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The Books They Gave Me: True Stories of Life, Love, and Lit
The Books They Gave Me: True Stories of Life, Love, and Lit
The Books They Gave Me: True Stories of Life, Love, and Lit
Ebook316 pages3 hours

The Books They Gave Me: True Stories of Life, Love, and Lit

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

This beautiful full-color treasury of stories about gift book-giving celebrates the enduring power of literature: stories of significant books people have received and what those books mean to them.

THE GIFT OF A BOOK BECOMES PART OF THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE. Perhaps it came with a note as simple as “This made me think of you,” but it takes up residence in your heart and your home. The Books They Gave Me is a mixtape of stories behind books given and received. Some of the stories are poignant, some snarky, some romantic, some disastrous—but all are illuminating.

Jen Adams collected nearly two hundred of the most provocative stories submitted to the tumblr blog to capture the many ways books can change our lives and loves, revealing volumes about the relationships that inspired the gifts. These stories are, by turns, romantic, cynical, funny, dark, and hopeful. There’s the poorly thought out gift of Lolita from a thirty-year-old man to a teenage girl. There’s the couple who tried to read Ulysses together over the course of their long-distance relationship and never finished it. There’s the girl whose school library wouldn’t allow her to check out Fahrenheit 451, but who received it at Christmas with the note, “Little Sister: Read everything you can. Subvert Authority! Love always, your big brother.” These are stories of people falling in love, regretting mistakes, and finding hope. Together they constitute a love letter to the book as physical object and inspiration.

Illustrated in full color with the jackets of beloved editions, The Books They Gave Me is, above all, an uplifting testament to the power of literature.
PublisherAtria Books
Release dateNov 6, 2012
The Books They Gave Me: True Stories of Life, Love, and Lit

Jen Adams

Name: Jen Adams<br>Hometown: Washington, PA<br>Major: Economics/Political Science<br>Fun Fact: Jen can play the steel drums.<br>Previous Contributors: Lauren Davis

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book clearly states the value of the print book in the halls of life and memory. It made me think of all the books I have lent and of people gone from my life and those people still with me.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'm not quite half way through the book yet.. Just got it in the mail this morning but I find myself needing to write about it. Not that this is going to be my actual review of the book as I'm not finished with it. I find that I never did pay much attention to the idea of a simple book meaning so much to someone. I read quite a bit but I usually have to go out and buy them myself, my mother gives me her "left-overs" and I do appreciate every story that I do read.. but none has made me think as much as this one. I absolutely love it. This will definitely be a book that I will pass on to others. Thank you so much for this gift.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is unique because it is a collection of 200 stories from 2oo people. Each story showcases a book they were given by someone and the connection they had to that person and the book. These stories came from the author’s website called This book doesn’t have to be read cover to cover in one setting. Instead this is the kind of book you pick up and read a few at a time. As you read about the books that others have received and the emotion, connection or thoughts that accompany them you begin to reflect on books you have been given and how they made you feel. I didn’t love them all. I don’t think everyone will love them all. However, I do believe it will get you to thinking about the books you cherish the most and the person who gave it to you. Why is that book so special? Is it because the person spent so much time picking it out? Is it because the person who gave it to you is long gone and it is all you have of them? Maybe it is because you both shared the love for the same author or type of writing. Whatever the reason, this is a book I would encourage you to read for you.I received a copy from the author in exchange for my honest review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I loved how the author took each story and made it her own. I think it's a great concept of a book within a book and there are definately more books that I want to read since reading her book. Great coffee table read!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is fascinating. You can sit down and just read one, flipping through randomly, or you can get absorbed for hours in both these people's memories and your own. If books are part of your life, you want this book. And you'll want to give one to every book lover on your list. Adam's came up with an amazing project that has now become an amazing book (with the possibility of more editions in a couple of years, according to her blog). This is a treasure about treasures, and a celebration of books, the giving, the getting, the reading and the cherishing of memories of them.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a Member Giveaway review.This book was given to me by a computer. It was a nice compilation of stories from her website dealing with various situations, some good, some happy, some bad, some sad and some that make you want to smack the person on the back of their head.

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The Books They Gave Me - Jen Adams




This book was lent to me by one of the most important people in my life.

She was my girlfriend at the time and I loved her unconditionally, despite my skepticism of love and our young age. One day she handed me this book, and as I read the words that were etched into the rough-edged paper, I knew I was in love. I bought the book myself shortly after, reading and rereading the pages over and over until the lines began to blur and the pages wore thin. And even though she never actually bought and gave me the book, she gave me the contents of the book.

She gave me the words that stilled my mind and opened my heart. It’s nothing more than a memoir, but it’s something I’ll never forget.


Meat Is Murder


He, professor of the way things are going to be, the way we are going to be entertained in the future, knew I love The Smiths. Despite growing up in England in the eighties, he doesn’t like them at all. He loves American music, rap and funk and hip-hop. We met after work one day at some trendy hole in the wall café on the UES that serves nothing but craft beers and grilled-cheese sandwiches. (This is not a criticism; that was the best damn grilled cheese I have ever eaten.) He pulled from his back pocket a slim little novella. It was from the 33¹/3 series published by Continuum—Joe Pernice’s Meat Is Murder.

I felt, rightly or wrongly, that this meant he understood how powerful and precious our connections to the music we love can be. Though he disagreed powerfully with my musical loves (poncey limey whingers, he called them all) and I was indifferent to the charms of his, he never challenged them or pressed me to defend them. This book meant that he understood.


The Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats


I told her I liked Yeats, and a week later she gave me a copy of his Collected Poems. I thought this was odd, as of course I had a copy; he was my favorite poet. So I hid my copy.

When we moved in together, she found my hidden copy. Why didn’t you tell me you had it? she asked.

Because I was so happy that you thought of me, this is the only copy I wanted to read.

We were married before the end of the year.


By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept


A few years ago I read Paulo Coelho’s By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept. I convinced my then-boyfriend to read it because I myself was convinced that the story bore a ghostly resemblance to our own love story—a story that, unbeknownst to either of us at the time, was approaching a grave ending. I made notes in the margins, highlighting passages I knew he would love because they were beautifully wrought, and those I knew he would contemplate because they touched upon the spiritual and echoed his own quest for a spiritual awakening. He did, in fact, love them.

Tonight, in need of inspiration, I had the urge to pick up the book and read through my notes.

I couldn’t find the book.

And then I remembered that he’d never returned my copy. And, like a flash, a post-breakup conversation resurfaced in my memory. He had told me that after our breakup he’d carried the book with him and reread the story and all of my scribbles as an attempt to cling onto some piece of me when we were no longer speaking.

As I sat on my knees, surrounded by piles of books, remembering all of this, it occurred to me that sharing books is an intimate act in a relationship. If sharing music is considered an act of foreplay—which it is to me anyway—then sharing books is definitely going all the way. With music, you merely glimpse your infatuation’s tastes. Still, it’s easy to tune out a song you don’t particularly care for when you would rather listen to him talk or relish the comfort of his arms. But with books, you pay attention. You’re reading words; you’re consuming ideas and themes that move him; you’re connecting intellectually. Maybe even spiritually.

I could be overthinking this. But I can’t help but feel a sense of loss knowing that my book, marked by my handwriting—the ideas and phrases that spoke to me now exposed, underlined, circled, highlighted—is floating in the world.

Just like a man I once loved.


Love Poems by Women


We argued over poetry. I made the (foolish, pigheaded) case that there are no great female poets. She gave me this book and announced that we were going out. It lasted two weeks and then, just as abruptly as it had started, she announced that we were done. I no longer believe there are no great female poets, but this book had nothing to do with my change.


The Joy of Cooking


At first, I bristled. I mean, what kind of guy gives his boyfriend a cookbook? It’s not like I’m known for cooking. I can’t cook. What was he trying to say, I’d love you more if you were more domestic?

But then he opened the book. Look, see? Look at these . . . he flipped through pages filled with recipes for canapés and dips and fancy spreads. We could have cocktail parties. We could make this stuff; there’s nothing hard about it. We could do it together, and have our friends come over. He slipped an arm around my waist. My indignation dissolved. He wasn’t trying to dominate me or make me fit some weird mold. His little dream of sophisticated cocktail parties (in our studio? really?) was a dream of the life we could build together. We would entertain, we would be a couple; we would be the center of a warm group of friends. It was a beautiful dream.


I have never received a book from anyone. From a friend, a lover, a parent, or anyone. I’ve gotten gift cards to Borders, Barnes & Noble, local stores, and cash meant for books. But I have never actually gotten a physical book from anyone. I actually like it better that way. I think that letting me make the choice about the book I want is better. I would like to get a book from someone who knows me and knows exactly what I want, but I have yet to encounter that person. I believe that giving a book to a person is like giving a piece of your soul to them. You have to open yourself up to giving the person a piece of yourself, a part of your mind, and a little bit of your body. It’s a personal gift, a book, and it’s something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. So when you give a book, make sure you’re prepared to be as open as you’ve ever been.


Batgirl: Year One

We met online. He wasn’t my first boyfriend, but he was the first person I truly fell in love with. Some of our very first dates were spent in used bookstores. We are both literature nerds, and he also shared with me his love of comic books and graphic novels. He introduced me to Batgirl, now one of my favorite superheroines because Barbara Gordon is a librarian and I want to become a librarian.


Our relationship isn’t perfect. Each of us is in a state of transition in our lives and neither of us has any idea where we will be a year from now. We have our differences and our rough patches. I have no idea if he’s the one or if the future will see us still together.

I do know that he has had a tremendous amount of faith in and hope for our relationship, and that alone is the nicest present anyone could have ever given me. This comic book, his Christmas present to me, is a close second.


The Chicago Way


I froze when she gave me this. I feared she had guessed, or heard something. What she didn’t know, I couldn’t tell her. I had secrets in Chicago, and I knew that if she knew about them, she wouldn’t love me anymore. And I was right. I finally told her, and she never looked at me the same way again. It was over by the time the truth was out of my mouth.



It was all I could keep of him. Our affair started shortly after his marriage began and ended shortly before the birth of his child. One night, after walking through a local park, we sat and watched the stars.

Telling each other stories in between stolen kisses, I only wished I could have loved him sooner. The next morning there was a bag in my car with this book and a note. These were his stories, poems, and drawings. I held on to that book for five years. One day, when cleaning out old boxes, my current boyfriend found the book. When he saw what power those words still had, he convinced me to get rid of it. Months later my former lover would walk into my life, only to be torn away again. Part of me wishes I could have held on to them, to those words, and to him. I am grateful for the man who realized how harmful those words were. For the man who had the power to set me free.


The Black Swan:

The Impact of the Highly Improbable

Being a reader of fiction, when I needed a nonfiction book, he was the one I turned to. He gave me this, one of his recent favourites, I took it for the title.

I was blown away, and was only at the prologue. It’s about the impact of the highly improbable. I’d like to think that explains our relationship.

Reading this book, knowing it was one of his favourites, made me enjoy it that much more.


I feel as if I know him on a level that no one else does, because we’ve shared a mutual love for a book.

He is not my boyfriend of six years, but I feel like I know him better than I do my boyfriend.

I wish my boyfriend would give me books and share my love for books and reading.

I currently have not finished the book because I don’t want to lose the connection that it brings—or explain the connection we have.


Possible Side Effects


We had always been day-late lovers, meeting under the right circumstances but at the wrong times. Much older than I, she had wisdom, pain, and above all, a love for music and literature that could not be surpassed.

One evening, spent mostly naked in her bed, she reached behind her nightstand and revealed a book. I can remember observing that it was so yellow, in comparison to her porcelain skin.

I want you to have this, to keep you distracted from things you needn’t be involved with, when I am not around, she whispered, with a halfhearted smirk. She inscribed her name, and the words With love upon the index page, a permanent reminder of herself.

Read to me, she whispered. I find comfort in your voice; you read like my mother did. I cannot help but observe the contours of your face as you speak. Her mother had died, and I felt as though I could almost reach, pull apart the sadness in her eyes as these words rolled from her tongue.

We spent a long night laughing, her head in my lap. I read until my throat was raw, until the feeling of her lips on my jawline had become a distraction I couldn’t bear any longer. It became a ritual on nights where we would give in to our lust; she would reach behind to reveal the memoir, and I would read to her until our bodies couldn’t fight it anymore.

Three months after we broke up, with my own copy of the book, I hadn’t even so much as touched the cover. The book brought constant reminders of the aftermath of a forgotten love. She had taken flight from my life, finding resignation in her sadness, but leaving me with these hardcover words.

And on days where the weight of the world seems unbearable, I pick up the book and hold it, momentarily, hoping to find the pieces of her I found those nights. The book she gave me is the only method I have: a method of finding resignation in my own sadness, and remembering that at some point, our love was real.

The Life and Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa


My best friend from Oxford called his antiques dealer in Geneva, described me in great detail, and said, Find her something perfect. It was my birthday. He sent a mottled, leather-covered, gilt-embossed Life and Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa. On the frontispiece, the willowy saint bent her golden head over a tall lily she held in one hand. The spine was soft, loose, starting to disintegrate. The book was hundreds of years old. It was entirely in French.

When he gave it to me, I told him I wouldn’t be able to read it. How could I keep a secret while holding the life of a saint in my hands? It must have sounded like ingratitude, and he, who had taken me to meet the queen, who had invited me to dinner at Christ Church high table and cocktails at the East India Club, would certainly register that familiar, slight, unconcealable dismay that I didn’t know the only language civilized people spoke. In the past, when I had admitted I didn’t know French, people had said, That changes my entire image of you,

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