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Forest of the Forbidden
Forest of the Forbidden
Forest of the Forbidden
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Forest of the Forbidden

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From the best selling authors of Five Shades of Fantasy, comes 6 new paranormal fantasy tales of love, loss, mystery and the unknown.


Release dateNov 9, 2014
Forest of the Forbidden

W.J. May

About W.J. May Welcome to USA TODAY BESTSELLING author W.J. May's Page! SIGN UP for W.J. May's Newsletter to find out about new releases, updates, cover reveals and even freebies!   Website: Facebook: *Please feel free to connect with me and share your comments. I love connecting with my readers.* W.J. May grew up in the fruit belt of Ontario. Crazy-happy childhood, she always has had a vivid imagination and loads of energy. After her father passed away in 2008, from a six-year battle with cancer (which she still believes he won the fight against), she began to write again. A passion she'd loved for years, but realized life was too short to keep putting it off. She is a writer of Young Adult, Fantasy Fiction and where ever else her little muses take her.

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    Forest of the Forbidden - W.J. May

    Forest of the Forbidden

    W.J. May et al.

    Published by Dark Shadow Publishing, 2014.


    Copyright by All Authors Listed in this Book

    W.J. May, Kristen Middleton, Chrissy Peebles, CM Doporto, Kaitlyn Davis, Samantha Long

    Copyright 2014

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy.  Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

    From the authors of 5 Shades of Fantasy, come 6 new fantasy/romance novels in one volume - 6 more sexy heroes and strong heroines –

    All in One Book!


    BOOK 1

    VENOM by Kristen Middleton

    BOOK 2

    SEVENTH MARK – Part 1 by W.J. May

    BOOK 3

    THE SHADOW SOUL By Kaitlyn Davis

    BOOK 4

    CRUSH By Chrissy Peebles

    Book 5

    ELEMENT By CM Doporto

    Book 6

    AWAKENING By Samantha Long

    Book 1

    VENOM by Kristen Middleton


    A vampire novella derived from The Night Roamer's series.

    When Melody Williams goes missing at a concert, at Club Nightshade, her eighteen-year-old cousin, Chelsey Fairfax, sneaks into the club to find answers. Little does she know that some mysteries are better left hidden.

    Meanwhile, Venom is in town, a hot new band from Europe, and the owner of Club Nightshade wants them there permanently...

    Book 2

    SEVENTH MARK – Part 1 by W.J. May


    Beautiful Rouge has little knowledge about her past, she has questions but has never tried to find the answers. Everything changes when she befriends a strangely intoxicating family. Siblings Grace and Michael, appear to have secrets which seem somehow connected to Rouge. Forced to be apart, Michael and Rouge's worlds collide when a hidden terror threatens to destroy Michael's family. Rouge may be the only one who can find the answer.

    An ancient journal, a Sioghra necklace and a special mark force life-altering decisions for a girl who grew up unprepared to fight for her life or others.

    All secrets have a cost and Rouge’s determination to find the truth may force her and Michael apart. It can only lead to trouble...or something even more sinister.

    *Warning: There are werewolves in this story... and they are not friendly.*

    ** Warning #2: This book will end on a cliffhanger. Book 2 picks up where this book ends.**

    Book 3

    THE SHADOW SOUL – by Kaitlyn Davis


    When Jinji's home is destroyed, she is left with nowhere to run and no one to run to—until she meets Rhen, a prince chasing rumors that foreign enemies have landed on his shores. Masquerading as a boy, Jinji joins Rhen with vengeance in her heart. But traveling together doesn't mean trusting one another, and both are keeping a deep secret—magic. Jinji can weave the elements to create master illusions and Rhen can pull burning flames into his flesh.

    But while they struggle to hide the truth, a shadow lurks in the night. An ancient evil has reawakened, and unbeknownst to them, these two unlikely companions hold the key to its defeat. Because their meeting was not coincidence—it was fate. And their story has played out before, in a long forgotten time, an age of myth that is about to be reborn...

    Book 4

    Crush – by Chrissy Peebles


    His precious touch could prove deadly... 

    When Taylor Sparks moves from New York City to Big Bear Lake, California; her life is forever changed when she meets a hot guy with winter-blue eyes named Jesse. Their attraction is instant, the chemistry undeniable. But sadly, things aren't adding up. Taylor wonders what her 'crush' is hiding. When her new friend, Fred tells her his suspicions about Jesse being a paranormal creature, Taylor laughs. But when Fred turns up dead, she believes every warning he ever told her. 

    Taylor is shocked to learn that Big Bear Lake isn't just glittering lakes, towering pines, and breathtaking mountains...there's more...way more than meets the eye. 

    Will Taylor dive into a paranormal world she knows nothing about? To be with the one her heart can’t live without? 

    The Crush Saga Book Trailer:

    Book 5

    ELEMENT – by CM Doporto

    College freshman, Natalie Vega, offers to be a test patient for several vitamins and supplements created by Kronberg Laboratories, a large pharmaceutical company where she interns. Immediately her body starts going through physical changes but when she runs into her former high school crush, Ryan Garrett, she is unaware of the life altering affects he will have on her.

    Book 6

    AWAKENING – By Samantha Long

    The Guardians Book 1

    When Sophie moves to Boston to get away from the people who ridiculed her for her psychic talents, she wants to start fresh. But when a demon attacks her study group at the library, she has no choice but to reveal her abilities to warn the others.

    She learns the attacks won't stop until she's dead. To stay alive she joins forces with the other students and a secret society that has battled the demons for centuries.

    The last thing she wants to do is be a pawn in the war of good and evil. When her visions start showing events from a past life, she can't ignore the connections it shows. She has no choice but to acknowledge the bonds that tie her to the other students, even if some of them refuse, to have the strength to defeat the demon that hunts them down.

    Will she survive long enough to stop the demons from destroying everything and everyone she loves?



    BOOK 1


    (A Night Roamers Novella – Slade and Chelsey’s Story)


    Kristen Middleton

    Copyright©2014 Kristen Middleton

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without express written permission of the author.

    This eBook is licensed for your enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this with others, please purchase additional copies for each individual. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or if it was not purchased for your use only, please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    The music in the club was beginning to give her a headache, but Melody ignored it. She was about to go to an after-party with the band members of Venom, who’d just finished their last encore at Club Nightshade. She was also pretty confident that if she played her cards right, she’d be in the lead vocalist’s arms before dawn.


    Just thinking about him made her tingle all over. Damn, the guy was hawt and had a voice that made her want to jump his bones. With those hypnotic green eyes and that sexy infamous half-smile of his, she knew she wasn’t the only girl lusting after him in the club. But she’d definitely mastered the skill of flirting and had eventually gotten Slade’s attention. She’d done the pouty lip thing and made sure he’d gotten an eyeful of cleavage, dancing as close to the stage as possible, twerking with her girlfriends until every guy in the club had been drooling. It had obviously worked, because she’d gotten a note from one of the waitresses with an invite to some party being hosted by the owner of the club, complements of the band. Thankfully, she’d gotten a fake I.D. the week before or there was no way she’d have been able to step inside of the club, let alone party with the band afterwards. 

    Leaning forward, she applied another layer of dark cherry gloss to her lips, and then fluffed out her long blond hair. She stood back and smiled, recalling how Slade’s eyes had been transfixed on those same lips. Obviously, he liked the rich crimson color.

    You ready to go, Melody? asked her best friend Taylor, who was frantically texting someone on her phone. It’s getting late and I told Ricky I’d stop by after we left the club. She looked up and giggled. Booty call, baby.

    What about us? asked Veronica, looking pissed. I thought we’d agreed that I was staying at your place tonight, Taylor?

    You’re welcome to wait in the car.  It won’t take long, she replied. He’s like a jack-hammer.

    Melody and Veronica looked at each other, and then burst out laughing.

    Taylor bit her lower lip. Actually, now that I think about it, I’m not in the mood for thirty seconds of Ricky. You know, I’d almost rather go eat somewhere. We could go back to that diner up the street. Remember how awesome their food was last time we went?

    Veronica’s eyes lit up. Ruth’s? Girl, I’m starving. Let’s do it.

    Uh... sorry. I can’t, guys, said Melody. I’m meeting someone.

    Taylor raised an eyebrow. What do you mean? Who?!

    Melody stared at her side-view in the mirror, sucking in her stomach and thrusting out her chest. She was glad she’d worn her new leopard-printed pushup bra with the matching thong. She wondered if Slade liked animal print. Wish I could tell you, but it’s kind of a secret.

    Excuse me, replied Veronica, putting her hands on her hips. "We’re your best friends. You have to tell us!"

    She hesitated, wanting to share the news, but her friends had big mouths. I can’t. Look, I’ll tell you tomorrow. I just don’t want to blow my chances tonight.

    Blow your chances? He’s not married or anything, is he? asked Taylor.

    Please, replied Melody, rolling her eyes. I’m not into married guys. I just can’t tell you who it is because I promised not to say anything.

    That’s just weird, said Veronica.

    If you knew who it was, you wouldn’t think so, she replied with a sly smile.

    Are you going to be okay? I feel uncomfortable taking off like this and not knowing exactly what’s up, said Taylor.

    Melody dug into her Louis Vuitton purse and took out a small bottle of perfume. She spritzed some into the air and then stepped into the fruity mist. Don’t worry about me. Everything is totally cool.

    Veronica studied her face. He’s not some freak, is he? You know him pretty well?

    Melody smiled. Of course, and he’s not a freak. Chill out, guys.

    Veronica sighed. We’re just worried about you.

    Melody zipped up her purse. Look, I appreciate your concern, but I’ll be fine. Take off and get some breakfast. She winked. While I go and get me some dessert.

    Veronica laughed. Girl, I hear that. Next time get some for me, too. I haven’t had sex since Jerome and I broke up last summer.

    We know, said Taylor. You complain about it at least twice a day.

    You would too if it wasn’t for the ‘Jack Hammer’, she replied.

    Speaking of... maybe I should meet up with Ricky, said Taylor, biting her lower lip.

    "Oh, hell no, replied Veronica. I’m not going to be the only one not getting some tonight."

    Taylor laughed. Fine. I’m sure the food will be more satisfying than thirty seconds of Ricky anyway.

    Especially if you order the cheesecake again, said Melody. Remember how much you loved it?

    Mm... that’s right. Well, call us tomorrow, said Taylor, dropping her phone into her satchel. And give us the dirt.

    You know it, she replied, hugging her. Melody turned to Veronica and hugged her as well. I’ll fill you both in on all the steamy details.

    You’d better. But not before noon, said Taylor. I’m going to hold you to it.

    After Veronica and Taylor left, Melody glanced at her reflection one more time.

    This time, Slade, you sexy bastard, she thought, you’re going to make me sing. All night long...

    Chapter One



    Chelsey, wake up.

    I opened my eyes and groaned when I looked at the alarm clock. Mom, I have two more hours to sleep, and I was up late studying. What the heck?

    She switched on the light and stepped closer to my bed. Sorry, honey, she replied, looking grim. I wasn’t sure if this could wait.

    I rubbed my left eye. If what could wait?

    She pulled her light blue robe in tighter. Your Aunt Jody called, she said. Melody didn’t come home last night.

    Now that woke me up. What? I asked, sitting up.

    She sat down on the edge of my bed. I guess she went out with Taylor and Veronica around eight o’clock last night. That was the last time Jody saw her. She’s just going nuts now and doesn’t know what to do. Have you talked to Melody recently?

    I shook my head. No. Not since her grad party.

    The truth was that my cousin and I didn’t always see eye-to-eye. In fact, ever since we graduated last June from high school, we’d barely been on speaking terms. I figured it was because she was still pissed at me after I’d given her crap about sneaking shots of tequila at her graduation party. Afterwards, she’d puked her brains out, but it hadn’t changed how annoyed she’d been at me. I guess that ratting her out hadn’t really helped either. The only reason I’d blown the whistle was because my aunt had backed me into a corner when she’d noticed that her bottle of Patron was missing. I wasn’t very good at lying, and she’d known that.

    I’m sure she’s fine, I said, thinking about all of the other times Melody had pulled stuff. I mean, she’s eighteen now anyway. She probably crashed at Taylor’s or Veronica’s. After getting wasted, I wanted to say, but held back.

    Nope. Jody called them. They haven’t seen her since last night.

    I yawned. Well, where did they go?

    My mom pushed her dark bangs to the side. They went to over to Shore Lake to go watch some rock band play.

    That was surprising. Although Shore Lake was a tourist spot, it wasn’t exactly known for concerts or live bands. Where?

    I think the place was called Nightshade or something. Anyway, they said she’d told them that someone else was giving her a ride home.

    I’d heard of Club Nightshade, which was in the next town over, but had never actually been there. A lot of kids in school had raved about the place. Some of them had even snuck in with fake I.D.’s when it wasn’t Teen-Night. Supposedly, you could get anything in that place if you knew who to talk to – drugs, alcohol, even... sex. I didn’t know they had bands playing there. I thought it was all hip-hop from the radio.

    I guess not. She raised her eyebrows. Have you been to that place?

    I rolled my eyes. No. It’s definitely not my scene. Besides, who has time for clubs when I barely have enough time for homework and studying? I was a freshman at U.M.T. and my life was filled with studying, homework, and more studying. I barely had time to sleep or eat.

    She stood up. Well, maybe she met a boy...

    I smirked. That’s what I’m thinking. Plus, she had a reputation. She went through more guys than I did paper.

    Well, I just wish she’d answer her mom’s phone calls and texts.

    I decided to lay it on the table for her. Mom, look, I’m going to be honest – Melody is a major partier. Heck, I know for a fact that last night wasn’t Teen-Night at that place. So, she would have had to have gotten in with a fake I.D. She probably drank and then went home with some horny jerk.

    She scowled. Well, that certainly doesn’t make me feel any better.

    Sorry, but even you know that I’m probably right. Did her friends say who was taking her home?

    No. She wouldn’t say; said it was a secret, but that she’d tell them later.

    I frowned. Hmm... that’s kind of weird.

    I know. Taylor seems to think that it might have been one of the guys in the band. I guess she has a crush on the singer, and had been trying to get his attention the entire night.

    It probably worked, I said. Melody had to be the prettiest girl in Beaver Creek. With her blond hair, curves, and dazzling smile, she’d always been popular with the guys in school. If she set her sights on someone at the club, chances were that they’d be putty in her hands.

    Boys in bands are trouble, she replied. Obviously, this just proves it.

    She’s not exactly an angel either, mom. She’s probably in bed with him right now.


    I shrugged. What? You know it’s true.

    She sighed. I know. I just don’t want to think about your cousin having sex.

    I crawled back under my covers. I know, but I wouldn’t worry too much about Melody, mom. If she was crushing on the singer, chances are she’s with him and not thinking about Aunt Jody right now.

    "You’re probably right. She is eighteen."

    I yawned again. Just go back to bed, mom. I’m sure she’ll be home in a couple of hours, puking and getting bawled out by Aunt Jody.

    Chuckling, she touched my shoulder. I’m just glad that you’re responsible and don’t give me or your father problems like that.

    I closed my eyes and smiled. You’re welcome. Now let me sleep so I can get on with my humdrum life.

    It’s not humdrum, she protested. You’re preparing for the future.

    I opened up one eye. Mom, it’s boring. All I do is take tests and study, so that I can take more tests. It’s kind of lame.

    You really think so? I don’t know, I’d love to go back to my college years, she replied wistfully. It’s where I met your father, you know.

    I’d heard the story many times. My mom had played hard-to-get and my dad had pursued her relentlessly, until she’d finally agreed to go out with him. Five years later, they eloped in Hawaii, after she became pregnant with me. I know.

    Just hang in there, Chelsey. We’re proud of you and it’s going to pay off someday. Plus, if you’re going to be a Forensic Investigator, your life will eventually be anything but plain and boring.

    Yeah, I’m sure.

    Well, I’ll let you get back to bed, she said, squeezing my foot through the blanket.

    Make sure I’m up before seven, I called out as she walked out of my bedroom.

    She turned around. I will. I won’t be able to sleep until I hear from Jody.

    After she closed my bedroom door, I thought about Melody. Growing up, we’d been close, even though she had always been a little bossy. Even at a young age, she’d always known exactly what she’d wanted and used everything she could to get her way. Chances were, my cousin had gotten her way again tonight, and was getting her freak on with that singer she’d been lusting after. I had to admit, part of me was a little envious.

    Chapter Two


    When my alarm went off a couple of hours later, I dragged myself out of bed and took a hot shower. Wiping the steam from the mirror, I glanced at my reflection – pale skin, long auburn hair, and hazel eyes. I thought I was pretty average, except for the fact that I was barely five-feet and had a hard time finding shoes that fit, because my feet were so small. I wore a size three and had a heck of a time shopping for shoes that didn’t light up or feature a pink pony.

    After I slipped on a blue Henley and khakis, I grabbed a brush and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. When I was finished in the bathroom, I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

    Good morning, said my mom, who was sitting at the counter, drinking coffee behind her laptop.

    Morning, I said, opening up the refrigerator. I cleared my throat. Heard anything from Aunt Jody yet?

    She hasn’t heard from your cousin yet.

    I pulled the orange juice out and glanced at her. There were shadows under her eyes and she looked worn out. She’d obviously been up the entire night. Well, it’s still pretty early.

    She removed her reading glasses and rubbed the bridge of her nose. Yeah, I know.

    Don’t worry, she’ll show up, I said, pouring myself a glass of juice.

    I hope so. You know, it’s dangerous out there in the world, especially for women. A guy could slip something into your drink, follow you home, rape –

    Yes, I know, I cut in. I knew I was being snippy, but I’d already heard it many times before. My mom was a court reporter, and after hearing so many horrible cases, she was a little paranoid. You don’t have to tell me. I’m one of the last people you need to worry about.

    She reached over the counter and squeezed my hand. Chelsey, she said, staring into my eyes. I’ll always worry about you. I’m your mother and you’re a pretty girl. There are a lot of bad people in this world. She sighed. I just want you to be safe.

    I know. I get it, mom, I said as she released my hand. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful that you worry about me. But, I’m not Melody, okay? I’m responsible and certainly not stupid.

    You don’t have to be stupid to be a victim, she replied. But making the right decisions can certainly help lessen your chance of becoming one.

    I put my glass into the sink and picked up my backpack. That’s why you don’t have to worry about me. I always make the right decisions.

    Right, she said, her hazel eyes sparkling. "Joking aside, I am very proud of you, honey. Just keep doing what you’re doing."

    I will, I replied as I walked out of the kitchen. See you when I get home.

    Bye, honey.


    The day seemed to drag, and by the time I was finished with my biology class, I couldn’t wait to get home. It was Friday and I had a weekend to do four days of homework, but I was used to it and didn’t really care. I was going to take a night off and go to a movie with a friend of mine, Susan. I hadn’t seen her in over two weeks, my brain was mush, and I desperately needed some time away from all things school.

    Hey, I said, walking into the house. I dropped my backpack next to the front door.

    Both of my parents looked up and I could tell from their expressions that something was wrong.

    What is it? I asked, surprised that my dad was home so early. Being a bankruptcy lawyer, I never saw him walk in the door earlier than seven.

    Your cousin is still missing, he said, putting an arm around my mom’s shoulder. She hasn’t returned anyone’s calls and Jody is frantic.

    I frowned. "Where is Aunt Jody?"

    My mom, who was also clearly upset, looked up. She’s at home. Grandma is with her.


    Sighing, she stood up and stretched her arms above her head. Your dad and I are heading over there, too, pretty soon. Would you like to come with?

    Uh, sure, I replied. I have to call Susan, though. We were going to see a movie tonight, but I’ll definitely cancel.

    No, don’t cancel, she said. You should still go with her. You haven’t gotten out in a while and a movie would be good. Besides, we don’t even know for sure if she’s really missing.

    Are you sure? I asked, still thinking that Melody was just being Melody – selfish and irresponsible. 

    Your mother is right, said my dad, running a hand through his short hair, which was the same color as mine. This might be nothing to worry about. Chances are that she’ll walk through her front door any minute.

    I glanced at my mother again. Are you sure? I don’t have to go.

    Yes. We’ll call you if there really is a problem, replied my mom. 

    Okay, I replied, a little relieved. I really didn’t want to be there when Melody got home and was hollered at. She’d probably blame me for her getting into trouble.

    Dad looked at his watch. We should get going. There’s a hockey game I’d like to watch at four. If we’re lucky, we’ll make it there before the game starts.

    My mom’s eyes widened. Richard!

    He grinned sheepishly. Sorry, Mary. Hey, it gives me something to do while you guys wait for her to come home.

    And if she doesn’t? asked my mom, folding her arms across her chest.

    I know, I’ll TiVo it, he said, walking toward the stairs leading to the family room.

    My mom smirked and shook her head. I don’t know what he’d do without cable, she replied, turning back to me.

    No doubt.

    There’s some leftover lasagna from last night in the refrigerator, she said, picking up her purse from the coffee table. Unless you’re going to grab a bite to eat before the movie?

    No. We’ll just eat popcorn.

    Okay. She opened up the closet and took out her camel-colored Uggs. I’ll text you when she comes home, or, she frowned, if we find out that she really is missing.

    I’m sure she’ll be fine. It’s Melody, mom.

    I know. She zipped up her boots and then walked over to me. Have fun at the movies, she said, kissing the top of my head.

    I will. Look at you in those heeled boots, I grinned. You must be five-two now.

    My lack of height came from my mother.

    You think so? she replied, staring down at them.

    My dad walked back upstairs. Oh, I like those, Mary, he said, wiggling his eyebrows. Are they new?

    No, I just never wear them.

    They’re cute, I said.

    Cute? They’re sexy. You can wear them in the bed any time you want, he teased.

    Oh, my God, I groaned. You’re gross.

    He laughed and grabbed his car keys from the credenza. Lock the door when you leave, Pumpkin.

    I will.

    He turned to me and his face became serious. Watch yourselves. I’m pretty sure this thing with Melody is nothing to be concerned about, but you and Susan are both good-looking, young girls and... well, there are monsters out there.

    Yes, I replied, trying not to roll my eyes. As far as I was concerned, both of them were way too overprotective.

    He put his hands on my shoulders and squeezed. Honey, I know you’re tired of the same old spiel, but you know, being a prosecutor I’ve come face-to-face with some real dirt-bags. The absolute scum of the earth. The worst part is that there are so many out there who have yet to be caught. His forehead wrinkled. I just worry about you.

    Oh, I’ll be fine, I replied, smiling up at him. You know me.

    He released my shoulders. I know I’d beat the living tar out of anyone who ever hurt you. Anyway, just always be aware of your surroundings and make sure you never run out of gas again.

    I shuddered, remembering that freaky night. "I guarantee that will never happen again."

    He chuckled. I bet.

    A year ago, I’d run out of gas around ten o’clock at night, on a deserted freeway.  I’d forgotten my cell phone at home, and had ended up walking to the nearest gas station. The road had been dark and spooky, and I’d almost felt like someone had been watching me from the woods. By the time I’d gotten to the station, I’d just called my dad to come and pick me up, too terrified to walk back alone with a canister of gasoline.

    Richard, said my mother, staring at her watch. We should get going. I told Jody we’d be there in an hour and... that was over an hour ago.

    Fine. Can we pick up some tacos along the way? he asked. I haven’t eaten since noon.

    There’s no time. I can always order a pizza or something when we get there. She turned to me. Chelsey, have fun tonight, and don’t worry about your cousin.


    Maybe I should go with Chelsey and Susan, said my dad. Check out the movie theater. Make sure Melody isn’t hiding out there?

    She pushed him toward the door. Would you just stop already? she said, shaking her head. You’re coming with me.

    He looked at me over his shoulder and smirked. I had to try.

    I know.

    "Maybe you should try harder at being more sympathetic to my sister," said mom.

    He closed the door before I could hear his response, which I knew would probably make her laugh. I was one of the very few and fortunate who had parents that bickered, but lovingly and forgivingly. I couldn’t say that about many of my friends’ parents or even Aunt Jody. She’d been divorced for ten years after being cheated on, and hadn’t had much luck dating. From what my mom said, her ex-husband had been reckless and out-of-control. He liked to drink, party, and live on the edge, and, obviously, his daughter was hell bent on following in his footsteps. 

    Chapter Three


    After they left, I went upstairs and slipped into a pair of blue jeans, with a thin, cream-colored V-neck sweater. It was near the end of October and the nights were getting frosty. I didn’t mind, though, I loved winter and couldn’t wait for the first big snowfall to hit. My parents owned snowmobiles, and there was nothing better than whipping across freshly powdered fields at night, with the stars twinkling above your helmet. It was such a blast that I’d already decided school wasn’t going to deter me from going out this year. Even if I had to stay up both Friday and Saturday nights, cramming and studying, I’d make time for our Sunday snowmobile excursions. I wouldn’t miss them for anything.

    I took out my ponytail, and straightened it with a flat iron. When I was finished, my hair hung just past my shoulders and looked almost as silky as the models did in those hair commercials. Nodding in approval, I grabbed a tube of mascara just as my cell phone rang.

    Hi, said Susan. You almost ready?

    Yeah. What movie should we see? I asked, holding the phone against my shoulder as I applied the ebony color to my eyelashes.

    "I was thinking about that new superhero one. That guy is so hot."

    The blonde guy with the hammer? I asked, thinking that he could definitely get my mind off of Melody.

    Hell yeah.

    I laughed. What time is the movie showing?

    Seven-twenty. You don’t mind driving over here, do you? My brakes are acting up. I’m going to bring it in tomorrow morning before work and see what’s wrong.

    Susan was my age and used to live across the street. She’d moved to Shore Lake in the eleventh grade, which was about twenty miles from Beaver Creek, but we’d remained good friends. That’s fine, I answered, making a mental note to check my gas situation.

    Cool. She sighed. I’m just so glad someone switched with me tonight. I really didn’t feel like working three late shifts in a row.

    Susan was a waitress at Ruth’s Diner. I’d only been there a handful of times, but the food was great and the portions were monstrous. Needless to say, they were always busy. Hmm... I wonder if I should try and get a job there, I said. I could really use the money. Maybe even a couple of hours a week?

    I could talk to Rosie, she replied. I’m sure she’d hire you.

    Wait, didn’t she just hire that girl, Nikki, recently? I asked, biting off a hangnail. I suppose she’s not looking for anyone else, if that’s the case.

    She was hired during the summer, but I’m telling you, we could still use the help. She’s always short-staffed.

    That would be really cool. I’d only need a few hours a week and... we’d get to see each other more.


    So, what’s Nikki like? I asked. She nice?"

    Very, and her brother, Nathan, he’s kind of a spaz, but adorable.

    I raised my eyebrows. I didn’t know you had a thing for her brother.

    Actually, I forgot to mention it, but we went out a couple of times during the summer. It didn’t really go anywhere. He works so many hours at that marina across the street. Anyway, I heard he’s been hanging out with that girl, Celeste.

    An image of a redhead with perfect skin, a perfect smile, and a perfect body flashed through my head. From what Susan had told me last year, she was also a perfect bitch. Isn’t her dad the town’s sheriff?

    Yes. You know, he and Celeste are both kind of weird. She’s actually friends with those guys who used to come in at night and just stare at the other customers, creeping them out. Remember I told you about them? The guys who Amy had said were vampires.

    I chuckled. Vampires?

    Don’t laugh, she said, sounding serious. "Amy’s ex, Ethan, was part of that group. God, he freaked the hell out of me. I’m just happy he hasn’t been coming around lately."

    I still can’t believe that Amy killed herself.

    Well, you know how I feel about all of that, she replied.

    I did. Amy Kreger had supposedly committed suicide, but Susan, on the other hand, thought that Ethan had something to do with it. I know. Let’s hope you’re wrong, and that she really did just kill herself. Didn’t you go out with one of Ethan’s friends?

    Yeah, Drake. The guy from Australia. She sighed. I still don’t know what happened to him. He just kind of vanished, too.

    Hmm... he didn’t call you or anything?


    I’d never met Drake, but had heard about what a hottie he’d been.

    Oh, and get this... before Ethan disappeared, he started hitting on Nikki.



    What did she do?

    Well, Nikki was seeing this other guy, Duncan, and I think she blew off Ethan. They’re not together anymore though, either.

    Nikki and Duncan?

    Right. She told me that they weren’t even on speaking terms. You know, now that I think about it, their breakup may have had something to do with Ethan. She paused. Damn, I want to ask her, but I don’t want to look too nosy.

    I snorted. "Susan, admit it, you are nosy and it’s going to kill you if you don’t find out."

    She laughed.

    Just ask her. If she doesn’t want to tell you, she won’t, I answered, walking down the hallway toward my bedroom.

    True. God, it’s like one big soap opera.

    Speaking of soap operas, I said. My cousin Melody is missing.


    I reached into my dresser drawer and pulled out a new pair of white socks. Yeah, I guess she went to Club Nightshade last night to see some band play.

    Ah... Venom. I’d heard they were playing last night.

    Venom? I’d never even heard of the band.

    They’re from Europe, and are really getting popular. That gal who owns Club Nightshade must have spent a fortune to get those guys to play in Shore Lake. I’ll bet the tickets were outrageous.

    Huh, I replied, pulling my socks on. Well, that’s who Melody went to go see last night. Nobody has heard from her since.

    Wow. Hey, I heard the main singer, Slade, is a total hunk. I’ve heard him on the radio. If he’s as sexy as that voice of his, I wouldn’t doubt if every girl in town was trying to get in to see him last night.

    That’s not good, I replied. I’m sure a popular band like Venom would attract some real weirdoes. I sighed. "Great, now I’m worried about Melody."

    She’s really missing?

    Well, she never came home last night. I guess I don’t really know.

    Maybe she’s been partying or something. You told me before that Melody likes to drink.

    Yeah. That’s what I hope is happening. My aunt is freaking out, though. She says that Melody hasn’t returned her texts or phone calls.

    Is that normal?

    She usually returns her texts, I guess.

    Crap, that’s not a good sign.

    I know.

    Hey, do you want to go to the club and find out if anyone knows anything? I’d like to check the place out anyway. I still haven’t been there.

    I raised my eyebrows. How would we even get in to that place? Tuesdays are Teen-Nights, right? It’s Friday.

    You forget – I have a fake I.D.

    I grunted. You know, I think everyone has one of those but me.

    Eh... it’s not like I use it very much. Curt Hammer made it for me last summer, after he forgot his credit card at home and couldn’t pay for his meal.

    "So, you have a fake I.D. How am I supposed to get in?"

    She sucked in her breath. I know... I know... you can use Katie’s! I still have hers because she’s been too damn chicken to use it. Hold on, I have it in my nightstand somewhere, she said. I talked Curt into making one for her, too. Yep, here it is. Wow, seriously, now that I look at the picture, I just know you could pass for her. No problem.

    Katie was a girl Susan had graduated with last year, one I’d never met. I bit my lower lip. I don’t know if this is such a good idea.

    She groaned. Come on, it’ll be fun. We don’t even have to drink anything; we’ll just ask questions. See if anyone remembers her. You’re the one who’s going to school to become a Private Investigator, right?

    A Forensic Investigator.

    Whatever. You know what I mean. Come on, Chelsey, let’s do it! The movie can wait.

    I had to admit, it was an intriguing idea. Well, maybe we can just stop in for a little while.

    Yes! she said. Like I said, I’ve been meaning to check the place out, but couldn’t find anyone to go with me.

    Great, now I know the real reason you suggested it.

    Chelsey! It’s not just that. I want to make sure Melody is okay, too, she protested. You know me.

    I know, I replied, although I also knew that she and Melody had never really gotten along. But Susan was my friend and had a good heart.

    Oh, I have to find something else to wear. I don’t want to look like a slob. I’m sure there will be some totally hot guys in that place.

    I’m not dressing up, I said, looking down at my jeans and sweater. Just so you know.

    That’s fine. You know what... I’m not dressing up either. Screw it.

    What time should I pick you up?

    Seven. I’m sure there will be a line to get in.

    Okay, I said. I’ll see you then.

    Cool. I can’t wait to check that place out. Who knows, maybe Melody will be back there.

    Maybe, I said, although there was a knot in my stomach telling me otherwise.

    Chapter Four


    When I pulled up to Susan’s house and she got into the passenger side of my car, I smiled wryly. Not dressing up, huh?

    Tossing her light brown hair, she grinned. If we’re going to be ‘undercover’, I figured I’d better play the part.

    We’re not actually ‘undercover’, I said. We’re just... investigating.

    She pouted. Yeah, but it’s more fun pretending that we’re ‘undercover’.

    "Well, I guess in a way we are ‘under-cover’, I replied in amusement. I mean we’ll be using fake I.D.s."

    Which reminds me... She unzipped her black purse. Here, she said, handing me a Montana state driver’s license. This is you.

    I looked at the picture and my eyes widened. This says I’m five foot eight.

    She bit her lower lip. You didn’t happen to wear heels, did you?

    Even with heels I’m not even close. Dang it. I tapped my forehead against the steering wheel a couple of times. Susan, I said, turning to her. I hope to God we don’t get arrested for this. My parents would kill me!

    Relax; they’re not even going to look at your height or weight. All they care about is the year on the license.

    Let’s hope so. I looked at the girl in the photo again. I had to admit, she did look similar to me. Sighing, I slipped the I.D. into the front pocket of my jeans. I just hope they don’t quiz me or anything.

    You worry too much. Trust me, they won’t.

    I pulled out of her driveway. Famous last words.

    Giggling, she flipped down the visor and applied lip gloss.  She rubbed her lips together and then flipped the visor back up. You’re so paranoid.

    You should be, too. We’re breaking the law, and obviously, if we get caught, we’re screwed.

    Nah, she said, slipping the tube of lip gloss back into her purse. We won’t. Nothing interesting ever happens to me. The highlight of my day is counting my tips after I’m done working.

    I wouldn’t call going to jail interesting.

    You know what I mean. There is nothing exciting about my life. At least, not at the moment. My job is boring, my clothes are boring, and my love life is also freaken’ boring.

    It was like déjà vu. I’d pretty much told my mother the same thing earlier.

    Your clothes aren’t boring, I replied, glancing at her sparkly silver sweater and black skirt.

    She smirked. Yeah, it’s because I borrowed the outfit from my forty-year-old mother. How lame is that?

    I laughed. Well, your mom has great taste in clothes.

    She’s single. Single women usually do.

    You’re single, what’s your excuse? I teased.

    She slugged me playfully. Bitch.

    I’m just giving you crap. I’m wearing jeans and a plain old sweater. It’s not exactly exciting either.

    You’re pretty, though, she replied. You could wear anything and the guys wouldn’t notice because of those eyes.

    My eyes?

    Yeah. You’ve got cat-eyes.

    Really? I asked, glancing at them in the rearview mirror.

    I’ve told you a million times, your eyes are wicked.

    Thanks, I replied. Although I have to admit, ever since Billy Santino said that my eyes freaked him out in the fourth grade, I’ve been kind of self-conscious about them.

    She snorted. "Please...Billy Santino had a crush on you since the first grade. Your eyes didn’t freak him out, girlfriend. He just had it bad for you. Always did."

    I had to stop my jaw from dropping. Billy had actually turned out to be pretty hot. Well, annoying as all hell, but definitely drool-worthy. What? How do you know that?

    Because he told me. Told me he’d always wanted to ‘tap Chelsey’s ass’.

    "Tap my ass? I burst out laughing. You’re kidding me?"

    I know... what a pig, huh?

    I’d say, but seriously, I had no idea he was interested in me.

    That’s because he thought you hated him, she replied. I talked to him at the diner about a year ago and he told me that you used to glare at him all the time in the halls at your school.

    I snorted. I’m sure I did, because of the comment he’d made about my eyes!

    She laughed.

    "Anyway, I would have never gone out with him. Heck, he cheated on Sandy Mayer during the last two years of high school, when they were dating." 

    Did he really? Well, if I remember she was a royal bitch. She probably deserved it.

    Nobody deserves it, I said, although Sandy had been a real snob and we’d never actually gotten along.

    Maybe it was because she knew her boyfriend wanted to tap my ass, I thought, stifling a giggle.

    They were made for each other, she said. They’ll probably get married, have babies, and he’ll cheat on her with bathroom whores at Teddy’s, when he’s supposed to be working late.

    Teddy’s was a seedy strip joint, just outside of Beaver Creek, and known for having broken up a lot of marriages. Rumor had it that many of the strippers would do anything for a twenty, and the place was always packed.

    Yeah, I’ll bet you’re right there, I replied, pushing Billy out of my mind. I turned on the radio and scrolled through the stations until I found a new song by Maroon Five that I really liked.

    Susan reached over, turned it up louder, and began singing with Adam Levine. He’s so hot, she said, as the song ended. I need to buy one of his CDs.

    Yeah, I love his voice. Uh, here we are, I said, pulling into the parking lot of the nightclub. I’d driven by it a couple of times on my way to Susan’s, but hadn’t given the place much thought until the last few hours. Now that the mirrored building was lit up with strobe and fluorescent lighting, it was pretty impressive, especially for such a small town in the middle of Montana.  Looks pretty... swanky.

    Susan fluffed her hair as we parked. I heard this place gets nuts after midnight.

    I turned off the engine. Since it’s one of the only clubs around, that doesn’t surprise me.

    She unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed her purse. You ready?

    I guess so. I looked at the building again and a knot formed in the pit of my stomach. You sure we won’t get caught?

    She opened the car door and got out. Just act confident and you’ll be fine. Come on.

    I slid out of the car and locked the doors. Okay, I replied, trying not to chicken-out. She’d obviously done something like this before at other bars, so she knew what she was doing.

    Clutching my purse tightly, we walked to the front door and found that there wasn’t a line yet.

    Slow night? asked Susan, handing the bouncer her I.D.

    It’s early, he replied, looking at the fraudulent card.

    True. I know it gets pretty crazy here at night.

    He didn’t reply.

    I stared at him nervously as he looked over her fake I.D. His nametag read Honi, and he was bald with a spider web tattoo that wrapped around his neck, and had muscles the size of coconuts on each arm. When he looked up, his dark eyes went directly to mine.

    I smiled innocently.

    You’re next, Cupcake, he said, handing Susan back her I.D.


    I cleared my throat and handed him the I.D., our fingers brushing. His skin was unnaturally cool, even for October, and the brief contact gave me the chills.

    He smiled a big, toothy grin. You nervous? he asked, his eyes glittering in the darkness.

    No, I answered, trying to look confident, although I was almost peeing my pants.

    He glanced down at the I.D. and then back at me. Your I.D. doesn’t do you justice, Cupcake. He smiled and handed me back the I.D. You’re much better looking in person.

    Uh, thanks, I replied, my face turning two shades of pink.

    You two, behave, he said. Or we’ll have to get the whips out, and you don’t want that.

    My eyes widened. Whips?

    He chuckled and looked at Susan. She always this gullible?

    Susan smirked. Only after dark.

    His face became serious. That’s when you have to be the most careful, he said. Especially in this place. Pomaika`i, ladies.

    My eyes widened. What does that mean? 

    Good luck.

    His words made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Oh. 

    Uh, thanks, replied Susan, grabbing my arm and pulling me away. 

    I glanced over my shoulder and noticed that he was still watching us.

    Chapter Five


    That was weird, said Susan, handing the coat-check girl her jacket.

    I know. But at least he didn’t say anything about the I.D.s, I whispered.

    She slung her purse over her shoulder. Exactly. Told you everything would be cool.

    I looked down the hallway leading to the dance area. It was dark and the music was so loud, it made my teeth vibrate. You ready? I asked, feeling anxious now that we were inside of the club. 

    Yeah. Should we get a drink?

    I’m just drinking soda, I said, wanting to keep a clear head. I’d had a half-can of beer once, and even that had made me dizzy. 

    Suit yourself, she said. But I’m having a Cosmopolitan. I’ve always wanted to try one.

    What is that?

    It’s a martini.


    She looped her arm through mine and walked me toward the bar. We’re undercover, remember? We need to play the part.

    I can still do that without booze, I said. Not everyone drinks alcohol here, I’m sure.

    Fine, I’ll just tell everyone you’re my sober-cab.

    "Great idea."

    When we entered the main part of the club, I froze in my tracks, amazed at how big the place actually was. Not only did it have two floors, but on the first level, there was an expansive oval bar already crowded with customers, and a dance floor nearby that rivaled my old high school gymnasium. Next to the dance floor was a stage with music equipment from Venom still set up.

    Look. I pointed at the stage. I wonder if they’re playing again?

    The club would have charged us an arm-and-a-leg to get in, she replied. "Venom doesn’t play for free."

    I suppose. Too bad. We might have gotten information from them. About Melody.

    Chances are we wouldn’t have been able to get close to the band, even if they had been playing tonight. I’m sure their security is tight.

    Yeah, I’m sure you’re right.

    A new hip-hop song began to play. Come on, hollered Susan as the volume increased. Let’s get a drink.

    I followed her to the bar, still paranoid that we were going to get caught and land in jail.

    Well, hello there, said a hot bartender with light brown hair, green eyes, and a lazy smile. Looks like we have some fresh blood here this evening. Excellent. So, what’s it going to be, lovely ladies?

    Susan smiled. I’ll have a Cosmopolitan.

    Great choice, he turned to me. And what about you? Same?

    I shook my head and ordered a diet soda.

    Sure you don’t want to add a little rum for fun? he asked, leaning forward with a twinkle in his eyes.

    No, that’s okay.

    Suit yourself, he replied, and then began mixing Susan’s drink.

    So, Brian, said Susan, staring at his nametag. "I heard Venom was playing last night. Did they put on a good show?"

    It was phenomenal, he said, shaking her martini in a silver decanter. Too bad you missed it.

    Why is their equipment still here? I asked, nodding toward the stage. Are they going to play again?

    A guy standing next to me wearing a long, black, leather jacket turned around. He had dark hair and eyes so blue, they looked like tinted contacts. Sorry to interrupt, he said. They are actually playing a song tonight. Just one.

    Really? I asked, perking up.

    Yep, replied the stranger. It’s the club owner’s birthday and he’s going to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to her.

    That’s awesome, I replied, handing Brian a twenty-dollar bill. Does she know?

    No, he smirked. So, keep it hush-hush or, I’ll have to kill you.

    Susan snorted. Really, Ethan? You seriously think that old line is funny?

    My head whipped around. You know him? I mouthed.

    Susan, humor is not one of my strong-points, which is why I never attempt it.

    Brian burst out laughing. Leave it to Ethan to try and freak out the ladies. Don’t listen to him, he loves messing with young girls.

    So, I’ve heard, replied Susan, taking a sip of her drink. She licked her lips and set the glass back on the bar. I’d also heard that you left town, Ethan.

    He took a sip from what appeared to be a Bloody Mary. Is that right. From who?


    His face softened. Nikki... So, is she still working at the diner?

    Susan pushed her hair behind her ears. I think you already know the answer to that.

    You’re right. I do. Maybe I should pay her a visit, he replied, tossing back the rest of his drink.

    I hated tomato juice and watching him slam it down made me shudder.

    So, tell me... do you know where she is right now? he asked, licking all of the red juice from his celery stick.

    I don’t know. She might be working, replied Susan, watching him closely. Enjoy your drink much?

    He dropped the celery back into the glass and then shoved it toward Brian. More than you know. Brian, I’m taking off. Tell Faye I’ll be back later if she asks.

    She’s gonna be pissed when she finds out that you flew the coop on her birthday, replied Brian.

    He smiled cockily. She could never stay mad at me.

    Famous last words, he replied.

    Ethan smirked. I’m seriously not worried.

    Right, said Brian.

    Excuse me... Ethan? Uh, when is Slade supposed to sing? I asked, as he turned to leave.

    He turned around to face us again. About ten minutes from now. Remember what I said – don’t tell anyone. It’s a surprise.

    I won’t tell, I replied.

    He stared at me for a minute and then reached into his pocket. Here, he said, writing something on the back of a card. Bring this free pass upstairs to the V.I.P. room after he’s done. You can meet the band.

    Seriously? squealed Susan.

    He winked. Seriously.

    So, is this like a bribe? I asked.

    Yeah, I guess it is. Plus, he grinned wickedly. Something tells me that Slade will thank me later.

    Ethan, said Susan, who I noticed was finished with her Cosmopolitan. You know, I have to say... I was wrong about you. You’re a really, really nice guy.

    Well, thank you, Susan. Brian, why don’t you get them both another drink while they wait for the show to start. On me.

    You bet. You sure you don’t want something stronger than that? asked Brian, pointing at my untouched soda.

    No, this is fine, I answered, picking up the glass and drinking through the little straw.

    Come here, you big lug, said Susan, opening up her arms. She was obviously feeling no pain after that stiff drink. Give me a hug.

    I knew it had to have been my imagination, but it almost looked like his eyes were glowing an eerie orange color when she threw her arms around his neck, and gave him a friendly hug.

    Must be the lights in the club, I thought.

    He stiffened up and stepped back. Gotta go. Have fun, girls. Enjoy yourselves, and Susan, party like a rock star tonight. He nodded toward me. Your friend...ah...

    Chelsey, I offered.

    He grinned. "Chelsey, is obviously your sober-ride tonight. Take advantage of it."

    She put her arm around my shoulders. I believe I will. Hey, say ‘hi’ to Nikki for me.

    Will do. Have fun tonight, girls, he replied, walking away.

    Susan removed her arm from my shoulders as Brian set another cocktail onto the bar. I don’t know about you, but Ethan could use a little more vitamin E in his life.

    What do you mean? I asked.

    Come on.... the guy is paler than my mom’s pit bull, she said, taking a sip of her second Cosmopolitan. Pugsley.

    At least he doesn’t smell like Pugsley, I replied.

    Actually, he smells like candy, she replied. Always. It’s kind of a weird smell for a guy, but yummy all the same.

    I agreed.

    Chapter Six


    Let’s move as soon as this song is over, I said to my drummer, Liam, as we stepped out of the dressing room in the back of the club and headed toward the stage.

    I think we should stay one more night here, he replied. Relax and have a few beers. Head out in the morning and sleep the entire day while on the road.

    You just want to snuggle up to the club owner, said Jimmy, who played bass.

    Liam smirked. Can you blame me? The woman is sexier than hell. I wouldn’t mind getting a piece of that before the night’s over.

    Sean, our keyboardist, snorted. God, you’re such a dog.

    Liam grinned. I won’t deny that.

    I’d stay away from Faye, I said, smiling at two girls who were staring at us with open mouths.

    "Oh, my God, that’s Venom! shrieked the shorter one, fanning herself quickly. Oh, my God... oh, my God!"

    I love you, Slade! yelled the other one, throwing me kisses.

    I waved and kept walking.

    Why not? asked Liam. You want her for yourself, bro?

    Not at all, I said, grimacing at that notion. Even though I had to admit that she was a beautiful woman, Faye was also very dangerous. I could see it in her eyes. She’s just not the kind of woman who has a one-night stand without expecting something more.

    "Hell, I’ll give her more the next time I’m in town," he laughed.

    I grinned. Căcănar.

    What’s that? he asked.

    I think he just called you an ‘ass’, replied Bradan, our other guitarist.

    "At least I get ass, said Liam. Slade is too good for most of our fans."

    "Sorry, but I’m not interested in using our fans for sex. It’s not my thing, and you should really refrain from doing it, too," I answered.

    He snorted.

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