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Earth Angel: EPUB only
Earth Angel: EPUB only
Earth Angel: EPUB only
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Earth Angel: EPUB only

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Christian stumbles upon Sarah as she stands by the stairs, fighting off another attack of agoraphobia. She intrigues him as none other had ever been able to before because he discovers he can't read her history when he looks into her eyes.
He soon discovers Sarah is not your average human. She gains his undivided attention and then his compassion when he realizes he's not the only supernatural creature on Earth, and that she is the ultimate sacrificial lamb in the most frightening and sinister ways.


Her anger got the better of her and it finally erupted. Her violet-blue eyes sparked and shot fire. How dare he touch her! “Who the HELL do you—?!” But her indignant tirade was cut short when his head swooped down, instantly silencing her with his lips.

Thunderstruck by his unexpected and brash move, she froze. It happened so fast that her brain couldn’t register it quickly enough, but it didn’t take long for her to come to her senses. Her hands shot up and grasped his leather jacket before she tried to shove him back with all her might. Unfortunately, she got precious little result. He didn’t even seem to notice.

She whimpered, and then tried to scream, but the sounds were muffled against his lips. It was as if his lips were glued to hers! She writhed and strained, but he was unfazed, and his arm was like an unyielding iron brace around her body, tightening every time she tried to wring herself free. Her panicked nostrils flared against his lean cheek, and she took in huge gulps of the scent of his skin. She wasn’t certain whether it was him or lack of oxygen, but her head was spinning, her brain had clouded, and her mind was reeling. Then his lips twisted, molding their lips as one before she finally surrendered to him and felt herself go weak against him.

Release dateDec 18, 2014
Earth Angel: EPUB only

Catharina Shields

{PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR THE LIST OF MY AVAILABLE E-BOOKS} I've always enjoyed storytelling, ever since I was a child. My love for storytelling has evolved from hand-drawn comic strips, to creating hand-puppets - "Meemies and Fluffies" - for my younger brother and sisters' morning puppet show, to writing stories in longhand in spirals armed with only a Penmate pen while battling a stiff hand and dreaming of a day when I'd finally own a typewriter. Today, in my peaceful Southern California home near the mountains, I can't go a day without my computer and I now enjoy storytelling via my e-books, specializing in mystery, drama, Young Adult and paranormal romance. If you've read one of my books and like them, please leave a review, good or bad, and add me as a favorite author {a single click on a button to your left is all it takes}. Remember . . . reviews are tips for Authors.

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    Book preview

    Earth Angel - Catharina Shields

    Earth Angel

    Published by CShields EBooks at Smashwords


    ©2014 Catharina Shields

    All Rights Reserved

    First Edition ~ Smashwords Edition

    Her anger got the better of her and it finally erupted. Her violet-blue eyes sparked and shot fire. How dare he touch her! "Who the HELL do you—?!" But her indignant tirade was cut short when his head swooped down, instantly silencing her with his lips.

    Thunderstruck by his unexpected and brash move, she froze. It happened so fast that her brain couldn’t register it quickly enough, but it didn’t take long for her to come to her senses. Her hands shot up and grasped his leather jacket before she tried to shove him back with all her might. Unfortunately, she got precious little result. He didn’t even seem to notice.

    She whimpered, and then tried to scream, but the sounds were muffled against his lips. It was as if his lips were glued to hers! She writhed and strained, but he was unfazed, and his arm was like an unyielding iron brace around her body, tightening every time she tried to wring herself free. Her panicked nostrils flared against his lean cheek, and she took in huge gulps of the scent of his skin. She wasn’t certain whether it was him or lack of oxygen, but her head was spinning, her brain had clouded, and her mind was reeling. Then his lips twisted, molding their lips as one before she finally surrendered to him and felt herself go weak against him.


    Disclaimer / Author’s Note


    Author’s Note

    This is an original work of fiction.

    All characters depicted are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons,

    living or dead, is coincidental.

    All characters are 18 years of age or older.


    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

    This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people.

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    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Happy reading!

    And remember, reviews are tips for authors!




    (click on Chapter/Page Headings to return to Contents)

    Earth Angel Excerpt (top)

    Chapter 1: An Angel Preys

    Chapter 2: Tortured Angels

    Chapter 3: An Unforgettable Song

    Chapter 4: Sarah’s Angelic Experience

    Chapter 5: A Very Special Gal

    Chapter 6: Unearthly Passion

    Chapter 7: Jeopardy

    Chapter 8: The Great Collaboration

    Chapter 9: A Stranger Comes Knocking

    Chapter 10: Guardian Angel

    Chapter 11: Angel on the Warpath

    Chapter 12: Sacrifice by Proxy

    Final Chapter: Exodus


    About the Author

    Connect with Catharina Shields

    Other Titles by Catharina Shields


    Chapter One


    An Angel Preys

    Her handsome gigolo wasn’t acting the way he should. He’d been aloof and disinterested toward her the moment he entered her penthouse, and after the initial hello, he had walked over to her baby grand and stopped to admire the photographs in elegant frames placed prominently on it. There he’s been ever since.

    He’d been staring almost nonstop at those framed photographs of happy kids that she had displayed on the shining surface of her baby grand. He seemed fixated on them, and he was giving them a closer scrutiny than she was comfortable with. It was as if he was more interested in those photographs than anything else—than anyone would expect a paid gigolo, or even a guest, would be. It was making her more than just a little nervous. It was also beginning to vex her. After all, she was paying for his time—by the hour—and he didn’t come cheap. For the money she had paid his agency, he should be making her feel like a queen. It should be his priority.

    Apparently, he didn’t get the memo.

    Would you like something to drink? Pauline asked a little breathlessly. She could barely tear her eyes away from him. He was the proverbial tall, dark, and handsome type, and at the moment, he was extra beautiful bathed in the light of the gloomy autumn day pouring down over him from the windows. He appeared ethereal, even dreamlike.

    No thank you, he said kindly with a mesmerizing smile.

    She poured herself a drink and came from behind the bar. She was dressed in an elegant night ensemble that was so sheer it fell like a beige mist around her body. Even her pink nipples and aureoles were clearly visible, although there was no visible triangle at the apex of her slender thighs. She had made sure of that.

    She flipped back her professionally dyed blonde hair as she sauntered up to him on heeled slippers. Her hips were swaying seductively with a promise that drew his gaze down—there where she wanted it. She nearly had an orgasm just feeling those dark impenetrable eyes burning on her naked mound, but she couldn’t stop a delicious shudder from sizzling up her delicate spine. The young gigolo’s sensuality was palpable, almost tangible, and his scent was absolutely scrumptious. It made her mouth water in the most wicked of ways...

    Her throat suddenly felt dry. She took another sip of her drink.

    The rain clattered against the windows, and it drew his mesmerizing eyes there again, taking them from her. As he looked out to the rainy skies, she allowed her eyes to greedily roam his tall, athletic physique. He was only wearing a white tee and snug black denims that showed off his lean biceps, tapering waist, and virile male hips. She felt another delicious shiver rush up her spine, and that special spot between her clenching thighs grew a degree or two hotter.

    She came to stand beside him and she let a disinterested gaze briefly follow his out the window and into the rainy weather. Then she turned her blue eyes up to admire the strong bone of his jaw and the fullness of his sensual lips.

    What was your name again? she asked softly.

    He didn’t immediately answer. His stare was fixed on the rain outside the window. Then he finally spoke.


    How about I call you Chris instead? You can call me Paula. She waited for a sexy response, but it never came. Her smile waned and she got irritated because he seemed almost completely indifferent toward her while being unusually captivated by the weather. Aren’t you a little old to be afraid of thunder and lightning, Chris? she asked with a purr as she set her glass down on the piano.

    I’m not afraid of thunder and lightning.

    Then what’s wrong, baby? The rain getting you down? she purred as she let a fiery red-tipped finger trace the masculine shell of his ear.

    Just the opposite, he said quietly. I love the rain. It brings me peace.

    Well, since we both know you’re not here to admire my family photographs or the weather, how about we get down to business, big boy? she said. I didn’t carefully shave my nether-regions for the fun of it, and I aim to have you put those gorgeous lips to good use. Besides, she shrugged, I’m having dinner tonight with the Mayor and I don’t have all afternoon to get you in the mood.

    As an attorney at law, Pauline was always the professional in the presence of another professional. She was usually patient and businesslike, but the powerful hunger eating her up inside the moment she set eyes on this particular gigolo was anything but businesslike. Or professional. The hunger inside her went beyond mere sex with a virile and sexy young man. She was ravenous for him in ways he couldn’t comprehend but what, she thought deviously, he would soon enough discover. Very soon.

    Pauline had been working painstakingly hard to curb her natural aggression and impatience the moment he walked through her door. He excited her in ways she’s never experienced with other young men before. She was hot, moist, and painfully throbbing, and she wanted him as she hadn’t wanted any other male. She was uncommonly impatient. Just the thought of his young, hard shaft thrusting with abandon deep inside her nearly sent her over. She never wanted any man to lose himself inside her as much as she wanted this one to.

    Take that t-shirt off. I want to see your delicious body, she said with a tiny, breathless gasp while slipping her hand across his chest.

    He turned his head and finally looked at her. Yes. It would make things easier.

    She gave him a slow and sensual smile. Indeed.

    He began tugging his t-shirt out of his denims, but even before he had it off his head, she was on him. She was already pressing hot, starved kisses all over his chest and ripped abdomen. He paused for a few moments, perhaps taken aback by her need, but she gave him another sensuous smile before he quietly let his t-shirt fall to the floor. Her fingers stroked and caressed every inch of his young hard torso, leaving red smudges of lipstick on his otherwise flawless, dark skin.

    He was like a Greek god in the flesh. His pecs were sculpted and smooth, and they were crested with small dark nipples. He was beautiful, just beautiful, and her mouth watered as her teeth sank in one nipple making his pec flex. She let out a sexy, throaty laugh, knowing he couldn’t know what awaited him.

    His tapering torso had six, perfectly carved abdomen muscles. They felt solid and strong under her eager fingers. They rippled by her touch as she curled her fingers and ran her hot-red nails slow, and a little cruelly, down each and every one of them.

    You’re just delicious, she whispered in-between ravenous kisses and licks.

    Her hot breath fanned across his skin. Goose bumps formed where it brushed, and his small nipples hardened in response. In quiet curiosity, but also a little detached, he watched her lips and fingers touch his body. She lowered herself to her knees, one at a time, leaving her slender arms stretched up against him as she allowed her curled fingers to slowly claw down his bumpy front while she brought herself to kneel before him.

    She moaned. She reveled in the feel of those muscles rippling beneath her nails, but when her hands lowered to unbutton his denims, she noticed that her slender fingers were shaking. Then their view was robbed when his large lean hands came to life and covered them from her sight, stopping their movements. She looked up, feeling a hot flash of disappointment.

    When he was certain he had her attention, he swept his hands under the warm curtain of her blonde hair. He gently cradled her small head as he slowly urged her to rise to her feet and had her look into his unfathomable dark eyes, locking her burning gaze to his.

    What do you see, Pauline? he whispered softly, his voice reverberating throughout every inch of her.

    But then she paused when she heard him call her by a name she hadn’t given him. Perhaps it was just a minor oversight? As she continued to gaze up into his gripping eyes, she felt as if she were drowning in immeasurable depths of wisdom and mystery. There was also tenderness there, though, and it was as potent as his sensuality. His gaze beckoned her to open up to him and to draw closer, and she felt powerless to refuse.

    Beauty, she whispered her answer. Pure, mouth-watering, beauty.

    He gazed long and deep into her eyes without revealing his own thoughts. It was almost as if he sought something there. It was a silly notion, of course, because she was certain he wasn’t interested in anything other than the money she’d paid his agency for his company. He was just playing his role, she surmised. He was, after all, a professional male escort and just another hapless victim of hard economical times, lured by her money. He was there to feed her insatiable hunger for young men without knowing that she was much more than your average cougar.

    She was much, much more…

    In the next instant, his dark head swooped. She sighed, anticipating a kiss, but she felt deprived and disappointed when his lips bypassed hers and sought her neck instead. The moment she felt them against her skin, though, she swooned. She trembled as his full, hot lips nibbled the sensitive skin of her neck. Her eyes closed as her passion blazed. She felt herself melt in his strong muscular arms; arms that were snaking possessively around her body before he drew her tightly against his hard, warm body.

    You have no idea how I’ve been wanting you, she gasped softly. I’ve wanted you to take me to bed ever since I let you through my door. Speaking of bed, she gasped breathlessly as she raised her eyes to look up into his, My bedroom is down that hall, baby, so…

    He suddenly swept her up into his arms and she squealed with delight as he carried her to her bedroom. There, he undressed her with loving hands, but she wasn’t allowed to return the favor. He took his time slipping the spaghetti strings off her slender shoulders as he continued to press his lips against the heated skin of her neck and throat.

    Pauline felt herself sinking under his seductive spell as her nightgown slipped down her body into a puddle around her elegant slippers. She had never felt this way for any other man she’d ever had before. It was strange that she’d feel this way for him while he had yet to kiss her.

    She felt his lean warm hands slip down her back, ending by grasping her firm blushing cheeks. A sizzle went up her spine, and she emitted a deep, luxurious moan. He gave her round hiny cheeks an eager squeeze as she hungrily kissed his muscular neck. She paused with a gasp when he shoved her hard up against his body, and she pressed herself a little tighter to him, crushing her breasts against his smooth chest.

    Kiss me, lover-boy, she purred as her lips reached for his, but he pulled back. Puzzled, she frowned a little

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