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"Strong Medicine" Speaks: A Native American Elder Has Her Say
"Strong Medicine" Speaks: A Native American Elder Has Her Say
"Strong Medicine" Speaks: A Native American Elder Has Her Say
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"Strong Medicine" Speaks: A Native American Elder Has Her Say

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From the bestselling author of Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years comes the inspiring true story of Marion "Strong Medicine" Gould, a Native American matriarch, and the Indian way of life that must never be forgotten.

Amy Hill Hearth's first book, Having Our Say, told the true story of two century-old African-American sisters and went on to become an enduring bestseller and the subject of a three-time Tony Award-nominated play. In "Strong Medicine" Speaks, Hearth turns her talent for storytelling to a Native American matriarch presenting a powerful account of Indian life.

Born and raised in a nearly secret part of New Jersey that remains Native ancestral land, Marion "Strong Medicine" Gould is an eighty-five-year-old Elder in her Lenni-Lenape tribe and community. Taking turns with the author as the two women alternate voices throughout this moving book, Strong Medicine tells of her ancestry, tracing it back to the first Native peoples to encounter the Europeans in 1524, through the strife and bloodshed of America's early years, up to the twentieth century and her own lifetime, decades colored by oppression and terror yet still lifted up by the strength of an enduring collective spirit.

This genuine and delightful telling gives voice to a powerful female Elder whose dry wit and charming humor will provide wisdom and inspiration to readers from every background.
PublisherAtria Books
Release dateMar 18, 2008
"Strong Medicine" Speaks: A Native American Elder Has Her Say

Amy Hill Hearth

Amy Hill Hearth is the author of Miss Dreamsville and the Collier County Women’s Literary Society and Miss Dreamsville and the Lost Heiress of Collier County, in addition to author or coauthor of seven nonfiction books, including Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters’ First 100 Years, the New York Times bestseller-turned-Broadway-play. Hearth, a former writer for The New York Times, began her career as a reporter at a small daily newspaper in Florida, where she met her future husband, Blair (a Collier County native). She is a graduate of the University of Tampa.  

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    "Strong Medicine" Speaks - Amy Hill Hearth




    Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters’ First 100 Years

    (with Sarah L. and A. Elizabeth Delany)

    The Delany Sisters’ Book of Everyday Wisdom

    (with Sarah L. and A. Elizabeth Delany)

    On My Own at 107: Reflections on Life Without Bessie

    (with Sarah L. Delany)

    In a World Gone Mad: A Heroic Story of Love,

    Faith, and Survival

    (with Norman and Amalie Petranker Salsitz)

    The Delany Sisters Reach High

    A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

    1230 Avenue of the Americas

    New York, NY 10020

    Copyright © 2008 by Amy Hill Hearth

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Atria Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020

    ATRIA BOOKS and colophon are trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

    For credits and permissions.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Hearth, Amy Hill, date.

    Strong Medicine speaks: a Native American elder has her say / Amy Hill Hearth.

    p. cm.

    Includes bibliographical references.

    1. Strong Medicine, 1922–2. Delaware women—New Jersey—Bridgeton—Biography. 3. Women shamans—New Jersey—Bridgeton—Biography. 4. Delaware Indians—New Jersey—Bridgeton—Biography. 5. Delaware Indians—New Jersey—Bridgeton—History.

    I. Strong Medicine, 1922–II. Title.

    E99.D2S775  2008


    [B]                                  2007020969

    ISBN-13: 978-1-4165-6595-6

    ISBN-10: 1-4165-6595-7

    Visit us on the World Wide Web:

    For Mark, Malaika, and Blair




    PART I The Hidden People

    PART II In the Land of the Ancestors

    PART III The Boy on the Bicycle

    PART IV I Am Sorry to Inform You…

    PART V A Working Mother

    PART VI Changing Times

    PART VII A Woman’s World

    PART VIII Native Pride

    PART IX Full Circle

    PART X Modern Life

    PART XI The Last Word

    Wanishi (Thank You)

    Lenape Languages: A Brief Primer

    Lenape Myths: A Sampling



    Credits and Permissions

    Marion Strong Medicine Gould in the front yard at her home.


    This book is a rare look, from the inside, at contemporary Native American life as experienced by one tribe and, in particular, one important member of that tribe, a woman Elder named Strong Medicine.

    It is unusual in several ways that are worth noting: it demolishes the Hollywood stereotype of the Native American woman as shy or passive; it focuses on a tribe from the East Coast, where Native Americans have played a pivotal role in the history of the United States but are too often overlooked in popular culture; and it was written, from the outset, with the input and approval of tribal leaders.

    We live in a culture that ignores many voices. Insight, experience, and viewpoints are lost. The voices we do not hear often belong to people who are minority, female, and old. There are stories waiting to be told, and wisdom ready to be shared. When we laugh, cry, listen, and learn from others, the divisions between us begin to disappear.

    Every book has a story behind it. The inspiration for this one comes from a Native American woman who lived long ago and about whom little is known. Her name was Mary, and she was born circa 1700. She married and had seven sons, some—perhaps all—patriots in the American Revolution. According to genealogical records, Mary was a Lenni-Lenape Indian, the same tribe of people to which Strong Medicine belongs.

    Mary was my ancestor.

    Until a few years ago, when my father came across information about Mary, I had assumed I was 100 percent white. My ancestors on my father’s side came from England twelve generations ago, arriving in Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1635 and possibly earlier. Another branch of the family tree includes a rather famous tale of a Dutch woman who arrived in America at Sandy Hook, New Jersey, around 1640. (She arrived via shipwreck.) They sound like blue bloods, but in actuality they were a scrappy bunch—judging from early Colonial court records that detail their various transgressions, which include insulting Governor Peter Stuyvesant by claiming that he took bribes.

    You couldn’t ask for a more intriguing set of ancestors. Finding out about Mary, however, was especially tantalizing. As a journalist by training, my first instinct was to research the Lenni-Lenape Indians. Who were they? Where have they gone? Why do we not hear more about them?

    Alas, my investigation would have to wait. At the time of my father’s discovery I was fully preoccupied with my first book, Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters’ First 100 Years (1993). An oral history of two sisters, the daughters of a man born into slavery, Having Our Say grew from a feature article I wrote for the New York Times in 1991.

    Having Our Say turned out to be all-consuming in an unexpected but thoroughly delightful way. I had written it for the sake of history, knowing that if I didn’t write the book, the stories would be lost forever. To my surprise (and to the amazement of the publishing industry, which had rather low expectations for it) Having Our Say was on the New York Times bestseller list for a total of two years.

    I went on to write two more oral histories of the Delany sisters, in 1994 and 1997, and a children’s book on them in 2003. In 1994–95, I worked on Broadway as an adviser on the theatrical adaptation of Having Our Say; in 1999 I was a consultant for the award-winning film adaptation. (Meanwhile, I also wrote In a World Gone Mad: A Heroic Story of Love, Faith, and Survival, an oral history of an elderly Jewish couple who escaped the Holocaust in Poland by posing as Christians and working for the Underground.)

    Ten years passed before I was able to finally turn my attention full time to the Lenni-Lenape Indians. By that time I had accumulated three file drawers of newspaper clippings, books, and academic articles. I sat down to read them all.

    While I was eager to explore my Native American ancestry, I was surprised and dismayed at the reaction of some acquaintances and professional colleagues who advised me not to admit (their word) to having Indian heritage.

    Why tell anyone? asked one woman I’d known casually for years. You are white, you look white, no one would ever know. Several others responded, bizarrely, I thought, with jokes about savages and scalping, faux war whoops, and even imitations of Tonto (as in The Lone Ranger). These same people would not dream of making fun of other racial groups. I wondered what made them think it was okay to ridicule Native Americans.

    As I began my research in depth, I was also dismayed at the uneven quality of material and conflicting information about Indians in general and the Lenni-Lenape in particular. Relying on my experience in investigative reporting, I decided to find the real story.

    There were so many false leads that I will provide only one example. In the spring of 2004, I was directed by a university-level research librarian to Rankokus Indian Reservation near Mount Holly, New Jersey. It is not, however, a reservation but rather Rancocas State Park, a land preserve leased in recent years to the Powhatan Renape Nation. When I visited in person, members of that tribe said they were descended from Powhatan Indians displaced from their native Virginia by the federal government. (Some of the members of that tribe in fact may have some Lenape ancestry, but the tribe is not predominantly Lenape.) The only Indian reservation in New Jersey was the Brotherton Reservation in Burlington County, which housed Lenni-Lenape families long ago. It was started in the mid-1700s but abandoned by 1802.

    My research eventually led me to the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Indians at the southernmost tip of New Jersey, near the great Delaware Bay. They are the largest and most organized Lenape tribe still living in the Land of the Ancestors, and, I believe, most closely related to my long-ago ancestor.

    It is interesting to note that I was repeatedly warned by professionals (including a historian, a research librarian, and a journalist) that this tribe was notoriously reclusive and hostile to outsiders—and possibly would be that way even to a person with a Lenape ancestor. (I have since learned that the tribe’s unofficial motto is We are the friendliest people alive, but if someone messes with us they will live to regret it.)

    I am not a naïve person. I assumed it would be difficult, perhaps impossible. I understood fully that they had been continually mistreated by the outside world, which I represented. I have a bad case of American can-do optimism, however, and figured it was worth a try.

    In December 2004, I called Tribal Headquarters (the phone number is listed on the Internet). As luck would have it, the person who answered the phone was Tina Little Wild Flower Pierce Fragoso, a tribal historian and a Princeton-and Stanford-educated anthropologist. After a long phone conversation, she invited me to visit.

    On the first Thursday of January 2005, I made the first of what would be many trips to Bridgeton, New Jersey, a two-and-a-half-hour drive from my home near New York City. I must have passed inspection, for I was invited back. I visited once more before being invited to attend my first tribal meeting, where I was asked to stand before the Tribal Council, state my name, and say why I was there. (At that point, I was not sure if I was there for personal reasons, or hoped to write an article or possibly even a book, which I explained to the Council.)

    Having a Lenape ancestor was in my favor, but it was clear that earning their trust would take a long time. My approach was straightforward. I simply hung around as much as I dared, treated everyone with respect—and hoped that I’d grow on them.

    A turning point came in April 2005. Members of the tribe went on a bus trip to visit the Smithsonian’s newly opened National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C. I was invited to come along (and even to bring my husband, Blair). After that, I was permitted to participate in the tribe’s private Spiritual Gatherings, a rare invitation for an outsider.

    It was at one of these Spiritual Gatherings, in May 2005, that I met an eighty-three-year-old woman Elder and matriarch of the tribe with the delightfully intriguing Indian name Strong Medicine. We were introduced by her son, the Chief of the tribe, at the Sacred Circle, prior to the beginning of a religious ceremony.

    After the ceremony ended, the woman named Strong Medicine (her full name is Marion Strong Medicine Gould) allowed me to walk with her through the woods and back to the tented area where a meal was being prepared. At five feet six, she was taller than many of the other women, and physically very strong. She walked so quickly that I had to scramble to keep up with her.

    A natural teacher, healer, and nurturer, she seemed to decide immediately to take me under her wing and teach me Lenape ways.

    See that? It’s a weed, but it’s edible, she said, pointing to a plant I had just stepped on. Some Indians are ashamed to say they eat weeds, but I’m not! Why should I be? It’s part of our culture.

    And so I had my first dose of Strong Medicine.

    I knew instantly that I wanted to talk to her further. Before long, I wanted to write an entire oral history. I envisioned it as similar in structure to Having Our Say. It would be her life story, in her own words, as well as her viewpoints, observations, and experiences. At the same time it would tell the larger story of the tribe itself and its unique place in American history.

    I continued to attend tribal meetings and gatherings while working on the book. In fact, Chief Mark Quiet Hawk Gould added me to the agenda at tribal meetings so that I could provide updates on my progress. Prior to publication, Chief Gould reviewed this manuscript for accuracy, as did his brother, Billy Gould; the Reverend Dr. John Smiling Thunderbear Norwood, a Tribal Council member; and, of course, Marion Strong Medicine Gould herself.

    A portion of the royalties from this book will go to the tribe. It was clear from the start, however, that members of the tribe did not expect remuneration and would have participated anyway. They were not motivated by money.

    I conducted interviews, both formal (taped) and informal (notes), of dozens of members of the tribe, including the Chief, members of the Tribal Council, and numerous Elders and other members of the tribe. Many shared historical materials, documents, and photographs.

    The primary focus, of course, is Marion Strong Medicine. This book is the result of hundreds of hours I have spent with her beginning in May 2005. I have written a narrative from thousands of anecdotes and stories that she shared with me. The words are all hers, but the order is mine.

    Oral history, in its raw state, is almost unreadable due to the human tendency to repeat oneself, change the subject, interrupt one’s own thought process with a diversion, and so on. I have taken the liberty, with Marion Strong Medicine’s approval, of editing out such material.

    It also should be noted that since the spoken word is more casual than the written word, readers will note the occasional use of slang, regional sentence structure, even occasional grammatical errors. It is these idiosyncracies, however, that give oral histories their authenticity and richness. Thus they have been left in place intentionally.

    Section introductions, which I have written in my own voice, are meant to provide context. Notes can be found at the end of the manuscript, along with a selected bibliography.

    Creating this book has been an educational and spiritual journey, an opportunity to examine my life and values while seeking information about a part of my heritage. While I can never know my long-ago Lenni-Lenape ancestor, Mary, I have been treated with great kindness and respect by her tribe and, in particular, by an extraordinary woman, a matriarch named Strong Medicine.

    —Amy Hill Hearth

    The official logo of the tribe features a drawing of a turtle.


    They were the first Indian tribe in America to sign a treaty with the United States government. Their chiefs met with every major American figure from William Penn to George Washington.

    They are the Lenni-Lenape, also called Delaware Indians, and contrary to what is frequently said of them today, they are not extinct. They are, in fact, alive and well, and eager to let the world know that.

    For more than ten thousand years, their territory stretched from Manhattan Island to the Delaware Bay, including southeastern New York state, all of New Jersey, portions of eastern Pennsylvania (including what is now Philadelphia), and parts of Maryland and Delaware. Lenni-Lenape lands were unquestionably among the most magnificent in the world in terms of beauty and natural resources.

    The Lenni-Lenape (LEN-ah La-NAH-pay), often called today simply Lenape, are believed by many Native Americans to have been the first human beings on the East Coast of North America, predating all other Algonquin-speaking tribes. For this reason, they are known as the Ancient Ones, the Original People, or Grandfather People.

    They hunted and fished, built longhouses made of tree branches, bark, and animal skins, and grew crops they called the three sisters—variations of corn, beans, and squash. They honored the Creator, raised their families, and treated the treasures of nature with care and respect. No doubt they thought it would go on like that forever.

    But then the invaders came.

    It began, for the Lenape, on a spring day in 1524, when a strange-looking ship—a great waterfowl, they apparently thought, or perhaps the Creator himself—suddenly appeared in the waters between what is now called Brooklyn and Staten Island, New York. The captain was the European explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano, an Italian sailing a French vessel, La Dauphine. Verrazzano would recall later that the Lenape, clad with feathers of fowls of diverse colors, paddled out to greet him, making great shouts of admiration.

    This dramatic event occurred more than eighty years before the English founded the ill-fated Jamestown settlement in Virginia, where the famous story of Pocahontas unfolded; and a century prior to the arrival of the Pilgrims, in 1620, at what would become the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts, site of the first Thanksgiving.

    After Verrazzano’s encounter, it was not long before other white men appeared on Lenape shores. Explorers from Italy, France, Portugal, and England competed to be first to claim the land as their own. In another pivotal moment, Henry Hudson, in 1609, sailed into New York’s harbor and explored the river that would one day be named for him. (Often left out of

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