she passed, wishing she were dressed just a little cuter and didn’t have her bulky wheelie and carry-on—she knew she looked like a tourist.

    Liv glanced down to study the tube map as she made her way into the revolving door to leave the building. Distracted, she didn’t notice someone step off Oxford Street and into the door as she exited.

    Suddenly, Liv was jolted backward. As she lost her balance, both Liv and her wheelie toppled over onto the sidewalk. Though she had come out on the right side of the door this time, her bulky carry-on bag had not been so lucky. The strap of the bag was still attached securely to Liv’s shoulder, but the bag itself was stuck on the other side of the glass in the compartment behind her. The revolving door had come to a complete standstill.

    Liv pulled her arm out of the bag’s strap to release it and craned her neck around, hoping no one was stuck in the door. Her face reddened as she realized that someone was definitely standing—trapped—in the other glass compartment. The person turned to face her, and Liv’s mouth dropped open.

    Staring at her from the other side of the glass, stuck in a revolving door between Oxford Street and the Music Mix lobby, was Josh Cameron.

    Back to the future…

    It felt like hours had gone by. Josh Cameron had quickly freed himself and Liv’s bag from the door and was now standing—staring—at Liv on the ground. And was it her imagination, or had she just shouted cheerio to the world’s biggest pop star? Liv straightened her legs, but continued to sit on the sidewalk, stumped and horrified. Nice first impression, Liv. Suave.

    Josh Cameron smiled as he held Liv’s carry-on out to her. I believe this is yours.…

    Um, thanks. Um, thanks? Really great response… very witty and charming.

    Josh Cameron tilted his head to the side just slightly and looked at Liv with concern. Are you okay? That looked like a pretty bad fall. She scrambled to her feet and took her bag from him, groping for the right words.

    Come on, supersexy girl within, Liv begged inwardly, say something clever and alluring! Oh God, you’re just staring.… Say something ! Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little embarrassed. You don’t think anyone saw that, do you? Hah hah hah! Liv laughed too loudly at her own nonjoke, quickly straightening her hair and brushing the cigarette butt off her jeans.

    I’m Olivia, by the way. And I’m really sorry. It’s just that, well, my friends always say this is the kind of thing that I do, uh, you know, when I guess I want to meet celebrities, or, um, make a winning first impression, or uh… hah hah hah, Shut up, just SHUT UP! What are you talking about?!

    Josh Cameron was smiling at her, clearly amused. He patiently ran a hand through his gorgeous curls as Liv stuttered through her ridiculous monologue. By the time she finally had the self-control to shut up, he had begun to laugh.

    Well, Olivia, I better be off. It’s been lovely meeting you. I really do hope you’re not hurt. As he made his way back through the revolving door, Josh Cameron turned once more and looked at Liv. He smiled his famous smile, and walked into the lobby toward the waiting crowd.

    Liv stared after him for a few seconds, then backed away from Music Mix’s front doors. She was pleased to see that her white athletic sock was definitely poking up over the cuff of her jeans. Really cute, Liv. Very chic.

    As her mind replayed the past five minutes over and over—coming up with about twelve significantly more glamorous ways she could have met the biggest pop star in the world—Liv made her way back to the tube and toward her new home. She had been in London less than three hours, and had already managed to fit in a lifetime’s worth of humiliation. And, much as she hated to admit it, Liv suspected this wasn’t the end of it.

    She Drives Me Crazy

    Emerging from the subway, Liv detected the faint odor of urine. She covered her nose and hurried out onto the sidewalk, turning left and heading toward the address listed on the card she had gotten from Gloria.

    She couldn’t help feeling a little concerned as she took in her surroundings. Liv’s image of London had come from movies like Bridget Jones’s Diary and What a Girl Wants. This wasn’t quite the same. All the buildings looked shabby, and there were more fish and chips shops than people.

    She stopped at a medium-size gray building at the end of the block. The iron gate led into a small flowerless courtyard, with three huge garbage cans resting at the foot of a set of stairs that led upward.

    Liv double-checked the address on her card and pulled the keys from her pocket. The biggest key worked, and Liv

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