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Notes from Nadir
Notes from Nadir
Notes from Nadir
Ebook346 pages5 hours

Notes from Nadir

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About this ebook

It’s 2009. Lisa Hansen is impacted by the great recession and can’t focus on her writing career. She has to make the tough decision to stay in Los Angeles or return to her former Midwestern home. Not having seen her mother in over a decade, she moves back in with her in a suburban semi-retirement community. Confronted with long forgotten memories, Lisa finds it difficult to adjust to life in Nadir. She works a couple of dead end jobs, and meets Gordon, a sexy British bakery owner. An opportunity to freelance for him and work as a writer/photographer at The Factory ensures a better income. But how long will she be confined in a lifestyle that she has long outgrown? “Notes from Nadir” is an alternatively poignant and amusing story of life’s unforeseen journeys, sorrows, and rewards.

Where is Nadir?
Merriam-Webster defines nadir as “the lowest point.” And that is where Nadir is located. It’s not a place that is found on any map. No GPS will guide anyone there. Nadir is a state of mind.

PublisherLisa Maliga
Release dateNov 4, 2013
Notes from Nadir

Lisa Maliga

Lisa Maliga is an American author of contemporary fiction, psychological thrillers and cozy mysteries. Her nonfiction titles consist of how to make bath and body products with an emphasis on melt and pour soap crafting. When researching her cozy mystery, she discovered the art of baking French macarons. She continues to bake macarons, always trying new flavor combinations. When not writing, Lisa reads an assortment of books, takes photos, and is working on a series of baking and soaping video tutorials. Visit her website at

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    Book preview

    Notes from Nadir - Lisa Maliga

    What is Nadir?

    If noon is zenith then nadir is 6:30. And it was 6:29 and counting down. Way down. Merriam-Webster defines it as: The lowest point. Nadir – it was the place where I was inevitably going. Lots of stuff got me headed in that downward direction. Decisions made too late. Unmade calls. Calls made that weren't answered. Missed connections. Being at the right place at the wrong time. Excuses. I was caught in the web of my own cause and effect and the resulting karma was ripening. Ripening of karma meant that payment was due pronto. And who paid for my own karma? Me. No checks accepted. No credit cards. And there sure as heck weren't any I.O.U's.

    Only one place left to go. Back east. Back to a place I no longer called home. Back to a mom I hadn't lived with or seen in many years. She had a new house in a quiet semi-retirement community. She had a spare room. Two-car garage. Free internet. And a few conditions...

    Part I

    Chapter 1 - Operation Stay in L.A.

    A week before I had to move from my apartment, I launched Operation Stay in L.A. I went from looking for a small apartment of my own to a roommate situation. I called a Culver City resident who had a two-bedroom unit. The location was near the 405 freeway, parking was hard to find, and there was one bathroom. As Mom would say, it was a roof over my head, so I made an appointment to see the place the next day. I walked over to The Grove, a trendy outdoor mall near the original Farmers Market on Third and Fairfax, not knowing it was my final time there. I was optimistic that I'd get a place and reside within Los Angeles County.

    A world movie premiere at the Pacific Theatres was being held for Hotel for Dogs, which starred Don Cheadle. I smiled, remembering the actor.

    Back in 2005, I won a contest on celebrating their tenth anniversary when I ordered a DVD of Hotel Rwanda. A couple of days after the order was placed; I got an email from an Amazon employee notifying me that I was a winner in their upcoming contest. Someone affiliated with the movie I'd ordered would deliver it to me. I had to sign and fax back a release form. I'd need to be available the following Wednesday in order to answer the door for the special delivery.

    On that hot Wednesday afternoon in July there was a knock on my front door. I was surprised to see the star of the movie standing there! But a quick glance to my right and I was unhappily surprised to see that the Academy Award nominated actor had tracked tar upstairs and globs of it were on the new beige and white woven doormat I'd set out expressly for the occasion. I'm sorry, the actor said, looking down at his now dirty sneakers. I was embarrassed for him. The mat was far less expensive than his shoes. I recalled looking into his large eyes and thinking how kind they were; he radiated a friendliness and hospitality that was seen in the character, Paul Rusesabagina, he portrayed in the film. I was upset about the mini tar pit gushing downstairs on the walkway and making its way towards the street, but the landlady wouldn't fix it, nor would the city. I had put some cardboard on the walkway to stave off the flow so I was puzzled as to why Don Cheadle stepped in it.

    The tall UPS driver was super friendly as he was being filmed. He played his role of having me sign for the package and I played mine as the signee. The camera guy was positioned near the stairs filming the constrained action. Below him, on the edge of the walkway, stood the boom operator and I noticed a few other people who I guess were publicists and those affiliated with Amazon.

    We went downstairs and they wanted to interview me in front of the landlady's house but I said no and we settled on the corrugated metal background of the garage. Not a scenic locale, but far enough away from the always-home landlady. I told Don that I was a very private person and he said, You must think I'm sick! He grinned, adding, You actually never really get used to all this... indicating the cameras and attention. A woman carrying a Ralph's shopping bag stopped on the sidewalk and was gawking.

    I asked Don if he got lost, remembering the Comcast cable guy who had the audacity to knock on the landlady's front door and she threatened to call the police on him for trespassing.

    I have friends that live across the street, he said.

    I gestured to the north at the apartment building. He shook his head. Right there. A well built large Spanish style house on the east side of Willow Street with a freshly landscaped front yard.

    Instead of discussing the genocide flick he had come to promote, I mentioned his other films: Boogie Nights and Volcano, the latter which was filmed in the area.

    Standing at the top of the driveway, unused to being in front of cameras, I was uncomfortable. I noticed that traffic on Park Street was stuck and wondered why; it was only 1:30. Los Angeles was a common filming ground but I didn't expect it to happen to me in front of a garage. As the cameras rolled, Don autographed the DVD. He also gave me a package of green Save Darfur wristbands.

    Soon he was gone, traffic increased from parade speed, and the spectator resumed her journey. I went back into what I referred to as the compound, closing and locking the gate behind me. I looked at the cover of the DVD with Don's dramatic handwriting filling the top portion. After so many years of trying to make it as a screenwriter in the film business, I finally had someone in the film business visit me. I went upstairs, saw the newest markings, and wished that Le Petit La Brea Tar Pit was fixed but it was too much money, according to the owner.

    I'd first moved into the apartment after it was totally remodeled. All the appliances were new, the grey Berber carpeting was recently installed, and walls were stark white as were the mini blinds. To me, it was the cutest little apartment in the Miracle Mile area. I used to joke it was a miracle that I'd found the place as it was affordable and I even had my own one-car garage right below me as well as use of the washer and dryer that was in the other garage.

    Like in the film, Kundun, the young Dalai Lama's employee told him: Today you lose, tomorrow you may win. He snapped his fingers for emphasis. Things change. Oh boy, did they! Not instantly, of course, but I observed the landlady's mental collapse. Queenie had gone from being a liberal, PBS-affiliated Democrat, who ranted against then-President George W. Bush to an agoraphobic alcoholic. I used to see empty plastic whisky bottles whenever I took out the trash. Hell, at least she put 'em in the blue recycling bin like a good citizen.

    It was sad to watch her disintegrate alone in that two-story house on the corner of Willow and Park Streets. I always referred to anything that went on in her house as Up Front. I was in the detached garage/guest house on the far corner of her property so that I didn't always hear her drunken rants. Her only son checked up on her frequently because he had to stay in her good graces in order to inherit her house. His nickname was King, because he thought he already owned the place. I had to go Up Front to get the mail that was next to the front door and cringed when I saw the short guy watching me pick up my mail. I despised the communal mailbox setup because so often, especially in recent years, my incoming mail was skimpier. A few times envelopes had been opened. I was also missing items I knew were being sent. I finally rented a mailbox. After that, I only went up there once a week to check.

    I first met King when he was an acne-faced art student who painted anything with a flat surface. That included saws, boards, canvases, cans, metal birdcages, and anchovy and sardine tins. I'd go down to the garage/laundry room/art studio and see his latest creations of circles and curlicues decorating his chosen canvas. Sometimes I'd see him working on a piece and would tiptoe past him so as not to disturb King, then in his Le Artiste mode. He wouldn't have heard me unless there was an earthquake because his damned radio was blaring 1980's pop tunes.

    Record level rainfall in early 2008 caused flooding. The ground was soaked and late one night I heard a loud crash followed by a popping noise. I saw a brilliant flash of light coming from outside. It was a transformer blowing out and there was no electricity. I would discover the next day that one of the trees had split in half due to the rain sodden earth. It had caused the power lines to flame up and drop some heavy tree limbs on a couple of parked cars, crushing them.

    A month later, my hot water heater went out. I knew that Queenie wouldn't fix it but maybe her son would deign to repair the peasant's sole means of lukewarm shower water. He was Up Front with one of his art cronies and I overheard laughter but no response to any of my voicemail messages. Two days later he called and told me Queenie had a stroke and was in the hospital. I offered my get-well wishes and sent her a card when she was put in a long-term care facility. As long as she was alive I had a place to live, I reasoned. As soon as she died King would evict me.

    In August I was watching the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony when I heard King prowling around his property. The darkened house suddenly had lights being switched on. He was now the King of Willow Street when he moved back in and his mother returned, confined to a hospital bed. Two East Indian caretakers arrived, a couple of scrawny Tamils who were darker than Don Cheadle. One of them walked into my apartment one afternoon, claiming it was an accident. Had I not been there I'm sure he would have been lurking around, as I knew that King had probably sent him up there.

    There were noises Up Front now that sounded like screams and shouts. I overheard muffled rantings that were mockeries of Queenie's speech pattern. What was really going on up there? I would never find out.

    It was time to move. I had forwarded all my mail to the post office box. But I also knew that King wouldn't give me a good reference if I looked for an apartment. He wanted me out of there. I asked him to turn down his radio about a year ago and the look of disgust he had given me as he refused to lower the volume was a clue as to how I was viewed as a tenant. I also had annoyed him by having the temerity to ask that he fix the hot water heater. The day after Christmas, King gave me my 30-day notice. He claimed to be selling the place and would have to do extensive renovations. That entailed new carpeting, painting; repairing that pesky hot water heater, the air conditioning unit in my room needed replacing, as did the 1980's refrigerator. I was down to using one burner on the stove. The oven croaked that summer. Outside it needed painting, the termite-gnawed wooden steps and door had to be replaced, and that tar needed removing, an expensive task. That was always the reason why Queenie never had that unsightly black spillage cleaned up as it was estimated to cost several thousand dollars. It only affected the area where I lived, certainly not her front stoop with the ceramic tiled steps that were in good condition. The runoff from the Le Petit La Brea Tar Pit smelled like a hot tar roofers' convention on a 98-degree summer's day. Only it never let up.

    I could find a temporary place and hope to move back in, knowing the rent would be doubled due to all the renovations, and the desirable location. But I wouldn't want to go back there. So I found an ad on craigslist for the following in the rooms & shares section:

    Offering a good size room with very large closets and a bathroom of your own with shower and bathtub, very clean. Apartment building has been renovated and looks great. The inside of our apartment is very open, clean and uncluttered, with full kitchen, water delivery, new gas stove, ceiling fans, fireplace, wetbar, plenty of storage/closet space and lots of room in the fridge for you. Seeking female, non-smoker who has a stable income, who enjoys a sacred space for meditating or just being.... I am a male who has taught new age classes for 25 years and like to keep our living space very sacred and clean. Vegetarians prefered...I strive for kindness, consideration, cleanliness, openness and sharing. Room comes with parking space, laundry, great views, comfortable all year, relaxing and safe environment, peaceful, and other than the bedroom, the apt. is nicely furnished. Security building. Location is excellent! close to Brentwood, UCLA, Westwood, Santa Monica, Century City, Beverly Hills, BEACH!, 405 + 10 freeways,  shops, movies, stores and restaurants in walking distance. room is available NOW for showing, day or evening as it is freshly shampooed. Please email me with a good description of yourself and include your phone number so we can set a time to meet!

    My first instinct? That the guy was looking for some poontang. My second instinct was what if he wasn't? I needed a place to live. I wrote that I was a quiet writer and left my phone number and 30 minutes later Phil called. We spoke for a few minutes and he revealed the location was near Santa Monica Boulevard in West Los Angeles [WLA]. The rent was $777 per month which was on the high end for me but I was told how I could see the Getty Museum from the place. I chuckled about the room comes with parking space bit. I envisioned a concrete parking space next to the bedroom! And what was freshly shampooed, I thought, referring back to the penultimate sentence; the room or the day or evening?

    Another night spent packing. In the morning, I got dressed for my visit to the WLA place. West on Olympic. Had to be careful in Beverly Hills due to the new camera lights put up to discourage the disease of rampant red light running, not that I was afflicted with such a malady. Phil said his building was one of the few apartment buildings on the street. It was like that for a few blocks, many single-family homes, and then the street was ALL multi-level apartment buildings.

    I walked up the brick front steps to the building, impressed to see they were tar-free. The place seemed orderly and nice. I looked at the mailboxes; standard issue locked jobs prevalent in apartments, and found Phil's. His last name was Snider* and the * indicated he was the resident manager. Didn't they usually stay there rent-free? Why look for a roomie? I punched in the number and a raspy voice answered and informed me he'd just gotten out of the shower. The door was buzzed open. I slowly entered the courtyard setup, which I thought of as a rabbit warren. I went upstairs and by that time the man was dressed, his short gray blond hair combed. He seemed friendly and we shook hands over the threshold of the door, which I recalled was bad luck according to a Russian custom. I noticed he was the only one to have a large Welcome doormat. I took off my new sneakers and inside I could smell rose incense. There was a TV in the corner of his living room but it didn't seem very large – 24" or so with that telltale bulging backside that indicated it was an older model. Couch, standard issue neutral color. The carpeting was similar to what I had lived with for the past decade.

    I followed Phil down the hall and the first room to the right was the bathroom. There was a tub with a small window above it. We went back out into the hallway and further along was the room for rent.

    It was about the same size as my about-to-be former room. There was a mirrored closet along one wall. Single high set northern facing window. No view of the Getty Museum—just rooftops. Phil's room was situated right across the hall and the door was open, revealing an unmade bed. The bathroom wasn't connected to the room so I'd have to go down the hallway which led past the manager's room. Then I was shown the kitchen and when he opened up the fridge I saw that half of it was occupied. He made a big deal about the hot and cold water cooler and how I could have it for an extra 50 bucks and the wireless issue was brought up and the numbers changed more from my benefit to his benefit. I let him babble about the new countertop/snack bar and he began pulling out a chair for me to sit down on so and we could talk more. The phone chimed, and it was a tenant or someone he didn't want to talk to and he said he'd call them back. After he hung up, he grinned and said that he wouldn't bother and laughed about it. Now that was a sterling quality to have in a resident manager.

    As he intently stared at me, I asked about parking and storage. We went downstairs where he showed me the open garage plan—beneath the building but ungated. He made a big to-do about the locked wooden storage bins above the parking spaces and said there was a couple available. A ladder was needed to access them, but as he was slightly taller than me, he was able to open one. We saw old books and boxes of assorted stuff. Mentioned there was something wrong with the lock but it just needed fixing and it was something I could do. Along with remove the entire contents of the storage bin? Guess that wasn't the resident manager's job to actually fix something, let alone clean up items that had been left there by a previous tenant who had departed five years ago!

    By then he told me he liked me and I obligingly smiled and noted his chapped lips. He liked me because I didn't complain or ask too many questions.

    I needed a place to live so I conveniently overlooked potential problems. And that man was a huge potential problem. I said I'd think it over and let him know the next day. He also wanted first and last month's rent upfront in cash. Another red flag hoisted up the looking for a roomie flagpole.

    I called a place near Marina del Rey in a newish looking building but the woman talked real loud and couldn't show the place until Monday afternoon. Didn't have time to waste with that one.

    Another craigslist prospect I'd written down the night before only had a phone number and minimal description. The 464 prefix indicated it was in eastern Hollywood. Two rings later and an accented man's voice announced, This is Hans.

    He had a very circular way of talking. The conversation stopped and started and almost ended only to be picked up again. I learn he was from Austria and was wheelchair bound and on pain medication. The asking price of $575 was flexible; the hint of me providing cleaning and cooking duties might also come into play. Then $30 for DWP was needed every month. Hans had physical therapy to attend that afternoon and he wanted to get the place cleaned up so it could be shown. Then he remembered that it was Friday and there was no therapy but a meeting with a producer as he wants very much to be in the film industry. When he learned I was a writer he wondered if I had some story ideas to pitch. The old Hollywood lure. Admittedly, I'd fallen for it in the past but had no time for such nonsense with less than a week to find a new address. Auf wiedersehen.

    My next foray into finding a potential roomie was done via email. There was a lengthy craigslist ad: We live in a very fun safe private community with 24 hour security next to everything, with Valley views and mountain trails. We have a roomshare for 450 and a private room 600. We are looking for a female roommate, that is fun honest reliable,and drama/drug free,. The 450 is for a fully furnished ROOMSHARE with another cool female, with 2 beds, a big walk in closet, and a bathroom in the room that includes all the utilities. We also have a fully furnished private room with a nice new bed, TV, desk, big mirrors, closets, storage etc.... We live in a big 3 story/3 bedroom/3 bath town house in the safe Burbank hills. Next to all the studios, 1 mile to the Burbank mall and 3 miles to Hollywood. There is a pool, tennis courts, Jacuzzie, High speed Internet, washer/dryer and full access of the whole house. There is plenty of room, it is girls in their 20s, with one guy(in the movie business) and his wife (an artist) that share a room. We are all very fun honest hard working adventurous people and fun to hang out with. Please send us a myspace link—heres ours. Also please no smoking, no pets, no drugs and no drama. We will work with you on the deposit for the right roommate.

    I dashed off my brief inquiry asking if the private room was still available and stating that I was drama/drug/smoke free and also a quiet person.

    Within ten minutes I got the rest of the signature line filled in with a yes and a smiley face.

    Hi Lisa, 

    We would love to talk to you more about the private room we have. You sound like you would be a great fit. When would you be free to come see the house? Looking forward to hearing from you soon. 


    Brad and Heather


    Hi Brad & Heather,

    I would like to see the place after 2 if possible.

    Looking forward to meeting you!


    12 minutes later:

    Hi Lisa,

    Sure this afternoon is fine. What time would you like to come? Do you have a myspace or face book by chance? Looking forward to meeting you.


    Brad and Heather

    So after getting a phone number and a general address for the area, I was told to call once I reached the gates of the apartment complex as it was so large and the place was complicated to find.

    That clock was a-tickin' and those calendar pages were quickly unfurling like in those old movies. The heat grew more intense on such a fine sunny day. How I wished I had a decent place to live and could just hang out by the beach and relax. Instead, I was driving to beautiful downtown Burbank and not to go to the mall, visit the bookstore, or see a movie, but to find a new address to park my carcass. I didn't follow Brad's directions and got lost. That didn't seem like a good sign. I neglected to Google the place beforehand. Fifteen minutes wasted until I located the apartment complex.

    I called the guy and was on the cell phone [illegally] the whole time he was indicating which private street to take, driving down an alley reminiscent of a new European village, and making two more turns until I located a parking space.

    Getting out of my car, I locked my Mustang and walked up a steep flight of stairs. I was greeted by wiry looking Brad. He wasn't much taller than me and had a short crop of graying hair. His MySpace profile claimed he was 35 but he looked older. It was eerie that he'd been able to see my car's progress as it made its way from the main entrance to the current parking space. Sort of like his cell phone was the remote control that guided me and my car into the space.

    He invited me inside his townhouse. I saw a cramped foyer and to my right was the amber haired wife and another young female sitting in the darkly furnished living room watching a DVD of The Dark Knight. The TV was small, in the low 20-inch size range.

    The tour officially began as Brad led me down a flight of black carpeted stairs and the first stop was a look-see at the diminutive bathroom with just a toilet and sink. Someone must shop at Costco as I saw a 24-roll pack of toilet paper on the back of the toilet. We went down another half flight and there was the available private room for rent. I was astonished to see that the entire wall in front of me was a big mirrored expanse. To the left was a twin bed and to the right was a long, narrow black dresser. A naked light bulb hung above the dresser and there was a cheesy white paper ball covering another bulb above the bed. A single tiny window offered a gloomy view of the lower level carport. I checked for closet space after politely exclaiming about the size of the dresser. We bought it from a girl who used to live here, Brad said. There was a pair of mini closets and a couple of pull out racks on either side of the doorway. And where was the door? Why, there was none! But there was an orange fabric curtain for privacy!

    Brad told me the house rules, indicating that I wasn't to talk to the neighbors except to say hello.

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