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Green with Envy: Book Two in the Eco Mystery Trilogy
Green with Envy: Book Two in the Eco Mystery Trilogy
Green with Envy: Book Two in the Eco Mystery Trilogy
Ebook141 pages1 hour

Green with Envy: Book Two in the Eco Mystery Trilogy

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In Green with Envy, book two in the Eco Mystery trilogy, Nancy continues her investigation into the ecological abuses at the Casa Verde resort in Costa Rica. Everything’s not as shiny and clean as it seems, and Nancy must figure out who is dumping pollutants at the resort.

Seeing Green is the stunning conclusion to this smart, three-book case and brings Nancy and company back to River Heights, where they continue to investigate Green Solutions, the shady American company that is defrauding Casa Verde.
Release dateFeb 9, 2010
Green with Envy: Book Two in the Eco Mystery Trilogy

Carolyn Keene

Carolyn Keene is the author of the ever-popular Nancy Drew books.

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    Green with Envy - Carolyn Keene

    I glanced over at the waterfall

    at the far end of the pool.

    One of the shade umbrellas that normally stood over the poolside tables appeared to have blown over there and caught on one of the rocks or something, so that it almost completely obscured the view of the picturesque waterfall.

    The assistant director glared at the waterfall. Who put that thing there, anyway? I was told the pool would be ready for this shot! Time is money, people. . . .

    Harvey, the main director, only rolled his eyes. Relax, Michaels, he told the other man. We’ll have it out of the way in a moment.

    Suddenly there was a shout from the far end of the pool. Glancing over there, I saw that the crew member had just wrestled the umbrella out of the way.

    That left us all with a clear view of the waterfall—and the graffiti that someone had scrawled across the rock face in bold black letters:





    #1 Without a Trace

    #2 A Race Against Time

    #3 False Notes

    #4 High Risk

    #5 Lights, Camera . . .

    #6 Action!

    #7 The Stolen Relic

    #8 The Scarlet Macaw Scandal

    #9 Secret of the Spa

    #10 Uncivil Acts

    #11 Riverboat Ruse

    #12 Stop the Clock

    #13 Trade Wind Danger

    #14 Bad Times, Big Crimes

    #15 Framed

    #16 Dangerous Plays

    #17 En Garde

    #18 Pit of Vipers

    #19 The Orchid Thief

    #20 Getting Burned

    #21 Close Encounters

    #22 Dressed to Steal

    #23 Troubled Waters

    #24 Murder on the Set

    #25 Trails of Treachery

    #26 Fishing for Clues

    #27 Intruder

    #28 Mardi Gras Masquerade

    #29 The Stolen Bones

    #30 Pagent Perfect Crime

    #31 Perfect Cover

    #32 Perfect Escape

    #33 Secret Identity

    #34 Identity Theft

    #35 Identity Revealed

    #36 Model Crime

    #37 Model Menace

    #38 Model Suspect

    #39 Green-Eyed Monster

    #40 Green with Envy

    Available from Aladdin





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    First Aladdin paperback edition February 2010

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    ISBN 978-1-4169-7842-8

    ISBN 978-1-4169-9876-1 (eBook)


    1 New Questions

    2 No Answers

    3 Having Words

    4 Watery Weirdness

    5 At Face Value

    6 Zipping Along

    7 Deeper and Deeper

    8 Time Is Running Out

    9 Among the Predators

    10 Scare Tactics

    11 Confession and Confusion

    12 Out in the Open


    It’s not every day you walk in to find an enormous dead sea turtle bleeding all over the lobby of the resort where you’re staying.

    Please calm down, everyone! Even as he said it, Cristobal Arrojo looked anything but calm himself. And no wonder. A whole group of us had just walked into the lobby of Casa Verde to find the unfortunate turtle splayed in the middle of the floor in a puddle of blood. I stared at it, not wanting to believe what this meant.

    Whoa. This is bad, Nancy, really bad, my friend Bess Marvin murmured in my ear, her blue eyes wide and troubled.

    Her cousin and my other best friend, George Fayne, just gulped and nodded. Most people think of Bess and George as polar opposites—Bess is blond and curvy and feminine, with a penchant for pretty dresses and high heels; George is a tomboy who would sooner go naked than give up her jeans and sneakers. The truth is, though, they’re both pretty tough and no-nonsense under the surface.

    But at the moment, both of them were looking a little green around the gills. The three of us have seen some fairly serious crime scenes—back home in River Heights, people like to call me Nancy Drew, Girl Detective, due to my penchant for amateur sleuthing. But most of said crime scenes don’t involve actual death and bloodshed.

    However, that wasn’t the only reason I was feeling slightly queasy myself at the sight of the dead turtle. See, I’d thought we’d already figured out who was causing trouble at Casa Verde. The beautiful Costa Rican eco-resort, a former coffee plantation that had been refurbished from top to bottom to be a model of green living, had been plagued by trouble since the moment we’d arrived. And not the kind of trouble you’d expect due to the fact that it was the resort’s opening week, like malfunctioning faucets or whatever. No, this trouble was more along the lines of vandalized luggage and mysterious threatening notes.

    Do you think Juliana could have done this? George whispered.

    I glanced around to make sure nobody was listening to our conversation. No danger of that. Almost all of the other guests that week were reporters and other members of the press who had been invited to cover Casa Verde’s grand opening. Most of them were now milling around shouting questions while Cristobal, who co-owned the resort with his brother, Enrique, continued to do his best to calm everyone down.

    I don’t know, I said to my friends. "I suppose it’s possible it is Juliana causing trouble again. We already know she was willing to go to great lengths to get back at her uncle. But would she really be stupid enough to pull something like this after she’s been outed?"

    Juliana was Enrique Arrojo’s daughter. During the first half of our week at Casa Verde, my friends and I had discovered that the Arrojo brothers had a troubled family history. Enrique had fallen in love with and married a woman named Virginia. But Virginia had ended up spending a lot of time with Cristobal, and eventually fell in love with the gregarious older brother. She’d requested an annulment of her marriage to Enrique so she could marry Cristobal, and while Virginia and Cristobal were still blissfully happy, it appeared that Enrique had never really recovered from the betrayal. He remarried, but that relationship had lasted only long enough to produce a daughter, Juliana. At first we’d thought Enrique might be behind the trouble at the resort himself, driven by a desire for revenge, but finally we’d fingered the now-teenage Juliana as the culprit—with the same motive. Could she be behind this latest horrible incident as well?

    As I glanced around the room, on the alert for clues, I noticed that eight-year-old Robin Kent was still staring wide-eyed at the turtle. Robin was visiting the resort with her mother, Hildy, a freelance travel writer. The little girl had been the first one to see the dead turtle, and she looked pretty upset.

    Somebody else noticed too. "Come, señorita, Cristobal crooned, trying to steer the young girl off in the direction of the dining room. Let’s get you out of here, hmm?"

    No, it’s okay. Robin’s voice wavered a little as she shook Cristobal’s hand off her shoulder. She swallowed hard before continuing. I’m fine now. I was just s-surprised.

    Are you sure? Cristobal asked.

    She’ll be all right, Hildy said firmly. My daughter is tougher than she looks.

    I smiled at Robin, impressed by the little girl’s bravery. She was certainly acting more mature than some of the others in the room. For instance, Deirdre Shannon and her cousin Kat. Deirdre was someone my friends and I knew from River Heights. Although we’d gone all through school with her, we couldn’t really call her a friend, exactly. Deirdre’s the type of person who requires her friends to worship the ground she walks on. None of us

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