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The Witchling Grows Up
The Witchling Grows Up
The Witchling Grows Up
Ebook117 pages2 hours

The Witchling Grows Up

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Dylan Pendragon is not what she appears to be. She lookes like a twenty something, hippy, new-age follower... When in fact she was a ninety year old witchling from one of the oldest families connected with witch craft.
She has yet to get any powers so to speak. But she is destined to be the most powerful witch of them all...
And she is a virgin.
Justice is a seven thousand years old Vampire. He is the oldest friend to his former king of their kind, Cormac O’ Heachthanna. There are three things that vampires love. Blood, fighting and sex and not necessarily in that order. Justice lost his wife about six thousand years ago so he has devoted his life to keeping man kind safe... and he has had no sex in that many years.
The Dark One has one thing on his mind. Capture Dylan Pendragon and take what he thinks is his... her virginity and her power which will blossom like a rose once she is taken. He will do anything to get her and that power or die trying.
In the course of one night under a full moon two become connected and set into motion events that can’t be stopped that will ultimately bring victory for some or one and the rest will be cast into a void less underworld.
Can Justice show Dylan he wants to protect her without touching her? Will he listen to his heart where love that has been dormant for so long is blooming.
Will Dylan allow Justice to protect her so she can figure out how to get her powers and be strong enough to fight the Dark One? Or will she fall and be the sacrifice that the Dark One intends her to be.

PublisherMary Moriarty
Release dateJul 31, 2014
The Witchling Grows Up

Mary Moriarty

I grew up in New England surrounded by a lot of history and story telling by my father who was from the Mid-Coast of Maine. What I remember of my mother was her love of fairy tales, the wee people and poetry. So it’s no wonder I would one day write.I actually started writing at a very young age, mostly poetry but I loved playing with words. I also loved books and before I even learned to read I would sit and pour over the books that had belonged to my mother. Works by writers such as Dante and Shakespeare filled the shelves. When I was about 6, I remember trying to read a first edition copy of Ivanhoe that belonged to her.So what does this author do when she isn't writing? Well I write 7 days a week, early in the morning but when not writing I love to read, knit (so I don't kill people... except in my books), chase around all my animals, there are way too many. I drink a lot of tea to keep me going, some people call me a tea snob. I love great tea like some people like great coffee, beer or wine.I love great tequila but reserve drinking that with one friend of mine.If you enjoy my books, tell your friends and family. Say hi over at my Facebook author page or my website.

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    The Witchling Grows Up - Mary Moriarty


    The Witchling Grows Up

    By Mary Moriarty

    Copyright © 2014, Mary Moriarty

    Smashwords Edition


    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, emailing, blogging, recording, or by any digital information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.


    I want to thank my children and husband Bob for all the love and encouragement they give me. I truly appreciate everything you do for me so I can write.

    To my little Bro Rob. I love and miss you still with every day. See your Big Sis is still hard at work, loving all the stories that come to me. I still want to share with you and hope you are watching from up there in heaven somewhere.

    For my readers, I write for you, each and every one of you. If you like this story let me know. I love hearing from my readers.

    Lastly to Jimmy Thomas who has provided me with not only great covers, the last three so far BUT because of you Jimmy I have some of the most amazing sisters & brothers in the world!

    To my Boobie Sisters & Brothers. You know who you are. I love you all!

    Praise for Mary Moriarty

    One Thousand Years to Forever

    Moriarty did a wonderful job melding thousands of years of history with current day without missing a single beat. This novella is truly quite a gem. Five Star Rating and Crowned Heart for Excellence

    ~ InD’Tale Magazine~

    True love...a strong emotion that CAN stand the test of time. In this wonderful read, Colum and Katherine are destined for one another. Every time Katherine dies, she is reincarnated, and Colum, an Irish Vampire Prince will never stop loving her, despite having to wait for the next reincarnation to grow up!!!. With her latest reincarnation, he WILL stop it from happening again. Colum is sexy and mysterious with cover model looks....what woman could say no to that!!! He is also protective, and tender...sigh.

    The reader is taken through a myriad of emotions, from sadness, to happiness, and even suspense! I highly recommend this story to those hoping and looking for a love story that stands the test of time!!!!

    Don’t forget to read the next book in the series, I’ve Been Waiting for You (My Beloved Vampire)’s even better!

    Five Star Rating ~Susan Newman~

    Katherine MacNamara is one tough lady with a lot of moxie, which has gotten her into one hot mess of a jam. Colum O’Heachthanna, a fierce Irish warrior prince, is there to save and protect her, as he evidently has tried, unsuccessfully, to do for centuries.

    Colum is heir to the throne of his vampire world and Katherine is destined to be his queen, if Colum can save and turn her. There is a twist to the world of Colum O’Heachthanna, I don’t want to give it away, but I LOVE IT! The attraction between Kat and Colum is all encompassing. Colum knows why, but Kat is not sure she is ready to move on and love again after the loss of her firefighter husband in the Twin Towers on 9/11. It was Colum who saved her life that day, and who made a promise to her husband that he would watch over and protect Kat and their children. Kat has vowed vengeance on those responsible for the attacks that day, and in a very public forum; which has attracted the attention of a group determined to silence her once and for all.

    Several years after the loss of her husband Kat moves herself and her children to the home her deceased Grandmother has left her in a small town away from the city, and its memories of that fateful day. During a morning jog she runs into Colum and discovers that they are now neighbors. Colum befriends her and their friendship quickly escalates. As Colum begins to reveal to Kat that this is not their first time together she, also, begins experiencing disjointed memories of their past lives and deep love for each other. As the attacks on Kat and her family begin in earnest, Colum vows that, this time, he will turn Kat before it is too late, and she will finally take her rightful place as his queen. Will he succeed?

    This book is jam packed with intrigue, action, and plenty of steam. We get to meet all of Kat’s family and much of Colum’s, but I have a sense that there will be a lot more to learn about the O’Heachthanna family in coming books (I’m hoping). All those we meet in this first installment are strong, interesting characters that immediately draw you into their lives and make you want to know them better. The storyline is captivating and keeps you turning page after page until there are no more pages to turn. I guarantee it will leave you wanting to know more. I believe Ms. Moriarty very cleverly left us with a few strategic questions, hopefully to be answered in future installments and I, for one, cannot wait to read the continuing story of eternal love and devotion between Kat and Colum.

    Five Star Rating ~Renee~

    I’ve Been Waiting for You

    This is really Odin and Sally’s story but there is so much that goes along with that, from past, present and future it brings several stories into play. This large cast of characters are as always with Mary’s work, very well developed. I found myself absolutely charmed by some while I felt the evil resonate with others. I felt the love of family, the unbridled passions of the love between mates and the inconsolable devastation of loss.

    This is the continuation of the first story, A Thousand years to Forever Which like this one is so far from the norm of your typical paranormal, vampire romance, you just get caught up and carried along throughout the whole journey with more twists and shocking surprises. We meet spirits, witches, vamps who are part fae and or part fallen Angel who all have their own series of mad skills. Oh yeah, did I mention the terrorists? Yeah, we have them too! I am so looking forward to the next book, Redemption at Midnight... I just have to see what happens next!

    Five Star Rating ~Anna Salamatin~

    Redemption at Midnight

    First off, I got to mention how much I love this cover. It was what stood out for me first. Its dark with gorgeous coloring with a title that was just as tempting as the cover. But it was the blurb that caught my attention and had me wanting to read this story.

    Redemption at Midnight was brilliantly written with a strong storyline, compelling characters, and touching moments that left me completely breathless and amazed.

    Bella is a GORGEOUS woman, a vampire who has never known love and wants to. We have Brent a man who was once an Ops until he lost both his lower legs and his hand in an IED blast. He is very upset and bitter over everything and thinks he is no good for anything anymore.

    When Bella and Brent get together, they both learn that all it takes to heal is each other. The fact that Bella NEEDS Brent in her time of needing was a spectacular thing to read about.

    I think this book was beautiful, touching, and down right perfect! I give Redemption at Midnight a FOUR AND A HALF OUT OF FIVE STARS! I HIGHLY suggest you pick up a copy today and read what everyone is talking about. I don’t think you will be disappointed.

    Four Star Rating ~Marie Brown (Marie’s Tempting Reads)~

    The Kings of Angkor: Army of a Thousand Elephants

    The Kings of Angkor Army of a Thousand Elephants is a great story by a gifted writer. ~I was hooked from the first page.~

    Exciting, intriguing, and fast paced. This book is filled with unexpected twists as you easily follow the characters through the adventure. The cultural ties between the past and present Cambodia cannot be severed or forgotten.

    If you’re looking for a book about people with great passions, a book that will take you away from the world you thought you knew and send you into a different reality that is totally absorbing and believable, then this is the book for you.

    Five Star Review ~ Jae Hall


    He came from a large, powerful family of witches. To him they were no different than any other family. His father was a demi-god. His mother, a witch of marvelous and great powers. Their match had been one of convenience but had turned into a marriage of love. With that marriage came years of happiness. Then came their little boy who looked the spitting image of his father. He would follow his

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