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Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow
Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow
Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow
Ebook276 pages4 hours

Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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From bestselling author Jessica Day George comes a rich new fantasy, based on a Norwegian fairy tale, set in a land of eternal winter.

Blessed--or cursed--with an ability to understand animals, the Lass (as she's known to her family) has always been seen as strange. And when an isbjorn (polar bear) seeks her out, and promises that her family will become rich if only the Lass will accompany him to his castle, she doesn't hesitate.

But the bear is not what he seems, nor is his castle, which is made of ice and inhabited by a silent staff of servants. Only a grueling journey on the backs of the four winds will reveal the truth: the bear is really a prince who's been enchanted by a troll queen, and the Lass must come up with a way to free him before he's forced to marry a troll princess.

Don't miss these other stories from New York Times bestselling author Jessica Day George:

Silver in the Blood

The Twelve Dancing Princesses series
Princess of the Midnight Ball
Princess of Glass
Princess of the Silver Woods

The Rose Legacy series
The Rose Legacy

Tuesdays at the Castle series
Tuesdays at the Castle
Wednesdays in the Tower
Thursdays with the Crown
Fridays with the Wizards
Saturdays at Sea

Dragon Slippers series
Dragon Slippers
Dragon Flight
Dragon Spear
Release dateFeb 1, 2011
Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow

Jessica Day George

JESSICA DAY GEORGE is the New York Times bestselling author of the Tuesdays at the Castle series, the Twelve Dancing Princesses series, and the Dragon Slippers trilogy. Originally from Idaho, she studied at Brigham Young University and worked as a librarian and bookseller before turning to writing full-time. She now lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, with her husband and their three young children. @jessdaygeorge

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Reviews for Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow

Rating: 3.8952514315642457 out of 5 stars

358 ratings43 reviews

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Readers find this title intriguing and interesting, with a well-developed relationship between the main character and her brother. However, some readers felt that there were loose threads at the end. Overall, it is a good book that is amazing from beginning to end.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow is author Jessica Day George’s take on the fairy story East of the Sun, West of the Moon. The author stays very close to the original story and adds more detail and depth to her version. As this was one of my all time favorite stories when I was a child, I was ready to fall under it’s spell once again. Jessica Day George has previously used her talents to bring other fairy stories to life so I knew that she would do the original justice. I liked how she developed the story and used Nordic touches that gave this version a strong sense of place. The heroine who has the ability to speak to animals was likeable and her pet wolf, Rollo, who supplied much of the humor and acted as a sounding board for the main character, was an excellent addition.My only quibble is that I had read East by Edith Pattou fairly recently and at first I found these two stories so similar that it was difficult to immerse myself into this story. But as I read ever deeper into this adaptation, the differences started to take over and obscure the similarities. Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow is a lyrical retelling that didn’t really break any new ground but was an enjoyable read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Nice! I was confusing it, at first, with [The Bear and the Nightingale] - not totally dissimilar start, with the unliked girl child, and a northern setting (and the long winter, for that matter). This one's better, though. Richer story, to me, and stronger characters. My only question is whether Cupid and Psyche is a Scandinavian myth or the author imported it for this book... It's not _a_ fairy-tale retelling, it's about a dozen fairy tales plus some myths. The lass's journey north and traveling with the winds is amazing. Trolls and ice-bears and wow. And a full happy ending, for more than just the lass - even the trolls are probably better off (some of them think so, anyway). Worth reading, worth rereading. I'm getting drawn in to a Jessica Day George binge again...
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved this story, but I'm a sucker for old world fairytales!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is my favorite of the books I've read from Jessica Day George. Such a wonderful retelling of one of the greatest fairy tales! I loved it and would highly recommend it to anyone!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Reminiscient of a fairy tale, the Norwegian setting adds a new twist this genre with a flair many readers will enjoy. Pika, though not named by her mother and not protected from the trolls, gains a name, the ability to understand animals, and an adventure from the white reindeer. Her wish sets forth a set of trials that she must endure to save her older brother's anguish and her own life. She is whisked away to a faraway land by a polar bear who appears and asks her to live in a castle for a year and a day. So begins her trials and the fate of her family.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A retelling of east of the sun, west of the moon, where a girl must travel to the ends of the earth to rescue a prince from a troll's enchantment.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Nordic tale retold in interesting way. It teases you to read on and find out what will happen next...
    I was thinking about giving it a 4 star rating, but settled for 3 in the end because enchanted prince snores. ;)
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    A re-telling of the Nordic story of the girl who must travel east of the sun and west of the moon to rescue her prince from the troll princess and queen sadly lacks in lyrical language or page-turning plot. I only stayed with it because I am a sucker for the story!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    good. well written, fun, and still maintains the integrity of the myth. since this is one of my favorite myths I had some trepidation. I was not disappointed. there were some interesting twists, such as rollo and the servants, but they just made the story unique. I quite enjoyed reading this one.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In her retelling of the fairy tale East of the Sun, West of the Moon, Jessica Day George adds backstory and details that round out and complete the tale, incorporating a rich knowledge of Norwegian folklore. The Lass, the youngest of nine children in a poor family, in a winter that has lasted for a hundred years, gets the chance to gain good fortune for her family, if she will leave with a great polar bear and live with him for a year. He takes her, and her pet wolf, to an ice castle, where she tries to discover the nature of the bear's enchantment. In the end her curiosity gets them in trouble, and she must travel East of the sun, and West of the moon, to rescue her bear. This is a great book for those who would like their fairy tales to be full-length books.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    George, Jessica DaySun and Moon, Ice and Snow2009. 352pp. $9.99 pbk. Bloomsbury. 978-1-5999-0328-6. Grades 7-12.The lass is the youngest of nine children, and so little wanted that her mother never bothered to name her. But the lass has a gift; she can speak to animals, and has a wolf pup for a companion. One day, a bear arrives at her front door, asking her to live with him for one year. The lass agrees, and the bear takes her away to his palace of ice. All the lass's needs are provided for, but the lass is curious about the castle and who built it, and her exploration has dire consequences for the others living in the castle. This retelling of "East of the Sun and West of the Moon" has an active, spunky heroine who is, unusually, never terribly upset by the crueler members of her family even before the bear arrives. The lass drives the plot from beginning to end, and her ability to talk to animals is used to good effect in explaining how she can talk to the bear and to other creatures that live at the castle. Recommended for fans of high fantasy fairy tale retellings.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Delightful take on a Norwegian folktale. A lass must live a year with a bear in an ice castle in order to bring her family riches. If she can not, the bear must marry a troll. This well-written book was bittersweet and delightful. A striking book which highlights lass's love and ingenuity. A true gem. I'm passing it on to someone who will enjoy it too, hopefully.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was a great story, and a very beautiful re-telling of the original tell of beauty and the beast. I loved the high spirited and brave heroine, and this was much better the any disney version. I loved it all, I do wish there had been more of the interaction between her and her hero in the story, but i understand the need to express the other parts of the story. I would re read this book, which tells me it a great book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I got this book because of goodreads recommend feature. I like faerytale retellings and the premise of a girl whose mom didn't name her sounded promising. My late gramps used to delight us with stories about a troll who lived underneath his bridge. We believed him for years.[He also had a different goat story about the birthday goat. I wonder why he never blamed the troll for getting the birthday goat. I guess after he made our older brother cry after giving him a cornbread birthday cake he didn't have the stomach for it.]The book was too long for a simple girl tricks trolls with cunning story but too rushed for what transpired in the first half of this book.The book was split up into four parts. The first two just didn't fit with the last two. I preferred the first half with her brother and the rest of her family. Nothing ever happens to her family after they get riches from the troll queen.The lass had more chemistry with her brother Hans Peter and her faithful wolf sidekick Rollo than she did with the bear/prince.I kept expecting the warning about not telling her new name to come up but it never did. Rollo was my favourite part of the book. If he'd died I'd have given this book one star.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    As far as retellings of fairy tales go, particularly "East o'Sun, West o'Moon," it is an excellent book. However,for me, it fell a little flat in the middle. That part, in every version I've read, has lost my interest. Nothing is really happening. People keep getting offed, and the Lass, inevitably, looks at the Prince, thus setting in motion that long, long trip to the land that lies east of the sun and west of the moon. Why couldn't they ever just wait? And why did the girls always have to sleep next to a guy for a year? Who made up those rules? As you can see, my main arguments are with the original tale. Though the Lass and the Prince's relationship did seem off to me. I was not nearly as engaged in the fates of these characters as I was in Dragon Slippers or Dragon Flight.Overall, I liked the story, but I probably would not read it again. If you like fairytales, though, you will definitely want to read this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Another good fairy tale retelling by Jessica Day George. And my favorite fairy tale too!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Retelling of East of the Sun, West of the Moon-- but this time both the coveted third son trope and the uniqueness of our heroine are inverted. Compare to Edith Pattou's East. Suitable for younger readers.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Found this one a bit odd due to the fact that nearly the entire book the main character is merely referred to as 'the lass', and her name is only revealed near the very end. All in all, I quite liked this version. The main character was strong, stubborn and fairly believable, and I liked how she had a companion that stayed with her the entire story. The character of Rollo was quite lovable too and made a nice addition to the story. The only thing that bugged me was that it was a very similar version to "East" by Edith Pattou. Close enough that at times I was confused if I had already read this book. (Although, if I recall, East had a lot of weaving in it, and this book did not, and had Rollo instead) All in all I did prefer this version to 'East', however. The character seemed a bit deeper, and more likable. Nicely done all in all.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow tells the tale of the lass, an unwanted and unnamed fourth daughter who has the opporunity to leave her miserable life behind and when a strange polar bear offers her an enticing deal: if she comes with him as his companion, he will give her family riches. The bear takes the lass to a palace made of glass, filled with strange and magical creatures -and secrets.The lass soon finds that the palace isn't what it seems, nor is the strange man who appears in her room every night. As she edges closer to the truth, the perils of her unconventional deal become more apparent.Based on the Nordic myth "East of the Sun, West of the Moon" and steeped in Nordic culture, Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow explores a magical, fairy tale world with mystery and a dash of romance. However, something about Sun and Moon just didn't intrigue me as much as George's other novels. Perhaps it was the very different subject, the Norse-based world, the constant discussion of ice and snow (okay, I hate cold) or the fact that this novel re-told a less well-known fairy tale -plus there aren't any princesses. Or it could be absolutely none of these things, but something about Sun and Moon wasn't as enchanting or magical as Princess of the Midnight Ball or Princess of Glass.That said, it's not a bad book. Sun and Moon is an interesting fairy tale retelling that draws on Norse tradition to paint a unique backdrop of a lesser known fairy tale. The characters, unfortunately, are a little hazy in the book, even the lass, who seems to be sleepwalking through most of the novel between plot points purely for the purposes of advancing the plot and without any real motivation for herself. I don't feel like there's much of a romance between the lass and the polar bear, only that the lass wants to do something with her life.A little disappointing after reading George's other novels, Sun and Moon is a decent read that's worth time, but not great.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A retelling of east of the sun, west of the moon, where a girl must travel to the ends of the earth to rescue a prince from a troll's enchantment.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It was a nice teen romance, particularly if one likes fantasy or mythology. It was surprisingly gently written. It was interesting that the violence of the trolls occurred indirectly or out of sight of the main character, while the violence of the people occurred in front of her. That was a neat touch, possibly unintentional. The author had fun weaving several myths and fantasy stories together, mainly Cupid and Psyche, though it was clear that there were Nordic influences as well.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A fun adaptation of the fairy tale "East of the Sun and West of the Moon." I would have liked a longer epilogue, though.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the first book I have read by Jessica Day George. Overall I really enjoyed this book. This was a quick read, written in a classic fairy tale style.The main character was never named by her mother, but her siblings called her pika. She has numerous brothers and sisters, and they all live on the brink of starvation in a small cottage. Two things happen to change pika's life forever. The first happens when she stumbles upon, and rescues, a white deer. The deer offers to grant her one wish, and pika wishes for a name, which the deer whispers to her. Then later a great white bear shows up on pika's doorstep and demands that she come and live with him in a castle made of ice for one year and one day.This was a very entertaining story. Pika was a great character; she is accepting of things, and very caring, but deep down has a strength and toughness to her. Her older brother is also an interesting an mysterious character. Of course, the giant white bear, is another fascinating character. The book is beautifully written and gracefully moves through the plot. I had a lot of trouble tearing myself away from this book. In fact I read it all over the course of one day. There isn't a ton of action, but the mystery surrounding the palace of ice really pulled me in and kept me guessing.If you like fairy tales; you will love this one. It is a easy read, the character never ends up in too much trouble. This is a softer fairy tale but creative and fascinating all the same. At times it reminded me a bit of "Beauty and the Beast"; I know it is based on an old folk tale, so that may be why it evokes that image for me.While I probably won't re-read this story; but it was a wonderful and pleasant read and made me interested in reading more of Jessica Day George's books.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Reminiscient of a fairy tale, the Norwegian setting adds a new twist this genre with a flair many readers will enjoy. Pika, though not named by her mother and not protected from the trolls, gains a name, the ability to understand animals, and an adventure from the white reindeer. Her wish sets forth a set of trials that she must endure to save her older brother's anguish and her own life. She is whisked away to a faraway land by a polar bear who appears and asks her to live in a castle for a year and a day. So begins her trials and the fate of her family.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Ages 10 and Up - The heroine of this retelling of the Norwegian fairy-tale East of the Sun, West of the Moon, is known simply as pika, or the lass. The youngest of nine children, she was so unwanted by her mother that she wasn't given a name. In a land cursed with never-ending winter, the lass lives with her family, including her father, a kind but poor woodcutter, her brother Hans Peter, who, greatly changed after returning from a sea voyage, carves wood all day, and her pet wolf Rollo. After catching the white reindeer, the lass is gifted with the ability to speak with animals; as her reputation with animals spreads and people seek her out for help, she is, in some ways, able to make it up to her mother for being born a girl. Then one day, during a terrible blizzard, an isbjorn (polar bear) knocks on the family's cottage with a bargain: if the lass will come with him and live with him in his palace for a year and a day, he will bring great fortune to her family. And so the lass goes with him. Once at the palace, she cannot contain her curiosity. Who built the ice palace she lives in? Who are these strange creatures waiting on her? Who is the stranger slipping into her room to sleep beside her at night? What enchantment is her isbjorn under?The talking animals and fairly strict adherence to the original story make "Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow" more accessible for younger readers than Edith Pattou's 2005 retelling "East," which draws heavily from other Norwegian mythology, is told from multiple viewpoints, and is much longer and, in my opinion, grown-up in theme. Fans of one, however, will mostly likely enjoy the other. Recommended for public library collections - perhaps with cross-holdings in juvenile fiction and young adult fiction - middle school libraries, and some elementary and high school libraries.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    When you can't put a book down at Pennsic, you know you've got a good one. This book, a retelling of a Norwegian legend, has some Beauty and the Beast parallels (hence the tag). It's a fascinating one where everyone makes sacrifices to make everything right in the end.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I have to say, it took me a few chapters to really get into this story. It very much has the feel of an old fairy tale. Our protagonist, un-named by her mother at birth, is called Lass by her affectionate older brother Hans Peter. They live together, with the rest of their large family, in the frozen north. On the day the great bear, an isbjorn, comes to take Lass away, the family's fate is sealed. Lass must spend a year and a day in the Ice Palace - full of fantastical creatures and a mystery night time visitor.There are many layers to this tale and Lass is a wonderfully strong young girl. I really liked this book. A few points did bother me though. The ending was rushed - I loved the time Lass spent in the Palace of Ice and would have liked the telling of her time in the palace east of the sun and west of the moon to have been more detailed. Also, I felt that the troll queen and princess weren't quite as horrible as we were led to believe.All in all, a great YA fantasy - 3.5 out of 5 stars
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The lass's mother is so upset to see that she's borne another daughter that she refuses to name her. Nonetheless, the lass creates an identity for herself, with the help of her grieving brother. When a white bear asks for her to stay in a palace with him for a year and a day, she agrees to accompany him if he will make her family rich. This retelling of the tale "East of the Sun and West of the Moon" brings it to life, although it was not precisely innovative in storyline. Still, a good read, if not genius.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A mix of the tale Beauty and the Beast and one of the norse myths, Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow really took my breath away. The main character is a girl whose own mother did not give her a name. She lives in a wintery land where there is rarely enough food to eat. One day an enchanted bear comes and bids her to live with him for a year and she accepts, with the agreement that her family will become rich. A must read for those who love fairy tales.

Book preview

Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow - Jessica Day George

Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow

Jessica Day George


Part 1 Woodcutter’s Youngest Daughter

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Part 2 Lady of the Palace of Ice

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Part 3 The Lassie Who Should Have Had the Prince

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Part 4 Beggar at the Palace of Gold

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Epilogue Princess of the Palace of Golden Stone



Select Bibliography

About the Author

Also by Jessica Day George

For my parents:

You gave me life, you gave me love,

you gave me a plane ticket to Norway.

Thank you.

Part 1

Woodcutter’s Youngest Daughter

Chapter 1

Long ago and far away in the land of ice and snow, there came a time when it seemed that winter would never end. The months when summer should have given the land respite were cold and damp, and the winter months were snow filled and colder still. The people said the cold had lasted a hundred years, and feared that it would last a hundred more. It was not a natural winter, and no one knew what witch or troll had caused the winds to howl so fiercely.

There was nothing to do in the long nights when the sun never rose and the day never came but huddle together by the fire and dream of warmth. As a consequence, many children were born, and as food grew scarcer, the people grew even more desperate.

It seemed that there was no bleaker place than the house of the woodcutter Jarl Oskarson. Jarl himself was a kind man, and devoted to his family. But Jarl and his wife, Frida, had been blessed, or burdened, depending on one’s outlook, with nine children. Five of them were boys, who were a help to their parents, but four were girls, which displeased Frida greatly. She had no use for girls, she would say with a sniff as she sat by the fire. They were empty-headed and would one day cost the poverty-stricken family the price of a dowry. No one dared point out to her that the four girls did all of the cooking, washing, and mending, leaving Frida with ample leisure time.

So disappointed was Frida at seeing that her ninth labor had resulted in yet another worthless girl that she thrust the screaming baby into the arms of her eldest daughter, Jorunn, and refused to give her a name. Because the naming of daughters was a task for mothers, and her mother had refused that task, the ninth child of Jarl Oskarson remained nameless. They simply called her pika, which meant girl in the language of the North.

The nameless state of their last child worried Jarl. Unnamed children could not be baptized, and the trolls had been known to steal unbaptized babies. Jarl loved his children despite the family’s poverty, and so he set out gifts to appease the troll-folk. Cheeses, honey-sweetened milk, almond pastries, and other delicacies that they could barely afford. Frida called it a waste, for she did not believe in trolls, but Jarl spent most of his days deep in the forest, and he had seen troubling things there. When the food disappeared, he held it up as evidence that such creatures were real, but Frida just sniffed that it was more likely their neighbors’ dogs were growing fat while she starved.

When the pika was nine, the eldest child, Hans Peter, came home from the sea. He was a tall young man, blue-eyed and handsome, or at least he had been handsome before he left. Now, after five years aboard the merchant ship Sea Dragon, he was stooped and tired, his hair more silver than gold, and his blue eyes had a haunted look. He had traveled far, he said, and seen some things more wonderful than he could describe and others too terrible to relate. He had been injured on a journey so far to the north that sun and moon seemed to touch in the sky as they passed, and now he was home to stay.

This vexed Frida greatly, because she had been very pleased to send her eldest son into the world. There had been one less mouth to feed and the promise of wages sent home. But now Hans Peter sat all day in their cottage, carving strange figures on the firewood before dropping it into the hearth. Hans Peter’s injury must have been healed before he returned home, or perhaps, Jarl told the others, it had not been an injury of the body. Whatever it had been, there was no sign of it now, save for the young man’s melancholy.

But the pika worshipped him. She thought that her brother was still the handsomest man in the district, even though everyone else said that title had surely passed to the next brother down, Torst (for all the woodcutter’s children were fair). But Torst liked pulling the youngest girl’s braids and teasing her, while Hans Peter was soft-spoken and kind. He had learned some of the language of the Englanders on his travels, and he called the youngest girl lass. It still meant nothing more than girl, but it sounded prettier than pika.

Aye, lass, he would say, holding up a piece of wood he had been carving, to show her the strange, angular marks upon it. This is ‘bear.’ And this here—pointing to another—is ‘whale.’ And then he would cast the wood into the fire. And the lass would nod solemnly and snuggle close to listen to one of his rare stories about the life of men at sea.

Jorunn, who, as the eldest girl, had the charge of teaching the younger children their letters, scoffed at the lass when she insisted that Hans Peter’s carvings were a sort of language. It’s not the language of England, that’s for sure, she retorted, tossing another one of the carvings into the fire and using a bit of charred stick to write the alphabet on the scrubbed table. For the priest says that every Christian land uses the same letters. And the priest went to school in Christiania. Her words carried a solemn weight: Christiania was the capital, and the priest was the only person for miles around who had been there.

But Hans Peter continued to show his little lass the carvings, and she continued to study them with big, solemn eyes. Of all the children, she alone had dark brown eyes, though her hair was more reddish than gold, which was not uncommon in that family. Before it went gray, Jarl had boasted the same color hair, and four of the nine children had inherited it.

When the lass was eleven, Jorunn married a farmer’s son who was too poor himself to expect much in the way of dowry, and they moved into an extra room in his father’s house. That same year, Hans Peter traded some of his more commonplace carvings to a tinker from the south, so the family got the flour and salt they would need to last another winter. He hadn’t particularly enjoyed making wooden bowls and spoons, but the patterns of fish and birds he had carved around the edges of the bowls had made the lass clap her hands with pleasure.

Frida was marginally appeased, and a little of Jarl’s burden was eased. And the lass grew, and Hans Peter carved. And the winter continued, without sign of spring.

Chapter 2

In the North, they say that the third son is the lucky son. He is the one who will travel far, and see magic done. The third son of King Olav Hawknose had ridden the north wind into battle and returned home victorious, weighted down with gold and married to a foreign princess. In tales the third son is called the ash lad, or Askeladden, and he is both clever and lucky.

Hoping to inspire her own third son to such heights, Frida had named the boy Askeladden. The woodcutter’s wife dreamed of one day going to live in the palace her own ash lad would build for her with the gold he found in a hollow log. Then he would save an enchanted princess and bring her to the palace to live with him and his doting mother.

Askeladden Jarlson was not the hero of legend and tale, however, and everyone but his mother knew it. He preferred drinking the raw ale of the mountains and dodging work to living off the land or his wits. And, as he told the young lass with a wink and a nudge, he much preferred saucy farmers’ daughters to icy princesses.

This particular afternoon, Hans Peter had moved over on the bench and given the lass the place closest to the fire. He usually sat there for the convenience of the light and so that he could throw his shavings into the fire with an easy toss, but he did not need the heat. The cold did not seem to bite into his bones as it did to the rest of the family. He said it was because he had been to a place that was colder than hell, and nothing after that would ever be as chill.

Here, lass, her eldest brother said, holding up a bit of wood. What’s this then?

By twelve she could recognize many of the strange symbols. Reindeer, she replied promptly. But don’t show Mother; she’ll be so angry.

Hans Peter winked at her, in a much friendlier way than Askel had. Don’t you worry. Before you can wrinkle your pretty nose, this will be a spoon with flowers ’round the handle.

The door of their small cottage burst open, and fifteen-year-old Einar came rushing in. He left the door open in his haste, letting in the wind and snow. He stood in the middle of the main room, hands on knees, and wheezed for a few minutes.

The rest of the family, those who were at home at any rate, stared at him. It was some moments before sixteen-year-old Katla ran to close the door. She wheeled around to continue staring at Einar as soon as the heavy door was safely latched.

In—in—in the vill-village, he gasped. Jens Pederson said he saw it.

Saw what? Askel looked up from the corner where he was polishing his worn boots.

Saints preserve me from half-witted children, Frida murmured to herself, and pulled her tattered shawl tighter about her shoulders. She picked up her knitting, ignoring Einar.

The—the—the—, Einar stammered.

The—the—the, Askel mocked, and went back to his polishing.

The white reindeer, Einar spit out, making his family freeze in astonishment.

Stories of the white reindeer were as plentiful as stories of lucky third sons. Everybody knew that if you found the white reindeer, it would give you one gift. And what wonderful gifts the reindeer had granted! Fabulous dowries for poor fishermen’s daughters, sacks of gold, new houses, kettles that were always full to the brim with delectable foods, seven-league boots, golden ships . . . and many more wondrous things.

Everyone was on their feet now, jaws agape. Everyone except for Hans Peter, who shook his head and went back to carving. Askeladden crossed the room in two strides and grabbed Einar by the shoulders, shaking the younger boy.

You are certain? The white reindeer was seen?

Einar nodded, struck dumb once more.


To—to the east, past Karl Henrykson’s farm. By the three waterfalls.

Askel released his brother and grabbed up the boots he had been polishing. Thrusting his feet into them, he pulled on one of the patched parkas that hung by the door. Then he took down a pair of skis and poles.

Don’t wait up, Mother, he said gaily, and went out into the snow.

The other children, who until now had not said a word, all scrambled to follow. Frida made no remark as all her remaining children save Hans Peter and the lass divided up the warm clothes and skis and went out into the cold. When the last of them were gone, she turned to Hans Peter and the lass, displeased.

Well, your brothers and sisters are determined to make this family’s fortune, but I see that you are not, she snapped. She stalked over to the hearth and took up the spoon that Katla had been using to stir the soup.

The little one is too young to be off in the forest chasing moonbeams, Hans Peter said. And a nameless child should never wander in the woods.

And what’s your excuse, a great big man like you? Rather sit all day by the fire like an old woman warming your lazy bones?

The lass is too young, and I am too old, Hans Peter said mildly. "I went chasing moonbeams aboard the Sea Dragon, and I have always regretted it."

The little lass looked from her grumbling mother to her sad-eyed brother and didn’t know what to do. She could remain here, she supposed. As Hans Peter had said, she was too young to be out in the cold, and night was falling. But what a glorious thing it would be to catch the white reindeer, the lass thought, and to ask it to make Hans Peter happy again.

I’m going too, she announced, and got up from her place by the fire. She felt a little thrill of fear, but thought that if any trolls confronted her, she would claim to be her sister Annifrid.

What? Hans Peter looked startled. He dropped the piece of wood he was carving and took one of her hands in his own. My little lass, this is not a good thing to do.

I’ll be all right, she told him, mustering confidence she did not feel.

There are no parkas left, Hans Peter pointed out.

I’ll use a blanket, the lass said after a moment’s consideration. She had set her mind to finding that reindeer, for Hans Peter’s sake, and nothing would deter her.

You’ll freeze to death, their mother said shrilly. If you’d wanted a parka to wear, you should have moved faster. Come and stir this soup; I still have stockings to darn.

No. The lass put her chin up. I will find the white reindeer.

Then wear mine, Hans Peter said. He climbed up to the loft and the lass heard him rummaging in his sea chest. He rarely opened it, and she could hear the hinges squeak in protest when the lid closed. Hans Peter descended the ladder and held out a parka and a pair of boots. These will keep you warm. And safe.

Oh, I couldn’t! Her hands rose to her cheeks, stunned by the beauty of the items he held before her.

The boots and parka were lined with the finest, whitest fur she had ever seen. On the outside they were of softly felted wool as white as new snow, embroidered with bands of bloodred and azure blue. The spiky patterns of the embroidery matched the style of the carvings that Hans Peter made, but none of these symbols were familiar to the lass.

You can and you will, he said, holding them out. The boots are too big for you, of course. But if you keep your old boots on underneath, they’ll work well enough. Strap on some snowshoes and you’ll be able to walk like a bear. And the parka will cover you from stem to stern, which is a good thing in this cold.

Those things are too fine for her, their mother snapped, her gleaming eyes checking the seams and verifying the quality. We could sell them to the next trader for a pretty penny, and no mistake. She crossed her arms under her bosom. Why did you not say before that you had such things to trade? And here the family is going wanting!

I’ll not sell these for love nor money, Hans Peter said. His eyes held the dead look that they’d had when he first arrived home, the look that was only now beginning to fade.

But, Frida began.

I’ll not sell these for love nor money, her eldest son repeated. I earned them with blood, and I’ll part with them when death takes me, but not before. The lass shall have them tonight, and after that, back into the chest they go!

Not wanting to argue with him in this strange, fierce mood, the lass took the proffered clothing and put it on. The parka extended well past her knees and the boots rose to meet it. With her own scuffed boots underneath, they were just snug enough, and she had to push the heavy sleeves of the parka back in order to use her hands.

I’ve never been so warm, she said in wonder. She had never known what it was like to feel the glow over your whole body that you felt on your cheeks and hands when you sat close to the fire.

Her brother pulled the hood up, tucking in her hair, and pulled the ribbons to tighten it around her face. God willing, one day you shall be this warm all the time, he told her, his voice gruff with emotion. Then he held back the sleeves while she tugged on her mittens, and she went off in search of the white reindeer.

Chapter 3

It did not take long for the young lass to find the trail of the other searchers. The snow had become so trampled and muddied that it was hard to see what they were following; any signs left by the white reindeer had long been obliterated. Even through the thick, fur-lined hood of Hans Peter’s parka she could hear hounds baying and men shouting and cursing. She rolled her eyes at the foolishness of it. Any animal would bolt to hear such a din, and the white reindeer was a creature out of nature, a magical beast with the intelligence of a man. It would be long gone by now.

The searchers had gone straight up the side of the mountain, and the girl could see them now, struggling between the dense pine trees. So she went around the base instead, following a small stream that wound between the trees. The edges were iced over, but the middle still ran free where the flow was fast moving.

She was so enjoying the sensation of being warm, and making such good time walking along the bank, that she didn’t realize what she was seeing when she rounded a boulder and came upon the white reindeer. The boulder had concealed a small, dense thicket. And caught in that thicket was the legendary creature itself.

It was as white, or whiter, than the snow around it. As white, or whiter, than the parka she wore. As white, or whiter, than anything she had ever seen. Its great rack of antlers was dark and burnished like polished wood, and its rolling eyes were blacker than soot.

Oh, you poor thing! The lass went forward to see if she could help. You’re trapped.

From the tracks in the snow, the reindeer had been coming down the side of the mountain and had slid down a small drop-off into the brambles. The animal snorted and tried to swipe at her with its entangled antlers as she approached, but the lass just clucked her tongue.

I can help you get free, just hold still now, she said in a soothing voice.

All thought of holding the creature there until it granted her wish was gone. The lass had a tender heart and hated to see an animal suffer. The brambles had scratched the reindeer terribly, and dark red drops were staining the fine white pelt. Its breath made clouds in the air, and its hooves struck sparks on the stones beneath the churned snow.

Sh, sh, sh, the girl soothed. I’ll get you free.

Moving slowly, she sidled up to the animal and took hold of a long bramble cane that had wound itself several times around the left branch of the reindeer’s antlers. The canes were still green at their heart, which was bad for the reindeer because it meant that they couldn’t be easily snapped off.

As soon as she let go of the first cane, it sprang back, pricking the back of her hand even through her thick woolen mitten. It struck the reindeer on the side of the head, making the animal bellow and twist.

Stop that, the lass ordered. You’re making things worse!

Realizing that there was no other way, she opened her parka to get the little belt-knife she wore. The rush of cold air that came in froze her ribs until she thought that taking a deep breath would crack them.

Seeing the knife out

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