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Fright Night
Fright Night
Fright Night
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Fright Night

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A thrilling new collection of short stories for Halloween brought to you by the Tunbridge Wells Writers. These thirteen tales of encounters with the supernatural range from circus freaks to fairground gypsies, bloodthirsty pets and a supernatural being you really don't want to find in your attic. Enough psychological suspense and all round creepiness to send a shiver down your spine.

Release dateSep 29, 2014
Fright Night

Tunbridge Wells Writers

Tunbridge Wells Writers is a writers collective operating from the beautiful spa town of Tunbridge Wells in England. Formed in 2010 it is made up poets, fiction and non-fiction writers, bloggers and other waifs and strays.

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    Fright Night - Tunbridge Wells Writers

    Fright Night

    Stories for Halloween


    Tunbridge Wells Writers



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    Thank you for downloading this free ebook. You are welcome to share it with your friends. This book may be reproduced, copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, provided the book remains in its complete original form. If you enjoyed this book, please return to to discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support.

    Published by Tunbridge Wells Writers Publications at Smashwords

    Copyright © (2014) for individual stories remains that of the named author.

    All rights reserved.

    While offered freely for personal use the stories in this collection should not be reproduced without the permission of the relevant author(s). All unauthorised commercial use is expressly prohibited. Links for the Tunbridge Wells Writers website, Facebook and Meet-Up pages can be found in the introduction to this book.

    The cover art for this book is a detail from 'Halloween', a freely available Desktop Wallpaper downloaded from

    Created by SandraVollrath (aka ApoTerra) © Sandra Vollrath.

    The full image can be viewed and downloaded here:

    Published by Tunbridge Wells Writers

    Publications at Smashwords

    Copyright 2014

    Angela Allen

    Carolyn Gray

    David Smith

    Enrique Reilly

    Jess Mookherjee

    Jess Whyte

    Kate Loverage

    Katrina Ray

    Peter Seal

    Philip Holden

    Simon John Cox

    Sue Marlow

    With special thanks to Cat Hummel for acting as proof reader and all round superstar on this project. Thanks also go to the Black Pig and its staff in Tunbridge Wells for hosting the Tunbridge Wells Writers Halloween event in October 2013 where all of the following stories were read aloud in controlled conditions and under the influence of spirits.



    A NIGHT AT THE CIRCUS by Katrina Ray

    JACK DAWE by Enrique Reilly

    CATWOMAN by David Smith

    MURDERING WORDS by Carolyn Gray

    THE LADY IN WHITE by Angela Allen


    THE WEDDING NIGHT by Jessica Whyte

    THE HOST by Kate Loverage

    ATOC by Simon John Cox

    THE PRIDE OF THE VILLAGE by Jess Mookherjee

    NIGHT WATCH by David Smith

    NINE O'CLOCK by Sue Marlow



    An Introduction

    Tunbridge Wells Writers is a small collective of would-be writers living in and around the much-maligned town of Tunbridge Wells in Kent. We meet once a fortnight to discuss all aspects of writing, to offer mutual support and encouragement, to swap ideas and writing tips, and, on occasion, to work together on group projects like this one. Several of us, in the great writer tradition, also like to take the opportunity to down a few glasses of wine and/or beer, which is one of the reasons we meet in a local pub. 

    Neither a fondness for alcohol nor residence in Tunbridge Wells are prerequisites for membership of the group, however, so if you, dear reader, have similar literary ambitions but prefer soft drinks or live elsewhere please feel free to join us either in the flesh or through our website or Facebook page which are found -     

    Here: Tunbridge Wells Writers Website

    and on social media: Facebook Page  and Twitter

    We also promote the group through Meet-Up, where dates and times of upcoming meetings are always available, Meet Up Page


    By Katrina Ray

    Roll up, roll up, come see the show! Entertainment! Thrills! And even some chills! We’ve got it all at the World Famous Bramhall Circus of Freaks. I, Thaddeus J. Bramhall, extend a most cordial welcome to you, my esteemed audience. Venture over the threshold and your senses will be confounded in ways you never even dreamed possible. So don’t be shy, step inside and enter a world beyond your imagination!

    Every night it’s the same glib patter, the same tired jokes repeated for the gullible public. Pathetic rubes, so eager to part with their hard-earned coin, too blind and stupid to see these wonders and enchantments are nothing but cheap trickery.

    Every time we set up camp in some two-horse town the God-botherers come to call, demanding we leave, insisting our kind aren’t welcome. So much for Christian charity. Theirs might just be the greatest parlour trick of all, a con backed up by its very own book. So we pay no mind. They tell us to move on but I know that come nightfall we’ll have a queue of eager dupes waiting to be astounded, looking for real live miracles. More fool them.

    The enticing scents of hot chestnuts and caramel, sweetmeats from Turkey and even coffee from the Americas draw the crowds, nostrils twitching and mouths salivating. A single taste is all it takes to get you hooked and before you know it you’d sell your soul to the Devil himself for just one more mouthful of this strange brew. Sweet treats to spin your mind with dervish visions are all just bitter dust and ashes that leave nothing but a headache in the morning. You see, selling dreams is my business, even if they turn to shit when you awake.

    They pass through the entrance, these naïve idiots, hoping to see exotic creatures from all corners of the globe. They’re looking for spectacle, for wonders and sensations, awe-inspiring phenomena with just that little hint of danger, something to set the skin prickling and the spine tingling. So they gaze

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