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Erotica Starter Pack
Erotica Starter Pack
Erotica Starter Pack
Ebook66 pages1 hour

Erotica Starter Pack

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The Erotica Starter Pack is a bundle that allows you to sample four different series from author Mindy Wilde. Links are provided at that end of each story in case you would like to read the rest of the books in that series. These titles range from Billionaires to Vampires and are quick reads that you can enjoy during a lunch break or before bed for a little inspiration. 

***Obviously this title contains explicit sexual content and is meant for adventurous ADULT EYES ONLY!***

The stories included in this collection are:

  • Virgin Blood (Erotic Vampire Tales Vol. 1) 
  • Training (Billionaire Submission Part 1) 
  • My First Time (Sexy Secrets Vol. 1) 
  • The Letter A (The Erotic Alphabet Vol. 1)
PublisherMindy Wilde
Release dateOct 23, 2013
Erotica Starter Pack

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    Book preview

    Erotica Starter Pack - Mindy Wilde

    Erotica Starter Pack

    Erotica Starter Pack

    (4 Story Bundle)

    Mindy Wilde

    Mindy Wilde

    This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this work are either fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity is purely coincidental

    This book contains mature content and is solely for adults.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the publisher. The rights of the authors of this work has been asserted by him/her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988.

    Cover Photo provided by Big Stock Photo

    Copyright © 2013 Mindy Wilde

    All rights reserved.

    Dear Readers,

    Thank you for purchasing this ebook. Hopefully you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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    Mindy Wilde

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    Virgin Blood


    My First Time

    The Letter A

    From The Author

    Virgin Blood

    As the blood combined with the taste of his climax in my mouth I felt a warmth grow inside me. Sitting next to the pale lifeless corpse I closed my eyes and enjoyed the fleeting sensation. Since being turned I found myself obsessing over and craving these short intimate moments. Just minutes before I had given this man a rush of endorphins that bathed him in ecstasy. This of course was followed seconds later by the sensation of my extended fangs plunging deep into his carotid artery .

    The life of a vampire was not easy. Other then the brief and powerful response that occurred after a feeding our lives were relatively lacking in sensation. I was now immortal but spent my days longing for some pain or other stimulus to confirm my existence.

    Come on Annabelle, it’s time to go Sebastian prodded me awake from my blood induced trance.

    Sebastian had been my guide during the past month as I learned the way of the vampire. Tonight was my final test to see if I was prepared to survive on my own. At night we walked among the living and you would be hard pressed to tell any difference. Unlike the tales of fantasy we are told in our youth, vampires are not horrible monsters with pale skin and long fangs. Well ok, we did have fangs but they retracted when not in use making us as normal looking as anyone else.

    During the day we did take refuge as the sun provided an intolerable burn to the skin. It’s not that we would burst into flames or anything but with the pain it caused we may as well have. With no need to sleep we spent our days filling the void as best we could until night fall. It was actually all a lot more boring then I would have imagined. Some younger covens that were still building their wealth put the members to work during the day in the darkened confines of their estate. Generally a coven would do this until the funds collected were sufficiently producing dividends to support the needs of the house. Being immortal, time was on our side and it took a relatively short period to become financially independent from the world.

    The coven which had taken me in after my transformation was an old one. The group had long ago lost the need for income generation and now sat on investments worth billions of dollars. Every member of the coven had their needs provided for and in return were expected to submit to the leader and oldest vampire of the group Ulric. We weren’t quite sure just what period of antiquity he hailed from but Ulric’s wisdom seemed to know no bounds. Generally he did not socialize with the rest of us. On the rare occasion that we did see him and not his right hand man Merek it was because he came down to issue an edict or punish a dissident.

    Ulric’s coven took great care of new vampires and I was made to feel very welcome after going through the painful and scary metamorphosis. From what I understood it had been quite some time since a new vampire was found and everyone seemed very excited by the novelty of it. It was still unknown who the vampire was that had released his venom inside me. Turning someone into a vampire required a conscious choice by the attacker to release this mystical fluid from their fangs. A normal encounter with a vampire concluded with the victim bleeding out from two puncture wounds to the artery in their neck. My attacker had not taken a single drop but instead infused me with the serum of immortality. I had obsessed over this detail for the first couple of weeks. However, with no prospect of satisfying my curiosity I let go of my quest and delved into learning the ways of

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