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What Goes Around Comes Around
What Goes Around Comes Around
What Goes Around Comes Around
Ebook288 pages4 hours

What Goes Around Comes Around

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The steamy story of the reunion of a man and a woman who share a pastone that led to a dangerous game of deception.

Winston and Arnelle, the best friends of the beloved characters from Darrien Lee's bestselling books, All That and a Bag of Chips and Been There, Done That, seem to have it all: good looks, professional success, and an irrepressible appeal to the opposite sex. However, in What Goes Around Comes Around readers learn that they share something else—a shocking secret buried deep in their past.

Winston, a dapper young attorney, is king of the conquest. He has bedded so many different women over the years he can barely remember them. However, he finally falls under the spell of a sexy vixen named Arnelle Lapahie, a sports medicine doctor whose office is in the same building as Winston's law firm. While Arnelle finds Winston handsome and tempting, she is hurt that he doesn't remember crossing paths with her years earlier. Arnelle must decide whether she should harp on the past or attempt to make a fresh start with the man of her dreams.

Packed with emotional drama, What Goes Around Comes Around is a fascinating story of two people who must test their ability to forgive, trust, and, ultimately, love.
PublisherStrebor Books
Release dateMar 1, 2006
What Goes Around Comes Around

Darrien Lee

Darrien Lee, a graduate of Tennessee State University, is a two-time Essence bestselling author. Her books include, All That and a Bag of Chips, Brotherly Love, and What Goes Around Comes Around. She has been featured in several magazines, including Romantic Times magazine and the Nashville Tennessean. She lives in LaVergne, Tennessee, with her husband and two daughters.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not as good as the first two, but still good.

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What Goes Around Comes Around - Darrien Lee

Chapter One

The weatherman had forecast at least another five inches of snow. Winston Carter, III, better known as Skeeter by his friends, was trying to get used to Northeastern snowfalls, but it had been difficult. These winters were far worse than what he experienced growing up in the South. As he stood to close his briefcase, his cellular phone rang.


Hey, Skeeter.

He smiled. Hello, Venice. Before you say another word, I’m putting my coat on right now.

I’m just checking because I know you. You’ve cancelled the last two dinner dates, and I will drop-kick your butt if you try and cancel on us tonight.

Venice was the wife of his best friend, Craig Bennett. Their relationship hadn’t always been this close, but over the years, they were able to settle their differences and become close friends. On this night, Winston was to join his friends for dinner. He had been tied up at his law firm with heavy caseloads for several weeks, which accounted for the cancelled dinner invitations. Winston buttoned his coat and said, I’m on my way, woman. What did you cook anyway?

Venice smiled. Don’t you worry about it. You just get over here. Oh! I need a favor.

He cringed. Oh Lawd, you don’t need me to pick up any personal items, do you?

You’re so stupid, Skeeter. She laughed. Listen, Arnelle put her car in the shop this morning, and it’s not ready yet. I was supposed to go back to the clinic and give her a ride home. I’m tied up here with dinner. Can you swing by and give her a lift home…please?

Skeeter frowned. Dang, Venice! You know we don’t get along. Why don’t I come and help with dinner and then you or Craig can go pick her up?

Arnelle was Venice’s partner at her sports medical clinic. Winston was used to women falling at his feet, which left him confused why Arnelle seemed to despise him. Ever since they’d met, she’d acted uninterested with anything he had to say or do in her presence.

Venice pulled the succulent roast out of the oven. Skeeter, it’s on your way over here so stop acting childish. Arnelle does like you.

Frowning, he answered, Sure, I can tell by the way she rolls her eyes every time I try to talk to her.

Sighing, Venice pleaded, Do it for me, okay?

He locked up his office and walked toward the elevators. Thinking about what he was about to encounter, he changed the subject by asking, How are the kids?

I have one on each hip, and Brandon’s clinging to my leg.

Winston let out a baritone laugh. That’s a visual. Wait…are you serious?

I’m just kidding. The twins are napping, and Brandon’s helping Craig set the table.

You owe me big time for putting me in the same space as that woman.

Okay, okay, Venice said, giggling. I love you and thanks a lot! Make sure you drive safely, and we’ll see you soon. Did you remember to bring a change of clothes, in case the weather gets worse?

He punched the elevator button and answered, Yes, Mother.

Just for that, no dessert for you. See you soon, Skeeter.

Pray for me.

He climbed into his truck and maneuvered through the snowy streets. He tensed up, knowing his peace and quiet would soon be interrupted.


Arnelle hung up the telephone and started gnawing on her nails. She couldn’t believe Venice was going to make her ride with him. While they had some unfinished business to discuss, Winston had avoided the subject totally, so she’d done everything she could to stay out of his way. Maybe the distance between them was the best thing for now; until they could sit down and discuss what had happened between them rationally. She stood with her hands on her hips, remembering Venice’s words:Arnelle, it’s going to take a cab two hours or more to arrive. You can do this, just this once.

She vowed to pay her partner back one way or another. Glancing at her watch, she realized Winston would arrive shortly. He was still very handsome, and was always able to shake her foundation whenever he was around her. She had never been very experienced when dealing with men, but the ones she had been in contact with proved to be nothing but heartache. Her desire was to right the wrong she had done to him and try to put her life back together. It only took moments to turn out all the lights and lock up the office. She would wait for him in the lobby.


Winston turned into the circular driveway in front of the Bennett Complex. He took one last deep breath as he brought his huge truck to a halt. The snow was coming down even harder now and before he could be a gentleman and open the door for Arnelle, she climbed in on the passenger side and buckled her seatbelt.

Dang, woman. Where’s the fire?

She turned to look at him with the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.

Look, I appreciate you giving me a ride home. But, if you don’t mind, I’m tired and just want to get home, okay?

He stared at her. Why do you always have to be so mean, Arnelle?

You know why. You’ve been giving me the cold shoulder ever since we ran into each other again. Look, I’m sorry about what went down between us, okay?

"I don’t know what you’re talking about, and what do you mean…again?You must have me mixed up with someone else."

I don’t have you mixed up with anyone else! How could you forget about me…us?

He stared at her for a moment and tried his best to remember her, but he couldn’t and he didn’t understand why. He knew he had dated a lot of women, but Arnelle wasn’t the type he’d forget.

You must have me confused with someone else, Arnelle? We’ve never met.

Turning away, she wiped away a lone tear. No, I don’t have you mixed up. The reason I know for sure is because we have a…

His cell phone rang, interrupting her. Arnelle sighed as Winston answered the phone.


He stared at her as he listened to the caller. He was trying to figure out what the hell Arnelle was talking about.

Yeah, I’m still here, but I’m kind of busy right now. I’ll have to get back with you later. A’ight? Hanging up the phone, Winston said, Sorry about that. Now, what were you saying?

Arnelle looked at him…really stared. This wasn’t making any sense. She wasn’t getting anywhere with him so she decided to leave things as they were. It was obvious he had moved on with his life and she couldn’t blame him; after what she’d put him through.

I’m sorry, Winston. If I could take everything back, I would. I just hope you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me. You don’t have to worry about me bothering you ever again. There, I’ve said it. Now please, just take me home.

Arnelle leaned back on the headrest and closed her eyes. She didn’t want to talk about it anymore. She inhaled Winston’s masculine scent, and it was wonderful. She didn’t know what the fragrance was, but it suited him perfectly. He sat and stared in total confusion. He had no idea where their weird conversation was coming from. Puzzled, he responded, I’m sorry, but you’re mistaken, Arnelle.

With tears in her eyes, she replied, Forget about it.

Fine with me, he muttered before pulling out onto the street. The roads were full of motorists trying to get home in the heavy snow. Occasionally, he would glance over to see if Arnelle’s eyes were still closed, and they were. He tried to figure out what she had meant by her statements. Why was she apologizing to him? He remembered asking Craig and Venice if they knew why she seemed to despise him so much. She was the only woman he hadn’t been able to charm, and that puzzled him. In fact, what he had for her was a strong attraction, and it was getting harder for him to hide it.

When they reached the suburbs, they encountered treacherous driving conditions. These streets had not been traveled as much and even his four-wheel drive vehicle was having some difficulty. Winston turned into Arnelle’s neighborhood and was met with roadblocks and a state trooper.

What’s this? he asked.

Arnelle sat up and opened her eyes. The state trooper walked over to Winston’s side and he rolled down the window.

What’s going on, officer? Winston asked.

Do you live in this neighborhood?

Arnelle leaned toward Winston and answered, I do, officer. What’s the problem?

There’ve been several accidents in this neighborhood, so we had to close this area. It’s just too risky to chance any more accidents.

Arnelle’s eyes widened. But I have to get home, she said, her voice high-pitched.

Where do you live, Ma’am?

Dakota and Pine.

The officer shielded his eyes from the blizzard-like snowfall.

Ma’am, Dakota and Pine is one of the worst areas, and it’s too far to walk from here. I suggest you stay with friends or family for the night and maybe we’ll open it back up tomorrow.

Are you crazy?

Skeeter could feel Arnelle’s warm breath on the side of his neck as well as smell her flowery scent. The officer’s irritation showed.

Ma’am, I’m sorry, but you can’t go past this point. Good evening.

He walked back to his vehicle and climbed inside.

She stared at Winston. Why didn’t you help me?

Hey, Winston said, throwing his hands up, this wasn’t my battle. Besides, what did you expect me to say?

Her emotions had gotten the best of her.

What kind of lawyer are you, anyway?

Winston looked at Arnelle like she had lost her ever-loving mind. This woman was driving him crazy. She was the total opposite of the kind of women he dealt with, so why did he want to get to know her better? It was obvious there was some type of issue she had with him. He just didn’t know what it was. He closed his eyes, trying to be as patient as possible.

Arnelle, I’m not going to argue with you. I’m tired and hungry, and I have somewhere I have to be. Now, where do you want me to take you?

Angrily, she said, Drop me off at the first hotel you come to.

Hotel? Woman, please.

Just drive, Winston!

You can’t tell me what to do, Arnelle!

Disgusted, he pulled off and within minutes, he was in Craig and Venice’s driveway. Before he could get out of the truck, Arnelle stormed through their front door.


Arnelle went straight into the kitchen and found Venice and Craig locked, as usual, in a passionate embrace.

In unison, they asked, "What’s wrong?

Arnelle folded her arms. Don’t you ever put me in the same space with him again! He is the most stubborn man I’ve ever known!

Craig laughed. What did you do to him?

Don’t start with me, Arnelle replied, her finger pointed at Craig. My neighborhood has been closed because of this snow, and I can’t get home. I left your friend outside.

Craig continued to laugh as he walked out of the kitchen in search of Winston.

Arnelle paced back and forth across the kitchen, ranting and raving about Winston. Venice let her vent for a while, and then said, Calm down, Arnelle. He’s only a man. Damn! Why don’t you like him? If you ask me, I think you like him more than you’re pretending. You always get like this when he’s around. What’s going on with you two?


You might as well go on and give him some loving and maybe that will take the tension out of the both of you.

Arnelle put her finger in the cake batter. I can’t believe you went there. Winston’s pissing me off. We have some issues to work through, but he’s avoiding it.

Venice smacked Arnelle’s hand. Well, whatever it is, you guys need to hurry up and straighten it out. We’re all friends, and I want us to be able to get along, okay? He’s a nice guy, Arnelle. I admit, we didn’t hit it off at all in the beginning, but he’s really a sweetheart.

Arnelle rolled her eyes. Whatever. Look, since I’m stranded here, do you still have my gym bag I left at the clinic? It has a change of clothes in it.

It’s in the hall closet and if you want to take a shower, make sure you use the one downstairs. I’d hate for you and Winston to accidentally run into each other in the upstairs shower. He’ll probably stay over tonight, so try to be nice to him.

Laughing, Arnelle said, I’ll do my best, and payback is hell, Venice.

I’m so scared. Get out of here and go relax. Brandon is going to be so excited that you’re here.

I can’t wait to see him, either.


Craig ran into Winston as he walked through the front door. He folded his arms and asked, What’s up, Bro?

Walking past him and up the stairs, Winston solemnly said, Not right now, Craig. I’m going to take a shower and try to calm down. A’ight?

Take your time. You know where everything is.

Before Winston could get to the top of the stairs, he mumbled, That woman is crazy.

I take it you’re talking about the witch doctor? Craig asked.

Winston gripped the railing and nodded. Yeah, man. She was yelling the whole way over here. Turning, he asked, Hey, have you or Venice said anything to that woman about the things I told you?

Frowning, Craig said, I haven’t, but I don’t know about Venice. Why?

She said some weird things on the way over here; that’s all.

Oh, I see. Anything you want to talk about?

Not yet. I need to chill out first ’cause she’s a trip!

She sure is beautiful when she’s angry, huh?

Go to hell, Craig.

Winston could hear Craig laughing as he entered the guest room where he had spent many nights. He sat on the bed and placed his hands over his face, letting out a sigh. He hated to admit that Craig was right about Arnelle being beautiful when she was angry. To Winston, she was beautiful twenty-four/seven. He tried to dismiss the fact that she was drawing him in against his will. He just wished he knew why she hated him so much. Moments later, he stood under the hot steamy water of his shower.

After stepping out, he wrapped a towel around his wet body and reentered the bedroom. He found Brandon using the bed as a trampoline.

Hey, Uncle Skeeter!

What’s up, Brandon? How long have you been in here?

Brandon stopped jumping and sat on the bed next to Winston.

Not long. I didn’t know you were here, but I knew you were coming.

Brandon put his feet into Winston’s large sneakers and walked around the room. Winston proceeded to rub his body with lotion as he watched Brandon use his shoes as toys. He eventually tripped over them and said, I wonder if my feet are going to be big like yours and Pop’s.

Winston stood and removed the towel, and seven-year-old Brandon said, Ooh, I wonder if my penis is going to be big like yours, too!

Winston froze. He never thought Brandon would pay attention to him dressing, let alone comment on his male form. Playing the comment down, Winston slipped into his boxers and said, Don’t rush things, my man. How is it that you’re calling it a penis already?

Because Momma said that’s what it was. My friend Jamal calls his a pee-pee.

I see.

Uncle Skeeter, Brandon began, smiling, did you know girls have virginias?

It’s vaginas and yes, I know, Winston stuttered. Just remember what I said about rushing things, okay?

Okay, Uncle Skeeter. Did you know Miss Arnelle was here?

He took a deep breath, sighed, and said, Yes, she rode over here with me. Brandon stared at Winston for a moment and asked, Don’t you like her? I do. I love touching her hair. It’s so long and pretty.

Winston was now fully dressed in some jeans and a pullover. He bent down to lace up his sneakers and said, Well, Brandon, I’ve tried to be friends with Miss Arnelle, but I don’t think she wants me as a friend.

Why not?

I don’t know, but let’s not worry about her. I came over here to challenge you in a snowball fight, but you have to eat all your dinner. Have you been taking care of Clarissa and C.J.?

Brandon sat back on the bed. Yeah, Uncle Skeeter. I’ve been taking care of them, but I hate holding their stinky diapers.

Don’t forget, Winston said, as he rubbed his hand across Brandon’s head, somebody had to hold your stinky diapers when you were a baby.

I know, Brandon said, as he jumped on the bed. And I will eat all my dinner so we can go out and play.

Good, now get down off the bed before your mom comes in here and goes ballistic on both of us. He took Brandon by the hand and left to join the others downstairs.


When Winston and Brandon entered the dining room, Brandon ran over and gave Arnelle a hug. Craig was feeding the twins, and Venice was in the process of putting dinner on the table. Winton’s eyes met Arnelle’s briefly and it was then he realized she had changed into jeans also. The pink cashmere sweater accented her shapely figure. He figured that Venice must have loaned her some clothes because Arnelle didn’t have a bag with her. He also couldn’t take his eyes off the long, wavy hair spilling over her shoulders and down her back. He remembered Craig telling him that she had Navajo blood in her and her beauty reflected it. He stood motionless as he watched Brandon sit on her lap and run his hand through her thick mane. Even though she’d angered him only moments earlier, he felt his body starting to betray him. The last thing he wanted Arnelle to see was him getting aroused just from looking at her. He turned to walk out of the room, but Craig stopped him.

Sit down, man. I could use some help here.

Venice and Arnelle looked at Winston as he sat down and took a bowl of baby food from Craig and fed Clarissa.

Ok, Princess, Winston warned. Don’t give me any trouble tonight.

Clarissa smiled at him as he brought the spoon up to her mouth. He’d fed the twins before and was beginning to be a pro at it. He leaned in and gave Clarissa a wet kiss on the cheek, then over to little C.J., repeating the gesture. Clarissa sneezed, spraying his face with baby food. Everyone laughed, even Arnelle. Brandon put his hand over his mouth and laughed the loudest. Venice walked over and handed him a towel to wipe his face. Winston looked at Clarissa and said, Sweetheart, you’re going to pay for that.

She squealed with laughter as he kissed her again before rising to wash up.

You might as well wait until she’s done, Craig warned. She’ll probably do it again.

Winston sat back down. You’re right. Now, Princess, I’m warning you.

He pointed his finger at her in a playful way, and then tickled her before continuing to feed her.


After feeding the twins, Craig and Winston took the twins upstairs, bathed them and put them to bed. When they walked back into the dining room and sat down, they realized Brandon had been keeping the two women entertained while they waited on them to return.

Momma, I was talking to Uncle Skeeter, and we’re going out to play in the snow after dinner.

Venice glared at Winston. I don’t know, Brandon. It’s cold outside. Maybe you guys should wait until it stops snowing.

Ahhh, Momma.

Minutes later, everyone joined hands as Craig blessed the food. It was mostly silent; except the occasional chitchat about the weather and work.

I know something ya’ll don’t know, Brandon said in a singsong voice.

And what might that be, Lil’ Man? Venice asked as she picked up her fork.

Uncle Skeeter has a big penis just like my daddy’s, and I’m going to have one just like them when I grow up. Pops, I haven’t seen yours yet, so I don’t know if it’s big or not.

Craig spat his tea out and started laughing as Venice screamed, Brandon!

Slumping down in his chair, Brandon whispered, Well, he does, Momma.

Arnelle didn’t even flinch. She just arched her eyebrows and stared at Winston as he showed his obvious embarrassment. She knew he dared

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