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Humanity, A Failed Experiment
Humanity, A Failed Experiment
Humanity, A Failed Experiment
Ebook44 pages39 minutes

Humanity, A Failed Experiment

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About this ebook

What are the origins of mankind? Does anyone really know? There is more than just compelling evidence. There is proof that we are the product of genetic engineering.

We were made in the likeness of another being. Some call it God and some call it a manipulation of evolution.

This is an examination of our origins and why we know that mankind was created, but how? Is it my divine creation, or was it a matter of strongly and deliberately guided evolution?

There may be no “Missing link”. Read the compelling evidence that we were created to serve and how we failed to obey our creators. This may be more about the origins of religion than the origin of mankind.

Release dateAug 13, 2014
Humanity, A Failed Experiment

Robert Stetson

I am a retired person living in Massachusetts. My background is extremely diverse. I have worked a Computer Systems Design Engineer, an Auxiliary Police Officer, and many other jobs. I have been a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer working for 3 different fortune 500 companies, served as a representative at ANSI, ECMA and other standards organizations.. I was/am a licensed Private Detective in two states, a Licensed Real Estate Broker and now write as my full time occupation in books on a variety of fact and fictional topics.

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    Humanity, A Failed Experiment - Robert Stetson


    Let me begin this book with an understanding of my direction and intent. I am not on a mission to change your mind or sell you on my vision of the past, present or the future.

    Too many people out there are intent on fogging your mind with badly delivered information. As you read this book, I want you to be ever mindful of the difference between evidence and proof. There is a difference.

    How many times have you watched a documentary where the producers have told you something that, on the surface seemed somewhat strange? Then they follow up with, Is it possible, then, that, and they go on to ask a question regarding the possibilities.

    The object is to cause you to conclude, on your own, independently, that what they suggest is actually true.

    You are going to be hearing a lot of theories I am proposing here that could be true. Let’s face it, anything is possible, so I won’t ask you if anything here is.

    Among some of the strange occurrences prior to the creation of humankind, there is a claim that aliens destroyed the dinosaurs to make way for humans.

    In 1980, a thin layer of iridium was found in the Earth’s crust that places the deposit at around 65,000,000 years ago. Theorists say that the levels of radiation are strong enough to suggest that this is an indication of a blast from a nuclear device.

    That would explain why there evidence of nuclear contamination everywhere at the time in the Earth’s history.

    The radiation levels are sufficiently high to require a special paint to be used on fossil bones to block the radioactivity. Naturally occurring radiation levels of this magnitude are normally unheard of.

    In 1961, in Ica, Peru large stones with the carvings and etching images of dinosaurs were found. Hundreds of the stones depicting every species of dinosaur date back to 5,000 BC, to 15,000 AD.

    50000 stones ranging from the size of pebbles to the size of boulders were found. There is no imaginable ay the natives of that era could have possibly known what the dinosaurs looked like, unless they saw them.

    The local Indian text describes lizards of various sizes that were destroyed by angry gods.

    In 1993, a paleontologist named Switzer found dinosaur bones containing the soft body tissue of a dinosaur having DNA intact. There is no possible known way that soft body tissue’s DNA could have held up for 65,000,000 years.

    Either these reports are false, exaggerated or somehow misleading, or there were dinosaurs walking the Earth in Peru during the occupation of humankind.

    There are two possible explanations for the stones.

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