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Light in the Dark: Change
Light in the Dark: Change
Light in the Dark: Change
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Light in the Dark: Change

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Light in the Dark are the synopsis books compiled after the construction of the main books, and they could be used for a quick glance at the topics covered without having to struggle through the entire book series (there was also a few details added that might have been missing from the main books). Another quick fix approach would be to look only on the main themes through Welcome to Easter Island followed by Change.
Release dateFeb 12, 2014
Light in the Dark: Change

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    Light in the Dark - Richard Peter Spartacus


    Part 1: Roads forward - FAST forward…

    The Angel weeps because his great Love is not ready to go up with Him. Yet another excuse. The Creator comforts the Angel: You will get the chance some other time. There will always be another time…

    Chapter 1: Free will

    When the winds of change start blowing some people build windbreakers while others build windmills.

    Eyes Wide Open contained the story of how life originated and formed in our physical reality, and of how we, Homo sapiens, might be about to destroy it all through our choices and our behaviour, riding the demons we have created from the pain and misery of life on earth, but does it really have to have to end like that or might there be other options - is there a way to stop the beast in its tracks?

    Caesar lives well on our misery and ignorance, and he clearly does his best to get us all killed while pretending to be indispensable for our survival, and none of our other memes do us any good in the long term either, but is there any alternative to the despotic rule of the memes and their dedicated servants?

    There is an alternative: To comply with the flow of the Creative Force that put us here in the first place, developing into the beings of ultimate empathy God intended us to become - rather than behaving like cancer cells run by their memes, their selfishness.

    Such compliance is very different from the theatrical surrender we often see in Islam, much deeper, as one may appreciate from the principle of the New Covenant written in our Hearts, not in books and rituals, and it represents what is referred to as Ascension in esoteric teachings: A letting go of resistance that takes us into the Fifth Time, the Golden Age, the Fifth Dimension, call it what you like, it is all just words, concepts. To follow me you must be willing to let go of everything, as Yeshua once phrased it.

    Regardless of the name we prefer for the new land, the process taking us there implies going into a reality that moves much faster than what we were used to and the world already moves much faster than it used to. Illustrations of what is installed for us can be found in the evolving world of the wikis - such as Wikileaks that exposes the filth of the pigs in power and Wikipedia, the free online dictionary displaying tens of thousands of high quality articles about an amazing array of topics.

    Wiki comes from Hawaiian and means moving fast - indeed, all our wikis develop very fast, but there is also a striking lack of commercial interest, of greed and ownership rights behind the impressive efforts: It is more about producing abundance to the world from the joy of your Heart and sharing the abundance with the world - so one may also add other elements to the wiki-mix - such as YouTube.

    The essential difference between that way of giving and sharing and the ways of patents, trademarks, big corporations, and policies of increasing the excessive wealth of those who already have too much - also for their own good - is evident, and so is the struggle between the two trends, with the dark and destructive forces of greed, power, and selfishness trying to kill, or quench, whatever they cannot profit from personally. This is why some of our thoroughly corrupt lobbyists and politicians are now so eager to implement legislation allegedly aiming to crack down on internet piracy - but don’t be fooled by the name, it is just the usual game of manipulation played by these bloodsucking tricksters safeguarding their personal profits.

    On the other side of the battlefront we find the forces of the God-Light, and their efforts are aimed at steadily increasing the speed of vibration until it becomes evident to all human beings that power and control work no more: At that speed you have to let go and trust your instincts - go with the flow not to crash yourself against the barrier, to use a racing sports metaphor. In a sense of things it is a bit like the recipe for Luke’s successful assault on the emperor’s battle-station in Star Wars.

    Asmodeus and Caesar will claim that their way of top-down domination and control, of selfishness and greed - priority rights and piling up excessive wealth for the few - is the only realistic way forward: Human beings are no better than that, they conveniently claim, so what they lead us towards is the only kind of life we can live - at least at a mass scale - the other way is just pink fantasies and dreams, nothing realistic. That is the illusion they try to trap us in so we keep needing slave-lords.

    - But look at the world of the wikis then: Where did they come from if human beings are always that uselessly selfish? Look at the efforts that came out of the blue to create them, almost effortlessly - like a grex forming on the command of the common good when needed. Look at how much (or rather how little) that process of Creation took from the world - compared with how Caesar cannot move anything without taxing us all, binding and wasting enormous resources in domination and control - resources that could have been put to much better use elsewhere - such as for covering the needs of the people, the body actually creating the wealth he commands. Sometimes one is left to wonder if Caesar does not always take more than he gives.

    At the end of the day, which of the two processes is the more efficient - and which of the two is actually based on silly illusions about the reality we live in?

    This increase in speed is a fundamental part of the third coming of the Christ-energy, the New Light as spoken of in many systems of belief. The first coming of this energy was in the days of Akhenaten where We tried to move the world forward through his Pharaonic power, the power of the earthly ruler, but it failed, corrupted by the destructive force of that very power. Not even Akhenaten was immune to it.

    We then tried to advance Humanity through Yeshua, a man of no earthly power, but that failed too, eventually, crushed by the power of the Roman Caesar.

    Now, in the third coming of the Christ-energy, we are attempting to move forward by influencing events from outside the game - rather than just relying on the characters in the game getting the work done on their own: The people must be Empowered and Caesar disempowered, and to that end we need to up the speed of vibration so people get fed up with the lower frequency stuff served us by our memes, our demons - and by their faithful servants.

    The current upheaval in the Middle East is a result of this process, and whilst the West officially praised the process and hailed the transforming power of the World Wide Web, where the social media played a major role in spreading the fire of insurrection, I sensed a different response behind the façades:

    When USA invaded Iraq nobody needed to tell me that something was happening, for there was a sudden desperate unrest in the energy that best can be described as ten thousand souls crying out in protest, so I turned on my TV and found the not terribly surprising breaking news. Now I similarly sensed unrest in the energy and with it came the information about the hidden response to the successful uprising in Libya that tumbled a seemingly unshakeable dictator in his full power: That turn of events scared the shit out of our power-mongers, for if it could happen even there, who knows if we are next?

    Above all, there was an obvious threat to the American subjugation of the world - its system of tributary states referred to as the free world with the usual talent for propaganda and perversion of facts.

    On the other hand a resolve was created, for those guys believe that their tools of power were so strong that if only they tightened their control over the people, they could prevent the fire from ever starting here.

    That was where the current massive programmes of espionage against private citizens by a respectless system frightened - yet blinded by the might of its own power - took form or caught speed big time.

    Just how bad it is now was revealed by a friend of mine who had a manual for the assembly on some furniture stored in his computer. The file name was simply manual, so God knows what it could be the manual for - in particular since the file was encrypted. That was suspicious, so somebody broke into his computer and forced their way into the file. My friend only discovered the criminal act because the forced entry partly corrupted the file, so he could see that something had happened, and then he followed the electronic trail back - which led him to USA. So USA is invading the computers of private Danes to spy on us, keep us under control.

    Obviously they don’t want us to know what is going on, and forced entry may leave its marks, so now smarter solutions are being brewed up, exploiting the unholy alliance between politics and big business. So when my Norton antivirus program recently was upgraded with a Security Essentials function offering to store all my passwords for me, it was easy to spot that the real reason was not to do me a favour but to provide the agencies with keys to all my locks so they do not need to leave traces when they disrespectfully and unrightfully invade my privacy.

    Before I expose myself by publishing these books I should therefore make sure to copy all important files to media that are not online, and which are kept at separate physical locations - and to make paper copies. If at the same time I discard my old computers, somebody will be left grinding their teeth…

    It should be obvious that what goes on from those who have put them themselves in charge qualifies as sheer and utter insanity - at least from the perspective of the future well being of humanity - and the only sound way to deal with it is for humanity to collectively turn its back on what is going on, saying we will have none of that. Referring to what was said about the nature of Reality in Eyes Wide Open; you may say that the new strategy aims at lifting humanity to a higher level of awareness by changing the colour of the glass we look through so that the dark side no longer can trick us with the same old illusions that do us no good.

    How thoroughly everything can be changed simply by shifting our own attitudes and views can be illustrated by the example of my middle daughter. In her early childhood she seemed a bit odd, to put it that way, and one of her strange habits was that she did not allow herself to indulge or enjoy - so when she was given candy or food she particularly liked, she would just taste it and then hide the rest in her room where it would remain until her mother had to throw it out because it was no longer safe to eat. One day I had enough of that silliness and in a blast of energy I told her to get out of it - which she then did.

    Until that point she had been clinging desperately to her mother, so I had stayed out of the situation, but the experience of daddy’s intervention, and the eureka-moment it brought her when she discovered the pleasures she had previously denied herself, made her swing around and become daddy’s girl.

    For a start the move was more emotional than practical, though, so until her death it was still Helen who helped with the schoolwork. Once I took over I quickly had enough of another situation: My daughter claimed that she was impossible at math, and it certainly did not go very well, but I knew it was only a matter of something blocked in her, so I bluntly told her to quit the nonsense and start seeing herself as good at math. Trusting in daddy she went head first into that project with great dedication and just months later she suddenly exclaimed with great jubilation that math was so easy.

    When she got to the next grade she was the class ace in math, and that kind of magical transformation from a life in stupid limiting concepts and ideas and into our true shining glory is what is implied in the concept of the New Covenant. This change, this move into a new reality, a new way of doing things, has been in preparation for some years. It may be equalled to an upgrade of your computer, but it also involves a cleansing and a clearing where we, consciously or unconsciously, come to deal with all the garbage we have collected during our many lives on earth, so we can remove the old wounds, scars, and patterns that keep us from dancing to the new rhythm, the new beat. So we are all showered in the energies of transformation.

    This shower of deeply transforming energies is to be seen as a concerted effort from the Cosmic Forces of the Light trying to save us from the destructive power of our own, man-made, demons, our unhealthy meme fantasies - and to illustrate the nature and content of the efforts I will subsequently quote and comment upon some messages friends of mine forwarded a few summers ago. They were from the messenger circles of Aluna Joy ( and Celia Fenn (, among others.

    However, before quoting the actual messages I will set the scene by telling the tale of an experience I had while living half a year in San Francisco, USA, a few years back:

    I spent that half year working at USCF, doing laboratory science there, but I had my family with me as I had made this work opportunity coincide with the maternity leave my now late wife had after having our first daughter, so while we lived in San Francisco we also took some days off at several occasions to explore the West Coast of USA all the way from the Mexican to the Canadian border.

    One trip went inland, to Yosemite, which meant crossing the mountain range of the Sierra Nevada. I had never done any mountain driving before, but I knew from theory that driving a car with a manual transmission could be an advantage as you could then drive down in a low gear, braking the car with the engine rather than with the brakes, which might otherwise overheat after a while. I had therefore gone through the trouble of finding a rental car with a manual transmission in a country where everybody drives big, expensive cars with automatic transmission. However, I have always had a habit of spontaneously falling into trances, and on the morning of the departure I fell into such a trance as I was about to leave the shower. Not being fully present in my body I ran the toes on my left foot into the bathtub, and as a result they became too sore to work a clutch, so I had to change to an automatic car.

    Driving east from San Francisco on the way out we got to the part of the road that was actual mountain driving, so getting virtually nowhere took forever. This was my first practical experience with mountain driving, so I had not included the delay in my plans, and driving an hour and a half like that also felt quite exhausting.

    When we got to that same stretch of road on our way back I suddenly noticed a road sign pointing to the left. It said Preacher’s Shortcut, and a shortcut was exactly what I would like now, so, without thinking too deeply about it, I immediately turned left, soon learning why it was called the preacher’s shortcut: It was a winding road going down very steeply and with no crash fence. Damn! You really needed your Divine Connections in place to go down that road.

    For a second I panicked, not least since I had my wife and children with me, but then I realised that the only available option was to stop panicking and focus on minimising the toll on the brakes by driving down as fast as I could while still driving smoothly. It worked perfectly, but when we came down Helen and I looked at each other, without a word breathing a collective sigh of relief.

    The shortcut worked, though, and we got down in something like 10-15 minutes, rather than the one and a half hours it had taken us to drive the long way up.

    My life has been like that drive down the preacher’s shortcut ever since Raphael made His entry into my world, and with the need to take the energies into the physical state, into physicality, my body has often been devastated by the energies of transformation raging through it - every part of my body has been aching over and again - all the way to my bones at times - and I have learned the joy of letting out bad energy to be released in tears, sneezing, burping, farting, sticky smelly sweat.

    So I have seen healers, massage-therapists and others who could help my body through the ordeal, and when the messages arrived in my mailbox early that summer I already had appointments with my Rosen-therapist and a heil praktiker on 3rd and 4th July - and also arrangements for the 23rd June summer solstice celebration, which has always been special to me, and for participation in a Mensa summer camp 5-8th August.

    In line with these dates, the message from Aluna Joy spoke of how the energies would continue to accelerate following the solstice turning point in June. This acceleration would be amplified as we navigated a trinity of eclipses on 7th July, 21st-22nd July, and 5-6th August. These 3 eclipses would represent the past, the present, and the future.

    Considering how everything is connected in the world of Spirit it should perhaps not be a surprise that these dates matched my calender, and that even the Mensa summer camp turned into a spiritual experience - in fact, the only apparent non-match was at the central eclipse, 21st-22nd July, but that mismatch was quickly erased as I was soon asked to complete a manuscript I was drafting and put it aside to place my focus elsewhere - which in practice meant nowhere.

    However, the resulting apparent inactivity was just an illusion, for as Aluna Joy wrote: What we are most intrigued with is how you evolve during the centre part of this eclipse in this trinity. While in the centre, there will be a profound, almost eerie stillness. This will be a centre point of which all things are connected into the one. It is the centre of the butterfly or merkabah. You may not see any evidence in your outer world that anything is going on. But we assure you that it is. When you look deep inside, you are aware that something is going on, and it is big. Underground you are building an elaborate root system (…) a solid foundation from which the new world will burst forth into the Light of a new day.

    - So I was putting the manuscript aside to go into some sort of transition, which was like when you make an upgrade of your favourite computer game - while the game is running - so it is important to close everything but the essential functions down while the upgrade is being implemented, I understood along the way.

    You are heading toward the centre of the trinity as we transmit this message. Because you are moving into a reality that is present in a NOW state of consciousness, you are already starting to feel its strange stillness. Many of you might feel like you are stuck. Nothing seems to be moving forward. But this is an illusion based in the perceptions of your past experience. We assure you that there is a lot going on. This can be exhausting. You may find you need to take naps. You will need to sleep a lot. While you sleep, use this time to dream of a beautiful world. Imagine all beings living in harmony … with great health and unlimited abundance.

    - And I slept and I slept like I otherwise never do in the summer…

    Celia Fenn spoke of how the new Light Codes for the evolution of the Planet would be activated in the Collective Consciousness at the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on the 7th of July, and the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 22nd of July.

    A particularly interesting part was that this Rebirthing process would affect the energies of the lower chakras as the Diamond Light frequencies are activated within the three lower chakras to allow for the radiance and clarity of Cosmic Consciousness to become part of Material Reality in the New Earth and these shifts may be felt on the physical level as vibrations and pain within the lower part of the body as the incoming energies restructures and realigns the lower chakras. Other feelings may be hyperactivity or extreme fatigue as the chakras recalibrate their frequencies. There may be extreme mood shifts and emotions as the emotional cleansing and realignment occurs, and some of you may feel very tearful with the desire to cry for no reason as you release old sadness and move into the new joy. On the mental level, there may be extreme anxiety as old patterns of fear are released and replaced with new patterns of Love and Sharing.

    I will testify to that one, for never before had my aching body needed that many massages, and it was all about the part of my body from the hips down. Man was it sore - and the back sides of my three lower body chakras, the side representing past, were like sore spots on my back the size of big coins. There was certainly no need to wonder where those chakras were located: One touch on my back and I would know for certain.

    - So the lower half of me was a complete mess - while the upper half was doing absolutely fine. What a strange experience…

    - But it was to get only stranger; for soon I found also my ovaries hurting following an ordeal in Rosen-therapy where I recovered memories from a life I had in what is now southern Sweden during the days when Sweden stole that patch of land from Denmark. It was the heart of Denmark ripped out, and the people living there did absolutely not want to surrender and become Swedes, for they were as Danish as anything gets, which resulted in a civil war that lasted until the Swedes picked the path of threatening us with total doom and destruction:

    On each farm a soldier was placed, and he had unlimited rights to any resources on the farm - so he would eat first, picking the food he liked the best, and he could do with the women as he pleased. I was unfortunate to be a young woman in those days, the eldest daughter of one of the farmers who had such a guest in the house for years, and our guest surely made good use of his opportunities, raping and humiliating me for as long as he was with us.

    Initially he had simply raped me to break the defiance of a girl making no secrets about her disgusts for the Swedish overlords, taught me a lesson, but then he kept going, and soon I found myself pregnant with his child. After giving birth I was left in peace for a couple of weeks, but as soon as I stopped being a bleeding mess he would resume his activities, and there seemed no end to a horror and an abuse I could only escape or survive by turning myself completely numb.

    The final disgrace came when he and his friends on neighbouring farms swapped property, so in a last brutal finish I was raped like never before until the civil war ended and they returned home, victorious. At that point I was completely broken and pregnant again, now not even knowing who had fathered the unwanted child growing in me - only how it had been created and why the father did what he did…

    No wonder my ovaries were hurting like crazy when the memory came up - though we men have no physical ovaries, but they are in fact present in our energy template.

    In a sense there is nothing unique in my story, for human history is full of pain and suffering and we have all been conditioned by negative stuff through the resulting experiences, but we need to clear it all to step out on the other side where it no longer affects our lives, control our choices and behaviour. It should therefore be no surprise that other people were affected by the transforming energies too, though seemingly to a lesser degree and without knowing what was going on - but I saw the struggling they went through and I saw many of the reasons. That included also my middle daughter who was going to the local Tivoli one day with one of her best friends, but in the morning was reduced to tears and needed good long hugs from daddy - for no apparent outer reasons and on a day that otherwise should be only joy.

    So the only differences were the extent or the scale and the awareness of what was going on - otherwise we were all taken on the same kind of a ride.

    That summer it was not all misery, though, for soon I had energy shooting out through the soles of my burning feet like rays of laser light - perhaps sprouting the deep roots into the Mother spoken of in the messages.

    The type of memories, I retrieved, was perhaps not entirely surprising for the ongoing change in energy would affect the Divine Masculine energy within the Collective Consciousness which would begin to express into form, through Co-Creation, the ascended energies of Unconditional Love, Sharing and Empowerment for All.

    This will mean, dearest Lightworkers, that the old energies around Money, Sexuality and Power will be replaced with the new higher energies that you have held for the Collective. In place of the distorted energies of Greed and Fear around Money, the new energies will introduce the higher frequencies of Abundance, sharing and Enough for All. The Ascended Human Angel will be quietly confident that he or she will always be able to manifest exactly what is needed to provide for life, and that he or she will always have enough to share with others who may not as yet have perfected the skills of manifestation in this time of transformation and change. These energies will be introduced by a realignment of the Base Chakra energies.

    The last sentence added another explanation for my aching chakras, and then it became particularly spot on with regards to what I experienced in the Rosen-therapy: The new energy around Sexuality will replace the distorted energies of ownership and control through manipulation of the creative and reproductive energies. As the Sacral chakra aligns with the Diamond Light from the Sacred Heart, the new energies will create Sacred Relationships in which every relationship will be held sacred and will be a reflection of the Divine Union of energies. At the heart of Relationship will be the energies of Unconditional Love, Acceptance and Commitment. Each Relationship will have a focus of energy and that will be the focus of the Sacred Commitment within the Relationship.

    The changes to the Solar Plexus Chakra would imply that the old energy of power as a means of control and manipulation will be replaced by the new Ascended Christ Energy of Personal Empowerment and the ability to hold the energy of Unconditional Love in the Heart at all times. - The essence of the New Earth is negotiation and co-operation as a way

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