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Claire de Lune
Claire de Lune
Claire de Lune
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Claire de Lune

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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At Claire Benoit’s sixteenth birthday party, all anyone can talk about are the recent werewolf attacks that have ravaged her town. Claire, however, is more interested in the flirtations of soccer god Matthew Engle, who graciously ignores the mysterious rash on her hands and ears. His attentions are the highlight of her evening—until she transforms into a werewolf! After learning she’s the latest in a long line of she-wolves, Claire is compelled to help her pack find and defeat the rogue werewolf who’s been killing humans—but she must keep her lupine identity a secret from her new boyfriend Matthew, whose father hunts her kind.
Release dateMay 18, 2010
Claire de Lune

Christine Johnson

A small town girl, Christine Johnson has lived in every corner of Michigan's Lower Peninsula. She enjoys creating stories that bring history to life. Though Michigan is still her home base, she and her seafaring husband also spend time exploring the Florida Keys. When not writing or traveling, she enjoys quilting. You can contact her through her website at

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Let’s start with something positive. Claire de Lune has a GORGEOUS cover. I initially became interested in the book because of how striking that cover is. /coverlustBut in almost all other aspects, Claire de Lune let me down.The main character, Claire, is pretty typical. She’s an ordinary high school girl who discovers that she’s a werewolf. Then she has to struggle with becoming something “freakish”. Raise your hand if you’ve read this before.The romance didn’t sizzle; Matthew is a cute character, and I liked how loyal he stayed to Claire, but I had trouble really feeling the love between the two. I suppose I expected a bit more in the romance department since there was such a heavy focus on Claire and Matthew struggling to keep their relationship alive despite their parents’ differences.The story was pretty predictable, and the rogue werewolf was fairly obvious to spot early on (and I bet I know who will be the bad guy in book two).I hate writing super-negative reviews, so here’s a positive besides the cover: Christine Johnson did spice up Claire de Lune with a unique take on werewolves. Lycanthropy being a hereditary disease is not too common a concept, and girl-power was played up with exclusively female werewolves.3 Stars for Claire de Lune. It has an interesting take on werewolves, but the plot and characters fell flat, in my opinion.(Originally posted to 365 Days of Reading)
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I really need goodreads to let us give half stars because I'm going back and forth between two and three stars right now and 2.5 stars would totally fix my problem.

    I thought it was well written and enjoyable. The dialogue flowed well, I completely felt her mothers personality through the formal language that sometimes develops when english is your second language and I thought the story itself flowed nicely for the most part (there were a few action sequences that just confused me). It didn't drag on like a lot of paranormal romance feels like it does lately. It started with her meeting the guy and got more adventurous and crazy from there. Except that it was kind of completely predictable feeling. I knew exactly who the killer was almost from the word "Go". The other thing that's disappointing me a little bit is that this book felt very self contained. There were problems, problems were solved and nothing felt unresolved and yet still there is a sequel coming out. I would rather see this author create new characters and a new world and try and be less predictable then go into a big drama ridden book about dealing with Mathew's dad. I mean I guess it would be nice to see Claire's relationship with her mother grow a little bit now that her mother no longer feels bound by tradition, but I don't know if that will really happen. Cover was gorgeous too.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was another recent read that was just ok for me. I hadn't seen this author before and I heart were-animals so I really wanted to like it too, so I am kind of bummed about that. I did like the concept of the werewolf being matriarchal, I thought that was a sweet idea. This book is less like an action packed werewolf book and more like a coming of age story. I also think the author gave the teens a very real portrayal, they all acted just like I think teens do, or I did when I was one
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This had an interesting take on werewolf mythology, and a nice case of realizing that your parents aren’t as nonsensical as they sometimes seem. I was less convinced by the romance, though I believe there’s a second book, so that might change my mind. [Oct. 2011]
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of Dark Faerie TalesQuick & Dirty: Coming of age has never been so complicated as when becoming a werewolf is added to the equation.Opening Sentence: She killed him in the darkest part of the night, before the dew had settled on the grass.The Review:This book has left me on the proverbial fence. I honestly have no strong emotion for the story or the majority of the characters that take place in this world. On the other hand the author does strongly portray the angst and frustration between the main character Claire and her mother. This relationship grows the most during this story and changes from a distant and almost neglectful relationship to something much more.Claire’s relationship with her best friend, Emily was more of a chore than a relationship I felt any desire to even see continue. Emily’s character is so obsessed with her immediate world that she really grated on my nerves after her fourth entrance into the story. When her parents finally send her to visit her aunt and uncle I couldn’t help but do a happy dance that I wasn’t going to have to see her for a few pages of the story.Matthew develops into a fully rounded character by the end of the book but seemed a little one dimensional at first but maybe this is due to the fact that we are only seeing him through the eyes of a 16-year old girl with a crush. His relationship with Claire is one of the two high points of this story. As we get to understand more about the world and consequences of becoming a werewolf, we are then given an insight into Matthew’s core values that extend beyond his own family dis-functionality which is a mirror image in many respects as Claire’s with her mother.The last major character in this story is the mystery of the werewolf that is killing innocent humans. We are taken on a bit of a roller coaster journey until we discover the murderer but I felt this one coming from the very beginning. So no shock to me when we discover who has gone rogue.Overall, I’m neutral on this book which I didn’t expect. I have high hopes for Nocturne which is book 2 in the series and will let you know if I have had a change of mind after I finish that book.Notable Scene:“You come from a long line of proud women. Women who have survived, who have passed down a secret from mother to daughter.” She twisted the sheet around her fingers.Claire crossed her arms and waited.Her mother’s eyes darted up to meet Claire’s. “Like me, like your grandmother before me and her mother before her, you are what we call loup-garou.”Claire cocked her head to the side. She hated it when her mother slipped back into French.“A werewolf, chérie. You–we–are werewolves.”FTC Advisory: Simon & Schuster provided me with a copy of Claire de Lune. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Claire is enjoying turning sixteen. She had a great party. The hot boy Matt seems to like her. Life seems pretty great. Then Claire's mother Marie springs a secret on Claire. Claire is a werewolf, just like her mother. Sure people know about werewolves, but they are considered monstrous murderers. Matt's father in fact is a scientist who captures the werewolves and administers a 'cure' to them. Unfortunately his 'cure' leaves the cure taker in a near vegetable state. And the town is already being terrorized by a werewolf who is boldly killing residents.I admit to thinking, "oh, (sigh) another teenage werewolf book". But I ended up enjoying this book so much! The story is different in that only females are werewolves. They mate with human men to continue their lines. The can't ever allow anyone to learn what they are because it will endanger them. This leads to very short term romantic relationships. It also leads to a limited ability to build deep friendships. Claire travels the gauntlet of emotions. At far she is so horrified by her fate but she grows to love her time in her wolf shape. I loved Claire as a character. She is smart and moody and basically a genuine teenager. Her relationship with Matt is cute and awkward. And I have to say that I LOVE that there is no love triangle in "Claire de Lune"! Thank you Christine Johnson! If there was a triangle though I am sure I would be team Matt because he is a sweetheart.I have a few minor complaints. The book still gets five stars because I enjoyed it so much and flew through it so quickly I can't justify giving the book anything less. My first complaint is the mystery. I knew very early on who was murdering the town residents. There is an effort to place a red herring but it was so overdone that I figured the red herring couldn't possibly be the real bad guy. I had hoped to be surprised by the end but I wasn't. Still the ending is very well written and satisfying. My other complaint is how Claire behaves when she is dealing with her best friend. Claire and Emily have been friends for many years. When she learns she is a werewolf and can't tell Emily, Claire becomes extremely cranky. She is actually eager to learn that Emily is being shipped off to stay with relatives because her parents are panicking over the murders. She doesn't want to have to deal with her friend and she almost feels like she has outgrown Emily. Emily's gossipy chat used to entertain her but suddenly she finds her childish and boring. I just didn't feel like that was fair. Emily didn't know how serious things were for Claire. She didn't know that 'big' news that was weighing on Claire. A minor complaint but it felt like a shadow on Claire's otherwise fantastic personality.Overall this was an incredibly entertaining and well written novel. I enjoyed it and can't wait to read the follow up "Nocturne". I encourage YA paranormal book lovers to give this one a try.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Claire believes that she has the best life ever! She just celebrated her sixteenth birthday and has fallen for Matthew, a baseball player at her school. She lives with her mother, Marie Benoit, who is a photographer. One day Claire gets some shocking news that will change her life forever- she is a descendant from a line of female werewolves. These female werewolves will mate with a human male and then be out of his life forever in order to keep the secret safe. Claire and her mother have a strained relationship, often arguing as to whether or not Claire is ready to become a werewof. Claire also stuggles with maintaining her normal human life while secretly learining how to transform into a werewolf. Readers who enjoy fantasy and the supernatural will love this book. It provides a nice alternative to Harry Potter and Vampires.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What I LikedWerewolvesFinally a world that the females are the only one that carry the werewolf gene. In most werewolf books the males are the dominate carriers and very few females exist. The books is very female empowerment and coming of age for our young new werewolf character. Werewolves are also known to exist in the world, but very little is known about them and some are trying to cure the virus, more crazy scared fanatics.CharactersClaire: I was very presently surprised about her character. I was initially assuming she might be this spoiled rotten brat that gets all boohoo poor me I'm a freak now. But she came to terms with it with some resistance, but she took it surprisingly well considering her world was completely turned up side down. She has secrets galore to keep, but the things she is now able to do as werewolf are very cool. Matthew: Young budding love in the middle of her confusing new transformations. What a crazy time to try to built a relationship upon lies and deceit, but considering that his father is head of research for curing the werewolf gene things need to be kept from him. Many things are a bit shaky and risky for Claire, but she learns about his polar opposite opinion to his father's obsession.Rouge WerewolfI liked how you get to be in the mind of the murdering werewolf. You get to know her angers and joys of killing innocent people without knowing her identity. I went through a few different possibilities, but didn't quite grasp who it was till Claire herself figured it out, but I'm not the puzzling type of person.A Little Ashamed of MyselfI was a bit hesitant when I first started to read the book, I read some very nasty reviews on goodreads so it put me a little off of the book. So yes I will admit I am ashamed of myself for taking others opinions so seriously. Not everyone will like the same books, but what matters the most is if I like it and create my own opinions about why I like it or don't and most importantly let others see why I personly did or didn't like it and let them come to their own opinions. I did enjoy this book thoroughly. I liked all the characters, the issues, the not so great relationship Claire has with her mom, the vulnerability she overcomes and the world these werewolves are in. RecommendationYoung adult paranormal romance reader, girl power for the werewolves and people who like coming of age and learning to accept yourself and learn to deal with things as they come your way.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    There are a lot of werewolf debuts this year, and of the ones I've read so far I'd rate this one somewhere in the middle of the pack. The character development left something to be desired for me. I did appreciate Claire's mom: I loved the fact that she had such an obstinate personality, it came off as very real. Most of the other characters never came to life for me: they remained firmly on the page. Also, the dialogue between the various characters was often awkward. That is not to say I didn't like the characters, I think there is real possibility for them in future books ("them" being Claire and Matthew).The plot was good. There was a solid mystery and I loved the female werewolves only twist...very original. I think the world Christine Johnson has created here has some definite potential for a great series. I definitely plan on checking out the next book that will be released!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    CLAIRE DE LUNE, by Christine Johnson, was a magical and unique look at werewolves and the human society that knew of their existence. This new tale of female werewolves will dig its claws into you and not let go until the very end.I love werewolf tales. I am always looking out for a new and different perspective on these fantasy characters. Johnson's fresh and feministic look on werewolves will not disappoint female readers. The background of the creatures portrayed in this book were based more on heredity and instinct. The ceremonies and magic that were bestowed on these women was fascinating to experience.I do admit a lot of the book was predictable for a seasoned YA reader, but it was enjoyable at the same time. The imaginative background of the werewolves were enough to keep me wholly interested. Also, I thought the conflict between Claire and Marie was very realistic. Not every parent/child relationship is perfect, but in this book the overprotectiveness and the purposeful gap in communication between these characters added to the suspense. The rebellion of Claire taking Zahilia's side instead of her mothers kept me questioning different loyalties to the wolf pack. I liked the relationship between Claire and Matthew. The secrets that Claire had to cover created more internal turmoil for her, and I anxiously waited to see how Matthew would handle it if he found out. Although this relationship was angst-filled and dramatic (what high school relationship isn't?), I think where it ended up was very sweet.The cover of this book was really great. I love the model, dark colors, and overall backdrop of the full moon. I think this was a great introductory book to this series, giving a lot of background of the characters. The final showdown was good but I see more action in the future for these characters and I can't wait to see what Johnson comes up with for the next installment.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I picked up Claire de Lune from the new release shelf at my library, and conveniently it fit with a current challenge requirement. I've been more willing to give the YA genre a chance after reading some wonderful books with the designation, such as Graceling and Shiver.I'm having the hardest time writing a review for this book though. The premise itself is interesting, with a unique twist in accepted werewolf lore, but I am too removed from the target audience as a reader so I can't decide how to review it.As a mother, I think for a tween, or young teen, audience, Claire de Lune is a gentle introduction to the paranormal genre. It's an easy read with a linear plot and predictable progression so the suspense is largely non-threatening, perfect for those a little nervous about things that go bump in the night. There is a positive message about self acceptance and tolerance which I like.I found Claire annoying, but I believe younger girls will comfortably relate with her inner angst. The romance between Claire and Matthew is sweet and mostly chaste (comments by BFF Emily aside). As an older reader however, I found the the story bland. It lacks complexity in plot and characterisation, and it didn't really hold my interest.I wanted more, but I'll pass it on to my daughter happily enough.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I really wanted to like this book. The idea was good and the plot wasn't bad. But I just felt like there were too many holes in the world.So, whenever you create a fantasy world, you need to spend a lot of time creating the histories and rules that define and shape the world and the characters' actions. For example, physical rule: Vampires sparkle in sunlight. Societal rule: The vampire police don't want humans to know about vampires. Therefore, vampires don't go out in the human world in sunshine.Yet there were so many odd and disjointed rules and laws and events in this book that felt out of place. Perhaps a good author could have worked them in, tweaked them and explained them to have them make sense. But as it was it just left me confused.One question most urban fantasies answer: When did the world discover werewolves (in this case)? So, the humans know about werewolves. Is this a recent discovery and hence a few years in the future? Or have people always known about werewolves and thus it's more of a parallel world? If so, how have people and werewolves historically gotten along? No answer to this is hinted at.Another thing: One of the pack members in 19 years old. She was previously third in line for pack leadership, behind her mother, who was second. Likely at the time she was 17 or 18 years old. What is a 18-year-old doing in line for the leader of a pack where everyone is older than her??? Did her mother's position give her some authority? If so, why haven't other daughters in the pack taken their position from their mothers? None of this is explained and it just leaves me baffled.Then there's "the goddess." OK, so this whole goddess thing generally annoys me. Usually it seems like it's just a conceit in books and no reason for it. Definitely feels that way here. It's like "how can I be different? I know, let's have a goddess!" They don't even have a name or function for this goddess. She's mentioned repeatedly but I'm very unclear about... well, anything.Then there's pack dynamics. There are many ways to create werewolves and I can hardly fault any of them if done well. However, if you're going to base your pack on wolves, please actually know something about wolves. The whole "baring your neck" thing is so antiquated in wolf studies. And wolves are social creatures, who mate for life. As are humans. Why are these half wolf/half human creatures so antisocial?And this rogue werewolf? I had a bunch of questions that were not answered. What about smell? Did they try smelling who it was? These are werewolves after all. They seemed very uninterested in this wolf until near the very end.Well, I could go on. But multiple little things felt unresolved and just sloppy on the part of the author.But, it was a quick read. Pretty fun. But sloppy.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Claire is having a pretty good birthday talking with her crush Matthew; until the party comes to a frightening halt. There is a werewolf outbreak in town and everyone is spooked.And what kind of luck would Claire have? She finds out the very same day from her distant mother that she too is a werewolf. As Claire tries to figure out the changes that are happening to her, she is also trying to hide her secret from her friends and from Matthew.Oh, and there is that homicidal lone werewolf out on the prowl to death with too...The story was awesome. I really liked the mythology of the wolves, how they originated and how they live now.I also liked the face that even though Claire is now a wolf, she is still a normal girl. No craziness, just trying to figure out what to do next.I also liked Matthew. He was genuine, sweet, and such a good guy. His reactions, his love for Claire was so cute.If I could say I hated Claire's mom...well, alright I will just say it. I hated Claire's mom! She's rude, and confusing, and demanding, and odd, and...I hope her mood changes in the next book.A romance, with a bit of mystery, and a dash of coming of age in a paranormal way. I enjoyed the book and I will read the next one for sure.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Claire De Lune is a nice spin on the werewolf lore. It is a different kind of paranormal werewolf, as only females can be werewolves instead of vise versa. Claire's sixteenth birthday part is going really well, as her crush, Matthew Engle is taking an interest in her. But then her mother tells her that she is to be a werewolf and join the all-female werewolf group. This changes many things, especially since Matthew's father is anti-werewolf and a lone werewolf is killing people. Despite having a different spin on the werewolf lit, it doesn't stand out very much against other books. But, if you are a devote lover of werewolves, then you can probably enjoy this more than those who don't. The story was predictable, as I knew who the villain would be, but I did guess a few times. I did enjoy it as it was a nice read, but it wasn't exactly very breathtaking against other werewolf books I've read. Overall, it depends on your interests on wha
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Synopsis: Claire's sweet 16 is going great! She has a kick-ass pool birthday party where the boy she is crushing on, Matthew Engle, finally seems to take an interest. The only way it could be better is if her mom had gotten her a car. Claire's so pleased with her birthday, that she isn't letting the pesky rash on her hands and ears bother her.But then her birthday party is forced to shut down early when a werewolf attack happens and everyone heads for safety. Werewolves are a known part of Claire's world. Matthew's father is one of the foremost scientists on lycanthropy and leads a crusade against werewolves. Still, Matthew said he would call Claire, so it wasn't an entirely terrible end to her party.What is terrible is when Claire's mother informs her that the weird rash on her hands and ears isn't a rash at all. Claire is a hereditary werewolf. The 16th birthday of a werewolf begins the 3 month process of fully becoming a werewolf. Claire is horrified. She doesn't want to be a "monster." What will Matthew think? Throw in the fact that there is a crazed werewolf on the loose killing people, and Claire's world could not be more upside down.As Claire is initiated into the world of the wolf pack, she struggles with her two selves and the two very different paths she is on: regular teenage girl and supernatural wolf girl. She also struggles with keeping her wolf self secret, secret from her best friend and secret from Matthew, whose father could not only put an end to their relationship, but put an end to Claire and her wolf pack.Review: I really enjoyed this book. It wasn't a knock-your-socks-off kind of read, but it was good, nonetheless. I liked Claire. I found her to be genuine and easy to relate to. I did not care for her mother, Marie, but I don't think the author intend for us to like Marie.The part I liked the best of this novel was the structure and culture of the wolf pack. I have not read any other werewolf/urban fantasy novels that have a matriarchal wolf pack. I thought it was very creative and inventive on the author's part to structure Claire's pack in this way. It made for a very interesting dynamic and a totally different experience for Claire as the young werewolf coming into her powers.Overall, this was an enjoyable and quick read. I will definitely pick up a copy of the next book in this series, entitled Nocturne.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Dragging and repetitive
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Claire is just a normal teenager and she fancies Matthew Engel. She doesn’t think she’s anything special but Matthew is definitely attracted to her – yippee! However these are strange times in Hanover Falls – the town appears to have a werewolf problem. Several gruesome killings have got everyone scared. Matthew’s father is a famous werewolf hunter – he believes he has invented a process to ‘cure’ them and the town is behind him and his quest to rid them of the problem. Then it’s Claire’s sixteenth birthday party around the pool and she’s clicking with Matthew, shame her skin is itching.Her mother soon breaks the bad news to her – she’s a werewolf, and she can’t go out with the son of the hunter! Claire is thrust into a quandary – she must learn to manage the transformation and learn about being a werewolf and how to keep it secret, but she of course has fallen in love with Matthew. Marie introduces her to the rest of the pack in the woods at full moon when they go out to hunt animals. They are equally concerned about the rogue werewolf as it threatens their existence too.So everything is set up for a classic scenario of forbidden romance, and a transformational coming of age, but Teen Wolf it ain’t – this is no comedy, and Claire takes everything very seriously indeed. These are not normal werewolves either - unusually they’re all female – they mate with normal men, and female offspring will become werewolves; male foetuses can’t survive the mother’s transformation. The changes and supersenses are generally well handled. What is less convincing are the relationships. Claire didn’t seem angry enough with her mother to me, becoming accepting of their condition very quickly – after all her mother had disappeared on ‘business’ trips every month for years leaving her with the au pair. Matthew whilst a hottie, was also rather sweet, which made everything rather predictable and all the ends tied up so neatly.Still, it was a better read than many of the other ‘Twi-likes’ I’ve read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This one really had some interesting twists on a common theme, and it made for an extraordinary, fun story. Claire is a regular teenage girl who just wants the normal things: a mother who is around more, the guy she likes to like her, to talk to her best friend about boy problems. But normal is a little difficult to come by in a town where every person in it is afraid of becoming the next werewolf attack victim. A girl can't even enjoy her sixteenth birthday party without it being evacuated because of a sighting! That normal life gets even more out of reach for Claire when she discovers she herself is turning into a werewolf.Although for me, the plot did drag in a few parts, for most of the story, it was propelled at a nice pace by some really great plotlines. The relationship between Claire and her mother was really fascinating---I thought it was very realistic the her powerful, strong minded mother, Marie, who had so much pride in being a werewolf would expect her daughter to take to it so easily. In fact, Claire hates it, she hates lying to the people she loves and she hates the animal instincts that come with turning. I loved the twist that all werewolves were women, and they were more like covens than packs. It gave them more of a magical feel.The love story is really sweet. I love the risks that Matthew and Claire took to be to together and to make it work. Their whole relationship is a huge risk since Matthews father is a scientist whose whole life's work is about finding werewolves and "curing" them. He is leading the town in the effort to get rid of werewolves and so Marie forbids Claire to see Matthew. Ahhh, forbidden love. I love it!I love how this story constantly kept you guessing who the "bad guy" was. Several different characters were suspicious and had motive, and in the end it was not who I thought it would be!All in all, a really great story! I'm not if there will be a sequel or not, but I will definitely pick it up if there is!Favorite quote: She meant it as a joke, Claire could tell, but the secret shriveled and dried in Claire's mouth like an autumn leaf.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This story isn’t your average werewolf story – you don’t get bitten to become one, people/the media know that werewolves exist and actively hunt them, and the pack is entirely matriarchal. The premise of the story confused me at times. I go into books without reading summaries. I like being “blind” about a story, lest something on the back sways my judgment while reading. So, with that said, I had no idea what the hell was going on besides Claire dealing with her three month change into a werewolf and being whiny about having to lie. There was no real action, and we didn’t even get a subplot, until the end.I’ll start with Claire. After Claire’s rockin’ 16th birthday part, she finds out she’s a werewolf. She spent a lot of time in denial – and I mean a freaking lot. I wanted to slap her at the beginning and tell her to just go with it, since you can’t change it. We’re constantly reminded that Claire HAS TO LIE and that she doesn’t like it. After the tenth or twentieth time, you’d think we knew by now that Claire hates lying and that she’s going to whine about it for a few paragraphs. I couldn’t connect with Claire. Not really. She’s your typical rebellious teenager who is too self-absorbed to notice the shit pile she’s walking into.The other characters... eh. Emily was just there for annoying banter for a few paragraphs. Lisbeth was just... there, as well. We never got to experience or see who the wolf pack members were for ourselves. Again, they were just there.The one thing I did like about this story was the progression of Matthew’s and Claire’s relationship. It wasn’t a look—then BAM, we’re in love. It was slow, it was sweet, it was romantic. Matthew was such a gentleman at times. I didn’t, however, like their awkwardness. I felt like screaming every time there were awkward silences.The progression of the story was very dull. It was mostly Claire whining, and then trying to learn how to be a werewolf, and then we’re back to Claire whining. Repeat and rinse. It only picked up near the end (and it wasn’t much of a pick-up). I have to admit that I almost fell for the red herring Johnson threw at us. But then I realized the one she cast as suspicious couldn’t have been the culprit – the times never matched up.One thing I despised about this story was the lack of description and detail. I never even knew what Claire looked like, other than a really vague description about her. Other characters got even more vague descriptions, which were limited to their hair colors. And the werewolves – people knew about them. But how did they know? How did this lycanthrophy research society set itself up? There was just too many “why’s” and not enough answers – I mean, I know it’s a fantasy novel, but at least throw us a bone, give us some vague idea.I guess, however, the lack of description worked in a way – it made this a really fast read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Claire is really just your average girl just trying to enjoy her sweet sixteen. She's happy so many people showed up, especially her crush Matthew. When her mom explains to her that she's a werewolf her life does a 360. She just wants to be normal but unfortunately for her she's not.I love that this is an all-female pack of wolves. The author gives most of them such strength and wisdom giving this novel a very unique flair. Claire doesn't exactly fit in with the other wolves and has no idea what the customs are but still wants to please her mom. They've never had the best relationship. That's all great and everything but then she actually starts getting somewhere with her crush but so many odds are against them. His father and her mom hate each other. Not to mention the fact that his father is also fascinated with werewolves and is determined to catch one. This puts Claire in between a rock and a hard place.This turned into a thriller/mystery when there's a wolf killing people in the town. Claire has to make some huge choices between her heart and her head.I really enjoyed this one. At first I wasn't too crazy about Claire, but then as the book went on I was able to identify more with her character. She wants to please everyone at the same time. The action will leave you on the edge of your seat and the romance will have you fanning for air. Definitely give this one a read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Claire is a normal teen girl trying to enjoy her Sweet Sixteen party. She’s a little bummed about her mom not buying her a car, and also wondering what is up with the strange itching on her hands and face. Then Matthew, the boy she secretly has a crush on, asks her out. She feels like all is right in the world, until her mom drops a serious bombshell on unsuspecting Claire. Not only is her mom a werewolf, but so is she. The insane itching is the first sign that her transformation is beginning. Now Claire is faced with changes no other teen girl can even begin to relate to. She also has a date with the son of the doctor who wants to hunt her kind.I really enjoyed this book. Claire is forced to reconcile her human feelings with her werewolf instincts. Not your typical coming of age story that’s for sure. The romance between Claire and Matthew was sweet. I liked that it was part of the story without overshadowing the growth of Claire’s character. She managed to play the smitten teen without crossing the line to completely codependent. That seems to be a difficult feat for some of the characters in young adult novels recently. The mystery of the killer werewolf was a nice addition, that kept me guessing until the end. I enjoyed the author’s writing, and while this was slower paced it worked for the plot. This is definitely a series I plan to continue.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is one of those books that, for me, set the tone from the very beginning. In the prologue as a reader you already have questions swimming through your head and you are hooked because you have to know who is doing these things. We are seeing through the eyes of the rogue wolf in the prologue and it gets the story off to a running start. The story for the most part revolves around Clarie, but every now and then we get a peak into the mind of the rogue wolf and those brief glimpses for me are very intriguing. The prologue sets a dark tone to the book, which does carry throughout the story, there are rays of sunshine beating into Claire's life periodically, but when you discover you are a werewolf at sixteen, you light is snuffed out just a little and I think the book reflects that well.Claire is a good character, she is easy to relate to, and you are rooting for her from the beginning. You are also analyzing her love interest Matthew, because while he may like Claire, his father would forbid him from seeing her if he discovered what she truly was. That is what made me apprehensive about Matthew in the beginning. If he has had to listen to his father scream words of hate at the top of his lungs most of his life would it be so hard for some of that hate to seep through? Well, you will just have to read to figure that out for yourself because I do not want to ruin it for you.This story also reminds me of the Hunchback of Notre Dame, wondering where I am going with this aren't you? Ok, well there is a line from there "Who is the monster and who is the man?" Well in this case it would be woman I guess, but this quote felt very appropriate to me for this book. While the main focus of the book spins around Claire and her dealing with being a werewolf, there is always that sub-plot of Matthew's father hunting the werewolves and assuming that they are all vicious creatures before getting all the facts. He has no care to find out the truth or be humane about it, he only wishes to kill the unknown and destroy anything foreign in his world. People like that just anger me, which was most likely how Christine meant for him to be, so in that respect she did a fantastic job.I also like that in this book the werewolves are women. In almost all the other books I have read that deal with "were" of any kind, females are scarce, if not non-existent. So it was interesting to get new lore in this genre and a new outlook on werewolves. While the book does tie up most of the loose ends nicely I am still left wondering if there is more to Claire's story. There are still quite a few questions that linger for me and I wonder if there will be another book or if this will be a stand alone novel. Either way, it is a great debut for Christine and you should check it out if you have not already done so.Language Love: "Misery shimmered around her like an aura"I like thinking that an emotion could radiate off someone so much that you can almost see it. That is why I like this line from the book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    After reading Clarie De Lune, i liked it. It had well developed characters, strong storyline, and werewolves!The pace was kind of slow for me. But the i guess that's what built up the suspense.The ending is where it really picked up. I kind of predicted who the rogue werewolf was. But Johnson didn't make it easy.I really enjoyed her writing. She take her time developing the characters. where Claire found out about being a werewolf she took it like any other teenage would. I find i wouldn't be to thrilled at first. After her mother told everything is about protecting the pack. even if it means you have to lie and make sacrifices. Claire is a brave and honest character. I think Matthew complimented her. I do want to know make about him. He your all American(human) guy, sweet and caring.You can't help but have a little crush on him. I really enjoyed the scenes where Claire would be in the forest. Around the bonfire with the her pack on a full moon. They'd all turn into werewolves and hunt. It was very detailed and creative.Claire grew comfortable being a werewolf, she changed the packs view of things. It really needed to be changed, if happy with how it ended. Johnston keeps the werewolf's original. It's empowering how Johnson she werewolf's, seeing that only women are werewolves. If you love werewolves and a little bit of romance Claire De Lune is good pick!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I wasn't expecting much from this book to begin with, so I can't consider myself disappointed. Claire is having the best birthday of her life. Her pool party is off the chain (people still say that, right?) and Hottie Matthew is starting to show interest in plain old Claire. Emphasis on plain. But when the full moon surfaces, her mother tells her a dark secret, both her and Claire are werewolves. Now Claire life becomes a lot more complicated. Not only does she have to deal with all her bodily changes of becoming a furry beast, she has to hide her secret from everyone, including her best friend, Emily, and Hottie Matthew. But there is also a rouge werewolf on the loose, on that is killing humans and endangering the existance of Claire's pack. To make the plot even twistier, Hottie Matthew is also the son of some deranged scientist hellbent of capturing and "curing" werewolves. Okay, okay. I know this is a fantasy book. I know it has very little basis in the real world. But I can't help but bring forth some logical impossibilities this book passes off. There will be some spoilers ahead, although I shall try to use hypothetical situations only. Say everyone knows werewolves exist. Say everyone thinks werewolves are bad, without even one PETA activist to wave a mighty pickett sign. Say there are enitre government organizations dedicated to researching and controlling lycanthropes. But despite all this, people know nothing about werewolves, at all. They don't know, or suspect, that they are all female (one thing I did like about this book was all the werewolf girl-power), and don't know their habits or anything. So instead of, I don't know, researching and studying one of the few werewolves they manage to capture, they lock it up in a cage in some unguarded lab, until they can "cure" it. Now, does this make sense? What kind of respectable lab, holding some a valuable specimen, doesn't even have surveillance cameras and puts the key to the cage of this valuable specimen IN THE REFRIDGERATOR!!!!!! Oh, and say, you were a bloodthristy werewolf. You like sunflowers right? And after killing some poor dude, you get your picture taken with a sunflower blocking your face. Uh-oh. I would be careful now. Because some ditzy teenager will walk aimlessly into your house, see a sunflower (which could or could not be the same one), and when they later see the incriminating picture, they will automatically link you to the scene of the crime. So be careful in the future. Oh, and apparently bodies smell enough to be gag-worthy after 15 minutes of being deceased, and lupine body language is diverse enough to have complete nonverbal coversations with specific wordchoice and every thing. Even when you are not even freaking LOOKING at the werewolf you are having a conversation with. Okay, with that off my chest....on to the characters. I have decided I dislike the name Claire. It just is a soiled name. Every time I hear it now, it brings to mind some annoying teenage "heroine". No offense to the Claires out there. You can't help what you are named at birth. So even though my first impression of you is shot to peices, you still have the possibilty of growing on me. All the characters in this story were just so completely underdeveloped. Not a likable or memorable face in the bunch. Everyone just filled their stereotypical role. Claire the "sweet" and quiet narrator, who only wants to protect her friends and family. Hottie Matthew, the attractive and understanding love interest who inexplicably falls for Plain Janes. Emily, the talkative and bubbly biffle. And Marie, the type-A mother. Mix in some wolves and bad guys, and there you go. The plot was poo. I would say it was predictable, but I did fall prey to the red-herring for the longest time. I am acutally quite ashamed I didn't figure it out sooner. So props there. And there was just no action or suspense. Just Claire fretting and worrying. I had no problem putting this book down. Oh, and what is the mysterious Goddess that created werewolves? Don't let my bitchin' and moanin' stop you from reading this book if it sounds interesting, really. It's just books like these make me bitter.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Claire de Lune by Christine Johnson breathes new life into the magical world of werewolves and a society that knows they exist. This isn't your typical werewolf story and I was hooked from the get-go. You can't be bitten and you can't be male. All werewolves are female and were born that way. Exciting, right?Everything is going great for Claire, until her mom drops a bomb on her 16th birthday. Happy Birthday, honey, you're a werewolf! Now she has to rediscover who she is and what all this means, along with the normal teenage stuff- best friends and boyfriends. Nothing can be how it once was- She isn't at all happy with her new discovery and finds keeping secrets from her friends the most difficult thing to deal with. The changes couldn't come at a worse time as she's finally dating the boy (Matt) she's had her eye on for quite sometime.So, not only is Claire dealing with the more mundane aspects of teenage life- but she has this whole werewolf thing hanging over her head. With that come the werewolf problems- Two villains. A rogue werewolf maiming humans and the mad scientist extraordinaire that captures and experiments on werewolves. It was a little ironic... hilarious, even, that humans knew weres existed, but didn't know the identity of any- or the fact that they were only females. They were consistently trapping men and claiming to have cured them, when in fact these men weren't part wolf at all. I really hope Christine touches more on the back story in the books to come- I'm totally intrigued on the history of the world she created for us.Claire was a brilliant main character, she seemed very real to me. Although she handled the werewolf news a little too well, the struggles of being a teenager seemed logical and were expressed well through the writing. Reminded me of being in high school and the everyday emotions you deal with when you're a teenager. I loved that Claire had a million questions for her mother and that she questions everything. She is distant with her mother- I'm sure a lot of teenagers will be able to understand and relate to this aspect of the story extremely well. Their bond evolves and grows strength throughout the novel, which was enjoyable to read. We also get to witness Claire's first love- Matthew Engle! Absolutely adorable watching this little relationship blossom and then become something bigger than what she had ever expected.Claire de Lune was a fascinating new way to experience werewolves and won't disappoint Young Adult readers. Even though this novel was a bit on the predictable side, I couldn't stop flipping the pages. Impressive debut novel and magnificent introductory into a new series- I can not wait for the action Johnson is going to throw at us in the next installment!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Claire’s sixteenth year was supposed to be her best yet, as her long-time crush Matthew finally starts talking to her. But then her photographer mother drops the horrifying news: Claire is going to turn into a werewolf and join the local all-female werewolf group.The last thing Claire wants to be right now is a werewolf, especially with Matthew’s internationally known anti-werewolf father and a lone werewolf, a seule, terrorizing the community by ruthlessly killing people. Does Claire’s romance with Matthew stand a chance?CLAIRE DE LUNE, Christine Johnson’s debut novel, is a good but not standout addition to werewolf lit. The simple way that this twist on werewolf lore is presented will make it a quick and satisfying read to ardent werewolf lovers, though it will have a tougher time winning the hearts of others.In CLAIRE DE LUNE, Christine Johnson introduces us to a different type of paranormal world, in which only females can be werewolves. It’s not a feminist book, per se, but the dynamic that this sets up allows Claire to grow into a strong and self-reliant girl/werewolf. Here, it’s the girl protecting the boy, not the usual way around.Having a girl be the strength in a relationship would be a great story, but the book unfortunately never fully lives up to its potential. Outside of Claire, I found the characters difficult to get to know, most of them only fitting “roles” expected to appear in a paranormal romance: the tensions among the werewolf group members, the love interest’s villainous father, the head-butting mother, etc. I never found myself fully immersed in Claire’s family dynamics, with her mother’s Type A “bad parent” personality and their rather inconsequential au pair (who’s more a red herring than a useful character, perhaps?). And all of Matthew’s father’s supposedly malevolent machinations and campaign against werewolves remained in the distant background and never fully took on immediacy.I guess I’m just sort of extra cynical when it comes to paranormal romances nowadays: it’s going to take a lot to make something stand out for me. CLAIRE DE LUNE never reaches that point for me, but I have no doubt that it will find its audience as scores of werewolf lovers prowl the shelves for something equally supernatural and romantic after watching Twilight for the twenty-eighth time.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book was an entertaining new twist on werewolves. In Ms. Johnson's mythology only females are werewolves. Claire is surprised and not at all pleased to discover that she is a werewolf. She hates the idea of keeping secrets from her friends and wonders what will happen to her relationship with the boy she really likes. Claire's character was realistic. Who wouldn't be upset to find that everything they believed about themself was wrong? Matthew is also a very realistic character. I like that he can think for himself even when confronted by the vast certainty of his father. This book had two villians. Dr. Engle was the scientist who was more than willing to twist the facts to satisfy his unique version of the truth. His son Matthew came to see just how hypocritical his father was. The identity of the rogue werewolf, who is the second villian, came as a surprise to me. I had thought I was following clues only to find that I had been distracted by red herrings. I like it when a book isn't so predictable that I know who the bad guy is much sooner than the main character in the book. I enjoyed this book very much. I am eager to see if we have any more adventures for Claire and Matthew in the future. Please note that the book is complete. No sequel is required to complete the story. But it is a measure of how realistic the characters are that I want to know what is next for them.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What an awesomely unique book on werewolves and pack dynamics! This books shakes up what you thought you knew about werewolves, in Claire's world...everyone knows they exist although she certainly doesn't know anyone that is one. Or at least that's what she thinks until on her 16th birthday she starts the change and her mom drops the bomb....yup, werewolf. She is in the process of changing but will take 3 full moons (3 months) to completely change 100%. At first Claire is freaked, her life is over and she can't believe this is happening to her...and just when she starts dating the perfect guy. Well, he was perfect until she found out she's a werewolf and his Dad happens to the leader of the anti-werewolf party that wants them locked up some they can experiment on them. As Claire gets more in tune with her werewolf self she opens up to the possibilities and wants to be a part of the group to find and stop the rogue werewolf that is killing people in her town. The books starts out interesting but a little slow as you get to know the characters and let them evolve to a point where you know where the plot is leading you. I wasn't totally shocked by the ending, but I have to admit that the last 1/3 of the book was pretty action packed and I couldn't put it down. It definitely kept my interest and I look forward to reading the next in the series, or at least I hope there is one, I haven't seen anything definite on that.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Claire was a normal 16 year old girl. Crushing on a boy, having a pool party, stressing out about clothes and gossiping with her best friend Emily. Towards the end of the party her long time crush Matthew Engle started showing his interest in her but then the night of her party came into a unprecedented halt. One of her friend's mother came and pick him up, freaking out because of a werewolf attack. That's right in Claire's world werewolf are known to exist and is being feared as dangerous savage and soulless creatures. It was a hassle to a 16 year old's social life but there were bigger problems. That night Claire's mother, Marie told her a disturbing secret, she is a werewolf. Like every other sensible heroine that we've read Claire freaked out but not as bad as I thought she'd be in fact she handled it pretty well.Now that the revelation of her true self was revealed she now official inherits the pack's problem. Here three note to self:1. Keeping her identity a secret.2. Finding out who the rogue werewolf is that is killing in her community.3. Making sure that she stay away from Matthew's dad, who claims that he found a cure for Lycanthropy.There are some interesting stuff in this book. It was known that werewolves existed and that there are fresh and new concept about Lycanthropy. One clue: it is gender base and they are passed on by genes. So no, when a werewolf bit you, you're either dead or mangled. The characters are a bit underdeveloped. It did not really say but there was a goddess who created them, the lack on information on that topic left me unsatisfied. Over all it was a good start. Unique, fresh and exciting.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If you are hesitant to read this story because you don't want another cliche werewolf story, fear not. Claire De Lune defies all werewolf cliches. You cannot be bitten by a werewolf to become one, you have to be born one. All werewolves are female. Werewolves aren't a big secret, humans know werewolves exist.What I loved about this book is you are not waiting until the middle for something to happen. We see the romance starting to blossom right at the beginning, and we soon see Claire finding out what she is. So that made the story pick up right away. I enjoyed the relationship between Claire and Matthew. I felt they acted like real teenagers. This story was mainly about Claire dealing with the fact that she is turning into a werewolf. We see her at first hating the idea and viewing it as a curse, to coming to terms with it and seeing the beauty in what she is. The mystery behind the "bad wolf" and trying to figure out who she is was fun to read. I also enjoyed watching Claire and her Mother's relationship develop. In the beginning she doesn't like her Mom too much and thinks she doesn't make time for her. When she finds out her Mom's secrets, you can see Claire slowly begin to bond with her Mom, even if Claire doesn't see it.The only thing negative I can say about this book is that I would have liked to see some of the characters more developed. Particularly the wolf pack. Some of the members were just there, and you really don't get to see much of who they are. The other thing was that some parts seemed a bit rushed, and I found myself going back to see what was going on.All in all, Claire De Lune is an original and unique Debut that I enjoyed from beginning to end. Johnson earned my respect and gained me as a reader with this one. I am looking forward to the sequel to Claire De Lune!

Book preview

Claire de Lune - Christine Johnson


SHE KILLED HIM in the darkest part of the night, before the dew had settled on the grass.

It was easy. He came to the window when she’d tapped her claws against it. It was exactly what she’d hoped he would do. Sliding up the square of glass. Sticking his head out to investigate. Like an idiot. Like prey.

One less moron in the world. She licked the blood off her mouth, the coarse whiskers sliding against her tongue.

He didn’t even have time to scream. He was no different from any of the others. His eyes had gone round as coins, his cheeks turned fish-flesh white.

It was when their mouths made that terrified O that she sprang.

It was the perfect moment. They saw her coming for them. They knew what was about to happen. But none of them ever had a chance to make a sound.

Except when their necks snap. That makes a sound, she mused.

She’d expected to feel more fear, breaking the rules like this. Instead, she’d discovered that she liked it. The power of deciding who and when. Letting her instincts take over without worrying about the consequences.

After all, she wasn’t the one who would take the blame for killing these sad little rag-doll humans. She wouldn’t get caught—she was too good. Too careful.

It was the other one who would pay.

Dizzy with success, tantalized by the so-close gleam of revenge, she disappeared back into the woods.

Chapter One

THE SMOOTH MIRROR of the pool’s surface shattered as three boys cannonballed into it at the same time. Shrieks erupted from the cluster of girls who got splashed.

"Claire, this is the best party!" Emily gushed, nibbling on a potato chip.

Claire scanned the crowd in her backyard. Bikini-clad girls and soaked boys in swim trunks perched on the patio furniture, drinking soda and laughing. Anyone’ll come to your party if you have a pool, she thought. She scratched the backs of her hands against the sharp edge of the table and wished they’d quit itching. It was like the worst poison ivy ever, only there weren’t any bumps and it wasn’t red.

Yeah, I guess, she said. Claire had known most of these people since elementary school, but aside from Emily, she had never been close with any of them. It was the hottest June since 1910, and the huge pool in her backyard had made Claire instantly popular. Which still wasn’t saying very much—more than a few people at the party had been surprised to find out it was Claire’s birthday. Oh, well, I guess having people come just to use the pool is better than not at all. Yep. That’s me—glass always half-full. She sighed.

What do you mean, ‘I guess’? Aren’t you having fun? Emily’s mouth curved into a worried little frown.

No—I mean, yeah, it’s fun. I just don’t know a lot of these people so well.

But they’re here, right? And I heard Yolanda saying that she’d missed you since school let out. People do like you, Claire. You just don’t want to believe it.

Emily grabbed another chip. So, you really didn’t get a car, huh?

"Nope. I was hoping Mom was just trying to make me think that she was leaving me stranded, but I got a pair of sapphire earrings from her this morning, so I think she’s serious." Claire rolled her eyes. It wasn’t like they couldn’t afford for her to have her own car. Her mom just didn’t think she needed one.

Claire’s ears itched like they were on fire, just like her hands, and she pushed back her shiny brown hair so she could rub them.

"What are you doing? asked Emily. Matthew is totally watching you! Act normal!"

Claire dropped her hands, feeling the tingle of a flush in her cheeks. Matthew Engle gave her a little wave, and rolled his eyes in the direction of the giggling group sitting behind him. She smiled at him, and he grinned back. A shock of electricity shot through her as he motioned for her to come over. Besides being one of only two guys in the entire school who wasn’t an immature jerk, he was cute. Really cute. Turn-your-brain-to-mush cute.

It’s not like I have a chance with him, anyway, Claire said, turning back to Emily.

Of course you do! You’re smart, you’re funny, and you look totally amazing in that bikini. You definitely need to go talk to him.

Only if you come with me.

"Oh, fine. But you don’t need me. You’d be okay on your own. " Emily grabbed her soda and pulled Claire to her feet.

Claire took a deep breath and strolled over to Matthew.

Hey. Wow, Claire, way to impress him with your conversational skills.

Good party, he said.

A shriek erupted from the other side of the circle of deck chairs, buying Claire time to think of something half-intelligent to say.

Oh, ewwww! I am so serious—I don’t want to hear any more. Yolanda Adams slapped her hands over her ears and turned away from the group.

What? Claire asked.

Dan Maxwell glanced at her. The last guy who got killed by the werewolf ? Turns out it crushed his skull. One of the other ER nurses told my mom about it. His brains were oozing out all over.

"Dude, shut up. Matthew shook his head. Didn’t you just hear Yollie say she didn’t want to hear about it anymore?"

Right, said Emily. Like there’s anything else to talk about in this town.

The werewolf was all over the news—in the last month alone, it had killed three people. No one went out after dark anymore. Werewolf attacks were the sort of thing that happened once in a while in Eastern Europe, maybe, or rural Japan, but in the United States they had become as rare as an outbreak of cowpox.

Emily turned to Dan. Even if Yolanda won’t listen to your gory details, I’m always up for insider information. She grabbed a handful of pretzels and arranged herself next to Dan. Emily made it look so easy. Claire watched her best friend flirt effortlessly with a guy who wasn’t even her type. Emily only got serious about guys who wore a lot of black, looked sort of unwashed, and were totally into art.

Claire turned back to Matthew, wishing that she had Emily’s confidence around guys. She glanced at the empty plate beside him.

So, um, have you tried the salsa yet? Lisbeth makes it from scratch.

No, but that sounds great. Come on, I need another drink, anyway.

Matthew grabbed Claire’s hand and pulled her over to the food table. The press of his warm skin against her palm made Claire dizzy, even after he’d let go.

You probably hear enough about werewolves at home, huh? she asked him, scratching her earlobe. Again.

He shrugged. Dad’s spending so much time at the lab and on TV, he really hasn’t been around much. He’s dying to get into Lycanthropy Researchers International—he’s been getting a lot of crap from the media about how he’s not as qualified as the other members of the Federal Human Protection Agency. He’s convinced that this new case is going to be his ‘big break.’ Matthew sounded irritated.

Claire raised an eyebrow. Dr. Engle was leading the hunt in Hanover Falls for the werewolf. It was part of his job for the FHPA—the whole agency was all about researching werewolves and stopping attacks on humans. Claire had seen him on TV a ton, especially lately. He always said the same thing during interviews: I am honored to be able to help my own hometown in its hour of need. Hanover Falls is currently the FHPA’s top priority, and I will make sure it stays that way until this situation has been resolved. Then he would adjust his tie. Every time. He creeped Claire out.

My mom isn’t home much, either, she offered.

Matthew looked at her, his warm brown eyes locking onto hers.

Yeah, she just had that big shoot in Greece, right? he asked.

Claire nodded, amazed that he’d remembered. Her mother spent at least one week every month, usually more, traveling for her photography. Travel magazines, art-book publishers, galleries—they all wanted Marie Benoit behind the camera. Claire didn’t mind all the trips. Things were actually easier, more relaxed, when her mom wasn’t home.

Okay, everyone, time for cake! Claire’s mom called, sticking her head out one of the back doors.

She stepped out, holding the door for Lisbeth, the latest in the long line of au pairs who stayed with Claire while her mom traveled. No one else had lasted more than a year, but Lisbeth had been with them since Claire was thirteen. Claire loved Lisbeth, even though she wished her mom would realize that she was too old to need someone around all the time. It was one thing for Lisbeth to be there when her mom took long trips, but surely Claire was old enough to come home to an empty house in the afternoons. But if her mom didn’t think that sixteen was old enough to get a car, then she probably wouldn’t listen to Claire’s ideas about how much supervision she needed from Lisbeth, either. At least having Lisbeth meant not having to ask her mom’s permission all the time, and Lisbeth wasn’t nearly as strict.

Lisbeth walked onto the patio carrying a giant chocolate cake with Happy 16th Birthday, Claire in white icing. A ring of candles burned around the top.

Everyone turned to look at Claire, breaking into a halfhearted rendition of Happy Birthday to You. Claire forced herself to smile, even though she was completely mortified.

Claire leaned over and blew out the candles.

Did you make a wish? Matthew asked.

Yeah. Claire nodded, unable to look him in the eyes, since her wish totally revolved around him.

The patio door burst open and Claire looked up, relieved for the interruption. Dan’s mother tore into the yard wearing bloodstained hospital scrubs.

Mom? Dan sounded confused and annoyed. Mostly annoyed.

Get your stuff, she panted. We’re going.

Claire’s mother stepped forward. I’m sorry, is something wrong?

"Yes. The news just came over the police dispatch at the hospital—someone thinks they spotted the werewolf at the edge of the woods. These woods. She gestured over the brick wall that surrounded the Benoits’ backyard. Her hand shook as she pointed. In broad daylight. The police are patrolling until the FHPA squad comes. I’m sorry, Ms. Benoit, but I can’t let Dan stay here. It’s too dangerous. She looked at the rest of the group. It’s too dangerous for all of you. You all need to go, now."

Right on cue, several cell phones around the pool started ringing.

Emily looked up at Claire, her phone glued to her ear. It’s on the news, she mouthed. My mom’s freaking.

Cars screeched into the sweeping drive of the Benoits’ house and the guests grabbed their stuff. Claire scratched at her hands and shivered as she watched everyone stream into the house. A strong hand gripped her upper arm and she jumped.

Matthew stood behind her. A grin played across his face as he pulled her behind the pool house. He was so close, Claire could feel the heat from his skin.

Aren’t you scared?

Nah. Why should I be? The chance of a werewolf attacking in broad daylight—it’s practically zero.

But that’s why everyone’s freaking out, right? Because if someone actually saw a werewolf during the day, it might mean it would actually strike before dark?

Claire! Come inside, please, Claire’s mom called from the back door.

The thread of electric energy running between Claire and Matthew faded.

Argh! No!

He stepped back, tucking a lock of Claire’s hair back behind her ear.

I’d better go, he said. I had a great time. A really, really great time.

She nodded. O-okay. Thanks. Her voice shook. Be careful getting home.

Don’t worry about me—I’ll be fine. Call you later! He smiled and darted around the pool house.

Claire leaned against the wall, dizzy with happiness. Oh my God! He said he’d call! Oh my God! She wrapped her arms around her damp bathing suit and twirled around.

Claire, her mother called from the door. Everyone’s leaving. Claire?

After the party, Lisbeth was too freaked about the werewolf to deal with the mess outside, but, of course, Claire’s mom was too bothered by the mess to let it be. She cleaned it up herself, her lips pursed, while Lisbeth hid in the kitchen doing dishes. By dinnertime, the tension in the house was thicker than the frosting on the birthday cake.

Claire sat at the kitchen island between Lisbeth and her mom. Half-eaten sandwiches lay in front of them—rare roast beef for Claire and her mother, and a vegetarian-friendly grilled cheese for Lisbeth. The news was running another special expanded edition about the werewolf sighting, which was pretty much just them saying, We don’t know anything else, but we’ll tell you as soon as we do. In the meantime, here’s everything we do know, again, over and over and over. Claire ignored it, but her mom’s eyes were glued to the screen, watching as a police sketch artist held up a rendition of what they thought the wolf might look like.

Lisbeth picked at the remains of her sandwich and patted the back of her sunburned neck. I’m worn out. I’m gonna slather on some aloe and go to bed, she announced. She leaned over and pecked Claire on the head. Happy Birthday, sweetie. Sixteen. Wow. She sighed. I better hurry up and find a guy to sweep me off my feet, or you’ll head off to college and I won’t have anyone to take care of but your mother.

It sounded like she was joking, but Claire could see the concern that crinkled up the corners of Lisbeth’s eyes.

Guess the thing with that guy from her yoga class must have flopped.

Nah, you can come with me and fold my laundry in the dorm. Claire stuck her tongue out at Lisbeth. Next to Claire, her mother snorted.

Lisbeth rolled her eyes. I’ll let that go because it’s your birthday. She leaned into Claire. See you in the morning.

’Night. Claire stopped scratching the backs of her hands against the rough underside of the granite countertop. She snaked one arm around Lisbeth for a quick hug.

Marie tore another bite out of her sandwich and nodded at Lisbeth without taking her eyes off the news. Claire felt Lisbeth stiffen beside her—just a little—before she turned and left the room.

Claire fished an ice cube out of her glass and held it against the prickling itch in her ear.

Are you still mad at Lisbeth about the cleaning thing?

Her mother’s jaw stopped midchew and she looked away from the replay of another interview with Dr. Engle. Claire’s chest tightened under the full force of her mother’s dark eyes.

No, of course not. I’m angry at that ignorant, pompous quack. He’s the reason Lisbeth was too scared to be out earlier. She ripped off another corner of her sandwich and chewed fiercely. He’s appointed himself judge, jury, and executioner—testing that stupid ‘cure’ of his without even confirming that his subjects really are werewolves. Ruining lives so that he can hurry to impress a group of scientists and hiding behind the government to do it—he makes me sick! She threw the remnants of her sandwich onto her plate and strode over to the kitchen door.

Matthew’s dad was working on a drug that supposedly cured lycanthropy. It somehow ate the disease out of the werewolf’s brain so that it couldn’t transform anymore. During a TV interview Claire had heard Dr. Engle explain how it worked, but it had been way technical and confusing—even the interviewer looked kind of lost. All she really got was that it had to be administered at the full moon, but when they were in human form.

No one really cared how it worked, just that it did. Once a werewolf had been treated, it stayed in human form, forever. The Austrian werewolves he had tested it on were left in a permanent coma. They were still in some locked wing at the Vienna University Research Center, but pretty much everyone agreed it was a well-deserved punishment for attacking humans.

But the Austrian attacks stopped after he injected the werewolves, Claire pointed out. She glanced over at the television. Dr. Engle had the same golden-blond hair that Matthew did, but his face was sharper—all planes and angles.

Marie gripped the doorframe. Tension rippled across her back. And you assume that there is no other explanation for that? She spoke without turning.

Claire swallowed the wad of sandwich she’d stuffed into her cheek. I, uh, hadn’t thought about it. I guess there could be.

That, my love, is his trap. Many fall into it. I hope that you won’t make the same mistake. I am going to have a bath now. Please put your dishes in the sink when you’re finished.

Claire’s mother slipped up the steps while Claire toyed with the crust of her sandwich and listened to the mindless drone of the newscaster. Dark spots the size of pinpricks sprang up on the backs of her hands. She scratched at them with the tines of a plastic fork.

Claire sighed and trudged upstairs to find the cortisone cream.

* * *

A hand shook her shoulder.

Claire. Claire!

She cracked open one eye.

Mrrrhmph, she mumbled, as Lisbeth shook her again.

I brought you up a tray. It’s nearly noon.

Claire pulled the covers over her head and nestled farther down into the bed. She heard Lisbeth walk a few steps and waited for the door to close, already sinking back into sleep. That is, until the covers were jerked off her. Lisbeth stood at the end of the bed, her arms full of fabric and a grin spread across her face.

Your mom will be home in an hour—you need to be up and dressed by then. She wants to take you shopping. Lisbeth sat down on the end of the bed and snatched a triangle of toast off Claire’s plate. Claire watched Lisbeth examine it for any sign of contamination from the strips of bacon before she crunched into it.

Hey, I thought that was for me! Claire sat up and made a halfhearted grab for the toast.

Hey, yourself. Lisbeth took another bite. Cook’s treat. You’re lucky I brought it up here at all, missy. Her face turned serious. I figured you’d be tired after the commotion yesterday. I’m sorry your party ended that way.

Matthew’s promise to call her echoed in Claire’s memory. Actually, I think it ended pretty well. Yeah, well, at least everyone came in the first place, right?

Lisbeth ruffled her hair. That’s very positive of you, Claire-bear. Ya gotta go with the flow, right?

Claire rolled her eyes. Oh my God, Lisbeth, no one says ‘go with the flow’ anymore. You sound like some long-lost hippy. And don’t call me Claire-bear.

Lisbeth stuck out her lower lip and pretended to be hurt. I bring you brunch in bed, and all I get is abuse. Fine, I’m going back downstairs. She leapt off the bed.

Claire threw a pillow at Lisbeth, who ducked it expertly and laughed as she slipped out of the room. Mom will be here in an hour. Claire sighed. Nothing like being at the beck and call of someone who barely remembered you were alive.

Her mom was gone so much, and even when she was home, Marie spent most of her time locked in her darkroom, or pacing her office while she negotiated an even more astronomical salary for her next shoot. Still, it would be worth getting out of bed if it meant going shopping. Claire picked up a piece of bacon and nibbled at it, then tossed it back on the plate and walked over to her closet. She threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top, then hurried into the bathroom to get ready.

She was running the flat iron through her hair one last time when muffled music started floating out of her laundry basket.

Crap! Claire yelped. She dug through the pile of dirty clothes until she found the jeans she’d been wearing yesterday morning. Plunging her hand into the pocket, she yanked out her cell phone, glancing at the caller ID. Her heart pounded as she flipped open the phone.

Hello? She blushed at how breathless she sounded.

Claire? Sorry, were you still asleep? Matthew asked.

No, I’m up. I just couldn’t find my phone. Oh, way to go, Claire. Now he thinks you’re a ditz.

Cool. He paused. So, I was wondering—do you maybe want to come over later? We could hang out here and watch a movie or something.

Claire bit her lip to keep from squealing.

Yeah, she said, that sounds good. What, uh—what time?

She did a celebration dance around the room while they made plans. As soon as they’d hung up, she tore down the stairs and slapped, barefoot, across the marble floor into the kitchen.

Lisbeth! She called.

A blond head peeked around the corner. What? You’d better be ready, your mom’ll be here any minute.

You have to drop me off at Matthew’s house later, okay? I mean, I can go, right? To watch a movie?

Lisbeth grinned, but a little worried line appeared between her eyebrows. Matthew? Isn’t he older than you are?

Only by a year.

Lisbeth put her hands on her hips and cocked her head at Claire. Isn’t he a Pisces? They’re not very compatible with Geminis, you know.

Claire rolled her eyes. Oh my God. Enough with the astrology crap. Just—can I go, or what?

Okay, you can go, but when he gets all emotional, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Lisbeth shook her head. Now go upstairs and—she stopped midsentence—hey, why are your hands so red?

Claire shoved them deep into her pockets. Overnight, the pinprick rash had gotten worse—it was on her ears, too. The scratchy denim hem rubbed against her wrists and it felt like heaven. I think it’s poison ivy. I already put some stuff on them.

The back door swung open. Claire’s mother stepped into the house, her satiny-dark hair damp with sweat. It’s scorching out there, again. She looked at Claire. Are you ready to go shopping?

Claire nodded, kissed Lisbeth on the cheek, and hurried into the cool interior of her mother’s waiting

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