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Mission to Mars: My Vision for Space Exploration
Mission to Mars: My Vision for Space Exploration
Mission to Mars: My Vision for Space Exploration
Ebook272 pages3 hours

Mission to Mars: My Vision for Space Exploration

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"Colonising space is essential for the long term survival of the human race, and Buzz Aldrin's book shows us how." —Stephen Hawking 

Legendary "space statesman" Buzz Aldrin speaks out as a vital advocate for the continuing quest to push the boundaries of the universe as we know it. As a pioneering astronaut who first set foot on the moon during mankind's first landing of Apollo 11--and as an aerospace engineer who designed an orbital rendezvous technique critical to future planetary landings--Aldrin has a vision, and in this book he plots out the path he proposes, taking humans to Mars by 2035.

Foreword by Andrew Aldrin 
Chapter 1: The View from Air Force One 
Chapter 2: Time for Decision-making 
Chapter 3: Your Space: Building the Business Case 
Chapter 4: Dreams of My Moon 
Chapter 5: Voyage to Armageddon 
Chapter 6: The March to Mars 
Chapter 7: Homesteading the Red Planet 
Chapter 8: The Clarion Call
Release dateMay 7, 2013
Mission to Mars: My Vision for Space Exploration

Buzz Aldrin

Buzz Aldrin (b. 1930) is an American astronaut, and the second person to walk on the Moon. Born in Montclair, New Jersey, he turned down a full scholarship to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in favor of an education at West Point Academy, where he graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering. After receiving a commission by the United States Air Force (USAF), Aldrin flew sixty-six combat missions during the Korean War, after which he continued his education at MIT before becoming an astronaut in 1963. Unlike most of the others chosen for that role, Aldrin was never a test pilot, but attracted the attention of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) with his success in the USAF and his graduate work at MIT. Aldrin flew on Gemini 12, and was selected—along with Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins—for Apollo 11, the first mission to the surface of the Moon. Since retiring from NASA, he has done charity work and written numerous books, including Encounter with Tiber (1996), his first science fiction novel. 

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    Mission to Mars - Buzz Aldrin




    It was April 15, 2010, when I stepped off Air Force One, one of several guests invited to travel with U.S. President Barack Obama to the John F. Kennedy Space Center at Merritt Island, Florida. I had some inkling that he was going to push the reset button on the U.S. space program.

    As he began a formal address, President Obama was kind enough to recognize me among those gathered. It was certainly ego lifting to hear him say: Four decades ago, Buzz became a legend. But in the four decades since he’s also been one of America’s leading visionaries and authorities on human spaceflight. Welcomed words, but I patiently awaited the punch lines of his speech.

    Now, I understand that some believe that we should attempt a return to the surface of the Moon first, as previously planned, the President said. But I just have to say pretty bluntly here … we’ve been there before. Buzz has been there. There’s a lot more of space to explore, and a lot more to learn when we do.

    Obama then called for a series of increasingly demanding targets, made feasible by advancing our technological capacity with each progressive step forward.

    Early in the next decade, a set of crewed flights will test and prove the systems required for exploration beyond low Earth orbit. And by 2025, we expect new spacecraft designed for long journeys to allow us to begin the first-ever crewed missions beyond the Moon into deep space. So, we’ll start … we’ll start by sending astronauts to an asteroid for the first time in history. By the mid-2030s, I believe we can send humans to orbit Mars and return them safely to Earth. And a landing on Mars will follow. And I expect to be around to see it, the President explained, greeted by bursts of applause throughout the rollout of his prospective missions.

    President Obama’s rejection of the previous space plan—the Vision for Space Exploration—announced by President George W. Bush in January 2004, was in motion. That Bush space agenda spurred NASA to orchestrate the Constellation Program, one that involved development of two booster vehicles: Ares I and Ares V. Ares I would boost crews into orbit. The Ares V heavy-lift launcher would hurl other hardware into space. Along with these two boosters, the Constellation Program called for a set of other spacecraft to be built, including the Orion crew capsule, an Earth departure stage, and the Altair lunar lander.

    Coupled with the retirement of the space shuttle program in 2010, the Bush proposal would establish an extended human presence on the moon and begin a sustainable course of long-term exploration.

    President Obama and Buzz Aldrin together in Florida for the President’s space policy speech, April 2010

    (Illustration Credit 1.1)

    As President Obama took the stage, America’s civil space program had been aimed at returning astronauts to the moon by 2020. Also, that Bush plan called for cultivating the technologies that would support human expeditions to Mars, our ultimate destination in space.

    Still, I was always worried about a phrase Bush used: a mission to Mars. My view: You’re not going to sell a mission to Mars.

    In the long run, two things happened along the way following President Bush’s outlining of his Vision for Space Exploration. First, Bush failed to fully fund the program, as he had initially promised. As a result, each year the development of the rockets and spacecraft called for in the plan slipped further and further behind. Second, and most important, NASA virtually eliminated the technology development effort for advanced space systems. Equally as bad, NASA also raided the Earth and space science budgets in the struggle to keep the program then named Project Constellation on track. Even that effort fell short. To keep the focus on the return to the moon, NASA pretty much abandoned all hope of preparing for Mars exploration with humans.

    Obama’s dismissal of the Bush Vision for Space Exploration was fortified by the earlier findings of a panel of space experts, which concluded that the Constellation Program could not be executed without very substantial increases in funding. That panel was headed up by my friend Norm Augustine, past head of Lockheed Martin and a former government official. Augustine’s team had received testimony and presentations from across the space community, including mine in 2009, as to how NASA should shape its future. In the end, the Augustine Committee observed that the path established by Bush was not sustainable, and President Obama agreed. Augustine and I both zeroed in on the truth that the Bush vision was unattainable and the country needed something else.

    The option clearly was a flexible path, somehow. At the time I felt that we had an option of extending space shuttle flights, perhaps developing a shuttle-derived capability. But soon it became clear that extending the shuttle program was not an economically viable thing to do, so now we have a gap in America’s independent access to space.

    I did believe the Bush vision for space was a good, albeit flawed, notion. It moved away from the space shuttle and the International Space Station and back to exploration, somewhere—even though back to the moon with government astronauts was not to my liking. I did concur that Constellation required extensive reevaluation. Obama’s action to cancel Constellation, however, has morphed into the Space Launch System (little more than the canceled Ares V booster in the Constellation Program) and Orion, which is ill named as a multipurpose crew vehicle. Why? Overall, it is because of short-term, vested interests in political and industrial circles. It’s my opinion that some of the large aerospace contractors are far from truthful in working with NASA.

    At the moment NASA’s own website on Constellation tells the story as an editorial note: The Constellation program is no longer an active NASA program. The program information on these pages is for historical use only.

    So be it for historical artifacts. But first a little history about my own space journey to today.

    Beyond the Boundaries

    I know firsthand that challenging times often come first before the most rewarding moments. Over the centuries we have seen powerful reminders of those who explored beyond the boundaries of what they knew, from Copernicus and Galileo to Columbus. Jumping to the 20th century, it was on a windswept morning in 1903 at Kitty Hawk that the Wright brothers made the first powered flight. That same year, my mother, Marion Moon, was born.

    My father, Edwin Eugene Aldrin, was an engineer and an aviation pioneer—and a friend of Charles Lindbergh and Orville Wright. Taking a job with Standard Oil, my dad flew his own plane coast to coast. He later served in World War II in the Army Air Corps, coming home for visits.

    Born in 1930 and raised in Montclair, New Jersey, I finished high school there. Aviation was pretty much in the family. When I was all of two years of age, my dad took me on my first flight, the two of us winging our way from Newark down to Miami to visit relatives. My aunt, in fact, was a stewardess for Eastern Airlines. The Lockheed Vega single-engine plane that I flew in was trimmed in red paint to look like an eagle. How could I have grasped then as a child that decades later I would find myself strapped inside a very different breed of flying machine—Apollo 11’s lander, the Eagle, en route to the moon’s Sea of Tranquillity?

    Aldrin family holiday card signed by all, including Buzzer

    (Illustration Credit 1.2)

    The heritage that led me into aviation and the appreciation for higher education came from my father. Dad had gone to Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. His physics professor was Robert Goddard, regarded as the father of liquid-fueled rocketry.

    After graduation from high school, I became a cadet at West Point and took to heart its motto, Duty, Honor, Country. It’s a maxim that remains part of me today. Surrounded by the influence of aviation, I entered the U.S. Air Force after graduating from the Military Academy. After fighter pilot training I was stationed in Korea, where I flew 66 combat missions in my F-86 Sabre fighter jet, shooting down two enemy MiG-15 aircraft.

    Following the Korean War, I was sent to Germany and was on alert, flying F-100s that carried nuclear weapons. In the late 1950s the Cold War was escalating between the then Soviet Union and the United States. To be sure, tensions were high. While posted in Germany, I learned of the Soviets’ surprising technological feat—the launch of Earth’s first artificial satellite in October 1957, a 184-pound sphere called Sputnik. As the import of Sputnik sank in, against the backdrop of the Cold War, the political and public reaction spurred on the space age. It became the starting gun for the space race, leading to the creation of NASA the following year.

    Buzz climbs into his F-86 Sabre Jet in Korea, circa 1952.

    (Illustration Credit 1.3)

    The Soviet Union achieved yet another triumph on April 12, 1961, by sending the first human into Earth orbit, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, in his Vostok 1 spacecraft. As a comparative note, a few weeks after Gagarin’s mission of 108 minutes duration, NASA flew on May 5 America’s first Mercury astronaut, Alan Shepard, on a 15-minute suborbital flight that touched the edge of space.

    A mere 20 days after Shepard’s mission, President John F. Kennedy boldly challenged America to commit itself to achieving the goal of landing a man on the moon before the end of that decade. Many of those at the helm of a newly formed NASA thought the challenge to be impossible. The know-how just wasn’t there. The nation had little more than 15 minutes of spaceflight experience under its belt.

    But what America did have was a President with vision, determination, and the confidence that such a goal was attainable. By publicly stating our goal and by establishing an explicit time period on a very clear accomplishment, President Kennedy offered no back door. We either had to do it or not make the grade … and no one was interested in failing. Even then, failure was not an option.

    Kennedy’s audacious objective was further reinforced by his speech at Rice University on September 12, 1962. That seminal speech included the famed line: We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. That presentation, even today, remains riveting.

    Kennedy’s empowering words from over 50 years ago are worth recalling in terms of the technical challenges we face today.

    In part, he said,

    we shall send to the moon, 240,000 miles away from the control station in Houston, a giant rocket more than 300 feet tall … made of new metal alloys, some of which have not yet been invented, capable of standing heat and stresses several times more than have ever been experienced, fitted together with a precision better than the finest watch, carrying all the equipment needed for propulsion, guidance, control, communications, food and survival, on an untried mission, to an unknown celestial body, and then return it safely to earth, re-entering the atmosphere at speeds of over 25,000 miles per hour, causing heat about half that of the temperature of the Sun … and do all this, and do it right, and do it first before this decade is out—then we must be bold.

    Rendezvous With Destiny

    If space was going to be our next new frontier, then I wanted to be part of getting there. After completing my tour of duty in Germany, I decided to continue my education and receive my doctorate of science in astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT was the same university my father had gone to. For my thesis, Guidance for Manned Orbital Rendezvous, I adapted my experience as a fighter pilot intercepting enemy aircraft to develop a technique for two piloted spacecraft to meet in space. I dedicated that final paper to the American astronauts.

    Soviet Union’s Yuri Gagarin makes headlines.

    (Illustration Credit 1.4)

    First American into space: Alan Shepard, May 1961

    (Illustration Credit 1.5)

    The first time I filled out the forms to be a NASA astronaut, my application was turned down. I was not a test pilot. Determined to seek a career as an astronaut, I applied again. This time, my jet fighter experience and NASA’s interest in my concept for space rendezvous influenced them to accept me in the third group of astronauts in October 1963. I became known to my astronaut peers as Dr. Rendezvous.

    In reacting to President Kennedy’s goal of landing a man on the moon by decade’s end, there were many alternatives discussed as to how we could get there and return to Earth. A very gifted NASA engineer, John Houbolt, trumped even the revered U.S. space program leader, Wernher von Braun, who favored a huge monstrous rocket, a multipurpose spacecraft, and direct flight to get to the moon and back.

    Houbolt backed a lunar-orbit rendezvous plan. It called for not a multipurpose crew vehicle architecture but a segmented way to achieve the moon landing feat. When the Apollo moon landing method was finally scripted, it adopted segmentation of the mission: using an Apollo command module as discreet from the service module, and segmenting the lunar ascent stage from the lunar descent stage.

    Houbolt’s master plan became a plus for me in terms of my MIT rendezvous work. The critical key to this approach would be our ability to reliably rendezvous two spacecraft in orbit around the moon, a very dangerous maneuver. For if that rendezvous failed, there would be no way to rescue the astronauts. Luckily, my MIT expertise was exactly what was required.

    It’s essential to note the insertion of the Gemini program. It was a fundamental stepping-stone, a bridge between the one-man Mercury and three-person Apollo programs, primarily to test equipment, to do trial runs of rendezvous and docking scenarios in Earth orbit, and to train astronauts and ground crews for future Apollo missions.

    On November 11, 1966, I made my first spaceflight as pilot of Gemini 12, alongside James Lovell, the mission command pilot. That nearly four-day flight brought the Gemini program of ten piloted missions to a successful close. During the flight, I was able to establish a new record for spacewalking, spending five and a half hours outside the spacecraft. To be honest, up to that point, we had failed miserably in the Gemini program to show that an astronaut could easily and effectively work outside his space vehicle. We used microgravity training in parabolic flights of airplanes, but that didn’t solve the Gemini spacewalking problems at all. It took underwater training that I introduced, later to become a fixture in simulating extravehicular activity (EVA) here on Earth in special underwater buoyancy facilities. Thanks to underwater training, and the use of appropriate restraints, I chalked up my successful EVA without taxing my space suit.

    During my Gemini 12 tethered space walk, I photographed star fields, retrieved a micrometeorite collector, and did other work. And there were a few lighter moments. Once in orbit, I just couldn’t wait to get into my personal preference kit

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