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Pretty Woman: A Novel
Pretty Woman: A Novel
Pretty Woman: A Novel
Ebook370 pages6 hours

Pretty Woman: A Novel

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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In Fern Michaels's extraordinary, inspiring New York Times bestseller, an overweight woman sets out to improve her life by losing fifty-five pounds—and ends up changing much more than her dress size!

Rosie Gardener fell under the spell of handsome Kent Bliss, and not even her best friend Vickie could persuade her that her fiancé was a two-timing cad. Now it's her third wedding anniversary, and Rosie, fed up with Kent's mistreatment, realizes her estranged best friend was right. But the day after kicking Kent out and beginning a diet and exercise regime, Rosie experiences another life-changing event: she wins $302 million in the Wonderball lottery. Now with Kent lurking in the shadows to claim a share of her money, Rosie needs her friends more than ever. As she works out under the eye of sexy personal trainer Jack Silver, a stronger new Rosie emerges—a woman who wants to learn to trust love once again. Can she keep her vow not to be stopped by Kent's bitterness and her own self-doubts and jump into life with a passion she didn't know she possessed?
PublisherPocket Books
Release dateMar 14, 2006

Fern Michaels

FERN MICHAELS is the USA Today and New York Times bestselling author of the Sisterhood, Men of the Sisterhood, and Godmothers series, as well as dozens of other novels and novellas. There are over one-hundred ten million copies of her books in print. Fern Michaels has built and funded several large day-care centers in her hometown, and is a passionate animal lover who has outfitted police dogs across the country with special bulletproof vests. She shares her home in South Carolina with her four dogs and a resident ghost named Mary Margaret. Visit her website at

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Two women, friends from youth and owners of a crafters business, part ways when one plans to marry a man the other knows will break her heart. Rosie, the woman planning to get married, is over weight and lacking in confidence. Her finance is good looking and a womanizer. Her friend breaks her heart by not attending the wedding and leaves for Europe for three years,During those three years, the marriage breaks down when Rosie's husband Kent won't even make love to her as he deems her to fat- a beached whale so to speak. He really married her for her money and lives the good life spending it.Rosie finally gets angry enough to kick him out and decides to become fit and hires a fitness expert. Eventually she falls for the instructor & he for her. She eventually enters a triathlon and so does Kent. This is much like watching a film on the Hallmark Channel. Even the villain Kent sees the error of his ways in this novel.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is the first time I’ve read anything by Fern Michaels. Pretty Woman was an inspiring story. I enjoyed the characters, so much. Especially Rosie. You just can’t help cheering for her. I think Kent’s change in attitude seemed a little unreal. Rosie kinda let him off easy. He was living off of Rosie in the start of the book, and because of Rosie’s generous nature, he will live well the rest of his life. It just didn’t seem right considering the years of emotional abuse he put Rosie through.What I really hated about this book was the reference of a woman, being a size 14, and being fat. Size 14 is far from fat. Fuller figured maybe. No woman should feel that they have to be a size 4 or 6 to be beautiful, and to be classified as beautiful by society. Having confidence is the key. If you are a fuller figured woman. And you are happy and confident with yourself, all the more power to you.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    So banally written that I couldn't even finish half of it.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    A quick mindless read, I enjoyed it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was the perfect break from my usual fare of dark murder mysteries; a light, fun read about friendship, love, marriage, self-esteem and winning the lottery! Put it down with a big smile on my face.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A lovely story of two best friends, once upon a time, who fall out over a man -- specifically Rosie's cheating husband, who only wants her money. But on the day Rosie wises up and kicks him out, she wins the lottery! How to get rid of the husband without handing over the money? And where does her ex best friend fit in the picture?Rosie is a wonderful character and I rooted for her throughout. The story is not bad. Fun read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Twas really awesome.I loved the book and it was well written
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Kind , simple, keeping you in suspans by the it:):)

Book preview

Pretty Woman - Fern Michaels


Vickie Winters looked down at the picture she was holding in her hands. It was the last thing to go into her travel bag. Her eyes flooded with tears as her index finger traced her best friend’s likeness, the tears she was desperately trying to hold in check, finally rolling down her cheeks. Best friends since sandbox days. Keeper of each other’s secrets. Inseparable. Better than sisters. Their other friends used to envy them their special relationship. Close as thieves, they’d said. They’d even gone into business together and made a success of that business. But, like all things that were near to perfect, it had ended. Her grief at what she was feeling was so total, she almost blacked out before she managed to get her feelings under control.

Her hands shaking, Vickie wrapped the picture in a pair of sweatpants to make sure it didn’t get broken during the long overseas trip. The sound of the zipper closing on the bag was so loud in the quiet room, she flinched.

All Vickie had to do now was carry the bags downstairs, where a chauffeur waited to take her bags to Adeline Simmons’s house for the early-morning ride to the airport. She was to spend the night at the Simmons mansion with her new employer, but she would go over there later in the evening.

When things had gone sour between her and her best friend Rosie, she’d answered an advertisement for a traveling companion to wealthy heiress Adeline Simmons. The salary was mind-boggling. The lure of foreign travel had attracted her, too. Eating in five-star restaurants was an added plus. In addition, Adeline Simmons was a hoot. In more ways than one, she was actually looking forward to her new job. She was going to miss Rosie, though.

How could a relationship that was so deep, so wonderful, so near perfect, go awry?

She wasn’t going to cry again. She’d shed all the tears she was going to shed for Rosie Gardener. If Rosie wanted to ruin her life, so be it.

Adeline said she needed to say good-bye to Rosie. On the eve of Rosie’s wedding, she was going to her house to say good-bye. How weird wasthat?

Ten minutes later, Vickie watched as Adeline Simmons’s chauffeur stowed her trunk and suitcases in the back of the custom Rolls Royce. She waved airily as he drove off. Now all she had to do was drive to Rosie’s house, ring the bell, and if Rosie didn’t kick her butt out the door, say good-bye, and leave. Never to darken her doorstep again. Ha!

Her stomach in knots, Vickie lowered the canvas roof of her Mustang convertible. Maybe the warm June breezes as she drove around the corner would help her calm down. Maybe she should have walked. Too late now, she was already in the car. When she stopped for the traffic light at the corner she looked at the dashboard clock. It was ten minutes past nine. Maybe the reason her stomach was in knots was because she hadn’t eaten anything since she’d wolfed down a stale donut at noon. The idea of a piping-hot pizza and a cold beer suddenly appealed to her. It would also fortify her for the meeting with Rosie.

Her eyes on the late-evening traffic, Vickie slowed for a stop sign, made a left on West Jones and another left onto Tattnall Street where the Crystal Beer Palace was located.

Vickie pulled into a parking space and had one foot out of the car when she heard voices coming from the Porsche that was parked to her right. One of the voices sounded familiar. When the voice turned low and intimate, she looked up and recognized Kent Bliss, the man Rosie was marrying at ten o’clock the next morning. The only problem was, it wasn’t Rosie hanging on to Kent and kissing him full on the mouth. She dropped back onto the seat. She inched the door closed before wiggling over to the passenger side of the car for a better look at what was going on.

No, it definitely was not Rosie mashing her body against Kent’s with her tongue down his throat.

Vickie cracked the passenger-side door and almost fell out in the process. She was just in time to hear Rosie’s intended say, What say we have a little quickie before we have our drink.

Oooh, Kent, you are so wicked. Naughty and wicked. Okay, the young voice chirped.

Now what am I supposed to do? Wait till the quickie is over? Go inside and take my beer and pizza with me? What if I’m standing in the lobby when Kent and the young girl enter?Vickie debated all of ten seconds before she fit the key into the ignition and backed out of the parking space, sans lights. She didn’t turn the lights on until she was once again on West Jones Street.

Her thoughts jumbled, Vickie drove by rote until she reached Rosie’s house. She parked, got out, and walked around to the back, where she could see lights. Rosie must be in the kitchen. Maybe she was having a case of the jitters or having a late-evening snack.

Damn, what am I doing here anyway?The last time she’d gone there the visit had ended in an ugly scene. She’d stormed out, leaving Rosie crying hysterically. Both of them had said hateful, ugly things to one another, something they’d never, ever done before.

Before she could change her mind, Vickie jabbed at the kitchen doorbell. From somewhere in the house, possibly the dining room, where Rosie would have her wedding presents set up, she could hear heavy footsteps. Who is it? Kent, is that you? You know you aren’t supposed to see the bride until right before the wedding.

Vickie clenched her teeth just as the outside light went on. It’s Vickie, Rosie.

Vic! Oh, God, you came! I am so happy to see you! Come in, come in! Oh, God, Vickie, I wanted to call you a hundred times. Tell me you reconsidered and are going to be in the wedding party. Please tell me that’s why you came.

Vickie felt her eyes start to puddle. She stared at her lifelong friend, whose freckles made a bridge across her plump face. Her dark chestnut hair was set in giant rollers, and her ample, size fourteen frame was decked out in a scarlet sweat suit. She was in her bare feet. Vickie shook her head slightly. She thought her heart was going to break when Rosie stepped backward, her back stiffening.

I…I came to say good-bye, Rosie.

I’ll be back, Vickie. A honeymoon doesn’t last forever. Seven days is nothing. Rosie’s voice sounded so desperate, Vickie closed her eyes, dreading what she was about to do.

Not you, Rosie, me. I’m going away. I got a job, as a companion to Adeline Simmons. We’re leaving for Europe in the morning. It’s a cushy job, and it pays very well. All my expenses are paid. I’m closing up my house this evening and leaving my car in the Simmons’s garage till we get back.

Rosie’s jaw dropped. But…but what about my wedding? What about the business? Tell me this is all a big joke. Why would you do…such a thing?

Vickie shrugged. Have your lawyer talk to my lawyer. I think that’s how it’s done. I told you the last time I was here, Rosie, that I wouldn’t be at the wedding. My feelings haven’t changed. You are making a serious mistake marrying Kent. I don’t want to go through that whole ugly scene again, okay? I just came to say good-bye and to wish you well. Did you buy him that new Porsche?

Rosie bit down on her lower lip. I wish you hadn’t come here, Vickie. And, yes, the Porsche was my wedding present to Kent. Why can’t you be happy for me? Why are you so jealous of me? Did you really think that because I weigh twenty-five pounds more than you, that no one would look at me? So what if I’m a size fourteen and you’re a size six. My weight and size don’t bother Kent. He says it’s just more of me to love.

And you believe that! Rosie, open your damn eyes! He’s a loser. He owes everyone in town. He chases anything in a skirt. I just saw him having a quickie in his brand-new Porsche just ten minutes ago. Don’t ask me how he’s doing it in that racy car, but he’s doing it. I saw him, Rosie. With my own eyes. I can even tell you who he was with, Sara Armstrong. She just turned eighteen two weeks ago. I saw the announcement in the paper because her parents threw her a wingding birthday party. She and Kent were at the Crystal Beer Palace. Read my lips, Rosie. You’re marrying him tomorrow morning, and he’s out there screwing an eighteen-year-old the night before! What’s wrong with this picture?

Rosie Gardener sat down on one of the kitchen chairs. Her expression was sad when she said, I had no idea you hated me so much. I can’t comprehend your jealousy, Vickie. Why did you come here? Can’t you stand to see me happy? I would be delirious if it was you getting married. I think you should leave now, Vickie.

She had to try one more time. Rosie, listen to me. I don’t hate you. I love you. We were best friends. And because of that relationship, I take it personally when I see someone bent on hurting you. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t try to warn you? I do want you to be happy. You’re so desperate to get married, you’re settling for that loser. He’s going to milk you dry if he hasn’t already. That’s all I have to say. Bye, Rosie, have a good life!

You have the nerve to say that to me after what you just told me! Get out of my house! I never want to see you again. Never. Do you hear me, Vickie?

Vickie turned at the door. If you ever really need me, Rosie, my lawyer will know where I am and how to reach me.

You don’t have to worry about that, Vickie Winters. It will be a cold day in hell before I call on the likes of you, Rosie vowed through her tears.

Vickie quietly closed the door behind her. She carried the sounds of her friend’s sobs with her out to her car. She felt lower than a snake’s belly as she drove away. She wasn’t wrong about Kent. Knowing that might make it a tad easier to live with what she’d done.

As she drove around the corner to her own little house, Vickie tussled with the memory of her and Rosie walking hand in hand on the first day of school. They were both excited and yet scared at the same time. Right before they walked up the steps to the school, they’d stopped, hugged each other, giggled as they swore to each other that they would be best friends for life. Then they’d galloped up the steps for the first big adventure of their lives.

It was all so long ago, but the memory was just as vibrant and fresh as that day so many years ago. Maybe she didn’t have any right to expect a childhood promise to last forever.


Three Years Later

Rosie Bliss feigned sleep in the early-morning light. There had been a time when she’d loved lying in bed watching her husband get dressed for the day. Two years and fifty-one weeks ago. Now, she dreaded opening her eyes in the morning to watch him fuss and fiddle and primp like some movie star.

Oh, Kent had the looks of a movie star, that was for sure. He could have doubled for George Clooney with his dark unruly hair and bedroom brown eyes. It was the rest of him that didn’t go with the image. She’d found that out, too, two years and fifty-one weeks ago.

She sneezed. The jig was up. Rolling over, Rosie turned on the bedside lamp and sat up. She hugged her knees close to her chest. No mean feat with the extra pounds she’d put on over those two years and fifty-one weeks. She waited now for the verbal onslaught she knew was coming. When she finally got tired of waiting, she said, Well, let’s get on with it so we can both start our day.

Today he wouldn’t look at her. She wondered whatthat meant. Once she had cared about every little thing he did. She’d done everything but turn herself inside out to please the man she’d married. It had taken her exactly seven days, the length of their honeymoon, to figure out it was never going to happen.

The realization that her friend Vickie had been right made the knowledge all the more bitter. So she’d doubled her efforts to win her husband’s love. She’d bought him outrageous gifts, mountains of pricey clothes, a Rolex, a Mont Blanc pen, a speedboat, a flatscreen television set, any number of electronic toys, the memberships at the country club and the Olympus Gym in the hopes of a smile and maybe a lovemaking session. It never worked.

Rosie wondered if Kent even remembered that it was their wedding anniversary. She bit down on her tongue to make sure she didn’t blurt it out. Instead, she let her gaze go to a small television set perched on the corner of the dresser. Kent liked to hear the local news while he got ready for his day. Her ears perked up when she heard him make a sound. Maybe it was a grunt. He rarely spoke so early in the morning. He did point to the screen. She grimaced as the morning news anchor rattled on about the Wonderball lottery drawing that was going to be held that night. Someone, the news anchor said, was really going to win 302 million dollars, the largest Wonderball drawing ever. He went on to say people were coming to Savannah from other states, mostly South Carolina and North Carolina, to buy tickets. The wait in line, according to the newsperson, was up to four hours.

Rosie blinked when she heard her husband say, I bought a hundred dollars’ worth of tickets yesterday. Man, I could spend that money in a heartbeat.

Rosie swung her legs over the side of the bed. It’s always about money with you, isn’t it, Kent? she observed quietly. Between the two of us we make almost half a million dollars a year. There was no need to remind him that four hundred and fifty thousand of the half million dollars was money she earned. Kent just played at selling real estate and looking nice for the customers he drove around all day long in his Porsche.

Rosie stood up, moved closer to her husband. He deliberately inched away. He still wasn’t looking at her. Today of all days. She bit down on her bottom lip again to prevent herself from mentioning their anniversary. She sniffed his aftershave. She loved the way he smelled so early in the morning. Rather like a woody glen on a clear summer day.

She was a fool.

She hated the anxiousness in her voice when she said, Will you be home for dinner, Kent?

Probably not. I have appointments right through seven o’clock.

She was angry now. She couldn’t remember the last time they’d had dinner together. She couldn’t remember the last time they’d doneanything together. Sex was something other people had. She felt her insides start to shrivel at the coldness in his voice.

"I think, Kent, it would be a good idea for you to come home to dinner this evening. This isJune." Maybe mentioning the month would trigger his memory. You haven’t sold a house or a piece of property in three months. You haven’t contributed a cent to this household since we got married. Since I am the breadwinner, I want you home for dinner. She was surprised at the ring of steel in her voice.

Kent jerked at his tie before he turned around. He stared at her, a look of revulsion on his face. Stunned, Rosie backed up two steps. And if I don’t come home for dinner, what are you going to do, Rosalie? Are you going to cut off my allowance?

Damn, when am I going to learn? When did I turn into such a gutless wonder?Her spine stiffened imperceptibly. She summoned up the steely tone again. Worse. I’ll sell your car. The one I’m still paying for. The one you trade in every year. On your salary, you should be able to lease a Volkswagen. After I do that, I’ll drive over to the country club and cancel our membership, and your membership to that prestigious gym where you pretend to work out. Effective immediately. Depending on my mood at that point, I might or might not sink that damn speedboat. Dinner will be at seven. My advice would be to show up on time.

Rosie slammed, then locked the bathroom door. She sat down on the edge of the Jacuzzi and cried.

She was a fool.

A stupid fool who still had feelings for her handsome husband. A husband who made no pretense of evenliking her, much less loving her. A husband who’d never said a kind word to her. However, he had said bushels of unkind words. He hated her weight, hated her freckles, hated her pug nose, hated her curly brown hair, hated her clothes. Loved her money. Loved her prestigious address. And, of course, he loved himself. And yet she stayed with him.I’m not just a fool, but a stupid, ignorant fool.

She should have had the guts to kick him out of the house two years and fifty-one weeks ago. But, because she was a fool in love, she’d thought their marriage would get better. Just like every other dumb woman who fell for a bad apple. Even when she knew it was getting worse, she’d hung in there, hating to admit she’d made a mistake, so she turned pretense into an art form. Her housekeeper, Luna Mae, said she was in denial.

Luna Mae was right.

Well, it’s time to do something about it. Tonight I’m going to lay down a whole new set of rules, and if Kent doesn’t like those rules, then Kent can leave.

Bitter bile rose in her throat. If he left her, everyone in town would talk and gossip. Luna Mae Luna would look at her with pity. Thank God Vickie wasn’t around to say, I told you so. She’d have to turn into more of a recluse than she was already. If she did that, she’d go from a size sixteen to a size eighteen. Fat women’s clothes. She’d been a size fourteen when she married Kent. Now she was a size sixteen as long as the garment came with elastic. Her favorite word these days,elastic.

Not only was she a stupid, ignorant fool; she was a mess, too. Physically as well as mentally.

A bold knock sounded on the bathroom door. Kent apologizing? Not in this lifetime. What? she barked tearfully.

Open the door, Rosie.

Luna Mae.

Rosie hitched up the bottom of her pajamas and opened the door. She fell into her housekeeper’s arms, hoping for kind words and solace. It wasn’t to be.

Luna Mae Luna, aka Charlotte Bertha Hennessy, fixed her steely gaze on her employer before offering up a solid whack on Rosie’s behind. "I heard everything, and yes, I was eavesdropping outside the door. Are you ever going to learn? When are you going to stop taking his crap? That weasel has made you a laughingstock in this town. I heareverything when I go to the market. I even overhear things I’m not supposed to hear. Things your husband says about you at the club. You’re a standing joke, Rosie. We’ve had this discussion a hundred times, and you don’t do anything."

Luna Mae Luna had been a homeless person when Rosie, who’d been eighteen then, had found her and brought her home to Rosie’s mother, who had cleaned her up, then hired her on the spot. Luna Mae was a female Mr. Clean, opinionated, a hell of a cook, and read the Bible every day. She’d gone to seed, as she put it, after her boyfriend, a man named Skipper who had sixty-seven tattoos and a cat, crashed and burned on a racetrack. She’d cremated him, what was left of him, with her last cent, taken his mangy cat, and lived on the streets begging for handouts. Skipper, his ashes in an urn, sat on the mantel in her bedroom. She talked to him every day. She’d cremated Buster the cat, too, when he’d used up all his nine lives. Sometimes she talked to Buster when she got really lonely.

If there was anything or anyone Luna Mae truly loved, it was Rosie because Rosie had been her savior.

You need to grow some balls, honey, and kick that man’s ass all the way to the Mason-Dixon line. He doesn’t love you. He loves your money, child. When are you going to see that? When it’s too late, that’s when. You’re letting the business slide. I’m one person. I can’t keep doing it all. I’m thinking it’s time for you to do some major sucking up and call Vickie. You need her, Rosie. You really do.

No, Luna Mae, I can’t do that. I was so ugly to her the last time we talked. I don’t even know where she is. I thought she would keep in touch, but she didn’t. Let’s be honest here. If the situation were reversed, I wouldn’t call her either. Besides, how can I admit how wrong I was and how right she was?

You just say it, honey. Friends understand things like that. She can’t be that hard to find. I can ask around. I’m sure someone in town has her address. Like the post office, she added slyly. Look, you two girls loved each other. She only wanted what was best for you, just the way I did. Vickie didn’t say anything to you that I didn’t say. You took it from me but not from Vickie.

Rosie rubbed at her temples. I thought she was jealous. Pride is a terrible thing, Luna Mae. Okay, enough of this. In case you forgot, today is my wedding anniversary. I want you to make a big dinner, standing rib roast, Kent’s favorite. I want scented candles, lots of fragrant flowers. Use Mom’s linen tablecloth, the good silver and crystal. Dinner is at seven. Then I want you to go to the movies. A double feature. Can you do that, Luna Mae?

Luna Mae nodded. It isn’t going to work, Rosie. I hate saying this, I hate being so blunt, but the man doesn’t love you. A fine dinner with real silver and crystal is not going to make a difference. He doesn’t even remember it’s your anniversary. Why do you want to torture yourself like this?

Because I have to.

"Baby, you can’t still love that man. He’s not worth your little finger. Okay, okay, that’s enough talk abouthim. What would you like for breakfast? How about some waffles with blueberries?"

Rosie looked at her housekeeper. She was tall and skinny, with double braids that were now gray hanging down her back. Granny glasses perched on the end of her nose. Rosie knew Luna Mae forgot to look through them and was forever squinting. Two round circles of bright rouge dotted her bony cheeks. She wore no other makeup. A five-carat diamond graced her middle finger. Luna Mae called it her personal headlight. She was never without it, even in soapy water. Skipper had given it to her after he won a big race. It was supposed to be their nest egg in their retirement years.

Waffles and blueberries sound just fine, Luna Mae.

At the doorway, Luna Mae turned to call over her shoulder. Wear something festive today. It will lift your spirits.

Rosie snorted her opinion of that statement. They don’t make festive in size sixteen, Luna Mae.

Then do something about it, Luna Mae snapped. You’re carrying around enough blubber on your person to sink a ship.

Rosie burst into tears when she slammed the bathroom door shut for the second time. She hiccuped, blew her nose, squeezed her eyes shut, then stripped down to the buff. The mirror was something she avoided like a plague, especially when she was naked. Today she stared at her unflattering figure with wide-open eyes. She looked like a washboard, with all her rolls of fat. She couldn’t see her belly button. Every ounce of fat on her body was dimpled.

Rosie stared at her naked body for a long time.

She wasn’t pudgy; nor was she chubby or plump. She was fat, fat, fat, from her neck down to her toes.

Whirling around, Rosie stared over her shoulders at her buttocks. This time when she bit down on her lower lip, she tasted her own blood.

Rosie thought she could hear the floor rumble when she stomped her way to the shower, her face a grim mixture of misery and determination.

Thirty minutes later, Rosie presented herself in the kitchen attired in a cranberry sleeveless shift with matching sandals. Festive it wasn’t. Luna Mae rolled her eyes as she poured coffee before sliding two delectable-looking waffles onto Rosie’s plate.

I changed my mind, Luna Mae. I’ll just have the blueberries and a piece of toast. No butter or jam. No sugar on the berries either, and no cream in my coffee.

Yes, ma’am, Luna Mae said, saluting smartly. Now you’re getting it, girl.

Instead of that rich dinner I suggested earlier, let’s have poached red snapper. I have to go to the post office, so I’ll stop at the fish store. Baked potatoes, green salad, maybe some snap peas and baby carrots. Sorbet for dessert. No rolls, no butter. Just seasonings. For the record, I have nine, that’s n-i-n-e rolls of fat from my neck down to my thighs. Later, I’m going to measure my thighs. While I’m out, I want you to call that sporting goods store out by the River Walk, and have them deliver a treadmill, a StairMaster, and an Exercycle. When they deliver it, have them put it all in the sunroom. No one ever goes in there. Take one of the television sets from another room and hook it up in there.

"You knowhe’s going to have something to say about all this, don’t you?"

Yes, I guess he will, Luna Mae. As you well know, this is my house. My parents left it to me. That means I can do whatever I want here. Kent’s name is not on the deed. Now, ask me if I care if he says anything about the equipment.

Luna Mae pushed her granny glasses up to the bridge of her nose. She actually peered through them. Do you care, baby?

No. This toast is delicious. These blueberries are scrumptious, and the coffee stinks without cream and sugar. How long do you think it will take me to lose fifty-five pounds, Luna Mae?

A year if you do it right. More coffee?

Rosie held her cup out for a refill. She looked around at what she considered her mother’s kitchen. It was warm and cozy. Comfortable, too. The wordhomey came to mind. It was a yellow kitchen, the color of sunshine on a warm summer day. The dishes were yellow, too, with a bouquet of green mint in the middle to match the handles on the everyday flatware. She particularly loved the yellow teakettle sitting on the stove. It was probably her favorite thing in the whole kitchen. Then again, maybe her favorite things were on the shelves—her mother’s teapot collection. Teapots she’d collected from all over the world. Luna Mae washed them twice a year.

Admiring the pretty, comfortable kitchen, Rosie asked, Why do you suppose Kent never liked this kitchen or liked eating in it? I don’t feel comfortable eating in the dining room because it’s so formal.

Luna Mae jammed her hands on her skinny, bony hips and glared at her boss. "Because kitchens represent family and unity. In a time of crisis or a time of happiness, people tend to gather in the kitchen. It’s homey, comfortable, safe. It’s where the stove is for coffee or tea. Liquor is kept in the cabinet. If you want a single word, then I’d have to say a kitchen is a commitment. That man you married doesn’t know the meaning of the word. He’s a wannabe. You know it, and I know it.

Now, what’s on your agenda for today other than going to the fish market and the post office?

Nature’s Decorations, Rosie said, referring to the business she ran out of her three-car garage, is crying for my commitment. I have orders to pack up for UPS, orders to process, and I need to meet with the photographer to go over my Christmas catalog. I think, if I stay focused, I can double the business I did last Christmas.

Luna Mae twirled one of her long braids between her fingers. Do you think any of your customers suspect you sell them weeds?

Rosie grimaced. They’re only weeds when I start out. The finished product is a work of art. The best part is, weeds are free. It’s just the lacquer, the paint, and the sparkles that cost money. It’s a win win for me. Vickie was the only one who believed in me when I started this. Remember how she and I used to go out in the country and fill our cars with weeds on the weekends? Then we’d dry them out, decorate them, and fill our bank accounts. She hasn’t touched any of her share of the money from the business, do you know that? I wonder why.

Vickie is a woman of principle. Like I said before, you owe her an apology, Rosie. Luna Mae shook her head. "Well, you better get a move on because UPS will be here at three o’clock. If you need me, call me on the intercom, and I’ll help you pack up the orders. Since dinner is going to be so simple, I won’t need much time to prepare it.

Would you look at that! Luna Mae said, pointing to the television set where excited people standing in line to buy lottery tickets were jabbering to a reporter interviewing customers. It’s an obscene amount of money. I’m going to buy a ticket today. What do you think my chances of winning are?

Probably one in a billion. You might as well save that dollar because you aren’t going to win. I’ll see you later.

Spoilsport. I’m buying it anyway. Luna Mae grinned as she set about clearing the table.

Her errands completed an hour later, Rosie stopped at the local gas station. Don’t bother with the windshield or oil, Bobby, they’re okay. Just fill it up, and can you bring me a copy of the paper when you come back?

"Sure, Miz Bliss. You sure about the oil? You want to buy a

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