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Love and Murder on the Queen Anne
Love and Murder on the Queen Anne
Love and Murder on the Queen Anne
Ebook238 pages3 hours

Love and Murder on the Queen Anne

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Love and Murder... tells the story of a fun cast of characters on board a cruise ship on course for murder. Halfway through the trip from New York to the Bahamas, someone is murdered. Everyone is shocked, but fortunately, Rex Mathers P.I., happens to be on board. He agrees to solve the case.

PublisherChris Varga
Release dateMar 30, 2010
Love and Murder on the Queen Anne

Chris Varga

Chris lives in New Jersey. He has always enjoyed creative writing. His books have ranged from comedy to mystery to horror and more. He hopes to write more books in the future.

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    Love and Murder on the Queen Anne - Chris Varga

    Love and Murder on the Queen Anne

    By Chris Varga

    Copyright @2003.2006. Smashwords Edition. All Rights Reserved.

    Chapter One

    Mommy, can we go on that? three year old Emily asked her mother.

    No. We would need reservations and a lot of money, her mother replied.

    Next year? Emily asked hopefully.

    Maybe. We’ll see, her mother replied.

    Where are they going? Emily asked, pointing to the people waving from the ship’s deck.

    The Bahamas, I think, her mother answered.

    Where’s the Bahamas?

    South. Below Florida, her mother replied.

    Is it warm down there?

    Yes, very warm and very nice, her mother said.

    The Queen Anne cruise ship was docked in New York harbor, ready to depart on an eight day round trip journey to the Caribbean. Emily and her mother were among a huge crowd gathered at the dock to watch the ship set sail. Many of the people there were relatives and friends of the passengers. Some were just interested observers. There was excitement in the air. The crowd watched the couple hundred passengers walk up the plank with their luggage.

    Most of the passengers had never been on the Queen Anne and for some of them, it was their first cruise ever. They excitedly checked in and surveyed the ship. They found their cabins, put down their luggage, and then went exploring. The ship was relatively modern and elegantly decorated. Lavish chandeliers adorned the main halls. Some expensive paintings and sculptures were dispersed throughout the public areas. Much of the crowd was in their twenties and were attracted to features like a nightclub and game room. About an hour after the last passenger boarded, the cruise ship started moving. Everyone in the crowd cheered as it started sailing away. They watched it slowly move through the harbor towards the Atlantic Ocean.

    For Mrs. Hawthorne, it was her seventh cruise, though first time on this particular ship. She was a rich woman, accustomed to the best. She was disgusted when she saw her room.

    Oh, this is positively dreadful! There’s barely enough room to move! she complained to her husband as they entered the room.

    It’s one of the largest cabins on this ship. What do you want? he asked helplessly.

    It was one of the largest. The cabin had two rooms, each about twenty by twelve feet, and a small bathroom.

    We paid good money for this. They could at least take care of us, Mrs. Hawthorne said grumpily.

    I think it’s very nice, Hugh said and walked into the bedroom to put his luggage down.

    I don’t. I’m going to ask if there’s a bigger cabin, Linda said and went for the phone.

    Honey, don’t embarrass me. This cruise is completely booked and you know it, Hugh said, sighing.

    Oh Hugh, you’re too easy-going. You just let things slide. Sometimes if you want things right, you have to assert yourself, Linda said and picked up the phone.

    Hugh knew Linda was going to do whatever she made up her mind to do so he chose to ignore her for a while and start unpacking. He could hear Linda arguing as he unpacked. He knew by now that his wife was demanding but he thought she was being unreasonable. He could hear her talking to the person on the other end of the line like they should treat her like royalty. He couldn’t change her, so he just stayed silent.

    Well, I’m never coming on this cruise again! Linda exclaimed as she reluctantly put the phone down. The food better be the best I’ve ever tasted. With perfect waiters.

    The first night is just a buffet. Formal dinner starts tomorrow, Hugh told his wife.

    Oh, how dreadful, Linda complained.

    Jack Traper and Jake Quinton were best friends. They were both dark haired, good looking and in their early twenties. They had booked the cruise together, both hoping to meet girls. They had had to settle for a single cabin with two beds because of the prices. They would worry about how to give the other privacy if one of them hooked up when the time came.

    Jake put the card key into the lock and opened the door. The room was small but the furniture looked nice. All the cabins had their own bathroom and theirs was off to the right.

    Looks nice, though small, Jack commented.

    No one spends the whole vacation in their room anyway. There’s a lot to do here, Jake said as he put his suitcase on the bed closer to the porthole. Jack looked in the bathroom and Jake went towards the door. He would unpack later.

    As he opened the door and peered out into the well lit hall, Jake almost did a double take.

    Oh my God. Isn’t that Kelly Faye? he exclaimed.

    Who’s Kelly Faye? Jack asked.

    A girl that lived down the hall from me three years ago. I had a huge crush on her. I’m going to go say hi, Jake said and hurried off.

    Kelly was about to close the door to her cabin, but Jake put his foot in the way. Kelly looked startled.

    Hi, sorry to bother you. Do you remember me? he asked.

    No, Kelly responded, looking a little nervous.

    You lived down the hall from me in College Hall a few years ago. You’re Kelly Faye, aren’t you? he said excitedly.

    Your name is?

    Jake Quinton. We had one study date together. Well, actually, it was more of a study group, Jake said, hoping she’d remember.

    Kelly thought a moment and then something seemed to register.

    Yeah, now that I think about it, you look familiar, Kelly said.

    Jack came up behind him. Kelly recognized Jack instantly.

    Isn’t that Jack? she asked.

    Yes, Jack and Jake said in unison.

    You two know each other? Kelly asked.

    Yeah, we’re best friends, Jake said.

    I’m gonna go upstairs, Jack said, not wanting to interfere. See ya around.

    Yeah, bye, Jake said as Jack left. So do you wanna maybe get together somewhere?

    Kelly thought a moment. Then said, Sure, I….

    She was interrupted by her friend who came to the door.

    Who are you talking to, Kell? she asked.

    This is Jake. He used to live down the hall from me in the dorm, Kelly answered.

    Someone Jake didn’t recognize stood next to Kelly. She had long dirty blonde hair and freckles.

    This is my friend Cara. I don’t think you’ve ever met, Kelly said.

    No, I don’t think we have, Jake said and held out his hand.

    Nice to meet you, Cara said and shook hands with Jake.

    They were silent a moment. Cara walked back inside since there was nothing to say.

    So you know Jack? Jake asked.

    I know OF him, Kelly replied.

    From where? Jake wondered.

    It wasn’t that big a school. Things got around, Kelly explained.

    Oh, so I hear a movie’s playing tonight. Do you wanna go see it? Jake asked hopefully.

    Kelly thought a moment. Okay, what time? she asked.

    Ten thirty but we should get there a little early.

    Okay. How about I meet you at ten outside the theater? Kelly asked.

    Sounds good. You know where it is, right? he checked.

    I’ll look on my map.

    Well, see you later, Jake said and walked away.

    Bye! Kelly called as she closed the door.

    Jake thought about what just happened. He had barely been on board an hour and he already had a date. And it was with someone he liked a long time ago and hadn’t been able to start something at the time. He just hoped she would like him back.

    About six o’clock everyone started pouring into the buffet room. A hostess sat them. The buffet was set up along one wall and had several kinds of meat, various side dishes like potatoes or rice, and more. Helga Oglorff, a three hundred plus pound woman, grabbed a plate and started piling food on it. Pretty soon, her plate was so full of food, it started falling off.

    Maybe that’s enough for my first trip to the buffet, she commented aloud and started to walk back to her table.

    First trip? Damn, baby! You really like to eat, don’t you? a black busboy who was nearby commented.

    Why yes I do, young man! A good appetite is a sign of health! Helga exclaimed cheerfully.

    What you have on your plate is a sign of gluttony! he said.

    The brochure didn’t say anything about rude cruise ship workers! Helga exclaimed, a little annoyed.

    Sorry, you eat as much as you like, lady! the guy said apologized.

    That’s more like it. And I most certainly will! Helga exclaimed and stormed off in a huff.

    Helga cleaned off her plate in less than twenty minutes. The couple she was eating with couldn’t believe their eyes.

    Time for seconds! she exclaimed cheerfully as soon as she was done. She got up and walked away.

    Seconds? the wife whispered to her husband.

    Helga saw there was only one bagel left. They were a popular item. Some lady was about to reach for it. Helga snatched it away just as the lady was about to pick it up.

    That’s mine! Helga said fiercely.

    I saw it first! the lady said, ready for an argument.

    Well I grabbed it first! So there! Helga retorted.

    Are there any more bagels? the lady asked the buffet attendant.

    Sorry. That’s all until tomorrow, the attendant answered.

    I really wanted a bagel. Now, I don’t eat much and that lady grabbed it from me. She obviously has plenty else to eat, so can you please tell her to give me the bagel? the lady asked desperately.

    Helga was busy filling up her plate.

    Excuse me, ma’am. But could you give the lady your bagel? There’s none left and she really wants one. You obviously won’t starve if you give it up, the attendant asked.

    Is this not all you can eat? Helga demanded.

    It is, the attendant replied.

    And is it not first come, first serve? Helga demanded.

    Um, that’s right, it is, the attendant replied.

    Then what was your question again? I’m sorry I didn’t hear you, Helga said assertively.

    Sorry, the attendant said to the lady and shrugged his shoulders.

    Fat bitch, the lady muttered and walked away.

    Helga stopped shoveling food on her plate and glared at the lady’s back as she walked away. She held her gaze a few moments, then sighed and returned to filling up her plate.

    Over the course of the buffet, Helga filled her plate four times. She tried almost everything that was offered and enjoyed every bite.

    Nancy Wemlock’s sister watched her greedily take food for the third time.

    Some people really take advantage of what the cruise ship offers, she remarked disapprovingly.

    What? Nancy asked, looking up from her book.

    Nancy, do you have to read at dinner? her sister asked.

    This cruise is only eight days. I brought twelve books. How am I supposed to finish them all if I just slack off? Nancy wondered.

    No one’s making you read twelve books. It’s not your job or homework or anything. Honestly, if you took your nose out of a book for a second, maybe you’d have a social life, Nancy’s sister, Sheila, remarked.

    What’s wrong with reading? Maybe you’re just jealous cause you’re illiterate, Nancy snapped.

    Sheila sighed. I am not illiterate. I’m just trying to help you.

    I don’t need help. Now shush, I wanna finish this tonight, Nancy said and went back to her book. Occasionally, she took a bite of food.

    Hank Meyers smiled at a pretty blonde as she walked by his table. She ignored him. He sighed and looked to his dinner companions. He had been seated with an old couple on their fiftieth wedding anniversary.

    ‘Why couldn’t I have been seated with a babe?’ he thought to himself.

    The old couple smiled at him and he forced a smile back.

    You look quite the ladies man! Why don’t you go talk to her? the old lady asked sweetly.

    I don’t think she’s interested, he replied.

    I wasn’t interested in Bruce here the first time I saw him, the lady said and grabbed her husband’s arm. But he persisted and eventually I fell for him. Now we’ve been married for fifty glorious years!

    You’re right, Hank said and got up.

    He smoothed his hair and strode over to the blonde’s table. She was sitting with her girlfriend, who was also pretty.

    Hello, miss. I noticed you need a man. Maybe you’d like to meet for a drink at the bar later? he asked confidently.

    The girl whispered something to her friend and then said, Sorry, but I’m busy later.

    Can you change your plans? Hank asked.

    We’re going to spend all night in the salon, the blonde’s friend said firmly.

    Well, I always say two is better than one. You two are obviously very close. Maybe I could hook up with both of you, Hank said sleazily.

    Get lost, creep! the blonde snapped and looked in the other direction. Her friend glared at him a moment, and then ignored him.

    Right, Hank said, feeling rejected. He took a deep breath and walked back to his table.

    Did she say yes? the old man, Bruce, asked eagerly.

    I think she’s only into chicks. You know, a dyke, Hank replied, refusing to believe that straight women could resist him.

    Oh dear, the lady exclaimed. Well, it takes all kinds to make up this world nowadays!

    Yep, Hank agreed.

    Linda and Hugh were seated with Jack and Jake, who had already started eating. Jack recognized her.

    Nice to see you again, Linda, he said as she sat.

    Linda looked disturbed. How do you know my name? she demanded.

    I was roommates with your stepson, Jack replied.

    Really? So have we met before? Linda asked.

    Yeah, at a picnic a couple summers ago. Your stepson, Roger, introduced us, Jack said.

    You’ll have to excuse me. I don’t remember, Linda said.

    I don’t remember either, Hugh said.

    You weren’t there. You were sick, remember? Linda said.

    Oh yeah. And your name is? Hugh asked.

    Jack. Jack Traper.

    Jake Quinton, Jake introduced himself.

    Hugh Hawthorne.

    And you apparently already know my name, Linda said.

    Small world, huh? Being on the same cruise and all? Jack said.

    Right, Linda said grouchily. So what’s the deal here? You just get up and get your own food?

    Yeah, the buffet tables are over there, Jack pointed to the far end of the room.

    And what if they don’t have what I like? Linda demanded.

    They have lots of stuff. I’m sure you’ll find something, Hugh said.

    Well, I hope so. But for the money we paid, they should serve us every night, Linda said grumpily and got up.

    Hugh followed.

    She seems, Jake paused. Nice.

    She was the same way the first time I met her. Rich people, you know, Jack said.

    Is her son nice? Jake asked.

    Stepson. You met him once, Jack said.

    I don’t remember, Jake said.

    He was my roommate for a whole school year. You came over to pick me up while he was there one time. I’m surprised you didn’t run into each other more, Jack said.

    I don’t really remember. So is he nice? Jake asked.

    Yeah, I saw him a few months ago, Jack replied.

    Hugh and Linda came back. Linda had gotten mostly salad. Hugh had gotten chicken and several side entrees.

    I haven’t seen any kids on this cruise so far, Jack remarked after a minute.

    This is an adults only cruise, Jake said.

    I should hope so! Linda exclaimed.

    You don’t like kids? Jack asked.

    "This is my vacation. You think I want screaming crying

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