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Dictionary of English Antonyms: Vocabulary Building
Dictionary of English Antonyms: Vocabulary Building
Dictionary of English Antonyms: Vocabulary Building
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Dictionary of English Antonyms: Vocabulary Building

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An Antonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word.

Alphabetical List of English antonyms

Sample This:

English Antonyms – A

1. ABOVE -- (meaning) on top of, over, higher than, more than
Antonyms of ‘Above’ --
below / under / less / beneath / lower

2. ABSORB -- (meaning) to take in energy, gas, heat, light, liquid, etc.
Antonyms of ‘Absorb’ --
emanate / discharge / drip / emit / exude / leak / ooze / radiate / secrete

3. ABSTEMIOUS -- (meaning) not lenient towards yourself
Antonyms of ‘Abstemious’ --
unconstrained / uncontrolled / uninhibited / unrestrained

4. ACCEPT -- (meaning) to take readily something that is offered; to say ‘Yes’ to the proposal, offer, etc.
Antonyms of ‘Accept’ --
abandon / deny / disallow / disprove / discard / dump / rebut / refuse / reject

5. ACCIDENTAL -- (meaning) happening by chance
Antonyms of ‘Accidental’ --
deliberate / intentional / planned / premeditated / purposeful / fixed

6. ACCRETION -- (meaning) slowly added layer of a substance
Antonyms of ‘Accretion’ --
corrosion / decay / decomposition / deterioration / disintegration / erosion

7. ACKNOWLEDGE -- (meaning) to accept that something is true
Antonyms of ‘Acknowledge’ --
condone / deny / disprove / challenge / contradict / ignore / invalidate / overlook / rebuff / refute

8. ACTIVE -- (meaning) involved in something or doing something
Antonyms of ‘Active’ --
dormant / idle / inactive / inert / latent / lethargic / listless / passive / sluggish

9. ACTUAL -- (meaning) existing in reality
Antonyms of ‘Actual’ --
fantasy / illusory / imaginary / invented / unreal / virtual

1. abandon -- retain / salvage
2. abase -- deference / respect
3. abashed -- proud / unabashed
4. abate -- strengthen / brace
5. abbreviate -- amplify / lengthen
6. abdicate -- accept / continue
7. aberrant -- typical / usual
8. aberration -- normality / routine
9. abet -- hinder / dissuade
10. abhor -- admire / worship
11. abhorrent -- desirable / pleasing
12. abiding -- temporary / transient
13. ability -- inability / ineptitude
14. abject -- hopeful / optimistic
15. abjure -- own / possess
16. able -- incapable / unable
17. abnormal -- normal / natural
18. abolition -- initiation / launching
19. abominate -- love / respect
20. abortive -- fruitful / productive
21. abrasive -- even / regular / polite
22. abridge -- enlarge / expand
23. abridged -- comprehensive / whole
24. abrupt -- gradual / steady
25. abseil -- ascend / climb
26. absence -- attendance / existence / presence
27. absolute -- relative / virtual
28. absolution -- harshness / severity
29. absolve -- blame / condemn / denounce
30. abstain -- endure / persist
31. abstinence -- excess / indulgence
32. abstract -- concrete / real
33. abstracted -- alert / attentive / aware
34. abstruse -- intelligible / logical / lucid
35. abundant -- meager / scarce
36. abysmal -- excellent / outstanding
37. accede -- disallow / discard
38. acceptable -- deplorable / unacceptable
39. acceptance -- denial / rejection / renunciation
40. accessible -- inaccessible / unachievable
41. acclaim -- condemnation / disapproval
42. accolade -- discredit / disgrace / ignominy
43. accommodating -- disobliging / uncooperative
44. accord -- disagreement / disparity
45. accountable -- inexplicable / unaccountable
46. accredit -- derecognize / disapprove
47. accrual -- decrease / deduction / loss
48. accurate -- inaccurate / incorrect
49. accustomed -- unaccustomed / unfamiliar
50. achievable -- unachievable / unattainable
51. acquiescence -- opposition / resistance
52. acquire -- cede / relinquish / surrender
53. acrid -- saccharine

PublisherManik Joshi
Release dateMay 19, 2014
Dictionary of English Antonyms: Vocabulary Building

Manik Joshi

Manik Joshi was born on January 26, 1979, at Ranikhet, a picturesque town in the Kumaon region of the Indian state of Uttarakhand. He is a permanent resident of the Sheeshmahal area of Kathgodam located in the city of Haldwani in the Kumaon region of Uttarakhand in India. He completed his schooling in four different schools. He is a science graduate in the ZBC – zoology, botany, and chemistry – subjects. He is also an MBA with a specialization in marketing. Additionally, he holds diplomas in "computer applications", "multimedia and web-designing", and "computer hardware and networking". During his schooldays, he wanted to enter the field of medical science; however, after graduation he shifted his focus to the field of management. After obtaining his MBA, he enrolled in a computer education center; he became so fascinated with working on the computer that he decided to develop his career in this field. Over the following years, he worked at some computer-related full-time jobs. Following that, he became interested in Internet Marketing, particularly in domaining (business of buying and selling domain names), web design (creating websites), and various other online jobs. However, later he shifted his focus solely to self-publishing. Manik is a nature-lover. He has always been fascinated by overcast skies. He is passionate about traveling and enjoys solo-travel most of the time rather than traveling in groups. He is actually quite a loner who prefers to do his own thing. He likes to listen to music, particularly when he is working on the computer. Reading and writing are definitely his favorite pastimes, but he has no interest in sports. Manik has always dreamed of a prosperous life and prefers to live a life of luxury. He has a keen interest in politics because he believes it is politics that decides everything else. He feels a sense of gratification sharing his experiences and knowledge with the outside world. However, he is an introvert by nature and thus gives prominence to only a few people in his personal life. He is not a spiritual man, yet he actively seeks knowledge about the metaphysical world; he is particularly interested in learning about life beyond death. In addition to writing academic/informational text and fictional content, he also maintains a personal diary. He has always had a desire to stand out from the crowd. He does not believe in treading the beaten path and avoids copying someone else's path to success. Two things he alwa...

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    this is the best way for vocabulary improvment it is a must have

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Dictionary of English Antonyms - Manik Joshi

Dictionary of English Antonyms

(Vocabulary Building)

By Manik Joshi

Copyright Manik Joshi 2014

Smashwords Edition, License Notes:

All rights reserved. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Smashwords Author Page of Manik Joshi:


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This Book is Part of a Series

SERIES Name: English Word Power

[A Thirty-Book Series]

BOOK Number: 02

BOOK Title: Dictionary of English Antonyms

Table of Contents

What are Antonyms?

English Antonyms -- A

English Antonyms -- B

English Antonyms -- C

English Antonyms -- D

English Antonyms -- E

English Antonyms -- F

English Antonyms -- G

English Antonyms -- H

English Antonyms -- I

English Antonyms -- J

English Antonyms -- K

English Antonyms -- L

English Antonyms -- M

English Antonyms -- N

English Antonyms -- O

English Antonyms -- P

English Antonyms -- Q

English Antonyms -- R

English Antonyms -- S

English Antonyms -- T

English Antonyms -- U

English Antonyms -- V

English Antonyms -- W

English Antonyms -- XYZ

About the Author


What are Antonyms?

Definition of Antonym:

An antonym is a word that means the opposite or nearly the opposite of another word.

An antonym is the opposite of a synonym.

Antonyms-related important terms


Words that are antonyms are said to be antonymous.


The state of being an antonym is called antonymy.

Important Note:

Antonymous words should belong to the same parts of speech.

Verb --

Antonyms of ‘open’ -- close, lock, shut

Noun --

Antonyms of ‘laughter’ -- cry, howl

Adjective --

Antonyms of ‘hard’ -- soft, floppy, flaccid, flexible

Adverb --

Antonyms of ‘attentively’ -- callously, uncaringly, insensitively

English Antonyms -- A

1. ABOVE -- (meaning) on top of, over, higher than, more than

Antonyms of ‘Above’ --

below / under / less / beneath / lower

2. ABSORB -- (meaning) to take in energy, gas, heat, light, liquid, etc.

Antonyms of ‘Absorb’ --

emanate / discharge / drip / emit / exude / leak / ooze / radiate / secrete

3. ABSTEMIOUS -- (meaning) not lenient towards yourself

Antonyms of ‘Abstemious’ --

unconstrained / uncontrolled / uninhibited / unrestrained

4. ACCEPT -- (meaning) to take readily something that is offered; to say ‘Yes’ to the proposal, offer, etc.

Antonyms of ‘Accept’ --

abandon / deny / disallow / disprove / discard / dump / rebut / refuse / reject

5. ACCIDENTAL -- (meaning) happening by chance

Antonyms of ‘Accidental’ --

deliberate / intentional / planned / premeditated / purposeful / fixed

6. ACCRETION -- (meaning) slowly added layer of a substance

Antonyms of ‘Accretion’ --

corrosion / decay / decomposition / deterioration / disintegration / erosion

7. ACKNOWLEDGE -- (meaning) to accept that something is true

Antonyms of ‘Acknowledge’ --

condone / deny / disprove / challenge / contradict / ignore / invalidate / overlook / rebuff / refute

8. ACTIVE -- (meaning) involved in something or doing something

Antonyms of ‘Active’ --

dormant / idle / inactive / inert / latent / lethargic / listless / passive / sluggish

9. ACTUAL -- (meaning) existing in reality

Antonyms of ‘Actual’ --

fantasy / illusory / imaginary / invented / unreal / virtual

10. ADORATION -- (meaning) intense like

Antonyms of ‘Adoration’ --

abhorrence / detestation / disgust / hatred / loathing / odium / repugnance / repulsion

11. AGGRAVATE -- (meaning)

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