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What If ...: Humans Were Like Animals?
What If ...: Humans Were Like Animals?
What If ...: Humans Were Like Animals?
Ebook180 pages58 minutes

What If ...: Humans Were Like Animals?

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Packed with fun, incredible and often downright disgusting facts about the animal world, this is a book that will both entertain and educate. With questions like: 'What if people behaved like animals?', 'What if you had pop-up claws?', 'What if you could taste with your feet?' and 'What if your mum puked in your mouth?'. Full of awesome illustrations, this book shows kids the hilarious consequences of animal behaviour in the human world.
Release dateFeb 7, 2013
What If ...: Humans Were Like Animals?

Marianne Taylor

Marianne Taylor is a writer and editor whose career has been steered from the start by her obsessive interest in the natural world. She has written books on subjects from mountain gorillas and nature photography, to science and wildlife in London. She lives in Kent and, when not at her desk, is likely to be found in the nearest woodland, binoculars around neck and notebook in hand.

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    Book preview

    What If ... - Marianne Taylor

    … Humans Were Like Animals?

    Do your parents ever complain that you’re behaving like an animal? They usually mean that you are being untidy or eating with your mouth open, but what if humans really were like animals?

    Did you know that voles eat their own young to make sure only the healthiest babies survive? If humans did this, you’d have to be really careful not to annoy your dad! But it’s not all bad – there are plenty of amazing things you could do if you were like an animal. Turn the page to find out more, but before you do, check out the ratings below to tell the freaky from the fearsome and the useful from the yucky.

    Beware a score of five – these creepy creatures are almost too scary to read about.

    A high score will make you wish for this fantastic animal feature, but a low score will have you thankful you’re a human.

    For the clever clogs of the animal world, a high score will leave you feeling dumbfounded.

    Encounter a score of five and you might have trouble keeping down your lunch.

    … You Had Eyes On Your Hands?

    If you are lucky, you have two eyes which your mum will probably tell you are beautiful. But what if you had eight eyes like a spider, or even a hundred like a scallop? Your mum would still love you, but other people might stare.

    Handy Eyes

    What if you had eyes on the ends of your arms like a starfish? Sure, it might be pretty gross to have eyeballs sticking out of the palms of your hands, but think how easily you could check around corners or read other people’s magazines at the bus stop. You could even read two magazines at the same time if you felt like it.

    One Hundred Peepers

    Scallops are snail-like sea creatures. Some of them have a hundred eyes that they use to spot predators. If you had a hundred eyes you could watch TV, read this book, check your emails, stare out of the window and watch your own back, all at the same time.

    A Real Eyeful

    Here are some more eye-opening animal facts:

    • An ostrich’s eye weighs more than its brain.

    • Some squid have eyes bigger than dinner plates.

    • A fly has two eyes, but each contains thousands of lenses. That would look kind of creepy …

    … Your Eyes Could Squirt Blood?

    Could your eyes ever be gruesome enough to scare someone silly? It would be a cool trick if they were – though your victims might not agree. Here is an eye-popping animal trait you might find useful …

    Bursting Blood

    A horned lizard can burst the blood vessels in its eyes, and shoot a stream of blood a distance of up to one and a half metres. Imagine trick-or-treating – you are dressed in your creepiest costume, your neighbour opens the door, you take aim and – BLAM – you squirt. Just make sure you get your hands on the sweets first, as people might not feel very generous when they’re covered in blood.

    … Your Eyes Were On One Side Of Your Head?

    Eyes always come in very useful, no matter where they are on an animal’s body. Your eyes are carefully positioned on your face so that you can see lots of things around you.

    Eyes On The Side

    Flatfish have both eyes on one side of their heads, so they can hide on the sea bed and still see. Great for a flatfish, but if you only had eyes on one side of your head, it would make it very easy for a thief to steal your wallet.

    Fascinating, Freaky Fact

    Hippos and crocodiles have eyes on top of their heads, so they can see above the water while hiding in it. Very useful for games of hide-and-seek.

    … Your Ears Were Bigger Than Your Head?

    Your ears aren’t just for hearing, you probably think they are also useful for plugging in your headphones and holding up

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