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International Construction Contract Law
International Construction Contract Law
International Construction Contract Law
Ebook1,290 pages13 hours

International Construction Contract Law

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Large international construction projects often have a range of major contractors, subcontractors and consultants based in different parts of the world and working to different legal theories and understandings. This can lead to confusion in the understanding, interpretation and execution of the construction contract, which can result in significant disruption to the construction project.

International Construction Contract Law is written for anyone who needs to understand the legal and managerial aspects of large international construction projects, including consulting engineers, lawyers, clients, developers, contractors and construction managers worldwide. In 18 chapters it provides a thorough overview of civil law /common law interrelationships, delivery methods, standard forms of contract, risk allocation, variations, claims and dispute resolution, all in the context of international construction projects. Highly practical in approach – it introduces legal analysis only when absolutely essential to understanding, the book also contains a range of useful appendices, including a 10-language basic dictionary of terms used in FIDIC forms.

Release dateNov 19, 2014
International Construction Contract Law

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    International Construction Contract Law - Lukas Klee

    About the Author

    Lukas Klee, JD, LL.M., Ph.D., MBA, is an international construction law expert, adjudicator and currently head of the legal department at Metrostav a.s., a large construction company based in central Europe.

    For over a decade Lukas has dealt with international construction contracts (FIDIC) on a daily basis and has participated in large construction projects in the Czech Republic and internationally. When away from the office, he lectures on international construction law for example at the Charles University Faculty of Law in Prague, the Czech Technical University in Prague and at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law.

    Over the course of his LL.M. studies at the Nottingham Trent University and PhD studies at the Charles University Faculty of Law, Lukas focused on FIDIC forms of contracts. His MBA dissertation at Sheffield Hallam University further examined claim management implementation.

    Lukas regularly gives lectures for many organizations including FIDIC, provides training, publishes articles worldwide and is the author of several books related to international construction law.

    Contact details: [email protected].


    Svend Poulsen

    Project Director Atkins, Chairman FIDIC Contracts Updates Task Group

    We often hear the word ‘project’ when work needs to be done. ‘I have a project at home’ is a regular phrase in daily conversation. In general, we see more and more of our life as a series of projects. Going on holiday is a project; preparing a dinner with friends can be a project and training for a marathon can be a project. This mindset is likely to be something we have adopted from the construction industry.

    One of the first things you notice when starting work in the construction industry is that the unknown has a major impact on any project. You can even divide the unknown into the ‘known unknown’ and the ‘unknown unknown’. The way to handle the unknowns is to use tools developed in the risk management field. These tools have been developed over many years and, when used correctly and continuously, can lead to more successful projects.

    We do not know all the risk aspects when starting a project. For example, can we know and predict all the risks and problems associated with an industrial process for mass manufacturing? Designing a new car is a project. Once the design is agreed upon and all the details for manufacture are in place, the task is complete. The next step is industrial production with certainty of performance and quality of the car known—at least in principle.

    Projects in the building and construction industry are unique and often only have a limited aspect of industrial process. For example, construction might use some well-defined processes such as the laying of sleepers and rail on a railway using a track-laying machine. However, uncertainty of the sub-soil conditions and other specific local conditions for the completed works will always sow the seed for risks and surprises. During execution of the works, the weather, the market situation, labour availability and so on influence the progress and certainty of achieving the agreed quality, budgeted price and finishing date.

    An essential element of any project is the need for good agreements between the parties to a project. Since the 1950s, FIDIC has produced standard contracts for the construction industry. The principles of these contracts focus on fair risk sharing and the most effective mechanisms for administering the project. FIDIC contracts for construction and design-build make the Engineer the responsible party for administering the contract and managing the project. Thus, FIDIC contracts are two-party agreements for a three-party process.

    The role of the Engineer is an issue that is often discussed. As an example, how can the Engineer avoid actual or apparent bias towards/against the contractor when being paid by the employer? The Engineer is an agent of the employer but their job is also to act fairly when making determinations under the contract. Contract conditions do state this obligation and it is paramount for the correct administration of contracts that the assigned Engineer acts in accordance with this requirement. One of the advantages of having an Engineer and not a project manager is that the Engineer has the technical understanding of the project complexity and can manage the project so that questions and unforeseen events are handled properly. Therefore, it is very difficult to succeed with a complex project without the right understanding of the contractual arrangements and the nature of the project.

    In the construction business, various kinds of standard contracts are available and set different priorities depending on where they are from. Some have a very strong focus on administrative procedures and are very prescriptive. Others set up a standard framework for the contract and are very dependent on a set of special or particular conditions. Thus, choosing the right form of contract from the outset is critical. The employer should think about how they want to monitor the project and handle risks. On one side of the spectrum are the works designed by the employer and, on the other, turnkey agreements. Some extreme versions of the latter place all risk on the contractor. Risk and influence, therefore, go hand in hand.

    Transfer of all risks to the contractor under a turnkey form of contract gives the contractor full control of the processes to mitigate consequences of risks. The employer has to accept that by transferring risk, they also transfer control. Why is this form of contract so popular then? Answer: the industry has seen a growing need for certainty of price and time. Financial institutions focus on budgets and time more than ever. Under these circumstances, it is extremely important that the technical requirements for the project are well defined because changes at a later stage are, in principle, not possible.

    The reader of this book will see that there are a lot of people in the industry striving to make projects successful and they put in a lot of effort into improving contracts, procedures and tools to become even better at managing complex projects. Our industry has produced spectacular achievements throughout modern history. In particular, the world's need for efficient transport has been a huge driver for the engineering industry. When new and more efficient transport is introduced, society prospers. Today the focus on sustainability also influences the way we design and construct. New ways of working, new ways of co-operating and new types of projects call for new types of agreements.

    Whether you read this book from cover to cover or as reference guide, you should realize that because of this book your contribution to more successful projects will have a higher value. The book gives you access to a treasure chest of knowledge collected by experienced engineers and contract managers—experience you can use when faced with the challenges that projects bring—challenges that arise from the basic fundamental nature of projects themselves.

    We who work with projects know that successful projects give out positive energy and a good feeling of developing our society. With this book in hand, it is now your turn to feel the power of this positive energy.


    Many thanks to Andrea, Sam, Ben and the whole family for your understanding and endless support. I could not have done it without you.

    Special thanks to Martin Udall as English language editor for his tireless work and assistance.

    Many thanks to Josef Neuwirth, Jiří Bělohlav, Milík Tichý, Prof. Růžička, Paul Sayer and Harriet Konishi.

    Many thanks to all my friends and colleagues who contributed with a vignette or helped with particular chapters. Your worldly insights have given this book a truly global perspective:

    Shy Jackson, Donald Charrett, Cecilia Misu, James Bremen, Stéphane Giraud, Alex Blomfield, Matthew Hardwick, Robert Werth, Shuibo Zhang, Michał Skorupski, Frank Thomas, Jacob C. Jørgensen, Robert A. Rubin, Sarah Biser, Odysseas Ph. Michaelides, Aleksei Kuzmin, Garry Kitt, Salvador P. Castro, Jr., Radim Wrana, Patrick Kain, Christopher J. Mather, Andy Hewitt, Nigel Grout, Tamás Balázs, Andrew Downie, Dmitry Nekrestyanov, Rafael Marinangelo, Kamal Adnan Malas, Coenraad Snyman, John Sharkey, Gustavo Paredes, Katherine Waidhofer, Rupert Choat, Aidan Steensma, Claudia Teodorescu, Aleksandra Marzec, David Hruška, Roman Turek, Francois Baillon, Ilya Nikiforov, Humphrey Lloyd, Andrea Wernicke, Alicia Martin, Ondřej Ručka, Daniel Nový, Zuzana Rollová, Tomáš Staněk, Karel Fabich, Petr Dobiáš, Hana Nevřalová and Khalil T. Hasan.

    Introductory Remarks

    Shuibo Zhang

    Professor of international construction contracts, Tianjin University, People's Republic of China

    God says, ‘If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.’

    (Genesis 11:6)

    The modern era has brought with it a never-before-seen demand for high quality and high quantity civil infrastructures and industrial facilities. Their importance cannot be underestimated in raising the living standards of human beings, particularly in developing countries. Estimates of global demand for infrastructure over the next decade is somewhere between US$10 to 20 trillion. Meanwhile, with the advances in productivity, construction projects are getting larger in scope and more complex in technology. They usually involve an input of vast resources, including human expertise, equipment and various materials, among other things. This makes it very hard, if not impossible, for a single country or region to cope alone. In addition, comparative advantages make it more likely and efficient for construction-related firms from all over the world to work on the same project. As a matter of fact, large and global projects are ubiquitous on current international construction markets. Take China's World Bank-financed Xiaolanglangdi Multipurpose Hydro Project as an example. More than one hundred organizations participated in the construction, including contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and consultants, from over fifty countries/regions. This project was thus nicknamed the ‘small United Nations’. According to the Engineering News Record, the overseas turnover of the top international 225 contractors has been increasing for the past 10 consecutive years, reaching a total of US$511 billion in 2012 compared to US$116 billion in 2003. This indicates an annual average growth rate of more than 15%.

    Indeed, the construction industry has been globalizing with the globalization of the whole world. However, globalized construction projects are temporary and inter-organizational activities and require intense communication and coordination efforts from many participants who possess different cultural and legal backgrounds. Such institutional differences tend to act as obstacles and pose problems in communication among project participants, resulting in poor coordination, misunderstandings, chaos, and even unfortunate project failures. The very recent project of the A2 motorway in Poland undertaken by a Chinese contractor is a good illustration of the latter situation. The frequent occurrence of disputes in international construction is an ever-occurring phenomenon. Therefore, a good mechanism must be designed to alleviate such a situation—namely, the construction contract. This document, at its core, is designed to make all participants speak the same language.

    Project contracts are legally enforceable and binding, and managerially instrumental, offering ‘the rules of play’ to act as a guide for the parties to work together. To cooperate efficiently and effectively, it is a must for all parties involved in international projects to have a good understanding of the rules first. However, due to the very nature of construction contracts and the different legal systems governing each individual contract, confusion may arise in the understanding, interpretation and execution of a given contract. For construction project professionals in general, this presents a challenge unless they are well informed with sound knowledge of construction-related contractual and legal issues. To the best of my knowledge, very few books on the market are available to explicitly deal with this topic.

    I am pleased to learn that Dr. Lukas Klee, an experienced lawyer in international construction, has filled this gap with this new book that specifically targets international construction contracts in practical terms. This book covers the key legal and contractual knowledge areas for international construction, such as civil law/common law interrelationships, delivery methods, standard forms of contracts, risk allocation, variations, claims, dispute resolution, insurance and securities. Accompanying these subjects, the lessons learnt from the industry and around 50 vignettes collected from more than 15 countries and all continents make this book a real ‘international’ and ‘practical’ guide. The comprehensive knowledge conveyed in this book, in my personal judgement, will perfectly cater for the urgent needs of international construction professionals.

    I am confident that this new book will be a great help to professionals allowing them to speak the same construction language in international projects and, in turn, will facilitate them in building a stairway to a better world in an efficient and harmonious way.

    Introductory Remarks

    Robert Werth

    Owner of werth-consult, engineering and consultancy services, Essen, Germany

    Construction law literature is usually written by lawyers for lawyers. This often means that texts are very technical and contain a lot of law-related jargon. To a large extent this is necessary but may exclude or ‘scare off’ the majority of construction project practitioners.

    From my daily business dealings I have seen that the biggest issues in international contracts are managing communication, understanding and the behaviour of people. We all know that international contracts are usually large, complex documents and we could assume that the people involved have the proper skills to do the job. But do these people have the proper skills under the conditions agreed to under the terms of the contract? Many construction project participants (usually engineers) use the skills gained from working with domestic construction contracts and apply this knowledge internationally. Effectively, this often means that the job goes ahead, irrespective of what the contract says. This approach may be correct from a technical aspect but riskier when considering the administrative requirements under international contracts.

    For these reasons, the most important issues for management staff when dealing with international contracts is an understanding of (1) the contract itself; and (2) the legal system in which it operates.

    The advantage of this book is that it covers all important international construction law aspects in a comprehensible, easy-to-read and user-friendly manner. This helps find the common understanding of an issue before it can be discussed in terms of specific contract conditions in a particular case. It is an essential reference for all parties involved directly or indirectly in international construction projects.

    This book is particularly helpful because it contains a number of practical examples from real ‘on-site’ experience that can assist the practitioner immerse themselves quickly into the specifics of construction projects. This also makes the book interesting and ‘readable’.

    I highly recommend this book to anyone involved in international construction contracts.

    Introductory Remarks

    Ilya Nikiforov

    Managing Partner, Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasiev & Partners, Russia

    My experience with international contracting in Eastern Europe, Russia and the CIS began twenty years ago. Despite the international prominence of commonly applicable construction practices (for example, under FIDIC standard forms of contract) their use and implementation in construction projects are relatively unknown in Russia and the CIS. In these regions, domestic industries work on the basis of traditional workflow documentation and contract writing dating back to the socialist era. This can cause significant problems when international construction projects ‘come to town’. Typically, there is conflict of expectations of accepted standards of contract and the rights and responsibilities of the parties.

    In a fast moving and globalized world, local participants need a quick-reference guide to manage their expectations in an international construction project environment. As a professional in this field, I have many books in my legal library dealing with construction projects. However, all of these references are limited in their scope to a particular legal system or territory of implementation. Prior to the publication of this book I had no materials that provided universal coverage of construction topics at a global level.

    Construction disputes are infamous for being costly, lengthy and voluminous. In an industry where ‘time is money’ more than anywhere else, participants in the field need knowledge, a calm head and oversight to minimize delays and keep the project moving. This book is a vital tool for making this possible. Therefore, it is of great benefit to all private consultants involved in the industry. For example, engineers in developing countries and emerging markets where international practices of implementation of infrastructure projects are just becoming known will find it particularly useful. The title will also appeal to in-house counsel and privately practising lawyers for whom construction law is not their mainstream practice area. It's also a ‘must read’ for the wider audience of consultants, surveyors, architects and executives of project owners, employers (public and private) and domestic construction industry specialists.

    The style of this book is characterized by its practical approach, lucidity of text and clarity. The author's experience, know-how and international perspective as in-house counsel of a major construction company make him perfectly positioned to write this text.

    The book has the further advantage of being written by an author from a non-common law country that has just recently begun to implement international contracting practices. His exposure to these matters provides readers with a unique, fresh and unbiased look at the subject matters as they stand today, for example, the chapters on claims and claims management. These two chapters are literally ‘from the front lines’ and convey the author's experiences in a practical way.

    The majority of prominent publications are written by Anglo-American authors. Mr. Klee was trained and practises in a European law setting. The legal system is based on Roman and Napoleonic Law principles which operate not only in continental Europe, but also in South-East Asia, the Middle East, Africa and South America. For this reason, readers in these jurisdictions will find this title an invaluable, relevant and user-friendly tool to solve daily questions that arise in construction, for instance, how to apply the standard forms of contract developed in common law countries locally. Common law practitioners will similarly benefit from knowing what to expect when dealing with colleagues and partners in non-common law countries.

    Another key feature of this book is the fact that the author is not a native English speaker. Most of the forms and precedents relating to the subject matter are in English. Thus, the author is in the best position to assess ‘translation difficulties’—in other words, managing the linguistic aspect. Readers will become familiar with technical terms used in the industry. Moreover, the reference material included in the Appendices—tables, a dictionary of construction terms, and FIDIC forms add great value and facilitate learning. This treatise is an information source which the reader will turn to time and time again as construction project demands unwind and develop.

    International supranational construction law lives and develops primarily through arbitration. Arbitration awards are not systematically published and the counsels who participate ‘learn by doing’. Unfortunately, the benefits of experience of arbitration are seldom passed down to other participants of construction projects (including to those whom counsel represent). The book is generously enriched and illustrated by case studies and references to arbitration awards, decisions and findings of arbitration tribunals. It is an entertaining and excellent supplement to the black letter law.

    We have all been told to write in plain, easy-to-understand terms, to avoid legalese and to employ construction industry terms where possible while maintaining accuracy. This is not always an easy thing to do. The title successfully implements these principles and empowers its readers.

    There is a clear need and niche for this publication for many readers from across the globe—notably in new independent states and developing countries. The author approaches the subject matters from their standpoint—that is, a non-native English-speaking construction project participant in a new economy where the forms and principles may not be familiar to them. Dr Klee's practical and concise approach to issues will be welcomed by the busy practitioner.

    Chapter 1

    International Construction Projects

    1.1 The unique nature of the construction industry

    The construction industry does not have clearly defined borders and its characteristics range from simple to complex. Construction supplies basic materials (such as aggregate, cement, steel reinforcement and pre-packaged mixtures) right up to cutting-edge technology developed and used by experts. The industry has contributed to, and is a vital element of, almost everything we see around us. For example, the diversion of water courses, land reclamation, houses, shopping centres, offices, factories, health care facilities and large infrastructure-related civil engineering works such as bridges, tunnels, highways, airports and harbours. Others installations include water treatment plants, dams, nuclear power plants, wind power plants and projects in the field of electricity generation. The contribution made by the construction of factories, warehouses and production lines that serve other industries, (including mining and research centres) cannot be ignored. The particular activities relate not only to new construction works, but also repairs, extensions, reconstructions and demolitions.

    The diverse nature of the construction industry reflects the complexity of contemporary society as a whole, leading then to necessary specialization of particular activities in construction. A construction project is further comprised of complex processes, services and supplies reaching beyond the scope of this industry alone. For example, insurance, financing, bonds and guarantees, purchase of plant and equipment, security guards, operations and maintenance of work processes.

    1.2 Individuality of construction projects

    A construction project is a specific process or, rather, a sum of many processes. Mostly, it is an individual process. There are variables relating to the positions of its participants, their assignments and relationships, external conditions (concerning the economy, the nature of the site, climatic conditions, project risk and hazard levels in general), project management and delivery methods, procurement methods and public support.

    Construction projects face hazards of various kinds, caused either by humans or natural elements. Therefore, people, time and environmental elements play a major part here. The construction project itself tends to be a unique set-up of processes with unpredictable impacts caused by individual hazards. For large construction projects, their duration will often exceed two years. These projects are realized over extensive areas and are often difficult to safeguard perfectly. Therefore, a construction project is not a production line you can just program to smoothly create a product, within a well-defined time, quality and financial outlay.

    Design errors, extremely adverse climatic conditions, unforeseeable on-site conditions in physical or social terms, site access-related issues, building permit problems, delays due to the requirements of environmentalists and variations are just some examples of potential complications.

    Effective risk management must be the aim of everyone involved in a construction project. In other words, to identify patterns and potential problems, variations, hazards and risks in order to manage them effectively. This can only be achieved through the perfect preparation of each particular project. This is the theory.

    However, in practice, the lowest bid price tends to be the most important criterion in public tender evaluations nowadays. This is also a reason why contracts (for works or for design) that determine particular project relations must anticipate and involve transparent, efficient and reasonable solutions to potential problems and complications.

    1.3 Roles and relationships

    In the course of time, five main groups of construction project participants have emerged as major players in the construction industry. These groups are directly involved in construction projects or have an influence or a particular function within the industry. They are the contractors, designers, regulators, employers and users (Murdoch and Hughes, 2008). Lenders (banks), insurance and reinsurance companies must also be mentioned as further (indirect) construction project participants because of their significant influence on construction projects. We will now discuss these important roles in the construction project.

    1.3.1 Contractors

    Most frequently, contractors can be encountered as either global or local construction companies. Construction companies differ in specialization and size—from small contractors for specialized activities up to supranational organizations that enjoy major industrial and political influence.

    In the field of large construction projects, contractors often collaborate within joint ventures, setting up delivery chains at numerous levels. A general contractor enters into relationships with the subcontractors who further delegate parts of their obligations down to other specialized trade contractors, and so on down the chain. A particular delivery method will influence the positions of the individual contractors.

    1.3.2 Designers

    The role of a designer is to provide the employer with solutions, drawings and specifications. Working on a construction project, the designer will often provide project management, contract administration and supervision services to the employer. When hearing the word ‘designer’, one usually imagines an individual, but less often a company providing the services in support of construction project realization. Today, the latter prevails, as design works becomes ever more demanding and too large to be dealt with by an individual on their own.

    1.3.3 Regulators

    In the construction industry, regulators apply their professional expertise, for example, in the following areas:

    land planning and related processes;

    building permit applications;

    health and safety;

    environmental issues;

    quality assurance;

    to ensure fair business competition; and

    to ensure proper management of public resources.

    1.3.4 Employers

    Project realization by the contractor is a service to the employer. Someone about to build a house for their family may be an employer. A developer, who is funding a shopping centre construction to sell to potential operators, may be an employer. The employer themselves may be a future owner or an operator.

    A taxpayer, who is financing public projects via a public authority in the fields of transportation, infrastructure, construction of prisons, health care facilities, and so on, can also be considered an employer. An employer's characteristics depend, therefore, on whether the related funds are public or private. Significant differences between the private and public employers can be encountered. For example, in France, the contractor cannot suspend the works if the employer does not pay for the works performed in a public project. The so-called ‘l'exception d'inexécution’ known in private projects in France cannot be used. According to article 48-3 CCAG Travaux 1976, the contractor can suspend the works only after three unpaid monthly invoices (Wyckoff, 2010).

    In contracts, the employer is often referred to as ‘the owner’, ‘the buyer’ or ‘the client’, and so on. For the purposes of this book, we will mainly use the term ‘the employer’.

    1.3.5 Users

    All of us are users of products that are the result of construction efforts—whether we like it or not. Our views on construction projects are often subjective and vary for many different reasons. Other vital aspects are how the public perceive the inconvenience and nuisance that can occur during the course of construction or if the public really think that there is a need for a particular building. Specific traditions and cultural influences of the relevant society are a significant factor as well.

    As a field of activity, the construction industry is traditionally burdened by uncertainties that may cause distrust between the employer and the user.

    1.4 Contract administration: The Engineer

    Construction contracts are different from other commercial agreements because of the high degree of uncertainty. While the contract documents will provide a definition of the scope of works to be performed, a high degree of project complexity still leaves a lot of room for uncertainty along the way to the final result. This makes the task of administering the contract an important part of the larger process of ‘managing uncertainty’.

    Furthermore, the question of ‘moral hazard’ is sometimes mentioned (Winch, 2010), i.e. the difficulties the employer can face in ensuring that the contractor will perform the contract in good faith and bring it to its desired outcome. As a rule, the contractor possesses better technical and managerial skills than the employer. The absence of a proper contract that will provide clear terms and procedures regarding all relevant aspects and an efficient risk allocation may leave the less informed employer exposed to the risks associated with moral hazard and suffering from a potentially severe compromise regarding the desired outcome.

    On the other hand, large public procurement construction projects are often accompanied by political irresponsibility on the employer's side, mainly when problems are encountered. Nobody wants to be responsible for cost overruns and delays. To avoid responsibility, employers sometimes shift the risk of negative consequences of badly prepared projects onto contractors (e.g. delayed expropriation risk or bad ground conditions risk in underground works). Such ‘one-sided contracts’ actually negatively affect the smooth implementation of projects and consequently are considered disadvantageous to the borrowers due, amongt other things, to the late completion of the project (JICA, 2011). If this is done systematically, it is also dangerous for society. From a socio-economic point of view, it leads to frustration and a waste of resources in the short term and more expensive construction works and damage to the local economy over the long term.

    Corruption is another ‘moral hazard’, which is much more serious and afflicts the construction industry as a whole.

    There are certain well-known rules of risk allocation. The ultimate rule is that risk allocation must be efficient and if there is a non-insurable risk that is hard to quantify, the risk should be borne by the one who bears the majority benefit. It is self-evident who bears the majority benefit if it is a public construction project. In this case, it is the employer and the users. Furthermore, the state as an employer is often the stronger party (applying a take it or leave it approach to contracts). Thus it seems to be appropriate to apply the principles of protection of the weaker party (the contractor) in such public construction projects.

    Another principle that must be stressed is the principle of good faith protection. The governing law usually does not protect the one who is not fair, misuses their position and, as in the case of public employers, invites contractors to deliver projects where risks are speculatively shifted onto contractors and the terms of reference of the particular contract happens to be a sophisticated trap.

    Another problem seems to be the fact that international contract forms are often ‘imported’ to developing countries. Naturally they are less familiar to the local employers in both legal terms and working procedures (Banica, 2013). Employers in both the private and public sectors do not pay enough attention to the uneven knowledge asymmetry when facing and entering an agreement with a contractor, as well as to the need to manage this risk through contractual means and by employing a consultant as contract administrator or project manager. Employers tend to show an exaggerated optimism and focus extensively on establishing an initial contract price, without a clear understanding of the importance of setting clear rules regarding the management of change, regardless of the source of the change such as claims, variations, disputes, additional work, etc. (Banica, 2013).

    Add to this the fact that the construction industry in developing countries (still in the first stages of modernization) has not yet formed a body of knowledge or produced a significant number of contract managers/consultants familiar with international contracting and procurement practice and the local specificities and working culture (Banica, 2013).

    The position of the ‘contract administrator’ is of key importance. A contract administrator hired by the employer on a professional service agreement basis deals with coordination, monitoring, supervision of compliance with standards, certifies the works done, testing, taking over, participates in variation, price and time management, claim evaluation, contract interpretation and dispute avoidance. They should help to complete a successful project in a fair way and in accordance with the contract, achieving the demanded standard in the agreed time and for the agreed price.

    The contract by itself is not enough to solve the problem of moral hazard and the asymmetry of knowledge between the employer and the contractor. The second key element required is the presence of a third contractual party—namely, the contract administrator (Banica, 2013).

    In terms of contract administration, there are three usual arrangements in force:

    The ‘engineer’ as an employer's agent, whose job is to monitor and supervise the work, whose duty is to make fair determinations on certain matters (e.g. on claims for extension of time and additional payments; see an example of such determination in Appendix 6). The engineer issues certificates on payments, taking-over and performance.

    The employer's representative where the contract is administered directly by the employer or its representative. If the contractor is to achieve the certainty of time and price stipulated, then the involvement of the employer must be limited to a minimum during construction.

    The construction manager as an employer's agent hired to coordinate all processes on a professional service agreement basis without direct responsibility for design and works (see Chapter 3).

    1.4.1 The Engineer

    The engineer's rights and duties consist simultaneously of two parts. The first is acting on the employer's behalf, where the contractor can take the engineer's conduct as the employer's conduct and misconduct (such as the engineer's instructions regarding variations). Acting in their second role, the engineer is an impartial third party who is professionally skilled to maintain an equitable balance between the contractor and the employer (such as in settling disputes). The independence of the engineer (an entity/person appointed and funded by the employer), often becomes the topic of numerous debates. It is in the interests of all construction project participants to ascertain and clarify the engineer's competencies to limit disputes about who will, in fact, act as the engineer on a particular project. The question, ‘What are the attributes of the engineer and when can a party be said to have tacitly accepted someone as the engineer?’ (ICC, 2009) was answered, for example, in the ICC case no. 10892 (the tribunal found that the engineer was the employer itself in this case).

    A competent engineer (allowed to do their work by the employer) is in many cases a mandatory prerequisite for a successful construction project. A company or a group of consulting engineers and designers are mostly acting in the role of ‘engineer’. Their specific representatives have to be appointed for particular activities. An engineer can also be an employee of the employer, but this is a very problematic approach in practice. In respect of this, Jaeger and Hök (2010, p. 222) refer to a decision of the Arbitration Court of the International Chamber of Commerce. In this case, the arbitrators dealt with the replacement of the engineer with an employee of the employer (where the employer was a statutory body). According to the arbitrators, this replacement resulted in contract frustration. The authors support the view that it is unacceptable for the employer and the engineer to come from the same organization. However, in this case, the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) conditions included an express impartiality clause.

    As a rule, the engineer's individual rights and duties are assigned by a particular agreement with the employer. The engineer is typically entitled to give the contractor instructions related to work executed (and to remedy any defects) and the contractor is obliged to follow their instructions. The engineer must usually, for example, clarify any ambiguities and discrepancies should they appear in the contract. But it is not within the engineer's powers to change the contract—they are not, therefore, empowered to relieve either of the parties of their duties, commitments or responsibilities arising from the contract. Their assignment does not exempt the contractor from any liability they have under the contract.

    The engineer should be a professional with all necessary skills and experience, and have a good knowledge of the contract and contractual procedures (e.g. methods of re-measurement, delay procedures and disruption). The engineer should be able to foresee all legal, commercial, and technical consequences of their instructions, particularly those that lead to variations. They should be able to fairly evaluate the adequacy of new rates or prices where it is necessary to create them. The engineer should also be able to fairly determine—in terms of claims—additional payment or extensions of time for completion (Jaeger and Hök, 2010).

    According to the FIDIC CONS MDB/Red Book (2005 MDB Edition), the engineer has the following roles (JICA, 2011):

    Employer's agent: the engineer provides the following services to conduct the contract management:

    production of detailed design drawings under Sub-Clause 1.9;

    issuance of instructions for variation of the works under Sub-Clause 13.1;

    review of plans and drawings submitted by the contractor under Sub- Clause 4.1;

    carrying out project management services including time and cost management, quality control, testing and inspection, safety and environmental management under various Sub-Clauses especially 8.3, 13, 7, 9 and 4.9.

    Certifier: the engineer issues various certificates certifying the quality of the contractor's performance and payment is therefore at the engineer's discretion. The engineer's certificates have a strong binding effect on both the Employer and the contractor. Examples of certificates follow:

    taking-over certificate under Sub-Clause 10.2;

    certification of work completion date under Sub-Clause 11.9;

    interim payment certificate under Sub-Clause 14.6;

    defect liability certificate under Sub-Clause 4.9;

    final payment certificate under Sub-Clause 14.13.

    Determiner in claim settlement: The contractor has a right to claim settlement from the engineer. The engineer should consult with both parties on the matter in question based on Sub-Clause 3.5 in order to come to an agreement. If the consultation reaches an impasse, a fair determination should be made based on the contract.

    The Engineer's certifications and fair determinations

    Within the scope of their activities, the engineer can issue various types of certificates. The FIDIC forms, for example, presume numerous certificates. These include interim payment certificates, final payment certificates, taking-over certificates and performance certificates. Pursuant to the FIDIC forms, any approval, check, certificate, consent, examination, inspection, instruction, notice, proposal, request, test or similar act by the engineer (including absence of disapproval) shall not relieve the contractor of any responsibility they have under the contract. This includes responsibility for errors, omissions, discrepancies and non-compliances. Pursuant to FIDIC forms, for example, it further applies that the engineer may, in either of the payment certificates, make any correction or modification that should have properly been made to any previous payment certificate. A payment certificate alone shall not be deemed to indicate the engineer's acceptance, approval, consent or satisfaction.

    Under FIDIC, whenever the employer or the contractor submits a claim, the engineer is required, in the first instance, to mediate between the parties to facilitate agreement. If the parties cannot agree, the engineer must make ‘a fair determination in accordance with the contract, taking due regard of all relevant circumstances’. Accordingly, any determination must express the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the contract and applicable law, irrespective of any preference expressed, or pressure exerted by either party.

    In terms of engineer certifications, it is very interesting to compare the opinions of lawyers from different countries (available at: who responded to the following questions:

    When must a certifier under a construction contract act impartially, fairly and honestly?

    To what extent are the parties bound by certificates (where the contract does not expressly empower a court or arbitral tribunal to open up, review and revise certificates)?

    Can the contractor bring proceedings directly against the certifier?

    England and Wales: Where a person is employed by the employer under a construction contract to issue certificates or make decisions as part of the administration of the contract, he is required to act in accordance with the contract, fairly and impartially, and holds the balance between the employer and the contractor. Whether or not a certificate is binding and conclusive will depend upon the interpretation of the contract as a whole. If the contract, properly interpreted, provides that a certificate is to be binding and conclusive, the grounds for attacking such a certificate are much narrower. Inclusion of an express power for arbitrators to open up, review and revise certificates is necessary if arbitrators are to have that power. By contrast, no express wording is required in order for the courts to have the power to open up, review and revise certificates, etc. Nevertheless, the absence of the open-up review and revised wording does not necessarily mean that the certificate cannot be challenged in arbitration. Unless the contract provides that a certificate is to be binding and conclusive, it can be attacked on various grounds, including where the certifier acted outside his jurisdiction, dishonestly or partially in issuing the certificate or where the certificate is otherwise defective as a matter of form, substance or intent.

    Where the certificate can be opened up, reviewed, revised or otherwise challenged, the contractor will, unlikely, have a cause of action directly against the certifier. Absent the ability to challenge certificates, it is possible that the contractor may be able to proceed directly against the certifier but the contractor would have to show that the certifier owed it a duty of care in issuing the certificate and that the certifier was in breach of that duty. This will depend upon the facts (Choat and Long at

    France: Architects or engineers who verify payment certificates as part of their supervision of the works must act with due care within the scope defined in their contract with the employer. The extent to which parties are bound by certificates will generally depend on contractual terms. Where there is an over-certification of payments, the certifier may be held jointly liable with the contractor. Administrative case law also shows that a contractor can bring proceedings against the certifier (Gillion and Rosher at

    Germany: A certifier under the construction contract is obligated to act impartially, fairly and honestly. Such obligation derives from its mandate/contract with the parties and—depending on the nature of the certifier—from its administrative duties deriving from his or her official role as (state-certified) certifier. The parties are generally not bound by certificates, but may have them reviewed under the construction contract's dispute resolution regime. Claims may be brought against the certifier him or herself outside of the contract by both the contractor and the employer as obligations and duties of care are created through the mandate to certify certain facts in connection with the construction contract (Kremer at

    Ireland: There is an implied contractual obligation for the certifier to act independently, fairly and impartially as between the contractor and the employer. It is not unusual in Ireland for the employer to appoint an employee within its organization as an employer's representative and certifier under the construction contract. The commonly held position in Ireland prior to 2007 was that a contractor was entitled to enforce an interim payment certificate by way of summary judgment as a debt due. Following the decision of the Irish High Court in Moohan & Bradley Construction Limited v S&R Motors Limited (2007), contractors operating under the standard RIAI contract terms can no longer rely on being awarded summary judgment in court on interim certificates where a valid defence is raised. In such cases, even where judgment is granted, the execution of that judgment may be stayed pending the outcome of an arbitration hearing on all the issues between the parties (Killoran, O'Higgins and Cooney at

    Korea: (1) A certifier or an engineer is administered under the Construction Technology Management Act (‘the Act’), which categorizes the work scope of a certifier into three different areas: design, inspection and survey, and construction. The Act requires any certifier to act honestly, with dignity and in the interests of quality improvement. (2) The parties are bound by certificates to the extent required by the contract, but these are not mandatory requirements for the completion of the works under the contract. (3) The contractor may bring proceedings directly against a certifier based on wrongful conduct and is able to claim damages for tort liabilities, which is also stipulated in the Act (Oh and Park at

    The Engineer's responsibilities and liabilities

    Under the conditions of the contract with their employer, the engineer is responsible for the duties they undertake (designer, agent, supervisor, certifier, adjudicator). The engineer under FIDIC forms owes a duty of care also to the contractor in exercising their discretion in an impartial manner within the terms of the contract, and having regard to all circumstances. This duty of care exists alongside the other duties which may be imposed in tort under the governing law in order to avoid causing physical loss or damage or, in some cases, economic loss, with or without physical damage. The engineer may be responsible (and liable) for negligent design and supervision, negligent under-certification, negligent statements and instructions, lack of cooperation, lack of prevention of damage, and so on. The engineer is also responsible against third parties. The potential liability and the form and extent of liability depend on the governing law (Bunni, 2005).

    1.5 Further important aspects of construction projects

    A construction project is a temporary configuration of processes—a temporary multi-organization. Every construction project will bring together large numbers of people in their joint efforts who are aware of the temporary nature of the project. Large numbers of professionals and specialists cooperate within every construction project.

    Employers, designers and contractors are the most frequent, direct participants in construction projects. Large construction projects also have large numbers of employed people representing these direct participants. Each of them is an employee of an organization and, frequently, a member of a professional association with different interests, roles and priorities. It is therefore important to set up an efficient method of management and organization within a particular project to help create a common synergy for construction project success. It is equally important to establish a certain positive social atmosphere to help overcome problems that accompany every construction project.

    A typical yet important issue that often arises is a change in the function of the engineer, contractor or employer's representatives over the course of the project. The removal or replacement of a vital project management position can cause confusion and lead to technical complications, contract price increases and delays.

    Representatives of construction project participants have various levels of knowledge, different specializations and varying interests. As a result, the competency and authority of these parties may be unclear. When things go wrong, it is not unusual for some people to avoid responsibility completely and for others to unfairly get the blame. It is extremely difficult to harmonize the interests of all participants.

    It must be remembered that the duty to deliver value for money, quality and timeliness prevails over individual interests.

    1.5.1 Overlap of construction project phases

    Three phases of a construction project can be distinguished: preparation, design and realization. The operating phase, if any, can be seen as a part of the realization of the project. Often intentionally or inevitably, these phases overlap with each other. The overlap of the design and realization phases may appear in cases of Design-Build Projects (see Chapter 3). This may speed up construction or make it more effective where a variation in, or clarification of, the design becomes necessary during realization. Variation Management (or Change Management) is a key aspect of project management in construction and a contract must be the main instrument used to define respective procedures.

    1.5.2 Admissibility of variations and the need for variation management

    The emergence of unforeseen events in construction projects is inevitable. It can almost be guaranteed that a large construction project will deviate from the employer's, designer's or contractor's original vision. The ability to foresee such modifications in the contract and provide respective solutions from the outset is critical to avoiding disputes. Good contracts envisage this and therefore contain variation clauses and procedures (see Chapter 8).

    Obviously, variations administered on the basis of a variation clause cannot imply breach of contract, as it is the contract which enables variation. When used in a contract, the variation procedures include, for example, the way to propose the variation, a form of instruction to vary, periods, pricing method and sample variation orders.

    1.6 Typical contractual relationships

    Typical contractual relationships among direct construction project participants are mainly expressed in contracts for works, contracts for purchases and professional service agreements.

    The fundamental risk allocation and delivery method must be stipulated in a contract between the employer and main contractor. This is the ‘main contract’. Other contracts arise within the delivery chains. A joint venture agreement is also common and important in practice.

    Further contractual relationships arise in connection with insurance (see Chapter 14) and securities (see Chapter 16).

    1.7 Motivation for international business

    The construction industry and construction projects were, traditionally, local by nature. Construction contractors and their employers were typically limited to businesses/projects in their geographical area. These days, by contrast, the construction industry is witnessing globalization. Integrated processes, newly emerging supranational formations, government programs supporting investment, the expansion and development of means of communication, social networks, increased mobility of goods, capital and labour, have all had a major impact on the construction industry.

    The fall of socialism and the consequent liberalization in the 1980s in Eastern Europe and Russia led to a relaxation of the formerly protective policies in many countries. The end of central planning created new opportunities for construction companies from First World countries in the West where the infrastructure was already well developed.

    Preconditions for international construction business expansion can include any of the following: implementation of clear and open international rules of commerce, foreign investment incentives, availability of credit, trade agreements, contract law modification, development of alternative dispute resolution, international treaties on investment protection, enforceability of arbitration awards and protection of new technologies under intellectual property laws—particularly in terms of EPC contractors in oil, gas and energy projects.

    Global companies are using their know-how, synergy and financial strength to expand their business. In numerous developing and Third World countries, foreign companies have acquired state-owned companies or entered into joint ventures with local private companies.

    Contrasting examples of international projects in a globalized world can include a small warehouse for an international vendor, a complex strategic energy project with the involvement of several countries as employers or an international joint venture as a contractor under different applicable laws and rules of dispute resolution. The element of internationality can mainly be found in the place where the project is implemented, in the parties to the contract, in the procurement and contracting procedure and in the technical and legal standards.

    Cross-border projects foster competition, but also put pressure on employers to properly manage international tenders in terms of how to engineer, procure, construct and supervise work. In the case of public tenders, an employer must, first of all, be able to ensure proper preparation of the project. In particular, to provide funding, obtain building permits and provide access to the site including archaeological surveys and settlements with utility owners and land owners. Local laws must be ready for international construction projects, mainly in terms of public procurement, construction law, environmental protection, technical and quality-related standards, commercial contractual relationships, dispute resolution and competition law. The employer must provide appropriate design documentation and technical specifications. Most importantly, the employer must provide the people well qualified enough to act as their competent representatives/agents in the other country. Last but not least, the employer must select an appropriate delivery method (see Chapter 3). The risks that result from shortcomings in the mentioned domains complicate financing, tender procedures and sometimes can even jeopardize the implementation of a particular construction project.

    The above-mentioned risks will obviously prolong the realization and increase the cost of construction projects. Therefore, the international construction business is very demanding for construction companies that want to conduct their ventures abroad. By the same token, local companies are challenged by international competition. Ventures abroad increase demands on the employees of both local and international contractors. Recruiting and educating these employees form one of the most demanding missions of an international construction contractor.

    The primary motivation of a contractor for an international venture is either ‘offensive’ or ‘defensive’. Here, the ‘attack’ is to be perceived as a proactive, strategic decision ensuring another business opportunity to sustain growth and the ‘defence’ is to be perceived as a response to a lack of work and opportunity in the country of origin.

    An interesting case study of a unique international project was presented at the 2012 International Engineering and Infrastructure Congress (Scott, 2014). Fredric S. Berger, the chairman of the Louis Berger Group, Inc. shared with the attendees his firm's experience in carrying out a US$250 million project in 2003 to reconstruct 384 km of roadways and bridges in Afghanistan from Kabul to Kandahar. The firm was given an eight-month deadline and the work had to be carried out while military operations were proceeding. ‘We had a war going on,’ he explains in summarizing his remarks at the conference:

    We were working on a road that served 30% of the population but we could not enter because it was in the most heavily land-mined country in the world and had been destroyed by war for over thirty years. So there was no construction machinery, no construction industry, no construction workers, and no construction materials. We not only had to resolve the question of how to get equipment, workers, and materials into the country fast enough [to complete the project on time] but we all had to do that in the context of a threat-prone environment.

    Berger says that, after the landmines had been removed from the roads and rock quarries, all of the contractors brought equipment in from outside the country. In some cases it was flown in, and in others it was brought in by road from Pakistan. Berger had to get a special waiver from President Bush for the contractors in Turkey to bring their equipment through Iran. ‘We had to modify the standard FIDIC contract,’ says Berger.

    We were in a war environment, and we could not allow the contractors to exercise the force majeure clauses and shut down their projects. So we pre-negotiated stand-down daily rates so that if there was an incident in their area we could tell them to go inside the camp and lock the gate. So we paid them a fixed rate per day; it was pre-negotiated rather than let the project be shut down.

    1.8 Managerial analyses

    In the international construction business, careful risk analysis is of the utmost importance. In general, there are two basic levels of risk analysis: (1) the analysis of a particular target market; and (2) the analysis of a particular construction project. Many various management techniques and formulas are used in conducting market analyses. To evaluate the external environment in terms of political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors and their influences, the PESTEL analysis is often used.

    Tax policy, labour legislation, environmental legislation, restrictions on trade, customs and political stability reflect how and to what extent the government intervenes in the economy are among the political factors.

    Economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates, inflation rates and GDP are ranked among the economic factors.

    Social factors comprise cultural aspects such as health care awareness, age structures, thee demographics of an ageing population, the value of human life and emphasis on safety.

    Technological factors include technological aspects such as research and development, automation, levels of innovation, technological stimuli and the rate at which the technological changes occur.

    Environmental factors are the ecological and environmental aspects (weather, climate, climate change) that may have a major impact on industries such as tourism, agriculture, insurance and, of course, the construction industry.

    Legal factors concern consumer rights, competition law, labour legislation, health and safety and commercial law.

    Strategic capacities are often explored by means of the SWOT analysis. They are, in particular, resources (i.e. what we have) the competencies (i.e. what we are good at). SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The questions, therefore, are:

    What are our strengths?

    How can they be exploited?

    How can the impacts of our weaknesses be minimized?

    What are our opportunities?

    How they can be used?

    What are the threats preventing us from making use of these opportunities?

    How can these threats be overcome?

    For these reasons, careful analysis and investigation of the internal and external environment are required.

    Another popular analysis is the Porter's Five Forces Analysis. This can assist in setting up a business analysis framework. The Porter's Five Forces Model defines the forces that determine the level of competition in an industry and, therefore, its attractiveness.

    Porter defined two vertical forces—the power of suppliers and employers, along with three horizontal forces—the threat of new competitors in the market, the threat of substitutes, and the threat of established competitors. Having analysed the external and internal environments, one has to assess the influences on product or business plans and draw up a strategy.

    1.9 Hazards and risks

    Large construction projects are regularly exposed to numerous hazards. Construction project participants (mainly the employer and the bidding contractor) should identify potential hazards and carry out a systematic risk analysis to assess the respective risks of a particular project properly. Lenders (such as banks) and insurance and re-insurance companies often require a risk analysis before providing loans or insurance. Every contract must contain instruments to cope with foreseeable hazards and risks. A risk can be defined as the probable value of damage caused by the realization of a hazard.

    Concerning risk, it is not the contractor's objective to avoid it completely, but to identify and be able to mitigate it in order to achieve a competitive advantage. Three main phases can be distinguished in respect of handling risk:

    hazard identification

    risk analysis

    anti-risk measures.

    1.10 Hazard identification

    Risk, in principle, is not a bad thing. Naturally, people tend to seek certainty by avoiding change and risk. One can even benefit from risk if one is not afraid of it. In construction, the aim must be to avoid risk and adverse consequences by systematically identifying, analysing and taking action.

    Individual hazards and associated risks may have different levels of importance in particular projects and must be considered from the point of view of the employer's and the contractor's priorities. In some projects, price will be seen as a priority, in others the time for completion or the highest standard of performance.

    A construction project—like any other industrial or non-industrial project – faces external hazards, internal hazards and mixed hazards. A hazard of external origin can be defined as a hazard arising from the natural technical, economic and social environments in which the project takes place, for example, poor cash flows, religious unrest, floods, aircraft crashes and unstable currency exchange rates.

    A hazard of internal origin, on the other hand, arises from the project itself and includes hazards that threaten the project directly and indirectly. Examples of direct internal hazards include embezzlement, delays, decision-making faults and errors. Indirect internal hazards are those that jeopardize the project in a secondary way and may involve external third parties, for example, disputes with authorities on matters of environmental pollution and activism by environmentalists. The latter may result in disruption through protests or even court-ordered injunctions.

    A mixed hazard is one which arises when project management erroneously or inappropriately responds to an external hazard.

    Hazards threatening a construction project can be further broken down into two broad groups:

    anthropogenic hazards—caused by people in various forms (individuals, groups of individuals, an organization, and the like);

    natural hazards—caused by natural elements (storms, earthquakes, black ice, and other natural disasters).

    1.11 Risk analysis

    Identification of hazards is followed by risk analysis in which the probability of adverse consequences (frequency of occurrences, implications, and the like) are evaluated and lead to a decision regarding the selection of appropriate risk management strategies.

    1.12 Anti-risk measures

    Measures to be taken to reduce or eliminate risk depend on the decision-maker's financial and human resources as well as on the feasibility and availability of respective measures. Some risks cannot be prevented at all.

    In general, in risk analysis, four strategies can be distinguished, called the ‘4 Ts’:





    1.12.1 Take

    A risk management strategy which relies on the wilful absence of any precautions and involves accepting the loss (or benefit of gain), from a risk when it occurs. This is a viable strategy where potential risks are small or where the cost of insuring against the risks would be greater over time than any potential losses sustained. The same can be said for risks that are so large that they are either uninsurable or the premiums are unfeasibly high. A solid budget contingency is the only possible way to secure against this kind of risk.

    1.12.2 Treat


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