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The Life Intended
The Life Intended
The Life Intended
Ebook419 pages7 hours

The Life Intended

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Sliding Doors meets P.S. I Love You in this richly told novel from the author of The Sweetness of Forgetting about the struggle to overcome the past when our memories refuse to be forgotten.

After her husband’s sudden death over ten years ago, Kate Waithman never expected to be lucky enough to find another love of her life. But now she’s planning her second walk down the aisle to a perfectly nice man. So why isn’t she more excited?

At first, Kate blames her lack of sleep on stress. But when she starts seeing Patrick, her late husband, in her dreams, she begins to wonder if she’s really ready to move on. Is Patrick trying to tell her something? Attempting to navigate between dreams and reality, Kate must uncover her husband’s hidden message. Her quest leads her to a sign language class and into the New York City foster system, where she finds rewards greater than she could have imagined.
PublisherGallery Books
Release dateDec 30, 2014
The Life Intended

Kristin Harmel

Kristin Harmel is the New York Times bestselling author of more than a dozen novels including The Forest of Vanishing Stars, The Book of Lost Names, The Room on Rue Amélie, and The Sweetness of Forgetting. She is published in more than thirty languages and is the cofounder and cohost of the popular web series, Friends & Fiction. She lives in Orlando, Florida.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The story follows Kate as she tries to put her life back together after the death of her husband. I found it to be an enjoyable, quick read. While it dealt with death, I didn't find it to be a depressing book. Instead I found it to be touching and heartwarming.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Although I have never heard of Kristin Harmel before, I received her most recent novel The Life Intended for review and let me tell you, I am beyond thrilled that I read this book.A description of this book from Goodreads is as follows:In this richly told story where Sliding Doors meets P.S. I Love You, Kristin Harmel weaves a heart-wrenching tale that asks: what does it take to move forward in life without forgetting the past?After her husband's sudden death over ten years ago, Kate Waithman never expected to be lucky enough to find another love of her life. But now she's planning her second walk down the aisle to a perfectly nice man. So why isn't she more excited?At first, Kate blames her lack of sleep on stress. But when she starts seeing Patrick, her late husband, in her dreams, she begins to wonder if she's really ready to move on. Is Patrick trying to tell her something? Attempting to navigate between dreams and reality, Kate must uncover her husband's hidden message. Her quest leads her to a sign language class and into the New York City foster system, where she finds rewards greater than she could have imagined. What can I say about Kristin Harmel except the fact she is an amazing writer? It’s very rare I feel such a connection to a book, and this was one of them. The main character, Kate, does not have an easy life. She suffers much tragedy and sadness. There is nothing cliché in this book about loss, acceptance, and moving on. Harmel does a great job showing how messy life can be and how sometimes, no matter how much time has passed since a huge loss, you still cannot move on. This story is heart wrenching at times, especially for anyone who has lost someone or who has expected their life to be different than the one they have.The best part of this book, besides watching Kate’s journey into accepting her dreams as an alternate reality of what her life could have been and as a message from her late husband, was how much time and research Harmel put into making sure her description of the NY foster care system was authentic. I am a foster parent and writer myself and there’s nothing more I appreciate in an author than authenticity, and doing it in such a way so as to not sound boring or trite. She does a great job explaining the process in which we foster parents go through to get accepted into the system, the heartbreak of knowing kids need homes, and the reward that comes from helping children. I consider myself to be somewhat of a book snob (not in a bad way but in a way where I prefer to be moved or impacted by a book, not just read a book to waste time) and this book was beyond amazing. I loved this book so much I felt inclined to send Kristin an email yesterday, thanking her for taking the time to research and write in such a way that was authentic and real. To my surprise, she emailed me back right away! We exchanged a few emails and she is just as good of a person as she is a writer. She is a wonderful woman and writer and I am so happy this book was sent to me for review. I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads and I am very eager to read anything else she has written.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved this book. I can’t explain why I connected so deeply with it but it helped me assess my life and make much needed changes. A wonderful story that will take you through emotions and thoughts.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love this book, cldnt put it down from the beginning! Heartwarming and brilliant!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Thé engagement with people that are sensorily diverse , living with two autistic spectrum teens I really appreciate when an author includes the idea that diverse is not abnormal!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I almost stopped reading because I couldn’t make sense of the dreams. I’m so glad I didn’t…
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    To say I loved this book is putting it mildly. It was so engrossing, I could not stop reading to find out what happened. Great story!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The books are totally deserving. I loved them, and I think they are must read. If you have some great stories like this one, you can publish it on Novel Star, just submit your story to [email protected] or [email protected]
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book broke me. I started The Life Intended fully planning to finish it in one sitting. That didn't happen. Not because the book wasn't well written. It absolutely is. Not even because I couldn't love the characters or the story. Both of those items were instantly checked off my list after I'd finished the first chapter. No, this book took a long time for me to read because I couldn't stop crying. Every time I picked it up, and started to read, I'd start sobbing. I'm not talking teary-eyed, or even a few tears, I'm talking full out sobbing. Whew, kudos to Kristin Harmel.

    For me, any book that deals with the death of a loved one is tricky terrain. It has to be done with a certain finesse, and feel realistic at the same time. With Kate, Harmel brought to life a character that I could understand and easily follow. A woman who had found the most perfectly imperfect man. Who truly believed that she'd grow old with that man, and that they had all the time in the world together. Except, they didn't. Watching Kate try to deal with her loss, watching her realize all the times that she took for granted, it hit hard right at the center of my being. This book didn't just pull at my heartstrings. It all out gutted me.

    There are some beautiful messages in The Life Intended. Thoughts on living life, pursuing passions, and opening up your heart to the possibilities around you. Unlike most of the other "sliding doors" books that I've read, this one felt plausible. It felt like a story that I could get behind. Maybe it's just my sappy nature. Maybe it's because I know I've found my own perfectly imperfect man, and I'm realizing just how terrifying it would be to loose him, but I loved this.

    All I know is, I'm going to do my best not to let the little moments escape. Thanks for that Kristin Harmel :). I don't even mind that I needed a box of tissues to finish this book. It was worth it.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    There's a bit of magical realism at play here, as the main character has dreams of her dead husband inexplicably alive and details which turn out to be true. And that is the crux of the novel - what is the "life intended?" Kate has dreams, but life has handed her something different - and she is who her life has made her - good and bad. The book ends with a lovely sense of completion, and while it may be the typical "happy ever after" kind of ending, the message along the way still resonates with truth.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Life Intended is a book that I had a feeling would bring out all the emotions, and it did. This book is above and beyond what I expected.

    Kate is a character that wants to move forward but is terrified of forgetting her late husband. She feels guilty trying to be happy in life when her husband’s life was taken at such a young age. She pretty much goes through the motions, and lets other people kind of make her decisions for her. I’m not a big fan of her fiance. He has some really douchey moments. But I love that throughout this book Kate grows. She makes mistakes, and seems a little crazy sometimes when she starts having dreams about her late husband, Patrick, and the life they could have had together. She obsesses over it, but I think it’s vital in her learning to live again.

    There were so many moments when my heart broke for Kate. There are moments when those that are supposed to support her most give her the most grief over her choices. She learns so much about herself through the dreams she has, and I applaud her for sticking to her own happiness. There are so many people in the journey she takes that help her become the woman she is meant to be.

    Harmel’s writing is beautiful. You get swept away in her words, and find it hard to come back to reality while reading. I will definitely be reading more from this author, and this book is definitely among my top reads of the year.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Life Intended by Kristin Harmel is a 2015 Gallery Books publication. I was provided a copy of this book as an XOXpert, the official street team of XOXO After Dark. I don’t know why, but sometimes I feel a vibe from a book, one that tells me to wait until I can give it my undivided attention and am able to slow down and relish every word, to savor it, without a looming deadline forcing me to read at a breakneck speed. So, although I have had a copy of this book on my shelf for a little while, I kept putting it aside, waiting for the right time to read it. When her husband, Patrick, dies, Kate’s world tilts on its axis, but in time she meets another guy, Dan, and attempts to settle back into life. She and Dan are engaged to be married, but Kate begins to have vivid dreams in which she shares a life with Patrick, the life she thought she would have before his death. It gets to a point where she wants to stay in this ‘altered state’, but these dreams also reveal some gaping holes in the life she’s living in reality. There are unresolved issues Kate never realized she had, secrets Patrick held, she didn’t know about, which cause Kate to take stock, to make changes, take risk, follow her heart, and come out on the other side a better, more confident, more complete person. But, her journey is an emotional tight wire, and just like in real life, it gets complicated. She has good times, but has to make very difficult choices and suffers deep disappointments. But at the end of the day, she is set upon the right path, the life she was intended to live. I am so glad I followed my instincts and chose a time to read this book when I wasn’t under so much pressure. This is a very imaginative storyline, with a kind of whimsical quality to it, but also with a slight edge. One thing that kept me turning pages was my love of all things mysterious. I just had to know what was going on, what would happen next, and soon found myself unable to tear myself away from the story. There are a few minor difficulties due to the bouncing back and forth between Kate’s dream state and reality. The switch could be jarring at times, and of course, I had some trouble connecting the various storylines, and keeping up the cast of characters, which is little larger than normal. But, these are issues are only slightly irritating and is most likely a problem unique to me. This is also one of those books that is hard to review, because to say too much, might give something away. While the book has some sad times, with a few teary eyes, and is certainly an emotional and poignant journey, there are also moments of intense frustration. But, have no fear, things turn out, well, as they were intended. While I couldn’t have possibly guessed at all the developments, I did pick up a clue along the way about which way the story was headed. However, for the most part, I was poised on the edge of seat from start to finish, and found the end result very satisfying, with a sweet moral about managing life’s curveballs, about accepting one’s fate, embracing it, and living it with gusto. 4 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    First book read by this author -- awesome. Loved it.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Plot in a Nutshell Kate, a young widow trying to move on ten years after her husbands death only to find herself blessed / tortured with hyper real dreams or visions of an alternative life where he is alive and well. Confused Kate partially turns away from the new life she is trying to build in favour of trying to follow the dream and in so doing learns a great deal and find a new future. Thoughts I really loved Kate as a main character – she felt very real to me from the get go. I also particularly enjoyed the number of strong relationships she has in her life – her best friend Gina is great and her sister, mother and mother in law also add great depth to the story and are nicely rounded without distracting from Kate and her journey. I am not always a great fan of the mystical and after a not great experience with “The Bookseller” earlier in the year was worried that I was not going to enjoy the dream sequences at all. I was however in for a pleasant surprise and thought they, and Kate’s confusion about what was happening but determination to try and explore were really well done. Her embarrassment at trying to explain to her loved ones and her subsequent concerns felt very realistic. The inclusion of a little deaf girl in her dreams led Kate to learn sign language and ultimately use her professional skills to help deaf children showed great character development. That this led so some well researched details about sign language, cochlear implants, and the foster care system also I think added greatly to my enjoyment.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The book starts out slowly and builds. I do have to say that I pretty much knew early in that Dan and Kate were going to break up and that Andrew was a better fit for Kate than Dan was. Yet, there were a couple plot twists that I didn't see coming.The book focuses on a number of life questions. Doing what makes you happy. What makes a fulfilling relationship? Living in the present vs. living in the past vs. living in the future. When is it time to move on after a loss? Doing what makes you happy: There are times this is a good choice and times that it isn't so good. None of us can expect to be happy 100% of the time. We all have things that we have to do in life that aren't pleasant or don't make us happy. It's just a given of life. However, there are also times that we can apply this--I just don't think it can be the only way to live your life. However, in things like choosing a career or choosing who you will date--then yes, it might be fair to consider this question. Choosing a lifetime career of something you like to do has proven benefits. I'd also hate to see someone settle for marrying someone they didn't love just because they fear loneliness etc. (However, once you are married, life isn't all roses--and you can't bail out on your vows just because you aren't happy all the time--that question is something that needs to be considered before you propose or at the very least before you get married.)What makes a relationship fulfilling?: I think it's different for everyone. In this book, for Kate, it is being able to be herself, being able to share herself fully without fearing the other person will walk away or cut her out of his/her life. Kate wants to be able to share her thoughts, fears, dreams, wants, needs etc. with another person. She wants to be able to discuss, fight about, etc. things that matter to her rather than just avoiding sensitive topics all the time to avoid making waves.Living and when is it time to move on?: We are all shaped by our past. Kate's dreams show that. She sees how her life and work would be different if Patrick had lived. She sees how Andrew's life would have been different if his brother had lived. We make choices based on events that have happened. At the same time, it is important to be present in the time we are in. If we dwell too much on the past, we may miss something good that's right in front of us--something that I feel God has for us. Longing for the future can be as detrimental as living in the past. We can't change what's happened in the past, we can only move forward.It was interesting to see a bit how music therapy works and that it can be used even with the hard of hearing. It was also interesting to learn a bit about ASL. Though Kate first got interested in ASL because of Hannah in her dreams (and also incidentally in the hard of hearing being interested in music), Andrew is the one who connects the dots to Kate working with the hard of hearing children in foster care through St. Anne's.I am still unsure what to make of Kate's dreamworld where Patrick is alive and she is a mom to Hannah, a music therapist to adults only, and where Andrew is a chef rather than a social worker.If it had just been about how her life with Patrick might have played out if he hadn't died, I'd have thought it was her subconscious telling her that her relationship with Dan wasn't right for her--they didn't have the same communication as she and Patrick did where she felt she could be honest and herself. But the dreams are more than that. In the dreamworld, Joan has cancer (which proves to be true in real life also, though she only goes to get checked when Kate insists). And the dreamworld contains many details about Hannah that prove true in the end--so I'm left wondering . . . what's up with the dreams? Were they just coincidence or her subconscious sending her messages? Maybe but there seems to be more intended to it than that (see above comments). Were they from God? God can use dreams to send messages, though I'm not sure it's done as often now as it was during Biblical times (particularly Old Testament before the Holy Spirit). Though St. Anne's is Catholic, religious themes aren't mentioned much in the book, so while for me personally, I'd like to say God was preparing Kate's heart for what was coming, I'm not so sure that was what the author intended. Was it demon sent? Those against God can use dreams too. In this case, if that was it, it seemed to backfire on the demons unless their intent was to keep her from marrying Dan. Is it "the universe" (as the author of the book club questions seems to want to believe)? Hard for me to say as I don't believe in that. I'd much prefer to believe that God prepared Kate's heart for accepting a child not from her own womb and accepting illness in a loved family member. I would have given it 5 stars if it had more of a Christian overtone, and I don't often give 5 stars.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Source: ARC from Gallery Books via NetgalleyKate is married to the love of her life, Patrick, for only a short time before his sudden death changes her life forever. Fast forward twelve years and Kate is getting ready to marry Dan. She starts having these vivid dreams of Patrick and the life they could have had. They are so vivid that she thinks they are real. She struggles to find the meaning of these "dreams" and in so doing finds herself going down some roads she never would have found otherwise.Themes: Love, death and loss, family, being your true selfTopics of this book include death of a spouse, infertility, American Sign Language, special needs children, foster system and the Deaf community.Characters: The characters are well written and rounded out nicely. They felt like real people with some dimension. They each had distinctive personalities that felt genuine instead of stereotypical.POV: First person from Kate's point of view.Romance: Yes. Love is a big part of this book because the romance between Kate and Patrick is almost like a third person between Kate and Dan. This is not a hot and steamy romance. There are no explicit scenes. Instead, the romance is more about those day-to-day interactions that create intimacy between people.Insta-Love: No Love Triangle: NoCliffhanger: NoOverall: This book grabbed me right from the beginning. The first chapter is about Kate's last day with her husband and it was absolutely heartwrenching. It was very easy for me to put myself in Kate's shoes and feel what she was feeling. The love between them, the little things that made up all the moments of their lives together, her overwhelming grief and sense of loss, her guilt, and her denial. The rest of the book is set twelve years later as Kate has finally moved on to a new serious relationship. But has she really moved on?Ms. Hamel's writing is wonderful. The story flows well and she is able to evoke emotion without the book feeling too sappy. Kate's emotions are on full display for the reader in a very real way. Nothing feels forced or hokey. Through Kate's journey she comes to certain realizations about her life and decides to live the life that she was always intended to live. It may be different from what she expected and things may not always have worked out the way she hoped they would, but in the end, there's a reason for everything and all her heartache and struggles have led her to where she needs to be.This was a very sweet and heartwarming story. It's was a fairly quick read for me because I really wanted to read how things worked out for Kate. I definitely felt connected to her as a character even though I really don't have much in common with her personally and that just goes to show how good the writing is and how great the author is at evoking emotion. I definitely recommend this one.

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Book preview

The Life Intended - Kristin Harmel


It was 11:04 when Patrick walked through the door that final night almost a dozen years ago.

I remember the numbers glowing red and angry on the digital clock by our bed, the sound of his key turning in the lock. I remember his sheepish expression, the way his five o’clock shadow had bloomed into an almost-beard, the way his shirt looked rumpled as he stood in the doorway. I remember the way he said my name, Kate, like it was an apology and a greeting all in one.

I’d been listening to Sister Hazel’s Fortress, my favorite album at the time, as I waited for him to come home. Champagne High, the fourth track on the CD, was playing, and just before he walked in, I was mouthing the lyrics, thinking to myself how the million hours that we were was such a poetic way to describe a life together.

Patrick and I were just four months into our marriage, and I couldn’t imagine a day when we’d no longer be with each other. I was twenty-eight then, Patrick twenty-nine, and the years seemed to stretch before us into an endless horizon. I remember reflecting that a million hours—just over a hundred years—didn’t sound like enough time.

But as it turned out, our hours together were almost up. The number that defined us in the end was only fifteen thousand and nine.

That was the number of hours that had passed since we’d met at a New Year’s Eve party on the last night of 2000, the number of hours we’d spent knowing we’d found our soul mates, the number of hours we’d spent thinking we had it all. But fifteen thousand and nine isn’t even close to a million.

Honey, I am so, so sorry. Patrick was all apologies as he fumbled his way into the bedroom, where I sat on top of our comforter, knees pulled up to my chest, checking my watch pointedly. The relief that he was home safely was being quickly supplanted by annoyance for making me worry.

You didn’t call. I knew I sounded petulant, but I didn’t care. We had made each other a promise the year before, after my uncle had been killed in a hunting accident, that we’d always make an effort to let each other know when we were going to be late. My aunt had been blissfully unaware of her husband’s death for nearly twenty hours, which had horrified Patrick and me.

I just got caught up in something, Patrick said, averting his gaze. His thick black hair was mussed and his green eyes were full of concern when he finally looked back at me.

I glanced at the phone on our bedside table, the phone that had been silent all night. You were stuck at the office? I asked. It wouldn’t have been the first time. Patrick was a risk management consultant for a firm in Midtown. He was young, hungry, one of those people who would always pitch in if there was extra work to be done. I loved that about him.

No, Katielee, he said, using the affectionate nickname he’d been calling me since the night we met, when he’d mistaken my maiden name, Kate Beale, as I shouted it above the din of the crowd. My beautiful Katielee, he murmured as he crossed the room and sat down beside me on the bed. The back of his right hand grazed my left thigh, and I slowly unfolded my legs, melting into him. He inched toward me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He smelled like cologne and smoke. I was with Candice, he said into my hair. She had something important she needed to tell me.

I pulled away from him and scrambled out of bed. "Candice? You were with Candice? Until eleven?"

Candice Belazar was the girl he’d dated just before me, a bartender at a smoky dive in Midtown. It had been a short-term fling and they’d broken up two months before we met, but she’d been a thorn in my side as long as I’d known him. It was just a physical thing, he’d tried to explain the first time he told me about her. I was in a rut, and she was there. I got out of it as soon as I realized how wrong we were for each other. But that hadn’t been much comfort.

We’d run into Candice once at a restaurant in Little Italy, and having a face to put with the name only made things worse. She was several inches taller than me, with huge, obviously fake breasts, stringy bleached blond hair, and hollow eyes. She had smirked as she looked me up and down, and I’d heard her stage-whisper to her friend that Patrick apparently couldn’t handle a real woman anymore.

Kate, honey, nothing happened, Patrick said quickly, reaching for me. I would never do anything to hurt you.

Then why didn’t you call?

I’m so sorry. He raked his fingers through his hair. There’s no excuse. But I would never, ever cheat on you. Ever. You know that. His voice caught at the end of his sentence, but his eyes were as guileless as ever. I felt my shoulders relax a little as some of my indignation rolled away.

Whatever, I huffed, because I couldn’t think of a better response. I knew he was telling the truth, but the thought of waiting at home while he sat in a bar with his ex-girlfriend still stung. I wasn’t going to tell him it was okay, because it wasn’t.

I’m totally wrong here, he said, spreading his palms in a mea culpa. But it was a heavy conversation, and I didn’t feel like I could walk away to make a phone call.

Yes, heaven forbid you offend Candice, I muttered.

Kate . . . Patrick’s voice trailed off.

I’m going to bed. I knew I was supposed to soften, to tell him it was all right. But I couldn’t bring myself to.

Don’t you want to talk about this? he asked.


Patrick sighed. Kate, I’ll explain everything tomorrow.

I rolled my eyes, stormed into the bathroom, and slammed the door behind me. I blinked at my reflection in the mirror, wondering how, nearly two years after they’d broken up, Candice still managed to hold some kind of power over my husband.

But as I climbed into bed ten minutes later, I could feel myself thawing a little. After all, Patrick had told me right away where he’d been. I knew he was being honest. And besides, he’d chosen me, and deep down, I knew that he would choose me every day for the rest of our lives. As I pulled the sheets over me, my anger receded in slow, steady waves.

I was already half asleep when Patrick came to bed. I turned away from him, facing the wall, and after a moment, I felt his arms encircle me. He moved closer, pressing into my back, entwining his legs with mine.

I thought for a moment about pulling away, but it was Patrick, my Patrick. He would tell me in the morning what had happened, and I would understand. So after a pause, I relaxed into his warmth.

You know I’d never hurt you, Katielee, he whispered. Ever. In a million years. Nothing happened.

I closed my eyes and breathed in. I know.

Patrick kissed the hollow beneath my left ear, sending a shiver up my spine. I knew before I met you— he murmured, just as I began to drift off to sleep.

I smiled. —that I was meant to be yours, I replied. It was the way we always said I love you, our own special language.

I knew I’d feel that way for the rest of our lives.

Sunlight streamed into the bedroom along with the scents of coffee and bacon when I awoke the next morning. I blinked and rolled over to look at the clock. It was 6:47, and Patrick was already up, making me breakfast. I knew it was his version of an apology, but in truth, he was already forgiven.

Morning, I said, covering a yawn as I walked into the kitchen a few minutes later. Patrick turned around holding a spatula, and I began to laugh. He was wearing a yellow KISS THE CHEF apron over his I LOVE NY boxers and white T-shirt. His feet were bare, his hair sleep tousled.

"Le chef eez at your service, he said in an exaggerated French accent, which made me laugh again. Sit, sit, he said, gesturing toward our tiny kitchen table with his spatula. Breakfast is served, madame."

He set two plates of scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and toast with strawberry jam on the table with a flourish. A moment later, he returned with two steaming cups of coffee, already lightened with cream and sugar, and sat down beside me.

You didn’t have to cook, honey, I said with a smile.

"Mais oui. He kissed me on the cheek. Nothing but the best for my girl."

I took a bite of my eggs and looked up to see him watching me, his gaze intense. What? I asked, my mouth still full.

There’s no excuse for me not calling last night, he said, his words tumbling out. I feel terrible. I didn’t mean to make you worry.

I take a sip of my coffee, then I draw a deep breath. It’s okay, I said.

Relief spread across his features like a sunrise. You forgive me?

I know I overreacted.

No, you didn’t, he said quickly. He took a bite of his bacon, and I watch his strong jaw work as he chewed. Look, there’s something I’d really like to talk to you about, he said. He blinked a few times, and his expression made me suddenly uneasy. He seemed almost nervous. Can I take you to dinner tonight? The restaurant at the Sherry-Netherland, maybe? I know you love that place.

I smiled. Sounds great.

Aren’t you forgetting something? Patrick asked a moment later, as I crunched on a piece of bacon.

I looked up. What?

He pulled his apron taut and turned to face me. It says Kiss the Chef. He smiled at me, and when I met his eye, he winked. And it’s only polite to follow apron instructions.

I laughed. Is that right?

It’s one of the laws of kitchenocracies around the world.


Of course. Sovereign kitchen nations. Like this one.

I see, I said quite solemnly. Well, I don’t want to violate any laws, sir.

It’s probably in your best interest to just follow along, then. He smiled at me, stood, and held out his arms.

I laughed and got up. He bent his head, I stood on tiptoe, and our lips met.

Good enough? I whispered after a moment as he wrapped his arms around me, folding me in.

Not even close, he murmured back. Then he was kissing me again, parting my lips gently with his tongue.

We made love that morning, quickly, urgently, drinking each other in. Then I cleaned up our breakfast dishes while he showered and dressed for work.

Looking good! I marveled with a whistle as he reemerged into the kitchen with freshly washed hair, charcoal pants, a crisp blue shirt, and a striped gray tie.

I didn’t think the apron and boxers would cut it at the big meeting I have this morning, he said, "although—and I don’t want to brag here—I do have some seriously sexy legs."

I laughed and stood on tiptoe to kiss him good-bye. Good luck with the clients.

Who needs luck? he asked with a crooked, dimpled smile. I have the greatest wife in the world. Life is good.

Life is good, I agreed. I kissed him again, and this time, it was Patrick who pulled away too soon.

When I opened my eyes, he was holding up a silver dollar from his grandfather’s old collection. Listen, would you hang on to this for me until tonight? he asked.

I took it with a nod. What’s this one for? Patrick had a tradition of tossing a silver dollar somewhere nearby whenever something good happened to him. You have to pass the good luck on, he always used to say. That way, someone else gets to make a wish. We’d thrown a silver dollar into Central Park the day I’d gotten into graduate school, another into the fountain outside City Hall when Patrick got a big promotion last year, and a third into the ocean near his parents’ house on Long Island after we got married in the spring. Must be something big, I added.

It is, he promised. You’ll see. I’ll tell you at dinner. We can throw it into the Pulitzer Fountain after we eat. And Katielee?


He stood in the doorway and stared at me for a long moment. I knew before I met you— he finally said, his voice soft.

My heart fluttered. —that I was meant to be yours.

The door closed behind him at 7:48 a.m.

I never saw him again.

I was out for my morning run when it happened. While I was jogging north along the Hudson River greenway, marveling at how bright and clear the sky looked after a few days of rain, a thirty-seven-year-old woman named Gennifer Barwin, a tourist from Alabama, was finishing off the bottle of vodka she’d started drinking at three in the morning after a fight with her boyfriend. While I was mentally replaying a lecture I’d heard the day before in the music therapy graduate program I’m just started at NYU, she was strapping her seventeen-month-old daughter Lianna into a car seat in her 1997 Toyota Corolla. While I was thinking how lucky I was that Patrick had encouraged me to quit my banking job to pursue the career I’d always wanted, she was pulling out of the parking lot of Hoboken’s Starlite Motel.

You have to do what your heart tells you to do. Patrick’s words of encouragement rang in my ears as my feet pounded the pavement. Life’s too short not to follow your dreams, Kate. As I looked up at the sky that morning, reflecting on how wonderfully supportive my husband was, Gennifer Barwin was swerving through the Lincoln Tunnel, headed for Manhattan. As I turned south to head home, she was taking the exit for West Fortieth Street, sideswiping a sign after she got off the highway.

And as I smiled to myself, wondering what piece of good luck had made Patrick hand me a silver dollar that morning, Gennifer Barwin was driving at 47 mph directly into the back passenger-side door of the taxi my husband was riding in.

Thirty minutes later, I rounded the corner to our fifth-floor apartment, still breathing hard from my run, and found two uniformed police officers standing outside my front door.

Mrs. Waithman? asked the younger one. I’m not sure whether it was his eyes full of sympathy, his somber expression, or the way he said my name, but in an instant, I knew something was terribly wrong.

What happened? I asked, my knees buckling beneath me. The young officer caught me before I could hit the ground.

Ma’am, we’re very sorry, but your husband was involved in a serious car accident this morning, he said, his voice flat. He was in a cab, ma’am. Near Times Square.

No, that can’t be right, I protested, looking back and forth between the officers. Their faces were suddenly blurry. He’s at work. He takes the subway to work. But he had that meeting, I realized immediately, the one with some of his most important clients. He would have taken a taxi from his office to theirs. "Oh God."


You’re sure it’s him? I choked out.

Yes, ma’am, I’m afraid so.

But he’s okay, right? I asked into the strangely heavy silence. Of course he’s okay?

Mrs. Waithman— the younger one began uncertainly.

Where is he? I cut him off, glancing at the older officer, who reminded me of my dad, someone who would surely make everything okay. Which hospital? Can you take me? I have to help him.

From the thin slice of stillness that lingered between them, the way neither of them made a move, I knew before they said the words.

Ma’am. The older one finally spoke, his eyes watery. I’m afraid your husband was pronounced dead at the scene.

No. Absolutely not. My reply was instant, for the very concept was impossible. No more than two hours earlier, Patrick and I had made love. He’d held me in his arms. He’d kissed me good-bye, just like any other day. He’d been warm and alive and mine. That can’t be right, I mumbled. Of course it can’t. There’s been some kind of mistake.

Ma’am, I’m afraid it’s true, the younger officer said, reaching out again and catching my other elbow so that I was suspended between the two men. I hadn’t even noticed that I was falling. Is there someone we can call for you? he asked gently.

Patrick, I answered irrationally. Patrick’s my emergency contact. It had never occurred to me that he could be the emergency. I let them help me inside the apartment, where they placed me gently on the couch. I handed them my cell phone, and somehow, they must have managed to find my sister Susan’s number, because my daze was interrupted some thirty minutes later by her flying through my front door, her hair a mess.

I got here as soon as I could, she said, but all I could do was nod. It wasn’t until I noticed the tears streaked across her face that I realized I hadn’t cried yet. Mom and Dad are out of town, but Gina’s on her way.

Oh, I managed.

Kate, she said softly, sitting down beside me on the couch. Are you okay? What can I do?

I just stared at her blankly. It was like she was speaking a different language. I knew that I’d have to call Patrick’s parents, reach his friends, arrange a funeral, and do all those things you’re supposed to do when someone dies. But the thing is, I wasn’t ready to admit he was gone yet. As long as I sat there on the couch, the couch where we’d spent hundreds of hours together, believing in our future, I could convince myself that the world hadn’t ended.

My best friend, Gina, who’d lost her husband a year earlier in the September eleventh attacks, arrived some time later, and the two of them stayed with me, rubbing my back in silence, until long after the time Patrick should have come home from work. I watched the door for hours, hoping beyond hope that he’d walk through it, that it would all be a crazy mistake.

But it wasn’t. And as the clock turned to midnight and September nineteenth became the first day of my life that Patrick wasn’t on this earth with me, I finally began to cry.


Twelve Years Later

Raise your hands up high! I sing brightly, strumming my guitar as I smile at Max, my favorite client.

Kick your feet up too, I continue. Now twirl ’round and ’round! Bend down and touch your—

—shoe! Max cries.

Good job, Max! I’m making it up as I go, and Max, who has autism, is giggling madly, but he’s playing along. In the corner of my office, his mother, Joya, laughs as Max straightens up from his toe touch and begins to jump up and down.

More, Miss Kate! Max begs. More, more!

Okay, I tell him solemnly. But this time, you have to sing along. Can you do that?

Yeah! he exclaims, throwing his hands in the air with joyful abandon.

Promise? I ask.

Yeah! His enthusiasm is contagious, and I find myself laughing again.

Okay, Max, I say slowly. Sing with me, okay?

I’ve been in private practice as a music therapist for five years now, specializing in kids with special needs, and Max was one of my very first clients. Joya first brought him to me on the recommendation of his speech therapist when he was five, because he wasn’t making progress with her and was refusing to speak. Slowly, in our weekly sessions, I managed to coax one-word answers, then sentences, then entire conversations out of him. Now, our sessions are a time to sing, to dance, to be silly together. On the surface, I’m helping him with his verbal and motor skills, but this is about more than that. It’s about helping him to socialize, to trust people, to open up.

Okay, Max, fill in the blank, I begin. I strum the guitar and sing, My name is Max, and I have—

—brown hair! Max cries, giggling. My name is Max and I have brown hair!

I laugh. Good one. I play another chord and sing, I’m so handsome that all the girls stare, I sing, raising an eyebrow at him.

Max collapses in giggles. I wait until he straightens back up again and says, Miss Kate, that’s so silly!

Silly? I exclaim in mock horror. Silly is as silly does, mister. Now are you going to sing with me or not?

Sing it again, sing it again! Max says.

I wink at him. I’m so handsome that all the girls stare, I repeat, strumming my guitar.

This time, Max sings it back to me, so I move on to the next line.

I’m just turned ten; I’m getting so— I sing.

—old! he cries, puffing his chest out and holding up ten fingers. I’m getting old!

You got it, old dude! I strum again and conclude my on-the-spot verse. But the best part of me, I sing, is my heart of gold.

I stop strumming and put my hand over my heart as Max sings back, The best part of me is my heart of gold! He giggles again and claps his hands over his mouth But my heart’s not made of gold! he exclaims through his fingers. That’s silly again!

You’re right! I tell him. But what that means is that I think you’re a very, very nice person, Max.

He breaks into a grin and throws his hands in the air. You’re nice too, Miss Kate.

I put my guitar down so that I can hug him. Today, I needed him and his cheerful innocence more than he needed me. But I don’t want him to know that. These sessions aren’t supposed to be about me.

Thanks, Miss Kate! Max cries as he squeezes me hard around the waist, pressing his head into my shoulder. I love you!

Max, you are very special, I reply, surprised to feel tears prickling my eyes. You be a good guy for your mom this week, okay?

Okay, Miss Kate! he says cheerfully. Then he bounds over to give Joya a hug.

Thanks, Kate, she says with a smile, getting up from her chair as she returns her son’s squeeze. Max, why don’t you go out and see Dina in the waiting room? I just need to talk to Miss Kate for a minute.

Okay! Max agrees. Bye, Miss Kate! he cries as he dashes out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

I turn to Joya. Everything okay?

She smiles. I was going to ask you the same thing. You don’t seem like yourself today.

I shake my head, chiding myself for letting my personal life bleed into my professional one. No, I’m fine, Joya, I say. Thanks.

She takes a step closer, and I can see doubt in her eyes. Things with Dan are still going well? she asks.

Things are great, I answer quickly. Joya and I have gotten to know each other well in the last five years. I know, for example, that she’s a single mom struggling to make ends meet and that she’d do anything to make her son’s life as normal and as easy as possible. She knows that I’m still struggling with the grief left over from Patrick’s death nearly a dozen years ago, but that I’m finally dating a guy I’m serious about, someone everyone in my life agrees is perfect for me.

Is it something else, then? she asks gently.

Really, it’s nothing, I respond too quickly, too brightly. I see something in her eyes flicker. Don’t worry about me, I add with as much confidence as I can muster. I’ll be fine.

But after Joya takes Max’s hand and leaves, her face full of doubt, I sink into the chair behind my desk and put my head in my hands. It takes me another five minutes before I can force myself to open the file folder my doctor gave me today, the one filled with terms like chronic anovulation and primary infertility.

Two hours later, I’ve finished up my notes on today’s clients and I’m headed south on Third Avenue toward Zidle’s, the intimate bistro on the corner of Lexington and Forty-Eighth that’s become a favorite of Dan’s and mine over the last year. We have a reservation at seven, and the closer I get, the more ferociously my heart thuds.

I’ll have to tell Dan about the news from my doctor, the fact that my ovaries have basically shut down, but what if this changes his mind about being with me? He’s the first person I’ve been serious about since I lost Patrick. I’ve made the choice—finally—to blend my life with someone else’s. I can’t lose that. I can’t be alone again.

You don’t know what Dan will say, I remind myself as I turn the corner onto Forty-Eighth. We’ve never really talked about children, save for a few surface-level conversations when we first started dating. I had just turned thirty-eight when we met, so I suppose my biological clock should have been ticking, but it was strangely silent. I thought—even though I knew intellectually that it would be harder to get pregnant the older I got—that I had all the time in the world to make my mind up about kids. I certainly didn’t expect to be told at barely forty that my chances had all vanished. I’m not even sure I want to be a mom, but I’ve realized I’m not ready for that door to close.

What if Dan isn’t either?

I check my watch as I arrive outside the entrance to Zidle’s. I’m already ten minutes late, but there’s a piece of me that wants to turn around and go home. I could text Dan with an apology, tell him I got caught up with a client, and suggest we order takeout. It would buy me an extra hour to keep things just as they are.


My intentions evaporate as Dan emerges from the restaurant, his brow creased in concern.

Oh. I force a smile. Hey.

What are you doing just standing out here? He takes a step closer and puts a hand on my shoulder. Right away, I feel better. This is Dan. Perfect, blond-haired, hazel-eyed, friends-with-everyone Dan, who’s reasonable and rational and loves me. Everything’s going to be okay. He’s not going to give up on me just because my ovaries have.

I take a deep breath. Dan, there’s something I need to tell you.

Something flickers across his face, but then he smiles and shakes his head. Think we could go in first?

Well— I begin.

You can tell me once we’ve gotten our table, okay? He grabs my hand and turns around without waiting for an answer. I sigh and let him pull me through the door.

Surprise! A chorus of voices greets us the moment we step inside. I gasp and take a step back as my eyes adjust to the dim lighting of the restaurant. It takes me a moment to register that the entryway is filled with some of the people I love most: my sister, Susan, and her husband, Robert; their kids, Sammie and Calvin; my best friend, Gina, and her husband, Wayne; a dozen other friends and acquaintances from over the years. Dan’s brother, Will, is there too, as is his best friend, Stephen, and a handful of the couples we sometimes go out with.

What’s happening? I ask, directing my confusion toward my sister, the one who always seems to be able to untangle me, even if she’s usually judging me at the same time. But she merely smiles and points over my shoulder.

In slow motion, I turn back toward the doorway, where I’m startled to see Dan down on one knee. I blink at him, my heart thudding. You’re proposing?

He laughs. Looks like it. From his pocket, he pulls a robin’s-­egg-blue ring box, cracks it open, and holds it up. Kate, will you marry me?

Our friends break into applause, and it feels like time freezes as I stare at the perfect Tiffany solitaire inside. For a split second, all I can think is that it’s different—too different—from the antique engagement ring Patrick proposed with. Then, my mind shifts into high-gear guilt. I shouldn’t be thinking about Patrick. What’s wrong with me? I should be thinking about whether I can say yes to Dan without telling him the news from my doctor. Then again, I can’t say no in front of all these people either.

Of course I don’t want to say no, I remind myself. Dan’s perfect. Always holds doors. Never forgets to say please and thank you. He’s the kind of man every mother wants for her daughter. In fact, my own mother never misses the chance to remind me how lucky I am to have found him. I hadn’t been thinking marriage, but it’s the next logical step, isn’t it? It’s what people do when they love each other.

Kate? Dan’s voice jars me back to reality.

I feel my mouth shift into a smile as my pulse races. Yes, I hear myself say. And then, because I know it’s the right thing—obviously it is—I say it again. Yes, of course, yes. This is what’s meant to be, and when I tell myself that, my heart fills. Yes, I’ll marry you, Dan, I say, smiling at him.

He whoops and jumps up, pulling me into his arms and dancing us around as our friends whistle and cheer. Kate Waithman, he says, I’m going to make you the happiest woman in the world.

I laugh with him as he slips the ring onto my finger, where it catches the light, diffusing it into a million tiny stars.

I love you, Kate, he murmurs, pulling me close. But I can barely hear him over the rushing sound in my ears.

For the next hour, I smile and laugh on cue, but it feels like I’m in a daze as our friends mill around, telling stories about both of us, calling us the golden couple, slapping Dan on the back, and kissing me on the cheek. At least a half-dozen people tell me they’re glad to see me moving on; a dozen more tell me what a catch Dan is. I notice the waitress behind the bar staring lustily at him a few times, and I’m grateful that he seems oblivious.

Susan is busy corralling her two rambunctious kids, so it’s Gina who sticks close to me as Dan mingles with his friends. I know she understands the weird roller coaster of emotions going on inside me right now. She remarried six years after her husband Bill died, and I remember her telling me how it felt like there was a storm going on inside of her after she said yes. Guilt for moving on. Joy at finding love again. A cautious optimism about a new life beginning. A regret at putting the old life definitively to rest.

You okay? she asks as she brings me a glass of champagne.

Yeah. I smile. Thanks.

She gives me a quick hug. I can’t believe he rented this whole restaurant just so he could propose in front of all your friends. She grins and shakes her head. What a guy, right?

Gina? I ask, grabbing her arm as she starts to walk away. Do you think Dan would still want to marry me if I couldn’t have a baby?

What? She stops and stares at me. Kate, what happened?

My eyes fill. I had a doctor’s appointment today. I shakily recap what the doctor told me. It’s okay; I’m going to deal with it, I add quickly when I see how concerned she looks. I’m just worried about Dan.

Oh, Kate. She folds me into a silent hug. But does he want kids? she asks after a moment.

I shrug and pull away. I don’t know. We’ve never really talked about it.

You’ve never talked about it? Her tone isn’t accusatory, but I still feel like I’ve done something wrong.

It just never seemed like the right time. It sounds stupid when I say it aloud. Besides, I was supposed to have kids with Patrick, I add in a whisper.

Gina’s eyes fill with understanding. She chews her bottom lip, and I know her well enough to know that she’s literally biting back something she wants to say. What finally comes out is, "Do you want kids?"

I don’t know. But I’m not ready to be told I can’t have them. I wipe my eyes before they can overflow.

No one’s telling you that, she says firmly. Maybe you could do IVF. Or you could hire a surrogate if you still have healthy eggs left. You could even adopt. There are plenty of options. Don’t you dare let yourself believe that your chances are all gone.

Thanks. I smile weakly.

"As for

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