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Some stories have been previously published. Some stories are novellas and some are full length.

***All stories are part 1’s to other series. All your questions won't be answered in book 1.*** 

By W.J. May

Everyone needs to be a hero at one point in their life. The small town of Elliot Lake will never be the same again after Zoe, a high school senior from Elliot Lake, and five of her friends take shelter in an abandoned uranium mine during a violent thunderstorm. Over the next few days, Zoe’s hearing sharpens drastically… to supernatural levels. 

Fashioning themselves into superheroes, the group tries to stop the strange occurrences happening in their little town.


By Chrissy Peebles

Genre: Paranormal romance and fantasy adventure



Never marry a stranger...even if he is a drop-dead gorgeous immortal king.

Never pretend to be a princess.

And most importantly...never slip on an ancient wedding ring you know nothing about.

Sarah Larker walks through a portal and is mistaken for a runaway princess on the run by a dangerous immortal king in medieval times. Her plan is bold as well as daring—become this princess, wed the king, and slip on an ancient wedding ring that will unlock the portal back home. Then find her sister and run as fast as she can out of Dodge. But taking on the identity of Princess Gloria comes along with dangerous consequences; and slipping on the ruby ring comes with an even higher price.

By Tiffany Evans

As a Drea, Taylee Pierce, is a walking energy bong—or that’s how the gift stealing Rygons see her. Her ability to control minds in their hands could mean the destruction of the Kember and Drea race. But what happens when one who’s born to protect, hunts instead?

By Chrissy Peebles

The Crush Saga Book Trailer:

I was born to die... But to defy fate is to control your own destiny. Little did I know that I was entering a world of ritual and magic and that my blood needed to be spilled so the witches’ legacy could be complete. 

This story is about: Vampires. Witches. Werewolves. Supernatural Creatures. Dramatic Revelations. A Ritual Sacrifice. Ancient Artifacts. A Cold-hearted Serial Killer. Spilled Blood. Secrets. A Hidden Heritage. A Love So Deep. Supernatural Bloodlust. A Dangerous Curse. An Uneasy Alliance With A Dangerous Vampire.

By Chrissy Peebles

Sky was raised in an underwater city after a meterorite stuck Earth and the air was deemed unbreathable. 

Sky doesn't accept her fate and bucks the system every chance she gets. She feels as though her government is lying to her and doesn't trust her leaders. With a serial killer on the loose and a stalker she can't shake, Sky wants nothing more than to see the surface, soak in the sun, breathe in fresh air, and get the hell out of that glass city. 

But with people dying all around her, can she get to the surface before it's too late?

By W.J. May
How hard do you have to shake the family tree to find the truth about the past?

Fifteen year-old Rae Kerrigan never really knew her family's history. Her mother and father died when she was young and it is only when she accepts a scholarship to the prestigious Guilder Boarding School in England that a mysterious family secret is revealed.

Will the sins of the father be the sins of the daughter?

Release dateMay 14, 2014

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    Breathless - Chrissy Peebles


    Copyright © All Authors Named in This Book.

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    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without express written permission of the author. This eBook is licensed for your enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people.

    The stories in this book are the property of their authors, in all media both physical and digital. No one, except the owners of this property, may reproduce, copy or publish in any medium any individual story or part of this anthology without the expressed permission of the authors of these works.

    Some stories have been previously published. Some stories are novellas and some are full length.


    ***All stories are part 1’s to other series*** All your questions won’t be answered without purchasing book 2.

    Read 6 fantasy, supernatural, paranormal stories that will leave you breathless...Each woman has a destined fate and an extraordinary story to tell.

    ***Click on title to be taken directly to book!***


    By W.J. May 

    Everyone needs to be a hero at one point in their life. The small town of Elliot Lake will never be the same again after Zoe, a high school senior from Elliot Lake, and five of her friends take shelter in an abandoned uranium mine during a violent thunderstorm. Over the next few days, Zoe’s hearing sharpens drastically... to supernatural levels. She tells her friends, only to learn that four others have an increased sense as well. Zoe is determined to use her new power for good, while trying to keep her growing feelings for Kieran, the new Scottish boy from their group, under control. 

    Fashioning themselves into superheroes, the group tries to stop the strange occurrences happening in their little town. Muggings, break-ins, disappearances, and murder begin to hit too close to home. It leads the team to think someone knows about their secret – someone who wants them all dead. 

    An incredulous group of heroes. A traitor in the midst. Some dreams are written in blood. 

    ***Click on title to be taken directly to book!***


    By Chrissy Peebles

    Genre: Paranormal romance and fantasy adventure

    Original Eternal Vows BOOK TRAILER:

    New Book Trailer:

    Never marry a stranger...even if he is a drop-dead gorgeous immortal king. 

    Never pretend to be a princess. 

    And most importantly...never slip on an ancient wedding ring you know nothing about. 

    Sarah Larker returns to a cave where her sister disappeared ten years earlier. She walks through a portal and is mistaken for a runaway princess on the run by a dangerous immortal king in medieval times. Her plan is bold as well as daring—become this princess, wed the king, and slip on an ancient wedding ring that will unlock the portal back home. Then find her sister and run as fast as she can out of Dodge. But taking on the identity of Princess Gloria comes along with dangerous consequences; and slipping on the ruby ring comes with an even higher price.

    ***Click on title to be taken directly to book!***


    By Tiffany Evans

    As a Drea, Taylee Pierce, is a walking energy bong—or that’s how the gift stealing Rygons see her. Her ability to control minds in their hands could mean the destruction of the Kember and Drea race. Laced with speed, strength, and a physical ability, each Kember holds the key to not only defeat the Rygons, but to protect one Drea until death. 

    But what happens when one who’s born to protect, hunts instead? 

    During a heated battle with a rogue Kember, Taylee’s forced to run and let her own Kember—the man who raised her—face him alone. With the announcement of her protector’s death, Taylee’s anger and obsession regarding the mysterious murderer take over. She’s hell-bent on bringing her guardian justice, even if it means walking into the enemy’s trap.

    ***Click on title to be taken directly to book!***

    BOOK 4 – CRUSH

    By Chrissy Peebles

    The Crush Saga Book Trailer:

    Jump into this adrenaline-packed, supernatural thriller from USA TODAY bestselling author Chrissy Peebles.

    The Crush Saga Book Trailer:

    His precious touch could prove deadly...

    The Crush Saga (a 9 book series) 

    Synopsis of the series:

    I was born to die... But to defy fate is to control your own destiny. Little did I know that I was entering a world of ritual and magic and that my blood needed to be spilled so the witches’ legacy could be complete. 

    Vampires. Witches. Werewolves. Supernatural Creatures. Dramatic Revelations. A Ritual Sacrifice. Ancient Artifacts. A Cold-hearted Serial Killer. Spilled Blood. Secrets. A Hidden Heritage. A Love So Deep. Supernatural Bloodlust. A Dangerous Curse. An Uneasy Alliance With A Dangerous Vampire.

    Legends of vampires and shape-shifters have been around for centuries, so Taylor Sparks isn’t too worried when the rumors start to fly. When Taylor learns secrets that are beyond terrifying, they threaten to destroy her entire world. She is born to die... But to defy fate is to control your own destiny. 

    She warns her crush to leave. But how do you forget someone who is aligned with your soul? They fight against the witches, the vampires, and the werewolves. They know the consequences. They know the risk. But they don't care. Nothing will get in the way of these two star-crossed lovers. 

    Taylor finds out she’s a KEY player in a dangerous game created 1,000 years ago that will give the witches and werewolves the upper hand against the vampires. Blood will be spilled and secrets will be revealed in this action-packed thrill ride and paranormal romance. 

    Will Taylor dive into a paranormal world she knows nothing about to be with the one her heart can’t live without? Or will her life spiral out of control when she learns her blood is needed, just the serum necessary to lift an ancient curse from a group of supernatural beings and give the witches back their magic? Werewolves will serve as her guardians and protect her until the first full moon of the new year, the night of her sacrifice... 

    Will she accept her destiny?

    Or will she refuse to let evil swallow her up? 

    ***Click on title to be taken directly to book!***


    By Chrissy Peebles

    I’m a survivor, living in a post-apocalyptic world. I live deep in the ocean and that's how we all survived the world's greatest catastrophe known to man. I’d often dreamt of a normal life, but sadly, that wasn’t what fate had in store for me.
    Where do I even begin? Let’s start from the beginning, shall we?
    My name is Sky Hammons, and this is my story. It’s actually quite like my name, because it is a tale of hope, faith, and new beginnings—like a bright, blue summer sky. Or at least that was what I’d wished for, back when I was naïve and clueless enough to believe it. I really wish my journey could be summed up like that, and at first, it seemed like that might be the case. But then that bright sky darkened, and things fell apart. As if Chicken Little’s fears were coming true, my blue sky shattered. They say The truth will set you free, but I can’t say I believe that—at least not anymore. In my case, the bitter truth shook me to my very core. I never would have imagined that life could be so cruel or that people could be so deranged outside of an Alfred Hitchcock script or some awful horror movie, but I learned one thing: Never, ever believe what you’re told.
    I’d been hand-fed lies since birth from my so-called government, and like a mindless drone, I’d happily believed every fraudulent word of the garbage they were spewing. Maybe I just wanted that warm, fuzzy feeling; their lies comforted me and allowed me to sleep better at night. After all, who doesn’t want peace and hope and goodwill and all those other things splattered in snowy glitter all over the front of Christmas cards?
    When I got a little older and started to take a good, close look at the world around me, I began to challenge the world I lived in. I began to realize it wasn’t all marshmallows and unicorns and Norman Rockwell paintings, and I started to ask questions. I’d always hoped for a bright future, but little did I know that absolute terror was lurking just around the corner. As I dug into the unknown, I was confronted by my worst nightmare. My name is Sky, and this is my story.

    ***Click on title to be taken directly to book!***


    By W.J. May

    How hard do you have to shake the family tree to find the truth about the past? 

    Fifteen year-old Rae Kerrigan never really knew her family's history. Her mother and father died when she was young and it is only when she accepts a scholarship to the prestigious Guilder Boarding School in England that a mysterious family secret is revealed. 

    Will the sins of the father be the sins of the daughter? 

    As Rae struggles with new friends, a new school and a star-struck forbidden love, she must also face the ultimate challenge: receive a tattoo on her sixteenth birthday with specific powers that may bind her to an unspeakable darkness. It's up to Rae to undo the dark evil in her family's past and have a ray of hope for her future.

    This is the end of this introduction. Book 1 will start now. Thanks for joining and giving each series a chance.

    Book 1

    Radium Halos

    Book I

    In the Senseless Series

    By W.J. May

    Copyright 2014 W.J. May

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

    The Senseless Series:

    Download Radium Halos part 1 For FREE



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    I hated the mine. Like a crypt across the horizon the place always made me shudder. They had closed it down years ago and boarded up the entrance. The horror-film image still haunted me.

    Tonight vehicles littered the overgrown grass field surrounding the shaft. From behind the orange and yellow flames of a bonfire, blue spirits danced about, as if the mine had allowed them to escape. Foreboding lingered in the pit of my stomach. The sound of music, chatter and laughter barely muted the feeling.

    I shifted away from the fire and dropped my head against the back of lawn chair. Ominous clouds created large voids in the dotted, glittery sky. To rain or not to rain, that is the question.

    Heidi waved a hand back and forth in front of my face. Earth to Zoey. Earth to Zoey. Come back to Elliot Lake. The school bonfire is missing you.

    Even with my eyes cast toward the sky, I could hear the smile in her voice. I grinned and turned to face my best bud, one last shutter sneaking up my spine.  The mine gives me the creeps.

    Heidi leaned over on her lawn chair and nudged me with her elbow.  I heard that back in the sixties or seventies, half the miners ended up with some toxic disease from the uranium. Most likely cancer

    Rylee, my other best friend, tossed her dark hair over her shoulder and rolled her eyes. Only you two would come up with the number one way to kill a mood. The big ‘C’. 

    It’s not like we’re going inside. I stuck my tongue out and tried to keep the corners of my mouth from turning up.  Pretending to copy Rylee’s hair toss, I swung my head dramatically and let my recently straightened and blonde strands flip around. Not near as sexy or smooth as Rylee’s. I glanced at Heidi, unable to mimic the action I still can’t believe you cut your hair so short.

    I donated it. Totally worth it.

    Yeah. I’m cool with that, but it’s been long since third grade.

    Rylee stepped over and touched the back of Heidi’s hair. The shaved part at the back is incredible.

    I lacked the nerve to do something so daring. It’s awesome.

    It’s what I wanted ever since I saw it in a mag, Heidi said. 

    Our little pixie.  The new cut took away some of her innocent look—making her appear older. I liked it. It represented the change of our final year of high school. We were growing up.

    ...but dying it platinum. Rylee whistled. I bet your mom had a coronary when you got home.

    Heidi grinned a tiny bit.  She was pretty ticked.  Her tiny fingers flicked the spiked front.

    Soooo... Rylee straightened in her chair, causing her chest to stick out. Uh oh, prowl pose. Rylee’s on a hot man hunt. Rylee pressed a perfectly manicured hand against her flat belly. Brent said there’s a new guy in town.

    I got up and moved to Brent, who’d been sitting on a tree stump quietly playing his guitar. The humungous mine silhouetted behind him. It looked like a monster’s mouth trying to swallow him and everything around it up. Stop being such a scaredy-cat. I rolled my eyes heaven-ward to clear my over active imagination and focused on Brent.

    He sat with his head down while he strummed along to the music blaring from the speakers. In the fire light, his brown hair appeared sandy-blonde. As if sensing my gaze, he glanced up. A smile touched his lips, and his eyes seemed to twinkle from the reflection of the dancing flames. 

    Where’s Seth? I realized Mr. Clean, our fifth partner in crime hadn’t shown up yet.

    He’s bringing fresh meat. Brent continued playing while the stereo music blared behind us. He managed to make his composition sound perfectly in tune, and yet totally different than the rock song playing.

    Ohhh... I love hot dogs and burgers! Heidi sat down by Brent.  Topped off with marshmallows for s’mores, of course.

    No, silly, not food.  Nice hair crop, by the way. Brent ruffled the back of her head. There’s a new kid in town. He’s from England or Ireland, somewhere across the pond.

    Rylee, always gorgeous and perky, swept her black hair up in a pony and then dropped it perfectly into place. Tall, hot, and handsome, I hope.

    Like me, huh? Brent laughed.

    How come no one knew he was coming? Rylee played with her car keys, a little green dot flashing as she tapped a button on them.  This town’s so small.  Everyone should’ve been talking about it over the summer holidays. She started pacing around the fire, scouting the small crowd.

    Guess it was like a last minute decision.  I’m sure you’ll find out all the details when you devour him. Brent laughed and played two loud boom chukka bings punctuated by a clap on his guitar.

    Heidi covered a smile with her hand. I faked a cough. We both knew what Rylee’s response would be.

    She made her signature baby-pout face. I don’t eat men. I simply get bored.

    Put the lip away.  It’s not gonna work. I grinned. Only Rylee could be Rylee. We always get stuck picking up the pieces after you’ve broken the poor guy’s heart. I bent forward, pretending to pick up a million invisible pieces of shattered heart off the ground.  Rylee had dated every boy in our class, plus a grade or two above, since starting high school.  She wasn’t a tramp. Every decent guy in town just wanted to see if he might be Mr. Right.  How ‘bout tonight you give the new guy a chance to breathe? Not make him your next conquest right away? 

    Conquest? Rylee raised her eyebrows.

    You know, Heidi said, sarcasm dripping. What you do all summer long with the vacationers?

    I get it. You don’t like competing. Rylee shrugged.  I figured you guys thought it was fun.

    Not when we lose all the time. I sighed. Kinda hard to compete against your midnight black hair and perfect voluptuous body. Makes the boys of summer migrate towards you.  Heidi and I didn’t stand a chance, even when Rylee didn’t try to get them.  I’m not jealous. How could you fight nature? Okay, maybe a teeny bit jealous.

    A loud boom suddenly rocked the air. I jumped and whirled around to see where the noise came from. Startled at first, everyone around the fire laughed when they realized the noise came from above.

    That didn’t sound good. Brent set his guitar in its case lying on the ground.

    Maybe it’ll just pass over. There’s no forecast for rain, Rylee said.

    Heidi pointed towards the other side of the bonfire. Well, if it does start pouring, we’re on the wrong side. Everyone’s going to make a mad dash for their cars, and we picked the furthest spot. We’re like a kilometre away.

    Great. I grimaced. Getting wet meant my straightened hair would turn curly and, worse, the dreaded frizzies. 

    Brent picked up his guitar case. No way am I letting this baby get ruined.  I bought it in an antique shop in Germany. Had to carry it around with me for the last two weeks in Europe.

    We’ll be fine.  It’s not gonna rain.  The skies— Rylee paused and glanced up. Whoa, those are freakin’ huge, black clouds!

    As if to mock her, the sky lit up with a zigzag flash of lightning, immediately followed by a sonic boom that shook the ground. Large raindrops splattered down, making the fire hiss in protest. Everyone started to grab chairs and food and belongings.  Over the shrieks of the girls, someone hollered to head over to the bowling alley and continue the party there. 

    Brent grabbed Heidi and Rylee’s arms. Come on. We can hang out in the mine until the storm blows over. It’s closer than our cars. He let go of the girls, shrugged his guitar case over his shoulder and took off running towards the mine.

    I flinched. The idea of going into the spooky, old, abandoned mine didn’t sound like the best plan. I stood by the sizzling fire, getting drenched.

    I could feel my hair curling against my neck.  Might as well join him. You all handed your cell phones into the pot for the game student council planned later on.  I’m probably the only one who didn’t. I held my hand above my eyes to shield some of the rain. 

    Rylee giggled. This should be interesting. She grabbed Heidi’s sleeve and they took off running. I followed slightly behind.

    The rain came in torrents and the long grass became slippery. Despite the wetness, I upped my pace—which only made me stumble.

    Lightning ripped through the sky again, illuminating the mine opening. The entrance seemed to transform into a gruesome face made of earth, ready to swallow us up.  Even the trees surrounding the mine looked like hands trying to grasp and pull the doorway under. I hesitated, even though I knew it was just the shadows and light playing with my mind. 

    I walked the last twenty yards along the old, half-buried rail tracks and came to a halt behind Rylee and Heidi.  Brent must have pried off a large slab of wood, which had boarded up the entrance to the abandoned mine. He’s desperate. He’s always careful with his hands. The missing board created a crawl space just large enough for us to get inside. 

    Rylee disappeared though the hole, and I caught Heidi hesitating. I looked towards where my car should be parked. Completely hidden by the rain. Noah’s ark could float by and we’d never see it.

    Go on.  I’m right behind you, I said.

    She clipped though and vanished into its darkness. Dropping down, I crept through the sinister hole. 

    Another crackle of thunder rattled the wooden boards and echoed down into the mine.  It was darker than dark inside, except for the light cast by the small opening.  Through the broken gap, the last remains of the bonfire disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

    "Holy crap!  Where the heck did that come from?" Brent’s voice sounded further down the tunnel, and lower, as if he was on his knees.

    This place reeks like rotten eggs, I complained.  Can’t see a thing. 

    A small beam of light appeared on a nearby wall and found its way to Brent’s face.  Hey, cut that out. He blinked and held an arm up. Who’s doing that?

    Me. Rylee giggled. My key chain’s got one of those tiny flashlights you use to find your ignition in the dark. She flashed the light onto her scrunched-up face and made a spooky ghost sound, Oooooooo. 

    You’re not scary. Brent laughed. You sound like a little kid. Maybe someone a little more mature should be holding it.

    Rylee shifted the yellow light to Heidi’s face. It’s not much, but at least we can shine it on any bats that try to bite us. Or maybe there’re spiders and other creepy crawly things. She moved the light around the dirt walls, zigzagging and making circles.

    Bats? Spiders? Heidi squealed. I’m not moving from this spot and keep those vermin away from me. You couldn’t miss the shudder in her voice. Rylee flashed the light in Heidi’s direction again. We stood on a slope, with Brent at the lowest end.

    We’ll be fine. Brent wrapped his arm around Heidi.  This thing’s going to blow over in a bit.  Wind and rain that fast and heavy can’t last long.

    We followed Rylee’s little light as she made patterns on the dirt covered wall.

    I kept quiet and shifted my weight from foot to foot.  My sneakers were soaked from the wet grass, making loud sucking sounds as I moved around.  My friends grumbled as they moved. Dirt walls, dirt floor and musty stinkin’ dirt roof.   I scowled as cold wet filled my shoe and ran over top of it. Great. If you guys haven’t noticed, this downpour’s created a small mud current running over my shoes. I don’t exactly fancy swimming in a river of mud down through this godforsaken mine. Definitely not a good idea.

    As if the weather mocked our predicament, another bolt of lightning lit the opening and a howl of wind blew more rain inside. The contrast after the shock of brilliant light made the mine opening even blacker. Thunder threatened to shake the dirt ceiling.  An iridescent beam flashed across my eyes and then bounced off the frightened faces of my friends and slowly traced down a crack on the side wall.  Four pairs of eyes followed Rylee’s little flashlight. 

    A blast of cold air followed by a stream of water coursed into the opening. It pushed against my calves. Shit! escaped from my lips before I could stop it. Freakin’ freezing! As my footing started to slip, I grabbed for whoever was close enough to help keep me from landing on my butt. My fingers found cotton and some kind of strong material. I clenched tightly, then realized I’d managed to grab the top of their jeans and my fingers now pressed against warm, taut abdominal muscles.

    Strong hands gripped my arms and helped me upright. You okay? Brent’s hot breath brushed against my ear.

    Yup... Th-Thanks. I swallowed. You’re lucky I didn’t pull your pants down.

    Brent chuckled. We’re going to have to move further in. His hand stayed on my forearm. Zoe’s about to go water skiing and she’ll take anyone down who’s in front of her.

    I’m not stepping any further into this pit of darkness! Heidi screeched. There is NO way we’re getting lost inside this tomb. What if some rabid animal bites us?

    Lightning erupted again, followed by a loud, thick and deep shattering crack that sounded nothing like thunder. A massive crash shook the ground which made me jump. From the splashing sounds around me, I wasn’t the only one. I pivoted around towards the entrance of the mine. Rylee sloshed her way past me and flashed her little light on the dark opening. 

    You’ve got to be jokin’!

    Instead of a small gap, where we’d crawled through, a humungous fallen tree trunk covered it. Rylee shone the light around the gap again. She paused at the bottom. Water gushed into the mine, creating more of a mud slide around our feet and legs.  It ran down the slope leading further into the darkness.

    Brent muttered, Ah, shit.

    Heidi whimpered, but didn’t cry out.

    We’re trapped, I said, my heart slamming against my ribcage. W-What the heck are we gonna do?

    A strange howl erupted further inside the mine and echoed off the walls. Rylee dropped her flashlight. Dark turned to pitch black.

    Chapter 2

    What the hell was that? Brent asked.

    Dammit! Rylee swore, followed by splashing water.

    What’re you doing? I hated being in the pitch black. I knew coming in here would be a mistake.

    Trying to find my stupid keys. That flashlight better still work.  More splashing and sloshing sounds echoed through the cave. Got ‘em! Metal jingling together sounded like a little musical bell.

    Thank goodness the key light came back on – dim but still beauty to my eyes. We moved closer together.

    Awwwweeeeeeehhheee! The strange noise from before sounded again—closer this time.  Ringing inside my head intensified as my heart thundered against my ribcage.

    I-Is it s-some kinda animal? Heidi pressed closer, pulling us all into a tighter circle.

    Rylee released a nervous laugh. Probably some old miner’s ghost stuck in the mine. It’s ticked we’re in here.

    Gimme a break. I snapped, not meaning to. Sorry. I don’t want to be here.


    What the—?

    Brent straightened and stepped back toward a dirt wall. No, his head shook as he spoke, I’m gonna freakin’ kill him.  He took a step into the sloping mine. Seth! Get your ass up here NOW!

    There was a moment of silence followed by booming laughter. Rylee turned the light further into the mine.

    Seth appeared around the darkened corner two minutes later looking like Mr. Clean in his white short-sleeve tee shirt, faded blue jeans and short cropped hair. At least the top half’s Mr. Clean. His jeans and sneakers were covered in mud.

    I skipped over him to the tall, lean, dark-haired guy walking beside him. The complete opposite in dark jeans and black shirt ‘The Beatles’ emblazed with a Union jack design on his chest. Even with Rylee’s small light his eyes matched his hair, their reflection dark against the dim light. His hands were stuffed into his back pockets and as he chuckled at something Seth muttered. I heard my own breath catch. 

    I couldn’t stop staring. Cute, very cute. My heart sped up a few erratic beats as I wondered how his voice sounded. Then I remembered they’d just scared the crap out of us. Seth, you’re such a dill-weed. Poor Heidi’s nearly pee-ed her pants.

    Sorry, Seth said, his baritone echoing off the nearby walls. We broke in here when the storm started. I hope I didn’t scare you. We were just messing.

    It wasn’t funny. At all, Heidi said.

    Sorry. We were just around the corner when we heard you guys crawl in. Seth craned his neck, trying to look behind us. No one else?

    Brent stepped forward. They all ran for their cars. Did you break the board at the entrance?

    Yup. Seth grinned, flexing a massive arm muscle. By the way, this is Kieran.  He moved in down the street from me a couple of days ago.

    G’d ev’nin’. Kieran’s low voice carried a thick accent. English? Australian?

    Rylee sloshed over and hugged Seth and then Kieran. I’m Rylee.

    Nice to meet you. Kieran politely stepped back.

    Heidi waved a little hand, then reached for hair to play with out of habit.  Not finding any with the new hairdo, she scratched her neck instead I’m Heidi. Are you from England?

    Och. He smiled and shook his head. Not hardly. I’m from Inverness, a wee town in Scotland.

    Brent nodded and held his hand out. Seth slapped the front, then back. The shake was their Boy Club greeting they’d made up in third grade and, sadly, still used it. ’Eh, Kieran. I’m Brent, the music man. He patted the guitar case on his back that I’d completely forgotten about. He hummed a few chords of Auld Lang Syne.

    Kieran grinned. 

    I stepped forward and inhaled trying to think of something witty to say. The deep breath killed all thought processing and instead gave me the opportunity to breathe in Kieran scent. Probably some aftershave mixed with the Highland waters of Scotland.  Trying to appear cool I crossed my right ankle over my left and nearly fell into the running water. Thank goodness for the dimness. Hu-hello, I said, groaning inwardly at the rust in my husky voice. I’m Zoe.  Fancy meeting you in such a...a... memorable place.

    Speaking of which, Brent said. Do you know a way outta here? Zoe seems to think we’re trapped.

    We’re not trapped. Seth pushed passed us to the opening of the mine. Rylee shone her little light at the jammed entrance and we all moved closer to Seth. He spread his feet and squatted down to push against the tree trunk. Brent and Kieran joined him, their arms flexed with exertion against the pale flashlight.

    The tree’s not... going to... budge. Seth grunted as he pushed harder. He lost his footing and crashed to his knees in the rushing water. Crap. He grabbed Brent’s outstretched hand and vaulted up, soaked to the waist. There’s a run off rain spout by the mine opening, the tree must’ve took it down as it fell. That’s why there’s all this water running in here.

    My teeth were nearly rattling out my head. I blinked in surprise, not realizing how cold I’d become. Or maybe it’s just the mine. Or the fact that we were stuck here! I hated this place, but wasn’t about to admit it out loud. Wringing my hands, I pressed my lips together to stop their trembling.  Images of being forced into the deep, dark pits of the mine, and never being found, galloped through my head. 

    Seth reached toward Rylee. Give me the light.  We had one but it died after two minutes. We’ve already been a ways and didn’t find anything in the dark. I’ll go further to see if there’s a dryer place we can wait the storm out.

    I’m not moving from this spot. Heidi clutched my arm and pulled me tight against her.  My shoe, half sucked into the bed, made me almost fall face-first into the cold water. Great, mud-caked hair.

    Seth’s right, Kieran said.  We can’t stay here.  We’ll be sliding down the mine on our arses.  He splashed past to stand by Seth.  I’ll come with you.

    Don’t go, pleaded Heidi.

    I’ll stay. Brent gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze as he stepped between me and Heidi.

    Rylee slipped by and stood on the other side of Heidi. They have to look.  If we’re gonna be here all night, we can’t stay here waiting to be rescued. Nobody even knows we came this way. They were all running for the cars.

    We should’ve done the same thing. My gut was right before.

    In the semi-darkness, I watched Heidi collapse in tears against Rylee. Then two boys, and our only little light, disappeared into the darkness. Tears welled but, breathing deep, I fought them back down. We didn’t need any more waterworks at the moment. It was dark, cold and silent. My heart hammered and fear gnawed inside me.

    Oh how I wanted to follow the guys. Instead, I patted Heidi’s arm and moved a few steps away to try and find higher ground. Moving forward, I grimaced when water sloshed up to my knees. My arms reached out in the darkness to find the wall. Each step a hesitant move forward, I concentrated on not slipping. 

    The cool, dry dirt of the wall felt like heaven against my fingers. Sliding my foot forward, I felt higher ground against my sneaker. Another tentative step forward, using the wall for balance, I found a small ledge. Wide enough to stand on. A tiny surge of hope pulsed through my veins. 

    Over here, I called. There’s a raised part we can stand on till the guys get back.

    Here, take my arm, Heidi Brent said.

    Heidi was full-on crying now. Hiccups and everything. Poor thing.

    They clambered onto the small rock shelf. We waited for what seemed like an eternity, none of us talking. Heidi managed to calm herself down on the higher ground.  The howling wind and shattering thunder seemed to be having a conversation of its own. 

    I shifted my weight from foot to foot. What time is it? The little hands on my watch glowed faintly. Half past eleven—already?

    Think they’re alright? Rylee asked.

    I opened my mouth to reply, when a whoop erupted from deeper inside the mine.  All four of us jumped.

    Son of a bitch! Brent swore as he slid and landed in the muddy water. They better have found something.

    Moments later, laughter and male voices drifted through the darkness of the mine towards us. The small, round light appeared. My tense posture slumped. A new knot between my shoulder blades burned. I tried to stretch my back out without slipping.

    We found a closed off room. It’s nothing spectacular but heaven compared to this. It’s dry so we can hang out there for the night. There’s like a glass dome thing on top, and when the lightning flashes, it brightens up the room. Seth swung the flashlight around, finally finding us lined against the wall. What the? You guys in a police line up? He laughed. Or are you prisoners, trying to dig your way out?

    Shut up. I smiled for the first time since the rain started.

    How far down? Heidi asked in a faint voice.

    Not far. Less than a ‘ive minute walk. Kieran took her hand, helping her down and kept her close. Let’s go. You’ll feel loads better when you see it.

    Lucky girl. For a moment I wished I’d picked the end near the tunnels instead of the one furthest away. Dummy! I scolded myself. Now wasn’t the time to be jealous of Heidi getting help from Kieran. We had more pressing issues. Like surviving the night!

    We waded through the muck in a single-file chain. Whenever I slipped, I grabbed hold of Brent, who walked in front of me, for balance. How we managed to walk the route in the darkness, without anyone falling, was beyond me.

    It took only minutes, but felt like an hour as we inched our way finally reaching two steel doors.

    Seth grabbed the large, heavy-looking handle and pulled hard. The old door groaned when it finally gave way, as if it didn’t want to let us in.  I was right about going for the cars. Could this be another mistake? I shivered at the crazy thought, but followed the others inside. 

    Just as I stepped through the doorway, a flash of lightning erupted, illuminating the room, exposing its brilliant white, round shape.  Huge concrete pads with towering steel poles reached high into the air. Maybe the poles were once measuring markers or something. Hopefully not for uranium or radium. That stuff’s wicked radioactive.  I’d have asked Heidi, our little photographic memory gal, but I had no intention of trying to scare her anymore.

    The fifty-foot poles stretched from floor to ceiling. The translucent dome arched like a sun roof above us.

    Another zigzagged ember flashed, this one lasting longer. A crackle and boom followed, making me jump inside the circular space. Heidi cried out and buried her head between her knees. Kieran paced along the outside of the room, his fingers running along the perimeter. The walls have some kind of dust covering them.

    The room suddenly went black as tar.  A moment later a loud clap sounded above us. Crack! The poles shook against the angry thunder. I closed my eyes, wishing I was anywhere in the world but here. In one of the cars!


    What was that? Heidi screamed.

    I covered my ears. If possible, I’d have jumped out of my skin.

    Sorry, said Seth. The door’s heavy. It slipped from my hand.

    A piercing howl whistled over our heads. This room was hell on earth.

    ’Tis nothing, everyone. Kieran clapped his hands to get the dust off. Just wind catching through the dome.

    We stood back to back in the middle of the room. Brent grabbed my and Heidi’s hands, pulling us down to sit beside him. The others dropped as well. At least the floor’s dry.

    I shoved my hands deep into the pockets of my black vest. My left hand squeezed around a familiar, rectangular object. Guys!  I forgot to hand my phone in when we got to the field. I pulled it out and flipped it open. Its light illuminated the wall in front of me into a blue hue. 

    You had it the whole time? Rylee shook her head.

    It doesn’t matter. I can’t get any reception here. I held it above my head aiming in several different directions. I’ll try texting my dad and a couple of people from class.  Maybe a message’ll go through as it roams. With shaking fingers, I sent the SOS message out to everyone on my BBM list.

    It looks like we’re gonna be here for a while, Seth said. Anyone got anything to say, or any deep dark secrets they want to tell?

    Rylee coughed. Yeah, I’m a serial rapist ’n been living undercover in Elliot Lake, pretending to be a female high school student. I’m actually a six-foot male who climbs into this body every day and acts as if –

    Shut up! Heidi and I shouted at the same time.

    A gust howled outside. The metal pillars creaked and groaned in protest. They were probably holding the sun roof cover in place.  I shifted closer to Brent, who put his arm around my shoulders in a brotherly fashion.  It helped, a little.  The wind’s howl switched to a high-pitched shriek, and lightning flickered, building to constant streaks above the dome.

    With how long the bloody lightening lasts, it’s like someone’s playing with the light switch. On my right, Kieran hunched forward, hugging his knees, his wet shoes and socks beside him on the concrete. 

    A massive loud boom of thunder rumbled above us, shaking the room. An eerie creaking noise made me glance up momentarily. Then I ducked my head as fast as I could as dust and particles fell from the ceiling, pinging on the ground around us. Could the dome collapse on us? I grabbed my phone, but there was still no signal. My heart pounded.  I don’t want to die here.  Not in this place. Would anybody even find our bodies?

    Everyone all right? Seth crawled forward and picked something off the ground.  Anyone get hit by a bolt?  Everyone mumbled an okay, and unconsciously we edged our backs closer together. He chuckled. I think Mother Nature’s chasing us down tonight.

    No one replied.

    Hail joined the humungous raindrops which pelted the sun roof. Another blast of air whistled by. The sky was lit up like fireworks in Disneyland. 

    Amaz— Brent started.

    An awful cracking sound split the air, cutting him off. Terrified I couldn’t stop myself from looking up. The flippin’ sun roof shifted had ripped away from the pillars!

    Metal, plastic and fragments of who knows what showered down. Something hard hit my shoulder. It was probably a tiny screw but felt like a boulder. I threw my hands over my head and prayed this was just a bad dream. A nightmare more like.

    Holy shit!

    I had no idea who said it and didn’t care. I just didn’t want to die.

    Only rain and hail seemed to be falling and swirling into the tower room now.  Cautiously I glanced back up at the doom.

    It wobbled and then hung as if pausing. Dramatically pausing. Then it teetered as it fell to rest against a single pillar.  We’re so dead.

    I barely blinked when another monstrously strong blast of wind took the entire dome-roof off. It disappeared into the dark night sky. 

    Bollocks! Did you just see that? Kieran jumped to his feet and ran to a pillar, wrapping his arms around it. We watched in shocked silence, letting the hail and rain bombard us.

    Lightning illuminated the room again and the rain poured down in sheets.

    Seth went to the door. I can’t get the door open.

    Grab a column.  Kieran’s accented voice carried above the storm. They’re not going anywhere. He pointed to the other poles, one for each of us. It’ll keep you dry.  The edge of the ceiling is hangin’ far enough over to block the rain.  Yer gettin’ soaked.

    This sucks, I muttered, jumping up and dashing to the pillar beside Kieran’s.  I stepped onto the concrete slab, hugged the pole, and shifted towards the wall.  The Scotsman’s right. The small overhang of the remains of the ceiling sheltered me from the pounding rain.  I had to hold tight to stop from falling off the thinner side of the slab, but it beat getting soaking wet. 

    Heidi, Brent, Seth and Rylee scrambled to the other four pillars. The storm continued to beat down, like it never planned on stopping. 

    I watched in horror as a bolt discharged through the clouds and shot directly down through the gap. The zigzag light charged down and danced in the place we’d been sitting moments before.

    Electric veins reached out to lick the walls and skip around. I closed my eyes, unable to move, too terrified to even think. What a choice – we couldn’t let go of the pillars or keep holding on. I could feel the energy and heat in the room, positive we were all going to fry. Mom, Dad, I love you. I hope you know...

    The hair on my neck and arms stood on end. Actually, every hair follicle felt raised on my skin. A weird smell filled the air. I couldn’t place it or co-relate it to anything. I thought I could taste the chalky dust. I swallowed to cleanse my tongue and then snorted to try to clear my nose.

    The static noise lasted forever. I kept my eyes squeezed tight, too scared to look or breathe. I waited for death, or something close to it.

    Holy shit!  Did you see what just happened?

    I tentatively opened one eye, wondering why death sounded so feminine.

    The sparks had disappeared, but I swore I could still hear the noise the lightning strike had made so close to us.  And the static.  It muted when the thunder pounded, and I shook as the noise resonated inside my chest and head.

    Death spoke again, sounding a helluva lot like Rylee shouting. Startled, I looked around to find her. 

    She stood, still hugging her pillar, but her head was thrown back and she was, of all things, laughing. No one’s going to believe this! I can’t believe it. Her voice carried over the storm, making it easy to decipher her words. She began laughing hysterically. You guys look like Smurfs. You’re all blue.

    Chapter 3

    We glowed. In the weak light our skin had a tinge of blue. I wiped the back of my hand on my thighs, wondering if the blue would come off.  My jeans had the same glowing color so I wasn’t surprised it didn’t help. We’d better not be covered in flippin’ uranium. We’ll be dust, or dead, by morning.  I started slapping my legs to get the powder off.

    It’s not uranium. The mine’s been closed for over twenty years, Rylee said.

    Radioactive particles stay this way for decades, Heidi said.

    Ahhh...Everyone’s turning back to normal, no more blue. Rylee clearly disappointed, and almost slipping off her pillar. We’re fading.

    I couldn’t believe she actually was bummed.

    It’s incredible none of us got hit, Seth said. My ears are still ringing from the crackling noise. He sniffed and rubbed his nose. It stinks in here.

    Do you think the lightening might come in here again? Heidi shouted, furthest away from me. Maybe we should try to head back to the tunnel.

    Wait. Listen, Kieran said. 

    I cocked an ear, willing the sizzling sound echoing in my head to disappear.  Everyone stood so still, I could hear everything. What’s Kieran trying to show us?

    The storm’s moving on. He pointed towards the sky. The lightning and thunder are ‘bout six seconds apart now.  The storm’s moving west.  I betchya the rain’s gonna start letting up as well. His accent made his words sound like a story.

    Nobody moved or spoke.  It felt like ages, but my watch showed about two minutes later the rain did lessen.  Drops became smaller, turning into a light drizzle and then stopping completely.  The wind gave a couple of half-hearted howls but then quieted as well.  The dark clouds covering the night sky followed the storm, and before long, stars and half the moon peaked its way through the shattered dome.

    It’s kinda beautiful. I can’t believe we’re alive. I stepped off the concrete slab and with hesitant steps, made my way to the middle of the room.  Staring up at the sky, I could hear muffled thuds as the others followed my lead and jumped off their slabs.

    Freaky. The sky looks as though nothing ever happened. Brent snapped his fingers.  Hey, is your phone working now, Zoe?

    I pulled it out of my pocket and flipped it open.  The roaming dotted line disappeared and message sent flashed on my screen over and over again as the SOS I’d written earlier finally went out. Yeah, the storm must’ve screwed everything up. I hope it doesn’t come back.  I dropped my shoulders and let out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding. Can we please get out of here now? I just want to go home.

    Seth splashed his way across the muddy floor towards the doors.  He grunted as he pushed, throwing his shoulder into it.  Door’s stuck.  He pulled the handle really hard and the thing ripped right off the door. He tossed it on the ground and tried pushing against the door and then moved to the other door, but to no avail.  Brent and Kieran hurried over, trying to help.  Panic filled my chest.

    Punch the steel, Brent groaned. Looks like we’ll be waiting here ‘til someone answers one of Zoe’s texts. He crossed his arms and shrugged.

    You’re jokin’! I shook my head. "We’re trapped, again?"

    Just slightly detained, Seth glared at the door and then threw his hands in the air. It’s no big deal. The storm’s over now. 

    We’re probably in its eye. Let’s go, guys. Come on!

    You girls wanna do some wrestling? We’ll watch. Brent clapped his hands and rubbed them together.  He gave a good-natured leer.  Now that the skies are clear, it looks like your standing in a mud ring with white on the outside. Just need the ropes.

    I stifled a groan. Music-man needed to shut his vocal chords.  However, he was right about the white-thing. Still standing in the middle of the round room, I swung around and stared.  Freaky. Really freaky. It does seem kinda bright in here. Even without the lightening or key flashlight. What’s going on?

    Like someone’s switched the lights on, Seth said.

    But at a low wattage. ’Pears like the walls are ablaze, added Kieran.

    Ablaze? Seth laughed. That a British term or something?

    Kieran smiled, but his lips stayed tight together.  I felt his frustration and wished Seth stood within reach so I could swat the back of his head.

    Aside from the large puddle of mud in the middle, everything seemed white in color, like a coloring page that hadn’t been filled in yet. The walls were stark and pale. Staring at them, I followed the pattern the cracked lines between the bricks made.  They seemed unusually bright, almost like they, too, glowed in the dark. I checked the cement slabs we’d been standing on. Even with mud splattered on them, they were white instead of grey. Of fallen particles that had showered down on us, the nuts, bolts and other metal bits were white.

    Heidi shivered. This room’s weird. Actually the whole place’s creepy. Zoe’s always moaning about how she hates this place. Now I totally get it. She hugged herself.  Sorry to be the perpetual wimp, but I’d prefer to get out of here than spend the night. Zoe, can you try your cell again? Like her hands, her voice trembled slightly.

    Sure. I don’t plan on sleeping here either.  Flipping my cell phone open, I saw there had been two replies to my SOS, and both thought I’d been joking.  I’m not sure it’ll work, but I’ll try again.  I dialled dad’s number.

    Hu-llo? His voice came across the line low and tired. 

    Dad?  It’s me.  We’re stranded in the mine. Help! Shoot! He’s so gonna freak. I lowered my voice to a normal level and checked my watch. Just after two am. "Sorry. Were you sleeping?"

    What’s wrong? He sounded instantly awake.  Where are you? Did you say the mine?

    His bed creaked in the background and I knew he’d sat up, probably already shoving his feet into the Crocs he kept by the bed.  Having a doctor for a father, worries tended to get blown out of proportion.  One of the reasons he and Mom split.

    I’m not hurt.  Relax. I exhaled a slow breath and fought to control my voice.  But we’re in a bit of a bind.  The gang all went to the high school kick-off tonight and a storm blew in.  We went for cover in the old uranium mine and we’re... kinda stuck. He may be the calmest doctor on the continent, but when it came to his only daughter, he turned into the biggest worrywart. I was at mom’s this weekend so he would assume I’d be home sleeping in my bed. He was probably having a coronary right now.

    I’m on my way.  Have you called nine-one-one?  My pause had him talking again.  "Have you tried anyone else?"

    I knew what was coming.

    Come on, Zoezey.

    I sighed.  No, I haven’t called Mom.  I’m sleeping at Rylee’s tonight. I could hear him getting dressed and imagined him holding the phone with his chin against his shoulder, throwing on jeans and a sweatshirt.  He was probably leaning over to grab his doctor’s bag, dark hair falling in his face.  My cell just started working.

    I’ll call Jim.  Seth’s dad, Jim, was a fireman with a huge, muscular body.  He could probably remove the fallen tree with his bare hands and then tear down the mine doors with his pinkie finger.

    You’d better call Brent’s dad and the rest of the gangs. I’m not sure my phone will keep working. I don’t even know if the storm’s going to start up again. It’s all...all... I swallowed trying not to cry. My throat tightened and burned.

    I’m coming, sweetie, he said, car keys jingling in the background.  I’ll call nine one one and everyone I need to.  Keep your cell close.

    Please hurry. I shut the phone and waved it at my friends, not sure I could speak. Help’s on the way. 

    Hopefully Seth’s dad’s driving the ladder truck over here to rescue us right now, Heidi said.

    I’m sure he’s on his way. Seth came and put his arm around Heidi.

    We’re all okay and going to get outta here very soon. Brent came and stood by me.

    The scepticism of the past few hours eased. Exhaustion seeped into my core.  I dropped onto one of the concrete slabs.  The others followed my lead.  There we sat, and waited. And waited. Bored we needed someone to talk about something...anything to keep our minds off the fact we were still trapped. Small talk. Kieran, where’s your new place?

    He ran a hand through his thick, brown hair. Me granddad owned the wooden cabin thingy near the round about—sorry, I mean the four way stop.  He left it to me dad in ’is will.

    Rylee, sitting near him, rested a hand on his shoulder. Sorry to hear you lost your grandfather.

    It was like three years ago.  Guess me dad ’n him were not thar close.  Plus, he was a miserable ol’ bugger. Kieran laughed, and all three females turned toward the husky sound.  He didn’t seem to notice. Me dad decided to up ’n come here for the year.  I wasn’t too keen, but he tends to not give a toss to what I think. He shrugged and shot a glance in my direction.

    I couldn’t read his face. His accent was sexy, even when he sounded ticked off at his dad.  With his Sean Connery voice, I had to listen closely to what he said.  It might be fun having a new guy in the group.  Senior year just got a lot more interesting.

    What’d your mom think about having to come to Canada?  Rylee asked.

    Me mum passed away a few years back. It’s just me dad now.

    Rylee’s hands flew to her face and her eyes grew big. She patted his arm. Sorry.  I sometimes open my mouth when I shouldn’t.

    Seth smirked.  Sometimes?  I think you like puttin’ your foot in your mouth.

    Shut up! Rylee laughed and gave Seth, who sat on her other side, a shove.  At least my mother doesn’t bake cookies in the shape of NHL teams for me.

    Hey! I like Seth’s mom’s cookies, Heidi suddenly piped up. I’m hoping she sent some with you tonight and you left them in the truck.  Poor Heidi, skinny as a toothpick and always hungry.

    Speaking of food, I’m starving! Seth grabbed his stomach.

    I groaned, trying to swallow against dryness in my mouth. I’m kinda thirsty.

    Me too. Heidi said. Hungry, thirsty, and soaking.

    Hopefully someone arrives soon, Brent said. I’m wiped. Everyone must’ve felt the same as we all grew quiet and waited.

    Dad sent a text to let us know the firefighters were working on removing the large fallen tree at the entrance to the mine. We could hear muffled noise from the dome.  He sent another text fort minutes later asking where we were.

    It took almost an hour for the search and rescue team to find us. 

    When voices on the other side of the locked door greeted us, we hollered.  The room had grown darker as the moon shifted.

    The saw cutters and drills had me covering my ears from the screeching noise. The loud banging from some heavy metal thing slamming against the door seemed to last forever.  It broke my heart when I heard one of the firefights say they’d have to try the other door. 

    Anyone ’ver watch Fireman Sam? Kieran asked loudly, trying to be heard about the noise. Tom Thomas could fly his little helicopter and lift us out of here with a rope.  Seems yer firefighters could use ol’Sam.

    Huh? Seth chuckled. That was my favourite show when I was a kid. My dad had an uncle from England send DVD’s over. He laughed harder. Kieran joined in.

    You guys are messed up! I tried frowning but couldn’t stop the smile. Could this night get any crazier?

    The firefighters finally broke down the other door. Their flashlights were so bright, they had all of us holding our hands out to covering our eyes. 

    Rylee stood closest to the door and yelped when the light hit her eyes. Turn that thing off, please! She staggered like she’d been hit. Seth grabbed her arm to steady her.

    One fireman swept his torch over the walls.  I nudged Kieran and pointed.  They’re black. I kept my voice low.

    Wha’? he said.

    The walls, they’re black now.  Weren’t they sorta glowing in the dark before? I continued to whisper.

    He blinked, and scratched his left temple.  Yeah, ‘tis weird. Maybe it was the moon.

    Four more firefighters filed through the door, one of them Seth’s dad.  Jim’s boisterous voice shouted commands and had us walking out single file, holding onto a rope with a fireman between each of us. We laughed at the bright yellow rope but Jim insisted we use the buddy system so no one would be left behind. 

    Ten minutes later we stood on the wet grass, among flashing cop cars, fire trucks, and the local TV crew. Only in a small town, the freakin’ media’s got nothing more exciting to cover? I found my dad a split second before he noticed me. He stood, hands in his back pockets of his jeans, doctor bag hanging over his shoulder and his right foot tapping. 

    He ran over and squeezed me tight.  Everyone okay?  He motioned to Jim and walked to get his medical bag where he’d dropped it when he’d dashed over. Let’s get all of you to the ambulance. Check and see if you’re all okay.

    A policeman stepped forward. Your folks have been notified, he paused when he reached Kieran, except yours, young man. We didn’t realize there were six of you.  He handed Kieran the cell from his chest pocket. Here. Call your folks

    Kieran pushed the phone back at the officer. "Thanks, but I’ll let me Dad know in the morning. No sense in waking ’im if

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