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Face to Face Meetings With Jesus Christ 2: Preparing for God's Paradise
Face to Face Meetings With Jesus Christ 2: Preparing for God's Paradise
Face to Face Meetings With Jesus Christ 2: Preparing for God's Paradise
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Face to Face Meetings With Jesus Christ 2: Preparing for God's Paradise

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One common attribute we all share as humans is the fact that whenever there is an important future event, we always make necessary preparations in anticipation of an outcome from the event. We do this with childbirth, graduation from school, marriage, vacation, and death. But when it comes to the second visit of Jesus Christ leading to the End of the Age, we seem to care less about the need for some serious preparations. Before death, we will all come to a point in life when we subconsciously without notice start to briefly analyze our path; where we came from, where we are, and where we honestly think we are going after death. After this unprecedented brief moment, our next step is largely determined by the analysis obtained from the pause. That you accepted Jesus Christ as the son of God is not enough to save you from hell; you must repent and live by God’s law to enter His Paradise in Heaven. Anybody can believe in Jesus Christ; but not everybody can live for Jesus Christ. God made you for a specific unique supernatural divine purpose beyond your imaginable dreams. This book will guide you, restore you, energize you, and move you to that place where you seriously start to prepare to have your salvation completely sealed through him as you successfully live to please God through Jesus Christ. This book is a sequel to “Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ”.
Release dateJul 30, 2014
Face to Face Meetings With Jesus Christ 2: Preparing for God's Paradise

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    Face to Face Meetings With Jesus Christ 2 - Felix Wantang

    Face to Face Meetings With Jesus Christ 2

    Preparing for God’s Paradise

    Felix Wantang

    Published by: Felix Wantang

    Copyright © 2014 Felix Wantang.

    All rights reserved.

    Edition Two

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    ISBN: 978-0-9938744-1-3

    This book is also available in print at most online retailers.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014906489

    God bless you and thank you for taking the time to read this book.

    Before you proceed, make sure you have your Holy Bible beside you.

    All Biblical references were taken from the New International Version of the Holy Bible.

    Lord Jesus Christ, I love you with all my heart

    When you live life like you have absolute control of the future, you are basically making yourself the master of your destiny. It is self-worship and a complete mockery of the cross of Jesus Christ. God made Jesus Christ a constant component of humanity; when you make Jesus Christ a variable, the equation of your life sums up to zero. If you truly love Jesus Christ, this book will bring you to the place where your salvation is completely sealed in his mighty name. If you are ready to learn from him then let the supernatural spiritual ride to enrich your soul begin; have fun reading.

    Jesus loves you!

    Dedicated to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

    Heavenly Father, I thank you for the wonderful gift of my lovely family: My wife Jacqueline; and my children Felix Junior, Malcolm, Mahalah, Matthew, Chioma, and Amarachi. I also thank you for bringing Kathleen, Hayley, and Mia into my life.


    Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you for holding my hand along this wonderful journey; I ask you to prepare me for what you are about to teach me each day. Father in Heaven, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; most merciful God, my unbeatable God, and my source of everything; Father I thank you for your glory, your mercy, your grace, your compassion, and your peace which surpasses all understanding. Thank you for the wonderful gift of your son Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. Father, I thank you for everything you’ve done, for everything you are doing, and for everything you are about to do in my life, in the lives of my children, and my household. Thank you for creating us in your own image and for giving us life through your glory.

    I pray for my Dad John; I also pray for my brothers and sisters: Lucy, Martin, Linus, Patrick, Emmanuel, Augustine, Stella, Christine, Esther, and Martha. I pray for all orphans, the fatherless, the motherless, the poor, the needy, the homeless, those who are oppressed, those who are being enslaved, those who are falsely accused, those who have been abandoned, those who have been rejected, those who have been abused, and those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.  I also thank you for what you are doing in the lives of all those who consider me their enemy and those who are doing the wonderful work of your glory. Father I pray for your chosen people of Israel and your Holy city of Jerusalem; I pray for the leaders of this world and their families. I pray for the children you’ve brought into the world today; give their parents the strength, spiritual wisdom, and love to raise them for your son’s glory. I pray for all those who are struggling to navigate through life.

    Father I thank you for all the blessings you’ve deposited upon me; I ask you to show me the right way to use them wisely to glorify your name, give you honor, thanks, and praise all the days of my life. I pray for all children across the nations of the world and those who are battling with terminal illness. I pray for the souls you’ve called home today. I also pray for all those who humbly call upon your mighty name in prayer; hear their cry for help, grant them the desires of their hearts as you fulfill your glory by showing them your way. Mighty Father, I ask you all these and thank you because I trust and will always trust and rely on you alone all the days of my life through your son Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit as one God, forever and ever.

    Amen – Amen – and Amen.


    I will love to pray for you; please send your prayer request to: [email protected]

    Peace, be with you in Jesus name.


    I do not take credit for the contents of this book; rather, I give glory, honor, and praise to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for making me a part of this wonderful revelation to the world. This book does not necessarily make me a holy man or a special individual before Jesus Christ; neither does it set me apart from the rest of humanity. I will still face judgment like everyone else on that day when we will all stand before him to account for our lives. Without him I will be a lost soul just like everyone else who lacks his presence; but with him and in him, I am able to take each step that gradually brings me to that place where I will one day rest in his arms as I leave the painful struggles of this sinful world. After he published the first book, with no regrets for taking this journey with him, I was finally very excited that I will now have some time to recuperate my sleep. I was looking forward to sleeping for at least six or seven hours each day; but to my surprise, that excitement was short-lived.

    As soon as the first book was published, eight days later he showed up and asked me to start writing the second book. Notwithstanding that in the process of writing Book One he persistently woke me up between 3.00 and 3.30 A.M, he did not show any signs of changing the schedule for Book Two. When he started this book with the same schedule, my major concern was getting up as early as 3.30 A.M and still go to work each day (five days a week) to complete an eight-hour shift. I remember complaining to him about it and his response was, Let me worry about that. I don’t know if I was deaf or just playing stupid because after we had that conversation, he showed up the next evening and told me to write down something, just one simple statement and I said to him: I will write it down later. I said that because I just got home from work, very tired, and I was getting ready to give my little children a bath; this is something I usually enjoy doing every day as soon as I get home from work. Later that evening as my kids were playing in the basement, I went into the office to write the information but when I picked up a pen and a note pad, I couldn’t remember a thing; I was very disturbed because he just spoke to me less than two hours ago. How can anybody suffer from such a memory blackout within a short period? It was like somebody literarily erased the statement from my memory.

    The next morning when he woke me up at 3.30 A.M I asked him to repeat the statement to me but he refused. Instead, he started talking about something else and I knew that it had nothing to do with what was erased from my memory because what he talked about that morning was in response to a question that I asked him a couple of days earlier. I apologized for my arrogance, stupidity, laziness, disobedience, and ignorance; I was relieved when he said, It’s alright let’s move on.  It reminded me of what makes Jesus very welcoming and the depth of his profound love to rescue us from our human weakness and insatiable desire for rebellion.

    I guess my problem and biggest mistake was that sometimes in a relationship we all come to that place where we become too comfortable with the situation to the point where we fail to recognize the attributes of the individual that is involved in the relationship. We tend to lose focus of what the relationship is all about. I was becoming too comfortable and I needed some adjustment to slap me back into position. I learnt my lesson and I vowed that I will do whatever it takes to not bring myself back to that situation again because I was being stupid trying to argue with him. If at some point in your life God tells you to pick the most important moment you have spent in life because He wants to give you the opportunity to experience it again, what will you pick? Chances are nobody will pick moments related to long suffering with pain, agony, rejection, abandonment, torture, grief or shame. While we spend time trying to come up with occasions when we felt like life was really good, God on the other hand is not looking for that. The truth is God doesn’t use any of those happy moments to add value to our lives; they were memorable moments for us not because our souls came very close to Him; we love those moments because we had fun.

    Too often we spend a lot of time contemplating on the things of this world that when God decides to draw us closer to Him by throwing a storm in our path, we miss the whole picture. Our minds are so saturated with the world around us that we fail to remember the very simple advice Jesus gave us before he died on the cross. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew 16:26. When Jesus walked on this planet, not even the best economist or psychologist in human history could tell the difference in social class between him and his disciples.

    Looking at the institution he built with his blood on the cross, what good is the church to Jesus Christ when more than 90% of its leaders live in luxury while more than 85% of Christians live in poverty? The saddest part of this picture is that the bulk of this luxury lifestyle is funded through exploited contributions from those who live in poverty. As a blueprint from heaven, what happened to the twelve men who followed Jesus for three years with no bank accounts, no luxury wagons or cars, no private jets, no expensive mansions, and no financial investments? All the teachings of Jesus Christ were in relation to God’s existing law. Unlike the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, Jesus did not spend time teaching and dissecting the principles of God’s law for our selfish gains. Instead, he used a systematic approach to bring us to the deeper practical applications of the law. One of the major problems facing the church today is that so much time is spent refining the principles of God’s law to please the congregation.

    While the church persistently pushes the practical applications aside because they conflict with our selfish desires, it explains why Jesus on the other hand is disappointed with the church. In the days of Noah in a world full of people only eight were saved, in another world full of people only Job was considered righteous enough to be used to humiliate Satan, and in a city (Sodom and Gomorrah) full of people only Lot’s household was saved. Out of these three scenarios, it is absolutely indisputable that our current world, deeply immersed in a downward irrevocable self-destructive spiritual spiral, is nothing but a carbon copy of Sodom and Gomorrah. When Jesus comes back, the number of people who will be saved will not require an electronic calculator; it will be pretty easy to count because the church for the most part has completely lost its way. The number will be less than 3% of humanity that will make it to God’s Paradise in Heaven.

    We live in the most dangerous spiritual moments in human history. As millions flock to antichrist churches erected in almost every part of the world to promote the devil’s agenda, I want every God-fearing Christian to understand one very important truth:

    Jesus Christ is still in control and will always be in control with all authority and power that sustains life through eternity.

    The gates of Satan and the dark world will never overcome the true church of Jesus Christ. I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. Matthew 16:18. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. John 14:1. The time has come for the true church of Jesus Christ to hold on fast to the word of God deeply rooted in the Holy Bible. Jesus never fails.


    Most evenings after dinner on weekends, it is common practice for families across North America and most parts of the world to gather everybody downstairs in the basement or family room with some snacks or popcorn and some drinks to watch a movie as everybody looks forward to an enjoyable evening. As the movie plays along, everybody wants to fast forward the commercial breaks because all we care is to go back to the movie; we have no tolerance for commercial breaks. It is true that most commercial breaks are very loud and annoying even though corporations pay millions of dollars to make them appealing to us.

    As we go through life, there are moments when difficult times show up without warning and we suddenly feel like time is on a slow motion as we spend each day wondering when it will be over. We pray for everything around us to move quickly because we just can’t wait for each agonizing day to be over. The excruciating pain we face each day appears to be unbearable as we slowly begin to wonder Am I going to make it? These moments are like the commercial breaks we just talked about in the movie as we gather around to enjoy a quiet evening. Any attempt to fast forward the movie is definitely not an option especially if we are having a good time from watching it. On the other hand, common remote control buttons like pause, rewind, and slow motion are all possible options. The truth is we actually pray for time to move slowly because we don’t want the movie to be over yet. We always use the same approach when we embrace the good times in life because we hope and pray that they last forever; we look forward to a replay of all the good times we had in the past.

    The problem with virtually everything we classify as good times is that we never take a minute to pause and ask ourselves, What made it a good time? Was it because of how we felt or was it because of what we got out of it? Was it good for our soul or our flesh? The truth is almost everything we group as good times on earth has nothing to do with our soul. They all have something to do with our flesh. Jesus did not die on the cross for your flesh to have a good time; he died on the cross to save your soul. As much as God loves us and made all things for us, His priority is not our happiness; His priority is your soul at all times because the flesh is one thing that will always try to pull us away from God’s objective. As insatiable creatures living in a sinful world, we have come to master two distinctive aspects of life:

         When life is hard, time appears to move slowly.

         When life is good, time appears to move faster.

    As much as these theories have a strong hold in the human mind, the practical movement of time actually never changes because there are still twenty four hours that make up each day. God psychologically accelerates the good times just like you fast forward the painful commercial breaks because to Him, what we call the good times, are actually not the most important part of your life. He deliberately slows down the hard times because it is through moments like these that He uses to teach you His ways, empower you, and prepare you for the challenges ahead. It is out of the difficult times that God carves out your destiny to reveal your next step in the journey He mapped out for you the day you were formed in your mother’s womb.

    For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:13-16.

    If the good times were more important to God then everybody with the tools to live a good life especially rich people, will be far closer to God than everyone else. God loves you and for that reason decided to give His only son Jesus Christ to save your soul. One of the most fascinating approaches that God used to expose His son Jesus Christ to the world was the ability of Jesus to perform all kinds of miracles including raising the dead when he was on earth. As much as many people came to believe in Jesus Christ through the outcome of miracles, we should not forget that miracles are in no way the defining element of our salvation.

    Every miracle Jesus performed in the Bible was part of God’s plan for him and was also designed for a specific supernatural reason with respect to his mission on earth. Not a single miracle was performed to display supernatural powers from Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, most churches have redefined the true meaning of miracles. A lot of churches today use miracles to deceive their members and the public. They will try to convince you that it is the power of Jesus Christ that performs the miracles. The truth is miracles can never be used to define salvation and Jesus Christ.

    If these churches have nothing else to use as the center point of their spiritual mission, then their platform is not rooted in the word of God; they have completely lost their way and such denominations belong to the devil. Any attempt to define Jesus Christ strictly from a miracle view point, makes a complete mockery of the cross because what he came to do for us is far greater than a miracle. He came to die for the sins of the world and he came to do what no one else can do. Anytime you analyze Jesus Christ from the perspective of anything that can be achieved by someone else, you make a complete mockery of the cross. The devil can also perform miracles. In his teachings in Matthew Chapter 7, Jesus set the record straight when he said Watch out for false prophets. Matthew 7:15. "Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers.’" Matthew 7:21-23.

    Jesus described them as evildoers because miracles don’t define him. The one major thing that defines him to us is his death on the cross for the sins of the world. This

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