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Sultana: Sultana, #1
Sultana: Sultana, #1
Sultana: Sultana, #1
Ebook467 pages7 hours

Sultana: Sultana, #1

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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In thirteenth-century Moorish Spain, the realm of Granada is in crisis. The union of Fatima, granddaughter of the Sultan of Granada, with the Sultan's nephew Faraj has fractured the nation. A bitter civil war escalates and endangers both Fatima and Faraj's lives.

All her life, Fatima has sheltered in lavish palaces where danger has never intruded, until now. A precocious child and the unwitting pawn of her family, she soon learns how her marriage may determine her future and the fate of Granada. Her husband Faraj has his own qualms about their union. At a young age, he witnessed the deaths of his parents, and discovered how affluence and power offers little protection against indomitable enemies. 

Throughout the rugged frontiers of southern Spain, the burgeoning Christian kingdoms in the north and the desert states of North Africa, Fatima and Faraj survive ruthless murderers and intrigues. They unite against common enemies bent on destroying the last Moorish dynasty. 

Release dateJan 25, 2013
Sultana: Sultana, #1

Lisa J. Yarde

Lisa J. Yarde writes fiction inspired by the Middle Ages in Europe. She is the author of two historical novels set in medieval England and Normandy, On Falcon's Wings, featuring a star-crossed romance between Norman and Saxon lovers before the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and The Burning Candle, based on the life of one of the first countesses of Leicester and Surrey, Isabel de Vermandois. Lisa has also written five novels in a six-part series set in Moorish Spain, Sultana, Sultana's Legacy, Sultana: Two Sisters, Sultana: The Bride Price, and Sultana: The Pomegranate Tree where rivalries and ambitions threaten the fragile bonds between members of the last Muslim dynasty to rule in Europe. Her short story, The Legend Rises, chronicles the Welsh princess Gwenllian of Gwynedd's valiant fight against twelfth-century English invaders and is available now. Born in Barbados, Lisa currently lives in New York City. She is also an avid blogger and moderates at Unusual Historicals. Her personal blog is The Brooklyn Scribbler. Learn more about Lisa and her writing at the website Follow her on Twitter or become a Facebook fan. For information on upcoming releases and freebies from Lisa, join her mailing list at

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What a pleasure to read about a time and a place that 1) I knew very little about and 2) is under-represented in historical fiction. Sultana is a page-turner, the tale of the Moorish Nasrid sultans (and sultanas) and their fight to maintain power among shifting alliances in late 13th-century Gharnatah (Granada). In addition to the entertaining story, Yarde also provides fascinating historical notes, a handy glossary, and translations of place-names.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Sultana is historical fiction set in Moorish Spain. It was great historical fiction providing enough historical details and yet telling a easy to read, action-packed story. It made me want to go research the history some more!The characters were engaging, and the story well told. The fact that the main character was a strong, independent woman made the story.*** Reviewed for member giveaway ***
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Normally, I have few complaints when it comes to historical fiction. A little embellishment here and there is just fine, particularly since we really never know what happened in the past.I have to say, though, that this was one historical fiction novel that I'm not crazy for. It's not a terrible novel, but I found the plot elements very difficult to follow. I also found it hard to believe that love came so easy to the main characters.The novel is set in the 1200's, where the young daughter of a Sultan is married off to her cousin as a pre-teen. The period is one of much turmoil. There is constantly some battle occurring, or a political fine-line to walk. Realistic to the period perhaps, but not always that interesting to read. The personal interactions were the best part, even if I found the main relationship hard to believe.Regardless, like I said, this isn't a terrible novel. I just didn't particularly enjoy it unfortunately. I found myself skimming the long parts describing the various battles, and half the time I wasn't sure what was going on since all of the names were the same and the relations were far too complicated. I won't be seeking out the sequel when it's released later this year.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    On the night after her wedding, 8 year old Princess Fatima is kidnapped. Her mother Princess Aisha takes her so that she will escape the wrath of the Ashqilula who are angry that Fatima was not married to one of them as had been the custom for the Sultan's family. Fatima witnesses her mother's murder by the Ashqilula who have found them. She is then helped to escape and manages to get back to the palace where she lives. Fatima over time learns to love her new husband, who is ten years older than her, despite many seperations due to the many battles in the civil war between the many groups of Moors as well as the Christians. There are also many intrigues and incidents back at court involving Fatima and her family.This is a really interesting book set in among the Moors during their time in Spain. It was something that I had heard about before but had never really thought about reading before. However I really enjoyed it and it gave me another point of view on something that had happened in the history of this world that I live in. It was a thoroughly enjoyable read and I would recommend it to anyone interested in Historical Fiction and especially European History in particular the history of Spain.

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Sultana - Lisa J. Yarde

Also by Lisa J. Yarde

The Sultana series

Sultana (2011)

Sultana’s Legacy (2011)

Sultana: Two Sisters (2013)

Sultana: The Bride Price (2014)

Sultana: The Pomegranate Tree (2015)

Sultana: The White Mountains (2017)

Other Historical Fiction titles

On Falcon’s Wings (2010)

The Burning Candle (2012)


Long Way Home (2011)

Short Stories

The Legend Rises - HerStory anthology (2013)


To Anita K. Davison and Mirella Sichirollo Patzer

Dear friends who have always believed in this story


THIS BOOK HAS BEEN a labor of love and commitment. The members of my critique groups were invaluable sources of help, especially Anita Davison, Jen Black, Philip Essely, Jennifer Haymore, Laura Hogg, Sheila Lamb, Mirella Patzer, Rosemary Rach, Ginger Simpson, Steve Vissel, and Anne Whitfield.

To the readers of the final manuscript, Judith Arnopp, Victoria Dixon, Kristina Emmons, Mirella Sichirollo Patzer, and Tricia Robinson, you have my enduring thanks. Lastly, I appreciate the skill and patience of Cindy Vallar, who worked on this book in the initial stages.

As always, to my loving family, my work would not be possible without you.


THE EVENTS IN THIS book take place during a turbulent period for thirteenth-century Moorish Spain, in the kingdom of Granada. Historians have referred to the rulers of Granada as princes or kings. I refer to them as Sultans. While the first four Sultans of Granada are members of the Banu’l-Ahmar family, and other clans were the Banu Ashqilula and Banu Marin, I have chosen the more commonly accepted names, such as the Nasrids for the Banu’l-Ahmar, then the Ashqilula, and the Marinids. Many of the male characters bear the name Muhammad. I have distinguished between them by using titles where possible. I have used Arabic words for Moorish cities, regions, and certain terms. The chronology of events differs in a variety of sources, but I have kept the narrative close to the best-documented dates in the Moorish period.

I am indebted to invaluable research materials for an understanding of thirteenth-century Spain and its inhabitants, including Simon R. Doubleday’s The Lara Family: Crown and Nobility in Medieval Spain, Shirley Guthrie’s Arab Women in the Middle Ages, and L.P. Harvey’s Islamic Spain 1250 to 1500. Other vital sources of information on the detailed history of the Alhambra and Moorish architectural achievements came from Antonio Fernandez Puertas’ masterwork, The Alhambra: Volume 1 from the Ninth Century to Yusuf I, and Michael Jacobs’ Alhambra.



Fatima bint Muhammad, daughter of Abu Abdallah Muhammad II of Gharnatah

Muhammad I ibn al-Ahmar of Gharnatah, the first Sultan of Gharnatah (r. 632-671 AH), Fatima’s grandfather

Abu Abdallah Muhammad II of Gharnatah, the second Sultan of Gharnatah (r. 671-702 AH), Fatima’s father

Muhammad ibn Muhammad, Fatima’s elder brother

Muna bint Muhammad, Fatima’s first sister

Alimah bint Muhammad, Fatima’s second sister

Azahra bint Muhammad, Fatima’s third sister

Tarub bint Muhammad, Fatima’s fourth sister

Nadira bint Muhammad, Fatima’s fifth sister

Abu Said Faraj ibn Ismail, nephew of Muhammad I ibn al-Ahmar of Gharnatah and Fatima’s husband

Muhammad ibn Ismail, nephew of Muhammad I ibn al-Ahmar of Gharnatah and Faraj’s brother

Faridah, sister of Muhammad I ibn al-Ahmar of Gharnatah, mother of Abu Muhammad

Maryam, daughter of Muhammad I ibn al-Ahmar of Gharnatah

Hamda, the second wife of Muhammad I ibn al-Ahmar of Gharnatah

Qamar, the third wife of Muhammad I ibn al-Ahmar of Gharnatah

Lateefah, the favorite of Muhammad I ibn al-Ahmar of Gharnatah

The Ashqilula

Abu Ishaq Ibrahim, a chieftain of the Ashqilula, former son-in-law of Muhammad I ibn al-Ahmar of Gharnatah, Raïs of Qumarich

Abu Muhammad, a chieftain of the Ashqilula, maternal nephew of Muhammad I ibn al-Ahmar of Gharnatah, Raïs of Malaka

Aisha bint Ibrahim, Fatima’s mother, first wife of Abu Abdallah Muhammad II of Gharnatah

Abdallah ibn Ibrahim, Fatima’s maternal uncle, Raïs of Naricha

Saliha bint Muhammad, Fatima’s maternal grandmother

The Marinids

Abu Yusuf Ya’qub al-Marini, the Sultan of the Marinids (r. 656-685 AH)

Abu Zayyan ibn Abu Yusuf Ya’qub, son of Abu Yusuf Ya’qub al-Marini

Shams ed-Duna bint Abu Yusuf Ya’qub, daughter of Abu Yusuf Ya’qub al-Marini, second wife of Abu Abdallah Muhammad II of Gharnatah

Ibn Yala, chief minister to Abu Yusuf Ya’qub al-Marini

Umar of Mahalli, the Shaykh al-Ghuzat, commander of Marinid forces in Al-Andalus

The Royal Court of Castilla-León

Alfonso X, the Wise, the king of Castilla-León (r., AD 1221 – 1284)

Violante de Aragón, wife of King Alfonso X, the Wise

Don Nuño González de Lara, the chief advisor of King Alfonso X, the Wise

Retainers, Slaves and Others

Ibn Ali, chief minister to Abu Abdallah Muhammad II of Gharnatah, former royal tutor, head of the Sultan’s chancery

Abu Omar, minister to Abu Abdallah Muhammad II of Gharnatah

Nur al-Sabah, Galician favorite of Abu Abdallah Muhammad II of Gharnatah

Hasan, chief eunuch of Abu Abdallah Muhammad II of Gharnatah

Halah, governess of Abu Abdallah Muhammad II of Gharnatah’s children

Ulayyah, a maidservant of the Ashqilula, Halah’s sister

Niranjan al-Kadim, Fatima’s eunuch-guard

Leeta, Fatima’s maidservant, Niranjan’s first sister

Amoda, Fatima’s maidservant, Niranjan’s second sister and twin of Leeta

Marzuq, Faraj’s chief steward

Baraka, Faraj’s Genoese concubine

Hayfa, Faraj’s Nubian concubine

Samara, Faraj’s Provençal concubine

Ayesha, a Sicilian slave girl

Abu Umar of Al-Hakam, a pirate chieftain

Sitt al-Tujjar, a Jewish merchant

Chapter 1


Sultana Fatima

Gharnatah, Al-Andalus or Granada, Andalusia

Muharram 664 AH or October, AD 1265

A hot, dry hand covered Fatima’s mouth, smothering the scream in her throat. She awoke to a nightmare unfolding in the darkness of the bedchamber she shared with her siblings.

A lone figure in a black hood and cloak hovered in silence next to her on her pallet. An unwelcome weight and warmth from a burly hand held her pressed against the pillow beneath her head. The odor of saffron and rosewater filled her nostrils. In the fading glow of a dying iron sconce on the wall, she could hardly tell where the folds of the cloak began or ended. She guessed the rough touch and strength of the hand on her mouth, as well as the husky shape in the darkness, meant her captor was a man. Raspy breaths escaped the stranger’s throat, as if he had been running and fought for each breath now.

Though her heart pounded steadily, she forced herself to remain calm. She did not know what this stranger intended or what he might do to her. As her gaze grew accustomed to the dimness of the shadowy chamber, she made out the images of three others, cloaked and hooded like the one who held her captive. Two of the intruders stood on either side of the olive wood door, occasionally peeking through the slats of the entryway. Another who stood taller than the other two walked toward the window and closed the lattice, shutting out the sounds of crickets chirping and owls hooting at night, before the figure crossed the room and lingered beside the boy who slept closest to the door. The intruder bent and moved closer to Muhammad ibn Muhammad, peering into his smooth, olive-skinned face.

Fatima froze, paralyzed in horror. Her brother Muhammad, only a year older than her, slept peacefully on a pallet below the wall sconce. The ebbing light revealed the disheveled mass of his dark hair on the silken pillow. Thin and lean like her, he stretched out on his back and snored lightly. He must have kicked off his woolen blanket during the night. One arm dangled off the pallet and touched the floor immediately below, while he had thrown the other back behind the pillow. In a deep slumber, he did not know the danger they faced.

One thought filled Fatima’s mind, mirroring her whimpering plea behind her captor’s hand. No! Don’t hurt my brother!

Muhammad was only nine years old, the eldest child of her parents and her father’s heir. She could never let anyone harm him.

She clawed wildly at the hand pressed against her mouth, but her little fingers could not fight off the heavy hold. Then her captor pinched her nostrils closed with his other hand. A choking wave of terror swelled in her throat and squeezed her chest. Tears trickled beneath the lashes, blinding her.

On a low table at her side, the sparrow in its gilded cage whistled cries of alarm and battered its wings against the metal bars.

The person beside her brother stood and approached her pallet, bypassing the white marble alcoves where her younger sisters Muna, Alimah, Azahra, and Tarub also slept. Only the baby Nadira, born two months before, was absent. Fatima prayed Nadira’s wet-nurse would keep her safe and out of danger.

Each noiseless footfall brought the intruder closer to Fatima. Her fingers still scratched at the hands that cut off her breathing. The tightening sensation grew inside her throat. Her body went limp and her limbs slackened.

The silent figure knelt beside the cage and withdrew a square of black cloth. Fatima panicked, fearing for her pet as much as she worried for her family. The cloth went over the cage and covered it. The sparrow quieted except for a few clicks and chirps.

Then thin, almost womanly, fingers rested on her captor’s shoulder. At this silent command, the one holding her nostrils released the brutal grasp, though the other hand remained on her mouth. Wonder at whether this was the leader of the intruders died, as the first blessed lungful of air burned at the back of her throat. Despite the burning, she sucked in the next breath with a heavy wheeze before she stared at the trespassers. Tears spilled from her eyes, but she immediately swiped at them. She was not going to let them see her cry or show them that she was afraid.

She could not make out their features in the darkness, except that both had heavy-lidded eyes lined with kohl, gazes that returned her watery stare. The one standing by her side had a smaller frame than his companion did, but beyond the differences in their shapes and the size of their hands, she could not discern anything else. Who were these people? She felt sure they hid their characters further by not speaking. She would have known any of the eunuchs or retainers in her father’s palace by the sound of their voices alone. Had their servants risen against her father and betrayed the family?

Fists tightening at her side, she trembled with fear and a growing rage. If they had hurt her father or kept him captive like her, not knowing of the danger to his children, she would.... She sagged against the pallet. What could she do, a girl who might now not live to see her ninth birthday?

She glared defiantly at the cloaked intruders. If they had harmed her father, she prayed Allah would give her some means to avenge him.

The tall man bent toward her. His eyes were large and luminous in the dark. Soft fingertips glided across her wet cheek, startling her. She jerked her head away, pulling back from the unfamiliar touch.

Take her.

His nasalized voice barely rose above a whisper. The hand over her mouth withdrew for the course of one breath. In the next, a cloth, thick with the smell of horse manure and camphor, covered her lips and nose.

FATIMA AWOKE TO THE glare of lamplight. She blinked against the golden glow cast by iron brackets hanging from a wall. She rested on a pallet in one corner of an otherwise empty room. At its center, the lamplight shimmered and reflected in the depths of a pool lined with marble. Fatima trembled anew at the unfamiliar surroundings. She could not be at home in her father’s palace.

As she sat up and tucked her legs into the folds of a silken coverlet, a brisk wind raced inward and rippled through her curly hair. A shudder ran through her, as the chill penetrated the thin, calf-length tunic she wore. She looked around her, wondering where the breeze had come from. There were no windows in the room. She pushed aside strands of ink-black hair from her face.

A water channel connected to the pool, carrying the liquid around a corner. From that direction, a feminine voice echoed.

... She wanted to see her, Abdallah. How could I have refused her request?

A man answered, You risk too much. You should not have brought the girl here, all for the whims of an old woman.

A dying woman, Abdallah. My mother.

Still, it is a heavy burden you bear. Now, to involve the child and expect her to....

I ask nothing more from her than her grandfather has already demanded. He knew the risks when he married her off. If you had seen her earlier today at the wedding.... She is barely eight years old and already a bride. She cannot begin to understand the consequences of this union, what it may mean for her and for us all. This husband of hers, the woman’s voice rose a pitch. Prince Faraj has his father’s selfishness. He shall ensure his own protection, not Fatima’s. The Sultan and his son are responsible for her final fate. She is a mere child, not a pawn in this game of her father and grandfather.

Fatima frowned at the woman’s words. How could a person be a pawn? Pawns belonged on the chessboard with which she and her father played in the evenings. She did not recognize the voices, though each person knew of her. Had they brought her to this unknown place? Even more, she hated the way the two talked about her, her grandfather and father. Who were these people?

The man continued, It is finished now. The girl has done her duty.

Duty! She had no choice. Just like me. My husband thinks I am a fool, who knows nothing of the Sultan’s plans. He thinks to keep me an unwitting fool, a prisoner caged within the walls of his palace. I have been nothing more than his broodmare, forced to endure birthing after birthing. I can hardly bear the sight of the children, knowing they are his.

They shall not understand your actions.

By the blessings of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful, they are too young to know why I must leave this place, except perhaps for the boy. His eyes have seen things... he is always watching, like his grandfather. When the children are older, their father’s lies shall comfort them.

We must leave the city at first light when the gates are opened. My coming to Gharnatah cannot remain a secret for long. Are you certain of this course? Your husband shall believe the worst of you, that you have betrayed him. He shall hate you.

No more than I have hated him.

Fatima pushed off the cover on her legs and crept across the marble floor. She winced at the coldness of the tiles and peeked around the corner into an antechamber.

A copper brazier pierced at the sides cast a shadow against the wall. The smell of ambergris and musk wrinkled her nostrils. Opposite the brazier, a rectangular channel at the base of the floor held copper bowls, each connected at the top by a thin, metal shaft. A bronze water clock dripped fluid from a tiny hole at its base, which collected in the bowls below. Three of the vessels already overflowed with water. The last of these dribbled its runoff into a fourth bowl.

The man and woman had settled before a lattice-covered window, where the pool’s water channel disappeared under the wall. Behind them, yellow damask curtains edged with gold filigree flapped in the breeze. The man knelt beside his companion while she sat on a low, wood carved stool. Deep pockmarks pinpricked his cheeks. She wore silver silk robes and a black hijab covered her hair. The opaque veil trailed to the floor. The man placed his large, olive-brown hands over her smaller, slender ones. Her sun-browned skin glistened with health and vigor, and her cheeks tinged pink. She inclined her head toward him, dark brows flaring beneath the fold of the hijab.

There is hope for Fatima. You have given it to me, Abdallah, the means to save her from the schemes of her father and grandfather.

Neither of them can trouble you here. Still, I regret my part in this. You risked too much in coming. I should never have asked it. I have placed you in grave danger, Aisha, you and your daughter.

Fatima drew back and pressed a hand to her chest. A sudden tremor pounded in her heart. She recognized the woman. She had seen her only briefly in the past. She could never forget the familiar face, yet the woman was like a stranger to her.

The woman withdrew one hand from her companion’s grasp and smoothed a lock of his thick, brown hair away from his forehead, where deep lines burrowed. I have known danger most of my life, Abdallah, ever since I married the crown prince of Gharnatah. Why should tonight be any different?

He brought her hand to his lips and kissed the fingertips. Fatima smothered a cry behind her hands, but not quietly enough. The pair jerked toward her.

The woman’s wide, green stare, lined with kohl and painted with malachite, sparkled like emeralds. At first, Fatima imagined those eyes filled with tears, but that could not be true.

A sharp pain dug into Fatima’s brow. Her hands fell at her side, shaking. How could you do this to my father? Steal me from my home? Be here with another man? Why are you letting him, she stabbed her finger at the stranger, touch you?

The woman rose and approached, her bejeweled fingers clasped together. A lock of her hair slipped from beneath the folds of the hijab, in a thick coil of burnished copper. The warming pink flush of her face faded to a muted, cream-colored sheen. She seemed like a stone carving in the garden – beautiful, but cold and hard.

The pockmarked man behind her stood. He towered taller than any other person Fatima had ever seen. Ignorant child, you know nothing of what you are speaking. You are being disrespectful to your mother.

The woman hushed him. Do not chide her, brother. If Fatima is ignorant or willful, it is because her father and grandfather have allowed her to be so. She paused and held out her hand. Come, daughter, it is time you learned the truth.

Fatima drew back. Don’t touch me! You’re not my mother, you never were.

Prince Faraj

BRASS LANTERNS SPUTTERED in an orange haze of fading light. Evening shadows lengthened as defeat cast its grim pall over Faraj. He faced his opponent on a familiar battlefield. Muhammad ibn al-Ahmar, the Sultan of Gharnatah leaned toward him and smiled a predatory grin before he delivered the deathblow. Do you yield, nephew?

Faraj stared at his adversary. The Sultan’s piercing hazel gaze looked at him from a careworn, olive-skinned face, with laugh lines around the mouth. Faraj shared similar features with the old man, family traits like the heavy brows and the hawk-like nose. The Sultan covered his thinning hair with a shashiya. He rarely wore any head covering except the brown skullcap.

Faraj returned his attention to an ebony wood chessboard, inlaid with mother-of-pearl, his father’s last gift to the Sultan. Despite the passing of several years, Faraj still admired this elegant piece of handiwork. A wall of his white pawns now lined the other side of the board. He shook his head in dismay, recognizing how the earlier, reckless positioning of his cavalier had heralded his downfall. He rubbed at the corners of his burning eyes and wracked his mind for a counter-move. Yet, he could not deny the truth. As in all other things, his uncle held the advantage.

He barely recalled the time when he had not lived by the Sultan’s whim and desire. After his arrival in Gharnatah nine years ago, a wearied and bloodied boy, the old man raised him alongside his own royal sons. At nearly seventy-four, the Sultan’s mind remained formidable. Despite his advanced years, he appeared rested and focused, but then, he probably slept well most nights.

For his part, Faraj could not remember the peace that sleep had once brought. The memory evaded him, just as easily as contented slumber had for nearly ten years.

Do not succumb to idle thoughts, nephew. You have already lost pawns, as a result.

I do not have my father’s skill. How was it that he was able to best you every time?

The Sultan exposed a gap-toothed smile. Is that what he told you? Your father’s gift for exaggeration was always incomparable, but perhaps in this, he did not lie. You may not have his talent, but each day you grow more in his image. If he had lived, my brother would be very proud of you. My only regret is that he was unable to witness your union with my granddaughter today.

Faraj kept his stare fixed on the board. He dared not raise his gaze for his uncle’s eager scrutiny. Otherwise, the hawk-eyed glint in the Sultan’s expression would pierce the heart of him and reveal the turmoil brewing inside.

Throughout the day, unrelenting fear had roiled in his guts, warning him against the path he now trod. As before, the same concerns that had plagued him earlier returned now. He pushed them aside but swallowed audibly before daring an answer. He prayed his voice would not betray him.

Jaw clenched tightly, he muttered, I share the same regret, my Sultan.

His uncle leaned forward in his cedar chair, as though he had not clearly heard Faraj. Your father would say to both of us that regrets are best left in the past. In that, as in other matters, he would be right. Still, I believe he would have been proud that you have attained your manhood and taken a royal bride.

Faraj nodded, though he believed his father would have viewed the marriage with the same circumspect opinion he once held of his own wedding: a means to an end. As with his father, Faraj had not chosen his own wife. At least his father had made a better bargain, with an alliance that benefitted their family. Faraj was not certain how his own marriage gave him any advantage. Likely, it would result in his quick death.

The Sultan showed no awareness of his companion’s discomfort. Your union with Fatima surely surprised many people. I suspect it has angered others, particularly the Ashqilula family, but they shall accept it.

And if the Ashqilula do not accept this marriage? Faraj gasped at his own carelessness and gripped the edge of the chessboard until the nail bed of his thumb whitened. He chided himself. Only a fool revealed his fears so easily, especially before another who would play upon them.

As he anticipated, the Sultan paused and cocked his head. Faraj perceived the change in him instantly, like a hawk sighting prey. He knew their game of chess was at an end. He released the side of the gaming board and steeled himself, feigning courage he did not feel.

Do your ties to the Ashqilula family still burden you, nephew?

The attack came sharp and swift, tearing to the core of him. The roughened nails of his hands cut into the palms, unseen by the Sultan’s persistent gaze. How dare the old man even ask about burdens? Faraj cursed him inwardly, for having burdened his family generation after generation. Likely, the Sultan’s machinations had brought them to the brink of ruin.

Still, Faraj waved a trembling hand over his chest, as though flicking away dinner crumbs from his black tunic. He controlled the fluttering at his breast with even breaths before he glanced at the Sultan. He hated and loved this old man, who always pierced to the heart of a matter. Faraj could almost admire the skill, if the Sultan had not turned it against him.

Why should old ties impede me? He despised the unsteady warbling in his voice, but the unbreakable cord still encumbered him – blood ties to the Ashqilula family.

Their blood coursed in his veins by virtue of his mother, an Ashqilula chieftain’s daughter, who had wed the Sultan’s brother and loved him until her death. Faraj shuddered at his last memory of her, bloodied and ruined, and drew a deep breath before continuing.

He forced the words from a dry throat. I couldn't care less about my ties to them. The Ashqilula mean nothing to me.

The lie hung heavy in the room. Faraj gritted his teeth as the weight of it bore down upon him. A burdensome encumbrance, but one he undertook for his own sake. The Sultan expected it. He would never accept anything but unwavering loyalty from his family.

What are your thoughts on my granddaughter, then?

Faraj swallowed at the sudden change of topic and pronounced a swift reply. I hardly know her. We had never met before I married her today.

That is common enough. Yet, surely, you must feel something about this union. You have barely spoken of it since the oaths made during the ceremony. When my heir congratulated you before all our guests, you did not acknowledge his acclaim beyond a mere polite nod.

Faraj cursed the old man again. Why did he keep pretending that this wedding was anything other than a declaration of war against his enemies? Why did he appear so unconcerned that those enemies would now retaliate against him and embroil Faraj in their feud?

Still, he steeled himself against showing any further weakness. He began, My Sultan, I perceive the great honor you have bestowed upon me with this union betwixt myself and the daughter of the crown prince.

Bah! Do not dissemble. You do not have your father’s skill for it. Not yet. Tell me, truthfully, what did you think of my granddaughter as you beheld her for the first today?

Through the haze of his bewilderment, Faraj recalled the image of the pale, stick-thin girl whom everyone expected he would acknowledge as his wife. She had worn gaudy jewelry, garish cosmetics, and rich robes - extravagant wastes for such a scrawny, waif-like child, in his opinion. The weight of her finery overwhelmed her, as she had sat apart from everyone on a red damask cushion trimmed with gold filigree. Her features were markedly angular and gaunt, akin to her father’s in appearance, though not as sallow. If the sight of her had not stirred Faraj’s revulsion for the prospect of marrying a child, he might have pitied her. Except in one instance.

When the evening breeze had filtered in from the open-air courtyard, torchlight flared and cast its glow upon her dark hair in an eerie halo. At that moment, her sharp chin rose, and her stark gaze met his, unflinching. Brilliant flecks like the embers of a fire glittered in her brown eyes. The sight took him aback for a moment. Then she looked away. Even now, his lips curled at the memory of how she had turned and ignored him, with the neglect reserved for menials.

He tamped down the abhorrence souring in his belly. Forgive me, but she is merely a child of eight years. What can I, a man who is ten years her senior, be expected to feel regarding her?

After a moment, the Sultan shrugged and nodded, as Faraj had hoped. I suppose you have years, Faraj, in which you may come to know my granddaughter better. For now, she shall remain in her father’s house until she can bear your children. I rely on her father to protect her.

Your plans shall tear the Sultanate apart.

Your union with Fatima shall heal the rift. Can I rely upon you?

Though Faraj doubted how a union with a child might preserve the land, he kept those thoughts to himself.

You may. He held the Sultan’s gaze without wavering. Not for the first time, he thought the old man burdened him unduly with inopportune vows.

Raised voices echoed beyond the closed doors of the chamber. Both the Sultan and Faraj turned toward the sound. Two sentries stationed beside the door opened it at a curt nod from their master. Faraj stood as torchlight revealed the sallow face of Fatima’s father, the crown prince of Gharnatah, Abu Abdallah Muhammad.

The crown prince stood tall and sneered at the guardsmen outside the chamber before he approached. He sagged on one knee before the Sultan, his dark leonine head bowed. When his father touched his shoulder, he stood unsteadily. Faraj scratched his thin beard and eyed the men intently.

A frown marred the crown prince’s brow, aging him beyond his thirty-one years. His deep-set eyes, another family trait, were red-rimmed and his mouth, bounded by a dark beard and moustache, was a grim, fixed line. He spoke in low tones with his father. When he finished, the Sultan grasped his arms, as though propping his son up.

"Are you truly surprised by this betrayal? It

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