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Deception: The Transformed, #1
Deception: The Transformed, #1
Deception: The Transformed, #1
Ebook457 pages6 hours

Deception: The Transformed, #1

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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A blind date, a gorgeous vampire, and a deadly assassin.

Just a typical Friday night.

Yesterday, my biggest problems were fighting with my sister and getting into my dream college. Today, I'm dealing with destructive new powers and a raging thirst for blood—and both are getting me into serious trouble.

I never believed in the supernatural, but now I can't escape it. I've tried everything to distract myself from the bundle of weird events that is ruining my life, including a blind date with a drop-dead gorgeous guy. Turns out he's a vampire and knows more about my past than I do, including the assassin who has marked me for death.

I thought becoming a blood-sucking child of the night would make me immortal… turns out it just made me a target. With a trained killer after me, I might actually have to trust the know-it-all vampire to help me unlock my powers, before one of us ends up permanently dead.

Deception is the start of a young adult paranormal romantic suspense series that features gripping supernatural drama, surprising twists, dynamic characters, page-turning suspense, heart-pounding action, and angsty romance.

This saga will keep you on the edge of your seat. You'll find a supernatural world far beyond the normal scope of vampires and werewolves. Buckle up and get ready for a wild ride!

It's a tale for all ages – as long as you have an imagination and love surprises! Pick it up today and you won't put it down until the stunning conclusion.

The Complete Story World

The Transformed Series

Transformed Side Stories
Silent Bite
Hidden Intentions
Saved by a Vampire
Sweet Desire

Curse of the Moon
Lost Wolf
Chosen Wolf
Hunted Wolf
Broken Wolf
Cursed Wolf
Secret Jaguar

Valhalla's Curse
Renegade Valkyrie
Pursued Valkyrie
Silenced Valkyrie
Vengeful Valkyrie
Unleashed Valkyrie

PublisherStacy Claflin
Release dateNov 26, 2012
Deception: The Transformed, #1

Stacy Claflin

Stacy Claflin is a two-time USA Today bestselling author who writes about flawed characters that overcome unsurmountable odds. No matter how dark situations seem, there is always a sliver of hope--even if you have to search far and wide to find it. That message is weaved throughout all of her stories. Decades after she wrote her first tales on construction paper and years after typing on an inherited green screen computer, Stacy realized her dream of becoming a full-time bestselling author.  When she's not busy writing or educating her kids from home, Stacy enjoys time in nature, reading, and watching a wide variety of shows in many genres. Her favorite pastime activity is spending time with her family. Join Stacy's newsletter to get three free novels:

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Rating: 3.9354838612903227 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influenced my review.

    I was really torn on how to rate this book in terms of stars. There were some really great qualities in the book and some things that really bothered me. If I could give this book a 3.5/5 on Goodreads, I would. I do not feel that this book deserves a 4 star rating though.

    The writing style is incredible! My favorite aspect of the writing style was the way that the world is developed. The story is told by someone who does not know much about the world; therefore, the world is developed slowly and this made the book a lot more interesting than if all the information was thrown at you all at once. If it had been given to you all in one chapter, it may have seemed quite overwhelming.

    The characters where really complex and dynamic. I really enjoyed this aspect, but some of the characters really got on my nerves. The love triangle in this book really bothered me. I really loved Cliff. He is a great guy and is truly in love with Alexis. I really did not like Tanner. The only reason that Alexis fell in love with him in the first place was that he was wearing that ring when Alexis received blood from him. After she found this out, I thought that she should have went back to Cliff and they should have lived happily ever after. End of story. But I guess that would not have made for a good book now would it?

    The overall plot was very interesting. It was filled with action and suspense and also a love triangle. The romance aspect of this book is one thing that really bothered me. see spoiler above

    Overall, I really enjoyed the book, but I hated the love triangle. Team Cliff!!!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review, and Ms. Claflin has yet to disappoint me! Alixis Ferguson is a high school junior concentrating with all her strength to have the highest GPA in her honors classes so that she could go to a college far a way from Delphic Cove and her parents who treated her like dirt and favored her younger sister. They made her earn money with her part time job to buy her junk car plus pay for gas and insurance then complain about her bargain clothes!A stranger awakens her long forgotten memories and unleases a prophecy that was foretold centuries ago. Will she learn her new abilities in time to save herself and those that she loves?
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love this book very much please read ❤️❤️ love
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Alexis had never been the favored child. She paled in comparison to her younger sister Natalie. But then something changed and Alexis began to experience weird things only happening when she got angry or upset...such as bursting light bulbs. And then she was reading people's minds. Was she losing her mind? Then she met Cliff and everything seemed to make perfect sense. Finding out you are a long lost princess of a vampire clan, well, for anyone else that would seem a far fetch, but then Alexis had been benefitting from some really extraordinary things lately. But someone was out to kill her and had made her whole life a lie. She was determined to take her rightful place in her true history and if learning to be a vampire the hard way was what it took, well, hell be damned, she'd get it done.

Book preview

Deception - Stacy Claflin

Chapter One

My younger sister screamed.

Natalie ran across the driveway and pulled open the driver’s side door of the shiny, red BMW. She moved aside the red ribbon from the giant bow and climbed inside the car.

The new-car scent wafted over to where I stood with our parents. I glanced over at my used, hard-earned Ford. It languished next to the glistening BMW.




Three of the six driveway lights exploded into tiny pieces and fell to the cement behind us.

My oblivious sister sprinted back to our parents as her blonde ponytail swayed back and forth. She gave them each a big hug and a perfect smile. Daddy, can I take it to practice and show my friends?

Natalie pleaded with her big doe eyes.

Of course, sweetheart. Let’s get a picture first. My dad turned to me. Alexis, will you take a picture of us in front of Natalie’s new car?

I’d rather get a selfie. Natalie pulled out her phone and held it out. I can’t wait to post this. You guys are the best.

I counted backward from ten.




The other three driveway lights exploded into a glassy mess.

My parents and sister looked like a picture-perfect family straight from a magazine. Without me.

I trudged inside. Glancing back, it appeared no one noticed my absence. I went my room and did some homework to get my mind off the new car.

A knock sounded on my door. I ignored it. The door opened, anyway.

My mom walked in. We’re leaving to watch Natalie’s practice.

Have fun. I didn’t look up from my laptop.

Did you even get Natalie a present?

I took several deep breaths. All my money goes toward car insurance and gas.



Broken glass showered onto my bed and desk.

Be ready to leave in fifteen minutes. She left the room.

I glanced at the calendar. College never looked so far away. Then I would have the option never to return. But for now, I had to go to my sister’s practice and watch everyone gush over the BMW.

All too soon, I was in my dad’s Escalade with my parents.

Jack, two bulbs in Lexi’s room exploded before we left, my mom said.

I could almost hear him raise an eyebrow. Those ones, too? I’ll have to give Roger a call. Maybe he can help us figure it out.

Don’t you think it’s odd that the lights keep bursting? It was more of a demand than a question.

As soon as my dad parked, I got out and ran to the gym.

Things went by in a blur as I ran. When I stopped at the doors, a group of kids stared at me, wide-eyed.

I ignored them and went inside. At least half of our small town was there for nearly every game and practice. The girls’ varsity team was Delphic Cove’s pride and joy. They’d been the undefeated Washington state champions for years.

This year appeared to be no exception, and my sister was one of the team all-stars. She was not only the favorite of our family, but of the school too—and she was only a sophomore.

My two best friends sat in the bleachers near the middle. I joined them.

Emma looked up from texting. You avoid Natalie’s games like the plague. What gives?

It’s Natalie’s birthday and our family’s here to give her a special birthday cheer.

Emma laughed and slapped Amanda on the back.

Amanda rolled her eyes. So what did they get her this year, another Louis Vuitton purse?

No. A thousand dollar purse is nothing compared to her new BMW.

Emma and Amanda stared at me, both speechless.

I pulled my laptop from my bag and started doing homework.

Amanda and Emma whispered to each other, but I could hear them as if they were speaking into my ear, even above the noise of the gym.

There’s something different about her, Amanda said.

Sure is, Emma agreed.

Like what? I looked up at them.

They exchanged a bewildered glance.

I—I… don’t know exactly, Amanda stammered.

Emma shrugged.

My parents sat next to us. I groaned.

Hello girls, my mom said to Emma and Amanda. Did you know that it’s Natalie’s birthday today? Her sweet sixteen. My mom beamed.

Is she having a big party? Emma asked. I didn’t get an invite! She was always obnoxious, and even worse to my parents because of their obvious favoritism toward Natalie.

My mom shook her head. Not this year.

I get it. I saw that new BMW in the parking lot, Emma lied. What’d you get Alexis for her sweet sixteen last year? Wasn’t it a Kindle?

My mom’s face turned red, and she turned away from us.

At the halftime break, my mom turned to me. Since you didn’t buy Natalie a present, get her a watermelon smoothie. It’s her favorite.

I opened my mouth to protest.

I’ll go with you. Amanda grabbed my arm and dragged me to the concession stand. Just think, after next year we graduate. Then you can go to any college as far away as you want. Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, or whatever. You’ve already got that full-ride science scholarship.

I shook my head, too upset to speak. I got the watermelon smoothie using the last $5 from my clearance-rack purse. Then we walked to the player’s bench. My anger had a companion. Humiliation.

I forced a smile. Happy birthday. I handed Natalie the smoothie. It’s watermelon, your favorite.

She gave me a sweet smile. You didn’t have to. Thanks, Lexi. She gave me a hug, and we both looked up at our parents. Our dad took a picture.

Grumbling, I headed back to my seat with Amanda

See? That wasn’t so bad, was it? asked my mom.

As I watched Natalie sip the smoothie, I felt rage tear at me like a wild, cornered animal.

I was only half-listening to my parents talk about how great Natalie was. As I watched her drink the smoothie and laugh with her friends, I imagined pouring it on her head. I grabbed the bench, afraid I might jump up and actually do it.

Suddenly, the bright red smoothie burst straight up out of the cup onto Natalie’s face, hair, and jersey. It was as if someone had hit the drink from the bottom, making the smoothie leap up against the forces of gravity—exactly when I thought of throwing it on her.




Rows of fluorescent lights burst all over the gym. People screamed and shrieked, while others ran for cover.

The drive home was a blur as my mom yelled and whined. Too bad I didn’t have my Kindle so I could’ve tuned her out.

When we finally got home, I ran to my room and found my light bulb mess to clean up. It was dark by then, and I couldn’t ignore it.

I used a flashlight to make sure I got all of the pieces picked up before heading for the garage to get new bulbs. I groaned when I saw my parents and sister sitting at the kitchen table. Guilt tugged at me when I saw the red covering Natalie’s bleached blonde hair and jersey.

Are the light bulbs still in the garage? I asked.

On the third shelf, my dad said, not even looking up.

I went to the garage. I squeezed between my dad’s Escalade and my mom’s Mercedes to get to the shelf. It was an ordeal to get the stool so I could reach the shelf. I finally got the bulbs and marched inside.

Where the batteries were for my foot spa? Natalie asked.

Dad jumped up. They’re in the garage. I’ll get them for you.



Two more shattered light bulbs.

You’d better get some lights while you’re at it. I stormed to my bedroom.

Natalie came into my room.

I continued studying from my textbook.

I know you’re jealous, but it wasn’t my idea for them to get me the car. I know they always buy me nice stuff, but it’s not my fault. Maybe they’re trying to help me not feel bad about never being able to live up to you.

I arched a brow. You, not living up to me? You’re the volleyball star, you’re on the sophomore homecoming court, and you’re the stylish, popular one. How exactly do you not live up to boring, plain me?

Seriously? You’ve got the best grades in the whole school—the first junior to be president of the Honor’s Club. Don’t forget about your trip to the White House after you won that national science contest.

None of that seems to matter to them.

Can we at least have a truce? I don’t like all of the competition. Sisters are supposed to have a special bond, you know?

I don’t want to be fake, I said. I’m not going to pretend that everything is fine when it’s not. You’re the favorite, and they always throw it in my face. You don’t do anything to discourage it.

Discourage it? she exclaimed. What do you want? For me to have them return the car?

You could tell them to not act like I’m a peasant.

You’re crazy. No wonder they like me better.

I jumped off the bed. Excuse me?

She looked at me with innocent eyes. What?

You heard me.

What? That I should return the beamer?

After that.

I didn’t say anything after that, Alexis.

You didn’t call me crazy? Say you understood why they like you better?

Her face went paled. I never said that.

I heard you loud and clear.

She narrowed her eyes. I don’t know what’s going on here, but I didn’t say that.

Are you kidding me? I exclaimed.

What a freak, she said—but her mouth didn’t move.

Did you just call me a freak? I asked, before I could stop myself.

Her mouth dropped and she stormed out of the room.



Chapter Two

I woke up to the sun shining on my face. I couldn’t remember falling asleep or having had any dreams. At least it was still early, not even nine yet. I could sneak out of the house.

I wanted to enjoy the sunny morning before I had to work the lunch shift, so I got ready as fast as I could and jumped in my rusty Ford. With weather like this, I headed straight for the lake. It wasn’t big, but it was peaceful. I sat on a bench, soaking in the warm sun and enjoying the sights and sounds. It was so relaxing, and it never lasted long enough.

This was no exception.

Alexis, what are you doing here?

I turned around to see my childhood friend who had moved across town and went to the other high school.

My mouth gaped. Brooke.

She sat next to me. It’s great to see you. How’s everything?

Just studying most of the time.

That’s how I feel, too. I’m taking fashion courses outside of school.

I looked her up and down. She looked like she’d just stepped out from a photo shoot. For the first time in my life, I felt self-conscious about my boring clothes and no makeup. You look great.

She leaned back. Thanks. I’ll never be as pretty as you, though.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. Yeah, right.

No joke. You’re gorgeous, but you’ve never seen it.

I laughed. I don’t know what you’re on, but I appreciate it. Especially after yesterday.

What happened? she asked.

Natalie’s birthday. Once again, my parents threw their favoritism in my face.

Brooke frowned.

They completely outdid themselves this time.

Why don’t you spend the night tonight? You can get away from them, and we can catch up. It’ll be fun.

The corners of my lips curved up. That does sound like fun. My shift at the deli is over at four, so that gives me plenty of time.

Perfect. I’ll see you then.

As she walked away, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warm sun and the sounds of the lake lapping up on the shore.

After just a little while, a strange whirring noise sounded. It grew louder.

Chills ran through me. I opened my eyes.

Over a hundred crows flew in a massive circle directly above me. I jumped off the bench and gasped for air.

As soon as one crow made eye contact with me, it cawed. The rest followed suit and dozens of crows orbited around over me, and all of them shrieked at me.

I grabbed my purse and inched away from the bench without breathing. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them, and I noticed that as I inched along, the whole circle inched right along with me in the air above me. I stopped for a moment and finally took a breath.

As soon as I breathed again, every single creepy bird in the circling, cawing flock turned its eyes toward me. Each one looked down at me while whirling above my head.

I tiptoed a couple feet. Each one kept its eyes fixed on me. They circled, cawing, and stayed directly above me. Exactly as I moved, the circle moved.

I made a split second decision and ran to my car without looking up or back. Once safely locked in my car, I looked outside to see if they had followed me. I didn’t see them, so I inched myself forward so that I could see above the car without getting out.

There they were, flying right above in their massive whirl.

I started the car and floored it out of the parking lot. I decided to go to work early.

When I arrived at the strip mall, I ran inside, noticing again that everything went by in a blur.

After my shift, I went straight to my room and packed for the sleepover. Just as I put the last item in my bag, there was a knock on my door.

Come in.

My dad entered and pointed to the bag. Moving out?

I’m going to sleepover at Brooke’s.

Next time you should probably ask first, he said, but I’ll overlook it this once. Since it’s Brooke.

Okay. I’m in kind of a hurry.

Your mom and I decided to take over your car insurance payments. We’ll cover your gas, too.

What? I stared at him.

We know how hard you work. I’d also like to get you something nice for your birthday coming up.

My mouth dropped.

Honey, I hope you know how proud I am of you. You want something and go after it until you get it, he said. You’d already worked for and bought your car before you turned sixteen. You didn’t even give us a chance to give you a car.

I gave him a hug. I have to go. I don’t want to keep Brooke waiting.

Have fun, honey.

As I walked through the kitchen, my mom stepped in front of me. Where do you think you are going?

I’m going to spend the night at Brooke’s house. Dad said I could.

She frowned. What are you wearing, anyway?


I don’t get it. You don’t care about style. That’s why I never buy you nice things—you’d never appreciate them. You’re happy with boring. She looked disgusted.

So? I headed for my car. Everything passed in a blur again.

When I got to Brooke’s house, her family swarmed me. It felt like they’d never moved away, and they still felt more like family than my own. I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed all of them until then. I’d was like a piece of me had been missing, only I hadn’t noticed.

After dinner, Brooke dragged me to her room. We sat on her huge bed and caught up with each other’s lives.

She leaned against a pillow. Are you going to your homecoming dance? It’s only a couple of weeks away. Mine’s on that Friday night and yours is the next night.

I groaned. I’m trying to ignore it. Natalie will be crowned princess, and I don’t want to deal with that. I have to endure her being a princess at home as it is.

"You know why you really aren’t looking forward to it?" she asked.

I raised my eyebrows.

Because you’ve never gotten dressed up. You don’t even know your potential.

Well, I don’t have a date and no one’s interested in me, so I guess I we’ll never know. I folded my arms, daring her to continue the conversation.

Her face lit up. My cousin’s coming into town. You can go to your homecoming with him. He’s super hot—everyone will be jealous.

How long did it take you to cook this up? Is that why you went to the lake?

For real, Lexi? Come on, say yes. She pleaded with her eyes.

Okay, fine. But you’re going to have to do all of the work. I’m just going to stand there while you do my makeup. I don’t even know how to put on mascara.

She squealed. Let me measure you and I’ll design a dress just for you.

What? Isn’t that going to be expensive? Or time-consuming?

"Nope. Cheaper, and besides, I need to design a gown for one of my classes. You’re helping me out."

The rest of the evening was a blast. I hadn’t expected to like being measured or looking at fabrics, but I really had fun.

The next morning, I woke before Brooke and peeked through the blinds.

A crow flew past the window and cawed.

I yelled out. My heart nearly jumped from chest. I backed away from the window.

Brooke rubbed her eyes. What’s going on?

I tried to force my breathing back to normal. Just a crow.

A crow?

Yeah, they’ve really been freaking me out. Yesterday, a bunch of them were flying around me, and it really freaked me out. Now this. I frowned.

Weird. Is anything else strange happening?

Now that you mention it, lights have been exploding around me, I said.

Brooke didn’t even flinch. She nodded for me to go on.

A bunch of light bulbs shattered at home and then some exploded at Natalie’s practice in the gym. That was was right after her smoothie exploded all over her face. Oh, and then more lights shattered at home later, too.

What was happening when the lights exploded?

I thought for a moment. The first lights blew up when my parents gave Natalie the new BMW. Then some exploded in my room after they told me that I had to go to her practice to cheer her on. The ones at the gym were after I gave her a smoothie. Why do you ask?

Just curious. So, you were pretty mad about her new car?

Mad? I’m furious! What’s worse is that they can’t even see the blatant favoritism. My blood boiled just thinking about it.

Obviously not much has changed. Brooke ran her fingers through her hair. Except now they’re buying her more expensive stuff.

It won’t change. Never has, never will. My anger was morphing into rage.

I can’t imagine living with that, and also having her so popular at school. Brooke studied me.

I took a deep breath. It’s horrible. Everywhere I go, I hear about how great and wonderful she is. Great, she can hit a ball over a net, but does that mean that she needs to have everything handed to her on a silver platter?

Brooke rested her chin on her palm. Exactly. You get better grades and you work harder. You should have nicer things than she does.


A light bulb in Brooke’s room shattered.

Why does this keep happening? I exclaimed.

When you get mad something explodes? Brooke didn’t move to clean the mess.

Are you actually suggesting that I’m at fault?

It makes sense if you think about it, she said.

"It makes no sense. Light bulbs and smoothies don’t explode because someone’s mad."

Then why is everything blowing up when you’re angry? she asked.

You’re really going to blame this on me? You sound like my mother. I folded my arms.

Brooke laughed. I’m not blaming you. You didn’t plant explosives. I just said that things are exploding when you’re mad. It’s a simple correlation. I’d think that the girl everyone used to call ‘the scientist’ could see that much.

I narrowed my eyes. The crows showed up when I felt relaxed and happy.

What do you make of it? she asked.

I don’t know.

Well, let’s forget about it. Why don’t you get in the shower and I’ll make my special omelets? You’ll love them.

Okay, I said, sighing.

See you downstairs. She jumped up and ran out of the room.

As I was getting my stuff out of my bag, I heard Brooke talking to her brother.

"We were right, Steve. The lights bursting at the gym were because of Alexis."

So it’s starting, he said.

What was starting? I opened the bedroom door, expecting them to be right outside, but they weren’t. I tip-toed around the entire floor, but didn’t see them.

I went down the stairs quietly and crept around until I spied them in the office at the far end of the house. There was no way that I could have heard them from Brooke’s bedroom. That would’ve been impossible.

I snuck back up to Brooke’s bedroom and looked for a vent or some other way I could have heard them. There was nothing that would have allowed me to hear them. She had an old-style heater without vents.

Maybe I had imagined the conversation. It was probably stress causing me to hear voices. I was upset when I heard Natalie speaking without moving her mouth. My emotional state had to be triggering this. Whatever this was.

Chapter Three

On Monday at lunch, I sat next to Amanda at our regular table with Emma, her boyfriend, and some of his friends. Amanda looked lost in her thoughts, and everyone else was talking with each other.

Is everything okay? I asked Amanda.

She looked up. I’m just going over my history facts for my test next period.

Want some help? I offered.

Nah, she said. I’d rather hear what you’ve been up to. I didn’t hear from you all weekend. Some best friend. Last I saw you, everyone was running from those freakish lights.

Don’t remind me, I mumbled. I changed the subject. On Saturday, I ran into Brooke and spent the night at her house.

I forgot about her, Amanda said. They up and moved pretty suddenly, didn’t they?

I guess it was sudden, I said, shrugging my shoulders.

They did move unexpectedly, I remember. I’ve never seen anyone move so fast. It was weird.

They’re fine now. She’s taking classes on fashion design and she wants to create a homecoming dress for me.

What? Does this mean that you’re going to a formal? Amanda smiled and adjusted her glasses.

Yeah. She talked me into it. I’m probably going to make a complete fool of myself.

This is going to be so much fun. Do you have any ideas on who to go with?

I’m going with her cousin. He’s going to be in town then. No one else would be interested in me anyway.

Oh…is he cute? Amanda smiled wide.

She says he is. It doesn’t matter, because he won’t want to see me again. Guys never give me a second glance.

Oh, this is so exciting. You’re finally going to a formal. Amanda danced in her seat.

"Who are you going with?" I asked, trying to get into the excitement. I couldn’t understand spending hours in the bathroom just to get attention from boys. I was much more interested in preparing myself for a solid career. I wanted to have a job in a field that would allow me to take part in putting the bad guys away. It would be fun to use my science knowledge to uncover evidence at crime scenes. Or even to be a lawyer or judge would be exciting.

The entire process of fighting for justice was alluring. I was even a member of the CSI Club after school, which met once a week. Much to the disappointment of my hormone-driven friends, I wasn’t even interested in any of the smart, geeky guys in the club. Amanda and Emma seemed to think that I was missing out on something special.

No thank you. I would much rather have spent my time pushing through classes so I could get those A’s and eventually get into a prestigious school that could earn me the career of my dreams.

Everyone saw me as boring—myself included if I was honest.

I realized that Amanda was still talking about the dance while I was daydreaming about my future career. I tried to focus on what she was saying, because it was obviously important to her.

We’re going to talk our dates into renting a limo and going to dinner before the school. Want to go with us? She nodded her head, clearly trying to get me to agree.

That could be fun, I said. I need to talk with Brooke first and see what’s going on with her cousin. I don’t want to set any plans just yet.

Okay, just make sure that you talk to her soon.

The bell rang, and we all went our separate ways.

The afternoon breezed by as I went through my classes and to CSI club. Once the meeting was over, the halls were nearly empty since everyone else had already gone home or was practicing their sports.

As I walked to my car in the parking lot, I heard the familiar whirring noise overhead and my heart sank.

I looked up. Sure enough, there was a flock (I didn’t even want to think of the other name for a group of crows—a murder!) flying in the air. This time there were even more than before.

They were between my car and me. I would have to risk running directly underneath them to get to my car.

I had to decide what to do–-and fast. I ran toward the school, and away from my car as quickly as I could. I had a bad feeling about going back into the school, so at the last second, I darted away from the doors and ran around the school to the back side where the sports fields were.

Once I got near the football field, I dared to look behind me to see if the crows were still chasing me. I couldn’t see any. They must not have wanted the attention from all the people around.

I leaned against a pole to catch my breath and calm my nerves.

Where’s the fire? came a voice.

I looked up and saw a senior named Tanner Monroe standing near me. He was popular, and I braced myself for what he might say next. I was sure that he was going to make fun of me because he was known for being a jerk.

There’s no fire. I didn’t owe him an explanation.

I can’t believe how fast you were running, he said, actually sounding impressed.

Yeah, that’s why they call it running, because it’s fast.

No, seriously, he said. Our girls’ track team could use you this year. All of our fastest runners graduated last year. You’re faster than the ones left. By a long shot.

I don’t have much of an interest in sports, I told him.

You’re Natalie’s sister, aren’t you? he asked.

I have a name. It’s Alexis.

You should think about the track team, Alexis. You might even be the fastest in the school.

I’m more of a brain than a jock, I said. I wouldn’t want my grades to suffer.

If you’re so smart, you should know that exercise is good for the mind. He grinned.

Of course I know that. I also know that being involved in a sport takes a lot of time. I see how much time Natalie spends with volleyball.

She does a lot more than just practice volleyball.

I raised an eyebrow. What are you saying?

Obviously you and your sister aren’t that close.

You must be a brain surgeon to figure out that one.

He gave me a funny look. I have to get back to football. Let me know if you want to try out for the track team. I’m one of the team managers.

I’ll keep that in mind, I said.

He turned around and jogged to the football field. I walked past the building and peeked around the corner to see if the nasty crows were waiting for me.

They were.

I walked the whole way around to the other side of the school, and saw the crows were still waiting for me on the other side of the building. I got my car key ready and ran as fast as I could to my car. By the time they saw me and had made their way to me, I was already locked inside my car. I peeled out of the parking lot.

I had time before my shift at the deli, so I decided to go to the library. When I had settled into a chair, someone sat down in the chair next to me. Hi Lexi.

It was Stephen, Brooke’s brother. Stephen, what are you doing here? All the way across town, I mean. I wasn’t trying to imply that you shouldn’t be at the library.

He laughed. It’s great to see you too. He fake-punched my arm. I was at the sports store down the road and decided to get some homework done and wait out the traffic.

Makes sense.

What are you studying? He peeked over my shoulder at the book.

Honors Lit. We have to read a book a week. It can be a bit much, but it’s good prep for college, I said.

What are you going to major in? I bet you already have it figured out.

I smiled. I want to do something to do with justice.

The justice field, huh? he asked. That’s amazing.

Why? I asked.

Oh. I…uh, it just seems…uh… Hey, your school has that CSI Club, right? Are you part of that?

Yeah. It’s my favorite part of school. The science behind solving the crimes is phenomenal. I think I’d really love being a part of that. Last year we got to go on a walk through with some real CSI’s and it was even better than I’d thought, I said, practically gushing.

Is it like the TV show? Stephen asked.

That’s what everyone asks. It’s not full of such melodrama, but it’s exciting because of how they are able to take seemingly insignificant clues to prove someone’s innocence or guilt.

That’s interesting. Not that I could do it, but I’m glad that there are people like you who want to.

So you said you need to study? I asked. I really need to read this book.

Right. Sorry. He pulled a book out of his backpack. Don’t let me disturb you.

We read in silence for a while and then he said, Brooke told me about the crows the other day. Are they really following you around?

I sighed. I don’t want to talk about the crows, Stephen.

You can call me Steve.

Okay, Steve, I really don’t want to talk about the crows.

I’m sure you don’t, but I want to hear about them. It’s not every day someone is being chased by ugly birds, you know.

You’re definitely Brooke’s brother, I said.

Yes, we are. So tell me about the crows.

I sighed so that he would know what a pain he was being, and then I told him every detail about the crows, from their first visit at the lake to their show at the school earlier.

Just like Brooke, he didn’t seem weirded out by the whole thing. They both just seemed strangely concerned.

You must’ve been running pretty fast for the track manager to take notice, he said.

I shrugged. I was running for my life. I doubt that I could run like that for a competition.

You never know, he said.

It was my turn to change the subject. So what’s your cousin like? Brooke has set us up for my homecoming formal, but I know nothing about him.

My cousin? he asked, looking confused. Oh. You mean Clifford. Right. Yeah. I almost forgot he was coming to visit.

His name is Clifford? I didn’t even know that much.

He usually goes by Cliff. What do you want to know about him? Steve asked.

I’d like to know anything at all. It’d be nice to know at least something about the guy, since I’m going to be spending an entire evening with him.

I wouldn’t worry about it. You two will get along great.

How do you know? I asked.

I, uh…I just know. Well, I better get going.

Okay, I said. I need to get some more homework done before work anyway.

The rest of the week was blissfully boring, and on Friday evening I was back in Brooke’s bedroom. She was fitting the dress but had me blindfolded, because she didn’t want me to see it until the day of the dance.

This is going to be perfect, she squeaked. It already looks stunning, but when I add the finishing touches, no one will even compare.

Now I have to see it.

Don’t even try. You get to see it next Saturday as a complete picture, after I’ve done your hair and makeup.

Didn’t your parents give you dolls when you were little? I asked.

That was the beginning of my love for dressing people up, she said. Now that I’m designing clothes, I get to dress up real people and that’s so much more fun.

At least I can provide you with entertainment, I said. Can you get this dress off me? I want to take off the blindfold.

Sure, I have all that I need. Give me a minute.

I gladly threw the blindfold on the floor when she finally gave me permission. When does your cousin come into town? Do I have to wait for the dance to see him too?

Her eyes twinkled. Yes. This is going to be truly magical.

My heart jumped when she said that and I started to get excited. Will you tell me something about him?

He looks like a movie star, she said. He’s smart like you, and you two will steal the show. Everyone will forget about the homecoming royalty.

Sounds like my mom will be proud to call me her daughter for once, I said. She thinks my brains are wasted on a girl.

"Don’t worry

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