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The City Of Alphas
The City Of Alphas
The City Of Alphas
Ebook81 pages1 hour

The City Of Alphas

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

New York City. For some it is the city of dreams, for others it is the city of dark secrets.

Tara is a curvy artist from Manhattan and sparks fly when she meets her sexy new neighbor Alex. It is not long before she and Alex are enjoying some of the steamiest sex she has ever had and Tara has fallen heavily for her ruggedly handsome lover.

However, Alex has a secret.

He is the ex-Alpha of a wolf pack from Michigan and he came to the city to flee the pack life and live a more “human” life.

In a city of 8 million humans, Alex figures he would just fade into the background and go unnoticed but he was wrong. Very wrong.

Little did Alex know, that by coming to the City he was not escaping anything. He was actually running into even more danger as it becomes apparent that he is not the only Alpha in the big city.

So when Sebastian, the Alpha Of Manhattan, learns of Alex's relationship with human Tara the death penalty is expected to follow but first he has an interesting proposition for the star crossed lovers...

Release dateNov 23, 2014
The City Of Alphas

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    Book preview

    The City Of Alphas - Jasmine White




    A Shifter Romance.....




    Copyright ©2014 by Jasmine White

    All rights reserved.

    About The City Of Alphas Series

    This is a Paranormal Romance series.

    New York City. For some it is the city of dreams, for others it is the city of dark secrets.

    Tara is a curvy artist from Manhattan and sparks fly when she meets her sexy new neighbor Alex. It is not long before she and Alex are enjoying some of the steamiest sex she has ever had and Tara has fallen heavily for her ruggedly handsome lover.

    However, Alex has a secret.

    He is the ex-Alpha of a wolf pack from Michigan and he came to the city to flee the pack life and live a more human life.

    In a city of 8 million humans, Alex figures he would just fade into the background and go unnoticed but he was wrong. Very wrong.

    Little did Alex know, that by coming to the City he was not escaping anything. He was actually running into even more danger as it becomes apparent that he is not the only Alpha in the big city.

    So when Sebastian, the Alpha Of Manhattan, learns of Alex's relationship with human Tara the death penalty is expected to follow but first he has an interesting proposition for the star crossed lovers...

    Table Of Contents










    I wasn't trying to make scrambled eggs in the apartment elevator, of course.  And yet, maybe it appeared that way when the doors opened, revealing me standing there, surrounded by a dozen cracked eggs,  to my hunky new neighbor And actually, hunky didn't even begin to describe him. Nor did handsome. At six-foot-two or three with dark, nearly black, hair, charcoal-gray eyes, and a square, masculine jaw, there was only one way he could be described: absolutely gorgeous.

    His face appeared made for modeling.  His body looked like it was made for modeling underwear, specifically. Every millimeter of it was composed of lean, rock-hard muscle, if the way his fitted, navy blue t-shirt highlighted the chiseled contours of his abs and broad chest was any indication. And if the lightly tanned biceps peeking out from the sleeves of that t-shirt were any indication.

    It made me a little weak in the knees just to look at him.

    He surveyed the cracked-egg mess at my feet, his dark gray eyes twinkling, before lifting his gaze to my face. I don't think they'll cook very well on the floor. Might need a bit more heat.

    My face flamed with heat. Probably enough to cook a thousand eggs.

    Although, probably depends on how you like your eggs cooked. If you like them very, very over-easy, the elevator floor might do just fine.

    His voice was rich and deep. Manly. It sent a little thrill rippling through me.

    Somehow, despite my embarrassment, I managed a weak laugh. I was actually hoping for an omelet this morning.

    I really had been. I worked as a stained glass artist, selling my creations online, and I'd been up since dawn that particular Saturday morning in May, working on a few different projects I really wanted to finish. Around nine, I'd taken a break, starving, but realized I didn't really have much breakfast food in the house. Or much food at all. So, I'd left my Lower East Side apartment and headed to the neighborhood bodega, which was a teeny-tiny, yet well-stocked, corner grocery store.

    It was one of those May mornings that made a person happy to live in New York City, happy to live in Manhattan's Lower East Side, and happy to be alive, period. The air was warm and fresh-smelling, something that was somewhat rare in such a smoggy city. The sun was bright and the sky a perfect clear blue. The residents of a neighboring building had been putting big terracotta pots full of red geraniums out in front of their building, and I'd stopped to admire the flowers and chat for a bit on my way to the store.

    At the bodega, I bought eggs, cheese, fruit, and a big paper bagful of other staples. So many that bag was a bit heavy and chock full, but rather than carrying two bags, I'd decided to just hold the carton of eggs in the other hand. The carton had somehow popped open in the elevator and several eggs fell out. When I’d instinctively stooped over to make some sort of attempt to clean up the mess, the rest of the eggs tumbled out as well. Which had, of course, led to my current state of embarrassment in front of my beyond-handsome new neighbor.

    He'd moved into my building a few months earlier, and I'd seen him, always somewhat at a distance, like outside the building, or at the end of the hallway, a handful of times. But we'd never formally met or spoken. I knew he lived on the fifth floor, which was the top floor of our building, same as I did, but other than that, I knew nothing about him. Except that right now, his twinkling, charcoal-gray eyes were making butterflies race around my stomach.

    The elevator door began to close, and he stopped it with one lightly tanned, long-fingered hand. Let me grab something to prop this open with, and I'll help you clean up. Be right back.

    I couldn't hold back a smile. Thank you.

    I took over the elevator door-holding, and after giving me a half-grin that turned my insides to jelly, he dashed away.

    I thought how it was very kind that he was going to help me. I was pretty sure he wasn't doing it in any sort of hopes of scoring a date with me, or anything like that. I was fairly certain I wasn't his type. With his looks, I imagined his type was probably supermodels. Probably chesty, slim-waisted blondes. Or long-legged brunettes. Neither of which described me.

    I wasn't ugly. That I knew. I knew I was maybe even a bit pretty. And in fact, while I was out and about, I often received random compliments about my smile and golden brown, almond-shaped eyes from complete strangers, both male and female. Which was saying a lot, because in Manhattan, complete strangers usually didn't stop to compliment other

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