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Wishes: A Novella in the Legacy Series
Wishes: A Novella in the Legacy Series
Wishes: A Novella in the Legacy Series
Ebook120 pages2 hours

Wishes: A Novella in the Legacy Series

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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In the e-only companion to Molly Cochran’s Legacy and Poison, Kaity Ainsworth learns that wishes come with consequences.

On Walpurgisnacht, where it is said that fairies abound, Katy meets a troubled fairy who must grant her every wish. But her wish for Peter to love her madly quickly backfires when he follows her around obsessively and weeps over her inattention. So Katy tries a different approach—but a wish for popularity brings about trouble as well. Can her good intentions make up for the misfortune and disappointment that seem to follow every wish? Katy must battle the magic of the Fairy Queen and her henchman to undo the spells—but can she truly repair the damage she’s done?
Release dateApr 29, 2014
Wishes: A Novella in the Legacy Series

Molly Cochran

Molly Cochran is the New York Times bestselling author of more than twenty-five books, including Legacy, Poison, and Seduction. Her first novel, Grandmaster with Warren Murphy, was a New York Times bestseller and Edgar Award Winner. She also authored the international bestseller The Forever King with Warren Murphy. She lives in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

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Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Wishes is a novella than can be a complete stand alone from the Legacy series. I haven’t read the previous books, and I really enjoyed this companion.

    Katy thinks making wishes will fix everything for her. But sometimes it can be too much. I like that she was able to learn from the events that take place. After reading this, I want to star the rest of the series. It seems like Katy has a way of getting herself caught up in crazy things.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of Dark Faerie TalesQuick & Dirty: A short novella that gave me a taste of the story and unfortunately, I have no interest in reading anything else from this series!Opening Sentence: “Walpurgisnacht,” Mr. Kruger said, rocking back on his heels.The Review:Katy Ainsworth is a witch that attends a boarding school in Whitfield, Massachusetts. There is a special holiday approaching called Walpurgisnacht and legend says there are fairies that come out for the holiday. If you are lucky enough to catch one, it will grant you anything you wish. Katy and her group of friends decide to go hunting for a fairy even though they know the tales are superstitious.It turns out fairies really do exist and Katy catches one. Katy decides to make a few wishes but they all turn out disastrous! To undo the spells Katy must fight the Fairy Queen and hope that none of her wishes will leave permanent damage.First off, this is the first book I have read in this series. Sometimes I like to read novellas because you get a small taste of the story and gives you an idea on whether or not you want to continue reading. For the most part, I thought the author did a wonderful job introducing the world and I there were only a few times I felt confused by what was going on. I do think it would have been better if I had read other books first, but I felt like I got a pretty good grasp of the world and characters.Katy is the protagonist in the story and I really struggled with her. One of my biggest pet peeves is when a character has a poor me attitude and Katy definitely had this kind of attitude. I felt like all she did was complain about everything in her life and it honestly drove me crazy. As the story progresses she gets a little better, but I already disliked her so much it didn’t really make a difference.Peter is Katy’s boyfriend and honestly, I felt like he was kind of a jerk. He is continually brushing Katy off (which she complains about non-stop) and he just seemed like a really boring character. Once again he does get a little better by the end, but not enough to make me like him all that much.As you can tell this was a really rough read for me. Maybe if I had read the previous books in the series I would have liked the characters better, but I kind of doubt it. I did like the idea for the setting. I have always been a sucker for books set in boarding schools. I also think that the magical aspect could be very interesting if I was to read more, but ultimately I don’t really have any interest in reading anything else from this series. I felt absolutely no connection with any of the characters and the writing style felt a little on the juvenile side. If you enjoyed the other books in this series, I imagine you will like this novella, but if you are like me and haven’t read the series yet, I would personally recommend skipping this one.Notable Scene:“Wait up,” I yelled, moving toward where I thought he was. “Whistle or something, Cheswick.”There was no answer. “Cheswick?” Silence. “Hey! Anybody?”Again, Silence. I tried a whistle and waited for a response, but there was none. No sound. Nothing except for the droning of insects and the creaking of the tree branches high up, sounding as if the forest itself were weeping.I swallowed. The fog was getting thicker, covering my feet, I tried to whistle again, but my throat was so dry that nothing came out of my mouth except air.FTC Advisory: Simon Teen provided me with a copy of Wishes. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.

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Wishes - Molly Cochran


Walpurgisnacht, Mr. Kruger said, rocking back on his heels. It is an ancient tradition going back to pagan times, and still practiced in many northern countries.

Our social studies teacher droned on about customs in Sweden, Norway, and Finland. I think. Kruger’s voice was so soft, it was like those recordings of rain or surf that are designed to make you fall asleep. I bit the inside of my cheek to stay awake, but my pencil still dropped out of my hand.

"However, in Germany, the ties to Walpurgisnacht are most strong. Occurring on the last day of April, just before another pagan holiday—"

Beltane, I said, wiping the drool off my chin. I hadn’t meant to speak aloud, but Suzy Dusset looked over at me and rolled her eyes as if to point out that I was a show-off nerd.

Exactly, Katy, Mr. Kruger said, greatly encouraged by my participation. How many of you have heard of Beltane?

Nobody raised a hand. The cowen students, like Suzy, really didn’t know. They couldn’t be expected to understand anything about the ways of magic, because they were ordinary people who believed that Ainsworth was an ordinary boarding school. But half the class weren’t cowen. They were witches, whose families had celebrated Beltane and all the other witch holidays for hundreds of years. They kept quiet because . . . well, because that’s the way witches are. Secretive. Even though Ainsworth School was founded by a witch for witches, we weren’t allowed to talk about our world to cowen.

So no one admitted to knowing about Beltane, even though it was just around the corner, and all the witches in town had been planning for it for weeks.

Beltane, Mr. Kruger said with a sigh, again disappointed that no one in the class appeared to know anything, was an important holiday in Middle Europe prior to the eighteenth century. From what we know of ancient folklore, it was a love feast, when couples joined hands and leaped over a bonfire as a sort of engagement ceremony.

Well, that was a typical thing for a cowen like Kruger to think, but still incorrect. The fire-jumping ceremony at Beltane was more than an engagement. It was a handfasting, meaning you promised to be faithful to someone for a year and a day. I looked over at Peter Shaw. We were handfasted last year. That was one of the best days of my life. When we held hands and jumped over the bonfire, it was like telling the whole world that we loved each other.

I tried to catch his eye—I guess I was hoping we would share that romantic memory just by looking at each other—but Peter was working his phone under his desk. Texting his uncle, no doubt. Peter was practically a slave to his uncle Jeremiah, who was making Peter work for him nearly full-time while still going to school. Peter also worked after school at Hattie’s restaurant with me. He had very few openings in his schedule anymore for things like hanging out with his friends.

Or with me.

I turned back to Mr. Kruger, thoroughly depressed.

"But Walpurgisnacht is a night for revels, he droned on in a voice that was anything but reveling. It is said that on this night, goblins and ghouls come out to play, determined to spoil the festivities of Beltane for those unfortunate enough to encounter them. He wiggled his eyebrows, perhaps to show that he was a fun guy, despite all appearances. It is also the one night of the year when fairies are said to appear."

One of the cowen boys fluttered his elbows like a chicken. Hey, Sailor, looking for a fairy? he lisped.

No one laughed. Mr. Kruger pointed to the door. The cowen boy left in disgrace.

In the folkloric tradition, fairies were quite powerful, Mr. Kruger said. People believed that if any fairies were found, they were obliged to give up a treasure to whoever found them.

How . . . how do—did—you find them? Bryce de Crewe blurted. He was a witch, and I could tell he was already interested.

According to the sources I’ve found, fairies are supposed to give off a faint blue light, Mr. Kruger answered. But since they live in remote areas such as grasslands or deep woods, that light is rarely seen by humans. He smiled. But of course that’s just superstitious nonsense, like the old wives’ tale that if one learns a fairy’s name, one will hold power over the fairy forevermore.

Forevermore? I repeated.

Mr. Kruger cleared his throat. I don’t actually know the duration of servitude for an ordinary fairy, he said. "But in the case of the Fairy Queen . . . He laughed. I’m joking," he said.

Is there a Fairy Queen? I asked.

He smiled indulgently and shook his head. Alas, only in Shakespeare and Spenser, he said. As far as I know.

My friend Becca suddenly raised her hand. Mr. Kruger?

Yes, Miss Fowler?

You said that this Walpur—pur—this fairy night—happens on the last day of April.


Well . . . She looked around the class. That’s tonight.

Indeed, Mr. Kruger agreed. Have I inspired you to go fairy hunting?

The cowen kids—those who weren’t asleep—laughed.

But the witches were wide-awake, the air among us crackling.

Peter, however, was still texting.

Naturally, Peter wasn’t interested in going fairy hunting with us.

C’mon, Peter, Bryce urged, his mouth full of pizza. Buried treasure!

Arrgh, right! Bryce’s girlfriend Becca agreed. Treasure!

Treasure! echoed Cheswick and Verity in unison. They did everything together. So when Cheswick pounded on the table, so did Verity. The waitress at Pizza World gave us all the stink eye.

Yay fairies! Verity piped. Fortunately, Cheswick couldn’t bring himself to copy her.

You’re all being ridiculous, Peter said. "Has anyone actually found this so-called treasure? Or a fairy, either, for that matter?"

If they did, they wouldn’t talk about it, would they? Bryce said reasonably.

Think of it as a snipe hunt, Verity suggested.

Cheswick elbowed her. Snipe hunts are fake, he whispered, although we could all hear him.

Exactly, Peter said. And so is this Walpurgwhatever.

I felt a wave of anger toward him. Hey, how old are you, anyway? I said, aware that I was nearly shouting. Because you act like you’re forty. All you ever think about is work and being sensible and not making mistakes and never doing anything stupid!

Peter looked over at me impatiently. I guessed he was itching to text Uncle Jeremiah again. As opposed to some people, who spend every day doing stupid things, he answered calmly.

That hurt. I felt my lip trembling, so I stood up and turned my face away. Let’s go, I said. I threw down my share of the bill and stumbled toward the exit.

We met at sundown in the Meadow. It was already beginning to fill with fog, as it did on every witch holiday. The Meadow was a magical place—literally—protected by a spell cast in the 1600s to keep our kind safe from the Puritan witch-hunters. In those days, the fog was permanent and made the Meadow actually invisible to anyone outside it. Now the thick magical mist only appears when something involving the whole witch community is going on, and that only occurs four times a year, at the cross-quarter (i.e., major) holidays.

Beltane is one of these. The others are Imbolc, or Candlemas, which celebrates the coming of spring and new life; Lammas at midsummer, when everyone feasts and gives thanks to the earth for Her bounty; and Samhain, the end of the year, when we invite the dead to join us as we get ready for the dark days of winter.

Samhain is our most important holiday, but Beltane is the most fun. I hoped that Peter would loosen up by then so that we could dance in the Meadow tomorrow, and maybe be handfasted again, since our year-and-a-day was almost up.

Pokey pokey, Becca said, prodding me between my shoulder blades with her finger.

I glanced behind me, hoping against hope to see Peter, but of course in the holiday fog, it was nearly impossible to see anything. On fog days, there is even a docent, an old guy named Haversall,

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