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Bully-Crossing The Line
Bully-Crossing The Line
Bully-Crossing The Line
Ebook212 pages2 hours

Bully-Crossing The Line

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About this ebook

Gene, a junior high school student, is constantly harassed, ridiculed, and left feeling like the world would be better off without him. Trying to conceal his embarrassment, he inadvertently drags his best friends Melissa and Sandy into a rapidly growing and dangerous situation. The kids try to handle things themselves until the violence increases, and they have to get the school and their parents involved. Police, the state laws, and school procedures turn things upside down when one of them goes missing, but they all come together in the search as more drama unfolds.

Release dateDec 16, 2014
Bully-Crossing The Line

Edward Culleny

I was born and raised in NJ, jack of all trades and a master of none. Tackled the labor force as a chef, business manager, sole proprietor, just to name a few. Music is my love and passion, unfortunately I didn't pursue a career in that field that is how I discovered my creative side of writing. It released my emotions and forged a path for me to enjoy what I am doing.

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    Book preview

    Bully-Crossing The Line - Edward Culleny


    Crossing the Line


    Edward Culleny

    Published by Edward Culleny

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014 Edward Culleny

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    To Stacy, thank you for never giving up on me.

    To the bullies of the world, I’m sorry for your weakness.

    To my family, my blood and the adopted ones.

    They say, if you have two good friends, you’re wealthy; I must be a billionaire.

    Be true to yourself, and your rewards will be amazing.

    Quote: You have to go through hell to get to heaven.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    About the Author

    Chapter One

    Sandy walked down the street wondering what she should do about her feelings and how they were affecting her friends. Counting the cracks on the concrete sidewalk, she never heard them coming. The first punch knocked her to the ground. Dazed, she moaned, Fuck You.

    The cloth covered her face as she fell into a deep sleep. She woke up with blurred vision and heard the voices whispering, Let’s cut her first.


    Two of them approached her. She tried to move but was bound with zip ties. Not so mouthy now, are you? She was smacked in the face a couple of times, and she cried out in pain.

    Let me have some fun too.

    Okay, have your fun but, remember, we need her to bring that fat bastard to us.

    I know, but we can wake her up again.

    I like the way you think. Go ahead. Teach her a lesson.


    Her eyes beaten shut, she listened, no one was there, so she began yelling, Help! Help! Someone please help me. Surrounded by darkness and drifting in and out, she could not tell if it was day or night, what day it was, or how many times she called for help.

    She gasped for breath as the ice water poured over her head and down her body.

    Wake up, bitch. Can I cut her now? he asked waving the knife at her.

    No. I said we need her to get that fat bastard.

    Sorry. How much longer?

    Patience. Now get me her cell phone.

    Here you go.

    Let’s see, your parents and that fat loser, Gene, are the only ones that called you. That’s sweet that your parents are worried, but why him? Do you like charity cases? he asked cocking his head.

    He’s the best guy. You guys are the losers. I know who you are now.

    The pipe cracked against her head knocking her out again. Do you think she knows who we are? he asked trembling with fear.

    Shut up. It doesn’t matter. None of them are going to live to tell anyone. Bring me the small sledge hammer.

    What are going to do? I can’t kill anyone.

    Break her ankles so she can’t escape.

    You’re crazy.

    You do the first one. You’ll like it.

    Swinging the hammer, he heard the bones break. That sounded cool.

    See, I knew you’d enjoy it. Do the other one.

    The sound of her other ankle breaking echoed through the shed, That felt great. He hugged his little brother.

    Dousing her with the ice water again, she caught her breath and screamed, You’ll never get away with this. She screamed in horror as the excruciating pain shot up her body. What did you do to me?

    We can do whatever we want. We’re in control. If you think you’re in pain now, wait until we get the loser here.

    What are you going to do with him?

    Don’t worry. You’ll both have a front row seat.

    What about, you know who?

    Shut the fuck up, and he slammed his brother up against the door. What about who? Are you happy now? Knock her out while I think.



    I won’t say anything. I promise. Please, she begged for her life as she saw the pipe coming at her.


    Gene received the text from Sandy, but he didn’t recognize the address. Riding his bike through the neighborhood, he followed her directions from the text.

    Stopping at the address she provided, he looked around, calling out her name. After a few minutes, he walked around to the back of the house, hearing her call from a shed. Confused, he opened the door and saw Sandy’s tear-soaked face, her body bound and coated in blood, as she cried, I’m sorry.

    They claimed their second victim as he was knocked out and fell to the ground.


    Gene slowly tried to open his blackened eyes. What the hell? What happened?

    Shut up. Now you have no one to protect you.

    Who is this? What did you do? Where are we? The smell of gas and paint thinner filled his nostrils. Making a small cut above his eye, Gene could now open his eyes. Gazing around, he focused on Sandy, Oh my God! Sandy? Answer me. The tears stung as the blood ran down his face.

    We wanted you up so you could see what we’re going to do to your little girlfriend, he laughed as he stabbed Gene in the leg. Gene screamed out in pain as he passed out again.

    Ice water woke both of them up. They began smacking Sandy in the face. How’s that feel, you little bitch?

    Please stop. She didn’t do anything. Punish me. Gene twisted his body trying to break free from the ties.

    Don’t worry; you’re next, he said waving a ten-inch knife in Gene’s face. They stabbed Sandy and the knife was quickly covered in blood.

    She’s not so pretty anymore, is she, you fat piece of shit.

    Gene begged, Please leave her alone. Why are you doing this?

    What are you going to do about it?

    Please. Please. Squinting, trying to see who was doing this, Gene felt the knife piercing his stomach, and the blood entering his throat. Choking on the blood in his mouth, he spat it out.

    Passing out he heard the words, Now we finish the girl.

    Hearing their parents outside, the older brother said, We’ll finish this later.


    After dinner, the brothers entered the fort they had built and were shocked to discover that their first victim had escaped. We have to find her. Grab your knife and yell for me when you find her.

    I’m scared. What if she gets away?

    She won’t. This time we’ll kill her.

    I got her. He smacked her on the side of the head with a stick.

    Good job little brother. Grab her feet; we’ll carry her back to the fort.

    Can we keep up with all of this?

    Yes. The other two are locked in the shed; they aren’t going anywhere. This little bitch will get hers this time.

    Barely coherent, she saw them arguing back and forth, thinking what to do, she reached for the knife they left on the floor, and she cut the ties. Quietly sneaking up, she hit one of them with all she had. As he fell back into his brother, she ran out into the woods.

    C’mon, he yelled pushing his brother off him. Don’t let her get away.

    I’m bleeding.

    I don’t care. We have to get her. She won’t get far in the woods.

    Crawling up the hill as the car lights went by, she made it to the street Help! Help me!

    Her beaten body giving up she passed out, the driver assured her, Don’t worry. Help is on its way. What’s your name?

    Struggling to respond, she murmured, Melissa. Please help me.

    I’m sorry, I can’t understand you. Do you live around here? I called the police. They’re on their way. Just stay calm. She could hear the sirens as she heard the man say, Over here. Hurry. She’s bleeding badly.

    Chapter Two

    Gene shot up from the bed, hearing his Mom yelling, You’re going to be late for school.

    Yes, Mom. He quickly got dressed and rushed past his mom to the bus stop.


    Gene hurried to Phys. Ed., jammed his pudgy legs into his shorts, and slammed his locker. Gene went out to the gymnasium. Coach Willis fixed a look at him, Always the last one out.

    The guys on the team snickered at him saying, That's why you’ll never be one of us.

    Sorry, Coach, Gene said with a downcast look. Struggling with the equipment bag, he brought it out to the field.

    Maybe you can get one of the girls on the volleyball team to help you, Brad said degrading him once again. Gene peered across the gym at Melissa. He waved to his best friend with a smile. She gave a short wave, as she ran to the volleyball court.

    Brad, team captain and star pitcher, shouted across the gym, flexing his biceps, Hey, baby, want a real man? C'mon, slave boy; let’s go. You’ll never have a girl like that. She doesn’t want someone who carries their balls in a gym bag.

    Gene slumped down as if the life was draining from him. Setting the bags in the dugout, the dust flying into his face, and seeing Brad whispering to the rest of the team, Gene began to panic at what Brad had planned for him.

    What are you looking at slave boy? Coyly, he set a few bats out as the boys chose sides and started to play. Gene dreamed of a day when he would hit the winning homerun and Melissa would be there waiting to congratulate him.

    Doug, Brad’s little brother and lackey, motioned to Gene to come out. Nervously, Gene walked up to him. Get me an aluminum bat you tub of lard. Gene shyly handed it to him. Not this one, peon. Get me another. Hurry up. Move your fat ass. Good thing I wasn't dying.

    Sorry, Gene said bowing his head.

    You should be, Doug laughed snidely.

    Repeatedly, they made Gene run back and forth getting bats and balls. Coach Willis stood by the fence and did nothing. Okay, bring it in guys. Good practice. Gene, put all the equipment away and hurry up.

    Gritting his teeth, Gene finished putting everything in the bag. He carried it back in, as Melissa watched from the door. Are you okay?

    Fine, he snapped.

    I'm your friend, she said, grazing his arm.

    I know. I'm sorry, he said, hunching over. They make me mad.

    I would say talk to Coach Willis, but I know that’s pointless. He treats you as bad as they do.

    They’re right. I’ll never amount to anything. He kicked the bags in disgust.

    That’s not true, she declared, curling her lips. You’re smart, funny, and very caring. She smiled and touched him as she held the door.

    Yeah, I guess being smart is something, he mumbled gazing down. I have to get to class. Talk to you later.

    Okay. Keep your head up. Her eyes followed him. Gene admired the way Melissa always complimented him when he needed it. He finished his day with his favorite class, computer science. Darting to get to the bus, he was met by Brad and Doug. Look at slave boy with all his books. Lots of homework?


    Doug slammed the books out of his

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