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Fair Is the Rose
Fair Is the Rose
Fair Is the Rose
Ebook407 pages6 hours

Fair Is the Rose

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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On the run from the law for a crime she didn’t commit, a woman must trust her life to a gunslinger who is not what he seems in award-winning author Meagan McKinney’s sensual and suspenseful historical romance

With her face on Wanted posters from New York to Missouri, Christal Van Alen dons a disguise, determined to clear her name by bringing the real killer to justice. But when outlaws ambush her wagon train, her fate falls into the hands of the most dangerous gunslinger in the West.

Bringing a gang of deadly felons to justice was supposed to be Macauley Cain’s last job. Then the Confederate soldier–turned–undercover US marshal could retire in peace. But first he is going to solve the mystery of the beautiful blonde in widow’s weeds—a woman who awakens in him a desire as irresistible as it is dangerous—for her past has followed her to Wyoming Territory. Now, with Christal on the run and a merciless assassin on her trail, Cain won’t rest until he finds her again.

The romantic saga of the Van Alen sisters also includes Lions and Lace, Alana Van Alen’s story.
Release dateDec 9, 2014

Meagan Mckinney

Meagan McKinney is the author of numerous romantic novels, including Till Dawn Tames the Night, Lions andLace, Fair Is the Rose, and The Ground She Walks Upon. McKinney is a winner of the Romantic Times Lifetime Achievement Award. Her historical romance, No Choice But Surrender, won the Romantic Times Award for Best Historical Romance by a New Writer and her second novel, My Wicked Enchantress, was a finalist for the Romance Writers of America’s RITA Award.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    great writing. swooning love scenes. The author isn't afraid to confront issues of racism, sexism and just the arbitrariness of the world, then and still now

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Fair Is the Rose - Meagan Mckinney

For Somebody’s Darling

And for Tom and Tommy,

my two darlings.


The fearful struggle’s ended now,

And peace smiles on our land.

And though we’ve yielded,

We have proved ourselves a faithful band.

We fought them long, we fought them well

We fought them night and day.

And bravely struggled for our rights

While wearing of the Gray.


Chapter One

June 1875

It was a bad hanging.

And if there was one thing Doc Amoss hated, it was a bad hanging. He surveyed the seven white-draped bodies laid out in his small office. Even these men, the infamous Dover gang, had deserved the respect of a sharp snap to the neck and a swift journey to damnation. But this hanging hadn’t been clean. At least, not at the end.

Doc shook his head, pushed up his spectacles, and went back to work. He’d spent all day with the Dover gang, first watching them be hanged, one by one, until their seven bodies dangled from their nooses, limp and solemn in the haze of dust kicked up by the horses. Afterward he’d helped cut them down and haul them to his office. The small town of Landen didn’t have an undertaker, so it was Doc’s job to ready them for burial. It’d taken all afternoon to wrap five of them. He was now on the sixth.

Doc leaned toward the spittoon, missed it, and left a pockmark in the dust on the naked floorboards. Outside, beneath the peeling sign Haircut, bath, and shave, 10 centsSurgery done Fast he could see to the end of town where seven men dug seven graves in the anonymous brown sweep of eastern plain.

The shadows grew deep in his office. It was late. He pulled off the sixth man’s boots and checked his mouth just in case the fellow had some ivory teeth the town could sell to pay for the hanging. Doc wrapped him, then crossed his name off the list.

Now there was no avoiding it. The last man had to be attended to. The seventh and worst.

Macaulay Cain. Just the mention of that name made a chill shiver down Doc’s spine. He’d seen it on enough wanted posters to spell it backward and forward. He’d never wanted to mess with the likes of the notorious gunslinger. God and his sense of justice. Just when the hanging went bad, it went bad on Macaulay Cain.

Doc reluctantly looked over to the seventh white-draped figure. In all his days he’d never seen a man so difficult to put atop a horse and get a noose around his neck. Cain had required every one of the sheriff’s deputies and even at the end, when his face was covered by the black bag and the men were ready to put the whip to his horse, Cain struggled and demanded that they wait for that telegram, the one he claimed was going to clear him.

The one that never came.

Son of a bitch. Doc hated a bad hanging. It made a man feel right uncomfortable inside just thinking about the horse rearing and Macaulay Cain twisting in the wind, no broken neck to put him out of his misery.

When all was done, the deputies had brought Cain to the office. They cut the hands free and crossed them over his chest in a reverent manner. But Doc was the one to take the black bag off the head. No one else would do it. In a really bad hanging the tongue gaped out and the expression was frozen into a mask of terror as the poor bastard struggled to breathe while the noose tightened around his neck. The deputies visibly flinched when Doc removed the bag, unsure of what they might see. But before the sheet went over Cain’s head, they all were relieved to see the expression loose and peaceful beneath the outlaw’s scruffy growth of beard.

Resigned to his task, Doc walked over to the last body. The sheriff would be there soon to take the gang away for burial. He’d best be quick.

He bent to get a length of rope to tie the shroud. The room was quiet except for the buzz of green flies against the windowpanes and the sound of Doc’s breathing. He leaned over the body, hand outstretched to grasp the sheet.

Then he felt it.

Another man might not have taken note of the small drop of blood that plopped onto Doc’s black store-bought shoes. A man less trained in the medicinal arts might never have given it a thought, but John Edward Amoss had spent forty of his sixty-odd years learning one thing: Dead men don’t bleed.

Sure, in a hanging there was always some oozing around the neck, but not enough to run off the table and plop right onto his toe.

The hairs on the back of Doc’s neck rose. His hands itched to remove the sheet, but his feet were wiser. He stepped back.

Too late.

The hand shot out from beneath the sheet and clamped around his neck. Doc squeaked like a prairie dog caught by a coyote, but no one heard him. The townfolk had all gathered on the prairie waiting for the burial.

A long moment passed while neither man moved, Doc and the infamous gunslinger poised like statuary. In the silence Doc heard the man’s labored scratchy breathing as Cain greedily filled his lungs.

Unable to help himself, Doc croaked, You coming alive just now, son?

The outlaw swept the sheet from his face. He looked bad. Too bad for a miracle. His voice was painfully hoarse. Yeah. Sure. I’m the Second Coming.

Doc nodded, too scared to laugh.

The telegram. Where’s the goddamned telegram? the renegade choked out, his words barely discernible.

Nobody cleared you, son. No telegram came. All the while Doc said this he kept thinking about the twelve men the Dover gang had been convicted of shooting and wondered how many of those men were this one’s doing. He wondered too if in the end the final toll wouldn’t be thirteen.

Cain’s hand tightened around his neck. Doc could hardly swallow.

You lying to me? The outlaw’s features tightened, already pale with the trauma of the hanging.

I wouldn’t lie to you at a time like this, son.

Cain looked straight at Doc. Then he smiled, the smile never reaching his eyes. I reckon I’ll have to take you with me, Doc. I’m hell-bent to get outta this hanging town. One way or the other.

The man quit smiling. His wrists bled, his neck bled. And by God, thought Doc, he has cold eyes.

Doc swallowed. Not easily, with the man’s steely grip on his throat. They ain’t going to hang you again. They owe you. We all agree. It was a bad hanging.

Bad all around, the man spat.

Doc didn’t answer, his eyes drawn to the man’s neck. The rope had sure made a bloody mess.

You got a horse?

Doc drew his gaze away from the wound. Yep. Out back. Good solid Indian pony. Take her.


Ain’t got one. Don’t rightly believe in them. Being a doctor and all.

Then I’ll take you with me. I gotta have some insurance. The man massaged his sore throat, then swung his legs over the side of the wake table. The fringe of his chaps was almost all sheared off, a sign of a renegade. Men running from the law sure as hell couldn’t waltz into town to repair a harness. They used their fringe for everything from buckles to bootlaces.

Doc swallowed, conscious of the hand on his throat, the hand that at any minute could close and choke the life out of him. Fear made the blood drain from his face. How far do you think you’ll get with me dragging behind you?

The outlaw stared. Those frigid gray eyes assessed Doc’s paunch and balding head. I need time was all he offered.

Doc understood. I won’t tell. Not for a while anyways. That’ll buy you some time. Get on out of here.

Those eyes narrowed, reminding Doc of a wolf’s he’d once seen in the dead of winter. Why would you do that for me?

I don’t believe in hanging a man twice is all. You survived it. Must be for some reason. I ain’t playing God.

The man pinned Doc with those eyes as his hand pinned him by the throat. I need five minutes, he finally rasped. If I don’t get it, if you don’t give it to me, I’ll come back from the grave to get you.

I swear you’ll get your five minutes if I have to barricade the deputies from the door. Doc nodded as best he could.

Cautiously the man slid to the floor, his hand still clamped to Doc’s throat. Together they walked over to the back door. For one brief second the two men looked at each other, a strange understanding passing between them. Just like that wolf, Doc thought, remembering how he’d lowered his rifle and the wolf ran off, leaving only the memory of those shattered-ice eyes.

The outlaw was at least a foot taller than the doctor, lean, hard, and capable from years in the saddle. There was no reason for Doc to say it, but he whispered it anyway, his throat still constricted from the power of the man’s grip. Good luck to you, Macaulay Cain.

The outlaw glanced at Doc, his expression startled. He looked as if he was about to say he didn’t need any good luck from a man who had tried to hang him. But instead he took his moment, like the wolf, and he cleared the back door in a dead run. He leapt onto the startled Appaloosa in the corral and hightailed it west as if he were part Indian, with no need for a saddle or bridle to take him to the mountains that jagged up from the blue horizon.

And Doc watched him. Strangely anxious to see him free and gone, like that wolf in the snow.

Red is the rose

That in yonder garden grows

Fair is the lily of the valley

Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne

But my love is fairer than any.…

August 1875

When traveling she always wore black. Widows were never questioned. They said all that needed to be said in the color of their weeds. Christal Van Alen had learned to wear black. She had learned the trick of wearing the black cotton gloves so no one would see she didn’t have a wedding ring and therefore no late husband. And she had learned to wear the long black netting over her face, labeling her as a widow, veiling her features, obscuring her age. Dressed as she was, she rarely got inquiries, or conversation. It was safer that way. One would think that a woman traveling alone would want the friendly solicitations of her fellow passengers. But she’d learned, too, in her time out west that the only thing more dangerous than a renegade band of Pawnee was a stranger too inquisitive about her past.

The Overland Express coach hit a rut in the road, shoving her into the sharp corner of an object next to her on the seat. She eyed it, a small replica of a bureau that was the pride and joy of the hefty furniture salesman who held it.

She straightened, almost envying the salesman his wide girth. The stage accommodated six passengers, but the man next to her had been charged double fare because of the room needed for his samples and his large size. Squeezed between him and the side of the stagecoach, Christal could barely keep her skirts from being crushed. Her petite stature was no help. While the salesman was so heavy he hardly bounced around at all, she was thrust onto the corner of that tiny bureau at every jolt.

Clutching her grosgrain purse, she resumed her position, sitting primly, ankles crossed, hands placed one on top of the other in her lap. The ride grew smoother and she chanced a look at the other three passengers who had boarded the coach with them at Burnt Station.

One was an old man with a placid grandfatherly face. She thought he might have been a preacher when he reached inside his breast pocket and pulled out a book of Scripture. But then she noticed that the inside of the book was carved out to hold a small metal flask, which he eagerly swilled from, and she wasn’t so sure anymore.

The young man next to him—a kid, really—looked anxiously out the window as if he was ashamed of riding in the coach instead of doing the manly thing by pulling his weight alongside on a cow pony. His traveling companion might have been his father, a grizzled character with a faded indigo vest and a large wiry gray beard that would have benefited from a pair of shears.

No one chatted. The preacher drank; the man in the blue vest dozed; the salesman stared at his little bureau as if thinking of his next account. Another jolt of the coach sent her once again into the vicious corner of the bureau. This time she sat back rubbing her ribs.

Name’s Mr. Henry Glassie, ma’am.

She looked up to find the salesman smiling at her again. He was a very pleasant-looking man, one whom she could believe provided good companionship on a long, dusty ride across a prairie such as this. But she didn’t want companionship. She preferred silence. She could hide in silence. At least from everyone except herself.

She stared at the man through the anonymity of her veil. Bitterly she wondered if the kindness would flee from his eyes if she told him who she was. That her face was on wanted posters from Maine to Missouri. That the gloves she wore to hide her lack of a wedding ring also hid the scar on her palm that was sketched onto every one of those posters. She’d seen the last poster in Chicago. That had been three years back, and Wyoming Territory seemed far enough west to be safe, but every day she worried that it might not be. She’d been held captive in a nightmare in New York. Now she was running from that nightmare and from her own face. And from one violent man who would see her dead before she could utter the truth about a crime she didn’t commit.

Madam, if I may be so honored to address you as …? The man raised his eyebrows as if imploring her for her name. She could see he was determined to get conversation from her.

I am Mrs. Smith, she answered in a low, polite voice.

His smile widened. "A lovely name, Smith. So proudly democratic. So easy to remember."

She almost smiled. He’d all but said her name was common—which it was. That was why she had chosen it. Yet Mr. Glassie made her feel complimented. He possessed the tools of a brilliant salesman: a silver tongue and a smooth presentation, and his comportment, his fashionable verdigris suit, and the large pearl stuck in his black four-in-hand tie, all proclaimed he was very successful at what he did.

But poor widows didn’t buy much furniture, and conversation quickly trickled away, much to her relief. She was left once again to look out the window at the ironing board-flat prairie. Every now and again she removed her handkerchief, reached beneath her dark veil, and dabbed the perspiration that beaded along her brow. The sun burned overhead, and dust blew in the open windows, coating her gown with a gritty blond powder. They had just started out. Noble was a long day’s ride. She was anxious to get there.

She’d heard a lot about the town of Noble the last three years. All her hopes now rested there. She was sick of running and she’d heard Noble was a good place to hide. A lot of gambling, a lot of women, and nobody asking questions. Not even a sheriff. They hadn’t had one in years. People talked about Noble the way they talked about South Pass and Miners Delight; the town had sprung from nowhere with the rumor of gold and had faded just as quickly. But Noble’s hedonistic ways lingered on and now it served cowhands and men heading north to Fort Washakie from the Union Pacific. She thought she’d be happy there for a while, working in a kitchen, dealing faro, even selling dances if she had to, in a small, nowhere town with no lawman to point fingers. It wasn’t her first choice to sell dances for a living; the men were usually rough and sometimes they smelled. But she’d do it if there was no other work; her first thoughts were always on survival. And there were so many worse ways to make money. Especially for a woman.

Christal’s eyes clouded as if she weren’t seeing the scenery any longer. Vice. She hated thinking about the word, but it followed her like a shadow that persisted even when the sun had gone down. Way back in the olden days of a life she hardly remembered anymore, a word like vice never would have entered her vocabulary. Words like vice weren’t in her family’s dictionaries. In her world, vice was kept permanently untranslated and unexplained. For a young, well-bred Knickerbocker girl from Manhattan it was meant to be as meaningless a word as something written in shantytown Irish Gaelic—a language most definitely not taught at Miss Bailey’s Conservatoire for Young Ladies, the exclusive girls’ school on Fifth Avenue where once her destiny had led her.

But destiny had somehow come off its tracks, and now, instead, she was in Wyoming, living a life she never imagined, understanding vice all too well because she’d spent three painful years trying to avoid its clutches.

Oughta be riding shotgun too, Pa. Them Sioux—never know when they gonna act up. The boy’s voice brought her out of her dark thoughts. He looked at his pa, who was trying to sleep beneath his hat.

You’re a genelman now, Pete. We got money. We don’t ride shotgun no more. Soon as we get to St. Louie, we gonna buy us some clothes and be genelmen once and fer all.

We ain’t got no escort, just the driver and the shotgun. What if we get stopped? This is Sioux territory. And them Cheyennes, everybody knows they’re all riled up—

Noble’s spittin’ distance from here. They don’t need you, Pete. That’s what we paid ’em fer. And what you gonna do when we get on that there locomotive in St. Louie? Try and push it fer ’em?

Aw, Pa, Pete groaned. He gave an embarrassed glance in Christal’s direction; then, as if he was glad for her veil, he turned to the window, appearing to scout for braves.

Indians. Her scalp tingled every time anyone even said the word. In the territory she’d crossed she’d heard bloodcurdling stories about the Kootenai, Flathead, Shoshone, Blackfoot. They were horrible stories, stories that gave her nightmares. But nightmares weren’t so bad when one was living a nightmare. She wasn’t afraid of Indians.

Then the coach stopped.

At first no one knew what had happened. There was just a silence, a stagnant pause that held nothing but the flavor of anxiety. A pair of boots thudded against the top of the stage, but Christal realized that was only the man who rode shotgun shifting position.

Why have we stopped? Mr. Glassie asked, clutching his bureau and looking around as if someone inside the coach would know the answer.

We ain’t s’pose to stop at Dry Fork. The grizzled man in the blue vest frowned, then poked his head out the window. He opened his mouth to shout at the driver, but for some reason the words collapsed in his throat. When he drew back inside the coach, the muzzle of a rifle was pointed directly at his nose.

Christal gripped her purse until her knuckles were white. Suddenly all those stories of Indians and outlaws came back to her with an immediacy that left her stunned. Her mouth went dry. Through the mist of her veil she saw the preacher slam his Bible shut, shock, not inebriation, slackening his features. Pete looked as if he were foolishly about to take on whoever held his father at gunpoint. Outside, she heard the horses stamp, nervous with strangers in their midst. A second later the sound of a scuffle battered the top of the coach. There was a sudden silence; then a rifle thudded to the ground.

A hand, a very un-Indian grimy white hand, reached inside the coach and unlatched the door. Christal drew back in fear. A scuffed boot came up to rest on the threshold, and its owner leaned on his knee. Howdy, folks. The man smiled, showing a mouthful of bad teeth. He was unshaven and dirty, with mean dull eyes that quickly surveyed the passengers. When he saw his threat registered, he laughed.

Is this a holdup? Mr. Glassie gasped, holding his miniature bureau like a shield.

From behind the black veil Christal watched the outlaw, her heart hammering in her chest as if it would break free of her corset.

Cain! the outlaw shouted, lowering the rifle. They want to know if’n this is a holdup! He laughed again and pulled his bandanna over his face to mock them.

See here, Mr. Glassie blustered, but before he could get out the words the outlaw was pulled aside and another took his place.

Christal had never seen such a man before. As an outlaw, he looked much like the other one, taller perhaps and more broadly built, but he was unshaven, with several days’ growth of dark beard on his chin. His shirt was dusty and worn, a faded scarlet bandanna was tied around his neck, available to cover his face should the need arise. But he was different, memorable, more dangerous than the other man. His eyes made her heart stop. She had never seen such steely eyes, eyes that made it feel like January in July.

Men outside, he grunted. Those eyes turned to Christal, pinning her to her seat. She knew he couldn’t see her face beneath the veil, but that was small comfort as she squirmed beneath the chilling gaze.

To her relief he turned away to direct the male passengers. Her shoulders slumped after the assault of that stare, and she expelled the breath she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding.

Is this a holdup? Mr. Glassie persisted, unwilling to remove himself from the coach until the situation was clearer. As you men can see, we’ve a lady on board. We can’t just trot off this coach and leave her behind without someone—

I said men outside. The outlaw with the cold gray eyes shot Mr. Glassie a glance of ice. The salesman didn’t need more than that to convince him to relinquish his bureau and get out of the stage.

One by one, they filed out. Pete kept a defiant look on his face, as if to say I ain’t afraid of you. His father looked anxious, as if he’d come so far only to have all his dreams dashed in a robbery. From the window Christal looked at the preacher. His hands were shaking as he held them over his head. Her own hands were slick with cold sweat as she held on to the window.

She looked in the distance, hopelessly seeking help. The bridge at Dry Fork was obviously where these outlaws had been hiding as their target had rolled toward them. Christal spied their horses tied beneath the bridge. She counted five.

… am a representative of the Paterson Furniture Company of Paterson, New Jersey, and my company shall hear about this outrageous treatment, my good fellows! Mr. Glassie announced as the first outlaw searched him for weapons. The second, the one with the steely eyes, patted down the old man’s blue vest while Pete glared.

I’m a poor man, a poor man, mister, Pete’s father chanted while being searched. Ain’t no need in stealing from me ’cause I’m a poor man.

No weapons, Cain, the first outlaw called out.

Cain, the man with the steely eyes, nodded. He lifted up Pete’s coat. Finding a six-shooter stuck in the waistband of the boy’s jeans, he took it and pushed the boy aside.

Listen up. Cain shot a couple of times into the air. Everyone gave him full attention, including the driver and the man who rode shotgun, who were now on the ground. You men’ll be walking the rest of the way. Just follow behind the stage. Cain looked to the two riders who were bringing the horses up from the Dry Fork bridge. The boys’ll see you get there.

Where? Pete asked bravely.

Cain shot him a stare. A town called Falling Water. You ever heard of it, kid?

Pete hardened his chin. Sure. It’s a damn ghost town. Nobody been there for years.

That’s right. But you’ll be there.

You kidnapping us?



Christal clutched the door, waiting for the answer. She wondered whether this was merely a simple robbery, or something more complicated and sinister. Her mind played out one scenario after another. The worst was that somehow, some way, she’d been found by her uncle.

The Overland Express has its payroll coming in Tuesday. We’re holding you all for ransom. Cain stuck the kid’s six-shooter into the waist of his own chaps. You men walk behind the stage. If you get outta line, Zeke here’s got permission to bullwhip you. The man named Zeke edged his sorrel toward the group. In his right hand was an enormous, wicked-looking whip, the kind that could easily flick the skin from a man’s back.

Christal watched the numb horror seep into the other passengers’ expressions. She was frightened, but she took consolation in knowing that her uncle wasn’t behind any of this. If Baldwin Didier had found her, she wouldn’t live to see tomorrow. With these outlaws, she had some chance.

You can’t hold us that long! Tuesday’s four days away! Mr. Glassie exclaimed, obviously thinking of his accounts.

Cain shrugged, obviously not caring.

Who are you, my good man, that you think you can do this to us?

Macaulay Cain.

Pete gasped. Macaulay Cain! Macaulay Cain was hanged in Landen over a month ago!

Some say that.

And some say Macaulay Cain got out of the hangin’ and met up with the Kineson gang. Is this here the Kineson gang? the boy’s father inquired, dread on his face.

It could be, and if you’re right, you’d best not be causing trouble. Cain’s words were so low, Christal wouldn’t have been able to hear them if he weren’t standing right next to the stage. The menace that edged the man’s raw voice sent a chill down her spine. She quickly saw she had been too confident. These men were outlaws. They’d done awful things, perhaps even killed men. They were wanted, desperate. And she was a woman alone.

Another man rode up from the bridge. Leading the last two horses by their reins, he hitched the two to the coach and fell in with Zeke. Christal was nearly hanging out the window when Zeke pushed the six men, including the driver and the shotgun, to the back of the coach where she could no longer see them.

Christal bit her lip and resumed her seat. If there were two horses hitched, one of them belonged to the outlaw who would be driving the carriage. That left one other gang member either to walk or … to ride in the carriage with her.

A sudden overwhelming panic seized her, and she wanted to run out of the coach and fall in with the other passengers. She didn’t want to be alone in the stagecoach. More than that, she didn’t want to ride with one of the outlaws, particularly the one with the cold gray eyes.

You better treat that widow right. We ain’t gonna stand for you mistreatin’ her, she heard Pete demand from behind the carriage. His words tugged at her heart. He was brave to say such things. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had cared about her welfare.

The sound of a high-pitched laugh crawled down her spine. She’ll be all right. She’s going to ride with me.

I’ll be riding with her. A second voice brooked no debate.

There was a long, resentful pause before the other outlaw said, Sure, Cain. You go ahead and get a peek at her. She’s probably too old to fiddle with anyway.

The coach creaked as the iron-clad wheels waited to roll again. The number of horses had doubled, and there was that much more jangling of harnesses. Zeke cracked the bullwhip, but it must have been for intimidation because none of the passengers cried out. Still, the sound reverberated over the open prairie like a gunshot.

Christal’s heart hammered with dread. She had a small muff pistol in her purse, so named because ladies in London carried such miniature guns hidden in their muffs when they were forced to walk through less than savory neighborhoods. But she had only been able to afford the pistol because it was more than fifty years old and carried only one shot, unlike the modern repeating gun. It would be foolish for her to reveal the gun now, in the coach surrounded by outlaws. Her only chance was to swallow her fear and wait. So she clutched her small grosgrain bag and watched the door open.

The outlaw named Cain jumped in, rifle and all. He slammed the door behind him and knocked twice on the roof with the butt of his rifle, and the stagecoach lurched to a start. Without acknowledging her, he slouched down on the dusty velvet seat opposite, kicking Mr. Glassie’s prized bureau to the center of the coach so he could stretch his legs out on it.

She stared at him through the veil, her blood thrumming with fear. He rested his rifle across his knees, drawing her eyes to the length and power of his legs. He wore chaps, the leather rubbed smooth along the inside of the thighs from long hours in the saddle. The brass spurs lashed to his boots irreverently scarred the fine wood of the bureau. He was dirty, covered in dust and sweat. His presence filled the carriage with the scent of fired gunpowder, which stained his hands and shirt. She expected a bad animal-odor from him, as she would have from that first outlaw who had the rotten teeth. Instead there was a musky kind of man smell to him that repelled her and intrigued her at the same time.

It was hot in the carriage. The sun was now at high noon, and the dust kicked into the window with a new ferocity. Christal longed to pat away the perspiration on her face, but she didn’t. She kept her hand on her purse, her palm curved against the pistol’s curled handle, and watched him covertly from behind the veil. The sweat trickled down her temples and between her corseted breasts.

He stared out the window, rubbing the sweat from his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. Finally, he pulled at the faded scarlet bandanna, untying it so that he could wipe his face.

She gasped. The man’s neck was circled with an angry ragged scar. She could think of only one thing that could give a man a scar like that.

That cold, steely gaze riveted on her. He touched his neck and flashed a cynical smile, revealing strong white teeth.

He leaned toward her. You ever felt the noose around your neck, ma’am? His laugh was rumbling and husky.

Unconsciously, her hand went to her neck. The other hand, the hand with the scar hidden by her black glove, curled as if to protect itself. She swallowed, not wanting to think of her past, of Baldwin Didier. Her

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