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When You Love Too Much
When You Love Too Much
When You Love Too Much
Ebook303 pages5 hours

When You Love Too Much

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Stephen Arterburn examines love addiction--why it is on the rise, what it looks like, who it afflicts, and what you can do if you suspect yourself or someone you love to be suffering from it. Like alcoholics or drug addicts, love addicts get high on sex and romance, develop a tolerance for it, and need ever-greater doses to keep going. With compassion and wisdom, Arterburn points the way to the psychological and spiritual healing that will enable men and women to enjoy the real and lasting intimacy for which they were created.
Release dateDec 29, 2004
When You Love Too Much

Stephen Arterburn

Stephen Arterburn is a New York Times bestselling author with more than eight million books in print. He most recently toured with Women of Faith, which he founded in 1995. Arterburn founded New Life Treatment Centers as a company providing Christian counseling and treatment in secular psychiatric hospitals. He also began “New Life Ministries”, producing the number-one Christian counseling radio talk show, New Life Live, with an audience of more than three million. He and his wife Misty live near Indianapolis.  

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    When You Love Too Much - Stephen Arterburn



    Have we overdone it? Have we carried the addiction craze too far?

    No one questions that alcohol and drug use can become addictive. But what about romance? Destructive relationships? Even sex? Do these belong in the same category as a shot of bourbon or a line of cocaine? And if so, does recovery from these people addictions work the same way as it does for an alcoholic or drug addict? Are we coming to understand these problems in a new light? Or are we just putting a new label on an old predicament?

    These are questions that scholars, researchers, theologians and therapists—not to mention those struggling with compulsive behavior around sex, romance and relationships—have been grappling with in recent years. There has been much talk of sex as an addiction, an addiction to romance or an addiction to destructive relationships that drives people to give up what is healthy in themselves in order to feed what is unhealthy in others. Our headlines have been filled with news of well-known individuals—from preachers to politicians—whose careers are veering out of control because of shocking and inexplicable actions and behaviors.

    What is really going on? Why do these things happen? Getting at the truth isn’t always easy. Unwitting, preconceived notions can distort otherwise objective examinations of reality—especially in such areas as sex, where everyone considers themselves an expert. Looking in the wrong places can also lead us to wrong answers. Yesterday’s textbooks lack insight into today’s sex-saturated society and into the behaviors that uniquely characterize a post-sexual-revolution generation.

    The answers I offer in this book do not come from modern-day pseudo-authorities or outdated texts. I began my study with men and women haunted by behaviors that they once controlled but that eventually came to control them. These individuals were brave enough to confront what they had become and to draw conclusions about what this meant for their futures.

    I have met these men and women in self-help groups, in treatment centers, in churches, universities and seminaries. They have shared with me their despair and their hope, and have allowed me to present their struggles in the ensuing pages. I am most grateful for their openness, courage and hope. From their pain, I hope to derive new understandings of old problems and new solutions to old predicaments. To protect their anonymity, their names and some of the circumstances of their lives have been changed.

    The stories I will tell you often contain details that may make some readers uncomfortable. My intent is not to shock readers but to examine carefully and candidly how addictions progress, and to describe the dark and troubled world in which addicts live. If you suspect that someone you love may be in danger of addiction, these stories may open your eyes to some hard realities and offer insights into how to approach the problem. If you suspect that you, yourself, are suffering from unhealthy dependencies, these stories may help you make an honest assessment of your need and encourage you on the road of recovery. Recovery is never intended to be a self-help proposition. It is meant to be a matter of getting out of the way and letting God help us at long last.

    A Personal Confession

    I am able to draw on one other source of insight into the problems of love and sex addiction. That source is my own experience—one that I deeply regret. Yet I am thankful that it has forced me to grow up and to learn how tough the reality of life can be.

    My story begins in the 1970s. I was unmarried and lonely, working in a psychiatric hospital while going to seminary to study to be a counselor. I had no close relationships and was accountable to no one. I had just been abandoned by a very important woman in my life. My discouragement and depression were deep.

    Some would have responded to my situation by going out and getting drunk or by drugging up to mask the pain. Others might have resorted to an eating binge. For me, solace came from a woman—a married woman.

    She took an interest in me. In my pain, I responded eagerly. Her presence, her voice, her touch were like a salve for my broken heart. I never planned to have an intimate relationship with her, let alone a sexual one. I just wanted to be near her, to be reminded of what it felt like to matter to someone. Not realizing how weak and vulnerable I was, I sought out her attention. She gave it to me, which made me feel whole.

    As I look back from the vantage point of several years, I can easily see how this relationship progressed to a sexual affair. But at the time, in the midst of my pain, I was blind to what lay ahead.

    When I was not with her, I thought about her day and night. I was obsessed with her. I couldn’t concentrate on anything. I would do whatever I had to do to get away from work and talk to her, in person or on the phone. I craved her presence the way a drug addict craves heroin. When we were together, I felt energized, as though I could conquer the world. When our times together ended, I slumped into withdrawal and depression.

    It was really self-obsession—an obsession with my own pain—that led to obsession with this woman. Had I not been so consumed with the hurt and mistreatment I felt I had suffered, I would not have grasped so desperately at the quick fix of a hopelessly wrong relationship.

    In fact, it was the very intensity of my pain that made so dangerous a relationship seem necessary. The intoxication of romance seemed stronger in a forbidden romance with a married woman. A more conventional relationship, it seemed, would not have provided the necessary relief.

    The spiraling need for greater risk and more intense romantic intoxication inevitably led to sexual involvement. Every time we were together, I soared out of my depression and fear into a rapture that seemed like utter security. But those ecstasies quickly wore off, and I plunged once more into an abyss of guilt and shame even more painful than the inner hurt that had launched the process in the first place. In the attempt to salve my wound, I only made it worse.

    My attempts to treat my pain only fueled my obsession. I plunged into a vicious cycle, coming back to the relationship for relief from the very pain that the relationship itself caused. I somehow persuaded myself—in the face of everything I had learned about right and wrong, and in the face of my own Christian convictions—that it was okay to be with another man’s wife. Their marriage, I rationalized, was in trouble anyway. Besides, I needed her. I was as hooked on the relationship as any alcoholic is hooked on booze.

    To this day, I cannot say what ultimately led us to see how hopeless and wrong our relationship had become, and to bring it to an end. It was the grace of God to be sure. I also cannot say what led us to accept and act on that grace after so resolutely turning our backs on it for so long. However, we did act, and we both finally found the courage to put a stop to our relationship and get on with our lives.

    Facing the pain of separation was not easy. Our lives were never the same afterward. I know I am forgiven for what I did—that this sin, like all my sin, is somehow covered in the incredible mercy of God. I know this. But there are still times when I do not feel God’s forgiveness. There are days when I flash back to those selfish, pain-filled times, when the crushing weight of depression and self-pity comes over me again. The feelings of remorse seem to diminish by degrees, but they never disappear entirely.

    I pray for this woman and for the others that were damaged by my selfish mistake. I have taken great care that it never happens again. By God’s grace, it has not. What could easily have become an initial instance of a destructive and repetitious pattern stopped after one occurrence.

    I learned many things from this tragic episode. I learned how vulnerable I am—how vulnerable we all are—even in a context of firm moral convictions and noble intentions. I learned that in times of stress or disappointment, I must consciously involve myself in healthy pursuits and relationships that will help me deal constructively with my problems, rather than let myself slide into unhealthy ones.

    I learned how sickening our secrets can be and how they distort our perception of reality and our ability to deal with it. For years after the relationship ended, I was miserable from keeping it hidden. Once I was able to confess what I had done, I experienced tremendous relief.

    I also learned how powerful addiction can be. I used to think that only drugs and alcohol could take people captive. Now I know that other things can be just as enslaving.

    Most important, I learned that no matter how grievous our sin, God is faithful to forgive us and deliver us when we turn to Him. Through Him, I have been able to recover from the mess I created.

    I became dependent on romance, on a wrong relationship and on sex to help me cope with the pain of human existence. In seeking relief, I brought upon myself more despair than I have ever known, before or since. I wish no one would ever have to experience the desolation I knew. It is with that wish in mind that I write this book. I hope it can serve as an instrument of God’s grace for those who are already trapped in one of the people addictions, or who are flirting with the temptations that those addictions bring.


    marisa’s story

    Ugly, dumb and fat.

    Marisa’s brother hung those labels on her when she was just six years old. By the time Marisa was 12, she was living up to (or down to) each of them. She was almost 30 pounds overweight and struggling to maintain a C average in school. Marisa felt out of place everywhere she went. It was impossible to make friends. No one, it seemed, made any effort to relate to her. She drew back from others in the gloomy certainty that no one would be interested in her anyway.

    Marisa suffered in silence, longing for someone to provide her with the love and affection she craved. But no such person appeared. More and more, she turned to food in search of comfort. As Marisa’s brother continued to torment her with his cruel indictments, she fell farther behind in school and grew more obese year by year.

    Marisa’s brother had not developed his critical nature on his own but had simply learned from the example of their father—a merchant marine who was often away for three to six months at a stretch. Whenever he was at home, he ranted, condemned, judged and put others down constantly, until his next journey took him away. The moment he left, Marisa’s brother took over the role of emotional tormenter. She had no respite.

    While she was in the sixth grade, Marisa later recalled, she began taking refuge in a fantasy world all her own. It seemed harmless enough at first. But before long it became her drug of choice. The more her brother and father made reality miserable, the more solace she found in her make-believe world. Her fantasies became a kind of salve, a way to soothe the pain of living in a family that could not, or would not, give her the acceptance and affirmation she needed.

    It began one day when Marisa was rummaging around in the attic and came across a book she had seen her mother reading. She picked it up and thumbed through the pages, then sat down and began to read the first chapter. She was immediately fascinated by the story, about two people who met on an island in the Caribbean and fell head over heels in love. The instant they set eyes on each other, it seemed, they completely forgot about the families and responsibilities they had left behind in the real world, and tumbled headlong into each other’s lives. Each had been grievously hurt before. But in one another’s arms, all the pain was magically erased.

    Marisa’s head was swimming. The book seemed to confirm something she had instinctively known all along but had never known how to put into words: Love and affection from the right kind of man would instantly and permanently wipe away all her pain and confusion.

    From then on Marisa made frequent trips to the attic. Her mother had stored a huge pile of novels there, and she wanted to read them all. The plot was invariably the same—only the names of the characters and some details of the setting seemed to change. But this only made Marisa’s excursions into her dream world that much more safe and reliable.

    In her mind, Marisa became each of the heroines she read about, placing herself in their circumstances, sharing their hurts and participating in their euphoria as one handsome, exotic man after another swept them off their feet and lifted them above their pain.

    She spent hours poring over her mother’s book collection. In the process Marisa learned a great deal about seduction—how to seduce and how to be seduced. The language of illicit love became almost second nature to her private thoughts.

    Marisa also came to realize that all the heroines in the books were unlike her in one crucial respect: They were all slim and trim. If she stayed at her current weight, no man would ever come for her as the men in the books did—to turn her fantasies into reality and deliver her from her nightmare existence. The more Marisa thought about it, the more convinced she became that only her obesity stood in the way of her deliverance. She had to lose weight.

    At first Marisa tried dieting. She cut back on her eating, or at least tried to, and made a few feeble attempts at exercise. It didn’t work. In fact, it seemed that the more she tried not to eat, the more desperate for food she became. Eating and reading romance novels had become her only forms of escape.

    When she was with a boy, Marisa would simply play a role drawn from her built-in encyclopedia of romantic fantasy.

    But Marisa soon learned a new skill that was to prove remarkably effective: She learned how to make herself throw up after eating. It was the best of both worlds. Now she could eat as much as she wanted, whenever she wanted, and still have the kind of figure she knew she had to have.

    By the time summer came around, Marisa had shed most of her excess pounds. For the first time in her life, she looked good and felt comfortable in a swimsuit. Everyone commented on how cute she looked—everyone except her brother, that is, who continued to harp on her clumsiness and stupidity. But Marisa was increasingly able to tune out his negative comments. Comfort and affirmation, she believed, would soon come her way from other sources.

    She was not disappointed. As Marisa’s body became more attractive, boys began to notice her. She got as much attention as the heroines in her mother’s books. She loved it. When she was with a boy, Marisa would simply play a role drawn from her built-in encyclopedia of romantic fantasy.

    The more boys flirted with her, the more she became convinced that they were the answer to her problems. She felt good about herself when—and, increasingly, only when—she was with a guy. The obvious next step was to secure a full-time boyfriend as soon as possible.

    That was where Brad came in.

    Brad lived three streets over from Marisa. He was not especially good-looking or popular, and he was a bully. He spent most of his time with his older brother, who was going into tenth grade, and looked down his nose at the activities of kids his own age. Brad acted as though the rest of the world existed to measure up to his standards. Nothing and no one was ever good enough for him.

    What this elicited from Marisa was an overwhelming drive to meet Brad’s demanding standards and find acceptance in his eyes. She felt almost compelled to be with him, to attach herself to him. She stalked him as a hunter stalks his prey. Though only 12 years old, Marisa’s reading had taught her the techniques of a mature woman who was out to find a man.

    When Marisa’s thirteenth birthday came, Brad was allowed to take her to a movie alone. But they never made the long walk to the theater. Instead they spent the time in the back of his brother’s car, parked in the driveway of Brad’s house. It was tumbling and awkward, but by duplicating all she had read during those long hours in the attic, Marisa was able to complete her first sexual experience.

    Later she would reflect on how appropriate it was that her first sexual encounter should be with an angry, abusive male—just like her father and brother. Marisa would come to realize she was trying to make up for the emotional intimacy she had never known with them by sharing physical intimacy with Brad.

    Every significant male in her life had been cruel and abusive. Not surprisingly, her image of God was also negative and critical. Marisa assumed God did not love her and would surely punish her for the things she was doing. But the prospect of punishment didn’t matter. Those moments of being close to someone, of being wanted, were her antidote to a lifetime of pain. She felt no guilt or remorse, only relief—and the desire to experience that relief as often as possible.

    Marisa’s whole destructive cycle was tied up with destructive men. It seemed a cruel irony that while hypercritical men were the root of her problem, she sought out precisely such men as the solution to her problem.

    Because of her bulimic behavior patterns, Marisa managed to keep her weight at a fairly constant 110 pounds through her sixteenth year. Her dependency on men grew throughout this period. She looked to them for security, for release from the pain that gnawed at her. Virtually every new boy she met became the object of her desire. Her mood would change as the quest for male gratification took control of her thoughts and feelings. In those moments of sexual intimacy she felt free from her hurts and good about herself.

    But it was also during her sixteenth year that Marisa’s fragile life was further traumatized. Her reputation at school and around town could not have been worse. Everyone knew she was easy. She saw the knowing looks and overheard the whispered comments.

    She decided to prove to herself and to everyone else that they were wrong about her—that she couldn’t be taken for granted, couldn’t be simply used and then discarded by any boy that came along. On one particular night Marisa made up her mind: She would keep herself, and the situation, under control. She would neither encourage nor respond to any sexual overtures.

    It was no use. The boy she was with knew her reputation and knew exactly what he wanted from her. When she refused to give it willingly, he took it forcefully. He raped her, then left her in the middle of a field as he drove away.

    Marisa had to walk back to town alone. She was hurt and crying, but she was determined to act as if the event had not fazed her. She stuffed the rage she felt deep inside. No one else would ever know what had happened or how it had hurt. She felt proud of her ability to swallow the grief and pain, to let nothing show.

    But she was unable to bury her feelings for very long. Finally the anger and depression she tried so hard to suppress rose up and overwhelmed her, and she tried to commit suicide by swallowing a bottle of her mother’s sleeping pills. Her brother found her lying unconscious and took her to the emergency room to have her stomach pumped. Later he ridiculed her for not being smart enough to even kill herself without being found out.

    As a result of her suicide attempt, Marisa was assigned to a counselor. But the counselor was inadequate to deal with the awful tangle of problems in Marisa’s tortured soul. She soon returned to her pattern of seeking out a man to provide a quick fix for her problems. One man after another used and abused her, each taking a little of her self-worth when he left. But Marisa never stopped looking for her Prince Charming, the man who she believed could fix her and make her better once and for all.

    By the time she was 24, Marisa had been through dozens of destructive relationships and hundreds of sexual encounters. She had become pregnant three times and had all three pregnancies aborted. She had also contracted herpes.

    That diagnosis finally got her attention. When the doctor told Marisa she had herpes, she realized that if she continued on the same path, contracting AIDS was just as likely a consequence. Utterly broken, struggling just to get through each day, she decided there had to be a better way. Determined to find a way out of her nightmare, she made the difficult decision to change. When she finally reached the point when she wanted freedom so badly that she was willing to pay any price for it, recovery became a possibility for the first time.

    People Addictions

    Marisa’s story illustrates all three of the addictions we will be discussing in this book. She started with romance—the fantasy life she constructed from her mother’s lurid novels. Before long, she tried to find in real life the kind of intimacy and security she had read about. In a futile search for someone who would make

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