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The House of Small Shadows
The House of Small Shadows
The House of Small Shadows
Ebook381 pages6 hours

The House of Small Shadows

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Catherine's last job ended badly. Corporate bullying at a top TV network saw her fired and forced to leave London, but she was determined to get her life back. A new job and a few therapists later, things look much brighter. Especially when a challenging new project presents itself — to catalogue the late M. H. Mason's wildly eccentric cache of antique dolls and puppets. Rarest of all, she'll get to examine his elaborate displays of posed, costumed and preserved animals, depicting bloody scenes from the Great War. Catherine can't believe her luck when Mason's elderly niece invites her to stay at Red House itself, where she maintains the collection until his niece exposes her to the dark message behind her uncle's "Art." Catherine tries to concentrate on the job, but Mason's damaged visions begin to raise dark shadows from her own past. Shadows she'd hoped therapy had finally erased. Soon the barriers between reality, sanity and memory start to merge and some truths seem too terrible to be real... in The House of Small Shadows by Adam Nevill.
Release dateJul 15, 2014
The House of Small Shadows

Adam Nevill

Described as ‘Britain’s answer to Stephen King’ by the Guardian, Adam Nevill is one of the UK’s best horror writers. He was born in Birmingham in 1969 and grew up in England and New Zealand. He is the author of the supernatural horror novels Banquet for the Damned, Apartment 16, House of Small Shadows,No One Gets Out Alive and Lost Girl as well as The Ritual and Last Days, which both won the August Derleth Award for Best Horror Novel, and the RUSA for Best in Category: Horror. Adam lives in Birmingham.

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Rating: 3.8461538461538463 out of 5 stars

39 ratings18 reviews

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Readers find this title to be a mix of brilliance and flaws. The book is described as terrifyingly brilliant, with a captivating and creepy storyline. However, some readers found the writing to be cheaply done and felt that the book lacked depth. The ending is praised as powerful but also vague, leaving some readers wanting more closure. Overall, the book is recommended for horror lovers, but it may not appeal to everyone.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Fun and creepy horror novel.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It started out good, I really got caught up in the story and was curious to see where it would lead up.... But god, it just got very confusing and I could see the end coming from a mile away...
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Not very well written, jumps around way to much and the ending although smart is hard to understand at first.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Lost interest a few times and just couldn’t get totally into the book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this book and finished it in a day, but I found the ending vauge. There's not much closure.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a creepy and entertaining read. If you have some great stories like this one, you can publish it on Novel Star, just submit your story to [email protected] or [email protected]
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The Red House itself was the most interesting character in the book. It comes alive in all its Victorian Gothic glory and stayed with me after I'd forgotten just about everything about the so-called main character. The writing also suffered from some problems which made the book feel cheaply done - or at least done in a hurry.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    *This is a personal opinion* A slow start and a very powerful ending. Nevill succeeds in gradually and inevitably building up the phantasmagoria until the heroine finally accepts what the reader has likely already understood.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I thought this book was brilliant. Terrifyingly brilliant!
    I couldn’t put it down so I read it through the night til 7
    In the morning. If you love horror you must read this!

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I don’t read a lot of horror these days, but the premise of this novel caught my attention and overall it’s pretty good. The opening scene will have anyone who’s read Rebecca comparing it to du Maurier’s magnificent introduction. As a matter of fact, I read it right after and it is an obvious paen. After that there are some good strong hooks - dolls, taxidermy, a mysterious house, an unusual job, old trauma/murder, mental illness, 2 big (forced) moves, the creepy abandoned “special” school, a “mad woman in the attic”, and a mute and sinister housekeeper. What homage to Rebecca would be complete without her? My initial impression was that Catherine only got her job so Edith can torment her. Of course there has to be more to her hiring, but it takes a long time to be revealed. At first Catherine is a sympathetic character because of her treatment at the hands of bullies all her life, but after a while I started to wonder why she was such an easy target. Oh yeah, it’s because she’s spineless. Can’t or won’t ever defend herself. Oy. When she starts acting the horror movie bimbo I lost my patience with her.The whole of Edith’s character is unpleasant and unnatural. Nevill plants the seeds in our darkest imagination over her origins and intentions. Is she a product of incest? Enchanted taxidermy? When she shows Catherine Mason’s workroom full of wicked tools, foul chemicals and partially constructed grotesques it is really squirm inducing. From there though, things degenerated into too much too fast. The superannuated village peopled by what seems to be living corpses. Their bizarre rituals (an homage to The Wicker Man?) and whispered innanties. Leonard’s role in all of this morphs from savior to sinister. The children in the school; part memory, part revenant, part ensouled marionettes. It’s a bit overwhelming and you just have to immerse yourself in the insanity and not try to look for reason. There are unanswered questions that will bother people who are too literal to look for answers on their own, but for this kind of thing it works. I could see myself reading more of Nevill’s work.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    As a novel of horror and dread, this book really works. When I started reading it, I had one of the worst nightmares I can ever remember. Now that I've finished it, I don't imagine my sleep tonight will go untroubled. The prose, which was dense and claustrophobic to begin with, really intensifies at the end and becomes almost dizzying at how off-balance it made me feel. Just bizarre things are happening, and it's slightly confusing. It's really effective at building a world of terror. So A as far as horror goes.

    That said, I don't think I really liked the book. There are just so many words. Words piled on words that, for me, don't really add to the story. The descriptions of things are so lush, that yes, they help build the sense of place, but I just began feeling overwhelmed by the things in this place. Perhaps this is what the author was going for. But it made the story clunky and hard to focus on.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    My third Adam Nevill book and this author is really scoring high points. Three cheers for Nevill and other British horror authors for writing the kind of books I like to read. Thank you, thank you, thank you for inspiring those feelings of dread and unease, and thank you for being so inventive with the creatures that inspire those feelings. You all could take the low road, like so many American horror writers, and go for the lowest common denominator with depressing, disgusting tales of human beings savaging one another in the most brutal and torturous ways. Guts, gore and gristle might be horrific, but they certainly aren't scary. Also, it is distracting to read this stuff and find that your most urgent emotion is anxiety for whoever has to clean up all that mess.....the suspension of disbelief suffers.

    So once again, I am appreciating those horror authors who base their novels on supernatural or unexplained anomalies of nature.

    Inanimate objects with the ability to move around on their own, communicate, manipulate the actions of humans, plot and plan for their future are........scary.

    Dolls, puppets, and taxidermy animals can be terrifying to individuals with active imaginations. Imagine how weird hybrids of all those things might make you a little panicky. Especially if your grip on the reality of who the puppet master really is happens to be on shaky ground.There are sub-themes in the novel, such as the curse of non-conformity, the nature of human cruelty, the sacred beauty of childhood innocence, etc. At the end, it all ties in somehow.

    This compelling book was also full of atmosphere. Nevill's creation of the Red House is lovely and creepy and utterly delicious to those of us with love for Gothic Revival architecture. I fully imagined an original William Morris interior in mint condition. It would have been a lovely place to live.......after a major auction of the houses less desirable objets d'art.

    Kudos to Adam Nevill, for his research on architecture during his work on this novel. I think all writers of paranormal fiction should spend a couple of days perusing architectural tomes that would pertain to their fictional building. Reprints of period house plan books are readily available and always a treat to look at. These books originally served as catalogs for the architects to direct-market their plans to the public. Now they serve as a piece of architectural history.

    A major part of the attraction of the haunted house story is the house itself. The way I see it, there is no point in setting a haunting in a house that is gross and ugly or bland and boring. The house has to be an object of desire to lure people in and keep them there. The Red House in this book is all of that and more.

    Thanks to Goodreads, I have found this author. I live in a small town with a small library on a small budget. The nearest bookstore is thirty miles away and is a corporate bookstore (sigh). Even though books are a line item in my household budget I still don't want to buy books I'm not going to like, so I have to trust the recommendations and reviews here while I research books I want to purchase. Because of this I have discovered the works of Susan Hill, Phil Rickman, Adam Nevill and a couple of authors on my 'to read' list. What an adventure in reading! So much more satisfying than the old days of waiting for a new book from that one reliable author whose work you were familiar with.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'm a fan of creepy horror, and horror that leaves a sense of dread. Also, that trapped feeling of "is this really happening, or am I going mad?" This books delivers on all three aspects. Since I'm reading four other books, I couldn't allow myself to just plow through this, but I wanted to. I finally decided to finish it last night because I simply could not wait any longer to find out how it ends. Basically, I was up all night. I was not disappointed.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Have you seen the movies Dead Silence and Puppet Master? Then you will immediately know how this book will end. The ending was disappointing. I feel a bit let down, as I waited four months to get this from the library on hold..
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    First off the cover for this book is very well done. It is creepy. Second, where have I been? Why am I just now discovering Mr. Adam Nevill. I love a good scary book if written nicely. My favorite type of movies besides action movies are scary ones. I am not talking the campy ones featuring the "D" list actors where someone gets killed off in the first 5 minutes of the movie or where the pretty girl is topless. I am talking about the Alfred Hitchcock movies. I can remember watching a marathon of Vincent Price movies. Mr. Price is a favorite of mine. Ok, so back to the book. Right from the get go, there was this eerie feeling that you almost feel like someone is watching you as you read this book. So there was not really any big surprises in this book. I quickly figured out from the get go about what was going to happen, however I just did not know how the reveal would happen. Charlotte was kind of mousy but she grew stronger as the story played on. The whole time I was reading this book all I could think was how cool this book would be as a movie. The House of Small Shadows is a chilling, eerie, must read!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was, 1) Not scary and 2) Tedious. It would have fared better as a short story or novella. The last 20% had actual movement and interesting elements.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A hair-raising tale!

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    WOW! I don't even know where to start with this one! While reading I kept having visions of House of Wax (the movie) and Shutter Island (the book). I was constantly on the edge of my seat wondering if I was losing my mind too. I knew what was going on, or did I, maybe not. This would make an Awesome movie if made correctly. Nevill had me up hours into the night because I couldn't stop reading. This book was so Deliciously Creepy! Reading it felt like a guilty pleasure. Catherine is so well written. She is easy to feel sorry for, and walking in her shoes you can see how she might be losing her mind. Or is she? What is really going on in the story? What is real, and what is imagined? The thought of the little feet on the stairs was enough to make me shudder. The ending was terrible, in a good way! I wanted to scream and throw up all at the same time. This is a story I won't soon forget! It makes me want to read more by Nevill!!

Book preview

The House of Small Shadows - Adam Nevill


As if by a dream Catherine came to the Red House. She abandoned her car once the lane’s dusty surface was choked by the hedgerows, and moved on foot through a tunnel of hawthorn and hazel trees to glimpse the steep pitch of the roof, the ruddy brick chimneys and the finials upon its sharp spine.

Unseasonably warm air for autumn drifted from the surrounding meadows to settle like fragrant gas upon the baked ground beneath her feet. Drowsy and barely aware of the hum emitted from the yellow wildflowers and waist-high summer grasses so hectic in the fields, she felt nostalgic for a time she wasn’t even sure was part of her own experience, and imagined she was passing into another age.

When she came across the garden’s brick walls of English bond, seized by ivy right along their length to the black gate, a surge of romantic feelings so surprised her, she felt dizzy. Until the house fully revealed itself and demanded all of her attention.

Her first impression was of a building enraged at being disturbed, rearing up at the sight of her between the gate posts. Twin chimney breasts, one per wing, mimicked arms flung upwards to claw the air. Roofs scaled in Welsh slate and spiked with iron crests at their peaks bristled like hackles.

All of the lines of the building pointed to the heavens. Two steep gables and the arch of every window beseeched the sky, as though the great house was a small cathedral indignant at its exile in rural Herefordshire. And despite over a century of rustication among uncultivated fields, the colour of its Accrington brick remained an angry red.

But on closer inspection, had the many windows been an assortment of eyes, from the tall rectangular portals of the first three storeys to the narrower dormer windows of the attic, the house’s face now issued the impression of looking past her.

Unaware of Catherine, the many eyes beheld something else that only they could see, above and behind her. Around the windows, where the masonry was styled with polychromatic stone lintels, an expression of attentiveness to something in the distance had been created. A thing even more awe-inspiring than the building itself. Something the eyes of the house had gazed upon for a long time and feared too. So maybe what she perceived as wrathful silence in the countenance of the Red House was actually terror.

This was no indigenous building either. Few local materials had been used in its construction. The house had been built by someone very rich, able to import outside materials and a professional architect to create a vision in stone, probably modelled on a place they had once admired on the continent, perhaps in Flemish Belgium. Almost certainly the building was part of the Gothic revival in Queen Victoria’s long reign.

Judging by the distance of the Red House to the local village, Magbar Wood, two miles away and separated by hills and a rare spree of meadowland, she guessed the estate once belonged to a major landowner advantaged by the later enclosure acts. A man bent on isolation.

She had driven through Magbar Wood to reach the Red House, and now wondered if the squat terraced houses of the village were once occupied by the tenants of whoever built this unusual house. But the fact that the village had not expanded to the borders of the Red House’s grounds, and the surrounding fields remained untended, was unusual. On her travels to valuations and auctions at country residences, she hardly ever saw genuine meadows any more. Magbar Wood boasted at least two square miles of wild land circling itself and the house like a vast moat.

What was more difficult to accept was that she was not already aware of the building. She felt like an experienced walker stumbling across a new mountain in the Lake District. The house was such a unique spectacle there should have been signage to guide sightseers’ visits to the house, or at least proper public access.

Catherine considered the surface beneath her feet. Not even a road, just a lane of clay and broken stone. It seemed the Red House and the Mason family had not wanted to be found.

The grounds had also known better days. Beneath the Red House’s facade the front garden had once been landscaped, but was now given over to nettles, rye grasses and the spiky flowers of the meadow, thickets trapped half in the shadow of the house and the garden walls.

She hurried to the porch, when a group of plump black flies formed a persistent orbit around her, and tried to settle upon her exposed hands and wrists. But soon stopped and sucked in her breath. When no more than halfway down what was left of the front path, a face appeared at one of the cross windows of the first storey, pressed against the glass in the bottom corner, left of the vertical mullion. A small hand either waved at her or prepared to tap the glass. Either that or the figure was holding the horizontal transom to pull itself higher.

She considered returning the wave but the figure was gone before she managed to move her arm.

Catherine wasn’t aware there were any children living here. According to her instructions there was only Edith Mason, M. H. Mason’s sole surviving heir, and the housekeeper who would receive Catherine. But the little face, and briefly waving hand, must have belonged to a pale child in some kind of hat.

She couldn’t say whether it had been a girl or a boy, but what she had seen of the face in her peripheral vision had been wide with a grin of excitement, as if the child had been pleased to see her wading through the weeds of the front garden.

Half expecting to hear the thud of little feet descending the stairs inside the house, as the child raced to the front door to greet her, Catherine looked harder at the empty window and then at the front doors. But nothing stirred again behind the dark glass and no one came down to meet her.

She continued to the porch, one that should have stood before a church, not a domestic house, until the sombre roof of aged oak arched over her like a large hood.

One of the great front doors crafted from six panels, four hardwood and the top two filled with stained glass, was open, as if daring her to come inside without invitation. And through the gap she saw an unlit reception, a place made of burgundy walls and shadow, like a gullet, that seemed to reach into for ever.

Catherine looked back at the wild lawns and imagined the hawkbit and spotted orchids all turning their little bobbing heads in panic to stare at her, to send out small cries of warning. She pushed her sunglasses up and into her hair and briefly thought of returning to her car.

‘That lane you have walked was here long before this house was built.’ The brittle voice came from deep inside the building. A woman’s voice that softened, as if to speak to itself, and Catherine thought she heard, ‘No one knew what would come down it.’



All of the small faces were turned to the door of the room. A myriad glass eyes watched her enter.

‘Jesus Christ.’

The number of dolls and even their intentional arrangement startled Catherine less than the sense of anticipation she felt in their presence. She briefly imagined they had been waiting in the darkness for her like guests at a surprise party for a child, a century before.

Even if she were the only living thing in the room, she remained as still as the dolls and returned their glassy stares. If anything moved, she would let go of the shriek that had built like a sneeze.

But after a moment of immobility she realized she was staring at the most valuable hoard of antique toys she had seen in her years as a valuer, in her time as a producer of television shows about antiques, and even as trainee curator at a children’s museum.

‘Hello? Hello, Mr Dore. It’s Catherine. Catherine Howard.’

No one answered. She wanted someone to. Having had to let herself into the room was awkward enough.

‘Sir? Hello, it’s Catherine from Osberne, the auctioneers.’ She stepped further inside. ‘Hello?’ she repeated quietly enough to have given up on anyone being present.

The bathroom door was open, the cramped yellowy space beyond it unoccupied. Unused clothes hangers chimed inside an empty wardrobe. Walnut, but badly scratched. Some yellowing stationery and a poor male attempt at hospitality refreshments crowded one side of the little desk.

The living area of the room appeared unused by anyone besides the dolls. Many of which were arranged on the undisturbed quilt, a handmade eiderdown on a brass-framed bedstead as old as the building. Upon the wall at the head of the bed was a framed woodcut of a small square church set within neat grounds.

The only other item that appeared to belong to the legal guardian of the collection was a trunk. Between the bed and the window a large leather chest had been placed. Upon the lid of the trunk sat another row of dolls. Their little legs hung over the edge of the aged and watermarked leather. A backdrop of fussy, not entirely white, net curtain before the solitary window smothered the afternoon’s grey light and formed a fitting background to the little figures, as if they were trapped inside an old photograph.

Even the upholstered chair that partnered the desk was occupied by a doll. And that figure was the most magnificent of them all.

Catherine didn’t close the door in case Mr Dore returned, the Mason family’s legal representative, and the solicitor instructed to discuss an auction of their ‘antique assets’ with her. The letter from Edith Mason mentioned nothing else.

She guessed Mr Dore might have popped out and been delayed getting back to the appointment, though she hadn’t seen a pub in Green Willow, nor had she spotted any building in the village offering the prospect of communal activity, let alone food. Even finding Green Willow had been a struggle. Beside the Flintshire Guest House, the village was little more than a line of stone buildings, a closed post office and a weed-filled bus stop. No cars were parked outside any of the cottages.

Catherine checked her watch again. The thin old man downstairs, in the tiny alcove serving as a reception, had definitely said, ‘Go right up.’ When he handed her keys, he’d not even removed his eyes from whatever he’d been reading behind the counter.

The proprietor issued the impression he was accustomed to, if not worn down by, hordes of visitors to what was a small establishment, barely on the English side of the border between Monmouthshire and Herefordshire. Accustomed to elderly locals being curious about her visits to remote places, Catherine had paused before the tiny counter to say, ‘Mr Dore is up there?’ The man in reception did not answer, but snuffled with irritation and twitched his threadbare head over his book.

‘I’ll just go right up then.’

Meeting a prospective client in a hotel room was also a first but, in her brief though rapidly growing experience as the valuer for Leonard Osberne, she’d found that eccentrics and descendants of eccentrics from Shropshire to Herefordshire, the Welsh border, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire, who used the firm to auction the contents of homes and attics long sealed from the modern world, were becoming less unusual. Leonard had a broad range of oddballs on his books. She was beginning to think he didn’t have anything else.

The weird seemed attracted to her boss. Or aware of him through some word-of-mouth legacy she had yet to fathom, because Leonard never once advertised their services during her twelve months with the firm. Their office was no more than two rooms on the ground floor of a building in Little Malvern. A place of work that indicated its presence with a solitary brass plate at street level. Office space her boss had occupied since the sixties. Into which she’d introduced a computer and the internet. Another reason why Catherine was never sure how Leonard came by so much trade. The Mason family and their solicitor, Mr Dore, seemed keen on maintaining the enigma.

Sat on the chair before the desk, Catherine carefully held the doll she’d dispossessed of a seat. From its straw hat drifted the feminine scent of a floral perfume or pomander, a rose, jasmine and lavender concoction. From her first cursory examination she believed the doll was an original from the Pierotti family of wax modellers, and in near perfect condition despite being made around 1870. The head and limbs miraculously retained their peach flesh tint. Curled Titian hair and the brows above the sad eyes were of mohair. Inside what she knew was an actual infant’s dress, she assiduously checked for other signs of authenticity. The torso was calico stuffed with animal hair, the shoulder plate was sewn to the torso, the hips were seamed. It was original.

Catherine waited another five minutes for Mr Dore to appear. There was no phone to connect her with reception, but she wondered if she should go back down the narrow flight of stairs and enquire about the whereabouts of the solicitor. A legal professional who appeared to have left over three hundred thousand pounds’ worth of antique European dolls in an unsecure room, with a stranger.

Catherine placed the doll back upon the chair. There were two collectors and one museum that she knew of who would immediately produce a chequebook after seeing the photograph she had taken of the Pierotti doll.

Her legs felt like they were actually shaking with excitement. Only confusion was spoiling the find.

The prospective client, a woman called Edith Mason, had requested the viewing. Catherine had never heard of her, though apparently Leonard had dealt with her in the past. But Catherine had heard about Edith Mason’s uncle, M. H. Mason. A man considered to be England’s greatest taxidermist. Leonard claimed Mason was also a masterly puppeteer, though Catherine was only aware of his preserved animals in the antique trade. She’d never seen any examples of his legendary work with her own eyes, but had come across photographs of the little of his craft that survived the purges of the sixties, the same decade in which his long life was ended by his own hand. She didn’t know much more.

At this viewing, she’d been expecting a few preserved field mice and maybe a stoat mounted in M. H. Mason’s signature dioramas, certainly not a Pierotti doll in immaculate condition within the crowd arrayed before her, of what appeared to be equally unspoiled antique dolls. She assumed they must be the property of the niece and heir, who would be close to a hundred years old by now.

On the desk she inspected four Bru dolls with their trademark big glass eyes and babyish faces. The painted bisque heads displayed no scratches, the paperweight glass eyes were in working order and the mohair wigs were perfectly groomed. The pieces had the tiny telltale nipples and gusseted joints that allowed the pudgy stuffed legs to move. All were dressed in period costumes, the bodies beneath made of kid. So definitely bébé Bru. The lower arms and hands were also exquisitely contoured without scuffs or chipped knuckles. Fifty grand without change for the set.

‘No way. No bloody way.’ On the bed she gently inspected an elegant Gesland ‘Manuelita’, and five French Jumeau dolls from the 1870s’ fashion range. The German porcelain of their elaborately styled heads was in pristine condition. And lined upon the trunk were a group of Gaultier girls with swivel heads, silk gowns, leather boots that actually buttoned up, and luminous glass eyes made by German masters long gone, along with their craft.

To calm herself Catherine gulped at her bottle of water. Leonard was just going to pass out when she showed him the pictures of what had fallen into their laps. And according to Edith Mason’s letter, these were ‘samples’ from ‘a larger collection’.

Her camera flash exploded white light into the room as if the miserable guest house had been struck by lightning. Unaware of the time, Catherine photographed each item from a variety of angles.

Mr Dore remained a no-show.

When she finished the viewing she packed away her notes and camera, turned out the lights, closed and locked the door to the room. Downstairs her dinging of the bell failed to summon the old receptionist, who possibly doubled as the owner. She left the keys on the counter of the reception alcove. Unlatched the door and let herself out. As she pulled the door shut she noticed the CLOSED sign faced the street. Forgetting she was upstairs, the unsociable proprietor must have locked up.

Catherine wondered if Edith Mason had insurance to cover what she now estimated to be half a million pounds’ worth of antique dolls left unsupervised in a bedroom of a dingy guest house with no online listing.


Before she headed back to Little Malvern, to tell Leonard about her extraordinary find, Catherine detoured to a place she was once very familiar with, Ellyll Fields, or ‘The Hell’. A village between Green Willow and Hereford, where she’d endured the first six years of her life. A place she’d never returned to and had tried to forget. Because the scene of the abduction and probable murder of a child she had known well was a part of the world she’d not felt inclined to revisit in the following thirty-two years of her life. The thought alone of returning had always been enough to make her feel sick. When visiting clients in Herefordshire, she’d even become adept at not seeing that part of the page in her road atlas.

This afternoon would mark a return to a time in her life she’d never shared with anyone besides three therapists and her parents. That morning, for an unpleasant moment, merely driving close to ‘The Hell’ to get to Green Willow had felt like a trap. And a fate predestined. One she had hitherto suppressed. But as advised by her most recent counselling, returning to the scene would reveal the place to be innocuous and bereft of the poignancy of her lingering childhood dread.

She had been prepared by a cognitive behavioural specialist to identify and repel outbreaks of paranoia. Which she duly did, because coincidence was rarely conspiracy. She knew her feelings about her birthplace were irrational. And these days, she had to keep in mind, the distant part of her memory that ‘The Hell’ occupied only really intruded upon her thoughts when she was confronted by compatibly tragic news stories about missing children or bullying.

Despite her own reassurances, and those of others, for the first time since she began working for Leonard Osberne, she wished her boss was able-bodied. Were he not confined to a wheelchair Leonard could have attended to the Mason account in person and she could have maintained her distance from ‘The Hell’.

She’d never seen Leonard so excited about the prospect of a new account either. ‘This could be big, my girl. If Edith has any of her uncle’s work still hanging around out there, we’ll probably make the papers. And I’m not talking about the locals. Didn’t I promise I’d make you a star! You wouldn’t get this kind of work in London.’

Running away was rarely graceful, or even satisfactory, and Catherine’s departure from London still harnessed the power to warm her with shame, and occasionally freeze her with panic. Reliving the memory of a particular incident that ruined her professionally in the capital still stretched her mental resources beyond a healthy tension. Only once she’d reached her parents’ house in Worcester, eighteen months before, did she feel she’d passed beyond the range of her enemies in London, along with the unfortunate reputation she’d fled. But her afternoon in Green Willow and her current journey to Ellyll Fields forced her to acknowledge that by leaving London and coming home, she’d moved back within range of the unhappiest period of her life: the beginning. As if she had been driven back by one of the unconscious compulsions her therapists had been so keen to reveal as a mainstay in her life.

Catherine tried to stayed focussed on the road, but wondered again if her childhood unhappiness had been the reason she’d gone to a university in Scotland, and then to another three distant cities to work after graduation. That she’d spent her entire adult life running from ‘The Hell’.

But here you are, girl.

She picked up the A road that would lead her into Ellyll Fields, and her feelings immediately smouldered beneath a messy collage of actual recollections and her memories of photographs from family albums. And in the anxious mix came a force of apprehension that made her breathless.

But she could not deny she was strangely excited to be going back there too. Excitement that felt reckless. An unstable desire to revisit a strangeness in her childhood that she considered the only relief in a thoroughly miserable introduction to life.


Catherine stood at the edge of a petrol-station forecourt that had not been in her childhood. The only thing she recognized was the humpback bridge over a stream of shallow brown water, referred to as a river when she was a child. Though even the bridge had been lowered and widened to allow freight lorries to shudder through Ellyll Fields in gusts of dusty wind.

The little paper shop where her nan had bought her ten-pence mixtures of sweets in a white paper bag was no more. Gone along with the little plastic boy out front, who’d held a collection box and had a spaniel at his feet. Beside the Wall’s ice-cream sign made of tin, covered in faded pictures of ice lollies that once made her mouth water, the plastic boy had stood sentinel in all weathers. She’d often been allowed to put a half-penny coin inside his box.

Catherine wondered what happened to all of the crippled boys and girls with their spaniels, who once stood outside sweet shops. Where the paper shop had been was now a decelerating lane into the petrol station.

There had been a chemist’s and a clothes shop beside the newsagent’s. Yellow cellophane behind their windows used to remind her of Quality Street chocolates that came out at Christmas. In the chemist’s she’d received her first pair of milk-bottle glasses in black NHS frames. Three decades would pass before that particular style of spectacle frame was considered cool. Fashion had not been on her side when she actually had to wear them.

And in the clothes shop she had been bought her first pair of school shoes. Even recalling these shoes made her breath catch. Nor for the first time was she astonished at what remained in her memory.

Few had worn that type of sandal. Even fewer had liked them. They had been brown and made by Clarks. Something else that had since become popular. The certainty of the adults surrounding her in the shop, that the sandals were a satisfactory purchase, nearly gave her the same confidence at the point of sale. Once home with the box and the horrible sandals in their bed of tissue paper, thoughts of the coming school term and what awaited her had created an empty feeling in her stomach, a cold tingling space in which no food would settle.

Her instincts about the sandals had been correct and she came to hate them. She’d cut them with scissors, but ended up going to school in damaged shoes. She’d also worn the sandals at weekends, so news of school shoes being worn in public on a Saturday had whipped round the playground. Everyone thought she did things like that because she was adopted.

Dopted! Dopted! Dopted!

In this dreary place of concrete and tarmac, built over her childhood, a burst of the chant returned to her mind. Followed by another inner refrain of Pauper! Riffy Pauper! Pauper! Riffy Pauper! Which of the chants had scalded her with shame and humiliation the most, she couldn’t decide. But their echoes still hurt.

In a moment of sympathy, and recognition that her burden might be greater than her own, even little Alice Galloway once asked her, What’s it like to have no real mum and dad? I’d hate it. And Alice had worn a large brown boot on one foot to correct her strange lurching walk. The boot, and an eye socket packed with gauze, had excused Alice from violence.

During a family holiday in Ilfracombe, Catherine remembered wishing on coins thrown into a fountain, and also after the candles had been blown out on an iced birthday cake, that she could be disabled like Alice. Her adopted mother had actually cried when she told her, in all sincerity, about her birthday wish. Her poor dad had even shut himself in the garage for a day. So Catherine never said anything like that again. The worst Alice ever dealt with was white dog shit packaged in tin foil and a Milky Bar wrapper, and given to her as chocolate by a group of girls from the next grove.

‘Jesus.’ Catherine shook her head at the side of the dismal road. Its expansion had not come close to burying the rubble of her childhood. ‘Jesus Christ.’ Who took bullying seriously back then? Maybe her nan, who persuaded her adopted parents to move away from Ellyll Fields for Catherine’s sake after Alice Galloway went missing. A relocation to Worcester that also took Catherine away from her nan. A move that broke both their hearts.

‘Oh, Nan.’ At the side of the traffic-blasted road, Catherine’s eyes stung with tears. She sniffed, looked about to see if anyone in the garage shop was looking at her. Then returned to her car on the petrol-station forecourt.

Behind the Shell garage the red bricks of a newish housing estate stretched away across what she’d once known as the ‘Dell’. Scrub really, full of litter and blackberry vines where adults sent rather than walked their dogs. The Dell had been full of dog mess, but local children had still eagerly raced through the narrow tracks on their bikes and sat in the two abandoned vinyl car seats that had been thrown over the fence.

Using the bridge as a landmark she drove through where she remembered the Dell to be, and the small dairy farm that bordered it. Since she’d been away, the farm had also been developed into new housing, and she was soon driving across what she remembered as an eternity of long wet grass only the most foolhardy kids ventured into because of the enormous cows and apocryphal tales of children being speared on bull horns. Once, the field had even been made available for the local populace during the Silver Jubilee. She’d seen photographs of herself as a baby in the field, her pushchair festooned with Union Jack flags.

The new housing estate that covered the Dell and the adjoining field had been created with identical three-bedroom houses arranged in cul-de-sacs. There were no children playing outside of them now. Every house confronted every other house with too many windows. When Catherine pulled over and stood on the empty pavement, the windows on both sides of the road made her feel exposed and small. Curiously, the road surfaces still looked

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