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Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 86: Clarkesworld Magazine, #86
Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 86: Clarkesworld Magazine, #86
Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 86: Clarkesworld Magazine, #86
Ebook147 pages2 hours

Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 86: Clarkesworld Magazine, #86

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Clarkesworld is a Hugo Award-winning science fiction and fantasy magazine. Each month they bring you a mix of fiction (new and classic works), articles, interviews and art.

Our November issue contains:

* Original Fiction by Robert Reed ("Mystic Falls"), Seth Dickinson ("Never Dreaming (In Four Burns)") and Maggie Clark ("The Aftermath").

* Classic stories by Joe Haldeman ("Manifest Destiny") and Maureen F. McHugh ("Special Economics").

* Non-fiction by Anaea Lay ("Sapir-Worf Must Die"), an interview with Bradley Beaulieu, an Another Word column by Jamie Todd Rubin, and an editorial by Neil Clarke. 

Release dateDec 18, 2013
Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 86: Clarkesworld Magazine, #86

Neil Clarke

Neil Clarke ( is the multi-award-winning editor of Clarkesworld Magazine and over a dozen anthologies. A eleven-time finalist and the 2022/2023 winner of the Hugo Award for Best Editor Short Form, he is also the three-time winner of the Chesley Award for Best Art Director. In 2019, Clarke received the SFWA Kate Wilhelm Solstice Award for distinguished contributions to the science fiction and fantasy community. He currently lives in New Jersey with his wife and two sons

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    Book preview

    Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 86 - Neil Clarke

    Clarkesworld Magazine

    Issue 86

    Table of Contents

    Mystic Falls

    by Robert Reed

    The Aftermath

    by Maggie Clark

    Never Dreaming (In Four Burns)

    by Seth Dickinson

    Manifest Destiny

    by Joe Haldeman

    Special Economics

    by Maureen F. McHugh

    Sapir-Whorf Must Die

    by Anaea Lay

    Hard Truths in Our World: A Conversation with Bradley P. Beaulieu

    by Jeremy L. C. Jones

    Another Word: What I Did on My Summer Vacation

    by Jamie Todd Rubin

    Editor’s Desk: Year Seven by the Numbers

    by Neil Clarke

    Lost in Space

    Art by Piotr Foksowicz

    © Clarkesworld Magazine, 2013

    Mystic Falls

    Robert Reed

    There might be better known faces. And maybe you can find a voice that rides closer to everyone’s collective soul.

    Or maybe there aren’t, and maybe you can’t.

    The world knows that one face, and it knows one of a thousand delightful names, and recognizing the woman always means that you can hear the voice. That rich musical purr brings to mind black hair flowing across strong shoulders, unless the hair is in a ponytail, or pigtails, or it’s woven into one of those elaborate tangles popular among fashionable people everywhere. Beauty resides in the face, though nothing about the features is typical or expected. The Chinese is plain, but there’s a strong measure of something else. Her father is from Denver, or Buenos Aires. Or is it Perth? Unless it’s her mother who brought the European element into the package. People can disagree about quite a lot, including the woman’s pedigree. Yet what makes her memorable—memorable and appealing to both genders and every age—isn’t her appearance half as much as the fetching, infectious love of life.

    Most of us wish we knew the woman better, but we have to make due with recollections given to us by others, and in those very little moments when our paths happen to cross.

    These incidents are always memorable, but not when they happen. In every case, you don’t notice brushing elbows with the woman. Uploading your day is when you find her. Everybody knows that familiar hope: Perhaps today, just once, she was close to you. The dense, nearly perfect memory of the augmented mind runs its fine-grain netting through the seconds. That’s when you discover that you glanced out the window this morning, and she was across the street, smiling as she spoke to one companion or twenty admirers. Or she was riding inside that taxi that hummed past as you argued with your phone or your spouse or the dog. Even without her face, she finds ways to be close. Her voice often rides the public Wi-Fi, promoting food markets and thrift markets and the smart use of the smart power grid. The common understanding is that she is a struggling actress, temporarily local but soon to strike real fame. Her talents are obvious. That voice could hawk any product. She has the perfect manner, a charming smooth unflappable demeanor. Seriously, you wouldn’t take offense if she told you to buy death insurance or join an apocalyptic cult.

    Yet she never sells products or causes that would offend sane minds.

    It is doubtful that anyone has infused so much joy in others. And even more remarkable, most of humanity has spoken to the creature, face to face.

    Was it three weeks ago, or four? Checking your uploads would be easy work, but that chore never occurs to the average person.

    That is another sign of her remarkable nature.

    But if you make the proper searches, she will be waiting. Six weeks and four days ago from now, the two of you were sharing the same line at the Tulsa Green-Market, or an elevator ride in Singapore, or you found yourself walking beside the woman, two pedestrians navigating a sun-baked street in Alexandria.

    Every detail varies, save for this one:

    She was first to say, Hello.

    Just that one word made you glad.

    She happened to know your face, your name, and the explanation was utterly reasonable. Mutual friends tie you together. Or there’s a cousin or workmate or a shared veterinarian. Forty or fifty seconds of very polite conversation passed before the encounter was finished, but leaving a taproot within the trusted portions of your life. Skillful use of living people achieves quite a lot. And because you were distracted when you met, and because the encounter was so brief, you didn’t dwell on the incident until later.

    The incongruities never matter. She wears layers and layers of plausibility. You aren’t troubled to find her only inside uploaded memories. Finding her on a social page or spotting long black hair in the distance, you instantly retrieve that fifty seconds, and you relive them, and it’s only slightly embarrassing that her smile is everywhere but inside your old-fashioned, water-and-neuron memories.

    The creature carries respectable names.

    And nobody knows her.

    Her slippery biography puts her somewhere between a youngish thirty and a world-worn twenty-three. But the reality is that the apparition isn’t much more than seven weeks old.

    Most people would never imagine that she is fictional. But there are experts who live for this kind of puzzle, and a lot more is at stake here than simple curiosity.

    The mystery woman was four weeks old before she was finally noticed. Since then, talented humans and ingenious software packages have done a heroic job of studying her tricks and ramifications, and when they aren’t studying her, the same experts sit inside secure rooms and cyberholes, happily telling one another that they saw this nightmare coming.

    This cypher.

    This monster.

    The most elaborate computer virus ever.

    The Web is fully infected. A parasitic body has woven itself inside the days and foibles of forty billion unprotected lives.

    Plainly, something needs to be done.

    Everyone who understands the situation agrees with the urgency. In fact, everyone offers the same blunt solution:

    Kill the girl.

    Though more emotional words are often used in place of girl.

    But even as preparations are made, careful souls begin to nourish doubts. Murder is an obvious, instinctive response. The wholesale slaughter of data has been done before, many times. Yet nobody is certain who invented this mystery, and what’s more, nobody has a good guess what its use might be. That’s why the doubters whisper, But what if this is the wrong move?

    What if it is? the others ask. This is clearly an emergency. Something needs to be done.

    Faces look at the floor, at the ceiling.

    At the gray unknowable future.

    Then from the back of the room, a throat clears itself.

    My throat, as it happens.

    The other heroes turn towards me—fifty minds, most of whom are superior to mine. But I manage to offer what none of the wizards ever considered.

    Maybe we should ask what she wants, I suggest.

    Ask who? several experts inquire.

    Her, I say. If we do it right, if we ask nicely and all, maybe just maybe the lady tells us what all of this means.

    No guidebook exists for the work.

    Interviewing cyphers is a career invented this morning, and nobody pretends to be an expert.

    The next step is a frantic search for the perfect interrogator. One obvious answer is to throw a second cypher at the problem—a confabulation designed by us and buffered by every means possible. But that would take too many days and too many resources. A second, more pragmatic school demands that an AI take responsibility. One machine face to face with another, several voices argue. Interestingly enough, those voices are always human. AIs don’t have the same generous assessment of their talents. And after listing every fine reason for avoiding the work, the AIs point at me. My little bit of fame stems from an ability for posing respectable, unanswerable questions, and questions might be a worthwhile skill. There are also some happenstance reasons why my life meshes nicely with hers. And because machines are as honest as razors, they add another solid reason to back my candidacy.

    Our good friend doesn’t hold any critical skills, they chirp.

    I won’t be missed, in other words.

    Nobody mentions the risks. At this point, none of us have enough knowledge to define what might or might not happen.

    So with no campaign and very little thanks, I am chosen.

    The entire afternoon is spent building the interrogation venue. Details are pulled from my public and private files. My world from six weeks ago is reproduced, various flavors of reality woven around an increasingly sweaty body. Strangers give me instructions. Friends give advice. Worries are shared, and nervous honesties. Then with a pat to the back, I am sent inside the memory of a place and moment where a young woman once smiled at me, the most famous voice in the world offering one good, Hello.

    I am hiking again, three days deep into the wilderness and with no expectations of company. The memory is genuine, something not implanted into my head or my greater life. I walked out of the forest and into a sunwashed glade, surprised to find a small group of people sitting on one dead tree. She was sitting there too. She seemed to belong to the group. At least that’s the impression I had later, and the same feeling grabs me now. The other people were a family. They wore the glowing satins of the New Faith Believers. Using that invented, hyper-efficient language, the father was giving his children what sounded like encouragement. Mystic Falls, I heard, and then a word that sounded like, Easy. Was the Falls an easy walk from here, or was he warning the little ones not to expect an easy road?

    In real life, those strangers took me by surprise. I was momentarily distracted, and meanwhile the cypher, our nemesis, sat at the far end of the log. She was with that family, and she wasn’t. She wasn’t wearing the New Faith clothes, but she seemed close enough to belong. The parents weren’t old enough to have a grown daughter, and she didn’t look like either of them. Maybe she was a family friend. Maybe she was the nanny. Or maybe she was a sexual companion to one or both parents. The New Faith is something of a mystery to me, and they make me nervous.

    Sitting on the log today, this woman is exactly what she is supposed to be. Except this time, everything is real. I march past the three little children and a handsome mother and her handsome, distracted husband who talks about matters that I don’t understand.

    Hello, says the last figure.

    My uploaded memory claims that I stopped on this ground, here. I do that again, saying, Hello, while the others chatter away, ignoring both of us.

    I know you, she says.

    But I don’t know her. Not at all.

    As before, she says, Your face. That face goes where I take my dog. Do you use Wise-and-Well Veterinarians?

    I do, and we’re a thousand kilometers from its doorstep. Which makes for an amazing coincidence, and by rights, I should have been alarmed by this merging of paths. But that didn’t happen. My uploaded memory claims that I managed a smile, and I said, I like Dr. Marony.

    I use Dr. Johns.

    The woman’s prettiness is noticed, enjoyed. But again, her beauty isn’t the type to be appreciated at first glance.

    I like their receptionist too, she says.

    I start to say the name.

    Amee Pott, she says.


    I go there because of Amee’s sister. Janne and I went to the same high school, and she suggested Wise-and-Well.

    You grew up in Lostberg? I manage.

    Yes, and you?


    We share a little laugh. Again, the coincidences should be enormous, but they barely registered, at least

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