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Exotics #2: Xanadu House
Exotics #2: Xanadu House
Exotics #2: Xanadu House
Ebook140 pages1 hour

Exotics #2: Xanadu House

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About this ebook

Rachael survived her adventures on The Floating Menagerie and went back to her normal life…except that her mom is still missing. Now she’s coming down with the Exotics virus herself and is changing into a half-human, half-animal Exotic, just like her friends. As a new Exotic, Rachael can’t control the change, so she travels to a safe place for Exotics in danger—Xanadu House. The house is owned by an aunt that Rachael never knew she had, and who will protect any Exotic, no matter which side they’re on. But is Xanadu House as safe as it seems?

Release dateAug 18, 2013
Exotics #2: Xanadu House

DeAnna Knippling

DeAnna Knippling writes eclectic crime, mystery, romance, and other stories with characters whose sense of justice gives them a bittersweet view of life. Her hobbies are cooking, taking long walks on Florida beaches, digging into the realm of open-source intelligence, fangirling over history, science, and psychology-and reading lots of fiction, graphic novels, and web comics while her tea goes cold. Author of the Sweet Granadilla and Dark & Cozy mystery series, you can find her at

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    Book preview

    Exotics #2 - DeAnna Knippling

    Chapter 1

    Go on! Rachael’s dad yelled. Get out of here! The front door slammed.

    Rachael rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times; they were all dried out.

    Second grade had been a really weird school year so far. At least it was almost over.

    First her mom had disappeared, and then she and her friend Raul had been kidnapped and taken to The Floating Menagerie, a strange ship in the middle of the ocean.

    The ship had been run by the Shadow Dogs, a group of…well, she didn’t know what to think about them anymore. At first, she’d thought they were people who kidnapped and smuggled Exotics. (Exotics were humans who had been infected with a magical virus that turned them into magical half-animal creatures.) Some of the Shadow Dogs, like Mr. Hightower and Tapeworm, were pretty awful. But some, like Captain Monn and Dr. Menney and maybe even Ken and Sponge and Bob, were pretty nice, and they weren’t trying to smuggle Exotics at all, but protect them.

    The bad Shadow Dogs had wanted to make Rachael tell them her mom’s password, because they wanted the secrets on her computer…her mom was an Exotic, a bee (the Queen Bee was her name, and she was a spy for another group of Exotics, the Animal Lovers’ Club).

    Rachael finally told them the password to keep them from hurting her and Raul, but the password had been changed.

    Her mom hadn’t come back. Nobody knew what happened to her.

    And nobody would explain anything to her. Her dad didn’t know, and nobody else would talk to her about it.

    So now she was spending a lot of time searching on the Internet for weird stories about animals, trying to find anything that might tell her more about the Exotics or where her mother was, and sometimes she forgot to blink, and it felt like her eyes were dry all the time.

    She yelled, Who was it?

    Kids from that club of your mother’s, her father said. Just because you’re back doesn’t mean they can start having their meetings here again. It’s not like you’re part of their club.

    Of course Rachael wasn’t part of the Animal Lovers’ Club; the club was a fake club. It was really only for Exotics, and Rachael was just a normal second-grader.

    But maybe they wanted to tell her something about her mom.

    What did they want? she said.

    Her father said a bad word and stomped out of her hearing. Rachael tiptoed into her bedroom, where she could look out the window over the front door.

    She’d taken down all the pictures of princesses and put up glow-in-the-dark stars and pictures of panthers, horses, and falcons. Secretly, she hoped she’d be infected by the Exotics virus, and she was trying to decide what kind of animal she wanted to be. The stars were there because she just liked them.

    To her surprise, she didn’t see anybody from the Animal Lovers’ Club out of her window. Instead, the twin Shadow Dog boys who had helped kidnap her and Raul hid behind a tree in the front yard. They weren’t doing a very good job of hiding.

    They saw her face at the window at waved her to come down to them.

    She opened the window and hissed, What do you want? Are you going to break down my door and kidnap me again?

    The two boys looked at each other. One of them said, We wanted to apologize.

    Rachael wrinkled up her face. She wanted to yell at them and call the cops to make them arrest them—but then the truth about the Exotics might be revealed, and everyone would freak out, so she couldn’t.

    I don’t forgive you. She had to get them to shut up as soon as possible, before her dad came over to find out what was going on. Go away.

    Wait, the other boy said. It’s about your mom.

    Rachael snorted. I know, I know, you want her password so you can break into her computer and steal all her secrets. But it’s too late. The password is changed; nobody can get in.

    The second boy shrugged. I’m just supposed to tell you she’s safe in a castle in Hungary.

    The first boy elbowed the second boy. You weren’t supposed to say what country.

    "Sor-reeeee, the second one muttered. I told you to do the talking."

    Both boys turned around and started walking away from Rachael’s house.

    Wait! she whispered as loud as she dared.

    The first boy stopped, looked up at her, and said, Sorry, Baby Bee. That’s all we can say. Then both boys ran down the street.

    She closed the window. Baby Bee was the nickname the members of the Animal Lovers’ Club had called her…it was weird that the Shadow Dog boys knew it, too.

    She tried to ask Raul about her mom the next day at school, but, as usual, he wasn’t talking to her. He wasn’t grateful that she’d rescued him on The Floating Menagerie; in fact, he still blamed her for getting them captured by the Shadow Dogs in the first place.

    She found him out on the playground, playing with his friends on the jungle gym.

    Go away, he said.

    I have to ask you something.

    I don’t want to be your boyfriend. Now go away.

    Raul’s friends laughed, and Rachael felt her face get hot. "I don’t want to be your girlfriend, she yelled. You’re so stupid." She ran across the playground and behind a wall to hide.

    Nobody followed her; her so-called friends, swinging and sliding and picking dandelions out of the grass, had been ignoring her lately. She wiped her face on her shirt and waited for the teacher to call them in.

    During class, she was doodling bees and castles and the word hungry on the back of her assignment when Raul grabbed the paper out from under her pen.


    Raul glared at her and walked back to his desk.

    Rachael raised her hand to get the teacher’s attention, then noticed that Raul was holding a finger up to his lips.

    Yes, Rachael? the teacher said.

    She quickly thought of an excuse for raising her hand. May I use the bathroom?

    Her teacher sighed and said, Yes, Rachael. Next time, please use the toilet before you come back to class from recess.

    I will, Miss Sorensen.

    Rachael went into the bathroom. When she came back, her homework was back on her desk, with the word Visegrad under the word hungry.

    Chapter 2

    When Rachael got home, the first thing she did was look up Visegrad Hungry. She found out the country was spelled H-U-N-G-A-R-Y. But there was a castle in Visegrad. The castle was mostly in ruins, which would make it the perfect place to imprison someone secretly. Maybe the castle even had dungeons.

    By the time her dad called her down to supper, Rachael’s eyes were so dry they clicked when she blinked. She felt like she could barely see, and when she rubbed her eyes, she rubbed off all kinds of crusty junk.

    Once her mom had gone missing, Rachael and her dad had stopped eating in the dining room and started eating in the kitchen next to the counter, sitting on tall chairs that spun in circles. Rachael liked it; it meant she could swing the seat back and forth as she ate. Her dad had made sandwiches on toast with weird stuff on top of the meat and cheese. What’s this?

    Sauerkraut, he said. Pickled cabbage.

    She poked it with her finger. It looked like slimy worms made out of jelly. It smelled bad, too. Yuck.

    Just try it, he said.

    She picked a single oozing worm out of the mess, stuck it in her mouth, then spat it out. It’s gross.

    Her dad sighed and said, Enough with the faces. Just scrape it off if you don’t like it.

    Rachael carefully scraped off the sauerkraut and used paper towels to wipe off the meat and cheese. There was pink sauce with chopped up pickles on the sandwich that wasn’t too bad; she wiped off the parts that had touched the sauerkraut, stuck the sandwich back together, and ate it.

    Her mom’s rule was no TV or computer during meals, because they were supposed to talk to each other. But since her mother had disappeared, she and her dad didn’t really talk to each other. He was too upset most of the time.

    Are you feeling all right? he asked, surprising her.

    Rachael’s mouth was full, so she shrugged.

    Your eyes are really red.

    They feel sticky, she mumbled.

    Are you coming down with something?

    I don’t know. She went back to eating her sandwich.

    Rachael drank the last of her milk, scrubbed her face with her napkin, and put her dishes in the dishwasher.

    All done with homework? her dad asked.

    Not yet, she said, meaning she hadn’t started it yet. I’ll do it right now.

    Good, he said. Let me know if you feel too sick to go to school in the morning.

    Rachael wasn’t going to miss her opportunity tomorrow to ask Raul how he knew where her mom was. I feel fine. She skipped up the stairs to show her father that she felt fine, but her head started to hurt as she bounced along, so she stopped.

    The next

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