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Welfare Grind Part 3
Welfare Grind Part 3
Welfare Grind Part 3
Ebook255 pages4 hours

Welfare Grind Part 3

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After surviving another attempt on her life, Keema Newell proves that a true hustler never dies. As a ghetto superstar and queen of the streets, she struggles to put the pieces of her life back together, while trying to tame her now notorious daughter, Treasure. Money, murder and mayhem comes from every angle as Keema finds herself in a viscious web of deceit, tearing apart the lives of everyone she comes in contact with; ultimately, becoming fair game for her ruthless enemies. Little does she know, her own daughter has plans to step in and take over the throne. As the plot thickens, the rules of the game have changed. Both are determined to come out on top, but Keema has no plans on surrendering her crown.
Release dateMar 22, 2013
Welfare Grind Part 3

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    Very Good book will recommend. Thank you alot Scribd ☺

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Welfare Grind Part 3 - Kendall Banks


Chapter 1- Treasure

With me, it’s money over everything. I lived by those words. At an early age it was told to me that a broke nigga ain’t good for shit. I mean, seriously, what’s a broke nigga gonna do for me besides help me spend my money? That’s what my mother would call straight hustling backwards. And hustling backwards never worked for me. Ain’t got time for it. I deserved the best. That’s why I decided to floss hard tonight. It’s what I was accustomed to.

HAPPY SWEET 16, TREASURE! someone from the other side of the ballroom shouted.

The beautifully decorated room that had been completely transformed into a night in Paris made me grin widely. From the custom made red and black six-tier cake to the hired showgirls walking around with feather headpieces, lace corsets, and fishnet stockings. Everything accommodated the Moulin Rouge theme perfectly. I smiled even harder when my guest performer, 2 Chainz walked on stage and began performing his hit single, Birthday Song.

All I want for my birthday is a big booty, hoe! Everyone sang along.

Even Shane was having a ball as he danced off beat as usual. He clapped his hands so hard I knew they had to sting. He’d put on so much weight within the last few years, his small beer gut poked out from his shirt.

Go Shane! I yelled out. His crazy antics always found a way to make me smile.

I nodded my head and had a nice little weed induced buzz going as I stood in the center of the crowd draped on the arm of my man, knowing everyone around me wondered how I was able to get a famous rapper to come and perform at my party. Those who knew me well understood. A bitch like me was always used to getting what I wanted; even if it was the performance of a famous rapper.

Dressed in a black, sequin Alice & Olivia mini dress and my new studded Giuseppe platform booties, I was bossed the fuck up tonight. The price tag of my dress, shoes and jewelry was more than what most of my friends’ parents made in a month working at their bum ass jobs. And if you factored in how much it cost to rent the Renaissance Hotel’s ballroom at the Harbor and the two-toned Bentley Phantom that chauffeured me to the hotel’s front door, it would only add insult to injury.

The entire room was filled nearly to capacity with so many people, I was hoping the fire marshall wouldn’t come in and shut us down. All my friends and a large portion of my high school were in the house helping me celebrate, happy I’d invited them. All of them felt privileged, seeing as how I was the hottest chick in school. Without exaggeration, every bitch wanted to be me and every nigga wanted to be with me. But the role of being with me was reserved for just one nigga…


Although I was only sixteen, I’d snagged me one of the biggest heroin dealers in B-More. The nigga should’ve been nicknamed Frank Lucas from the movie American Gangsta, just because of the amount of shit he sold. The entire east side knew Rocco personally or had at least heard of him. Most people scattered when they saw him coming since his reputation for being that beast had spread across the city. He killed for fun and had been thrown into the grimey life at the age of ten.

Rocco was twenty-two years old; about six feet tall and had dreads that hung down to the center of his back. Along with sexy, root beer colored eyes, the nigga was tatted up just like Lil’ Wayne. He was slim, but muscularly cut which blended perfectly with a wheat bread complexion. Everything else about him screamed, That nigga. And to top it off, both his head skills and dick game were off the fucking meter.

You good? Rocco asked as he stood behind me dressed in a black Armani shirt and black jeans. His arms were wrapped tightly around me and his chin was over my shoulders as we stood among the crowd watching the performance.

Yes, baby, I told him. Everything’s perfect. Whoever you paid to decorate the place did the damn thing. I looked around once again at the red and black décor, eyeing the feather centerpieces and candy apple favors. This shit could’ve easily been on an episode of MTV’s, Sweet 16.

Only the best for my baby, he told me in his raspy voice.

The night has been perfect. From the five stacks you gave me, to the brand new Benz coupe, and the rented Bentley…it’s all been more than I imagined, I said with an enormous grin.

You sure you don’t need nothin’ else? Rocco asked. You need more money? Anything?

Turning to face him, I placed my arms around his shoulders. I’m good. I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday party. I didn’t know you had a soft side.

I don’t, he responded sharply. He then smiled giving me a chance to glare at his full lips and small gap between his teeth. The two of us kissed passionately, locking lips like they were glued together.

Y’all hoes need to save that for the hotel room, my girl, Toya said playfully as she walked up on us. Everybody called her Toy for short.

I released my baby’s lips and turned to see my friend standing in front of me in a sexy red Herve Leger dress. Not many people could pull off the tight, body-hugging bandage dress, but Toy’s curvy, eighteen-year -old figure filled it out perfectly. Among everyone in the ballroom, besides Rocco, Toy was the only person I trusted. She was my rock. We’d been hanging together since 8th grade even though she was two years older than me. She knew all about my troubled past and how I’d lived the life of bitches twice my age. I shared with her the times I had to smell the raw stench of blood. I cried on her shoulder countless times thinking about when I had to stare down the barrel of a gun, or when I had no choice but to pull one on my ratchet mother. Life had placed both me and Toy in similar situations, so we were meant to be best friends. We both had grown up all too fast; no time for tears, Barbie Dolls and Easy Bake ovens.

What’s good, girl? You look cute, I said, looking at her high, wildly styled bun.

Thanks, but don’t shit compare to this party. Damnnnnnnn, Toy said as if I should’ve already known. This shit is hot! But how the hell did you get 2 Chainz to perform?

I smiled slyly. You know how I do.

Well, however you did it got these bitches hatin’. You got ‘em talkin’, baby. Toy smiled, showing off her distinct cheek bones and heart-shaped face. With a light golden complexion, she was what most called a red-bone. I even heard you got a C-class Benz today, so you know they’re gonna be hatin’ now!

All I could do was smile.

Suddenly, Rocco’s cell phone rang. He glanced at the screen and told me he’d be back in a minute. This call is important.

He quickly excused himself. As he headed through the crowd, I noticed two broads standing at the entrance eyeing me. They’d been doing it all night, but I hadn’t truly given any thought to it until I saw Rocco brush past them.

You know them? I asked Toy.


Them bitches at the door. I turned to see venom in the eyes of the dark skinned chick with the nappy ponytail, rocking buckshots near the nape of her neck. Don’t turn around and look ‘em in the face, Toy. Be discreet with the shit.

Toy turned and nonchalantly looked at the girls, then turned back to me. I’ve seen the tall, dark-skinned chick around school, but they ain’t nobody. Why, what’s up?

They’ve been eyeballing me all night.

Toy shrugged her shoulders then stared them down for nearly thirty seconds. Before she could say anything, Rocco reappeared taking my attention away from my two stalkers. I started to ask him if he’d fucked one of them hoes, but he spoke bluntly, pissing me off.

Treasure, look, I gotta make a run real quick.

But you’re gonna miss the presentation, I whined, showing my disappointment.

Shhhhhhhh, he said, taking me in his arms and sticking his tongue down my throat forcefully. I’m sorry, but I gotta handle this. I’m doin’ this shit for us, he ended firmly before kissing me again.

I glared into his eyes realizing for the first time what people meant when they said he scares them with his eyes. It was like being hypnotized. He made you feel like you needed to obey, and quickly. Before I knew it, I agreed with him as he headed for the door. I was still disappointed though.

Moments later, 2 Chainz’s performance was done and it was time for the surprise. As the DJ introduced me as the, Birthday Girl and invited me to the stage, the crowd parted like the Red Sea; like the queen was coming through. Once I hit the stage and grabbed the mic, all eyes were on me. Surely they wondered if another celebrity like Drake or Big Sean were coming out next. Staring out into the crowd, I felt like a rock star, like Beyonce or some shit. I felt the urge to break out into a song and dance.

Y’all having a good time? I asked loudly, hearing my voice echo.

The crowd came alive.

Well, make some noise out there then!

The crowd erupted even louder.

That’s what I’m talking about! Thanks for coming out to help me celebrate my Sweet 16!

The crowd cheered even more.

I appreciate all of you coming, but this isn’t just my night, though. This night belongs to someone close to my heart. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be here.

Everyone watched me, wondering who I was talking about.

I want y’all to give it up for the number one woman in my life! My mother! Damn, it hurt me to lie like that, but I knew she needed to hear it.

The ballroom erupted in cheer as my mother was wheeled onto the stage. She was dressed in a long, red Michael Kors wrap dress and her natural hair was draped beautifully across her shoulders. Although confined to a wheelchair, she was still the strongest woman I’d ever met. And she definitely had crazy will-power. At this point I was starting to think her ass had nine lives; this time surviving like 50 Cent. I don’t know if I could’ve come back the way she did after being shot once again…three times. I don’t think I could’ve accepted it.

It had been four years since my mother had taken those bullets from Frenchie on the sidewalk and lost her ability to walk. She’d been paralyzed from the waist down ever since. Yet she never stopped fighting to get better. My mother smiled as I gave her a huge hug followed by a peck on the cheek. Moments later, I looked back out over the ballroom.

This is the strongest woman I know, y’all!

The crowd erupted in cheer again, this time so loudly my mother cried.

Keema! My Keema! Shane yelled out. Once again, he clapped his hands wildly.

I’ve got something special for you, I said to her.

Moments later, Toy pushed out a brand new wheelchair on stage which I’d spent a few thousand to customize. Everything on it was electronic. It was specially painted in a beautiful platinum color, and also came equipped with a cell phone, radio and several other high-tech gadgets.

Even though my mother smiled, I could tell something was off. I’d seen that look before, but tonight I ignored it. Maybe I was just reading too much into it. Besides, the night was going too good to let anything mess it up. As the crowd continued to cheer, two of my homies lifted my mom from the old chair she was in and placed her into the new one. After instructing the DJ to crank up the music, I then wheeled her off the stage.

I knelt in front of my mother and asked proudly, Do you like it?

She paused for a second.

Something was wrong.

Ma, what’s up?

How much did you pay for this chair, Treasure?

A couple stacks. Why?

Look, I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but there are other things you could’ve contributed that much money to. You know what I’m talking about.

I sighed, knowing where this was going.

I fumed inside. Now was not the time to battle complaints.

I’m gonna get you the money, I finally said.

When? she badgered.

I sighed again and rolled my eyes. Soon.

You always say that, Treasure. You’ve been saying that for over a year now, and I’m tired of it. I’m tired of depending on people.

Ma, come on. Let’s not talk about this tonight.

Why not?

Because it’s my birthday, and I’m trying to celebrate, that’s why! She was starting to press my buttons.

I’m sick of you shrugging this off likes it’s nothing…like it’s minor! I need that money, not a damn wheelchair.

That was it. I snapped.

You ungrateful bitch! I go out of my way to do something nice for you and all you can think about is yourself! I share my night with you and all you can do is complain! Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? You haven’t looked this pretty in years, and it’s all because of me.

Treasure, it’s not like…

Fuck that! I don’t wanna hear it.

Unable to face her anymore, I left my mother by herself and stormed off to the bathroom. I needed to be alone for a minute. I’d most likely go back out and apologize to her, but for now I had to get myself together. Dealing with my mother since the accident hadn’t been a walk in the park. With all her mood swings, whining, crying, complaining, cursing and Whoaaa is Me attitude, the bitch was really beginning to do the Stanky Leg on my damn nerves; chipping away at my sanity. She was like medication. I could only deal with her in doses. Too much of her drove me fucking crazy. I needed weed to help me cope.

I’d gotten the habit honestly. My mother smoked weed for as long as I could remember. She always had me and my brothers around it. Every time she was going through something, she smoked. Even when she wasn’t going through something she smoked. So, I guess it was only natural that it would rub off on me.

I walked into the bathroom, found the furthest stall from the door and went inside. After closing the door and sliding the latch, I sat down on the toilet, reached into my purse and pulled out a blunt. Opening my thighs a little, I split the blunt with my fingernails and emptied its stuffing into the toilet. Seconds later, I filled it with weed, tightened it up and blazed.

After inhaling deep, its smoke comforted my lungs and gave my head an enjoyable cloudy feeling. Moments later, I released it. Through heavy hanging eyelids I watched the smoke leave my lips and slither towards the ceiling until my cell phone rang.

Glancing down at the number, I answered with a devious grin. You got that money you owe me, I said, already knowing exactly what the call was about.

What type of games are you playin’? he screamed into the phone. Why the fuck would you post naked pictures of me all over the grounds of my son’s school? Are you crazy? They showed my face!

I smiled, taking another hit of the blunt. Pictures of your dick being posted at your son’s school are the least of your worries. If you don’t pay me what you owe, the video of you fucking my underage friend is going straight to the police.


You heard me, Vegas. I doubt if you wanna add sex offender to your criminal record, so I strongly suggest that you pay up. Besides, the pictures were posted because you’re one week past the due date muthfucka.

You sneaky, connivin’ bitch!

After exhaling the smoke to the ceiling again and laughing, I told him, I may be a bitch, but you’re a freaky ass thirty-eight year old man. You should be ashamed of yourself for all those nasty things you had her doing to you. You know sex offenders can’t go within a thousand feet of a school.

Damn it, Treasure!

I knew I was playing with fire since Vegas had a troubled past. He was a former big time drug dealer trying to live the straight life; family and all. But money prevailed. He fucked up and now he had to pay. Twenty thousand, Vegas. Twenty thousand dollars and all this goes away like it never happened.

You know I don’t have no fuckin’ twenty thousand dollars. I work like a regular Joe now. You know I changed my life. I told you that shit!

Yeah whatever, I don’t believe that shit. I know you still got money stashed away somewhere. Y’all niggas live in Glen Burnie, and you still drive a nice ass Audi. You need to figure out how to get my cash. I don’t care how you do it. Just do it.

"You triflin’ bitch, this is not what we agreed on at first! We agreed on one night! I paid you for that night! This shit ain’t fair!" Vegas belted.

"Life aint fair, nigga. You know that."

I’m gonna kill you, bitch! Do you hear me? I’m gonna kill you!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Just get my money. You’ve got one more week.

With that said, I hit the end button and tossed the phone into my purse, not worried about his threats. They always made threats. However, since my victims knew there were more copies of the videos and pics than just the ones in my possession, they always realized the best thing to do was pay up.

I rubbed my hands together hastily, thinking about how my cash was stacking up.

Chapter 2- Keema

The bright orange rays of the early morning sun blazed through the curtains of my bedroom window as I lay in bed. An episode of Judge Judy played on the television, but at low volume. I wasn’t watching it, though. It was pretty much watching me as I laid in my nightgown staring mindlessly into a distance while clutching a tall glass of vodka in one hand and multiple pills in the other.

Twenty-eight to be exact.

Eighteen sleeping pills and ten antidepressants.

In my lap was an ash tray and on the nightstand was the bottle of Peach Ciroc I’d been working on for the past hour.

Most people started their morning off with a plate of scrambled eggs and sausage, not a drink and certainly not enough pills to kill themselves with. But most people weren’t fucking cripples like me. They had no idea what it was like to be damn near helpless. I used to start my day

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