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That Option No Longer Exists: Britain 1974-76
That Option No Longer Exists: Britain 1974-76
That Option No Longer Exists: Britain 1974-76
Ebook221 pages3 hours

That Option No Longer Exists: Britain 1974-76

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It is time to look afresh at the 1970s. It was not a grey decade of decline, defeat and power blackouts. Bursting with cultural experimentation, sexual liberation and industrial militancy, the 1970s saw the ruling elites of Britain challenged at every level, most especially by a Labour left led by Tony Benn which aimed to effect a "fundamental and irreversible shift in the balance of wealth and power in favour of working people". That Option No Longer Exists reveals a hidden history - how Benn and the left tried to reform British industry, to introduce democracy in the workplace and overturn the power of Finance; and how Whitehall, the security services and the City fought back, paving the way for Thatcher to re-establish the rule of money and the markets. Britain almost took a different path in 1974-76 to that of massive wealth inequality, the dominance of the City, and the slow death of the welfare state. This is the story of a struggle within government almost forgotten, and of a tragic turning point in British history.
Release dateAug 29, 2014
That Option No Longer Exists: Britain 1974-76

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    That Option No Longer Exists - John Medhurst



    Because of the radical directions and possibilities opened up by the left of the 1970s the period has since been demonised by media, corporate and political establishments alike. And yet retrieving the real history and ideas born in the experimental turmoil of those years is vital for breaking out of the present era of reaction. In That Option No Longer Exists John Medhurst has done the left a huge service by carrying out exactly this retrieval and doing it with rigour and flair. A really excellent book.

    Hilary Wainwright, Director Transnational Institute, Editor Red Pepper, Author of Beyond the Fragments and Labour: A Tale of Two Parties

    John Medhurst has produced a brilliantly written polemic, with real verve and style, on leftwing politics and policies in the Britain of the 1970s. He demonstrates how the left of the Labour Party had both cogent analysis and viable policies to move the country forward but was undermined by right-wing colleagues, the media, and the entire panoply of the secret state apparatus.

    The book redefines the 1970s and will be widely read as a contribution to the current debate on the future of the Labour Party and the labour movement.

    Roger Seifert, Professor of Industrial Relations, University of Wolverhampton Business School, author of Revolutionary Communist at Work: A political biography of Bert Ramelson

    John Medhurst offers an important and well-informed account of the state of the UK during the early and mid-1970s, and a new perspective on the Wilson and Callaghan governments of the mid to late 70s. The analysis challenges the prevailing mainstream view of this period as one dominated only by crisis and instability and offers a more positive interpretation. As such the book presents a long overdue alternative perspective on the period before the advent of the Thatcher era, particularly when it comes to the role of the trade unions and broader left. Medhurst presents a thorough analysis of the internal and external challenges the Labour governments in Britain faced during that period. This book is highly recommended for anyone interested in British political history. It will hopefully contribute to a new perspective on Britain under Labour in the 1970s.

    Dr Christian Schweiger, Professor of Government and International Affairs, Durham University, author of Britain, Germany and the Future of the European Union

    In That Option No Longer Exists, John Medhurst provides a lucid and powerfully argued case for returning to the middle years of the 1970s to understand what social, economic and political progress could have been made in Britain. He shows that these years were a turning point, with the potential for progress stymied by the forces of right-wing conservativism and reaction. Critically, he suggests that we have in our power the ability to re-imagine that sort of potential today.

    Gregor Gall, Professor of Industrial Relations, University of Bradford, author of Tommy Sheridan: From Hero to Zero? and An Agency of Their Own? Sex Worker Union Organising

    First published by Zero Books, 2014

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    Text copyright: John Medhurst 2013

    ISBN: 978 1 78279 600 8

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    Introduction: History for the losers

    1.   The Big Flame

    2.   The Socialist Challenge

    3.   Workers’ Control

    4.   Low Intensity Operations

    5.   Social Contract

    6.   Power Sharing

    7.   A Cold Coup

    8.   Children of the Revolution

    9.   Useful Work v. Useless Toil

    10. Alternative Economic Strategy

    11. Commitments with the City

    12. The Moment of Defeat

    Conclusion: Passion in action


    To Sue, Elizabeth and Eleanor


    I would like to thank a few people who kindly offered me special advice and assistance in preparing this book and related material for publication, without whom it would not have seen the light of day in its present form:

    Hilary Wainwright, editor of Red Pepper and author of outstanding books on socialism from the 1970s to today, for her participation in launching the Brighton Peoples’ Assembly in 2013 and her encouragement and help with the manuscript; Gregor Gall, Professor of Industrial Relations at the University of Bradford and Editor of the Scottish Left Review Press, for his invaluable advice on key parts of the book and other kind assistance; Roger Seifert, Professor of Industrial Relations at the University of Wolverhampton Business School, for a critique of an earlier draft which improved the final version and his subsequent positive comments (especially generous as he does not agree with some of my interpretation); Dr Christian Schweiger, Lecturer in the School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University, and principal co-ordinator of the University Association of Contemporary European Studies (UACES) research network on Europe and the financial crisis, for valuable input on the EU and for facilitating my involvement in UACES policy seminars in Brussels, London and at Cambridge University; Davy Jones, the outstanding Green Party Parliamentary Candidate for Brighton Kemptown, for passing on a vital request for assistance and ensuring it was answered; Carolyn Jones, Director of the Institute of Employment Rights, for letting me blog on their website; and Tariq Goddard, for his help and welcome at Zero Books.

    Also thanks to colleagues past and present within the British and European Trade Union Movement. In my three decades as a member, elected representative and employee of the civil service trade unions CPSA and PCS I have known many activists and officials at all levels who helped me along and kept the faith in dark times. I could not list them all but I offer a special salute to Amanda Millhouse, Julie Wyeth, John Khan, Tom Taylor, Martin John, Chris Hurley, John Baldock, Stuart Roberts, Susan Garcia, Terry Adams, Charlie Cochrane, Nadja Salson, Enrico Tortolano, Denis Lenihan, John McInally, Sue Bond, Chris Haswell, Pam Cole, Norina O’Hare, Natasha Burgess and Paul Bemrose.

    Lastly, as the opportunity may not arise again, I would like to pay tribute to some personal political inspirations – the artist, designer and eco-socialist William Morris; the most outstanding Labour politician of the 20th century Aneurin Bevan; the Marxist historian and radical humanist E.P Thompson; the epic truth teller and libertarian socialist Noam Chomsky; the courageous campaigner for secularism and human rights Peter Tatchell; the Leader of the Opposition Green MP Caroline Lucas; and, of course, Tony Benn.

    John Medhurst

    Brighton & Hove – March 2014

    We reject the Bolshevik way of posing the question – victory first, reform after – because the absence of reforms makes for defeat and not for victory. But we also reject your way of putting it – reforms first and a revolutionary assault on counter revolution after – because it may happen that nothing survives to be reformed if counter revolution gains a decisive victory .

    Julius Martov, Leader of the Russian Mensheviks, 1919

    Do the British people really want a society in which industrialists and bankers have more power over Britain’s economic future than the governments they elect?

    Tony Benn, 1973


    History for the losers

    The 1970s in Britain are once again a source of intense political controversy and debate. A core theme of the Daily Mail’s attack in September 2013 on the politics of Ed Miliband’s father, Marxist academic Ralph Miliband, was that the son wished to return the country to the nightmare Seventies.¹ Whilst the Mail supplied some perfunctory and shallow references to what it was that made the 1970s a nightmare – for example, the standard-for-the-time Price Control Commissions that were like something from a Soviet tractor co-operative – the attack had little to do with Marxism as a system of thought or even with Ralph Miliband himself; it was merely a useful means to attack Labour’s belated adoption of mild social democratic economic policies such as a short term freeze on soaring energy prices. Similarly, a criticism by the Chief Economist of the Institute of Directors on Labour’s proposal to compel large developers to use rather than hoard land was paraphrased by the Mail as claiming the policy was similar to Stalin’s notorious seizure of land from prosperous Russians.

    Likewise the Murdoch press has always been consistent with its spin on the 1970s, especially the so-called Winter of Discontent in which, according to the Sun’s Political Editor Trevor Kavanagh, the Labour government and the trade unions supposedly took Britain to the edge of economic meltdown.² In reality the strikes of that period inconvenienced relatively few, and compared to genuine catastrophes like the collapse of UK manufacturing in the 1980s or the banking crisis of 2008, had little economic impact. Despite this, the legend of the Winter of Discontent is now virtually cast iron, impervious even to the admission of Derek Jameson, editor of the Daily Express in 1979, that We pulled every dirty trick in the book. We made it look like it was general, universal and eternal, whereas it was in reality scattered, here and there, and no great problem.³ Because of these constructed myths there is now almost universal agreement in mainstream media and historiography that the 1970s were indeed a nightmare decade, a pressure cooker of extreme politics and economic decline, a build up of social dysfunction that required Margaret Thatcher’s harsh monetarist medicine to purge and clean.

    This unreflective and ill informed view of the 1970s was canonised as official dogma after the death of Thatcher in April 2013. Although there were routine references to how divisive a figure she was (there had to be some reason that much of the north, Scotland and Wales virtually celebrated her passing) there was little or no deviation from the standard line that she had come to power at a time of national crisis and decline, and had in an admittedly stern and uncompromising manner reversed that decline and dragged the country towards a more sustainable future. As a reconstruction of a period and its historical significance this is essentially propaganda, manufactured and repeated even more often than those other potent fictions: that Labour Prime Minister Jim Callaghan said Crisis, what crisis? in response to strikes in 1979, and that Michael Foot wore a donkey jacket to the cenotaph during his time as Labour leader. Neither is true, yet most media commentators repeat them as if they are, and they have entered the nation’s collective historical memory.

    It is now a heresy to maintain that the economic situation Thatcher inherited in 1979 was not quite as grim as later history would have it. Inflation was heading down and North Sea oil was coming on stream. The 1974-79 Labour government had been particularly unlucky in that its time in office coincided with the capital investment phase of North Sea Oil exploration rather than with the results and profits of that investment. Its Tory successor reaped the benefits and then squandered them, using North Sea Oil revenues to fund tax cuts for the middle class and paying benefits to more than three million unemployed instead of using it, as Labour intended, as the basis for national economic recovery. It was a criminal waste of a natural asset, as the Thatcher governments used the money to manufacture a consumer boom which directly benefited British consumers, Japanese exporters, foreign wine interests and the Dordogne tourist industry.

    Even with the shield of North Sea Oil, Thatcher’s record on the economy over the course of the 1980s was essentially a failure. Nor is this a retrospective insight. In 1981 the UK Treasury Committee on Monetary Policy, with a seven to five Conservative majority amongst the MPs who sat on it, conducted a major examination of monetary policy, specifically the empirical justification for monetarist economic theory as expounded by the neo-liberal economist Milton Friedman. After taking evidence from Freidman himself as well as critics of monetarism such as the Keynesian economist Nicholas Kaldor and considering all extant economic data and case studies, the Committee concluded that there was no proven connection between the money supply and inflation, or with the level of public spending. The Committee found that increase in the money supply was not due to government spending but to bank credit, which the Heath government had freed from regulation and the Thatcher government had no intention of reversing. The final conclusion of the Committee was that monetarist economic theory, the basis for the entire Thatcher revolution, was theoret-ically unsound and practically inoperative.

    Thatcher’s solutions to the economic malaise of the 1970s were not a series of tough choices demanded by tough times. They were political prejudices dressed up as sound economic doctrine. As has been pointed out on the margins of political comment, she failed on the economy not just in terms of the huge social costs – the trashed lives, the forsaken communities, the needless destruction – but also on her own terms.⁶ Inflation was higher when she left office than we she entered it, and the effect of mass unemployment on British society was devastating, fuelling riots and despair, as whole regions of the country were left to a meltdown that did not concern the right-wing media except as an excuse for sterner policing measures. From the first years of her first government, Thatcher applied an extreme economic dogma that had the immediate effect of plunging the country into the sharpest, deepest recession since the war to that time⁷, which it did not begin to emerge from until 1988. For most of the 1980s growth was exactly the same as the 1970s and on a par with average growth rates in other western European countries of the time. Thatcher’s unimpressive economic record, intimately connected to her ideological agenda to crush organised labour and de-regulate finance capital, was delivered in tandem with a slew of reactionary social policies like Clause 28. This is now almost a hidden history.

    Yet in some economic commentary the real history, or at least a factually sound and valid interpretation of it, can still be found. An analysis by Alan Bailey, Under-Secretary for industrial policy in the Treasury 1973-79, of the 1974-79 Labour government’s industrial policies, finds that Labour’s attempt at a systematic industrial strategy had more to recommend it than is ever accepted in the prevailing caricature of the period.⁸ Bailey notes correctly that whilst the 1974 Labour manifestos talked rhetorically about taking charge of the commanding heights of the economy, the actual concept of planning agreements co-ordinated through a National Enterprise Board (NEB) was focused on the need for cooperative longer-term planning at sectoral and firm level, and was based on a successful French model whereby individual firms were persuaded to commit to investment and job creation in exchange for public grants or purchasing.

    The approach had something in common with German and Japanese corporatism. It could hardly be called socialist, let alone Marxist, except by the unusually virulent and hysterical British right. Tony Benn – and his political advisers such as Stuart Holland and Francis Cripps as well as, outside government, Ken Coates of the Institute for Workers’ Control – did attempt to link planning agreements to an enhanced role for trade unions within industry, and devolve strategic decision making to workers through their unions. This was highly contested in theory and practice. In theory because it was always more likely that the unions’ National Executive Committees and full time officials would dominate these interactions rather than plant level workers; and in practice because British business through the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) was adamantly against any involvement in strategic and investment decisions by its own workers, at any level or in any manner.

    Bailey concedes that it was difficult to secure the necessary information in order to effectively target strategic investment, and admits that without a realistic budget and a firm mandate to impose planning agreements the National Enterprise Board ended up saving and protecting only lame ducks – although most economists give little consideration to the positive impact on local economies and quality of life of providing training and employment in otherwise deprived regions. Nevertheless the attempt at an activist industrial policy was beginning to bear fruit by 1979 and its broad lineaments such as better knowledge in Whitehall of British industry’s long term needs and more effective regional strategies are now, in 2014, being revived

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