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The Dragel's Song IV
The Dragel's Song IV
The Dragel's Song IV
Ebook42 pages35 minutes

The Dragel's Song IV

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About this ebook

Neilson Hewitt's weird luck has landed him in a series of awkward, ridiculous situations--again. The Baronsworth Circle has may be on his side for now, but it seems as if Headmaster Grond, is not. It also seems like Calida's Gheyo Ace, has taken a distinct dislike to him--much along the same lines as Terius. More than instinct is at play though, as Neil meets the rest of Calida's Circle and even manages to stumble into a private moment with Benjamin Carlson. It's certainly going to be a full day.

Release dateAug 23, 2014
The Dragel's Song IV

Chera Carmichael

Chera Carmichael (Scioneeris), is known for her love of dragons and writing.

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    The Dragel's Song IV - Chera Carmichael

    The Dragel’s Song

    Neilson Hewitt, Episode Four


    Chera Carmichael


    The Dragel’s Song

    Neilson Hewitt, Episode Four

    Copyright © 2014 Chera Carmichael

    Discover other titles by Chera Carmichael at Smashwords

    #1 Neilson Hewitt : Episode One

    #2 Neilson Hewitt : Episode Two

    #3 Neilson Hewitt : Episode Three

    #4 Neilson Hewitt : Episode Four

    #5 Neilson Hewitt : Episode Five (Coming soon!)

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to real life individuals, places or situations are purely coincidental. All images used to create the cover were taken from the public domain under the creative commons license.

    Acknowledgements: Special thanks to my fans, Betas, Proofreaders and everyone who made my dragel story into the success that it is. You made a writer’s dream come true and this is my thanks to you. Enjoy the read!


    I haven’t decided whether he is a threat as yet.

    Her words echoed in his head, replaying over and over in a twisted song that made his stomach clench uncomfortably. Neil reminded himself to breathe even as he took a shallow breath.

    Something in Calida’s reaction had told him that that no matter what she said, this new woman was not something to be trifled with—and she would be forming her own opinions about him—regardless of whether Calida’s offer of friendship was valid.

    Bevi’s darkening stare held Neil frozen in his seat.

    The uncomfortable sensation of being sized up by a stranger and found lacking, was not something Neil had expected. He was very much aware of the fact that Bevi’s golden eyes had changed color and knew by now, that it was a bad thing.

    Calida bit her lip, looking between them for a few minutes, before she leaned sideways, to see around Bevi. She didn’t bother to hide the worry on her face, because the situation was worrisome.

    Ty? Can you come here for a minute? There was no answer. Calida frowned. Tiberius Ambrose-! she began.

    Right here, darling, Ty appeared in the doorway, a head and shoulders taller than Bevi as he skirted around her. He was followed by Dexter. Is something the matter—Bevi, stand down. At once, he inserted himself between Neil and Bevi, breaking the one-sided staring contest. Calida has extended a hand of friendship to our guest. His name is Neilson Hewitt and he’s unbonded.

    Bevi twitched. Her hands clenched and unclenched. When she spoke, it was in short, clipped sentences and in yet another dialect that Neil couldn’t place.

    Ty’s brow furrowed into neat lines. He looked over his shoulder

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