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Hustle n Game
Hustle n Game
Hustle n Game
Ebook267 pages4 hours

Hustle n Game

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According to random online dictionaries it means jostle (Collide with / push, shove)
be in close proximity to urge for precipitately, to obtain energetic activity,
to sell her obtain something to make strenuous efforts to obtain money or business.
And to most...
Game of the competition with her mental physical, personal, or social.
Games can be pleasurable as you make it. Some games aren't meant for some people
because of the complexity of the rules.
Also added to the category of Games,
persuasive words to lure ones mind to one's benefit.
But one thing about the game, there's always a loser... then eventually there's a cheater.
And when you combine the two... Hustle n Game
theres not a reset button. Enjoy

Release dateOct 22, 2014
Hustle n Game

Tyrius Wemblestock

In ones life, you experience so much controversy that when you look back.. you wonder how you ever survived near fatal catastrophes. They say, ‘What doesn’t kill you, will make you stronger..’, but where does this strength go? Does this pain make you mentally or physically stronger... and furthermore... is it safe? Millions of people watch the news, read newspapers and magazines to either hear or find about things happening in the neighborhood, city, state... even throughout the country. Whether good or bad, viewers tune in to see who has problems worse than theirs, cause the grass is always greener on the other side. And when that one headlining story comes, it’s almost impossible to watch and listen to simultaneously to every detail. But instead of turning, they still watch, read and/or listen... mostly with the thought of, ‘How could someone do that?’ or ‘What the fuck was on their minds?’ It would seem almost impossible to mentally conjure up enough situations to visualize justification of one person inflicting so much damage. When it hurts so much to think of the past, only to be reminded that the same pain is presently still haunting your every awaken breath. How much torture must one endure to be pushed past the brink of sanity. When you try to be a more sincere and honest person due to personal past experiences... only to have your genuine compassion countered by fake friends, half concerned family and undeceive enemies. When everyday you post pretend smiles hoping to disguise the continuous pain in which most others call life, without care or worries of in-depth problems. This is what can be considered, a “Cluster-f***-of-trouble”. When one person can literally have conversations with various people, yet show empathy and honestly say.. “I understand”.. being through/(or) know someone who went through something similar. And when the “Cluster-f***-of-trouble” has reached its limit, or as in therapeutic terms... The Slush Bucket starts to overflow. The end result is always someone catching a ‘first hand look’ and possibly thinking... This Can’t be Life?!

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    Book preview

    Hustle n Game - Tyrius Wemblestock

    Table of Contents



    First Job

    Friend or Foe

    Operation Get Back

    The Meeting

    Life in a Day


    Every Smile Becomes a Frown

    So Lonely


    Please Forgive Me

    Love And Pain

    Remember Me




    Big Day



    Copyright © 2014 Tyrius Wemblestock

    Published by Tyrius Wemblestock at Smashwords

    Book layout and cover design by Chris Carlotta

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. 

    ISBN: 9781311905048

    Second Edition: January 2016


    I’d like to give a special thanks to all those who help inspire the thoughts and ideas and I promise to everyone, the few I couldn’t utilize for this book will surely be implemented in books to come. Especially since my life is an open book…check my rap sheet:

    This book is truly dedicated to my Mass. Family… Everyone I met along my journey through the system from Pittsfield through Springfield, N.A, Holyoke, Worcester, Fall River, Malden, Dorcester, Roslindale, Chelsea, Quincy, Plymouth Forestry, Walpole, Revere, Jamaica Plains… all Boston. From the 413 to the Cape coast. A Super Special Love shout-out goes to my brother Nunu a.k.a Charles Smith, R.I.P. to my Fallen Soldier, my neezy Bird, Shortz, & 730. And you know that I’m only a call away if ever really needed. If I’m good then we good. I love my boys… No Homo!!! Derek D Boss Adams, Robert Rob Smith, Jerrod Hot Rod Jones, Darrelle Pop Dickerson, Charles Harigan, Jermaine Maino Sistrunk, Buddy a.k.a Red, Karl Pats Womble, you know my Jets run things! Jermaine Bear Celeste. My boy Bang E Phair, Sean Simms, Larry Fritzgerald, Christopher Brackett, to my dude Ape Shit, Coso, Anthony BO Germany, my dude always on the run… BOX, my

    dude Case aka Juggernaut, my little man DaShaun, my Oyea Eddie, my dude Gator’ my boy MA up in NA, Malachai \fake ass stripper, Monsta, Mook, Nitro, Pop magig aka Regg-o, my little cousin Stephon… DJ Weize my dude for life, La Roy Porn Cox, Rell Mungin and my dog Kevin Pork Chop Bridgeman. And to the ladies from Mass: my daughter Amona Morton, Martha… my o.t mom Ms. Rose-marie, homegirl Angie Penna, Sara Piff, my niece Brianna, my personal massage therapist (masseuse … lol) Liz P., Laura Truden, Sherrine Reenie Hamilton, Tiffany Lil Red Swanson, Trisha Eckert, Leanne from North Khaki, my homie Carol Chadwell thank you for the time invested. My kitchen cook Donna thank you for keeping me fed, Jacklyn, Kathleen.

    First Job

    Here it is, I’m 15 in high school, a ninth grade freshman… going school shopping with my moms… in October! That’s when I told myself that this was the last draw. It’s bad enough I’m the only kid on the block who has to be in the house by sunset. Let it be dark before one foot is in the house and the saying was. That’s ya ass mista postman and she meant it.

    Two years ago I called myself running away with no-where to go, so I went to the safest place I could think of, Aunt Rosie’s. Aunt Rose lived in Queens, New York. A quiet getaway off of Linden Blvd.

    My secret mission of disappearing till I was 18 started on a Thursday and ended on Sunday afternoon when the phone rang and Aunt Rosie passed me the receiver…

    Hello? I said, hoping it was this female I was just talking to Hope you enjoyed your fuckin’ vacation, get your ass home now, before I put my foot up your ass and bury you after!

    Yes ma, eyes watering predicting the awaiting torture.

    Being I don’t like the way that event ended, I’m wise enough not to take that same road twice. There’s another way, is it a better way? I don’t know but I’m willing to try it. I understood I lived in a single parent home and moms did all She could with work, but one person can only take so much of anything. It felt like I had a double dose of shit in my life to deal with. Between being a teenager with a $5 a week allowance, in the house by dark (even on the weekends), still getting my ass beat, home bowl haircuts to save money, chipping in on nickel bags… shopping with my moms for clothes that I get laughed at in school and some other stuff that extends my list of loose bricks.

    It was definitely time for a change… with something.

    Either just go to school and ignore the heckler’s, avoid the group of bullies and always lose pride in myself. I tried working part time after school as a messenger but other than the traveling and meeting people… I didn’t care for the job which in return showed in my attendance and failing grades.

    And lately some people I kind of know said they could help me find some ‘under the table job’ where I could earn a few dollars each day I work. This way I would be able to buy clothes and food to support myself.

    The vision itself-made me smile and inadvertently… thinking.

    It would make her smile when ma think we are about to get me something. …

    And in cracking it be about her. I wouldn’t get in trouble at school for bad behavior since I will have money for lunch and clothes

    The job was simple enough where I could do homework from school in between breaks. I started as a spotter (a person who tries to observe everything), after a week of exchanging envelope packages I started assisting some light construction in the building and the responsibility for locking the nearly abandoned residence down. By the third month, I created four more stash spots within the building.

    I learned all the emergency exits and escape routes. When business was slow, I practiced picking door and key locks, never know when that skill may be needed. Tested my timing on ‘Stash and Bounce’ drills. In two minutes and eighteen seconds I could stash the drugs, grab my shit and jet out the back third floor window, cross the wooden plank which connected to another buildings fire escape, drop the board, hit the roof, go five buildings down, hit the staircase inside the building and end up on the opposite block walking in the corner store to buy my favorite snack… flavored peppermints and sunflower seeds.

    It wasn’t hard to tell or see things were changing for me, I went from spending a dollar a day at school on a slice of pizza and drinking water from the sink to earning twenty dollars a day just from standing behind a door where I can buy breakfast and lunch with something to drink while at school.

    Every day after school, I went straight to work. Stopped at the safe house where Champ, his brother and their b.m’s stayed. All the runners always went there first to pick up or drop off their bundles they didn’t finish during that shift. Though it was a place for business, I felt the LOVE like family, before I put my few hours for the day in, they always fed me a plate of food whether I asked or not.

    I was invited to their private parties, business get-togethers, family dinners and birthday parties. And then, one day after I thought I had everything with this hustling career, I was pulled to the side and given a piece of paper with chart measurements.

    How good are you in math?

    I’m type nice I responded confident."

    So, how long would it take you to answer all twenty questions?

    Not to jump the gun… How much time do I have? already figuring most of the answers in my head."

    I’ll give you fifteen

    I was done in eight and started drawing with the scrap paper. When he returned in ten to check on my status, his face looked familiarly surprising while carrying a plate wrapped in aluminum foil.

    You done already? pulling out a calculator and a box of Philly blunts Yeah, I guess. I responded unenthused.

    You know how to roll up? as he dropped the box on the table.

    Yeah! I said with a big smile

    Do three nice ones tossing a large zip-lock bag in my lap.

    Til this point of time, no one I know ever had this much weed at one time to freely smoke. It was bright and dark green with fuzzy dark hairs on it; this was my introduction to the stinky smell of skunk. I was good just sniffing deep breaths of air from the bag for the first minute.

    The only nails I kept manicured on my hands were the thumbs and it was basically for this reason.

    Split, crack, gut and cleaned the blunt, removed the filtered tobacco sleeve at the head then began ‘operation refill and burn’.

    I concentrated so much on what I was doing; I didn’t notice Champs girl Sandra enters the apartment with a group of her friends and was staring at me roll with smiles on their faces.

    Yo, Champ! Who’s the baby face cutie? one of the friends asked.

    That’s one of my lil’ mens, ask him his name.

    Excuse me Sexy, she said with a smile

    I looked up and was stuck on her eyes, she had the first set of hazel colored eyes I ever seen and they kept my attention. Too much actually, cause all I could see was her lips moving, all I heard was ‘Do you mind… blah blah blah…blah blah, and all I thought about was her pink glossy lips touching mine. I don’t think I blinked at all when she spoke.

    So, will you?… Please … as she caressed my face.

    Now or later I responded, not even aware of what I’m agreeing to.

    Whenever you have time, what’s your name again? sounding all soft and sexy.

    Mort I said firmly… And yours!

    Latoya…Jackson, if you’re nasty! with a giggle.

    You serious! not sure if she was joking.

    Nah, but my first really is Latoya, but call me Nikki.

    I can’t front. She had me open. Pretty eyes, light skin with a gold tint to her complexion, hair styled to a ‘Bob’, about my height with heels on and an ankle bracelet that read ‘Do You Love Me’ inside a heart.

    As soon as Champ returned, even though I didn’t know he was actually gone, I lit up. The first, I only burned the end enough to stay lit while I passed it to Sandra out of respect for her man, my boss. The next I did the same procedure and handed it to Champ and replied with a head nod to his thanks. The third was something like a personal victory blunt, I don’t know what for, I was just proud. I lit and pulled on it slowly like a real champion, taking long pulls and holding it while watching everyone else choke. ‘Amateurs.

    I went and sat next to my Nubian princess with the interest of continuing our earlier conversation. In a true playa’s eye, they might consider my move or thoughts as ‘Thirsty’… and right now… I’ll accept that!

    After smoking I popped a blue peppermint and started my spit game. It was one of those moments that when you realize what you said, you wish you could write it down exactly how you said it.

    I spoke soft to have her lean closer to hear me while I leaned closer to smell her perfume.

    Here’s a gem that was once dropped on me, so I will share with all who read this:

    When someone has interest in you then there’s no such thing as violation of personal space.

    Their air is your air to breathe. How much and how long depends on what you say or do!

    Back to the reading….

    My words were soft, and breath warm on her neck while my lips nearly nibbled on her lobes. I could sense her body cringe in my presence. And just when I figured I had everything planned out, there was a tap on my shoulders. Sandra whispered in my ear that Champ wanted to speak to me.

    I whispered in her ear ‘I’ll be right back’, this time caressing her ear lobe with my hand as I stood up and left. Flicked off the ashes from the sweat suit, stopped to look back and check on my sweetness. Yeah, she was watching me too.

    Walking through the kitchen door… Back to business on the table was a pile of milky white powder with gleams of light sparkling from the crystals. The last time I saw coke in abundance like this, it was in a movie. I just stood there in amazement…stuck.

    You ah-iight? Champ said, breaking my trance.

    Yeah… yeah, I’m alright.

    You look shocked, like you never seen this much before.

    Truthfully, no! I haven’t… how much is it?

    Jus over half a bird, grab some gloves out the sink drawer.

    Damn, you doing it crazy!

    Nah doggie, this ain’t shit. We already moved two this week!

    Word! Say word! all excited.

    That’s word, but I didn’t call you in here for that. I need you to strap up and help me break it down so I can have it picked up.

    What exactly do you need from me?

    Put on the gloves. First of all, don’t ever touch this shit bare- handed. It’ll seep into your skin, you’ll get all sick, catching heat flashes and next thing you know… you’re scratching and nodding.

    That won’t be me, that’s my word! With that, there was nothing else to be said. I grabbed the first digital scale seen by my eyes and got to work. Made three zip-locks of a hundred grams and the rest went into little sandwich baggies packed with twenty- eights. It took me about forty-five minutes from start to finish.

    And when I was done he showed me how to remove the gloves like the hospitals do and cut them up for disposal, they say, No evidence is the best defense.

    Anything else? while still thinking of what he just said.

    "I’m good, somebody else will clean this shit up after I handle something.

    Go back out there and roll this box… as he tossed it besides, it’s 9:30, you gotta be home in a half. You want me to call a cab?

    Nah, Herkimer is only 15 minutes away walking.

    OK then, take two with you for your walk and I’ll see you later!

    Thanks C!

    No, thank you… matter of fact… here.

    He gave me dap with two folded bills to the palm of my hand. How much was it, I didn’t even bother to check, my mind was only on two things right now… rolling these blunts and getting home.

    Once I left the kitchen and returned to the living room, it suddenly flashed that I never finished talking to Nikki.

    While crackin’ an guttin the blunt for phase 2 of operation ‘Refill and Burn’, I scanned the room for my baby, but didn’t see her or Sandra. I did as I was asked and grabbed my two cuffed behind the ears. And as I peaced out everybody and headed for the door, Sandra comes in Where you going?

    Home now, where’s ya friend?

    Who Nikki? as if she really wanted an answer she just left, hopped in a cab.

    Damn, I was trying to catch up with her before she left!

    Ain’t that cute, she like you too. She said to give this to you as she handed me the piece of paper with Nikki’s number on it, continuing, Do you know she’s much older than you?

    No, and don’t care! Age ain’t nothing but a number.

    Ah-iight then, get home safe. I’ll see you tomorrow as she gave me a quick hug and a peck on the cheek.

    I walked off sparking one of the two blunts heading back to the block.

    Once I turned onto Herkimer from Bedford Ave., I could see kids still out. Most were younger than me, running around and enjoying themselves.

    It didn’t take long for that miserable reminder of reality to kick in… asking me, ‘How much longer are you gonna take this shit son?’

    The once proud and confident Mort was now subdued to the more passive alter ego known to the government and world as Shaun.

    As I got closer and closer to building 64, it was without a doubt that the music I was hearing was definitely coming from my apartment. This caused mixed thoughts only because music this loud meant one of two things, either my moms was enjoying herself with a drink or company, if not both. The other option was the possible ass-whoopin’ awaiting me, which the music would muffle out the cries of pain. What’s amazing is how I involuntarily memorized the number of steps it took to walk from the front of the building to the first floor apartment doorstep… 13.

    And in the one minute it takes when moving slow I recapped the promotion of punishment. I started as a lowly Private in ranks of ass-kickings. I went from belts to a whip that my drunk aunt gave to my mother as a gift. Some fucking Christmas present that was, fortunately enough I learned quickly how to elude most of the contact and put the cry-game character into effect to exaggerate the actual pain.

    From there I graduated to the skillet which lasted only one session since she missed every swing, but the one that knocked me down and out.

    After that, I stepped up to‘2×4’s’ and a lead pipe she kept over the front door. At that time I was a Lieutenant in the ‘Pain Game’. Now…. I’m a full blown General, nothing but fists and bats from the Louisville slugger.

    ‘Damn, is this how ya mind flashes when you’re about to die, if so I’m ready to get this shit over with!’

    Give it some time and everyone learns every loose floor board and squeaky spot in the house, so as I walked in, I clung to the walls down the narrow hallway and went to my room. Just when I closed my door…



    Yes, ma! yelling over the music.

    Come here.

    As I entered the living room I seen her group of guest, all with a drink in front of them and a smile on their face.

    She reached around my waist and pulled me closer for a hug so I felt privileged to give her a kiss. My mother introduced me to everyone before sending me on a beer run.

    My moms had seemed to know everybody. Because of her, I was able to go anywhere and get anything. Shit, if the Arabs had sold cocktails bombs and grenade launchers, I could’ve got deals on those as well. The most anyone ever said when I entered their store to get my supply of liquor, beer, weed and blunts… Tell your mother I said hello which I did. I didn’t mention where I might’ve seen them at… and if she asked, I simply said… ‘On the way to the store’

    I practically ran to the store and back knowing when there’s a party going on, she would prefer me to be out the house. Got back, dropped off the case of Bud and packs of E.Z Widerz, took my tips and headed to my room. Re-dressing for the nightlife. Grabbed the phone and called my baby… Nikki.

    On the second ring Hello? I questioned the voice.

    Umm, hello! the person responded, Yes?

    May I speak to Nik?… I mean Latoya.

    Who’s speaking?


    Hey sexy! changing her voice.

    What are you doing?

    Sitting back sippin’ Wha’chu doing?

    Thinking ‘bout you! Can I see you?

    When, tomorrow?

    Nah, I would like to see you now.

    I’m not even dressed.

    That’s even better!

    You wouldn’t even know what to do with this…

    You willing to make a bet on that… ready to lose my money just for a

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