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In the Heart of an Unsocial Butterfly
In the Heart of an Unsocial Butterfly
In the Heart of an Unsocial Butterfly
Ebook54 pages47 minutes

In the Heart of an Unsocial Butterfly

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About this ebook

A collection of short stories and poems.
A book filled with all kinds of emotions: love, desire, loss.
Poems of want, imagery and pain.
And one last miraculous short story of moving on.

PublisherJuliana Mae
Release dateSep 16, 2014
In the Heart of an Unsocial Butterfly

Juliana Mae

Juliana Mae is a dreamer who loves music, words, and adventure. She has written for school newspapers, been featured in J-14 Magazine, reviewed books for Miss Literati, and published three books, In the Heart of an Unsocial Butterfly, The Way He Looks at Me, and Patton Pending.

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