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The Road Haulage Manual 2014
The Road Haulage Manual 2014
The Road Haulage Manual 2014
Ebook814 pages8 hours

The Road Haulage Manual 2014

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About this ebook

The 2014 RHA Haulage Manual contains all the information required to run a legal and profitable road haulage operation. Crucially it gives clear, easy to understand, current guidance on complying with the obligations of the UK national and international transport operating license. Additionally it contains practical guidance on a range of subjects such as heavy commercial vehicle specification, tire management, information technology, materials handling, fuels and lubricants and costings. This is a must read publication for any operator of heavy commercial vehicles.
Release dateJan 10, 2014
The Road Haulage Manual 2014

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    Book preview

    The Road Haulage Manual 2014 - The Road Haulage Association Limited

    Road Haulage Association Ltd

    Haulage Manual 2014

    RHA Haulage Manual 2014

    Editor: Jason Gregory

    Head of RHA Publications: Peter Shakespeare

    © Road Haulage Association

    ISBN: 978-0-904772-11-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means, whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the Road Haulage Association Ltd except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd.

    Applications for written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to: RHA Publications, Road Haulage Association Ltd, The Old Forge, South Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9DZ.

    This work is intended to be a general guide and cannot be a substitute for any professional advice. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this manual, the RHA does not accept responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of material contained in this publication.



    RHA Regions and their functions

    RHA Board of Directors 2013-2014

    Campaigning for RHA members

    RHA Services:

    - RHA Compliance and Management Services

    - RHA Conditions of Carriage

    - RHA Contracts of Employment

    - RHA Goods Vehicle Operating Cost Tables

    - RHA Shop

    - RHA Online

    - RHA Publications

    - RHA Recovery

    - RHA Compliance Audits

    - RHA Training

    RHA Specialist Groups:

    - Caravan Hauliers Group

    - Car Transporters Group

    - Heavy Haulage Group

    - International Group

    - Livestock and Milk Hauliers Group

    - National Agricultural, Foods and Tipping Group

    - Tanker Group

    - Transport, Warehousing and Distribution Group

    - Waste Management Group

    - RHA Benevolent Fund

    RHA Business Partner Services:

    - RHA Legal Services

    - RHA Fuel Card Services

    - RHA Analysis

    - RHA Insure

    - RHA Rescue

    - RHA Smart Test

    - RHA Driver Medicals


    1. Employer and Driver Responsibilities

    2. Health and Safety in Road Transport

    3. Road Traffic Law

    4. Driving Licences

    5. Driving Offences and Penalties

    6. The Drivers’ Hours and Working Time Laws

    7. Tachographs and Record Keeping

    8. Vehicle Equipment

    9. Goods Vehicle Weights and Dimensions

    10. Lighting and Marking of Vehicles

    11. Costings and Finance

    12. Insurance, Claims and Vehicle Tax

    13. Operator Licensing

    14. Plating and Testing

    15. Abnormal Loads and Projecting Loads

    16. Special Loads

    17. Security of Vehicles, Premises and Loads

    18. Transport and the Environment

    19. International Transport

    20. Fleet Car and Light Vehicle Operations

    21. Materials Handling Legislation

    22. Materials Handling Equipment

    23. Transport Management Systems

    24. Commercial Vehicle Tyres

    25. Vehicle Specification

    26. Fuels and Lubricants

    Quick Reference



    I am delighted to introduce you to the 2014 edition of the RHA Haulage Manual.

    I know that regular reference to it will ensure that you either find the information that you need first time, or else it will point you in the right direction should you need to make further enquiry.

    This practical guide will soon become invaluable to you, and as you refer to it more and more, you will begin to wonder how you previously managed to cope without it.

    I am also delighted to see that it promotes the wide range of services that the RHA offers, and I encourage you to take advantage of this in areas such as training, insurance, legal services, tachograph analysis and the Hauliers Shop service. This will help to ensure that your staff are up to date, compliant and knowledgeable as they go about their daily duties.

    So use this manual as a reference guide, but also take time to dip into it when you can - I know that you will learn something of use to you in your work.

    Beverley Bell, Senior Traffic Commissioner for Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    RHA Regions and their functions

    RHA Regions

    The RHA is divided into four regions:

    Midlands and Western, based in Bristol

    Northern, based in Bradford

    Scotland and Northern Ireland, based in Edinburgh

    Southern and Eastern, based in Peterborough

    RHA Offices

    The RHA has five offices; one for each of the four regions, and an additional policy and media site in Weybridge:


    Roadway House

    Little Wood Drive

    West 26 Industrial Estate


    Bradford, BD19 4TQ

    Tel: 01274 863100

    Fax: 01274 865855

    Email: [email protected]

    Steve Biddle – Director, Northern region

    Malcolm Dodds – Area Manager

    Edna Gill – Area Manager

    Jeff Marriott – Area Manager

    Phil Snowden – Area Manager

    Beverley Dibb – Helpdesk Operator

    Michelle Rawson - Helpdesk Operator


    Third Floor

    Shore House

    Westbury Hill

    Westbury on Trym

    Bristol, BS9 3AA

    Tel: 01179 625616

    Fax: 0117 989 8010

    Email: [email protected]

    Nick Payne – Director, Midlands and Western region

    Mike Moore – Area Manager

    Simon Higgins – Area Manager

    Rhys Williams - Area Manager

    Ann Morris – Area Manager


    Roadway House

    The Rural Centre


    Newbridge, EH28 8NZ

    Tel: 01313 334900

    Fax: 01313 330939

    Email: [email protected]

    Phil Flanders, MILT – Director, Scotland and Northern Ireland

    Patricia Glancey – Area Manager

    Robert Mason – Helpdesk Operator

    Brian Kenny - Training Manager

    Chris Campbell - Training Manager


    Roadway House

    Bretton Way


    Peterborough, PE3 8DD

    Tel: 01733 261131

    Fax: 01733 332349

    Email: [email protected]

    Geoff Dunning, FCILT, MIoTA – Chief Executive

    Sheikh Ali, BA ACA – Director of Finance

    Richard Ellithorne, CMILT – Operations Director

    Arnold Monk, CMILT – Head of RHA Training

    Paul Benns – Training – Sales and Operations Advisor

    Richard Schofield – Operations Manager

    Martin Dean, CMILT – Key Account Manager

    Tracy Levin – Marketing Manager

    John Howells, CMILT – Director, Southern and Eastern region

    Peter Butler, CMILT – Employment Affairs Manager

    David Scott-Smith, CMILT – Area Manager

    Philip Scotney – Area Manager

    Frank Taylor – Area Manager

    Linda White - Area Manager


    The Old Forge

    South Road


    Surrey, KT13 9DZ

    Tel: 01932 841515

    Fax: 01932 852516

    Email: [email protected]

    Jack Semple – Director of Policy

    Sonia Purser – Policy Manager

    Kate Gibbs – Head of Media Relations

    Peter Shakespeare – Head of Publications

    Peter Cullum – Head of International Affairs

    Ray Engley - Head of Technical Services

    Nick Deal - Manager - Logistics Development

    Chrys Rampley - Manager of Infrastructure, Business Affairs and Security

    The regional directors are responsible for looking after the members in their respective regions as well as implementing regional policy as drawn up by each of the regional councils. So what do you get from your region?

    Area managers

    Area managers represent the RHA out on the ground. They are the people who visit members and attend meetings on your behalf on a vast range of subjects with a wide range of organisations such as Freight Quality Partnerships, local highway authorities, the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA), the police, maintenance advisory committees, Highways Agency and HM Revenue and Customs Service. Names and contact details for the RHA’s area managers can be found on the RHA website:

    Area managers also deliver the regional compliance and management services. These include:

    Contracts of Employment – the law states that every employee must be given a written set of terms and conditions within eight weeks of starting work. If you do not do this, then you are breaking the law and will find yourself at a severe disadvantage if taken to an employment tribunal. For a standard fee, your area manager will work with you to produce tailored contracts of employment.

    Systems and Procedures Audit – arguably, the most important item in your operation is your Operator’s Licence (O Licence); lose this and you are out of business. Do you do everything that you should in order to comply with the conditions and undertakings of your O Licence?

    If VOSA arrived today to check your operations, would you pass with flying colours? For a standard fee, your area manager will carry out an in-depth audit of your operation and produce a detailed report together with recommendations and solutions covering any areas that need attention.


    These are the people to ring when you have a query or a problem. They have a wide range of knowledge and can answer most calls on the spot. For more complex enquiries, they will liaise with a wide range of technical experts in order to help you.

    On average, they deal with some 50 calls and emails per day, ranging from confirming a member’s interpretation of the drivers’ hours regulations right through to deciding if a lorry permanently fitted with grandstand seating is subject to the O-Licensing regulations. Many questions are from owner drivers who have a problem on the road and the helpdesk operators’ task is to get them up and running again.

    Contacting us

    To contact any RHA office by post, use the addresses listed previously. To contact any member of RHA staff by email, use the following format: first letter of first [email protected] - for example, to contact John Smith at any of the association’s offices use [email protected]

    RHA Board of Directors 2013-2014

    Peter Barber (National Chairman)

    W H Barley (Transport & Storage) Ltd

    Midlands and Western

    Andrew Boyle

    ABE (Ledbury) Ltd

    Richard Fry (Past Chairman)

    Framptons Transport Services Ltd

    William Hockin

    William C Hockin (Transport) Ltd

    Andrew Jenkins

    SE Davis & Son Ltd


    David Bratt

    David Bratt & Sons (Haulage) Ltd

    Jim French (Senior Vice Chairman)

    PD Logistics

    Lesley O’Brien

    Freightlink Europe LLP

    Scotland and Northern Ireland

    Andrew Black

    Andrew Black Haulage & Storage

    Willie Oliver

    Oliver Transport Services Ltd

    Val Smith

    Bondelivery NI

    Southern and Eastern

    Andrew Howard (Junior Vice Chairman)

    Howard Logistics Ltd

    Andy Macrae

    Norbert Dentressangle Maintenance UK Ltd

    Campaigning for RHA members

    Road haulage is one of the UK’s largest and most important industries. Without the essential services the haulage community provides, our economy would grind to a halt and with it the food, clothing, homes, hospitals and jobs on which we all depend.

    RHA members run transport businesses from the very small, one-vehicle firm to the very largest, running thousands. They are local, regional, national and multi-national. They serve customers across the economy, from raw materials to components to finished products and produce and the disposal of waste. They run rigid vehicles, articulated vehicles and the very longest and heaviest, abnormal load vehicles.

    These firms’ key elements are the vehicles, drivers and other staff, depots and customers around which their businesses revolve, the regulations and the costs and rates for the job – as well as, of course the goods, or freight, they carry.

    In its representational role, the RHA embraces all these issues and actively promotes efficiency, safety, compliance with regulations – and an entrepreneurial spirit. We campaign and lobby for the industry at many levels and with various stakeholders, for example:

    The general public, who have a right to expect responsible driving and goods vehicle operation from the industry. The RHA works hard to promote the value and necessity of road haulage activities to those outside the sector

    Haulage firms’ customers, who need to have their freight moved using reliable services and should pay a commercially viable rate for this

    Local, national and industry journalists, who can be either hostile to or supportive of hauliers and their drivers

    Other trade bodies and suppliers of vehicles, fuel and other services, whose interests can either be aligned with, or opposed to, those of members

    Local (and devolved) government, which exerts a profound effect on the industry, through major policy change right down to traffic light phasing and route restrictions. They have a statutory obligation to consult with the RHA on new road schemes and traffic orders, a process which we enforce where necessary

    Ministers and officials in national government departments and their agencies (the Highways Agency, VOSA, the Health and Safety Executive and so on), who have an important role in making rules in the UK and influencing rules made in Brussels and need guidance to ensure that these meet the needs and wants of the haulage sector as much as possible

    Politicians, whether they work at a constituency, as MPs or as members of select committees

    Traffic commissioners, who grant licenses to HGV operators and can revoke both operating and driving licences. The RHA actively uses its statutory right to object to the granting of a new licence in the public interest

    Police, who are involved in both enforcing haulage law and investigating crime against the industry

    The European Union, which is the origin of a significant proportion of the regulation governing our industry, from vehicle dimensions and emissions to the hours drivers can work.

    Every week, members receive an update email detailing important information on campaigning activities and regulatory changes – and comment is always welcomed in return; there are regional councils, specialist and ad hoc groups, for example on driving standards, security and vehicle testing. The RHA’s staff members are committed to representing members – and experience shows that we work most effectively when we work with the active engagement of members. For further information, please email: [email protected]

    RHA Services

    RHA Compliance and Management Services

    The RHA offers members a wide range of free advice and information on any aspect of running a road haulage operation with its many legal, commercial and operational requirements that all have an impact on your business.

    The RHA’s area managers, helpdesks and the Weybridge office staff provide this support to members, drawing on their wealth of experience and knowledge in dealing with the vast range of issues that can affect your company.

    We also have a number of bespoke services that will help you to comply with the increasingly complex web of legislation that surrounds the industry, to save you time and effort and enable you to run a compliant, professional and efficient company. These include RHA Contracts of Employment and RHA Compliance Audits.

    To find out more, contact your RHA regional office or visit:

    RHA Conditions of Carriage

    The RHA Conditions of Carriage 2009 are available for the exclusive use of RHA members and are recognised as the industry standard. If you do not use them, under Common Law, you could be held responsible for the full value of the load being carried and for any losses arising from damaged delivery. By using RHA Conditions of Carriage correctly, you limit your liabilities for the goods you carry.

    Specialist Conditions are also available to members to meet the requirements of their specific operation. These include conditions developed for operators involved in storage, livestock, skip hire, liquids, powers and gases, caravans, car transporters and abnormal indivisible loads. For more information, contact the Weybridge office on 01932 838905, or to purchase copies contact the RHA Shop on 01733 263434.

    RHA Contracts of Employment

    The law requires that employees be given basic written terms and conditions of employment within eight weeks of commencing work, including information on written, internal disciplinary and grievance procedures within the workplace. Yet one of the most common problems raised by RHA members with the Association is disputes with employees and ex-employees concerning the terms and conditions of their employment.

    RHA Contracts of Employment are carefully drafted to set out clearly your conditions and can help you avoid disputes. Additionally, they include clauses that permit you to make deductions from salaries for employee costs such as personal mobile phone bills and reclaiming holiday pay if your employee leaves and they have taken more holiday than they have accrued. Your area manager will arrange to meet you at your premises and go through each contract with you.

    There are contracts specific to the haulage industry to choose from and these can be tailored to your particular requirements. These include: driver/labourer, vehicle mechanic/labourer, warehouse manager, office manager and transport manager. For more information, get in touch with your RHA regional office.

    RHA Goods Vehicle Operating Cost Tables

    Costs and their influence on haulage rates are one of the most crucial aspects to consider when managing a transport business. Every year the RHA, together with DFF International, publishes tables containing average costs of running a range of vehicles and information on cost rises etc.

    The cost tables are available for free on the RHA website – – or from RHA

    regional offices, and are fully interactive. Users can input their own cost figures and see how these affect key outgoings per day, and additionally per mile.

    For queries regarding these tables, contact Brian Fish on 01179 681148 or by emailing: [email protected]

    RHA Shop

    The RHA Shop (previously the RHA Hauliers Shop) catalogue has a comprehensive range of over 400 products at competitive prices. Whether you need vehicle maintenance supplies, digital downloading equipment, tachographs or safety equipment, you can order it directly from the RHA Shop by calling 01733 263434 or online by visiting:

    RHA Online

    Visitors to the main areas have access to regularly updated industry news and information, as well as changes in legislation, surveys and polls, RHA events and business partner services. Find out what we are doing for you on policy and campaigning by visiting the site regularly and keeping up-to-date with all of the new services.

    The RHA website has a variety of features for members and non-members alike. In the members only area, members can access exclusive news, reports and information, as well as the new ‘pick and choose’ email service. Features such as the new searchable online National Directory of Hauliers, a tool for finding both standard and associate RHA members, are very popular. Also available is the ‘Find-a-load’ feature - a service to increase a haulier’s revenue and minimise their carbon footprint.

    Visitors can access online versions of the RHA’s publications for free, including ROADWAY and the RHA Haulage Manual. There are also online advertising opportunities on the RHA website. For a list of rates, please call Denise Walker on 01733 842743.

    Save time and money with the RHA Online store, which offers items from the RHA Hauliers Shop, RHA Training courses, tachograph analysis and membership purchase capabilities. Regular discounts and competitions are offered through our email updates, as well as sale items and bulk discount purchases.

    RHA members can pay for their goods purchased from the RHA Hauliers Shop via invoice, and any order over £100 qualifies for free delivery. For offers on new products, the latest industry training course news and much more, visit:

    Both websites have links to the RHA’s social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, the RHA Blog and the organisation’s YouTube channel.

    RHA Publications

    The RHA’s publications include the award-winning ROADWAY magazine, the annual RHA Haulage Manual and the RHA National Directory of Hauliers.

    ROADWAY magazine is a free monthly magazine for RHA members which helps keep them up-to-date with the latest industry, product and legislative news. Produced and published in-house, it is the prime means of communication with members and is well respected within the industry.

    The RHA Haulage Manual is the road haulier’s must-have publication, containing all the latest information required to run a safe, compliant and efficient road haulage business. The publication, updated annually and sent free to RHA members, gives up-to-date information on all aspects of transport operations, from drivers’ hours and tachographs to vehicle maintenance and traffic regulations. Extra copies can be purchased from the RHA Shop – call 01733 263434 – and cost £45 for RHA members (or £50 for non-members).

    The online RHA National Directory of Hauliers follows on from the RHA’s well-used Find a Haulier portal. From 2014, by popular demand, the RHA National Directory of Hauliers will be a fully searchable online directory of both standard and Associate member companies. You can visit this now at

    By using the directory, fellow hauliers, manufacturers, retailers, freight inputters and the general public can search an incredibly diverse selection of providers, by areas served, offering over 70 distinct services; anything from palletised freight to live shellfish export. It will cover the breadth of the RHA’s membership, from 82 of the UK’s top 100 logistics providers, through to around 700 owner-drivers.

    The online National Directory of Hauliers will also contain industry news and views, and there are a variety of opportunities to expand on member listings and promote your business through the website. For further information and a rate card, please call 01733 842743 or email Denise Walker at [email protected]

    The RHA’s publications are now available to view in electronic format through the RHA’s website: and for any enquiries regarding RHA Publications, call 01932 838919 or 01932 838919.

    RHA Recovery

    RHA Recovery membership is designed specifically for recovery operators and is administered separately from the normal haulage membership.

    The primary contact for RHA Recovery is Frank Taylor, who brings first-hand experience and knowledge from working in the recovery sector for a number of years.

    RHA Recovery continues to provide help and advice to recovery operators and represents their interests in meetings with a range of bodies. For further information, please call 01733 261131 or 07968 409202 or email: [email protected]

    RHA Compliance Audits

    RHA Compliance Audits can help to give you peace of mind and assurance that you comply with the undertakings you gave when applying for your Operator Licence. It is designed to check that you comply with the wide range of legislation that applies to you as a road haulier.

    You will receive a report on our findings together with easy-to-understand guidance on how to deal with any areas where improvement may be necessary.

    The audit includes checks on:

    Operator’s Licence - details on the licence, the type of licence, conditions attached, adequate margins, vehicle inspection intervals etc.

    Insurance requirements and supplier contracts - are there current and valid insurance certificates for motor vehicles, employer’s and public liability, goods-in-transit etc?

    Employment matters including contracts of employment - is a job application form in use, are driver licence and qualifications confirmed, are agency drivers checked, have written terms and conditions of employment been issued etc?

    Health and safety - does the company have a written health and safety policy, procedures and risk assessments and so on?

    Maintenance arrangement and facilities - are systems in place as recommended in the Guide to Maintaining Roadworthiness, regarding defect reporting, brake testing, tyre depth and smoke emission checks and so forth?

    Management controls for Drivers’ Hours, Road Transport (Working Time) Regulations, tachograph and speed limiters – are procedures in place for checking tachograph records and dealing with infringements, for example?

    Operational issues such as drivers’ licences and overloading – are driver licence checks carried out and are procedures in place to prevent overloading and so on?

    Contact your RHA regional office for further information.

    RHA Training

    RHA Training provides a one-stop shop for all training needs throughout the UK. Courses include: Drivers’ Hours and Digital Tachographs, Operator Licence Compliance, Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC), Driver CPC, Health and Safety, Manual Handling, Customer Care, Driver Development, Daily Walkaround Checks and Safe Loading. They are also able to work with you to create bespoke solutions for your training needs.

    Our flexible approach and nationwide team of instructors allow us to offer training support at all levels, improving compliance, increasing productivity and enhancing customer retention.

    RHA Smart Safety

    RHA Smart Safety, from RHA Training, is a way for organisations to manage their health and safety responsibilities, ensuring they are fully compliant. With this easy-to-use online service, members will also have access to their own consultant and technical support.

    RHA Training managers will carry out an initial risk assessment and information gathered is logged on the online system using the unique risk assessment wizard, allowing users to take control at their own pace.

    The online system has the tools and resources you need to complete many of the specific tasks that were identified in your initial risk assessment, using a simple traffic light based system. RHA Training managers will also provide ongoing support to RHA Smart Safety users, and as always, help and advice is available from your dedicated RHA regional helpdesk.

    For information on the complete range of courses and our specialised risk assessment service visit:

    To contact RHA Training in England and Wales, call 01733 261456 or email: [email protected].

    To contact RHA Training in Scotland and Northern Ireland, call 0131 333 4900 or email: [email protected]

    Alternatively, fill in the free training needs questionnaire on the RHA’s website.

    RHA Specialist Groups

    Caravan Hauliers Group

    RHA members specialising in the transport of park homes, caravan holiday homes, caravans and boats are represented by this group.

    Members’ vehicles frequently carry loads which are wider than the vehicle itself, either under Construction and Use Regulations (C&U Regulations) or, on occasion, under the requirements of Special Types General Order (STGO). The sizes of loads dictates the group has a good working relationship with the abnormal loads officers of the police authorities in the areas through which they travel and the arrangement of suitable routing and escorting of the load.

    The Caravan Hauliers Group undertakes regular liaison with other industry bodies in the interests of efficiency, safety and optimising service to the users of the products it carries. The group’s secretary keeps members up-to-date with matters that could affect their businesses and items of concern, such as proposed legislation, are dealt with by the Group’s committee.

    The fee for joining the Caravan Hauliers Group is £15 + VAT per annum. Contact Nick Deal, the group’s secretary, on 01932 838910 or email: [email protected]

    Car Transporters Group

    The Car Transporters Group caters for RHA members specialising in the transport of motor vehicles on multi-vehicle transporters.

    The Group aims to maintain and promote professional standards to ensure vehicles carried are transported safely and reach the customer in the best condition possible.

    Given that its members operate specialist, technically complex equipment, the group has reason to negotiate directly with the Department for Transport (DfT) to obtain specialist acknowledgement and exemptions for the types of vehicles its members operate. Members are kept up-to-date on topics affecting their business with regular bulletins from the group’s secretary.

    The fee for joining the Car Transporters Group is £20 + VAT per annum.

    For more information, contact Nick Deal, the group’s secretary, on 01932 838910 or email: [email protected]

    Heavy Haulage Group

    The Heavy Haulage Group was formed to look after the interests of hauliers whose main activity is the movement of abnormal indivisible loads. These are loads that are not permitted to be moved under the C&U Regulations due to either their physical size or weight and must operate under the STGO Regulations.

    Members of the Group are kept updated with changes, road works and restrictions that could hinder the movement of certain loads at certain times. Any problems that are encountered by individual group members can be dealt with by the committee or the group Secretary and, if necessary, meetings can be arranged with the police, the local authorities or the DfT to resolve the problem.

    The fee for joining the Heavy Haulage Group is £25 + VAT per annum.

    For more information, contact Ray Engley, the group’s secretary, on 01932 838914 or by emailing: [email protected]

    International Group

    The RHA International Group, set up in 1958, has worked hard to become the major voice for UK international haulage operators. Operations by members of the Group now cover all of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Group membership is open to full RHA members who operate internationally or Associate members who have an international interest.

    The views of members are made known to the DfT on all matters affecting international operators. Through the RHA, the group is consulted on any proposed changes in existing legislation.

    The International Group is regularly in consultation with Customs, UK Border Agency and other government bodies seeking advice on trade facilitation. It also maintains a regular working contact with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) in both Geneva and Brussels, and with the European Commission (EC) in Brussels.

    Each month members receive the International Bulletin by email, which lists information and advice on a wide variety of subjects concerned with international operations. Special news flashes are sent out by email in the event of crises, such as delays at frontiers or internal blockades.

    Two subsidised conferences are held annually by the group, with at least one of these taking place abroad.

    The fee for joining the International Group is £50 per annum. For more information, contact Peter Cullum, the group’s secretary, on 01932 838901 or 01932 838903, or email [email protected]

    Livestock and Milk Hauliers Group

    Membership of the Livestock and Milk Hauliers Group is open to those hauliers specialising in the carriage of livestock or dairy products. Specialist RHA Conditions of Carriage, which have become the industry standard, are available for livestock transport, as are Conditions for the Carriage of Bulk Liquids for milk carriers.

    The Group communicates with the government, its agencies and other representative trade bodies, including the Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC), National Farmers Union (NFU), Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and has an active voice within Europe via European Livestock Transport (ELT) and the International Road Transport Union Ad-Hoc Working Group on Live Animal Transport, with the objective of improving animal welfare regulation standards throughout the EU.

    The fee for joining the Livestock and Milk Hauliers Group is £20 + VAT per annum. For more information, contact Ray Engley, the group’s secretary on 01932 838914 or email: [email protected]

    National Agricultural, Foods and Tipping Group

    The National Agricultural, Foods and Tipping Group looks after the interests of those hauliers who transport goods of an agricultural or food-based nature and members involved in aggregate and quarrying, whose goods are generally carried in tipper vehicles.

    The group covers the food chain from field to plate, as well as the construction and civil engineering sector, and aims to provide help and advice to members who need it.

    Problems that cannot be solved at regional level are forwarded to the group’s committee, which meets three times a year and is responsible for agreeing responses to the DfT, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), VOSA and other bodies that would affect the work or activities undertaken by members.

    The fee for joining the National Agricultural, Foods and Tipping Group is £10 + VAT per annum. For more information, contact Ray Engley, the group’s secretary on 01932 838914 or by emailing: [email protected]

    Tanker Group

    The Tanker Group is open to hauliers specialising in the bulk carriage of liquids, powders and gasses for hire-or-reward, in road tanks or tank containers.

    The Group represents the sector at a range of government meetings and industry bodies concerned with developments in regulations, vehicle equipment specifications, vehicle design and construction, and the safe carriage of liquids, powders and gases in bulk quantities.

    Recent Group work has included agreeing a code of practice with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for tank top access, the updating of the RHA Special Conditions for the Carriage of Bulk Liquids, Powders and Gases, and the instigation of an internal incident report scheme.

    The fee for joining the Tanker Group is £60 + VAT per annum. For more information, contact Nick Deal, the group’s secretary, on 01932 838910 or email: [email protected]

    Transport, Warehousing and Distribution Group

    RHA members actively involved in transport, warehousing and distribution and those whose operation is a clearing house that has been in business for at least two years are eligible to join this group.

    The primary objective of the Transport, Warehousing and Distribution Group is to foster a spirit of co-operation between its members while maintaining competition. It also offers assistance to fellow members in terms of services and facilities, such as refuelling, recovery, workshops, tyre changing and parking.

    The Group aims to maintain and promote professional standards by holding regular seminars and training courses. The fee for joining the group is £15 + VAT per annum. For more information, contact Chrys Rampley, the group’s secretary, on 01932 838905 or email: [email protected]

    Waste Management Group

    Membership of the Waste Management Group is open to all RHA members engaged in the carriage of waste by road and/or the disposal of waste. The group provides members with information and advice relevant to regulations originating from the Environmental Protection Act 1990, proposals for European Union (EU) directives and waste management industry procedures for improving efficiency and safety during the collection, transport and discharge of wastes and effluents for disposal at licensed sites.

    A newsletter is issued quarterly to members identifying areas of interest and importance to operators involved in the management of waste. The group also issues the RHA Conditions of Hire of Builders’ Skips, which are available free to RHA members.

    The fee for joining the Waste Management Group is £35 + VAT per annum. For more information, contact Nick Deal, the group’s secretary, on 01932 838910 or by emailing: [email protected]

    RHA Benevolent Fund

    The Road Haulage Association Benevolent Fund (a registered charity) was established to help people in need connected with the Association. This includes current members and former members of the RHA, their employees and former employees, and their dependants. The assets of the fund are held in trust by 12 trustees, drawn from the RHA’s Board of Directors and the RHA’s regional councils. The fund is administered by the Benevolent Fund Secretary, based at the RHA’s Edinburgh office.


    Gifts of money (preferably by cheque) are always welcome and should be sent to the fund’s secretary at Edinburgh or to any of the RHA regional offices.

    Fund-raising activities

    These can be organised at RHA social and other events, providing revenue for the fund and often fun and entertainment for those participating.

    Gift Aid and legacies

    Individuals and companies can make tax-free donations under the Gift Aid Scheme. Details are available from the fund’s secretary. Contact information is listed below.

    Case studies

    Below are examples of some typical cases dealt with:

    Help for an elderly RHA member to install a pathway at his home

    A grant to enable the invalid widow of an HGV driver to replace furnishings and bedding

    A grant to purchase an electric wheelchair for a young HGV driver, disabled in a road accident. Assistance was also given to him to find a new job

    A cash grant for essential clothing to a young man who was severely disabled at work

    A grant to allow a disabled ex-HGV driver to adapt his car for use.

    Applications for assistance

    If you become aware of anyone connected with the RHA who may need assistance, please inform the RHA Benevolent Fund’s secretary.


    Under this scheme, benefactors donate £100 a year to the fund and have the chance of winning cash prizes in three draws held each month, with cash prizes ranging from £50 to £125. Additionally, there is a bumper draw each June with the chance of winning £500 in cash. Membership of the Centurions is limited to 100.

    Details of how to join can be obtained from the Benevolent Fund’s secretary by calling 01313 334900, emailing [email protected] or by writing to: The Secretary, The RHA Benevolent Fund, Roadway House, The Rural Centre, Ingliston, Newbridge, EH28 8NZ.

    The RHA Benevolent Fund’s registered charity number is 1082820.

    RHA Business Partner Services

    RHA Legal Services

    RHA Legal Services provides comprehensive legal advice and assistance on all matters that may affect your business.

    Administered by Backhouse Jones Solicitors, who have over 80 years experience working in the transport law sector, RHA Legal Services is able to offer unparalleled, industry specific advice. Key features of the scheme include:

    Legal advice, helping to ensure the continuing compliance of your business

    Dedicated RHA Legal Services lawyers, who offer quick, reliable and comprehensive advice

    Representation in a wide variety of areas, including employment law, regulatory concerns and defence against prosecutions

    No limit to the amount of queries you can raise

    Costs of up to £75,000 per employment law, regulatory or defence issue covered

    One hour of free legal advice available, in areas including commercial contracts, corporate and propery matters, with further assistance available at preferential rates

    Out of hours cover: legal advice and support for legal emergencies outside of normal working hours

    Competitive annual subscription fee, based on the number of vehicles you operate.

    If you would like further information about how RHA Legal Services can help safeguard your business, please call 01274 863100 in England or Wales, or 0131 333 4900 in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

    RHA Fuel Card Services

    With increasing volatility in the fuel market, it is now more important than ever to stay in control of your fuel costs at all times. The RHA FTA Fuel Card, provided by The Fuelcard Company UK Ltd, will offer you a consistently competitive fuel price at strategically-located refuelling outlets across the UK. Benefits of the Fuel Card include:

    Extensive network of over 550 HGV-friendly fuelling sites, including over 60 motorway sites and truckstops

    Fixed weekly price for diesel (conditions apply)

    Free online fuel management

    Simple HMRC-approved invoicing structure

    Access to the largest reporting suite in the industry

    Easy payment of M6 tolls

    Dedicated HGV fast-flow pumps at many sites

    High profile Keyfuels signage at A road sites.

    With RHA FTA Fuel Card, you can be sure that you are receiving the best in terms of service, savings and security.

    For further information, please call 0845 270 1612 or visit:

    RHA Analysis

    RHA Analysis offers tachograph solutions for all fleet sizes and sectors, whether digital, analogue or mixed.

    The system offers a fully web-based, fully automated digital and analogue tachograph analysis reporting system, which is used by many of the leading transport providers to manage their compliance and analysis requirements. It delivers a modern way of working for transport offices, with powerful KPI, exception-based reporting across multiple depots,drivers and vehicles. Reports can be automatically emailed to any transport manager or multiple users, to suit any fleet size. Other benefits include:

    Reduction of infringements and VOSA penalties

    Driver compliance ‘dashboard’ set-up

    Full data entry by expert analysts

    Fully-automated, fast and easy to use

    Complies with Drivers Hours law and Working Time directives

    Easy infringement debriefing

    Automated email reporting.

    RHA Analysis also offers:

    A simple to use interface - intuitive, simple navigation, instant access

    Full support - team available on phone, email and online

    Power - key compliance information at your fingertips

    Security - user-level security can be changed depending on job role.

    The scheme also offers no hidden costs, with free analogue data entry, vehicle downloads, secure data storage, and upgrades and support.

    For further information, please email: [email protected].

    RHA Insure

    RHA Insure is an insurance service, exclusive to RHA members, providing an extensive range of products tailored to the needs of the haulage industry. Working in partnership with leading sector specialist C&C Insurance Brokers Ltd., who have over 35 years worth of in-depth commercial vehicle insurance knowledge, the service has been designed to offer tangible member benefits and competitive premiums. Key features of RHA Insure include:

    Cash-back per vehicle insured under the scheme (available for operators with 1-6 vehicles as credit to be spent on selected RHA products and services)*

    Free RHA Legal Services cover for all of your insured vehicles

    Comprehensive customer service from sector specialists

    Competitive premiums

    Innovative claims-handling approach, designed to support you through any claim quickly and effectively.

    If you would like further information about the scheme, please call 0161 406 4800

    *Full terms and conditions of the cash-back scheme can be found at RHA Insure is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

    RHA Rescue

    RHA Rescue provides an efficient, flexible assistance and recovery service for all types of vehicles from motorbikes and cars to commercial vehicles, trailers and ancillary equipment. An established family firm operating for nearly 50 years, Lantern Recovery Specialists have a wealth of experience of dealing with a wide variety of breakdown situations. Key benefits of RHA Rescue membership include:

    No up-front free; simply register with RHA Rescue and open an account

    Pay-as-you-go service: if you don’t break down, you don’t pay anything

    Discounted roadside assistance and recovery rates for RHA members.

    RHA Rescue provides 24 hour/365 day roadside and recovery assistance. One call to our dedicated RHA Rescue call centre will put you in touch with a mechanic, recovery vehicle or workshop service anywhere in the UK. We aim to have a specialist with you within the hour, and will keep you informed of progress to get you moving as quickly as we can

    For further information, please call 0800 840 0838 or email: [email protected]

    RHA Smart Test

    RHA have partnered with ScreenSafe, specialists in the provision of drug and alcohol solutions, to launch RHA Smart Test. This service is exclusive to RHA members and has been launched to assist you with all aspects of drug and alcohol issues in the workplace. Key features include:

    Policy creation and development - our account managers will guide you through the process of policy creation through to implementation, in order not only to ensure best pratice, but also to advise on how to overcome obstacles from employees or unions when implementing a policy

    Sample collection - using a fully-managed, in-house service for random testing, RHA Smart Test will guarantee impartiality and ensure fully defensible chain of custody

    Training - we offer a wide range of courses and learning experiences - from traditional courses with one of our trainers, to high-tech interactive online learning packages.

    RHA members can also benefit from:

    Exclusive discounted rates

    A free, no obligation consultation with drug and alcohol abuse experts to tailor a solution to your company’s specific needs

    A dedicated RHA Smart Test customer service email address and phone number.

    For further information, please email [email protected] or call 0330 100 2495

    RHA Driver Medicals

    Examining drivers for nearly 20 years, our experienced doctors have a thorough knowledge of the medical standards required by the DVLA. RHA Driver Medicals is currently overseeing over 14,000 examinations across 50 UK-wide locations. With all appointments arranged personally by telephone, you are guaranteed fast, efficient and friendly service.

    In addition, RHA Driver Medicals will donate £1.50 to the RHA’s Benevolent Fund for every driver medical they provide for an RHA member.

    For further information, please call 01454 317436 or visit

    1. Employer and Driver Responsibilities

    Employer responsibilities

    Agency Workers Regulations

    Stakeholder pensions

    Grievance, disciplinary and dismissal procedures

    Illegal working

    Driver responsibilities

    NB: The information contained in this chapter may vary for Scotland and Northern Ireland. Where this is the case, this is annotated with a number (e.g. ¹), and the corresponding reference can be found at the end of the chapter

    Employer responsibilities

    The employer of a goods vehicle driver is defined in law as the user of the vehicle and as such carries very considerable responsibilities. As an employer, you must ensure that:

    Drivers hold current and valid driving entitlements, including Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (Driver CPC), for all vehicles they are required to drive. Their licences should be checked frequently to ensure this

    Vehicles are properly taxed for the road and are insured

    Vehicles are mechanically safe and fit for use on the road, with the correct lights and markings. If a driver takes a defective or illegal vehicle on the road, knowingly or otherwise, both you and the driver, as users, can be prosecuted

    Vehicles are correctly plated and tested and that current plating and testing certificates are available for inspection if required

    Where the law requires it, your vehicles are fitted with fully calibrated and sealed tachograph installations and your drivers understand and comply with the legal requirements regarding driving limits, breaks, rest periods and record keeping. You have a statutory duty to:

    Check that legal requirements regarding these matters are observed

    Check that drivers’ work is scheduled so they can comply with the law

    Take appropriate action to prevent any repetition if the law is broken

    Where the operation comes within scope of the domestic drivers’ hours rules, proper record books are issued and completed by drivers as required by law

    Vehicles are loaded safely and within legal limits on weights and dimensions - you are liable (jointly with the driver) if loads are insecure or are loaded above maximum legal weight limits

    Where loads comprise dangerous goods, you ascertain what products are being transported and convey this information (in writing), along with details of appropriate emergency procedures, to your drivers, who must be ADR (the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road) qualified and be trained to handle such products and deal with any emergencies that arise.

    Once vehicles are on the road, responsibility for complying with the traffic rules rests mainly with the driver. But you, as the employer, have a duty to ensure that your drivers observe speed limits. You may be penalised by the Traffic Commissioner (or Transport Regulator in NI) via your Operator’s Licence (O Licence) if they do not. The same applies to compliance with parking, loading and unloading restrictions.

    Warning: In all these cases your O Licence, and your business, may be at risk of curtailment, suspension or revocation.

    Agency Workers Regulations

    Rules relating to the use of agency workers came into effect on 1 October 2011 and have had significant implications for transport operators who employ agency drivers.

    Note: For the purposes of the regulations, an agency worker is a temporary worker provided to work for a third party (the hirer), under the supervision and direction of the hirer but paid by the agency.

    The Agency Workers Regulations (AWR)¹ will give agency workers the right to the same basic working and employment conditions as permanent members of staff once a 12-week qualifying period is completed.

    To complete the qualifying period the agency worker will have to work, full or part time, in the same role with the same company for 12 continuous calendar weeks. The qualifying period may be paused if the employee takes annual leave, certified sick leave or time off for public duties.

    A new qualifying period will start if the employee starts a new role with the same hirer that is substantially different to the previous one.

    Key points of the AWR are:

    Day 1 rights for all agency workers: agency workers will be entitled to have the same access to facilities (e.g. canteen, transport facilities, car parking) and information on job vacancies as comparable directly-recruited staff from the first day their assignment. Pregnant agency workers will also now be allowed to take paid time off for ante-natal appointments during any assignment

    Additional new equal treatment entitlements relate to pay and other basic working conditions and come into effect after an agency worker completes a 12-week qualifying period in the same job with the same employer (or hirer of agency workers)

    A week is counted as the seven-day period from the first day of work

    Continuity will be broken when the agency worker starts a new assignment with a new hirer,

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