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Infinite Possibilities
Infinite Possibilities
Infinite Possibilities
Ebook269 pages4 hours

Infinite Possibilities

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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*The Secret Life of Amy Bensen is now a streaming series on Passionflix! *

From New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones comes the second book in the sexy, suspenseful Secret Life of Amy Bensen series. Picking up where Escaping Reality left off, Infinite Possibilities follows Amy and Liam, the darkly entrancing billionaire who demanded everything from her and offered even more—but can she trust him?

Secrets and Lies. They are everywhere: haunting her, tormenting her. In the midst of it all, he’d been her escape, her passion. The only person she’d trusted in six years. And then he’d made her doubt that trust, wounding her deeply. But she is ready to fight and not just for survival. She is fighting for the truth and she won’t stop until she has it, not even for…him.
PublisherGallery Books
Release dateJun 17, 2014

Lisa Renee Jones

An award-winning New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author, Lisa Renee Jones has published more than forty novels spanning many romance genres: contemporary, romantic suspense, dark paranormal, and erotic fiction. In each book the hero is dark, dangerous, and sexy. You can find Lisa on Twitter @LisaReneeJones,, and her blog for regular updates.

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Reviews for Infinite Possibilities

Rating: 4.00625 out of 5 stars

80 ratings12 reviews

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Readers find this title to be a mixed bag. Some found it hectic and stressful, leading them to stop reading. However, others enjoyed the characters and found it to be a great book. There is anticipation for the release of the third book. Overall, it is a good read with room for improvement.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    "Secrets and lies. They are everywhere: haunting her, tormenting her. In the midst of it all, he’d been her escape, her passion. The only person she’d trusted in six years. And then he’d made her doubt that trust, cutting her deeply. But as she’d once told him, she was damaged, not broken. She is ready to fight and not just for survival. She is fighting for the truth and she won’t stop until she has it, not even for…him."

    Infinite Possibilies begins where Escaping Reality left off, Amy is on the run, she's gone through several locations now, and is hiding as a waitress in a tiny joint. She now believes Liam is the one she's been on the run from and she does not want to be captured by him, but she still has feelings for him and she doesn't understand how he felt so good and safe. She's also starting to remember more about 6 years ago and the tragedy that struck her family. Her blackouts are more frequent and she's begun piecing together the clues and names she can remember. Infinite Possibilities introduces us to a lot of new characters and provides the answers needed to understand the mystery involving the family. Again, I loved the mystery in this book. This book answers every question about who really is involved in the tragedy, why it happened, and what needs to be done going forward. I became a lot more attached to Amy in this book, because she's been dealt such a rough hand and is finding out a lot of bad instead of good. Plus, there's not two attractive men and they're both there to help. This is a sexy suspense for sure and I can't write more without giving it all away.I have one major complaint, it was wrapped up far too quickly for me. The book is flowing, giving us answers and bringing us deeper into the story line and the mystery, then bam, it's done. Not only does it leave you with another cliffhanger, but it happened so suddenly I felt like I needed at least another chapter. Of course, that works in Lisa Renee Jones' favor, because I pre-ordered book 3 immediately.

    I would definitely suggest The Secret Life of Amy Benson series if you are looking for quick reads with suspense, romance, and a side of erotica. I really enjoyed both of them and I am looking forward to more answers in book three, as well as reading from a new perspective.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I had to take my time with this one since I have no clue as to when the next book will be out. It was so hard to walk away from Amy and Liam!!

    I just knew that Liam would find Amy, though with as quick as he found her, I had my suspicions that maybe he was part of the group that are looking for her.
    I was over joyed when she found out that she was pregnant and i cried for her when the unthinkable happened. Liam is the perfect mix of loving and dominant for me and I really hope that even though the next book is Chad's that we get some good Liam time in!!

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Sadly this did not meet my expectations.

    I love Jones writing and that this closed up a good bit of the story but it felt rushed. Almost mashed together to me as I read it. Which definitely took away from the experience, but I still look forward to the next novel in this series.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The first one of the series really was great. This one not so much. It was so hectic I felt stressed and so I decided to stop reading it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was a great read...I enjoyed the character.. If you have some great stories like this one, you can publish it on Novel Star, just submit your story to [email protected] or [email protected] book. 
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.IntroductionInfinite Possibilities is the second book in the Amy Benson series and this is the conclusion to our duo featuring this couple. Immediately you are going to want to immerse yourself into this one, especailly after that cliffhanger from the ending from book one. It immediately takes off from where book one ends so I would recommend these together as if they are two books if you aren't fans of cliffhanger so that it doesn't feel so intense. I will say that I really enjoyed the conclusion, it had some angst I wasn't a true fan of, but the story overall was a true win of a read for me.SummarySo in the conclusion with Liam and Amy, we have Amy that is on the run from Liam. She misinterpreted something he said to his friend, and now she thinks he is her enemy. But when he finds her in New Mexico and takes her to safety in New York City, she is bowled over. She still thinks there is no way that she can keep him safe. But now Amy is determined to fight for herself and the man that she loves even if that means having to betray and hurt him to keep him safe, but Liam will prove that his love is unconditional and he will always fight for her!My OutlookI will keep my thoughts on this a bit short, but I will say that I absolutely had a fun time with this one. I couldn't help myself in having to pick this one up. I really truly enjoyed this one here and everything that the author built. Now I wasn't a big fan of the angst in the beginning of the story to be honest. But it is understandable why it was there. I am just not used to seeing it in Lisa Renee Jones books if I am being honest. Normally there isn't so much angst between the couple, so it threw me for a bit of a curveball but I still enjoyed seeing Liam and Amy find their way back together. And Liam is such a hoot, I love how he just sees through Amy and just has faith in their love even when she hurts him. But she definitely needs a man like Liam, willing to walk through fire to protect her and make sure she stays safe and knows she is loved. There is such beautiful emotion that is implemented in this installment, and I can't wait to see Passionflix adapt this one.Overall ViewI found Infinite Possibilities to be an endearing, edgy filled story that will have you living in the moment with Liam and Amy and be cheering these two on as they work their way towards their HEA that is justly deserved.Rating Evaluation:Plot: 5/5World Building: 5/5Cover: 3/5Hero: 5/5Heroine: 3/5Steam: 5/5Heart & Feels: 5/5Ending: 5/5Overall View: 4.5/5
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    When is been published the third book?? Great book! Love it!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I am soooo ready for Forsaken!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    OK, so i liked this book. Have been anticipting this sequel. It started out slow, didn't have the same flow of the 1st one. That being said, i liked where the story went but felt it lacked the depth and resolution i was hoping for. I saw the next book will be Chad's POV. i'm kind of disappointed that we aren't getting more but I hope his story will answer the many questions still left unanswered. Still a good book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book picks up where Escaping Reality left off. Amy is running for her life and leaving Liam behind.

    The six years she has lived on the run trying to survive affected me deeply while reading the first book. She is a truly brilliant character both in mind and soul. After losing her parents and brother during the fire six years ago, she has lived to survive the unknown enemy that relentlessly pursues her. There is a protector out there whom she owes her life to. Time and time again, this protector has come to her rescue by warning her of immediate danger as well as giving her financial assistance to continue running.

    As our story continues, the question in everyone's mind is who can she trust? Liam will not be deterred. He turns the world upside down trying to find her so he can protect her. Amy loves him dearly but is afraid to trust him.

    Is he her protector? Is he a part of this unknown enemy? What do they really want from her? She cannot remember all the details leading to the fire. Her mind has blocked it all to protect her.

    This story is not for the weak of heart. I don't mean because of gore and killings, and more, but because of the emotional turmoil that is so palpable as you read this book.

    If anyone deserves a happy ending is Amy. NO SPOILERS here! You must read this book to continue this journey and cheer her on. One more installment is promised in 2014 with an indefinite date as of yet. This next installment will be in another character's POV - not Amy, not Liam - but I am not telling. This would spoil the surprise! I love Lisa Renee Jones writing style. This story tops all!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Infinite Possibilities was everything that I love in a book and more. Liam and Amy walk a fine line between devastation and their happily ever after. Amy can't figure out who she can trust, and Liam will go to the ends of the universe to prove he is the one Amy will always be able count on. In true Lisa Renee Jones style, she had me completely wrecked, giddy, swooning and blubbering while reading this book. If I hadn't had prior commitments I would have finished it in one sitting. Yes, it was that good."And before I can catch my breath, his mouth slants over mine and he is kissing me, a deep, passionate, emotional kiss, that is anguish and pain, and everything I haven't said but I feel."~AmyInfinite Possibilities picks up where Escaping Reality left off, and then jumps ahead a few months. Amy is on the run again and Liam is desperately trying to find her, and eventually he does. Unfortunately, Liam wasn't the only one on Amy's trail and soon enough they start taking anyone's life who stands in their way of finding Amy and getting what they want. While Amy's heart feels safe with Liam, her head keeps doubting his intentions. With her traumatic blackouts and past, she always has one foot out the door. And like Amy, I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. And boy did it. There are so many surprises in this book, I didn't even know who Amy should trust! There's a whole host of characters who sometimes seem trustworthy and at other times seem shady as all hell. The book, like the first, is written from Amy's POV. It enabled me to get inside her head, feel her fear and her doubts but, also feel that pull she and Liam have towards one another. With the style and expertise of the writing in this book I was no longer a reader but, a part of the story."He's my escape, the only place I can let go, the only place I can trust."~AmyAmy and Liam face obstacle after obstacle. And while their relationship grows stronger, so does Amy's own personality. She goes from being terrified of the past she has forgotten to a headstrong woman who allows her blackouts to consume her so she can find answers. The closer she comes to those answers the hazier reality gets. There are quite a few surprises in this story that I didn't see coming. I had my suspicions but, with a mastermind of storytelling like Ms. Jones you can never be too sure of what's coming next. She keeps you guessing until the very end and keeps you completely enthralled the whole way there. Liam and Amy's journey only got started in Escaping Reality, and you can bet that Infinite Possibilities is an even more thrilling read. I think my heart was broken and pieced back together about 10 times while I read this book. One part in particular was completely heartbreaking, and while I understood that it was a necessary evil, I was still left feeling a little shattered. But no worries, that wasn't my conclusive feeling from the book. There was so much more going on after, that I was left with a semi-peaceful yet eager feeling. Eager, because I simply can't wait for this captivating world to continue telling its story, and peaceful, because there was a modicum of closure in the end. Overall: absolutely fantastic book. Definitely up to par with Lisa Renee Jones' amazing books. AND we do get a confirmation that the series will be continuing, but in a different fashion. You'll have to read it to find out how :)Happy Reading!*ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Fast Paced, Hard Charging, Unrelenting & Electric. Just a few of the words I would use to describe Infinite Possibilities. I’m pretty sure I started waiting for this book before I even finished Escaping Reality. Let me tell you Lisa Renee Jones didn’t disappoint one bit with this book. We were all left wondering what happens next? Who is good, Who is bad and what just happened. And Infinite Possibilities picks up where that ended. Amy is running and even though she isn’t sure exactly what she is running from she just knows that running is always what she’s been told to do to say safe. But for the first time in her life she doesn’t factor in that Liam is willing to chase her. Sure I think she’s thought about it but will he really come looking for her. She never lets her guard down and rightfully so as it only takes Liam a short while to find her. The moment she see’s him she is not only reminded of her feelings for him but that he might not be what he seems to be. Trying to learn to trust her instincts Amy decides to trust Liam. Funny thing though it is then that I realize that this book is called infinite possibilities and what exactly that means. As for Amy there are infinite possibilities of the way things can go for her. Who is the right person to trust seems to be the theme running throughout this book as Amy is hit with a barrage of information. Time and time again she is shown that things don’t seem as they appear and that she might be able to make it to the truth before time is to late. On a more personal note, I have to tell you that this book series is amazing. Such a welcome change of pace. A series that will leave you looking around taking in all the possibilities that are out there. Lisa Renee Jones has a way in her writing style that is amazing, she can sneak up on you and I can’t say that any of her books are predictable and I love that fact. Blindsided that’s how I feel after certain parts of this book, their weren’t very many moments that you got to stop and catch your breath. Definitely a 5 Star book!! Jammie

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Infinite Possibilities - Lisa Renee Jones

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