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When Truth Is Gangsta: A Novel
When Truth Is Gangsta: A Novel
When Truth Is Gangsta: A Novel
Ebook378 pages7 hours

When Truth Is Gangsta: A Novel

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After the gruesome murder of his parents, a young boy plots to rule the streets of Detroit, but first he must contend with a corrupt mayor and a serial killer targeting drug dealers.

At age eight, an assault team storms Walker “Ruffneck” Story’s rural Pennsylvania family compound, killing both of his parents. With the butler’s help, Ruffneck escapes. He is then smuggled out of state and relocated to Detroit.

Under the watchful eye of a mysterious lady, Granny Sinclair, Ruffneck reemerges eleven years later, hungry for power and revenge. He assembles a cutthroat street team, and together, they challenge the elitists in the dope game for control. Betrayal puts him behind bars to do a two-year stretch—during the time when a serial killer starts preying on young drug dealers. While locked away, Granny Sinclair and Ruffneck’s cousin are murdered. He returns to the street with a brand-new plan: to find and annihilate those responsible. His investigation not only uncovers the killers of his granny and cousin, but also sheds light on his parents’ murderers. All fingers point to one man—the mayor of Detroit.

Corruption, with enough explosive history behind it, places Ruffneck, the mayor, and the serial killer all on a collision course with the truth.
PublisherStrebor Books
Release dateMay 22, 2012
When Truth Is Gangsta: A Novel

Tecori Sheldon

Tecori Sheldon is the alter ego of an author who is a native of Detroit, Michigan.

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    When Truth Is Gangsta - Tecori Sheldon


    Strebor Books

    P.O. Box 6505

    Largo, MD 20792

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    © 2012 by Tecori Sheldon

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means whatsoever. For information address Strebor Books, P.O. Box 6505, Largo, MD 20792.

    ISBN 978-1-59309-397-6

    ISBN 978-1-4516-4564-4 (ebook)

    LCCN 2011938325

    First Strebor Books trade paperback edition May 2012

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    Cover photograph: © Keith Saunders/Marion Designs

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    In Loving Memory of my Nephew: Jermaine Slater, Jr.

    As a writer, my nephew, Jermaine Slater, Jr., was my biggest supporter. In those dark days when the doors that held access to the literary world were welded shut, Jermaine was there as a constant source of inspiration when I was ready to pull the plug. Cheering me on intensely, he would often say: Unc, you’re crazy to give up your dreams when you’re so close—you feel me? Of course, I couldn’t do anything but laugh. He was right. I had come too far. The doors and windows had been opened wide enough for me to live how I dreamed.

    Unfortunately, I could not physically share this wondrous

    testimony of faith with Jermaine Slater, Jr.

    My nephew tragically departed this life April 15, 2011, leaving nothing behind but the devastation of heartache and emotional pain. After his untimely death I didn’t care much about anything, least of all, my dreams for literary greatness. Unfamiliar with the new air I was breathing, my nephew was my familiar oxygen; one that I could count on for a positive word whenever I emerged from a creative solitude. I could remember taking deep breaths, but couldn’t feel my lungs expanding.

    Slipping into a sullen, somber sadness, weeks passed as I felt myself descending into the darkness of depression and pitching a tent in the name of permanent residency. But before I could get comfortable, God reminded me that my nephew wasn’t dead—and neither was my dream. The Lord let me know that anything He loved never died. And, Lil Maine, as long as I have oxygen in my lungs and blood coursing through my veins, I will honor your memory. Not by simply existing inside of the dream, but living it in the form of high-octane fiction that will become my staple for years to come.

    Jermaine, with every word I write and every meditation I type, you will live.

    So, from here on out, my writing career is dedicated to you, my loving nephew. Between you and me, one book at a time, we’re gonna stake our literary claim inside the minds of readers—all with God leading the way, of course.

    The boy with the charming, mega-watt smile, slick swagger, accompanied by crazy, cool charisma will always occupy a special place in my heart! I love you, Lil Maine!

    —Your uncle


    God is my light! In Him I shall find my way home!

    To my brother, Jermaine Slater Sr., I pray God’s continual healing.

    Folks, before you get to judging a brother, I want you guys to know that I’m perfectly sane. There’s a serial killer running rampant through the pages of this novel. You can blame one man for Him’s inspiration: my cousin, James Melvin Clayborne. You can call it throwing a family member under the bus if you want, but I’m distancing myself from you, Melbox, and, your twisted imagination. Oh, don’t act like you forgot, buddy. You remember that hysterical, soul-cleansing conversation about exes? Knaw, just joking, but my cousin’s the bomb! Thanks for having a brother’s back! Love you, man!

    Y’all can partially blame my warped sense of humor on my Uncle Bubba—LT Posey.

    To Pops—I always enjoy our conversations.

    Roger Jones, man, I have to thank you based on who you are alone. God definitely has you in reaching distance.

    Zane, I always have to thank you. When the others said no, you said yes.

    Special shout-out to OOSA Book Club, ReaditAll BookReviews, Reader’s Paradise, EyeCU Reading & Social Network.

    To all the readers, I would just like to say: Thank you all for putting up with the insane, message-driven entertainment that I like to call high-octane fiction.





    Chapter 1: Ante Up

    Chapter 2: Let’s Get It Poppin’

    Chapter 3: Holdin’ Out

    Chapter 4: The Body Bag

    Chapter 5: Big Thangs Poppin’

    Chapter 6: Crack Attack

    Chapter 7: Come Up In Progress

    Chapter 8: Her Thug Of Choice

    Chapter 9: You Feel Me?

    Chapter 10: Sweet Mutiny Is Her Name

    Chapter 11: To Live And Die In The Dark

    Chapter 12: Trick, You The Treat

    Chapter 13: Typical Niggas

    Chapter 14: Time On Hand

    Chapter 15: Under New Management

    Chapter 16: Alone In The Dark

    Chapter 17: In The Air

    Chapter 18: It’s On

    Chapter 19: Three The Hard Way

    Chapter 20: Adult Horror ’Tainment

    Chapter 21: Bad News

    Chapter 22: A Lead

    Chapter 23: A Surprise Visit

    Part Two

    Chapter 24: Fourth Of July Murder

    Chapter 25: The Homecoming Of A Gangsta

    Chapter 26: Like Father, Like Son

    Chapter 27: Burning Down The House

    Chapter 28: Number 1

    Chapter 29: The Power Of The Cheese

    Chapter 30: Return Of The Rebel

    Chapter 31: Making A Statement

    Chapter 32: Stupid Doesn’t Have A Name

    Chapter 33: Who Shot Cha

    Chapter 34: Karma Is Her Name

    Chapter 35: The Final Battle

    About the Author

    Show Stoppah excerpt


    Somewhere in rural Pennsylvania…

    The three men were dressed in black and blended in with the darkness of the early morning hour. Armed with night vision glasses, Colt AR-15 Carbine 9mm rifles slung over shoulder, and automatic handguns holstered at the side, they softly moved on to an enormous deck.

    On their bellies, the shadows slid over to an enormous sliding-glass patio door with the natural creepy, cleverness of snakes in predation mode. As promised, the butler had done his job. The door was unlocked. To maintain a healthy level of uninterrupted anonymity, the silent, stealthy stalkers communicated through hand signs and directional gestures. Although the men easily blended into the element by dress, they were clearly distinguishable by height and size. The taller one seemed to function as the brains of the group.

    One wave in the air, the men stood to their feet. One quick, simulated eye gouge dispersed them in different directions, all playing a very vital part at this thing going down smoothly. Other issues had to be neutralized before they could take out the intended targets, like slitting the throat of the heavyset black guard inside the guardshack in front of the property.

    The door to the shack wasn’t stubborn with noise, so it slid back without any resistance. A dark shadow surged up inside the night’s blackness, brandishing a huge stainless steel Rambo blade. One swipe across the throat was enough to bleed the guard out—straight ear-to-ear job.

    The short, stocky, armed security guard standing on the front porch, bumping his gums on a cell phone, didn’t fare too well, either. From the background of darkness, an anorexic-thin razor wire was smoothly slipped over his throat. The dark figure pulled it tightly and hung on for a few moments until the struggling guard fell limp. The guard’s lifeless body was then tossed over the banister and into a gathering of bushes.

    The supervisor guard nearest the north end of the property must’ve smelled the stench of death in the air; felt a heavy, troublesome disturbance in the atmosphere. With his two-way radio, he tried to get a handle on his officers. He hadn’t seen them since the briefing that had taken place three hours ago. Standing at an imposing six-eight and tipping the scales at nearly 300 pounds, the guard easily moved through the orchards with the cocky swagger of one who’d been battled-tested and survived the worst that the hood had to offer. Simply put: he feared no man. And he wasn’t even startled when he stumbled upon what appeared to be a huge man dressed in black. It didn’t take the guard long to figure out that this fool wasn’t there to perform random sprinkler system inspection. The assault rifle slung over the man in black’s shoulder was no instrument to gauge water pressure. The owner of the estate was rumored to be heavy in the game, so the guard automatically knew the intruder’s intentions. When the guard had taken on the job, he knew the risk of running security for the estate’s owner. But the rather generous paycheck he’d receive at the end of the week more than relaxed the consequences.

    The ski-mask worn by this intruder didn’t leak one bit of identity. The two men knew that a battle to the death was imminent. The best man left standing. The officer didn’t know if that combatant would be him, and if he was victorious, would that be a good thing? Because poverty had taught him an honest lesson: a warning that where there was one roach—by lifting a dirty dish in the sink almost-always sent more scurrying. There were more shadows around here. He could feel them. They were probably watching for the outcome of this battle. Like some initiation. And as soon as he won, they would take him out without breaking a sweat.

    They faced each other like two Shogun Warriors, mutually laying down weapons and preparing for a man-style brawl. The shadow cast his assault rifle and sidearm to the grass. The six-inch Rambo knife was tossed also, the guard following suit, reluctantly unsnapping the waist holster and chucking his piece. He wanted to use it to blow the shadow out of his boots, but he knew before the body dropped, his bullet-riddled corpse wouldn’t be too far behind.

    This was it, the inception of a struggle for life and death; a winner, and a dead loser. The shadow slightly nodded his head, indicating the ringing of the bell.

    The two combatants slowly stalked each other, circling like two powerful lions, searching for potential weaknesses. The noise from the crickets stood as the only life-form to witness this potential bloody war for supremacy. Both men silently sized each other as if hoping to mount a deadly campaign for bringing about the quick demise of the opposition.

    The shadow’s body language was unreadable; so damn relaxed that the guard never saw the first punch, but felt the blow as it violently snapped his head to the left. The officer stumbled, legs buckling but he managed to stay on his feet. The blood he spat to the ground looked darker than usual under the blackness of the early morning skies. His front tooth was loose and the pain radiating from a split bottom lip launched the guard into survival-mode. He exploded from his stance with a head-crushing right-hook-of-a haymaker, but was stopped in his tracks by the shadow’s defensive counter. It was a short power-kick to the inner right thigh of the guard’s lead leg, completely impeding forward progress and turning him sideways, leaving him open. The shadow’s reflexes were swift and capitalized on the guard’s vulnerability while capturing his neck inside of an inescapable headlock.

    The guard’s eyes protruded from the sockets like he’d been surprised by the Grim Reaper. The shadow stayed poised and calm, holding on to the headlock as if playing with the victim, allowing him to fight, struggle, scratch and buck like a fisherman giving the prized catch on the end of his reel enough line to grow weak. And when the guard began to grow powerless and limp, choking, slobbering and laboring for oxygen, the shadow wrenched his victim’s neck in one mighty motion, taking pleasure in hearing the sounds of crunching bones and snapping muscle. The shadow released the dead man, letting his body drop to the dew-saturated grass; his eyes captured in a stiff, lifeless gaze.

    Savoring his victory, he stooped down to retrieve his weapons. He was in phenomenal condition; hadn’t once thought about breathing heavy or breaking a sweat. When he was done strapping his weapons back into holsters, a smaller shadow ascended from the darkness. The smaller one let his gaze drop to the dead man, and then back up to his superior as if to ask: Why bother with the struggle when you could’ve just as easily laid the guard down with a simple shot to the head with the silencer-equipped sidearm? But anybody familiar with his superior’s taste for hand-to-hand combat with a worthy adversary knew not to ask those kinds of questions. He knew his boss had sized up the big guard to be a gladiator; and gladiators were made to go out like warriors.

    The superior nodded his head at the body as if implying that the guard was good but not good enough. Fun and games were over. Their real test slumbered behind the walls of the mansion, an assignment in which the contractor warned before the mission that failure could end in the assassin’s heads being stuffed and mounted on his wall. There was simply no room on the bandwagon for incompetence. They’d been handpicked from a pool of excellence and given detailed orders to carry out to the latter.

    Through the deck’s sliding screen patio door, the men glided effortlessly over the dark floors with their 9mm AR-15 Carbines out in front. In a one-by-one cover formation, the team crept through, exploring every dark corner with laser sightings. The piercing red dots danced around the walls of darkness like playful fireflies chasing, playing a deadly game of Freeze Tag.

    The place was huge and eloquently boasted of exquisite furnishings, priceless period paintings, and magnificent sculptures in antiquity. Expensive chandeliers hung from high vaulted ceilings like diamond- studded disco balls. Standing in the foyer on marble floors, the men stood unfazed by the owner’s expensive taste. With their left hand underneath the barrel, stock snuggly fitting in the small of the right shoulder, eyes staring down the cross-hairs, trigger fingers ready for destruction, they crouch-walked cautiously up the spiral staircase, taking one step at a time.

    The live-in nanny’s room was just to the left of the staircase. The mark’s room was at the opposite end of the hallway. The door belonging to the eight-year-old son was inches in front. The scary-ass butler had outlined the whole layout of the house.

    Another simulated eye-gouge, followed by one finger being shoved in the air, quietly dispatched one man to each room. Almost on cue, the shadows slowly slung their rifles across their shoulders, removing sidearms and screwing on silencers. Kids were not generally part of the package when they rolled through on some death and destruction shit, but this one was different. They’d been given specific instructions to terminate the little bastard. The reason was overemphasized in the briefing: Sometimes little bastards grow up to be big bastards with powerful appetites for vengeance. The client who’d purchased the contract stated that he wanted all T’s crossed and all I’s dotted. Nothing was to live that could potentially come back and bite him in the ass.

    The head shadow stopped short of the man named Walker Story’s bedchamber door, giving the signal for the others to proceed with caution. He stayed put while the other two went on to carry out the order of termination. He was going to need all guns on deck when he tangled with the main mark. They’d been meticulously briefed on Mister Walker Story. The man wasn’t just your average, run-of-the-mill drug lord, but a butcher who lived for war. He was a full load and cautioned not to be taken lightly. Those flashlight-wielding, rent-a-cops they’d executed were mere child’s play compared to a man who prided himself on the numerous bodies of arrogant kingpins that had fallen to his trigger. The team’s superior recognized that one fatal slip of concentration around Walker Story, and they could wind up as dollars, lining the inside of some mortician’s wallet. They needed to be extremely careful. In all of his years working the business, he’d never lost one man to a mission and didn’t intend to start now.

    The nanny was sleeping when the first shadow infiltrated; an elderly Latino woman slumbering in a head scarf resembling the colors of the Mexican flag. The red dot from his sidearm rested on the center of her forehead. She didn’t move after the shadow pumped two silent hot ones behind the red dot. Shadow number two shone the dot of death around inside of the bedroom belonging to young Walker Story. To his surprise, the child wasn’t sleeping in his bed, or anywhere inside the bedroom. He walked back out signaling that the boy was gone. They stood puzzled for the moment, but time restraints pushed them to abandon the search. The senior was their primary focus.

    The lead shadow now had his hand on the doorknob, housing the man responsible for the total distribution of drugs circulating around the city and surrounding suburbs. Legend had it that Walker Story was grossly sadistic. Pittsburgh’s underworld showered him with respect. Nobody opposed him. Rival crews were run out of town and those who stayed, paid a tax to deal on his streets. Walker Story was reported as being the worst of the worst, a Teflon Don who couldn’t be touched by local law enforcement or government task force agencies.

    Something creepy and totally unexpected happened as the shadows cautiously opened the door. The bedroom lights popped on, flooding the room as if they’d been wired to do so at the opening of the door. Walker’s eyes popped opened like they had also been synchronized with the lights. The shadows had to move. No longer working with the element of surprise, the men rushed through the door like storm troopers, anticipating to be mowed over by gunfire. The room was enormous, almost doubling the size of a small apartment. They had some ground to cover because Walker Story and his wife lay in a huge California King bed at the very far end of the room.

    The kingpin was lying on his back with both hands under the cover when he fired the first shot, sounding like a cannon going off, ripping through the comforter, blowing feathers in the air. The team scrambled behind furniture, breaking formation and quickly returning fire.

    The blast startled the wife. She jumped up, frantically screaming, catching a bullet to the side of the head and one between her bare breasts. Walker Story let out an inhuman cry as he watched bullets rip through his wife’s flesh. With a crazed look in his eyes, he jumped up on the mattress and whipped out a weapon that resembled a small hand cannon, blazing and dementedly shouting obscenities over the noise of the gun battle. Walker surgically worked with the .44 Auto Magnum, spitting round after round until the numbers game caught up with him. A shot tore through his left shoulder, forcefully slamming him into the headboard of the California King. He recovered. And that’s when he tripped over his wife’s body, receiving another blast, but this one tore through the flesh of his stomach.

    In the blanket of gunfire, a small head popped out from underneath the bed. It was Walker Story, Jr. Surprise registered on the faces behind the masks. Like, what in the hell was the kid doing underneath the damn bed? Shock from the discovery of the kid lasted for about as long as it took for one of the men to get a bead on the youngster, lining the red dot right between his eyes. Without concern for his own well-being, Walker Senior dove to cover his son, relentlessly blasting away, fire belching from the muzzle of his weapon. Walker’s efforts finally hit pay dirt as one of the shadows caught some lead. The man yelled out in agonizing pain. It was the superior of the team who had fallen victim to a high thigh shot.

    The child screamed as his father’s weight barreled on top of him. Walker tried to shove his son back underneath the bed with one hand, while firing the pistol with the other. He was able to get the boy’s torso under the bed when he was hit in the back. His breath halted as his body shook in spasms, the .44 falling to the carpet. The child cried out as he watched one of the shadows step up and level a weapon on his defenseless father. He popped off two quick rounds, both violently entering Walker Senior’s forehead and blowing out the rear.

    Feathers still floated around in the air. The acrid aroma of gunpowder saturated the air and gun smoke gave away to poor visibility. The superior shadow wanted to scream out in pain as the slug inside his leg started to heat up. And while the other two stepped from the trenches, the superior tended to his wound by removing his belt and strapping it around his injured thigh, a few inches above, as a makeshift tourniquet. He pulled hard on the belt to stop the flow of blood and almost passed out. The pain was immense and caused him to clench his teeth tightly to suppress a scream. He took a deep breath and got to his feet, using the barrel of his AR-15 Carbine as a cane to stand. The other two took the time to reload their weapons.

    The boy was weeping loudly over his father’s body. Killing the child would be the last order of business. Little Walker Story looked to be no more than eight years of age. They all stood around the boy as he screamed, begging his father to wake up. The men didn’t fully know how well the boy understood these kinds of things, but it wasn’t their job to educate him. They were there to eliminate any future threat.

    The superior surveyed the human carnage that could only be caused by the violence of greed: men who had everything but still wanted more. It sickened him to waste the skills he’d learned while fighting for his country overseas, on cowards who didn’t know the first thing about honor. All they knew was to pay somebody like him to do their dirty work. He looked at Walker’s wife. His training forbade him to show any type of emotion, but the woman didn’t deserve this. Blood smeared the wall behind the bed, but his most disturbing task lay in icing the child.

    Before he could even begin to give in to human compassion, the leader smoothly shoved the barrel of the AR-15 inches from the boy’s head, when the butler barged in, startling them and almost getting his ass blown off in the process. His hands were out in front in a pleading manner, begging to spare the child’s life.

    The nuts on the butler were the size of Florida oranges, thought the leader. He’d been warned to stay away from the house, in exchange for his life. But here he was, as bold as shit, begging like some third-class citizen for the child’s safety. The old man all but tap danced in, trying to negotiate the release, until the smaller of the shadows aimed the red dot of death inside the butler’s right eye. This action only intensified the butler’s pleading urgency for the child’s release.

    And just when the shadow was about to pull the trigger, a loud boom pierced the atmosphere, sending everybody in the room for cover—everybody with the exception of the smaller member of the team, who was jerked off his feet and hurled violently into the wall by the impact. The old man was the first one to look out of hiding, only to observe little Walker Story, holding his father’s gun, the barrel smoking. Because of the weapon’s powerful kick, the butler couldn’t understand how the small boy held on to the .44 Auto Magnum. But that was the least of their worries. With no room for more thought, the old man grabbed the boy and whisked him from the room, before the other two spooks could make light of how one of their best killers could’ve fallen by the hands of an eight-year-old.

    Down the stairs as fast as his elderly body could respond, the butler and the boy were at the base of the staircase when the bullets started flying, zinging, and exploding anything made of glass. To maximize speed and provide the young child with a human shield, the butler pushed the boy to the front as bullets sprayed around them while they made their escape. The glass dinette table burst as they ran by, sending flying jagged glass chunks through the air. The butler could feel penetration of some kind to his back, but he wasn’t about to stop to find out. Adrenaline caused him to push the boy to his limits. It was the only thing he could do after selling out his former employer.

    Outside, sitting on the other side of the house, was a brand-new Corvette, clean and glistening under the stars. They ran right by it. There was no time to try and get away using wheels. The tunnels would be their best bet for survival. Trying desperately to fend off the fog inside his head, the sixty-year-old managed to make it to the orchards. The two avoided the body of the security guard supervisor that lay twisted in the grass. The little boy was crying loudly, begging for his father and mother. The butler tried his best to silence the kid. The yard was enormous and the hit team could be anywhere.

    Straining to lift the manhole cover, the old man almost blacked out. There was a ladder leading down inside the hole. At the bottom sat a system of elaborately constructed tunnels. Walker Story, Sr. had secretly commissioned a private contractor to erect underground tunnels for emergency purposes. Lights were secured and firmly affixed to the ceiling, snaking down the concrete corridors. Halfway down, the bullets started again. The shadows were right behind them now. The old dude caught a hot one in the shoulder as he pushed the boy to run for dear life. The butler was growing weaker by the moment. He wanted to drop from extreme exhaustion, but he couldn’t let his boss down again. He was going to deliver this kid to the planned safe house, even if it killed him.

    The two arrived at a bend in the tunnel; the butler removing a nondescript white card the size of a driver’s license and swiping across the scanner of a digital-faced unit embedded inside a wall. The action was immediate; a slab of concrete rose like something out of a 007 movie. They stepped through just in time as a hail of bullets slammed into the wall, kicking up concrete chips and dust. The concrete door dropped down behind the butler after he escaped.

    Darkness was trying to pull down the butler’s eyelids as they arrived fifteen minutes later at the door of a small wood-framed house in the woods, where he fell through moments after it opened. Another elderly gentleman stood over the butler as he informed the stranger of the tragic events that had gone down a few miles away. What the butler thought to be jagged glass from the dinette table was, in fact, two bullets he’d received in the back. Only the sheer will to accomplish the mission kept him on his feet. He died shortly after giving specific instruction to the stranger for smuggling the child to a safe house in Detroit.

    Ante Up

    Nine Years Later…

    Known by staff and five-o as Walker Story, Jr., the hard banger walked the hallways of Northwestern High School, instilling fear inside the student body under the street-handle Ruffneck. He was seventeen and a complete beast. Ruffneck had spent almost four years with his finger on the pulse of the school’s underworld, and spilled blood in its hallways in an effort to be established as the apex predator. It was a task that had cost him any chance of graduating on time with his class, but he didn’t give a damn. Money was his only real reason why he hadn’t dropped out earlier. The school was full of it.

    It was the beginning of September; the second week into a brand-new school year. Ruffneck sat in his desk at the back of the classroom, totally unimpressed by geometry. He sat in the presence of what he called square-ass niggas. Displeasure tattooed his face while watching his classmates jump around like trained monkeys to answer one of the teacher’s tired-ass questions.

    Suckas, Walker thought. He understood the true net worth of lames. A sucka was only good for licking, and not the type of licking that appeased the taste buds. Ruffneck’s definition was the one in which pimped out the pockets. And as his classmates jumped over each other like affection-starved dogs, he smiled, knowing that all of them at one time had supported his solid campaign to reign supreme in his quest to rule the school under one powerful lord. All had to pay for his protection. The weak had to be gobbled up inside the makings of the ultimate strength needed by a young, thug leader.

    The same way the students were crawling over each other to answer the teacher, they lined up in dark places with money or other valuable possessions in exchange to be

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