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The Ark of Corporeity Part Two The Paradigm of Time Saga
The Ark of Corporeity Part Two The Paradigm of Time Saga
The Ark of Corporeity Part Two The Paradigm of Time Saga
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The Ark of Corporeity Part Two The Paradigm of Time Saga

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Hanna York and his shipmates encounter romance, mystics, dolphins, surfing and exciting fast paced action after finding themselves crash landing on a seemingly pristine and primitive world. Caught in an ion plume above a terra forming storm on the surface of the planet Mars, he and his companions find themselves prisoners of an advanced civilization where genetically engineered Priests are now the caretakers of the human race.
Originally designed as servants with a duty of care to mankind’s survival, they have taken control of the population who now live safely, under their protection, connected to the ‘Net cap.’ However, things are not what they seem and their arrival has upset a delicate balance that has been in place for hundreds of thousands of years. They have unwittingly set into motion a series of events that will change the future of all mankind and they must take responsibility for the consequences of their actions.
However, the ancient prophecies of 'The Fifth Book of Sheringa' are in play as they must now face the realities of.......'The Paradigm of Time'

PublisherGB Kinna
Release dateNov 2, 2014
The Ark of Corporeity Part Two The Paradigm of Time Saga

GB Kinna

Gavan Kinna is the grandfather of six and the father of three. He has worked in the jungles of Papua New Guinea and the coal mines of central Queensland, Australia. He has been a self employed builder and won numerous construction awards for house that he designed and built. He has spent time as a volunteer fire fighter, worked with the disabled and disadvantaged, as well as having rubbed shoulders with some of the more rich and famous. A conservationist at heart and a pacifist by nature, he likes to play his guitars, paint, write and take long walks along the deserted beaches of the east coast of Australia. An avid surfer since he was fifteen years old, he likes to ride long and short boards that he has made himself. Married to his ever patient wife Vicky for some thirty seven years, he is currently working on his next novel.

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    Book preview

    The Ark of Corporeity Part Two The Paradigm of Time Saga - GB Kinna

    The Ark of Corporeity

    GB Kinna

    Book II of

    Paradigm of Time


    Sequel to

    The Well’s of Paradigm

    (A Sun Rose)

    Available in print

    Copyright © 2014

    GB Kinna

    -All rights reserved-

    The Well’s of Paradigm

    Available in print

    Cover Art by GB Kinna

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or

    given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please

    purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    To My Darling


    Vicky Rose June

    The Story so far…

    Our tale began as Hanna York reflects on the events that have led him and his two companions to find themselves camped in the green wilderness of an unknown world. While on a routine maintenance mission to an orbiting satellite that was monitoring the terra forming of the planet Mars, they were caught in the ion plume of an enormous electrical storm that swept across the barren planet below. Suddenly, they lost control of their craft and were sent hurtling towards the planet surface and crash land on the coastline of a green, pristine world.

    They soon find that they are not alone and are welcomed into a friendly, simple, human tribe. With plentiful food sources and a surfing lifestyle, these people live an almost perfect lifestyle. Hanna’s crew soon relax and Hanna falls in love with beautiful Kadina, only to have fate take her away in a mysterious swimming mishap.

    In the midst of his depression, Hanna decides to build a boat and explore this strange new land. Hanna, his ships pilot Ray and five villagers, crew the boat and escorted by a school of dolphins; they head for the coast of the lands to the south. George, the engineer, remains behind in the village.

    A storm strikes and Hanna is swept overboard, separated from his crew. However, Ray, and three others managed to stay with the boat and are lost at sea. Washed ashore, he discovers a town called Androssan. The people help Hanna to search and recover three of his crewmates. The Androssan live a medieval farming lifestyle and Hanna meets Kooringal, the Librarian who shows him the middle three ‘Books of Sheringa,’ the first and last volumes missing. He studies their teachings in the hope of discovering more about the strange land in which he has found himself and in the process, he becomes reflective and his spirt evolves.

    After a local incident with the neighbouring Perlumblie people, some god friends and two of his surviving crewmates are killed. Hanna decides to continue his explorations by travelling to lands of the Perlumblie to negotiate peace. His crewmate Warooka and Moonta, a psychic Androssan woman, join him on his journey. Upon reaching the lands of the Perlumblie, Hanna is forced to do battle with their champion, Hasiam. As a reward, he is granted a meeting with the king and his council where an old sage makes some ominous predictions after which Hanna pushes his case that through trade and cultural exchange, a lasting peace could be developed with the Androsson’s.

    However, the Perlumblie have a bigger problem, a human bird like creature called a Wangary is abducting their people and he realises that they are the Keepers of the ‘Wells of Paradigm’ as mention in the Androsson’s, ‘Book’s of Sheringa’. In his quest for knowledge, Hanna convinces the king and his council to allow him to lead a delegation to the Wangary Mountain to negotiate a peace.

    After some misadventure, Hanna is captured by the Wangary only to discover that they trade their abductees for the addictive spice they get from the Kiana people of the desert. He escapes, and when hiding in a claustrophobic space, he has a vision where he meets the Kimba, the telepathic, highbred apes. Soon caught by the Kianan’s, he is reunited with his companions whom had been traded by the Wangary and will soon be delivered to the mysterious ‘Priests of Ceduna’. Sent to Minnipa, a technologically advance city, Hanna reasoned that he has travelled far into the future of a terra formed Mars. The earth’s ecosystem had failed and the human race had long ago, moved on to their new home.

    He meets with the head priest, Wanilla, and learns that the priest were genetically engineered to care for the human race as servants and as mankind became lazy, bored, drugged and suicidal, the elite, now the ancients, choose immortality in the form of an organic composite of human memories within ‘The ‘Wells of Paradigm.’ Through the ‘Wells’ all life is connected and the individual is lost to the spiritual life force of the living planet. The priests had seen this saw as self destructive and in their role as caretakers of the human condition, put in place the doctrines of the ‘Ark of Corporeity,’ gradually manipulating the rest of the population, the ‘Chosen,’ to live their lives inside dormitories connected to the Net cap.

    The Net cap allows the ‘Chosen,’ billions of pure blood human beings, accesses to the feelings and thoughts of the genetically engineered people of Net land, the land of the Androssan, Perlumblie, Wangary and others. They cannot manipulate them therefore their only life decisions are to move from host to host, leaving them mentally weak and disturbed. Yet, in the eyes of the priests, safe. The priests see Hanna’s activities as a threat to the fine balance that has been in place for millennia. The Ancients instruct the priests to bring Hanna to them.

    Hanna;s captured companions are force to participate in ‘The Game’, a gladiatorial strategy competition popular with the chosen.

    Ray, Hanna’s pilot, and his remaining crew, have spent time with the Kimba, the telepathic apes in the forests of the south east coast of Net land and is now traveling on to Ceduna.

    While Hanna has been taken back to home of the Wangary by the priests and is now one with ancients, within

    ‘The Well’s of Paradigm.’





    The story so far



    Netland map

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapte 46r

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Chapter 49

    Chapte 50r



    Appaylan Semitic Caucasian Human


    Malata---------------Appaylan religious leader

    Oodia---------------------Malata’s son

    Androssan’s Nordic Caucasian Human


    Arno-----------------------Youngest brother

    Icno------------------------Eldest brother

    Kernewek----------Chairman of people’s council

    Kooringal-----------------Keeper of the books


    Pirie------------------------Dark Valley Guard

    Rickaby-------------------Dark Valley Guard

    Tooligie-------------------Mother of


    Urno-----------------------Middle brother

    Weeroone-----------------The father

    Yurla----------------------Captain at Arms

    Cedunan’s --------------‘The Chosen’

    (Pure Human)

    Bute-----------------------Rebel youth

    Cleve----------------------Rebel leader

    Cowell--------------------Cleve’s sister

    Curwie--------------------Rogue Cedunan

    Elliston--------------------Rebel youth

    Grundrie------------------Rogue Cedunan

    Pillana---------------------Rogue Woman

    Rudell---------------------Rebel youth

    Wanilla--------------------Hybrid High Priest

    Wirrula--------------------Rogue Cedunan

    Wudinna------------------Rogue Cedunan leader

    Euduranda--Paleo-Mongoloid Human


    Jabuk----------Neo-Mongoloid Human


    Nangwarry----------------Bushi Warrior

    Kellidie--------------------Grand Master

    Kiana--------Aryan Caucasian Human


    Yaiata--------------Kiana trade Master

    Kimba Australopithecus Sediba

    (Evolved Netlanders)



    Nalyappa Arabid Caucasian Human


    Peachna Religious prophet of the Nalyappa



    Perlumblie-----Homo Neanderthalensis


    Hasian---------Captain of the Imperial guard

    Kyancutta------------Games weapons Master



    Pimba------------------Homo floresiensis


    Taila-----------------Afro Capoid Human


    Poochera------------------Group Leader


    U.N.S.A. Marion Crew

    (United Nations Space Association)

    Hanna York--------------Ship’s Captain

    Ray Stevens--------------First Mate

    George Pittsworth------Engineer

    Wangary-------------Avian Human

    (Hybrid Netlanders)


    Carappee-----------Guardian of the Well’s




    The Village-------------Australoid Human



    Curramulka--------------Village Elder

    Kadina--------------------Village Girl







    Wirra-----------------------Aquatic Human

    (Hybrid Netlanders)

    Netland Map

    Chapter Twenty Eight

    Hasian reconsidered his position and then yelled instructions at the descending figure above. As he was answered, he turned to join the others as they followed the lad along the narrow path. They reached the corner of the building and turned left to follow the young Cedunan as he ran up the dark, narrow ally.

    Hasian’s build, as all Perlumblie, was not made for speed. His thick, stocky body and short trunk like legs were slower than the others with their taller, more streamline body shapes. As he realised that he was falling behind, his natural instinct to stand his ground and fight began to take hold again. Just as the others disappeared around the next turn, he decided that he would stop this foolish running and wait for Moorila and Turon. As he turned the corner, there was Poochera, waiting for him.

    ‘You go on, I’ll wait for Turon and Moorila.’ said Poochera, dismissing the Perlumblie so as not to offend his stubborn pride and waste time arguing.

    Hasian eyed his friend suspiciously and realising the implications of his team mates decision, looked ahead to where the others were heading. The boy, Elliston, was now turning another corner; two blocks further down the street. Warooka stopped and look back towards him. Waving, they signalled to each other, acknowledging where they were to go.

    Just then, Moorila rounded the corner from which they had come. Yelling, he ran towards them.

    ‘Here they come.’

    As he reached them, Turton came into view and saw the group, his lanky, athletic legs pumping nearly too fast for his body.

    ‘Go, go.’ He yelled as they ran off down the street.

    However, just as they neared the next street corner, a door opened from the building that separated them from their companions and out into the ally, stepped a group of priests, each brandishing long stun rods. The priests, with their cold, blank, expressionless faces, stood four abreast across the street, blocking their path. Slowly, they walked towards Hasian and his group.

    ‘Behind us as well,’ Poochera informed them.

    ‘Only one way left to go then!’ said Turton as he caught up with them, still running flat out as he passed the group and turned up the next street.

    ‘Come on!’

    The others followed in hot pursuit. Hasian cursed as he and Moorila followed as fast as they could. The Taila, much faster, strode out ahead as the priests, slow and seemingly unperturbed, walked calmly after them. As they advanced down the endless street, they passed the occasional door and as they did, they tried each one. However, they were all locked and finally, when they had advanced far enough ahead of their pursuers, Poochera and Turon stopped and waited as they caught their breath.

    ‘Where are we going?’ asked Poochera, panting.

    ‘I don’t know,’ said Hasian smiling inwardly, realising that for all their speed, the Tailan’s lacked endurance.

    ‘But this road will probably come to a dead end, eventually.’ He added.

    He watched, as both the Tailans stood hunched over, hands on their knees, gulping air. The Perlumblie breathed steadily through their large nostrils.

    ‘I agree. Let’s try busting down one of these doors,’ said Moorila.

    ‘Alright, let’s do it.’

    The Perlumblie soldiers rammed one of the doors together; after two hits, the lock gave way, allowing them access to the corridor inside.

    ‘What’s with these hats,’ asked Turon as he followed them inside.

    ‘As hard to believe as it seems that strange kid thinks they can tell where we are if we take them off,’ answered Poochera.

    ‘What?’ Turon asked.

    ‘Actually, that’s not all he said. Now come on, let’s go and keep that hat on. Pull that door closed, If they miss it then we may get a good start on them,’ said Hasian.

    They followed him on down the hallway, the illuminations flickering on as they ran into the never ending, advancing lights. Hasian thought of his friends and wondered if he would ever see them again.


    Warooka and Moonta sat quietly, returning the wide eyed stares of the group of adolescents that had gathered around them. They were small, scrawny and a little pale yet they appeared healthy enough. Their eyes were bright with curiosity and yet they seemed timid and shy.

    After they had watched their companion’s path blocked by the priests, they had continued to follow Elliston. He had finally led them here, to some sort of workshop. Then he left, telling them that they would be safe and that they were to wait until he returned.

    They now sat on the workbenches and stools at one end of the large room. Rows of shelves that contained ‘who knows what’ were on the other side and large boxes and crates where stacked into the distance behind that. Slowly, a number of these strange, young Cedunan’s had joined them. As two more arrived, silent and unannounced, the number had increased to seven. Moonta felt uncomfortable under their constant gaze and wondered at their lack of acknowledgment of each other or their new guests.

    ‘Well, here we all are then.’ She finally quipped. ‘My name is Moonta and this is Warooka,’ she said.

    There was no response.

    ‘What’s your name?’ she asked smiling, addressing the skinny young girl that sat close to her and seemingly displayed the least amount of intimidation.

    ‘I’m Cowell,’ she answered. ‘I’m Cleve’s sister,

    ‘And who’s he when his at home?’ asked Warooka a little abruptly. Moonta immediately gave him a stern look.

    ‘Sweetheart,’ he added quickly with a mischievous smile. The other children giggled while the girl shifted uncomfortably, smiling and blushing.

    ‘This is no time for clowning,’ said Moonta sternly, immediately realising her mistake.

    Warooka turned his back to her, raising his eyebrows and pulling a face at the group. This made the children burst out laughing. He turned back to face Moonta, his expression, this time, was of exaggerated innocence. The group roared with laughter, he was in his element; he had found an audience.

    Moonta sometimes wondered at Warooka’s antics, especially when they were in stressful situations. She found his ability to make light on these occasions extremely annoying and yet she knew him well enough by now to know that once he had started, he would not let up until she smiled.

    Nevertheless, she was too upset at the thought of how their plan had gone so terribly wrong. Being separated from Hanna and now Hasian in this strange, foreign land was more than she could bear. Tears began to form as she watched her idiot man prance about uncaringly as he performed in front of these weird, self-conscience children.

    She studied them as they looked at each other for some form of approval or recognition as they laughed at the performing clown. When Warooka would do something stupid, like pick up a tool and pretend to use it on his head then walk differently, do it again and then walk differently still, they would forget themselves and laugh unconsciously and uncontrollably.

    Then, as they remembered themselves, they would look to see how the others were reacting, as if for approval. Upon seeing the other in gay abound, they would loss themselves again in their own laughter. Moonta couldn’t help but somehow, feel sorry for them.

    Suddenly, she realised that Elliston had re-entered the room. Behind him, observing the carrying on’s stood an older boy. Taller, stronger and with sun darkened skin, he watched as the group collectively laughed at Warooka’s antic’s. He turned and noticed Moonta watching him and calmly, he smiled a warm radiant smile, confidant and self-assured. When Warooka noticed their entrance, he stopped and looked at them as the group stiffened and became quite.

    ‘Greetings my good friends,’ he said as he held out his hand towards them in the same manner as Hanna or Ray would.

    ‘My name is Cleve. I have been watching you both, through the Net cap and through these binoculars.’

    He placed them on the bench beside him.

    ‘We anticipated your escape and we nearly pulled it off but I’m afraid your friends are lost somewhere within the city.

    ‘If you will please excuse me for just a minute?’

    He began to fiddle with some buttons on a board in front of him.

    ‘It’s almost ancient but it does its job and they can’t trace us to it.’

    Light flickered on the flat surface and it showed a series of lines. Warooka had no idea what it was that he was looking at. Cleve began to point and talk to his young charges. One by one, they ran out the door, each exchanging a ritual like hug and the words, ‘pure reality’ with one another before departing. While Warooka watched, Moonta studied the screen in front of Cleve and said as she pointed.

    ‘That’s where we descended our building on the coastline and that’s where we last saw Hasian.’

    ‘Correct,’ said Cleve, himself now pointing,

    ‘I’ve positioned my friends at vantage points where they are likely to emerge but the problem is that the priests will anticipate these positions as well. I must be frank with you. I don’t like our chances of getting them back and I am placing my friends are in great danger in trying to find them.’

    ‘Then we must help also. Where will we go?’ asked Warooka.

    ‘Soon enough my friend, soon enough! We have a more important task to perform. Your shipmate, Ray, is about twelve hours sailing time from this very coastline.’

    Warooka looked at Moonta and sat down on a stool, thinking. He watched as Cleve smiled broadly with a deep satisfaction at their reaction.

    ‘All right Cleve, what’s going on here? I don’t understand what’s happening.’ He asked suspiciously.

    Cleve reached into his pocket and drew out a Net cap. He dropped it on to the bench.

    ‘If you people are so big on hats? Then why aren’t you wearing one?’ said Warooka.

    Cleve cocked his head as he looked at him.

    ‘This hat is the symbol of the fall of the human race. It has destroyed all that mankind has ever worked for and yet…, it is his greatest achievement. My people, the people of this dead city, wear this hat every minute of every day for their entire lives. They know nothing better. They are too lazy to live their own lives. Their nutrient intake is balanced to their bear minim requirements, specifically designed to manage their meagre energy output and dull their minds. Their body muscles are electronically stimulated and everything in their life is completely controlled through the caps. Mentally, they are brought up to live life through other people’s lives. The reality of real living is unknown to them.’

    Warooka shifted uncomfortably on the stool and exchanged glances with Moonta as she sat down. Cleve walked over to a drink dispenser and prepared three cups as he continued to talk.

    ‘Through these caps, the people of this city, this world, watch the people of your world, Net land. Not watch as you know it, they actually participate through your mind. They actually feel your emotions and share your thoughts.’

    He was silent for a moment watching them as they tried to absorb what he was telling them. When neither of them reacted, he asked.

    ‘Do you understand what I’m talking about?

    ‘No’. They answered in unison.

    ‘If I place this cap on my head then I can see, hear, feel and think as you do. I cannot control you but for all intent and purpose, I am you and when your life becomes painful or boring, I can switch off and become someone else. The hat you wear now is blocking out the millions of minds that have had that ability since the day you were born. Especially, in both your cases, over the last sun cycle, as you call it.’

    He watched as they again exchanged glances. Warooka began pacing the room, his mood clearly changing as he digested the information.

    ‘Let’s get this right,’ said Moonta.

    ‘When we make love, people can watch if they wear that cap?’

    Warooka stopped, he glared at Cleve, his nostrils flaring and anger seethed in his eyes.

    ‘Not watch. They participate as one or the other, swap places as you go about your…, business, as they choose. They have no control over what is happening but they feel, think and see as you do’

    Warooka suddenly grabbed Cleve by the throat. He did not like what he was hearing. He lifted him off the floor as he looked him in the eye.

    ‘Stop it Warooka!’ yelled Moonta as she leapt from the stool where she sat to try to help Cleve.

    However, it was too late, Warooka held him high in the air. Moonta first kicked him in the shin with her left foot and as she regained her balance, swung her right knee towards his genitals. A manoeuvre he was well familiar with and it caught his attention immediately. He dropped the young Cedunan flat on his backside as he blocked her attack.

    ‘Do you understand what the hell he just said?’

    He asked her.

    ‘Of course I do, but he’s on our side. He’s trying to help us.’

    Cleve was sitting on the floor, coughing and dazed. Moonta tried to help him but he shuddered uncontrollably and pulled away, she backed off so as not to upset him anymore.

    ‘It’s all right. I won’t let him hurt you again,’

    She assured him and looked angrily at Warooka. He avoided her hard stare.

    ‘What the hell sort of a place is this? Do they just lay about with this thing on their head all day, every day of their lives?’

    ‘For at least ... cough, cough … the at least fifty thousand years.’ Spat Cleve resentfully.

    ‘They don’t know any better. But with your help, we can change all that.’

    ‘Have you?’ asked Warooka.


    ‘Participated?’ scowled Warooka.

    ‘Of course.’

    He immediately regretted his words realising the possible consequence. Then he quickly added.

    ‘How else would I know how to find you? I predicted your escape route and planned your rescue. I can only do that through this device. I know roughly where Ray is through the minds of Unow, Koonaida and Minlaton and I….’

    ‘Little Minlaton?

    ‘Oh yes. He was on the boat, a stowaway, hidden under the spare sail, very entertaining.’

    Warooka stared at Cleve as he picked himself up of the floor. He cowered submissively as he stood, fear showed in his face. Having never been a real victim of an assault before, he was unsure of his emotions. He was beginning to feel exhilarated.

    ‘It’s all right, I’m sorry. It’s all a little over bearing. The thought that…’

    Then he realised.

    ‘So they’re alive. Thank the forest spirits for that.’

    ‘Hanna. Do you know where Hanna is?’ asked Moonta.

    ‘He’s been taken to the ‘Wells.’

    ‘Of Paradigm?’

    ‘Yes, you see, the caps don’t allow us to see through the minds of the Priests, other Cedunan’s or Hanna and his crewmates.’

    ‘What, only the people of our land?’



    ‘Maybe we shouldn’t discuss so much information in our first meeting. It’s a lot to take in.’

    ‘I want to know,’ said Warooka.

    ‘And so do I.’ Added Moonta.

    He looked at them both as he settled on a stool.

    ‘You and the different peoples of Netland were originally bred from DNA stock collected and found over many millennia, on the mother planet. Do you understand?’

    ‘No.’ He explained and then went on.

    ‘The blue star is where we all originally came from.’ He said.

    ‘The priests are a hybrid, engineered, beings that are actually descended from man’s robotic years.’

    ‘Robotic?’ repeated Warooka slowly.’

    ‘There was a time when men made machines, tools, that did all the work and mankind became lazy and soon obsolete. The primary function of the machines was to protect and serve man. Then, as time moved on, the machines realised that man needed protection from himself. In the process, these machines refined themselves as best they could. They became human as best they could.’

    ‘I don’t understand,’ said Warooka.

    ‘Being machines, their image of perfection was to become as their creators were, organic and they improved somewhat on that. But they don’t breed; they are grown, in vats.’

    ‘What’s a vat?’

    ‘I’ll explain. Let’s get back to the main point. To do their job properly, they had to protect man from himself. As mankind had no worries about work or food or whatever, life became boring and unfulfilled. Over indulgence became a lifestyle, some participated in deadly sports, some simply over ate, but the majority spent their time taking drugs and viewing life through a picture screen, such as in your quarters.’

    ‘The life of men was prolonged, unproductive and unsatisfying; it wasn’t long before suicide became the biggest killer.’

    He handed them each a steaming cup of broth.

    ‘The priest’s, engineered by the machines to imitate their creators, finally had to step in, so they developed the Net, originally called the ‘Safety Net’. Slowly they designed and built Net World and developed its inhabitants from archaeological genetic stocks from the blue star. They designed a system, a place, where people who were most likely to do themselves harm could be placed as a last resort for their own safety and eventually, well, it took over.’

    ‘Can we use the cap to see?’ asked Warooka.

    ‘No, your brain waves were adapted to accept the signal that tunes into the system and no, it doesn’t allow for two way reception. The idea being, we ‘The Chosen’ as we’re called, could live our lives protected from you ‘The Net landers.’

    ‘But who’s protecting us?’ asked Warooka.

    ‘Well, you see, because you’re the descendants of genetically engineered stock, the Priests consider you as disposable as they are your creators and therefore they believe it is their right to decide your fate. You are simply a means to an end.’

    ‘Their responsibility to protect only lies with the descendants of those who that created them, the people who were alive at the time of the mechanical era and their descendants. That’s why they were created and therefore that’s their justification.

    ‘That’s terrible,’ said Moonta.

    ‘Yes, but that’s the way it is.’

    Just then, a noise sounded from the screen on the workbench. Cleve pressed a button.

    ‘Rudell here Cleve,’ said an anxious voice.

    ‘There’s trouble, big trouble. People are leaving their quarters Cleve. They’re coming out into the corridors and the streets. They’re looking for the runaway gamers. They want to know what’s going on.

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