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Banishing the Dark
Banishing the Dark
Banishing the Dark
Ebook339 pages5 hours

Banishing the Dark

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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In Book Four of the beloved urban fantasy series Romantic Times calls one “for your keeper shelf,” the ultimate mother-daughter fight is about to go down.

Complicated does not begin to describe Arcadia Bell’s life right now: unnatural magical power, another brush with death, and a murderous mother who’s not only overbearing but determined to take permanent possession of Cady’s body. Forced to delve deep into the mystery surrounding her own birth, she must uncover which evil spell her parents cast during her conception…and how to reverse it. Fast. As Cady and her lover Lon embark on a dangerous journey through her magical past, Lon’s teenage son Jupe sneaks off for his own investigation. Each family secret they uncover is darker than the last, and Cady, who has worn many identities—Moonchild, mage, fugitive—is about to add one more to the list.
PublisherPocket Books
Release dateMay 27, 2014
Banishing the Dark

Jenn Bennett

Jenn Bennett is an award-winning author of young adult books, including Alex, Approximately; Starry Eyes; The Lady Rogue; and Always Jane, and the middle grade novels Grumbones and The Knight Thieves. She also writes historical romance and fantasy for adults. Her books have earned multiple starred reviews, won the Romance Writers of America’s RITA® Award, and been included on Publishers Weekly’s Best Books annual list. She currently lives near Atlanta with one husband and two dogs.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Cady's mother wants to take over her body. In order to save herself, Cady has to rush to find the spell that created her and find a way to reverse it. She also has to keep a secret from her mother that is so big that she and Lon agree to do a memory spell so that even Cady doesn't remember it. Unfortunately, the spell has wiped away her memory of her whole relationship with Lon.So, here and Cady and Lon rushing to find out more about Cady's past and the spell that created her when Cady thinks that they are little more than strangers and Lon is hiding his deep love for her. And, since Cady is cycling through all the demon Knacks, he is worried that she will learn the secret they are hiding when she gets to the mind reading one. It was fun watching Cady fall in love with Lon all over again as they travel together.Meanwhile, Jupe isn't going to be left out of finding a way to defeat Cady's mother and getting Cady to become a permanent part of their family. He begins exploring her Magician past and meets a girl who is part of that world who becomes his first girlfriend. He also uncovers substantial clues to help Cady.Cady and Lon are also trying to track down her past and run into quite a bit of danger when they meet Parson Payne who has a religion based on snakes - big, scary, exotic snakes!I was very satisfied with the ending of this series. It is definitely going on my keeper shelf.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of Dark Faerie TalesQuick & Dirty: It’s time for the final showdown between Cady and her mother in this satisfying conclusion to the Arcadia Bell series.Opening Sentence: Jupe crouched in the shadows, watching a pair of nurses stroll down the hall.The Review:Arcadia Bells wakes up in the hospital after surviving a brutal attack to find that her mother is still trying to reach her in the Aethyr in order to take possession of her body. Obviously, Arcadia and Lon are determined to do whatever it takes to ensure that doesn’t happen. Unfortunately, that “whatever it takes” includes a memory spell that goes very awry and takes away pretty much all of Cady’s memories of her relationship with Lon. Now, Lon and Cady have to figure out a way to stop Cady’s mother, while Lon simultaneously works to jog Cady’s memory of him, so that he can ask her a very important question. Will Cady remember that Lon is the love of her life? Will they be able to stop Cady’s mom from wiping Cady out entirely?I have found this series to be very addicting, so I was completely stoked to have a chance to read and review this final book in the series. And, while it often felt like not much was at stake, this book was very entertaining and fast-paced and left me feeling utterly satisfied with how everything was resolved.As I mentioned, it often felt as if there wasn’t a whole lot at stake throughout the course of the book, which is surprising considering it’s the last book in the series, and we are after all talking about Cady’s mom trying to take possession of her body. Most of the book though focused on Cady’s memory loss, and the stuff surrounding her mother all faded to the background. It was still interesting and entertaining, but I wasn’t on the edge of my seat like I expected to be. When the showdown with Cady’s mother finally did occur, it seemed to end rather abruptly, and I was left wishing it had lasted just a bit longer.As far as the characters go, Lon really stole the show for me. I can only imagine what he was going through internally as he dealt with Cady’s memory loss. He handled it so bravely, but you could tell (even without having any chapters from his point of view) that it was killing him inside. I really wish we could have gotten some of his inner monologue in some scenes, but even without it, he really stood out. Cady is her usual charming and witty self. I greatly enjoy her voice as a narrator. Her personality really comes leaping off the page. She made the ride through this book a fun one even when it felt like nothing was happening.All in all, while I was surprised at the lack of action in this final book in the series, I still very much enjoyed my time saying goodbye to Cady, Lon, and Jupe. Fans of the series should really pick this one up! I’m looking forward to the next offering from Jenn Bennett!Notable Scene:“Buck up,” I said. “It’ll be okay.”He gave me a unnervingly grave look. “Will it?”I stared into his bright green eyes, with all those dark, fanning lashes. His uncertainty and worry were almost palpable – almost something I could hear as clear as his voice – and it had nothing to do with whatever punishment he feared from his dad. He was scared for me. Me. And for us, and the future. And I wanted more than anything to assure him that he was worried for no reason, that everything was fine, and nothing ever went so horribly wrong that it couldn’t be fixed. That life was easy, and if you worked hard enough, you’d get everything you wanted. If you did right by others, they’d do right by you. That both humankind and demonkind were intrinsically good, and people you respected didn’t disappoint you, and no one would ever break your heart.None of that was true.But unlike him, I was an excellent liar.“Trust. Me,” I enunciated firmly, pressing my forehead to his. “Everything will be fine.”FTC Advisory: Simon and Schuster/Pocket provided me with a copy of Banishing the Dark. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was a Goodreads First Reads book.

    Banishing the Dark is an outstanding urban fantasy novel by Jenn Bennett, the final installment of the Arcadia Bell series.

    In order to prevent her mother from killing her and taking over her body, Cady, along with her boyfriend Lon and his teenage son Jupe, searches to unravel the mystery surrounding her conception and the Moonchild legend.

    Bennett wrote extremely believable main characters. I especially liked Cady, who displayed a credible amount of vulnerability and strength throughout the book. Lon and Cady face a host of problems in a believable manner: lost memories, pregnancy, the manifestation of new abilities, a crazy preacher, even death.

    Banishing the Dark is a riveting story from beginning to end, an excellent read for anyone into urban fantasy!

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If you are anything like me you were DYING to read BANISHING THE DARK after the cliffhanger ending in BINDING THE SHADOWS. I really enjoyed some of the twists thrown into the final book of the series and I also loves reading Jupe's POV.This series was everything I hoped for and more than I expected. Nothing is left unsaid, nothing is left hanging, and Cady finally has a life she can be 100% happy with. Great ending to an adventure filled series.* This book was provided free of charge from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Bar owner, Arcadia Bell, is the strongest magician ever born, and there’s a good reason for it. Her magick using parents were driven to produce a child with more magick than anyone else and had done a ritual to incorporate different things at her conception. She’d just found out in the last book that she’s part Earthbound demon. But their goal, as she discovered in the first book, was to sacrifice her to take that power unto themselves when she reached her twenty-fifth birthday. Cady was able to thwart their plot and had them banished to the Aetheric where she thought they’d be killed. This one starts off with Cady in the hospital and I couldn’t recall why she was there, so immediately went back and read the last three chapters of the prior book. That helped a lot. With her mother able to gain control of Cady’s dreams and actions, even though the woman is trapped in the Aetheric, Cady knows that those closest to her aren’t safe. Still trying to figure out what she is and the extent of her abilities, she and Lon do a road trip to piece together the ritual that was used at her conception to see if it’s something that can be reversed in order to stop her mother from completely taking over Cady.Jupe, while left at home, also plays an important part in gathering information. Of course it’s without Lon or Cady’s knowledge, and we’re treated to his point of view in a few scattered chapters as he searches out some answers to help Cady. And you’ve just got to love Jupe’s take on things. The story is emotional and funny while always carrying a sense of danger and urgency as it builds to the final confrontation. I was amazed at some of the things we learn and one of the situations they found themselves in. This is a fairly fast-paced read.As with the rest of the books in this series, it’s the characters and relationships that really make the story special. It could be argued that it’s a more important aspect of the series than Cady finding out what she is and stopping her mother. I had no idea when getting this fourth book that it was the last in the series. There are actually more things wrapped up than you’d expect. Definitely happy to see everything come together, but sad to have reached the end. I’m going to miss these guys and their adventures.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    2014 seems to be the year of series finales, and out of all of them, ARCADIA BELL has been the one that I’ve been dreading the most. Jenn Bennett is one of my top five go-to Urban Fantasy authors, and having to say goodbye to these beloved characters after only four books (and a novella) is heartbreaking. That point aside, BANISHING THE DARK is pure magic with its topsy-turvy plot, explosive chemistry and exceptional epilogue. And, the first ever chapters from Jupe’s POV are just… wow. I tried to savour this one—really, I did—but I was a goner after page one.The showdown between Cady and her mother has been brewing since KINDLING THE MOON, and has finally reached its boiling point, but that’s not the only challenge Team Bell will have to face before they earn their HEA. Lon and Cady’s relationship gets put to the test in the most unlikely of ways which added an entertaining twist to their interactions throughout this book. I loved that the author made this installment all about “them”; although, I did find myself missing some of the secondary characters at times. The sexual tension actually surpassed the non-stop action in a few instances which helped ensure that this conclusion was pleasing on all fronts.I adored Jupe’s role in this novel, and the couple of scenes from his POV made me desperately crave a novella from his viewpoint. I liked that he had just as big of a role to play in the Moonchild spell investigation as Cady and Lon did. His conversations with Priya were downright hilarious, and I loved that we got to witness his “first love”. His inclusion in the epilogue was a nice little bonus too. I never thought I’d count a teenage kid among my favourite characters, but Jupiter Butler is one of a kind!No ARCADIA BELL book would be complete without an edge-of-your-seat story line, and the Moonchild investigation succeeds in delivering that and so much more. The curve balls will have you white knuckling your eReader, while the revelations will leave you scrapping your jaw up off the floor. It’s been a real challenge to write this review without spoilers because there are just so many things to squee about; needless to say, this installment certainly does not lack in the “oh shit” department.Jenn Bennett certainly knows how to make an exit because BANISHING THE DARK ends on the highest of highs. Encore!!!

Book preview

Banishing the Dark - Jenn Bennett

Jupe crouched in the shadows, watching a pair of nurses stroll down the hall. Cartoon horses on the female nurse’s scrub pants stretched over a pretty good ass. Good enough that he considered following her. After all, he’d analyzed forty-three nurses over the past month. Only two of them even remotely qualified as hot, and one of those was a guy.

But right now, he had more important things to do than accept the depressing likelihood that hot-nurse fantasies were a sham. So when the pair sauntered around the corner out of sight, he pushed to his feet and scrambled across the hall.

A taped-up sheet of plastic, two trash cans, and a warning sign might keep stupid people out of the construction area, but anyone with half a brain could see how easy it was to squeeze through. The display downstairs in the lobby said the new hospital wing cost three hundred million dollars. Maybe they should have spent some of that on a few pieces of plywood if they were serious about keeping people out until it was finished.

He’d been sneaking out to the sixth-floor glass walkway stretched between the old and new hospital wings off and on for a couple of weeks. On one side lay a silent parking lot. On the other, a couple of people smoked cigarettes at tables in an outdoor pavilion. He was too far up for them to notice, but he wanted to make sure no one heard him through the plastic. So he sidled around a pallet of boxes and strode down the carpeted walkway to the far end.

At least they’d had enough sense to lock the doors to the new wing. He pressed his forehead against the glass and squinted inside. All clear.

Chain clinked against his thigh as he dug a black wallet out of the back pocket of his jeans. Thumbing past his GTO Club membership and an ATM card for his savings account, he found the laminated piece of paper. It took him a couple of seconds to roll his tongue around the inside of his mouth, working up saliva, but when he was ready, he held out the card and spit on the magick sigil in the middle.


Priya, come, he commanded.

The air shimmered, and a ball of light appeared. He stepped back to give the guardian room to land and watched as two enormous black wings flapped into view. The boy’s body soon followed. No shirt. Weird-ass gray skin. Mass of black spiky hair that looked like a Brillo pad that had been chewed up by a garbage disposal. (He should know; it had taken him an entire month of lawn mowing to work off the debt of repairing the disposal when he’d not so accidentally dropped one down the sink.)

The Æthryic guardian shook the walkway when he landed. His wings made a snapping sound as they folded into place behind his back. He looked pissed. Sounded it, too. I told you not to summon me unless it was vital.

"And I told you, Cady said I could summon you whenever I damn well pleased."

I feel quite certain she said no such thing. But now that I’m here, get on with it, and tell me why you called. I am busy doing important work.

"Pfft. Like what? Jupe flicked a look toward the creature’s bare chest. Getting some sort of nuclear tan?"

Priya growled, flashing a row of pointy silver teeth. I grow weary of your verbal puzzles, Kerub.

God, what a douche. Worst servant ever. He didn’t understand why Cady put up with him. Then again, if the creature hadn’t come to Jupe a month ago to tell them what had happened with Mr. Dare in Tambuku, Cady might be dead. Grumbling to himself, Jupe bent to wipe Priya’s sigil card on the industrial carpet. It only moved the spit around on the laminate. He gave up and wiped it on the leg of his jeans. Cady’s awake.

Anger drained from the creature’s face. When?

Last night.

Why didn’t you summon me immediately? Is she well?

She’s in and out of consciousness. They said it was normal. Might take a couple of days for her to shake it off. But . . .

But what? Over his bare shoulders, the tops of Priya’s wings shifted anxiously.

Doctor said best-case, they’d still have to keep her in the hospital for a week. Longer if she can’t walk.

She will walk. She is very strong. What of her mother? Has Enola been communicating with her in her dreams?

Jupe shook his head. No idea. She hasn’t mentioned it, but she’s having trouble remembering things. She’s pretty doped up, so I’m not sure if she really knows who I am. And we’re not supposed to talk about anything upsetting or stressful in front of her. Dad’s been trying to get in touch with Dr. Mick—that’s the Earthbound doctor who healed—

Yes, yes, Priya said irritably. You have spoken of this healer many times.

Whatever. Anyway, Dr. Mick is the one who can release Cady. Dad wants to get her home ASAP.

Your father needs to get her into a protected place immediately.

That’s what I just said. ASAP—it means as soon as possible. God, this guy was as dense as a brick wall. Were all Hermeneus spirits like this or just him?

Then your healer should release her into Lon’s care, Priya said. A-S-A-P.

Aren’t you listening to me? Dr. Mick’s mom died. He’s at her funeral. In Australia.

Where is this? Can you go there?

Australia? Are you kidding? It’s a billion miles away. My dad’s flown there before for work, and it takes an entire day on a plane. You do know what an airplane is, don’t you?

The creature snapped his wings open like one of those dinosaurs that spreads its frill to make it seem bigger than it really is. As far as intimidations went, it was a good one. And it was at times like this that Jupe wished like hell he had his father’s ability to transmutate. A couple of bad-ass demon horns would really come in handy.

Priya pointed a long finger in Jupe’s direction. Listen to me, Kerub, and listen well. Arcadia’s mother is scouring the Æthyr for a demon capable of sending her back to this plane. If you care anything at all for Arcadia—

More than you.

Then tell your father to get her to a warded place immediately. I do not know how long she will be safe. A few days. A week. Possibly a fortnight.

Jupe opened his mouth to ask what the hell a fortnight was, but Priya flashed a mouthful of crooked silver teeth. Kind of creepy. And Jupe could already see the static erupting over the creature’s skin; Priya seemed to have less and less power to keep himself solid every time Jupe summoned him.

Arcadia must seek protection, the creature said. She must find the spell her mother used during Arcadia’s conception and uncover a way to reverse it, or her mother will cross the planes to claim her.

I’ve told you a million times, Cady will fight her mom, Jupe said confidently. Besides, nothing that crosses the Æthyr can live on this plane permanently. You said so yourself. I mean, look at you. You can’t even stay here five minutes.

Priya’s eyes narrowed as he leaned closer. Enola Duval wants to cross the planes permanently. She seeks old, irreversible magick that will bond her soul to Arcadia’s so that Enola will occupy her body.

Jupe stilled. Earthbound, he whispered in shock. Cady’s mom wants to be one of us?

In a manner of speaking, yes. And do you know what happens to souls when a new one possesses their physical body? Priya struck a fist against his palm, causing Jupe to jump. If Enola takes Arcadia’s body, Arcadia will become nothing but a sack of energy existing to keep her mother alive. She may as well be dead.

Blurry memories of my hospital room rearranged themselves like frames of film spliced out of order. Nurses. Doctors. A painful catheter being removed. Being walked to the bathroom, my legs too weak to support my weight. Everything smelled funny. I wanted a real bath. I wanted my ribs to stop hurting.

And I wanted my brain to work better.

Pain meds slowed everything down. Made me dream crazy things. But I wasn’t dreaming now. I was awake.

I gazed up at an enormous circle of sigils painted on the ceiling. A circle inside a circle. Two spells. One that prevented magick from being used. The other was magick to hide something. The same ward we’d seen on the boat Lon chartered last fall.

It’s to keep your mother out, a kindly female voice said.

I craned my neck to see the haloed head of one of Lon’s housekeepers, knitting in a chair by the fireplace. This wasn’t the hospital. I was home.

Mrs. Holiday.

Hello, Cady, darling, she said, tucking her needles and yarn into the chair cushion. You with us this time?

Yes, I think I am.

Good. Lon gave you something to clear out the medicine. He said it would take you an hour or so to wake. He’ll be back from the store any minute. How does a bath sound?


What I really wanted was half an hour in Lon’s luxury steam shower, but I was too weak to stand by myself. Still, the tub was nice. Once I’d sloughed off a few layers of dead skin cells and brushed my teeth until my gums bled, the Holidays got me back into bed and left the room, and when they returned, Lon was with them.

His expectant face brightened when he walked into the bedroom, dressed in a thin brown leather jacket and jeans. Green eyes squinting, he strode through a patch of sunlight to pull a chair over to the side of the bed while Mrs. Holiday set down a tray of food. The Holidays left us alone, pulling the door shut behind them.

He sat down and leaned close. He had a full beard, a darker shade of his honey-brown hair, with two streaks of silvery gray at the chin—gray I’d never seen when he had it trimmed down to the pirate mustache. Had it always been there, or did my time in the hospital cause it?

Gray or not, beard or not, he was divine to look upon, painfully handsome and oh-so-serious. At that moment, I felt as if I hadn’t seen him for months.

Oh, Lon.

Thank God, he mumbled, dropping kisses over my eyes. I couldn’t sense anything through the morphine. Damn, it feels good to hear you again. It took me a second to realize what he meant: he could hear my feelings with his demonic knack. You scared—he kissed one cheek—the living shit—he kissed the other cheek—out of me.

When his lips pressed against mine, I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him close, crying a little. Drowning a little.

He pulled back and wiped my face with trembling fingers as I wiped his. We both laughed at ourselves. Then he sat back down and slid one warm hand around mine. Christ, I’ve missed you.

How long was I—

You’ve been home a day.

What about the hospital?

He ran his fingers over the damp hair near my ear, sending pleasant shivers racing across my skin. Three days since that first night you woke up. Do you remember that now?

Barely. It was all so . . . confusing. I remember dreaming you were some crazy mountain man coming to kill me. What’s all this? I raked my fingers through his beard.


Hides the tic in your jaw, I teased. How will I know when you’re mad now?

Don’t worry, I’ll shave it.

It’s sort of sexy.

You won’t say that when it’s scraping sensitive skin.

Don’t tease me when I’m feeble and debilitated. What’s the date?

February fifth.

February . . . I’d been in the hospital an entire month?

Are you in pain? he asked.

Everything aches. My ribs hurt when I bend a certain way.

Then don’t bend that way.

I smiled. What did you give me?

Ginkgo biloba and the detox medicinal you gave Bob when he quit drinking. They had you on morphine after you woke, because Mick wasn’t there to tell them no. You were pretty out of it.

Mick. Your Earthbound doctor friend? One of the best surgeons in La Sirena, Lon had bragged, thanks to a crazy-strong healing knack.

He did most of your work. Do you remember?

The faces of several doctors and nurses blurred in my mind.

Do you remember Mick telling you anything before he put you under for healing?

Like what?

Something very important. Think, Cady.

Whatever he wanted me to remember, he was super-intense about it, so I tried harder. Something finally came into focus inside my head. Yes, that’s right. I remembered Mick in the hospital. Remembered his bright blue halo and his handsome smile. But he wasn’t smiling when I was hurt, was he? No. I was remembering meeting him before I got hurt. The night before—

I killed Dare, I said, suddenly sobering. Not just Dare but also his thugs, the ones who beat and punched and kicked my body until I nearly died myself. They trapped me, Lon. Dare knew I could be trapped in a binding triangle. He knew, and he . . . I inhaled a shaky breath.

Lon’s eyes narrowed to angry slits. Don’t you even think about being sorry.

Never. I steadied my emotions and concentrated on the here and now. Do the police know?

He reached over to the tray and uncovered a bowl of soup. An intoxicating scent wafted from the steam. Chicken stock. Ginger. Seaweed. Vegetables.

You made it?

Same thing I make when Jupe’s sick. Plus a few other things. When I began to ask what those things were, he cut me off with a stern look. Just eat it.

Yes, sir. Thank God for Lon’s cooking skills. It tasted a thousand times better than the hospital’s canned soup. Between spoonfuls, I said, See, I’m eating. Now, tell me. Am I going to jail?

He shook his head. I paid someone to collect the ash and bone from Tambuku before anyone else showed up.


His eye twitched. Someone Hajo works with when he’s death dowsing.

Oh, God.

No one knows what happened but you and me. He squinted one eye closed. And Jupe. And Priya—your guardian appeared to Jupe to tell us what happened. That’s how we found you.

I sent him to get help, I said, remembering. But what about Tambuku? The bodies?

I took the bones to Dare’s wife, Sarah. Told her a version of the truth, that he was looking for the person who’d leaked his bionic knack drug. Do you remember all that?

The red liquid that amped up demonic knacks. Tambuku was robbed . . .

And Dare used a magician to manufacture the drug until he realized someone had stolen it and leaked it to the general public. So I told Sarah that Dare had traced the leak to the magician, and some Earthbound’s juiced-up knack went haywire and burned them all. It wasn’t that far from the truth, and it kept the whole thing out of the papers. She announced that he’d had a heart attack; their money and influence prevented any further investigation. The funeral was two weeks ago.

It was overwhelming, how much I’d missed. And my foggy memories made everything feel surreal. My brain felt broken. I hate that you had to lie for me. He never lied. Loathed lying, in fact. I was the professional liar; he was a walking lie detector.

I’d do it again in a heartbeat, he said very seriously.

What about Kar Yee?

What about her?

Good question. Why was I so worried about her? We had a fight, I said, reaching for the details. I told her who I really was. Who my parents were. She got angry with me for keeping it from her all these years. I tried to go after her . . . that’s why I went to the bar. To find her. She hates me.

She had Bob drive her to the hospital several times a week to see you, and that doesn’t seem much like hate to me.

No, it really didn’t.

Before I could get too sentimental about it, he added, But the two of you will have plenty of time to sort things out later. Right now, you eat. Need to get your strength back.

I continued to feed myself spoonfuls of soup, starving but impatient to finish and ask Lon more questions. After I’d finished most of the bowl, he set it back down on the bedside table as I glanced at the painted sigils on the ceiling. You did that?

He nodded and picked up my hand again, rubbing circles into the pad of my palm with his thumb. It’s why I wanted you home. You’re safer sleeping here. Your mother . . . do you remember?

That I did remember, unfortunately. My mother, Enola Duval, infamous occultist and former member of the highly esteemed Ekklesia Eleusia esoteric society (or E∴E∴, as it’s known in occult circles), one of the Black Lodge Slayers, number 37 in a set of American Serial Killer trading cards, on the FBI’s Most Wanted list.

After finding out the truth—that they weren’t framed for the Black Lodge murders, as they’d always claimed—last year, I’d commanded a primordial demon to take her into the Æthyric demon plane with my father as payment for crimes they committed, assuming they’d been killed.

Never assume.

My mother not only survived, but she’d found a way to tap into me when I was sleeping and use me like a puppet. Under her control, I’d nearly stabbed Lon with a knife. She swore she’d take over my consciousness and kill everyone I loved. And she was demented enough to try.

Priya told me I wasn’t safe, I said to Lon. He said I needed to find the spell she’d used to conceive me and try to reverse it. That I should seek refuge at the E∴E∴ temple in Florida. I put down the soup spoon. Go to my godfather.

I’m sorry, Cady. The caliph passed.

I stilled. The caliph . . . died?

Lon nodded. Two days after you went into the hospital. Jupe sent Priya to tell him what had happened to you. But when he tried to find him, he couldn’t. I e-mailed around until I got in contact with his assistant. Heart failure.

Fresh tears welled. He was only in his seventies. He was in decent shape last time I saw him. In San Diego, when he’d come with Lon to help me escape from my parents’ attempt to sacrifice me.

They’d already had the funeral by the time I found out. I guess that was about three weeks ago. His oldest son, Adrien, will take over as the new caliph.

Jesus. After the initial shock passed, I pulled myself together and focused on the reality that lay before me. The caliph was my advocate. A few people in the order knew I was still alive: the caliph’s assistant, one of the other magi at the main lodge, and the grandmaster of the local lodge and her assistant. But the caliph was the only one with the power to rally all of them. He was the one they respected.

What am I supposed to do now? I said. I have to find asylum somewhere. Priya said you weren’t safe around me.

Cady, I don’t think I’ve been safe around you since the moment we met. That never stopped me before, and it’s damn sure not stopping me now. You’re not going anywhere without me, and that’s all there is to it.

I hadn’t realized how tense I was, but when he said that, it felt as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Maybe it was because I felt physically frail and secretly wanted help. Or maybe because I’d learned that asking for help didn’t equate to weakness.

I slumped against the pillows, mulling over everything he’d just told me. Wondering if I should try to contact the E∴E∴. It seemed pointless, now that the caliph was gone. My troubled thoughts turned to my new abilities, and I began to remember more about that last night before I ended up in the hospital.

What is it? Lon said.

Dare. Before I . . . incinerated him. He told me things he found out through an investigator.

What kinds of things?

I struggled to recall what Dare had told me. He said I had a brother, and that my parents tried the Moonchild spell on him first. But it wasn’t successful, so they drowned him when he was eight years old. He said it was their first kill.

Christ, Cady. His hand stilled on mine. Maybe he was lying.

But why make that up?

Because the man was the fucking devil! Lon shouted, making me flinch.

Well, he wasn’t wrong. But Lon rarely let his emotions get away from him. He tried to pull his hand away, but I stopped him, threading my fingers through his.

When he was coolheaded again, I said, He knew he could trap me in a binding triangle. And he knew something about the mythology of the Moonchild that no one has ever hinted at—not anyone in the E∴E∴, not my parents, not any other demons I’ve summoned.

A small line formed in the middle of Lon’s brow. What?

I have all demon knacks.

He stared at me, blinking.

Every knack. I can command every knack.

Impossible, he said, but I could hear the doubt in his voice.

Think about it, I said. I slowed time at Merrimoth’s house. I yanked the transmutation spell out of Yvonne. I transported myself thirty miles through thin air.

Lon didn’t say anything for several seconds. You healed yourself.

What do you mean?

In the hospital. Before Mick left for Australia, he said he’d come in to work on one of your broken bones, and it would already be healed. He said he’d never seen anything like it. He said it was the closest thing to a miracle he’d ever witnessed.

That wasn’t good. Never trust a miracle.

My mind jumped away from my knacks and focused back on the hospital room and the doctor. I vaguely recalled Mick’s face hovering above mine when I was on death’s doorstep. Some strange, hazy memory tried to poke its head above water in the back of my head. Something Mick was trying to tell me. I just couldn’t quite make it out.

Lon exhaled heavily. If you really do have the ability—

To wield every knack known to demonkind? I finished.

He nodded his head toward this intangible, terrifying thing. If you do, it would explain a lot. And it would also mean that Dare really did have someone who was investigating you.

Well, we know he already uncovered my real identity.

Identity is one thing, but if Dare hired someone to find out about the Moonchild spell, that’s a whole other matter. Uncovering dark occult secrets isn’t your everyday PI work.

I suppose you’re right.

And maybe this investigator opened up my options.

Priya insisted that the only way to stop my mother was by reversing the Moonchild spell, but heading straight to my order in Florida might not be the right move now that the caliph was gone. And really, besides magical protection, what could my order give me? I’d already scoured its libraries for information about the Moonchild ritual when I was still living there in my teens. And I had to believe that if the caliph knew something about the Moonchild spell, he would have told me.

My parents’ house in Florida had long been sold, several times, and eventually demolished; new condo buildings stood there now. Nothing I could find there to help me. I could try to track down people who knew my parents, but they didn’t have friends. So that led me back to the main lodge.

After I told all this to Lon, I asked, Am I thinking about this all wrong?

No, you’re not wrong, he said quietly. Given everything we now know, I agree that a better tactic would be to track down this investigator.

I gave him a tight smile. Guess I should’ve asked Dare for a name before I killed him.

No amount of magick or demonic ability could change the past, so there was little use dwelling on what happened with Dare. My mother was the pressing problem. But before Lon and I could piece together a plan of action, a distant door slammed.

Sorry, but I can’t hear you! a voice called out before a sound akin to stampeding buffalos clambered up the stairs. A few moments later, two things lunged through the doorway: a chocolate Lab and a fourteen-year-old boy with a spring-green halo and a pouf of dark corkscrew curls. The sight of him squeezed my heart.

Jupe skidded to a stop at the foot of the bed. Green eyes blinked at me as he slid his backpack off his shoulders, the straps snagging on monster-movie patches sewn to the sleeves of his Army surplus jacket. Foxglove! Jupe protested.

Hey, girl, I said, dodging the Lab’s

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