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Time Guardians: Protectors of the Travellars
Time Guardians: Protectors of the Travellars
Time Guardians: Protectors of the Travellars
Ebook141 pages1 hour

Time Guardians: Protectors of the Travellars

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Sir Aerl has always known there was something more to this world. He only regrets that he does not have time to discover more in this life before passing to the next. Our wounded, wandering knight is rescued by the unlikeliest of visitors—small catlike creatures from the Land of Kitticus, clothed in traveling robes and walking upright, who tell him of Alesyia, a realm of strange and wonderful creatures.The tiny, brave Ninjabbits . . . the Dragats of the fire caves . . . the fierce Sea Devils and the Werehawks—all had lived in harmony for thousands of years.But, through the work of Sami Stormbringer, a long-dormant evil has awoken. As the powerful Nekraxsis and the evil Giggle Horde threaten to bring the land to its knees, Sir Aerl must prepare to fight alongside his furry brethren, or his own world might also be forfeit.Will they learn the true meaning of courage, family, and truth . . . or will both realms descend into darkness?
Release dateDec 16, 2014
Time Guardians: Protectors of the Travellars

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    Time Guardians - PT Mason


    "Never underestimate the influence one can

    have on the world . . . even the smallest among

    us can achieve great things."

    — Excerpt from the Scrolls of Wisdom

    of the Yorke Battle Magess

    Throughout history, we have learned a great many things about the nature of the universe, of the arts, sciences, and humanities. But in Mankind’s recorded history, many events have occurred where ancient stores of knowledge disappeared, lost to the ages: the Library of Alexandria, the secret of Greek-Fire—a substance that could burn, even in water—the lost civilization of Atlantis . . . and, in recent years (in the span of the recorded world, a few thousand years to be sure), the treasure of the Knights Templar, lost in 1307 when the Order was disbanded by the Pope under the influence of King Phillip of France, who had owed the Templars so much money that he would have lost everything . . . just to name a few.

    What many people do not realize is that true treasure comes from knowledge, not from some earthly tangible metal or gem. Power comes from the use of that knowledge, how our choices affect our lives and impact those around us. For we are linked, Mankind to the Earth, and all that inhabit it are joined in a symbiotic relationship. As humans are known to be complex creatures, existing in many different roles within their culture, so it is true with the Earth as well. Man has sought to control his environment, causing certain events to unfold, which has a reciprocal response from the Earth. We live in but one of many realms, each intertwined, and the events of one can and will have ramifications in another. This is true both in nature and in the world of Man. Life is full of choices and the consequences of those choices.

    There exist tools that can upset this balance, and one such tool is the Travellar. The Travellar is a fragment from the beginning of creation. It exits outside of time and, because of this, can be used as a means to move through time to ensure the balance of all things, in this realm and in others.

    This is the story of the Travellar and its protectors, and the many amazing adventures they experienced.


    The Knight

    "A true warrior must value Honor, Duty, and

    a Cause that is Just."

    — Excerpt from the Scrolls of Wisdom

    of the Yorke Battle Magess

    1307 AD

    The knight knew he was mortally wounded, with little chance of surviving the long arduous journey home. Pain resonated through his scarred, weary body. War had taken a bloody toll on both his mind and body—so many men lost in the name of religion, with no end in sight to the carnage of war. His forces had been pushed back, and after suffering serious wounds, the knight was ordered to return to his Order’s base of operations to heal.

    On the way from the battlefield, the wounded knight, along with many others, had been ambushed, and he counted himself

    extremely fortunate to have escaped with his life. He wiggled his hands, then his arms, trying to coax feeling back into his joints. Soon, he knew, he would have to rest for the night.

    He found a suitable clearing in the dense forest and set up camp, collecting dead branches and leaves to make a fire to warm himself. Exhausted, injured, and drained emotionally from his ordeal, he settled down by the fire to rest. He dozed off in a fitful sleep, waking up as he felt a piercing pain from the wound in his side. With a heavy sigh, he resigned himself to the fact that sleep may not come as quickly as he would have liked as each time he fell asleep, the pain pulled him back into consciousness. He heard the sounds of the forest as crickets chirped and the occasional bird called out to its mate, who would respond in reply.

    As he stared up at the stars through the thick canopy of the surrounding forest, he wondered what purpose his life had now. Have my past deeds been good enough? he wondered silently. What unknown purpose do I have left to fulfill? Now that my term of service to the Templars was at an end . . . what will I do now?

    He decided to return to his ancestral home, and settle for a quiet and peaceful life. Little did he realize how his life would change, and to what greater purpose he would be called to. As the knight took off his armor and tended to his many wounds, he knew he was running out of supplies—and time. The patchwork dressings made by the battlefield healer had reopened, causing the blood to run in freely forming pools on the lush forest floor. The great forest that surrounded him consisted of a cascade of hills and large trees of varying sizes and colors.

    It is beautiful here, the knight thought to himself. He looked up at the sky, closed his eyes, and said a silent prayer for deliverance from his current predicament, as if speaking to God directly, beseeching him for help. His eyelids became increasingly heavy until he drifted into unconsciousness.

    Hello, Sir Knight, a voice called from the darkness, interrupting the knight’s silent prayers, emanating from the opposite side of the campfire he had made. He lowered his gaze and strained through the firelight to see where the disembodied voice had come from.

    Who calls? replied the knight, warily, grabbing his sword with his right hand tightly and wondering how he would fend off an attack, if pressed.

    Be at peace, Sir Knight, and rest—no harm will befall you. You’ve had a long journey, and I fear my present state may be more of a shock than you can bear, said the voice in a soothing tone.

    If no harm is meant, then step forth into the light and be well met . . . friend, replied the knight as he lowered his sword, the tip pointing to the ground, but ready to be raised in defense if needed.

    As the knight strained his eyes, he saw a most astonishing sight. Without a sound, five small, shadowy figures emerged from the cover of the dense underbrush of the great forest. What the knight originally had thought were five small children turned out to be in fact . . . Cats? Cats! . . . walking on two legs. Four of the figures were donned in well-polished armor and cloaks that seemed to be enchanted magically, as they kept changing to match the surroundings, though the arms and legs of these four were all black.

    There was another whose regal presence was undeniable as she stepped out into the light of the campfire. She wore leather armor laden with ornate stones that sparkled and shimmered like brilliant diamonds as she walked into the light of the fire, and her movements were poised and graceful as she stepped into view. Years of discipline in the face of adversity helped the knight hide his surprise at this sight.

    He was even more surprised when the cat began to speak. My name is Katrina, Queen of the Land of Kitticus, and this is My Lord Commander, Olivus, and his rangers, members of the Black Paws, Max, Jax, and Cole, said the queen. The others simply bowed their heads in acknowledgement to the knight, who likewise returned their greeting.

    I am Aerl, member of the Order of the Poor Knights of Solomon, known as the Knights Templar, or simply the Templars to many, the knight replied.

    You do not seem surprised to see my kind . . . such as we are, Queen Katrina stated.

    I hide it well, Aerl said sheepishly, breaking into a grin. He had always found that humor and a disarming smile helped break the tension when meeting strangers. In fact, he had heard stories passed down through his family about special creatures that had roamed the earth. Before he had served the Templar Order in the Crusades, he had been a nobleman with an insatiable desire for knowledge. He loved to read books and travel, learning all there was to know from wise men and village elders.

    Self-Reliance is what his mother had told him he needed . . . "And the only way you are going to get it is if you can do for yourself and teach and help others along the way," she used to say.

    After taking his vows to become a member of the Knights Templar, Sir Aerl’s knowledge made him the perfect candidate to monitor and oversee the great archives of the Templar Order under the watchful eye of the old Master of the Scrolls, Sir Edmond. Sir Aerl remembered his many days examining ancient texts, rediscovering knowledge long-forgotten by many in these turbulent times.

    He recalled reading a peculiar text that referred to the spirits that had walked through the woods, and he postulated that there were many realms undiscovered, all existing within layers, each overlapping and

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