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Whispered Call: His Voice to His Children
Whispered Call: His Voice to His Children
Whispered Call: His Voice to His Children
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Whispered Call: His Voice to His Children

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Verses from Scripture and meditations from the Father's heart combine to speak His voice to His children. These words will comfort and challenge, soothe and correct, and ultimately draw each reader closer to the God who loves and pursues all the way to the ends of the earth.

PublisherSue Piper
Release dateNov 8, 2014
Whispered Call: His Voice to His Children

Sue Piper

ABOUT THE AUTHORS:FROM GOD WHISPERS:Sue and I have struggled with what to write about “us.” Like many of you, we wife, mom, friend and grandma to the best of our ability, sometimes getting it right, many times not. Sue faced the staggering task of raising two boys alone while continuing to teach in the Cleveland Public School System, after almost simultaneously finishing her doctorate in education and her husband just not coming home one day. Sue is retired now; she is an avid reader, loves nature and enjoys traveling. Sue continues to have a heart for the financially disadvantaged and she spends some time every year in East Africa visiting her older son and his family who live there. At home, she sells the items she’s brought across the ocean to undergird various ministries that support Ethiopia’s people. I was raised in a fairly rural setting, here in Northeast Ohio. I worked in a factory right out of high school, finishing my “career” as company librarian and training assistant eighteen years later when I had my third child, since three means that they outnumber and out-think you. I married my husband in 1986 and I still consider him my boyfriend. He travels the world keeping kith and kin together for us while I keep the home fires burning .... seems to work for us. I enjoy my friends; I too, am an huge fan of the great outdoors, and I spend time at our church helping with a women’s bible study and various other tasks. Like every one of His children, we are ordinary and unique and we lead ordinary, extraordinary lives. Like yours, our respective stories hold many occasions where the bottom could have, even should have, dropped out were it not for two words: “... but God ...”FROM STILL... GOD WHISPERS:“About the authors” is such an interesting little phrase because it’s really asking that in a few short paragraphs one sums up his or her life and hands it to the world so they can say ... “Oh, I ‘see’ you!” Having given you the facts regarding “about the authors” in our first devotional, God Whispers, I decided to tell you what I’d like to know about the authors if I were you. Sue and I are best friends, meeting four years ago at the women’s bible study at Faith Fellowship Church here in Macedonia, Ohio. Sue is a retired teacher from the Cleveland school system with two married sons, and I am a long-time homemaker with three engaging young women I call my daughters and a husband who through necessity is simply steeped in grace. As “besties,” Sue and I have spent a lot of time together in these few years, sharing life, sharpening one another, laughing, and crying with one another. We have a like-mindedness that is really fun at times - regarding the outdoors (we love it), food (we eat too much), clothes shopping (thrift stores). However, we can also be quite different. Sue’s an avid reader; the girl reads more than anyone I’ve ever met, while I am a lover of information and love watching TV documentaries on everything from accordions to zephyrs. We hardly ever discuss politics (nuff said) ... and our working styles are completely different. Through it all, we’ve learned to appreciate our uniqueness as well as our similarities. We believe God creates many friendships that He wishes to use as tools to shelter and enrich others. Sue and I have been so blessed, first by our covenant friendship, but also because He’s used that friendship to be a blessing of His making for others.FROM WHISPERED CALL:There’s nothing of any real importance left to say about Sue and Sandy, not really. Our stories, in short version, are found at the end of our first two devotionals, God Whispers and Still... God Whispers.The important story in all of this is God’s story, and that story is the same for all of us: His love redeems us; His love remakes us; His love uses us. He is a pursuing God who never gives up on His created ones.This third book is a product of the patient, persistent, and compelling whispered call that the God of the universe showers on both of our lives. We are learning to step out of His way in order that His powerful love might speak through these words.We pray that you would see and hear only Him as you meet him in these meditations. It is He who yearns to be heard; our pens are but a vehicle.If you’d like to contact us, please feel free to email us at [email protected].

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    Book preview

    Whispered Call - Sue Piper


    His Voice to

    His Children


    Sue Piper and Sandy Petty














    Whispered Call: His Voice to His Children

    Copyright © 2014 by Sue Piper and Sandy Petty

    Cover photo copyright © 2014 by SandPiper

    Photo taken at Hudson Springs Park, Hudson, Ohio

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or any other – except for brief quotations in critical reviews of articles, without the prior written permission of the authors.

    All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture quotations marked AMP are taken from the Amplified Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the King James Version.

    Scripture quotations marked MSG are taken from The Message. Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.

    Scripture quotations marked NKJV™ are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked TNIV are taken from the Holy Bible, Today’s New International Version™, TNIV® Copyright © 2001, 2005 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture quotations marked GW are taken from GOD’S WORD®,

    © 1995 God’s Word to the Nations. Used by permission of Baker Publishing Group.

    ISBN 13: 978-1502348951 print copy

    ISBN 13: 978-1310553868 eBook version

    Printed in the United States of America

    Dedicated to the God who calls us forth

    and makes all things possible


    I have not come to undo you; truly I have come to bind you up. The slings and arrows of all of man’s days create bleeding, aching heart wounds, confusion, and void; I have come to fill that void; I have come to heal those wounds; I have come to banish that confusion with My light and life. To your prayer closet I come, Me … My very presence, My very person; not to find fault, I come Child to release you from your prisoner stance. Hear now these words of freedom; let them permeate your mind and spirit; they have great power to overcome your long practiced restraining voices, forever holding you back, holding you down, forever speaking lies … ‘He cannot love me.’ ‘He does not care.’ ‘I am not enough.’ Child, I hear your whispered pain; now you hear My Whispered Call to your heart. Let My words of love, of mercy, of affection echo against your cavernous need, bouncing and rebounding across the years of your fractured and lonely life. I’ve come and you never again step alone; I’ve come and you never again stand alone; I’ve come and you never again reach out to find no one reaching back; I’ve come to speak; hear now My Whispered Call, and know wholeness.

    Your Abba Father


    Our appreciation to all those who have shared with us how God has impacted their lives and hearts using the words in God Whispers and Still… God Whispers. Your stories have, and continue to spur us on. It is with humble gratitude that we also thank those who faithfully answer His call to pray for us, that it would always be God who is the author of our efforts and not we ourselves.

    We particularly wish to acknowledge Andre Mickel, DDS, MSD who has generously provided hundreds of these devotionals to some of His hurting children in crisis situations. May the seeds you plant bear much fruit for His Kingdom!

    We thank our dear friend and sister, Karin Nethery, once again for her tireless and uncomplaining editing.


    Neither Sandy nor I ever intended to be the authors of a book, much less three books. But God, we have learned, often has different plans than the ones we anticipate for ourselves. Even so, it is with some trepidation that we once again claim that these whisperings voice God’s heart of love for His children. We know, however, that we dare not let false humility stand in the way of messages that He would impart to His own.

    We pray that the Comforter and Counselor, the promised Holy Spirit, would reveal Himself to each person through these meditations. May He increase and we decrease as you read until you only hear His heart for you in these words.

    May His whispered call urge you forth, and may His healing touch lead you out of the darknesses of this world and ever deeper into the light of His love.

    Additional copies of this book may be purchased directly from the authors or from or (Quantity discounts are available through the authors.) Various eBook formats are available from,,, and iTunes.

    If you would like to contact us, please feel free to email us at [email protected].


    If, as you read the words in this devotional, your heart stirs; if you hear God’s gentle whisper in your spirit; if you’d like to have a personal relationship with God, but you can’t figure out how to begin or what to say, we share a short prayer of reflection, repentance, and redemption with you.  It’s not the words that matter; it’s your heart’s yearning to draw close to God and accept the grace and love that He offers through His Son Jesus Christ.  What God desires most from you is a sincere heart and an unflinching honesty about where you are and what you need from Him. 

    Dear Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that in my lifetime I’ve done a lot of wrong things toward others, toward myself, and toward You. I’ve made a mess of much of my life, and I’m tired of being in charge.  Father, I ask forgiveness for my sins and I ask you, Jesus, to come into my heart and be Lord over it all. Only You, Father, have the ability and the willingness to take all that I am, and all that I’m not, and turn it around. Thank You for saving me; thank You for loving me; thank You for reaching out for me.

    We encourage you to get a copy of The Bible that you can read and understand. (The Message Bible is a great place to start if you’ve never read The Bible.) Also needed for your growth and emotional well-being is a good church with people that are willing to reach out to you and come along side you in this journey of life with Him.

    If you’ve made a commitment to Christ or you have more questions, we’d love to hear from you. Please email us at: [email protected]


    January 1

    Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David. Isaiah 55:3

    Draw near and worship Me! Draw near and glorify Me! Draw near and bow before Me! Little baby born is King of Kings and Lord and Lords, and My baby arms even today are not too short to save you. Your praises and your penitence reach My throne. Draw near; come close. Do not let anyone else worship for you. My sons, My daughters, I need to hear your voice; I need to hear your heart; I need to see your bowed spirit. Bare your soul to Me this first day of this new year. Praise Me! Glorify Me! Bow before Me! I am King and Lord. I am your Redeemer. I am child just born who will save your heart and soul, here and now and forever more. Come! I invite you today. Put aside your tiredness from the world’s revelry and come. Dear heart, come; COME to Me! Let Me embrace you as you bow before Me, as you surrender all of yourself to Me this day. Make a clean start, a new start, that I might do new things in your life. Taste … and see … for I the Lord am good.

    January 2

    It is written: ‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.’ Romans 14:11

    Tremble at My coming. Bow in the face of My holiness. Stand amazed at My presence. You have become far too used to the ordinary landscape of your life, and you do not see Me because you do not look for Me. You too often miss My coming to you because your eyes are closed to the spiritual; too enmeshed in the things of this world, you have let your spirit harden, and you miss the things of Me. I come with love, with peace, with kindness, but remember that it is I who come, not some whimpering, useless, powerless presence. I will open your eyes, and you will see Me as I truly am and fall prostrate before Me.

    January 3

    The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish. There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 14:11-12

    The world has built memorials to wealth and to power, but I see the hearts of men. It is not what you have but who you are that matters to Me. Do not be easily swayed by the package a life comes in, for the outer wrapping is just that and only that. What appears comfortable, what appears important, what seems easy, fun, or even meritorious is often just an outer layer that disguises the stench of death and despair. Judge not by the world’s standards, for what the world constructs and what it values holds little measure of My truth. Blessed are the meek not the proud. Blessed are those who seek after My righteousness and not the riches of the world, for in My kingdom it is they who will be filled, they who will be satisfied.

    January 4

    He found him out in the wilderness, in an empty, windswept wasteland. He threw his arms around him, lavished attention on him, guarding him as the apple of his eye. Deuteronomy 32:10 (MSG)

    I have taken hold of you, and in that relentless holding is the power that causes you to take hold of Me. The apple of My eye, sheltered under the shadow of My wings, and encompassed by My loving embrace and My Father heart, I continually search for you to draw you close. Your leaning in is not of your initiative or your strength; rather it is your spirit heart swaying in tempo to the overtures of your Creator God. Struggle not against the close abiding to which I call you. Come forth from the empty wilderness places. Leave the desert behind and step out into the oasis of My love and nurture. Abide in Me in the places I have prepared for you. Do not cower in the darkness of the past or in ignorance of the future unaware that I have already restored the wounds of the past and prepared both the high and the low places of your future. Take My hand; abide in Me!

    January 5

    If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Matthew 7:11

    Child, the ability to color your world with different shades and hues I place in your hand. This ability you’ve always had, but it’s been locked away, hidden; hidden behind shame and insecurity and fear and rejection. Now, Child, you have glimpsed the box of crayons that I have made available to you, and your soul stirs with excitement. Reach for new colors; see the deep, rich hues of the new tints available to you. Do not worry about staying within the lines, right now; it’s about the new color; it’s about taking crayon to old paper and re-coloring the areas of life that have been miss-colored in grays and beiges. Take the colors that YOU choose, and with bold hand and confident heart make these spaces of bland burst with new color. I give you this gift as I have given it to all; albeit, late in life you receive it, do not be dismayed by that fact. As others’ colors begin to fade and lose their vibrancy, your colors will ignite and shine with a brilliance that will re-ignite others’ colors. I am pleased, Child, that you see now the box of colors I’ve set aside for you; use them, revel in them, enjoy them, for this resounds glory back to Me.

    January 6

    Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. Isaiah 49:15-16

    I do not need to be reminded of My love for you, for it is I who have called you and I who have chosen you. Your imperfections do not alarm Me; your unholy ways do not drive you from Me. You are in My sights all the time and none of your ways are hidden from Me. Why do you worry? Do you not know that I have your todays in My hand? Reach out and I am there; listen and you will hear Me already speaking; look and you will find that My gaze is already focused on you. I will never forget you; I will never leave nor forsake you. I will repair your broken down walls. I will nurse you back to health. I will speak peace when there is no peace. Trust Me in all this Child.

    January 7

    Am I not a God near at hand - God’s Decree - and not a God far off? Jeremiah 23:23 (MSG)

    For you who faces today with false cheer or a pasted on smile, who greets your today with tears in your eyes, and who can barely worship because of what’s going on in your life, it’s for you that I came … and it’s for you that today I come. There are no easy answers for you to understand, My Child, why life is so difficult sometimes, and I know your pain and your grief and your questions and your concerns would swamp you. But, like Peter, I have given you the power to walk on water; I have given you the power to stand where there is no firm place to stand because I, Child, I am your firm place. I am the One who loves you best with a love that will carry you from your problems, through your problems, from your grief and through your grief, into My arms. Breathe, Child; breathe, and lift up your head, and meet My eyes and My gaze, and feel My arms of love around you, for until we are reunited in My Kingdom forever, there is no other safe place; there is no other haven. I invite you to My haven because I love you.

    January 8

    You gave bread from heaven for their hunger, you sent water from the rock for their thirst…. You gave them your good Spirit to teach them to live wisely. You never stinted with your manna, gave them plenty of water to drink. You supported them forty years in that desert; they had everything they needed; Their clothes didn’t wear out and their feet never blistered. Nehemiah 9:15.20-21 (MSG)

    Do not doubt My sufficiency. Neither doubt My close by presence, My hunkering down into your life today, and My Spirit fullness. Assume that I abide and you will find Me. Assume that My today manna is sufficient for your needs. You have gone out to the fields with Me; you have collected My heart and My words for you; now live in them securely. Find your way through this day not by means of your intellect but through the working of My spiritual nourishment within you. You are not alone, My Child, for I abide in you and with you and fill you for all your needs. I love you so much that the manna I have given you is exactly what you need for the day that I will bring you. Rejoice in that!

    January 9

    The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21

    With your words you speak life, or with your words you speak death. What you utter toward another brings My grace and My healing, or it brings destruction and pain. Your mouth is a force in My world. Though small, it is mighty. Words thoughtlessly spoken hold no less power; carelessness does not keep the seed from growing. It is good for you to remember the impact what you say can have on another’s heart and life. Pause and think: ‘Is this life giving? Or is this death breathing?’ In that pause, hope can spring. Be no less conscious of the words you speak to yourself. The subconscious mutterings of a heart about itself are more powerful than you know. You can destroy your very soul from the inside, damaging your own tender tissue with the thoughts you think and the words you speak about you. Remember whose you are; remember who you are. Be careful what you say to My loved ones, yourself included.

    January 10

    This is how God showed his love for us: God sent his only Son into the world so we might live through him. This is the kind of love we are talking about - not that we once upon a time loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they’ve done to our relationship with God. 1 John 4:9-10 (MSG)

    Bow at My feet. Prostrate yourself. Do not take the offering of Myself to you lightly, for My blood was shed and My life was given that you might see My love clearly. Abiding in Me is not some heavenly game of hide and seek in reverse. Rather it is Holy God coming down, giving up rights to rescue you, to find you, to redeem you, to restore you. I call not for recognition (although I deserve that) but for surrender, not for intellectual consent (although that must be there too) but for your will to bow. Your rightful place in the universe is in submission and surrender to Me, the Holy God who loves you.

    January 11

    [B]ecause the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in. Proverbs 3:12

    You cry and hide your face from Me, stung by My discipline. Child, you have brought this calliope of circumstances upon yourself. In your haste, in your anger, in your rebellion, you chose your path. Now Satan serves you up a double portion of misery for your trouble. Are you yet done with your own way? Have you yet reached the end of your own wisdom? Can you yet bend your knee and once again hear My voice of direction? None of this is pleasurable for Me, Child; My heart aches for your pain; My arms burn for you to return to their embrace. My love for you changes not, not in your obedience nor your rebellion; My ear is ever open to your cry. My discipline is meted out because the cruelest thing parents can do is to allow their beloved child to continue down a path destined to be that child’s undoing and not cry out loud and long … ‘STOP!’ while creating the painful encouragement for them to do so. I love you thusly Child; My hand of correction is the same hand that has your name engraved upon its palm.

    January 12

    Then Joseph said to his brothers, Come close to me. Genesis 45:4

    Like Joseph’s unfaithful, fearful brothers, you stand afar from Me. What you have done, who you have been, banishes you from My sight in your own eyes. Your past makes a present with Me impossible, just as Joseph’s brothers felt about their repugnant treatment of him. Expecting retribution and justice, they feared the worst for themselves. And so it is with you. You cannot begin to imagine My mercy stretched toward you, nor My love poured out. You know who you are, what you have done, and, even despite your best intentions, what you have failed to do. In your heart, you know that you do not deserve either My forgiveness or My love, and so when I implore you to come close, you envision punishment rather than mercy at the end of that command. It is your faithlessness that needs Me so desperately, and in no way will I turn you away when you come. No punishment awaits you, for I have already taken your just retribution upon Myself. Only My joy at our reunion awaits; only the washing away of the past with My great love fills the present. Fear not; come close to Me!

    January 13

    O Lord, the king rejoices in your strength. How great is his joy in the victories you give! You have granted him the desire of his heart and have not withheld the request of his lips. Psalm 21:1-2

    As I have promised you, My Child, your praises have indeed called Me close to you this morning. So hear My word to your heart. Remember: I will be victorious. When you are chained by circumstances, remember, I will be victorious. When you are chained in defeat and by disease and health issues, remember, I will be victorious. When you are chained by loss and grief and despair, remember, I will indeed be victorious. You are My Mordecai. You may not know the end of the story, but I know it. So be faithful. The gallows that Haman has set out before your eyes to taunt you with the noose, and the chain that you feel around your neck created by the enemy of your heart, I will reverse those, My Child. Haman will die on His own gallows. The enemy will be defeated. Your praise calls My presence forth. It reminds you, My Child, I WILL BE VICTORIOUS!

    January 14

    Comfort, yes, comfort My people! Says your God. Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her, That her warfare is ended, That her iniquity is pardoned; For she has received from the Lord’s hand Double for all her sins. Isaiah 40:1-2 (NKJV)

    You walk this world with a taut chain around your neck, a choke collar designed and held by the Great Pretender. The world and its master would convince you to go this way and that, guided by your lusts and by your cravings, enthralled by its enticements. You feel powerless, held by its sway, held captive by a will and a force other than your own. Do you not yet realize, Child; have you not yet heard? The power of My Son crucified fills you. The authority that brought Him forth from the grave has been given to you. Look at yourself! You have the power to break the choke collar that you wear, that the world and its master use to lead you to and fro. You have the authority to put a chain around his neck, around the world’s neck, subduing in My name the lust of your eyes, your cravings for this world, the defeat and the despair of circumstances, for My power is your power. Cower no longer like a dog mistreated by its cruel master. I am your Master, and I have given you authority in My name to defeat the grasp of this world and all its horrors. You are free; you are released; you are pardoned; you are loved. Walk in that truth.

    January 15

    Remember: A stingy planter gets a stingy crop; a lavish planter gets a lavish crop…. As one psalmist puts it, He throws caution to the winds, giving to the needy in reckless abandon. His right-living, right-giving ways never run out, never wear out. This most generous God who gives seed to the farmer that becomes bread for your meals is more than extravagant with you. He gives you something you can then give away, which grows into full-formed lives, robust in God, wealthy in every way, so that you can be generous in every way, producing with us great praise to God. 2 Corinthians 9:6,9-11 (MSG)

    I speak truth to you. I give you My Word, My seed, My love. In times of abundance and in times of lack, there is always some seed that I leave you with. My truth is clear: what you sow, you will reap. If you sow nothing, you will reap nothing. This is the law of the harvest. Your greatest sacrifice in times of desperate need and relentless grief is to look to the future, not just the present. Do not hold so tightly what you fear is too little for the present that you cannot sow it into the future. The hard places of your life produce the tears that will soften the hard ground around you; what causes you to cry is exactly what will enable a future healthy harvest. Give heed to your tears; loose the cries that you have suppressed in your captivity. Take the seed that I have given you; relinquish your tight grasp of fear that there will be no more, and sow it; plant it. My Holy Spirit imbues your heart with constancy and expectation, for there will never come a time when I won't provide spiritual seed enough to sustain you, nor will there ever be a time when I don't call you to plant while thinking of the future and not just the present. When tears stream down your face, when circumstances feel overwhelming, that is when I call you to plant. The planting of My seed is not always done with the sun shining and the sky blue. Often I call you to plant when the seed has almost run out, when you have to choose between eating in the present and sowing for the future, when you have to trust that what I give you today is also intended to be a harvest for tomorrow.

    January 16

    The Lord Almighty has sworn, Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand. Isaiah 14:24

    My plans will not be thwarted; My intentions will not be denied. You have heard it said that you can run but not hide; that is true of your relationship with Me as well. You may turn a deaf ear. You may avert your gaze. You may even deny both Me and My ways. Yet nothing will change Me, and nothing can make Me deny My love for you. I have purposed long before time began; long before you knew Me, I knit together not just you but all time and people and places. From your vantage point, it seems the world

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