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Kissed By an Angel Book 1
Kissed By an Angel Book 1
Kissed By an Angel Book 1
Ebook571 pages9 hours

Kissed By an Angel Book 1

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The unbreakable bonds of love are put to the test in this romantic and suspenseful collection of the New York Times bestselling Kissed by an Angel trilogy.

A love beyond life...a danger beyond doubt.

When her boyfriend, Tristan, died, Ivy thought she'd lost everything, even her faith in angels. But now she's discovered that he's her guardian angel -- his presence so strong that she can feel the touch of his hand, the beat of his heart. Ivy needs Tristan now more than ever because he knows she's in terrible danger. Only Ivy's guardian angel can save her now that his killer is after her.

But if Tristan rescues Ivy, his mission on earth will be finished, and he must leave her behind forever. Will saving Ivy mean losing her just when he's finally reached her again?
PublisherSimon Pulse
Release dateNov 30, 2010
Kissed By an Angel Book 1

Elizabeth Chandler

Elizabeth Chandler is a pseudonym for Mary Claire Helldorfer. She is the author of the Kissed by an Angel and Dark Secrets series. She lives in Baltimore, Maryland.

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Reviews for Kissed By an Angel Book 1

Rating: 3.7980768384615384 out of 5 stars

52 ratings7 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a mixed bag. While some appreciate the book as one of their all-time favorites, others find the plot and characters lacking depth. The writing style is criticized for feeling juvenile and the decisions made by the characters are seen as forced. However, the book may be more suitable for younger readers. Overall, the book fails to fully engage readers and leaves them uncertain about reading more from the author.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    [Tuesday, August 4, 2010] I started this book. But couldn't finish it past chapter 4!

    [Wednesday, March 30, 2011] I reached chapter nine, and I think Tristan is such a great guy, but Ivy'a step-brother is creepy. I felt sorry when Ivy had to give up her cat Ella, I had to do the same to my cat Miri.

    [Tuesday, February 26, 2013] This year I plan to read all the books that I left hanging, so this is the second on the list. I had to re-read the few chapters to remember what the book was about, in any case, I like it immensely so far, can't wait to see what will happen next, though I have a hunch. I liked reading something written in the 90s, it felt cute and strange reading about people not having mobiles and so on. It felt simple.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I read the three in one edition which flowed very well, the only indications of a different book being the subtle recaps, jumping forward in time a few weeks and the use of main characters last names.

    All the time you hear about books that are big tearjerkers but they never seem to affect me, that was until this book. It makes it very clear on the blurb that Tristan dies, he even dies on the third or so page, but I could not get over it. The author giving us an account of how Tristan and Ivy started dating was necessary but made it that much harder to move on from his death, when it repeats his death I started crying because I had come to love Tristan because he was so caring and funny. That scene in the pool where he teaches her to float is so heartbreaking. After he dies, every time Tristan is mentioned by Ivy tears well up in my eyes and I get all choked up because it is just so unfair, why did he have to die?

    This book was completely amazing and also gets into my books as one of the most romantic ever mostly due to that beautiful scene with the Moonlight Sonata. Credit where its due to the author for also making this a great mystery novel with some great comedy thrown in.

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A charming story of love, trust, grief and the ability to believe. Tristain's character made me wish so many times that he wasn't dead and stay with Ivy. So many tender moments in this story, that were truly heartbreaking.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The book I have is a three- in - one. The original trilogy, released in 1995, was combined into one big book. At first thought, I would read the first book and then just put the book away for a while. Yeah. That didn't happen. The story wasn't close to being over at the end of the first book, it wasn't even close to having closure. And then there was the end of the second book. Wow. Talk about a cliff hanger! There was no possible way I could have just put the book back on the shelf without finishing all three stories.The stories are good. They are young adult books and are a very easy read. The story caught my attention and kept me going. The books revolve around Ivy, a new girl in school, who falls for the star swimmer, Tristan. Besides her crush, she is trying to make friends, and deal with her mother's new marriage, her young brother, and her step-brother Gregory. After a horrible car accident kills Tristan, he becomes an angel watching over Ivy. She needs a lot of watching out for. The car crash wasn't an accident and strange things keep happening. Slowly she begins to put the pieces of Tristan's murder together and she wonders if she was the intended victim.While not everyone will enjoy the simplicity of this young adult novel, I do recommend it to those who like a little mystery, a little fantasy, and a little romance. It has all three.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Still one of my all time FAVORITE books! No matter how many times I read this series!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The basic plot and story was good in theory, but the writer's connections felt juvenile...there was just something lacking to really draw you in and connect to the storyline and characters as a whole...I like the idea of writing from Ivy AND Tristan's perspective, but it could have been done in a clearer manner. Also, some of the decisions the characters made seemed almost forced, and did not flow as with other parts of the story.

    It was an alright story over all, but the plot line was pretty obvious long before the "villain" was revealed. Perhaps the book was meant for a younger reader, and in that case it is probably at an appropriate level of intricacy. I read to the end because I hate leaving books unfinished, but I'm not sure I would read anything else similar by this author. The book really failed to truly grab my attention.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Book preview

Kissed By an Angel Book 1 - Elizabeth Chandler


For Pat and Dennis,

October 15, 1994


Kissed by an Angel

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Kissed By An Angel: The Power Of Love

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Kissed By An Angel: Soulmates

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20



I never knew how romantic a backseat could be, Ivy said, resting against it, smiling at Tristan. Then she looked past him at the pile of junk on the car floor. Maybe you should pull your tie out of that old Burger King cup.

Tristan reached down and grimaced. He tossed the dripping thing into the front of the car, then sat back next to Ivy.

Ow! The smell of crushed flowers filled the air.

Ivy laughed out loud.

What’s so funny? Tristan asked, pulling the smashed roses from behind him, but he was laughing, too.

What if someone had come along and seen your father’s Clergy sticker on the bumper?

Tristan tossed the flowers into the front seat and pulled her toward him again. He traced the silk strap of her dress, then tenderly kissed her shoulder. I’d have told them I was with an angel.

Oh, what a line!

Ivy, I love you, Tristan said, his face suddenly serious.

She stared back at him, then bit her lip.

This isn’t some kind of game for me. I love you, Ivy Lyons, and one day you’re going to believe me.

She put her arms around him and held him tightly. Love you, Tristan Carruthers, she whispered into his neck. Ivy did believe him, and she trusted him as she trusted no one else. One day she’d have the nerve to say it, all of the words out loud. I love you, Tristan. She’d shout it out the windows. She’d string a banner straight across the school pool.

It took a few minutes to straighten themselves up. Ivy started laughing again. Tristan smiled and watched her try to tame her gold tumbleweed of hair—a useless effort. Then he started the car, urging it over the ruts and stones and onto the narrow road.

Last glimpse of the river, he said as the road made a sharp turn away from it.

The June sun, dropping over the west ridge of the Connecticut countryside, shafted light on the very tops of the trees, flaking them with gold. The winding road slipped into a tunnel of maples, poplars, and oaks. Ivy felt as if she were sliding under the waves with Tristan, the setting sun glittering on top, the two of them moving together through a chasm of blue, purple, and deep green. Tristan flicked on his headlights.

You really don’t have to hurry, said Ivy. I’m not hungry anymore.

I ruined your appetite?

She shook her head. I guess I’m all filled up with happiness, she said softly.

The car sped along and took a curve sharply.

I said, we don’t have to hurry.

That’s funny, Tristan murmured. I wonder what’s— He glanced down at his feet. This doesn’t feel…

Slow down, okay? It doesn’t matter if we’re a little late—Oh! Ivy pointed straight ahead. Tristan!

Something had plunged through the bushes and into the roadway. She hadn’t seen what it was, just the flicker of motion among the deep shadows. Then the deer stopped. It turned its head, its eyes drawn to the car’s bright headlights.


They were rushing toward the shining eyes.

Tristan, don’t you see it?

Rushing still.

Ivy, something’s—

A deer! she exclaimed.

The animal’s eyes blazed. Then light came from behind it, a bright burst around its dark shape. A car was coming from the opposite direction. Trees walled them in. There was no room to veer left or right.

Stop! she shouted.


Stop, why don’t you stop? she pleaded. "Tristan, stop!"

The windshield exploded.

For days after, all Ivy could remember was the waterfall of glass.

At the sound of the gun, Ivy jumped. She hated pools, especially indoor pools. Even though she and her friends were ten feet from the edge, she felt as if she were swimming. The air itself seemed dark, a dank mist, bluish green, heavy with the smell of chlorine. Everything echoed—the gun, the shouts of the crowd, the explosion of swimmers in the water. When Ivy had first entered the domed pool area, she’d gulped for breath. She wished she were outside in the bright and windy March day.

Tell me again, she said. Which one is he?

Suzanne Goldstein looked at Beth Van Dyke. Beth looked back at Suzanne. They both shook their heads, sighing.

Well, how am I supposed to be able to tell? Ivy asked. They’re hairless, every one of them, with shaved arms, shaved legs, and shaved chests—a team of bald guys in rubber caps and goggles. They’re wearing our school colors, but for all I know, they could be a shipload of aliens.

If those are aliens, Beth said, rapidly clicking her ballpoint pen, I’m moving to that planet.

Suzanne took the pen away from Beth and said in a husky voice, God, I love swim meets!

But you don’t watch the swimmers once they’re in the water, Ivy observed.

Because she’s checking out the group coming up to the blocks, Beth explained.

Tristan is the one in the center lane, said Suzanne. The best swimmers always race in the center lanes.

He’s our flyer, Beth added. The best at the butterfly stroke. Best in the state, in fact.

Ivy already knew that. The swim team poster was all over school: Tristan surging up out of the water, his shoulders rushing forward at you, his powerful arms pulled back like wings.

The person in charge of publicity knew what she was doing when she selected that photo. She had produced numerous copies, which was a good thing, for the taped-up posters of Tristan were continually disappearing—into girls’ lockers.

Sometime during this poster craze, Beth and Suzanne had begun to think that Tristan was interested in Ivy. Two collisions in the hall in one week was all that it took to convince Beth, an imaginative writer who had read a library of Harlequin romances.

But, Beth, I’ve walked into you plenty of times, Ivy argued with her. You know how I am.

We do, Suzanne said. "Head in the clouds. Three miles above earth. Angel zone. But still, I think Beth is onto something. Remember, he walked into you."

Maybe he’s clumsy when he’s outside the water. Like a frog, Ivy had added, knowing all the while there was nothing clumsy about Tristan Carruthers.

He had been pointed out to her in January, that first, snowy day when she had arrived at Stonehill High School. A cheerleader had been assigned as a guide to Ivy and was leading her through a crowded cafeteria.

You’re probably checking out the jocks, the cheerleader said.

Actually, Ivy was busy trying to figure out what the stringy green stuff was that her new school was serving to its students.

At your school in Norwalk, the girls probably dream about football stars. But a lot of girls at Stonehill—

Dream about him, Ivy thought as she followed the cheerleader’s glance toward Tristan.

Actually, I prefer a guy with a brain, Ivy told the fluffy redhead.

But he’s got a brain! Suzanne had insisted when Ivy repeated this conversation to her a few minutes later.

Suzanne was the only girl Ivy already knew at Stonehill, and she had somehow found Ivy in the mob that day.

I mean a brain that isn’t waterlogged, Ivy added. You know I’ve never been interested in jocks. I want someone I can talk to.

Suzanne blew through her lips. You’re already communicating with the angels—

Don’t start on that, Ivy warned her.

Angels? Beth asked. She had been eavesdropping from the next table. You talk to angels?

Suzanne rolled her eyes, annoyed by this interruption, then turned back to Ivy. You’d think that somewhere in that wingy collection of yours, you’d have at least one angel of love.

I do.

What kind of things do you say to them? Beth interjected again. She opened a notepad. Her pencil was poised as if she were going to copy what Ivy said, word for word.

Suzanne pretended Beth wasn’t there. Well, if you do have an angel of love, Ivy, she’s screwing up. Somebody ought to remind her of her mission.

Ivy shrugged. Not that she wasn’t interested in guys, but her days were full enough—her music, her job at the shop, keeping up her grades, and helping to take care of her eight-year-old brother, Philip. It had been a bumpy couple of months for Philip, their mother, and her. She would not have made it through without the angels.

After that day in January, Beth had sought out Ivy to question her about her belief in angels and show her some of her romantic short stories. Ivy enjoyed talking to her. Beth, who was round-faced with shoulder-length frosted hair and clothes that ranged from flaky to dowdy, lived many incredibly romantic and passionate lives—in her mind.

Suzanne, with her magnificent long black mane of hair and dramatic eyebrows and cheekbones, also pursued and lived out many passions—in the classrooms and hallways, leaving the guys of Stonehill High emotionally exhausted. Beth and Suzanne had never really been friends, but late in February they became allies in the cause of getting Ivy together with Tristan.

I heard that he is pretty smart, Beth had said at another lunch in the cafeteria.

A total brain, Suzanne agreed. Top of the class.

Ivy raised an eyebrow.

Or close enough.

Swimming is a subtle sport, Beth continued. It looks as if all they’re doing is going back and forth, but a guy like Tristan has a plan, a complex winning strategy for each race.

Uh-huh, Ivy said.

All we’re saying is that you should come to one swim meet, Suzanne told her.

And sit up front, Beth suggested.

And let me dress you that day, Suzanne added. You know I can pick out your clothes better than you.

Ivy had shaken her head, wondering then and for days after how her friends could think a guy like Tristan would be interested in her.

But when Tristan had stood up at the junior class assembly and told everyone how much the team needed them to come to the last big school meet, all the time staring right at her, it seemed she had little choice.

If we lose this meet, Suzanne said, it’s on your head, girl.

Now, in late March, Ivy watched Tristan shake out his arms and legs. He had a perfect build for a swimmer, broad and powerful shoulders, narrow hips. The cap hid his straight brown hair, which she remembered to be shortish and thickish.

Every inch of him hard with muscle, breathed Beth. After several clicks of her pen, which she had taken back from Suzanne, she was writing away in her notebook. ‘Like glistening rock. Sinuous in the hands of the sculptor, molten in the fingers of the lover …’

Ivy peered down at Beth’s pad. What is it this time, she asked, poetry or a romance?

Does it make a difference? her friend replied.

Swimmers up! shouted the starting official, and the competitors climbed onto their blocks.

My, my, Suzanne murmured, those little suits don’t leave much to the imagination, do they? I wonder what Gregory would look like in one.

Ivy nudged her. Keep your voice down. He’s right over there.

I know, Suzanne said, running her fingers through her hair.

On your marks…

Beth leaned forward for a look at Gregory Baines. ‘His long, lean body, hungry and hot…’


"You always use words that begin with h," Suzanne said.

Beth nodded. "When you alliterate h, it sounds like heavy breathing. Hungry, heated, heady—"

Are either of you bothering to watch the race? Ivy interrupted.

It’s four hundred meters, Ivy. All Tristan does is go back and forth, back and forth.

I see. Whatever happened to the total brain with his complex winning strategy in the subtle sport of swimming? Ivy asked.

Beth was writing again. ‘Flying like an angel, wishing his watery wings were warm arms for Ivy.’ I’m really inspired today!

Me too, Suzanne said, her glance traveling down the line of bodies in the ready area, then skipping over the spectators to Gregory.

Ivy followed her glance, then quickly turned her attention back to the swimmers. For the last three months Suzanne had been in hot—heated, hungry—pursuit of Gregory Baines. Ivy wished that Suzanne would get herself stuck on somebody else, and do it soon, real soon, before the first Saturday in April.

Who’s that little brunette? Suzanne asked. I hate little petite types. Gregory doesn’t look right with someone petite. Little face, little hands, little dainty feet.

Big boobs, Beth said, glancing up.

Who is she? Ever seen her before, Ivy?

Suzanne, you’ve been in this school a lot longer than—

You’re not even looking, Suzanne interrupted.

"Because I’m watching our hero, just like I’m supposed to be doing. What does waller mean? Everybody shouts ‘Waller!’ when Tristan does a turn."

That’s his nickname, Beth replied, because of the way he attacks the wall. He hurls himself head first into it, so he can push off fast.

I see, Ivy said. Sounds like a total brain to me, hurling his head against a concrete wall. How long do these meets usually last?

Ivy, come on, Suzanne whined, and pulled on her arm. Look and see if you know who the little brunette is.


You’re making that up! Suzanne said.

It’s Twinkie Hammonds, Ivy insisted. She’s a senior in my music class.

Aware of Suzanne’s continuous staring, Twinkie turned around and gave her a nasty look. Gregory noticed the expression and glanced over his shoulder at them. Ivy saw the amusement spreading over his face.

Gregory Baines had a charming smile, dark hair, and gray eyes, very cool gray eyes, Ivy thought. He was tall, but it wasn’t his height that made him stand out in a crowd. It was his self-confidence. He was like an actor, like the star of a movie, who was part of it all, yet when the show was over, held himself apart from the others, believing he was better than the rest. The Baineses were the richest people in the wealthy town of Stonehill, but Ivy knew that it wasn’t Gregory’s money but this coolness, this aloofness, that drove Suzanne wild. Suzanne always wanted what she couldn’t have.

Ivy put her arm lightly around her friend. She pointed to a hunk of a swimmer stretching out in the ready area, hoping to distract her. Then she yelled, Waller! as Tristan went into his last turn. I think I’m getting into this, she said, but it appeared Suzanne’s thoughts were on Gregory now. This time, Ivy feared, Suzanne was in deep.

He’s looking at us, Suzanne said excitedly. He’s coming this way.

Ivy felt herself tensing up.

And the Chihuahua is following him.

Why? Ivy wondered. What could Gregory have to say to her now after almost three months of ignoring her? In January she had learned quickly that Gregory would not acknowledge her presence. And as if bound by some silent agreement, neither he nor Ivy had advertised that his father was going to marry her mother. Few people knew that he and Ivy would be living in the same house come April.

Hi, Ivy! Twinkie was the first to speak. She squeezed herself in next to Ivy, ignoring Suzanne and barely glancing at Beth. I was just telling Gregory how we always sit near each other in music class.

Ivy looked at the girl with surprise. She had never really noticed where Twinkie sat.

He said he hasn’t heard you play the piano. I was telling him how terrific you are.

Ivy opened her mouth but could think of nothing to say. The last time she had played an original composition for the class, Twinkie had shown her appreciation by filing her nails.

Then Ivy felt Gregory’s eyes on her. When she met his look, he winked. Ivy gestured quickly toward her friends and said, You know Suzanne Goldstein and Beth Van Dyke?

Not real well, he said, smiling at each in turn.

Suzanne glowed. Beth focused on him with the interest of a researcher, her hand clicking away on the ballpoint.

Guess what, Ivy? In April you won’t be living far from my house. Not far at all, Twinkie said. It will be a lot easier to study together now.


I can give you a ride to school. It will be a quicker drive to your house.


Maybe we can get together more.


Well, Ivy, Suzanne exclaimed, batting her long, dark lashes, you never told me that you and Twinkie were such good friends! Maybe we can all get together more. You’d like to go to Twinkie’s house, wouldn’t you, Beth?

Gregory barely suppressed his smile.

We could have a sleepover, Twinkie.

Twinkie didn’t look enthused.

We could talk about guys and vote on who’s the hottest date around. Suzanne turned her gaze upon Gregory, sliding her eyes down and up him, taking in everything. He continued to look amused.

We know some other girls, from Ivy’s old school in Norwalk, Suzanne went on cheerily. She knew that Stonehill’s high-class commuters to New York City would have nothing to do with blue-collar Norwalk. They’d love to come. Then we can all be friends. Don’t you think that would be fun?

Not really, Twinkie said, and turned her back on Suzanne.

Nice talking to you, Ivy. See you soon, I hope. Come on, Greg, it’s crowded over here. She tugged on his arm.

As Ivy turned back to the action in the pool Gregory caught her chin. With the tips of his fingers he tilted her face up toward him. He was smiling.

Innocent Ivy, he said. You look embarrassed. Why? It works both ways, you know. There are plenty of guys, guys I hardly know, who are suddenly talking like they’re my best friends, who are counting on dropping by my house the first week of April. Why do you suppose that is?

Ivy shrugged. You’re part of the in crowd, I guess.

You really are innocent! he exclaimed.

She wished that he would let go of her. She glanced past him to the next set of bleachers, where his friends sat. Eric Ghent and another guy were talking to Twinkie now and laughing. The ultra-cool Will O’Leary looked back at her.

Gregory withdrew his hand. He left with just a nod at her friends, his eyes still bright with laughter. When Ivy turned back to the pool again, she saw that three rubber-capped guys in identical little swimsuits had been watching her. She had no idea which, if any, of them was Tristan.


I feel like a fool, Tristan said, peeking through the diamond-shaped window in the door between the kitchen and the dining room of the college’s Alumni Club. Candelabra were being lit and crystal stemware checked. In the large kitchen where he and Gary were standing, tables were laid out with polished fruit and hors d’oeuvres. Tristan had no idea what most of the hors d’oeuvres were or if they were to be served in any special way. He hoped simply that they and the champagne glasses would stay on the up side of his tray.

Gary was struggling with his cuff links. The cummerbund of his rental tuxedo kept unwrapping itself from his waist, its Velcro failing to stick. One of his shiny black shoes, a size too small, was tied with an emergency purple sneaker lace. Gary was a real friend, Tristan thought, to agree to this scheme.

Remember, it’s good money, Tristan said aloud, and we need it for the Midwest meet.

Gary grunted. We’ll see what’s left after we pay for the damages.

All of it! Tristan replied with confidence. How hard could it be to carry this stuff around? He and Gary were swimmers. Their natural athletic balance had given them the right to fib about their experience when they interviewed with the caterer. A piece of cake, this job.

Tristan picked up a silver tray and surveyed his reflection. I don’t just feel like a fool—I look like one.

"You are one, said Gary. And I want you to know I’m not that much of a fool to believe your line about earning money for the Midwest meet."

What do you mean?

Gary snatched up a spaghetti mop and held it so its spongy strings flopped over his head. Oh, Tristy, he said in a high-pitched voice, what a surprise to see you at my mother’s wedding!

Shut up, Gary.

Oh, Tristy, put down that tray and dance with me. Gary smiled and patted the mop’s spongy head.

Her hair doesn’t look like that.

Oh, Tristy, I just caught my mother’s bouquet. Let’s run away and get married.

I don’t want to marry her! I just want her to know I exist. I just want to go out with her. Once! If she doesn’t like me, well … Tristan shrugged as if it didn’t matter, as if the worst crush he’d ever had in his life might really disappear overnight.

Oh, Tristy—

I’m going to kick your—

The kitchen door swung open. Gentlemen, said Monsieur Pompideau, "the wedding guests have arrived and are ready to be served. Could Fortune be so smiling upon us that you two experienced garçons would be available to help serve them?"

Is he being sarcastic? Gary asked.

Tristan rolled his eyes, and they hurried to join the other waiters at their stations.

For the first ten minutes, Tristan occupied himself with watching the other workers, trying to learn his job. He knew that girls and women liked his smile, and he used it for all it was worth, especially when the caviar he was serving leaped like a fully evolved fish into an older woman’s lap.

He worked his way around the large reception hall, searching for Ivy, sneaking peeks while big-bellied men unloaded his trays. Two of them went away wearing their drinks and muttering, but he barely noticed. All he could think about was Ivy. If he came face-to-face with her, what would he say? Have some crab balls? Or perhaps, "May I suggest le ballée de crabbe?"

Yeah, that would impress her.

What kind of guy had he turned into? Why should he, Tristan Carruthers, a guy hanging up in a hundred girls’ lockers (maybe a slight exaggeration) need to impress her, a girl uninterested in hanging in his locker or anybody else’s, for all he could tell? She walked the same halls he did, but it was as if she traveled in another world.

He’d noticed her on her first day at Stonehill. It wasn’t just her different kind of beauty, that wild tangle of kinky gold hair and her sea green eyes, that made him want to look and look, and touch. It was the way she seemed free of things other people were caught up in—the way she focused on the person she was talking to, without scanning the crowd to see who else was there; the way she dressed not to look like everyone else; the way she lost herself in a song. He had stood in the doorway of the school music room one day, mesmerized. Of course, she hadn’t even noticed him.

He doubted that Ivy knew he existed. But was this catering thing really a good way to clue her in? After recovering a fat crab ball that had rolled to a stop between some pointy-toed shoes, he was starting to doubt it.

Then he saw her. She was in pink—and pink and pink: yards of pink sparkly stuff that fell off her shoulders and must have had some kind of hoop under its skirt.

Gary passed by him then. Tristan turned a little too quickly and their elbows hit. Eight glasses shivered on their stems, spilling dark wine.

Some dress! Gary said with a quiet snicker.

Tristan shrugged. He knew the dress was cheesy, but he didn’t care. Eventually she’ll take it off, he reasoned.

Pretty cocky there, buddy.

That’s not what I meant! What I—

Pompideau, Gary warned, and the two of them quickly parted. The caterer snagged Tristan, however, and hauled him into the kitchen. When Tristan emerged again, he was carrying a low-lying spread of vegetables and a shallow bowl of dip—stuff that couldn’t spill. He noticed that some of the guests seemed to recognize him now and moved quickly out of his way when he approached. Which meant he carried a full tray round and round, hardly needing to look where he was going, and had plenty of time to scope out the party.

Hey, swimmer. Sssswimmer.

It was someone from school calling him, probably one of Gregory’s friends. Tristan had never liked the guys or girls in Gregory’s crowd. All of them had money and flaunted it. They did some stupid things and were always looking for a new thrill.

Sssswimmer, are you deaf? the guy called out. Eric Ghent, thin-faced and blond, lounged against the wall, one hand hanging on to a candle sconce.

I’m sorry, said Tristan. Were you talking to me?

I know you, Waller. I know you. Is this what you do between laps? Eric let go of the sconce and swayed a little.

This is what I do so I can afford to do laps, Tristan replied.

Great. I’ll buy you ssssome more laps.


I’ll make it worth your time, Waller, to get me a drink.

Tristan looked Eric over. I think you’ve already had one.

Eric held up four fingers, then dropped his hand limply.

Four, Tristan corrected himself.

This is a private party, Eric said. They’ll serve under age. Private party or not, they’ll serve whatever to whoever old Baines wants them to ssserve. The man buys everybody, you know.

That’s where Gregory learned it from, Tristan thought to himself. Well, then, he said aloud, the bar’s over there. He tried to move on, but Eric placed himself squarely in front of Tristan. Problem is, I’ve been cut off.

Tristan took a deep breath.

I need a drink, Waller. And you need some bucks.

I don’t take tips, Tristan said.

Eric started to laugh. "Well, maybe you don’t get them—I’ve been watching you bump around. But I think you’d take ’em."


We need each other, Eric said. We’ve got a choice. We can help each other or hurt each other.

Tristan didn’t reply.

Know what I mean, Waller?

I know what you mean, but I can’t help you out.

Eric took a step toward him. Tristan took a step back. Eric stepped closer again.

Tristan tensed. Gregory’s friend was a lightweight in Tristan’s book, the same height but nowhere near as broad as Tristan. Still, the guy was drunk and had nothing to lose—such as a large tray loaded with vegetables.

No problem, thought Tristan. A quick sidestep would send Eric plunging to his knees, then flat on his face.

But Tristan hadn’t counted on the bridal party passing through at that moment. Catching sight of them out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly had to shift direction. He slammed into the lurching Eric. Celery and cauliflower, mushrooms and pepper curls, broccoli and snow peas were launched toward a chandelier, then rained down upon the party.

And then she looked at him. Ivy, sparkling Ivy. For a moment their eyes met, hers round as the cherry tomatoes that rolled onto her mother’s train.

Tristan was sure that she Finally knew he existed.

And he was just as sure that she’d never go out with him. Never.

Maybe you were right, Ivy, Suzanne whispered as they looked down at the splatter of raw vegetables. On land, Tristan’s a klutz.

What is he doing here? Ivy wondered. Why didn’t he stay in his pool, where he belongs? She knew her friends would be convinced he was following her around, and it embarrassed her.

Beth picked her way toward them, spearing a tomato with her high heel. Perhaps this is how he earns money, she said, reading Ivy’s troubled face.

Suzanne shook her head. Throwing broccoli at the bride?

That cute redheaded swimmer is here, too, Beth went on. Her frosted hair was up on her head that night, making her look even more like a sweet-faced owl.

Neither of them knows what he’s doing, Suzanne observed. They’re here just for tonight. Ivy sighed.

I guess Tristan’s hard up, Beth said.

For money or for Ivy? Suzanne asked, and they both laughed.

Oh, come on, Ivy, Beth said, touching her gently on the arm. It’s funny! I bet his eyes got big when he saw what you were wearing.

Suzanne made her eyes gigantic and started humming the theme from Gone with the Wind.

Ivy grimaced. She knew she looked like Scarlett O’Hara dropped in a bucket of glitter. But it was the gown her mother had picked out especially for her.

Suzanne kept humming.

"I bet Gregory’s eyes got big when he saw what you weren’t wearing," Ivy told her friend, hoping to shut her up. Suzanne was in a plunging black sheath.

I certainly hope so!

And speaking of, said Beth.

There you are, Ivy. Gregory’s voice was warm and almost intimate. Suzanne swung toward him. He offered Ivy his arm. We’re expected at the head table.

With her hand resting lightly on his arm, Ivy fell into step beside him, wishing Suzanne could go in her place. Her mother looked up as the two of them approached, beaming at Ivy in her plantation-poof gown.

Thank you, Ivy said as Gregory held out her chair for her.

He smiled at her—that secret kind of smile she had first seen at the swim meet. He leaned down, his lips close to her bare neck. My pleasure, ma’am.

Ivy’s skin prickled a little. He’s playing, she told herself. Just play along. Since the swim meet, he had been teasing her and trying to be friendly, and she knew she should give him credit for that; but Ivy preferred the old, cold Gregory.

She had understood completely his icy response when she arrived at his school. She knew it must have been a terrible shock when he found out that Maggie was moving her brood from their apartment in Norwalk to one his father was leasing in Stonehill, and that this was in preparation for marriage.

Andrew and Maggie’s affair had begun years earlier. But affairs were affairs, people said, and Andrew and her mother were such an odd romantic pair—a very wealthy and distinguished president of a college and his wife’s hairdresser. Who’d have guessed that years after their fling, years after Andrew’s divorce, he and Maggie would tie the knot?

It had been a shock even to Ivy. Her own father had died when she was an infant. She had grown up watching her mother run through a series of boyfriends, and thought it would always be that way.

Ivy leaned forward to look down the table at her mother. Andrew caught her eye and smiled, then nudged his new wife. Maggie beamed back at Ivy. She looked so happy.

Angel of love, Ivy prayed silently, watch over Mom. Watch over all of us. Make us a loving family, loving and strong.

Should I tell you that your—uh—sparkles are dipping in the soup?

Ivy sat back quickly. Gregory laughed and offered her his napkin.

That dress can get you in a lot of trouble, he teased. It nearly blinded Tristan Carruthers.

Ivy could feel the warmth spreading in her cheeks. She wanted to point out that it was Eric, not she—

I feel sorry for the table he’s waiting on tonight. He and that other jock, Gregory said, still grinning. I hope it’s not ours.

They both glanced around the room.

Me too, Ivy thought, me too.

Shortly after the raw vegetable shower, Tristan was told he could leave and should leave, immediately. Tired and humiliated, he would have been glad to clear out, but he was Gary’s ride home. So he poked around behind the kitchen until he found a storeroom to hole up in.

It was dark and peaceful there, its shelves stacked with large boxes and cans. Tristan had just settled down comfortably on a carton when he heard rustling behind him. Mice, he thought, or rats. He really didn’t care. He tried to console himself, imagining himself standing on the top winner’s block, the flag of the United States rising behind him while the anthem played, Ivy watching on TV and sorry she had missed her chance to go out with him.

I’m an idiot! he said, dropping his head in his hands. I could have any girl I want and—

A hand rested lightly on his shoulder.

Tristan’s head shot up and he looked into the pale, triangular face of a kid. The kid, who looked about eight years old, was all dressed up, his tie knotted tightly and his dark hair plastered down. He must have been one of the wedding guests.

What are you doing in here? Tristan demanded.

Would you get me some food? the boy asked.

Tristan frowned, annoyed that he had to share his hideout, a cozy place for pining over Ivy. Why can’t you get your own food?

They’ll see me, said the boy.

Well, they’ll see me too!

The boy’s mouth formed a thin, straight line. His jaw was set. But his eyes looked uncertain and his brow was puckered.

Tristan spoke in a gentler voice. Looks as if you and I are up to the same thing. Hiding out.

I’m really hungry. I didn’t eat breakfast or lunch, the kid said.

Through the door, which was open a crack, Tristan could see the other waiters whisking in and out. They had just begun to serve the dinner.

I might have something in my pocket, he told the kid, and pulled out a squashed crab ball, several shrimp, three stalks of stuffed celery, a handful of cashews, and something unidentifiable.

Is that sushi? asked the boy.

Got me. All of this was on the floor and then it was in my pocket, and I don’t know where this jacket has been, it was rented.

The boy nodded solemnly and studied Tristan’s selection. I like shrimp, he said at last, picking up one, spitting on it, then wiping it clean with his finger. He did this with each shrimp in turn, then the crab ball, then the celery. Tristan wondered if he’d spit on each tiny nut. He wondered how big a problem this kid was carrying around to make him not eat all day and hide in a dark storeroom.

So, said Tristan, I guess you don’t really like weddings.

The kid glanced at him, then took a nibble out of the unrecognizable thing.

Do you have a name, kid?


Mine’s Tristan. What’s yours?

The kid set aside the unrecognizable hors d’oeuvre and began working on the nuts. I’d like dinner, he said. I’m real hungry.

Tristan peered through the crack. Waiters were rushing in and out of the kitchen. Too many people around, he said.

Are you in some kind of trouble? the kid asked.

Some kind. Nothing serious. How about you?

Not yet, said the kid

But you will be?

When they find me.

Tristan nodded. I guess you’ve already figured out that you can’t stay here forever.

Squinting, the boy surveyed the shelves in the dim room, as if he were seriously considering its possibilities.

Tristan laid his hand gently on the boy’s arm. What’s the problem, pal? Want to tell me about it?

I’d really like dinner, the boy said.

All right, all right! Tristan said irritably.

I’d like dessert, too.

You’ll take what I can get! snapped Tristan.

Okay, the boy replied meekly.

Tristan sighed. Don’t mind me. I’m grouchy.

I don’t mind you, the boy assured him softly.

Look, pal, Tristan said. Only one waiter left, and plenty of food. You coming with me? Good! There he goes. Raiders, take your mark, get set—

Where’s Philip? Ivy asked.

The wedding party was halfway through their dinner when she realized that her brother wasn’t in his chair. Have you seen Philip? she said, rising from her seat.

Gregory pulled her back down. I wouldn’t worry, Ivy. He’s probably messing around somewhere.

But he hasn’t eaten all day, said Ivy.

Then he’s in the kitchen, Gregory said simply.

Gregory didn’t understand. Her little brother had been threatening to run away for weeks. She had tried to explain to Philip what was happening and how nice it would be in their big house with a tennis court and a view of the river, and how great it would be to have Gregory as an older brother. He didn’t buy any of it. Actually, Ivy didn’t, either.

She pushed back her chair, too quickly for Gregory to stop her, and hurried off to the kitchen.

Dig in, said Tristan. On the box between the kid and him sat a mound of food—charred filet mignon, shrimp, an assortment of vegetables, salad, and rolls with lots of whipped butter.

This is pretty good, said the kid.

Pretty good? This is a feast! said Tristan. Eat up! We’ll need our strength to capture dessert.

He saw a trace of a smile, then it disappeared.

Who’re you in trouble with? the boy wanted to know.

Tristan chewed for a moment. It’s the caterer, Monsieur Pompideau. I was working for him and spilled some things. You know, I wet a few people’s pants.

The boy smiled, a bigger smile this time. Did you get Mr. Lever?

Should I have aimed for him? Tristan asked.

The kid nodded, his face brightened considerably by this thought.

Anyway, Pompideau told me to stick to things that didn’t spill. Imagine that.

"You know what I’d tell him?" said the kid. The pucker in his brow was gone. He was gulping down food and talking with his mouth full. He looked about a hundred times better than he had fifteen minutes earlier.


I’d tell him: Stick it in your ear!

Good idea! said Tristan. He picked up a piece of celery. Stick it in your ear, Pompideau.

The kid laughed out loud, and Tristan wedged in the stalk.

Stick it in your other ear, Pompideau! the kid commanded.

Tristan snatched up another piece of celery.

Stick it in your hair, Dippity-doo! the boy crowed, carried away with the game.

Tristan took a handful of shredded salad and dropped it on his head. Too late he realized the greens were covered with vinaigrette.

The kid threw back his head and laughed. Stick it in your nose, Doo-be-doo!

Well, why not? Tristan thought. He had been eight years old once, and remembered how funny noses and boogers seemed to little boys. He found two shrimp tails and stuck them in, their pink fins flaring out of his nostrils.

The kid was falling off his box laughing. Stick it in your teeth, Doo-be-doo!

Two black olives worked well, each stuck on a tooth, so he had two black incisors.

Stick it in—

Tristan was busy adjusting his celery and shrimp tails. He hadn’t noticed how the crack of light had widened. He didn’t see the kid’s face change. Stick it where, Doo-be-doo?

Then Tristan looked up.


Ivy froze. She was stunned by the sight of Tristan, celery stuck in his ears, salad shreds in his hair, something squishy and black on his teeth, and—hard as it was to believe that someone older than eight would do this—shrimp tails sticking out of his nose.

Tristan looked just as stunned to see her.

Am I in trouble? Philip asked.

I think I am, Tristan said softly.

You’re supposed to be in the dining room, eating with us, Ivy told Philip.

We’re eating in here. We’re having a feast.

She looked at the assortment of food piled on the plates between them, and one side of her mouth curled up.

Please, Ivy, Mom said we could bring any friends we wanted to the wedding.

And you told her you didn’t have any, remember? You said you didn’t have one friend in Stonehill.

I do now.

Ivy looked at Tristan. He was careful to keep his eyes down, concentrating on the celery, shrimp, and squashed black olives, lining them up on the box in front of him. Disgusting.


It’s Doo-be-doo! cried Philip. Close the door! Please, Ivy!

Against her better judgment, she did, for strange as it seemed, her brother looked happier than he had in weeks. With her back to the storeroom, Ivy faced the caterer.

Is something wrong, mademoiselle?

No, sir.

"Are you très certaine?"

"Très," she replied,

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